Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 593 Insect Pill! Heavenly Fire Gate [8,000-word chapter please subscribe]

The land in the far west, the Kingdom of Fire.

When Zhou Chun entered the sea of ​​flowing fire sand filled with red sand, he knew he had arrived in the Fire Kingdom.

Looking down from the sky, the red sand sea under the scorching sun looks like a red sea of ​​fire, and the flowing sand is like a flame. This is the origin of the name Flowing Fire Sand Sea.

Even in the world of cultivating immortals in the far west where desertification is common, the Fire Kingdom, located in the Sea of ​​Flowing Fire and Sand, is still the most difficult place.

But hardship does not mean poverty, or it does not mean poverty in the world of immortality.

Although this sea of ​​flowing fire and sand is very unfriendly to mortals and even low-level monks, it contains rich mineral resources below, in which the fire-attributed spiritual energy of heaven and earth is also very rich.

Therefore, the strength of the Immortal Cultivation World of Huo Luo Kingdom is actually much stronger than that of countries like Sha Yan Kingdom.

As for Zhou Chun, who was going to look for Master Yancang to refine treasures, he had naturally already found out the information about Huo Luo Kingdom and Master Yancang beforehand.

According to the information he gathered, the overall strength of the Fire Luo Kingdom should be ranked among the top five in the world of immortal cultivation in the far west. Although there are no late-stage Nascent Soul monks in the country, there are also several mid-stage Nascent Soul monks with comparable strength. Jingguo is even better.

As a great master of weapon refining, Master Yancang is naturally very famous in the entire world of cultivating immortals in the far west.

After all, there are only two known masters of weapon refining in the entire world of cultivating immortals in the far west!

However, the Tianhuo Sect, where Master Yan Cang was born, is not the largest force in cultivating immortals in the Fire Kingdom, nor is it even the second largest force in cultivating immortals.

Before Master Yancang became the grand master of weapon refining, Tianhuo Sect was just an ordinary sect, and the inheritance of the Yuanying Stage monks was also intermittent.

It wasn't until the emergence of a weapon-refining genius like Zhenren Yancang that the Tianhuo Sect suddenly emerged in the Huoluo Kingdom and became a major force in the world of immortality with a name resounding in the far west.

There are currently two Nascent Soul Stage Masters in the Tianhuo Sect. In addition to Yancang Master, there is also a junior Nascent Soul Stage Master who was supported and trained by him.

Master Yancang himself has been famous for thousands of years, and his lifespan seems to be running out.

Speaking of which, the disappearance of Master Yancang for nearly two hundred years also caused a lot of discussion in the circle of high-level monks in the world of immortality in the far west.

If the Tianhuo Sect had not sworn that there was nothing wrong with the soul lamp left by him, almost many people would have thought that the great master of weapon refining had died.

It wasn't until the return of Master Yancang a few years ago that all the rumors were self-defeating. People who went to Tianhuo Gate to see the great master of weapon refining suddenly began to flow in an endless stream.

But those who can really see the real person Yan Cang are all Nascent Soul stage monks.

These people could naturally see that something was wrong with Master Yan Cang's condition, so they didn't mention anything about refining weapons.

Anyway, as long as Master Yan Cang is still alive, with the recovery speed of Master Yan Cang, they will still have the opportunity to ask him to help refine treasures in the future.

For Zhou Chun, it is undoubtedly a good thing that Tianhuo Sect is not a particularly powerful sect.

This means that when he asks Master Yancang to refine the treasure, the probability of danger later is much smaller.

"Although it is not yet the ten-year deadline agreed with Master Yan Cang, it is right for me to go to Tianhuomen to pay a visit to the dock first. At least this will give Master Yan Cang some mental preparation!"

Zhou Chun thought of this and immediately let the golden-winged tiger go somewhere along the edge of the sand sea.

The Sea of ​​Flowing Fire and Sand is extremely vast, even larger than the Great Zhou Kingdom. It is easy for monks to get lost while walking through it.

Therefore, when foreign monks want to go to the Fire Kingdom, they usually look for a caravan to go with them.

Zhou Chun didn't try to be brave and just jumped in headlong because of his high cultivation level.

His previous experience on the ice sheet told him that having a guide to lead the way would definitely save a lot of trouble.

Besides, he himself was not in a hurry.

In this way, in a cultivator stronghold on the edge of the Flowing Fire Sand Sea, Zhou Chun, pretending to be a late-stage foundation-building cultivator, easily boarded a caravan heading to the Fire Kingdom and became one of its guards.

In the middle of the vast sand sea, a group of camel traders were slowly walking in the shape of a long snake towards the depths of the sand sea, braving the scorching heat of the sun.

Late at night, the camel team stopped behind a sand dune, and then a group of camel beasts formed a circle and lay down on the ground to rest, and tents quickly appeared in the middle circle.

"Zhang Daoyou, you and Daoyou Cen will be responsible for the vigil in the second half of the night. It is your first time to enter the Flowing Fire Sand Sea, so you may be a little unfamiliar with the situation here. You can communicate with Daoist Cen more when you have nothing to do, and he will not hesitate to inform you."

Beside a bonfire, after explaining to Zhou Chun who came to take over the sentry duty, a caravan foundation-building monk who was originally on duty at night quickly went back to his tent to rest.

Beside the bonfire, another dark-faced middle-aged man nodded friendly to Zhou Chun, and the two sides greeted each other.

"Fellow Daoist Cen, Zhang came to the Flowing Fire Sand Sea for the first time. He only heard that there are three major dangers here: sand bandits, sand beasts, and sandstorms. The more specific ones are not very clear. Can you tell Zhang in detail?"

Zhou Chun asked while gently fiddling with the wood on the campfire and looking at the middle-aged man opposite him with curiosity.

"Then let Cen talk to fellow Taoist Zhang."

The middle-aged man nodded and agreed happily.

Then I heard him say slowly: "The sand bandits are bandit cultivators in the Flowing Fire Sand Sea. Their main targets of plunder are various caravans, so they usually gather in groups, often dozens of people when they appear. There are high and low levels of strength, and small teams with just a few people are rare in the sand sea, and they are often even harder to mess with!"

"Sand beasts are those monsters that live in the Flowing Fire Sand Sea. Due to the scarcity of food, the monsters here have a very wide range of activities. There are also several kinds of gregarious monsters and poisonous insects. Once you encounter them, it will be difficult to get rid of them. But the third-order Monsters are not common, and generally they are not willing to attack a caravan with a Purple Mansion monk stationed there!"

"Sandstorm is a natural disaster in the sand sea. Once you encounter a sandstorm, if you don't have the cultivation level of Jindan, it is best to stay on the ground and wait for the sandstorm to pass, otherwise it will be difficult to fly out of the sandstorm range if you run out of mana!"

Having said this, he glanced at Zhou Chun and continued: "We have just entered the sand sea. At night, except for some low-level sand beasts who may be blinded by the smell of the sand beast, the sand bandits and It's impossible to encounter a sandstorm, so you don't have to worry too much, Daoist Zhang, just maintain normal vigilance!"

"I see, Zhang has been taught a lesson."

Zhou Chun nodded, bowed his hands to the middle-aged man to express his gratitude, and then looked at the bonfire in front of him and fell into deep thought.

Zhou Chun is very clear about the strength of this caravan.

It itself consists of a large merchant and many small merchants. The strongest protector in the large merchant is a monk from the middle stage of the Purple Mansion. During the day, he hides in the carriage pulled by the Shatuo beast, and no one is seen.

There are about eleven or twelve other foundation-building guards, and there are four other foundation-building monks like Zhou Chun who want to use the caravan to go to the Fire Kingdom.

As for the other monks in the Qi training stage, although there are hundreds of them, the actual combat power they can provide is negligible.

Calculated in this way, the overall strength of the caravan is much stronger than that of an ordinary clan of immortal cultivators.

Most of the sand bandit teams in the Flowing Fire Sand Sea can't take down a caravan of this strength. Only some of the top bandit teams can threaten this caravan.

Therefore, the caravan leader dared to allow temporary monks like Zhou Chun to participate in such important duties as vigil.

According to the information Zhou Chun had learned from the caravan leader, if everything goes well, it would take them about two months to reach the oasis where the Skyfire Gate is located.

Although this time was not short, it was still within Zhou Chun's acceptable range, so he chose to join the caravan.

In the middle of the next night, the situation was exactly as the monk surnamed Cen had said. Except for some low-level monsters approaching from time to time, which caused the Shatuo beast to scream, nothing happened that was worthy of their action.

Speaking of those Shatuo beasts, they are indeed a very good substitute spirit beast.

This kind of Shatuo beast can be said to be a specialty monster beast of the far west. They resemble a dromedary camel, but are several times larger than a camel. They have very strong endurance and load-bearing capacity.

This beast is an indispensable mount when traveling through desert areas such as the Sea of ​​Flowing Fire and Sand.

There are twenty-seven Shatuo beasts in Zhou Chun's caravan. When they are traveling during the day, most of the monks sit in the wooden frame carried by the Shatuo beasts or in the carriages pulled by them.

The carriage in the sand sea has no wheels, and has a smooth structure like a skateboard underneath.

Most of the caravan's goods are packed in storage bags and then piled into carriages, guarded by specialized monks.

These Shatuo beasts can serve as mounts during the day, and can block the wind and provide warning at night. They can be said to be multi-purpose beasts with great utilization value.

Naturally, the price of this beast is also extremely high, even comparable to the dragon scale horse sold by the Zhou family.

If he hadn't known that this beast was only suitable for the environment in the Far West, it would be easily acclimatized in places with abundant rainfall such as Jingguo, and it was not good at traveling through mountains and rivers, Zhou Chun would have wanted to take some with him and keep them in his family when he went back.

In the next half month, Zhou Chun followed the caravan steadily forward in the sand sea, probably advancing about a thousand miles every day.

But instead of walking in a straight line, they need to go around some dangerous areas.

Those places either belong to the activity areas of some powerful monsters and poisonous insects, are full of quicksand traps, or are far away from the main oases of the Fire Kingdom.

It was precisely because of this detour through many dangerous areas that the caravan was able to reach the real Huoluo country and came to an oasis for supplies, even after traveling more than 10,000 miles.

This oasis is not large in area, only two to three hundred miles in size. There is a small market on it for the caravan to supply and sell some goods.

Some small caravans often clear out the goods they brought after arriving here, and then purchase some special products from the Fire Kingdom and transport them back.

For example, after Zhou Chun and his caravan arrived here, two small merchants gave up and continued their journey, not planning to continue.

But there are also some monks on the oasis who want to go to the hinterland of the Fire Kingdom, intending to join their caravan.

However, these people were rejected by the caravan leader because he was worried that these people would be the informants of the bandits.

Finally, after Zhou Chun and the others rested on the oasis for a day, they continued towards the hinterland of the Fire Kingdom.

After advancing for several days, a sudden sandstorm trapped the caravan in place.

Compared to the snowstorm Zhou Chun experienced on the ice sheet, the sandstorm in the Flowing Fire Sand Sea was even more difficult to fight.

The sand in the sandstorm, supported by the strong wind, can easily smash ordinary mortals into sieves!

The Qi-training monks in the caravan can only hide under the Shatuo beast, or cover themselves completely with a skin tanned by the monster skin, so that they can block the sand attack without consuming mana.

But compared to snowstorms that can last for a month or even several months, sandstorms often last very short. In most cases, they end in half a day, and the longest is only three or four days.

Today's sudden sandstorm is no exception.

After lasting for most of the day, around midnight, the sandstorm gradually stopped.

But just when everyone was thankful that the sandstorm had finally passed, the leader of the caravan began to instruct everyone to check the camel beasts and prepare to set up camp on the spot.

Zhou Chun's expression suddenly changed and he discovered that a group of bandits were approaching the caravan dozens of miles away.

This group of sand bandits obviously did not happen to bump into the caravan, but came prepared.

The leader of the team was a late-stage cultivator from the Purple Mansion. There were seven foundation-building stage cultivators in the team, and there were also two second-order monster beast battle pets.

This level of strength is enough to pose a threat of capsizing the now weakened caravan.

Do you want to remind the monk from the Purple Mansion Period in the caravan?

Zhou Chun frowned, hesitated for a moment, then sighed softly, and chose to take action directly.


Dozens of miles away, a scarred-faced man with a late cultivation level in the Purple Mansion was riding a second-level demon wolf and galloping towards the caravan with a group of subordinates. Suddenly, a majestic shout rang out in his mind, shocking him. His soul trembled.


The scar-faced man suddenly screamed and couldn't help but fall off the wolf demon's back with his head in his hands.

This scene immediately shocked the younger brothers who were following him. Even the wolf demon hurriedly stopped and turned to look at its master, not understanding why this master was crazy.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

A scar-faced man's confidant, the foundation-building monk, had the courage to step forward and ask.

But I saw the scar-faced man glanced at the direction of the caravan ahead with fear in his eyes, and then shouted repeatedly: "Let's go back, and go home immediately!"

"This...why is this?"

All the bandits looked at each other, and some couldn't help but ask the reason.

But these words immediately made the scar-faced man glare. He stared at him fiercely and said, "What? Do you want to question my order?"

"I don't dare, my subordinates don't dare, I have no intention of doing so!"

The man was so frightened that he shook his head repeatedly, fearing that if he answered late, he would be killed on the spot by the scarred man.

In the bandit team, it is too common for the bandit leader to kill people to establish his authority. This person does not want to be that chicken.

Seeing this, the other bandits, even though they were still full of doubts, could only follow the scar-faced man and return home.

After traveling hundreds of miles like this, everyone saw the scar-faced man and spat and cursed: "Damn it, all of us Huang Feng bandits were almost killed today. There was actually a golden elixir-level man hidden in that caravan. A monk, and most of them are not just in the early stage of Jindan cultivation!!"

What? Golden elixir stage monk!

The expressions of all the bandits suddenly changed. Only then did they understand why their leader suddenly ordered a retreat, and then each one of them couldn't help but look happy to have survived the catastrophe.

"These guys are quite sensible! If I didn't want to cause more trouble, I would definitely do justice for heaven today and kill all these bandit cultivators!"

Inside the caravan, a cold light flashed in Zhou Chun's eyes, and he quickly pretended that nothing happened and entered a tent to rest.

But the monks in the caravan didn't know that a catastrophic disaster had just quietly gone away from them.

In the next half month, the caravan was not targeted by the sand pirates again. It successfully passed two oases and was almost approaching the hinterland of the Fire Kingdom.

But just when Zhou Chun thought it would be smooth sailing to reach its destination, the caravan encountered another crisis.

The crisis the caravan encountered this time came from sand beasts, and it was the most terrifying insect plague in the Sea of ​​Flowing Fire and Sand!

It was night, and Zhou Chun was resting in the tent. Suddenly, his alert consciousness noticed dense noises under the sand. Then when he fully explored with his spiritual consciousness, he immediately discovered that the ground around the camp was surrounded by swarms of insects!

These monster insects surrounding the camp are ant-like creatures called "Quicksand Fire Ants", which are special monster insects in the Flowing Fire Desert.

The characteristic of this kind of monster is that it quietly approaches the target from the ground, and then submerges the target like quicksand.

When Zhou Chun discovered these monster insects, they were already ready to take action.

Therefore, he did not have time to notify the caravan to retreat, so he directly took off into the air first, and then shouted in a deep voice: "Everyone takes off immediately, the underground has been surrounded by quicksand fire ants!"

While speaking, Zhou Chun had already fired a sword energy and landed on the sand somewhere.

I saw a gap in the sea of ​​sand being torn apart by the sword energy, and many thumb-sized quicksand fire ants were smashed into pieces by the sword energy.

This was like throwing a match into an oil drum, which immediately ignited the anger of the entire ant colony, and soon countless quicksand fire ants appeared densely on the ground.

Those Shatuo beasts immediately became the first victims. They were soon crawled all over by these quicksand fire ants, fell to the ground howling miserably and became the food of the ant colony.

There were also some Qi-training monks who had no time to react, or who had no means to fly into the air. They were also caught off guard and were crawled onto their bodies by quicksand fire ants. They screamed and experienced the torture of being devoured by thousands of ants!

However, the Foundation Establishment Stage monks and the Zifu Stage monk hiding in the carriage reacted very quickly. The moment Zhou Chun spoke, they immediately came to their senses and took off.

The monks guarding the cargo even used magic to levitate the carriage to prevent it from being eaten by quicksand fire ants.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, no, Senior Zhang, I also ask Senior Zhang to help protect these goods. The Zixia Chamber of Commerce will definitely reward you heavily!"

After the leader of the caravan watched the Shatuo beasts being eaten into white bones by the quicksand fire ants, he felt heartbroken and thought of something, and hurriedly asked Zhou Chun, whose aura was unfathomable in the air. Helped.

Zhou Chun knew what he was worried about, and immediately nodded and said: "For the sake of being together, you can leave first, and Zhang will save the rest for you!"

Hearing this, the person in charge of the caravan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and thanked him profusely: "Thank you, Senior Zhang. Thank you, Senior Zhang. Senior, please take care of yourself!"

Then, together with the middle-term Zifu monk, he escorted several carriages filled with cargo and flew into the distance.

At this time, a subtle sound of flapping wings suddenly sounded, but it was some flying ants with wings in the ant colony preparing to chase these people.

But since Zhou Chun agreed to help cut off the queen, he would not let these insects get their wish.

He raised his hand and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, and the golden-winged tiger flew out. A strong wind blew the flying ants to the ground, and their wings were broken.

But this approach apparently angered the colony.

Soon, densely packed countless flying ants rose into the sky and swept towards Golden Winged Tiger and Zhou Chun.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun was not used to these insects and released the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix again.

Places like the Sea of ​​Flowing Fire and Sand are exactly the environment that Flame Hell Fire Phoenix likes after all, because the fire attribute aura is very rich.

And insects such as quicksand fire ants are also within its diet.

As soon as it appeared, it suddenly opened its mouth and sucked in hundreds of flying ants into its mouth for a taste.

Then I saw it flap its wings, and the colorful flames suddenly surged out, turning into a cloud of colorful fire and sweeping towards the flying ants, easily burning a large number of flying ants to ashes.

Because Zhou Chun lacked such a large-scale means of destroying enemies, he did not take action against these flying ants. Instead, he released his spiritual consciousness to search for the queen ants in the ant colony.

The reason he stayed to break up the queen was not out of pure kindness, but because he had heard that something called "Insect Pill" might be condensed in the body of the quicksand fire ant queen.

This thing is somewhat similar to the demon pill, but it is even rarer. It is only produced in the bodies of the insect kings and queens of a few demon insect groups. It is a treasure that many insect cultivators are willing to spend their money to fight for.

It is said that the "Insect Pill" not only has a great possibility of causing other monster insects to mutate and evolve, but can also greatly accelerate the growth rate of some slow-growing monster insects.

Zhou Chun originally planned to wait until he reached the hinterland of the Fire Kingdom to see if he could acquire the Insect Pill.

Now that he had the opportunity to obtain this thing in person, he would definitely give it a try.

Got you!

With his powerful spiritual consciousness, coupled with the fact that the Golden Winged Tiger and the Hell Fire Phoenix destroyed a large number of quicksand fire ants, which aroused the queen's strong anger, Zhou Chun soon discovered the queen hiding deep underground.

This queen ant is indeed very good at hiding. She hides herself in the depths of the sea of ​​​​sand, which is dozens of feet deep, and does not show up at all.

If Zhou Chun's spiritual consciousness wasn't too powerful, the sandy ground wouldn't be as good at blocking the penetration of spiritual consciousness as the mud and stone ground, so it would be really hard to find it!

After finding the target at this time, Zhou Chun did not hesitate to sacrifice the spiritual treasure [Moon Toad Orb] in order to be able to kill him with a single blow, and directly directed a "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light" in the direction of the queen ant.

I saw a white ice light falling on the ground, instantly freezing an area of ​​hundreds of feet in radius, and the red sand dozens of feet deep below were frozen into icicles.

The queen ant, together with the many quicksand fire ants guarding her side, all turned into ice sculptures, like specimens in amber.

Zhou Chun then used a sword light to easily dig out the queen ant, and dissected the five-foot-long giant insect on the spot.

After dissecting the body of the queen ant, Zhou Chun indeed found an insect pill the size of a peanut.

This object is said to be a pill, but in fact it is more like a spar, irregularly round and exuding a dark red luster.

Zhou Chun could feel that it contained a pure energy, which was somewhat similar to the Demon Pill. Perhaps this was the reason why it was called the Insect Pill.

After he carefully packed the insect elixir in a jade bottle, he ignored the ant colony that was scattered into the sand after losing the queen, directly put away the Hell Fire Phoenix, and left the place on the Golden Winged Tiger. .

Soon after, Zhou Chun rejoined the caravan members who had evacuated previously.

But this time he did not go with the others, but after asking for a detailed map drawn by the caravan, he left alone on the tiger.

In the past month or so, Zhou Chun has been in the caravan and has already learned how to identify the direction in the sand sea.

Now that he had the map in hand, it took him less than three days to reach the Brazier Oasis where the Heavenly Fire Gate was located.

The general shape of the Fire Basin Oasis is like a round basin, with a diameter of nearly two thousand miles. It is the third largest oasis in the Fire Kingdom, with over ten million mortals living on it!

Tianhuomen is the largest force of immortal cultivators in the Brazier Oasis, and is the well-deserved overlord of the place.

This mountain gate is located on the Tianhuo Peak in the north of the Fire Pot Oasis and belongs to the edge of the oasis.

After Zhou Chun arrived here, he was immediately shocked by what he saw.

I saw that the originally flat oasis suddenly rose up from the ground after approaching Tianhuo Peak, giving birth to a majestic peak thousands of feet high!

This is not the most shocking thing. The most shocking thing is that this majestic peak is also an active volcano!

Even though the mountain guard formation of Tianhuo Gate prevents us from getting a glimpse of Tianhuo Peak from the outside, we can still know from the thick sulfur smoke floating over Tianhuo Peak that it is a very active volcano!

Zhou Chun didn't know what the founding founder of Tianhuo Sect thought about daring to build the mountain gate on top of an active volcano.

Isn't he afraid that once this active volcano erupts, it will directly destroy the entire Tianhuo Gate?

Aren't those disciples of the Tianhuo Sect afraid that one day when they are practicing in seclusion, they will suddenly be submerged by magma?

Zhou Chun instantly developed a strong curiosity and wanted to enter the Tianhuo Peak to see the truth and see what the Tianhuo Sect could do. How dare you defy the power of heaven and earth like this!

At the same time, he also seemed to know why there was a spiritual spring fire eye in Yancang's cave that led directly to the core area of ​​the underground fire veins.

"Stop anyone who comes, Tianhuomen Mountain Gate is an important place, and no one is allowed to come near it for any reason!"

When Zhou Chunfei came within 300 miles of Tianhuo Peak, a fiery red flying boat immediately came over from the direction of Tianhuo Peak. The leading late-stage foundation-building monk on top of it was not afraid of his identity as a golden elixir-stage monk, and directly He told him the rules of Tianhuo Sect with a serious face.

Zhou Chun knew that these people were patrolling monks near the mountain gate, and did not want to argue with them. He immediately turned his palm and showed something and said, "Do you recognize this?"

"Well, it seems like..."

The expression of the late-stage foundation-building monk changed slightly. After carefully staring at the Sky Fire Token in Zhou Chun's hand for a while, he quickly bowed to him and said, "Pang Feng, a disciple of the Sky Fire Sect, pays homage to the senior. Since the senior possesses the Sky Fire Token, This junior will notify the leader for you!"

"Well, thank you, fellow Taoist."

Zhou Chun nodded slightly and immediately took back the token.

Then, under the leadership of this junior named Pang Feng, he first slowly flew to Tianhuo Peak, and then watched him play a Thousand Miles Communication Talisman to notify the head of Tianhuo Sect.

Just after flying half the distance, a ray of red fire shot out from the Sky Fire Peak, and soon came to the front of Zhou Chun, revealing the figure of an old man in purple robe with a majestic face.

This purple-robed old man possesses the cultivation level of the late Jindan stage, but his white hair shows that the opponent seems to have no energy left to attack the Nascent Soul stage.

After seeing the old man in purple robe, Pang Feng and others hurriedly saluted and said: "Disciple pays homage to the master."

"Okay, you can continue patrolling. Just leave this fellow Taoist to me to entertain you."

The old man in purple robe waved his hand and drove these people away.

Then he looked at Zhou Chun with curiosity and said, "Could Fellow Daoist be the Fellow Daoist Zhang from the Great Zhou Kingdom that Patriarch Yan Cang had told me before? I, Jin Xinglie, is the current head of Tianhuo Sect."

"It is Zhang, the famous leader of the Jin family. Zhang has admired him for a long time."

Zhou Chun nodded slightly and gave a polite compliment.

Then without waiting for Jin Xinglie's suggestion, he took out the Sky Fire Token and handed it to the other party.

"As expected, it's the Heavenly Fire Token in Patriarch Yancang's hand!"

Jin Xinglie took a look at the Heavenly Fire Order handed over by Zhou Chun, and immediately had no doubts in his heart.

He returned the token to Zhou Chun again, and then guided his hand and said: "Since Mr. Daoist Zhang is an old friend of Patriarch Yancang, he is an honored guest of our sect. Please follow Jin to our sect to have a cup of tea and rest. Jin will come later." Then I will report it to my Taoist friends, the Patriarch."

"Then I'd like to thank Master Jin for the hospitality first."

Zhou Chun responded and then entered the Tianhuo Gate together.

After passing through the mountain-protecting formation, the real scene of Tianhuo Peak came into Zhou Chun's eyes.

Unexpectedly, not only was Tianhuo Peak not desolate, but many spiritual trees and grasses were planted there.

Golden sun wood, fire maple wood, fire jujube wood, fire pear wood...

All kinds of fire-attributed spiritual trees that Zhou Chun knew or didn't know were planted on Tianhuo Peak and formed into forests.

This surprised him, but he also vaguely seemed to understand what Tianhuomen's method was to resolve the volcanic eruption.

But this matter was related to the secrets of Tianhuo Sect. Even though he was curious, he couldn't ask Jin Xinglie about it.

He looked up towards the top of the mountain again, only to see that it was still hazy there, obscured by the power of the formation, making it impossible to see clearly what the scene was above.

Before he could take a closer look, people had quickly followed Jin Xinglie to the mountainside, and then together they entered a large hall built of purple-red stone.

"Come on, come on, fellow Daoist Zhang, try our Tianhuo Sect's Fire Dragon Spirits. This is the secret recipe of the unique spirit wine passed down by our ancestor. It is the spirit wine that Patriarch Yancang and the others often drink!"

In the main hall, after Jin Xinglie and Zhou Chun sat down separately, he did not let the attendants serve tea. Instead, he personally took out a wine gourd from his storage bag and poured a glass of dark red color like lava for Zhou Chun and himself. Spiritual wine.

Hearing what he said, Zhou Chun's expression also changed, and he smiled and said: "Then Zhang really needs to taste it!"

As he spoke, he took the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

However, he seemed to have underestimated the power of this glass of spiritual wine.

As soon as the spiritual wine entered his stomach, his face immediately turned red. He felt as if he had drank a glass of magma, and an extremely hot power was burning in his body.

But just when he was about to mobilize his magic power to suppress it, he heard Jin Xinglie suddenly smile and say: "This Fire Dragon Spirit needs to be allowed to work its own way. The first time it is taken, it has a good body-tempering effect. Fellow Daoist Zhang, don't waste the opportunity."

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