Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 594 The background of Tianhuo Sect, choosing treasures [Please subscribe for the big chapter

Although he knew that he had been teased by Jin Xinglie, Zhou Chun was not really angry.

There is no other reason. The effect of Fire Dragon Spirit is indeed very good.

Zhou Chun's physical body was originally much more powerful than that of monks of the same level, and the spiritual objects that had some body tempering effects on many monks of the same level had almost no effect on him.

But Fire Dragon Spirits is not among them.

The power of this spiritual wine violently dissipates in the body, swaying through the limbs and bones like a violent fire dragon. While it is lifting people's heads, it will also cleanse the meridians and pulses, and temper the blood, flesh, muscles, and bones.

Zhou Chun felt that this spirit wine might also have the effect of cleaning up erysipelas, drug toxins and other accumulated toxins in the body, but because he often took [Jingyuan Spiritual Water], the effect in this regard was not obvious.

After about a stick of incense with a red face like this, the power of the fire dragon spirit in Zhou Chun's body finally weakened, and his complexion quickly returned to normal.

At this time, he only felt warm all over, as if he had just soaked in a hot spring, and he felt indescribably comfortable.

"How's it going? Is this Fire Dragon Liquor still attractive to Fellow Daoist Zhang?"

Jin Xinglie looked at Zhou Chun with a smile and asked, as if he was not afraid that Zhou Chun would care about his previous play.

When Zhou Chun heard this, he also sincerely praised it: "It is indeed a rare good wine in the world! The wine is as strong as fire, as powerful as a dragon, and has a sweet aftertaste. It is really the most unique spiritual wine that Zhang has drunk in his life!"

"Hahaha, Daoyou Zhang is indeed a man who knows how to drink. Jin is not wrong about the person."

Jin Xinglie laughed and was very satisfied with Zhou Chun's answer.

You must know that although he had a little playful intention, he probably spent a lot of money to entertain Zhou Chun with precious spiritual wine such as Fire Dragon Liquor.

It is not easy to brew this kind of spiritual wine. Originally, it was only supplied to two real people in the Nascent Soul stage of the Tianhuo Sect. The Golden Core Stage monks of this sect can only get a small pot every hundred years. It is not enough for oneself to drink, so there is no extra to entertain others.

It was Jin Xinglie who was the head of the sect and a late-stage Jindan cultivator. He had more Fire Dragon Liquor in his hands than ordinary elders of the sect, and could occasionally spare one or two glasses to entertain distinguished guests.

Zhou Chun came over with Master Yancang's Heavenly Fire Token, and Master Yancang specifically explained the matter after his return. Jin Xinglie was willing to pay the money for the sake of the sect's founder.

Otherwise, even if a late-stage Jindan cultivator comes to visit, there is no way he can ask for this fire dragon liquor from him.

But there is no need to elaborate on these. He believes that Zhou Chun himself should also understand the value of such spiritual wine and understand his sincerity.

After laughing at this time, Jin Xinglie quickly got down to business.

He looked at Zhou Chun solemnly and said, "Grandmaster Yancang promised after his return that more than ten years later, fellow Taoist Zhang will come to visit our sect and let Jin entertain fellow Taoist well."

"Now that the ten-year period has not yet come, Taoist Fellow Zhang has arrived early. Jin will now report to the Patriarch on behalf of Fellow Daoist. Please listen to the Patriarch's arrangements."

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun quickly bowed his hands and said, "Then there is Master Lao Jin."

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, please wait a moment. Jin will send a message to the Patriarch right now."

As Jin Xinglie said that, he took out a messenger flying sword, attached the news of Zhou Chun's arrival to it, and punched it out.

Then, while waiting for Master Yan Cang's reply, he also exchanged various experiences in the world of immortality with Zhou Chun with a smile on his face, and commented on the various forces and celebrities in the world of immortality in the far west, not letting Zhou Chun wait in vain.

In this way, Zhou Chun was not aware of the passage of time as he and Jin Xinglie exchanged their respective experiences.

It wasn't until Master Yan Cang's message flew into the hall that the two of them were forced to interrupt the exchange without finishing their thoughts.

I saw Jin Xinglie's probing hand taking the flying sword that flew back. After checking the reply, he looked at Zhou Chun with a smile and said: "Grandmaster Yancang already knows the purpose of Fellow Daoist Zhang. He asked Fellow Daoist Zhang to ask you Please stay in this sect for a while first, and after the old man successfully leaves seclusion, he will receive fellow Taoists immediately."

Hearing what he said, Zhou Chun frowned slightly and couldn't help but ask: "I wonder if Senior Yan Cang has made it clear how long it will take for him to be released from seclusion?"

"That's not true."

Jin Xinglie shook his head slightly, and then seeing Zhou Chun's frown, he added: "Fellow Daoist Zhang, don't worry, Patriarch Yancang is not in retreat now, and he will open a furnace to refine weapons for some seniors later. I think it will take at least three to five years for me to come out of seclusion!"

"Well, since that's the case, Zhang will nag Head Jin."

Zhou Chun nodded slightly and agreed.

"Hahaha, no trouble, no trouble. It's rare for a distinguished guest like Fellow Daoist Zhang to come from afar. Jin and the elders of our sect also want to communicate more with Fellow Daoist Zhang and learn about the situation outside the Far West!"

Jin Xinglie laughed and said enthusiastically.

Next, under Jin Xinglie's arrangement, Zhou Chun moved into a cave above Tianhuo Peak that was specially used to entertain distinguished guests.

In terms of cultivation environment, this cave is worse than Zhou Chun's cave in Tuyunling, but the rich fire-attribute aura here is not very friendly to him, and the training effect is not as good as his own cave.

However, Yanjing Huofeng liked this place very much and felt very comfortable in the spirit beast room.

In the following time, under the invitation and introduction of Jin Xinglie, Zhou Chun often sat and discussed with the Jindan monks from Tianhuo Sect, exchanging knowledge from various places, exchanging cultivation experiences, and exchanging some cultivation resources.

To say that Tianhuo Sect is worthy of having the power of the Grand Master of Weapon Refining, the Golden Core Stage monks in the sect are all very wealthy, with more than three magic weapons per capita!

And in addition to Master Yancang, the great master of weapon refining, Tianhuo Sect also has two masters of weapon refining.

One is another real person in the Yuanying stage of Tianhuo Sect, and the other is a monk in the middle stage of Jindan.

Under the training and leadership of this great master and two masters, Tianhuo Sect has countless weapon refiners with the ability to refine three high-grade magical weapons. The magic weapon suppresses people.

When Zhou Chun and Jin Xinglie and others were exchanging treasures, some of the Jindan elders from Tianhuo Sect even expressed that they could exchange magic weapons.

Of course, they also know that magic weapons are rare, so although Zhou Chun does not necessarily need to give up magic weapons in exchange, they still require some precious things of the same level, such as elixirs for improving mana cultivation, such as [Geng Gold] and other top-level Magical weapons, spiritual materials, or precious things like fourth-level demon elixirs.

It's a pity that Zhou Chun is not short of magic weapons now, and Master Yan Cang has promised to help customize the magic weapons, so he is not particularly tempted.

I just took out some water, wood, ice and other attribute spiritual materials that are relatively rare in the world of immortality in the far west, and exchanged with these people some gold essence, silver essence, iron essence and other materials suitable for strengthening magic weapons.

Most of the Golden Core Stage cultivators of Tianhuo Sect practice fire-attribute techniques, and they all have good weapon-refining skills. The quality of the magic weapons and spiritual materials they refine, such as iron essence and copper essence, is very high.

If you want to exchange spiritual materials of this quality in the Great Zhou Kingdom, you not only have to rely on chance, but the cost will also be higher.

During this exchange process, some Longyuanze water-attributed spiritual objects that Zhou Chun brought over, as well as some elixirs such as [Qinghuo Dan] that can detoxify fire poisons, were all highly praised by the golden elixir stage monks of Tianhuo Sect.

Tianhuo Peak is an active volcano. Even if Tianhuo Sect uses a large array to refine and purify the spiritual energy here, it is still difficult to eliminate all the fire poisonous gas contained in the spiritual energy.

Therefore, after practicing for a long time, many monks from Tianhuo Sect will accumulate a lot of fire poisonous evil energy in their bodies. This kind of fire poisonous evil energy is highly integrated with their magic power and is difficult to eliminate by ordinary methods.

As a result, many monks from the Tianhuo Sect can only leave the mountain sect and go to other places to practice, and slowly dissolve these fire poisonous evil spirits with water milling skills, so as not to affect their breakthrough realm.

However, some Tianhuo Sect monks who have the conditions will find some water-attribute spiritual objects or fire-poison-resolving elixirs to use in conjunction with them to resolve the evil energy of fire-poison in the body.

In this way, they don't have to leave the spiritual land of the mountain gate, which is very suitable for their own cultivation, and they don't have to work hard to polish their magic power to dissolve the fire poison and evil spirits. Naturally, their cultivation speed will be much faster than those of their fellow disciples who come down from the mountain.

However, there are only a few places in the world of immortal cultivation in the far west that can produce water-attributed spiritual objects. There are a huge number of people who need to resolve the evil spirits of fire poison. The spiritual objects and elixirs transported from other places are never enough to meet the needs of local monks. of.

Therefore, except for some of the younger generations whom Elder Jindan valued most, most Tianhuo Sect disciples were unable to do this for a long time.

In this case, the water attribute spiritual objects and fire poison elixirs that Zhou Chun took out were naturally popular.

Maybe the monks in Jingguo never imagined that some spiritual objects that were only used for the cultivation of foundation-building monks and purple-fu period monks could be exchanged for precious magic weapons and spiritual materials such as gold essence and iron essence.

Jin Xinglie even told Zhou Chun that if he could transport a large number of these spiritual objects to supply Tianhuo Sect, he could ask the master of the sect's weapon refinement to customize magic weapons for him, or exchange them for magic weapons!

This proposal seems very tempting at first glance, but considering the long journey from Jingguo to Huoluo Kingdom, it is estimated that only Zhou Chun in the entire Zhou family can do this kind of work, and he will naturally not waste time and energy doing this kind of thing.

After all, the water attribute spiritual objects and [Qinghuo Dan] he brought over, even if calculated at the price of Tianhuo Sect, are still a huge amount to make up a low-grade magic weapon, which requires almost ten people from the Zhou family. annual output share!

A low-grade magic weapon for ten years seems to be very profitable, but considering all the risks and efforts, it is not worth it, at least in Zhou Chun's eyes.

If it was so easy to make this money, why didn't Tianhuomen send their own people to places like the Great Zhou Kingdom to purchase goods? Why don't other foreign forces come here specifically to do this business?

Zhou Chun is no longer the young monk who had nothing and fantasized about getting rich all of a sudden.

In the past, he and the Zhou family had nothing, so they dared to take risks and gamble on things that they knew were dangerous but had huge profits.

Now that he has a bright future, the Zhou family is also developing steadily. They will not easily get involved in such a thing that is full of uncertainty and danger, even if the profit is not small.

To put it simply, they have already put on their shoes and learned to take care of their feathers!

However, Zhou Chun still asked Jin Xinglie to help him do one thing, and that was to ask the Tianhuo Sect's middle-level Jindan master to help repair the flame orb magic weapon obtained from Shan Tianlong.

This magic weapon is only damaged in origin. If a master refiner takes action and adds some materials, there is still a high chance of repairing it.

And Zhou Chun happens to be the most in short supply of materials right now.

Perhaps in order to sell Zhou Chun well, Jin Xinglie readily agreed to this matter.

Moreover, Zhou Chun only handed over the magic weapon and within half a year, he received the completely repaired magic weapon.

The power of the completely repaired Flame Orb is no worse than before, and it can be used both offensively and defensively. In terms of quality, it is even better than the [Water Dragon Orb] magic weapon in Su Yuzhen's hand.

Zhou Chun had no use for this thing, so he planned to give it to Zhou Mingde for use.

On this day, Zhou Chun was practicing in the cave when he suddenly felt that the warning array had been touched and someone came to visit him.

He immediately stopped and came out of seclusion, opened the magic circle and let the people in.

I saw that the person who came to visit was not a certain Jindan elder from Tianhuo Sect, but a female cultivator in red dress who was in the middle stage of Zifu.

"Senior Zhang, I have brought you the fire jade red lotus seeds and purple sunflower spiritual seeds you need. Please accept them."

After the female cultivator in red dress entered Zhou Chun's cave, she respectfully took out two jade boxes and handed them over without Zhou Chun asking her purpose.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun's face was slightly happy. He immediately reached out to take the jade box, opened it and took a closer look.

I saw that one of the jade boxes contained a kind of red seeds similar to peanuts. There were about sixty or seventy seeds.

This thing is called Fire Jade Red Lotus. Although it has the word "Lotus", it actually has nothing to do with lotus. It is a kind of spiritual fruit planted in dry land spiritual fields.

This spiritual fruit is a vine, and the fruit it produces is as big as a watermelon. When cut open, there is a white pulp and red seeds inside.

Although the white pulp is sweet and delicious, it actually only satisfies the appetite. The red seeds are the essence, rich in fire-attribute spiritual power, and are very popular with the Hell Fire Phoenix.

Another jade box contains purple-red seeds like sunflower seeds, a total of two to three hundred.

This thing is called Purple Sunflower, which is also a kind of spiritual fruit. The pulp is not only delicious, but long-term consumption can also help cleanse the muscles and cut the marrow, and increase the monk's affinity for the fire attribute spiritual energy. In disguise, it is equivalent to improving the qualifications, and the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix likes to eat this food very much.

Zhou Chun became interested in these two spiritual fruits after eating them and learning about their uses.

According to the information he had gathered, these two spiritual fruits were not unique to the Tianhuo Sect, but it was difficult to purchase spiritual seeds in the outside market.

It happened that the female nun in purple skirt in front of him heard about his identity and came to ask for help, so he took advantage of the situation and asked her to help find the seeds of two spiritual creatures.

Unexpectedly, the other party accomplished this in less than two months.

After carefully inspecting the seeds at this time, Zhou Chun nodded with satisfaction and said: "Not bad, not bad. They are indeed high-quality seeds with full grains. It seems that Fellow Daoist Bai is really attentive."

"Senior Zhang, as long as you are satisfied, as for what this junior requested..."

Bai Zhiqing looked at Zhou Chun expectantly, her eyes full of anxiety.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately smiled boldly and said: "This is easy to talk about. Since I promised you before, Zhang will naturally not change his mind."

After saying that, he raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a jade box and handed it to the other party.

"Thank you, senior, for the treasure!"

Bai Zhiqing looked happy and quickly saluted and thanked her.

Then, after a slight hesitation, she carefully opened the jade box and inspected it.

What was inside the jade box was a light blue pearl.

This is a spiritual bead that the second-level clam demon has nurtured for hundreds of years. It contains pure and abundant water-attribute spiritual power.

Even if low-level monks string it up and wear it on their bodies without refining it, it still has the effect of moisturizing the body and nourishing the skin, and relieving heat and heat.

But when it falls into the hands of the disciples of the Tianhuo Sect, this object can be refined into a magical weapon that can help them detoxify the poisonous fire, and its value is even higher than the third-level magical weapon!

Bai Zhiqing is already at the middle stage of Zifu, so this spirit bead has no effect on her.

She asked for this object for a girl from her clan who was in the foundation-building stage. She wanted to refine it into a cooling orb and give it to her as a foundation-building gift.

After confirming the authenticity of the spirit bead at this time, Bai Zhiqing put it away with confidence, and then prepared to say goodbye to Zhou Chun and leave.

But before she could speak, Zhou Chun suddenly said: "By the way, I wonder if fellow Taoist Bai would like more of these spiritual beads? Zhang also has a few of these spiritual beads in his hand. "

Hearing this, Bai Zhiqing was slightly startled, and then she nodded with a happy face and said: "Of course I want it, but I don't know how Senior Zhang is going to deal?"

Cooling orbs refined using water-attributed spiritual beads also have an upper limit and usage time limit for dissolving fire poisonous evil spirits.

As time goes by, due to too much contact with the fire poisonous evil energy, the orb itself will gradually be eroded by the fire poisonous evil energy until it is completely no longer usable.

Otherwise, as long as the Tianhuo Sect equips each of its disciples with such a magic weapon, everything will be fine and it can be passed down from generation to generation.

So when Bai Zhiqing heard that she could obtain more spirit beads, she certainly didn't want to miss the opportunity.

Zhou Chun had already figured this out, so he said calmly: "Zhang is now a guest in your home, and it is inconvenient to move around, but he also wants someone to help Zhang move around and collect some information from the extreme west." The spiritual resources unique to the earthly immortal world, I wonder if Fellow Daoist Bai is willing to take on this responsibility?"

Hearing that his condition was this, Bai Zhiqing's tense mind immediately relaxed, and she responded with a respectful face: "It is my honor to serve Senior Zhang, and I will do my best to do it well for Senior." Errand!"

"Good! In this case, there is Taoist friend Lao Bai."

Zhou Chun smiled slightly and handed over a list and nearly 100,000 spirit coins to the other party.

Bai Zhiqing is a true disciple of the Tianhuo Sect. Zhou Chun is not afraid that she will run away after coveting the spiritual coins he gave her, so he is relieved to pay the spiritual coins in advance.

In this way, with Bai Zhiqing's help in traveling around the Fire Kingdom to collect what he wants, Zhou Chun can practice on Tianhuo Peak with peace of mind and wait for Master Yancang to come out of seclusion.

Time passed slowly, and soon Zhou Chun stayed at Tianhuomen for two and a half years.

On this day, Zhou Chun, who had been waiting for more than two years, finally received the good news that Master Yan Cang came out of seclusion to summon him.

After he learned the news, he immediately followed Jin Xinglie to a place on the top of Tianhuo Peak.

For more than two years, Zhou Chun has not stayed behind closed doors and done nothing.

At least he already knows that the reason why Tianhuo Sect can be passed down stably on this active volcano for thousands of years is mainly to resolve the volcanic eruption crisis through three aspects.

One is to use the power of the large formation to continuously extract the power of the fire veins below to support a powerful fire attribute spiritual treasure to eliminate the fire vein energy.

The second is to plant a large number of spiritual plants on the mountain that absorb fire-attribute spiritual energy to stabilize the earth's veins, sort out the earth's energy, and digest the fire's energy.

The third is that the real person in the Nascent Soul stage sits in charge of the fire eye and regularly uses the power of the large array to guide this active volcano to have small-scale eruptions. The erupted magma flows along several channels to certain open spaces at the foot of the mountain. After it solidifies, he arranges for people to move it and clean it away. .

Because of this, Tianhuo Gate must always ensure that a real person from the Nascent Soul stage is stationed at the gate, so as to ensure that the gate will not be buried by a sudden burst of magma due to his sudden departure!

This can also explain clearly why Master Yan Cang did not let Zhou Chun come to rescue another master of the Yuan Ying stage in our sect, and why the other master of the Yuan Ying stage did not go to find him even after he had been missing for many years.

If you don’t want to, you really can’t!

However, although Tianhuo Sect's doing this is equivalent to putting the Yuanying Stage monks in this sect in jail, the benefits are also very obvious.

First of all, none of the other major forces would be interested in the spiritual mountain blessed land of Tianhuo Peak, and they would even help Tianhuo Sect train Nascent Soul monks to prevent them from having a broken generation of Nascent Soul monks and causing the volcano to erupt under Tianhuo Peak.

You must know that with the scale of the volcano under Tianhuo Peak, a full eruption can destroy half of the Brazier Oasis. This will be a heavy blow to the Fire Kingdom!

Furthermore, for fire-attributed martial arts cultivators, Sky Fire Peak is definitely a holy land for cultivation, not inferior to any major sect in the world of cultivating immortals in the far west.

The abundant earth fire resources here are very helpful for refining weapons and elixirs. There is no need to dig through the earth veins to obtain fire.

Moreover, although it takes a lot of effort for Yuanying stage monks to suppress the fire veins, they can often capture the fire spirits born in the refining fire veins, which is of great benefit to improving their cultivation.

The center of the Tianhuo Gate Mountain Protection Formation is located on the top of the Tianhuo Peak, and the spiritual treasure that is said to be very powerful is also there!

After Zhou Chun followed Jin Xinglie to the top of the mountain, he easily passed through the mountain top formation and entered the mountain top area.

Then he saw a very shocking scene.

Above the huge crater with a diameter of a hundred feet on the top of the mountain, a hundred-foot-long fire dragon lay high in a cloud of fire. During his breath, torrents of substantial red-red fire-attribute spiritual energy poured out from the crater below. into its body.

"This is……"

Zhou Chun looked at the fire dragon with shock on his face and didn't know how to describe this scene.

"That's the spiritual transformation of our sect's most precious treasure, the Heavenly Fire Divine Pearl!"

Jin Xinglie explained lightly, then raised his hand and said, "The cave of Patriarch Yan Cang is over there. Fellow Daoist Zhang, please come with me."

He looked like he obviously didn't want to talk more about the fire dragon.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun could only let him leave, even though his heart was full of shock and curiosity.

But in his heart, Zhou Chun couldn't help but speculate about the situation of the fire dragon.

He originally thought that the powerful spiritual treasure mentioned by the Tianhuo Sect disciples would be a spiritual treasure like the [Moon Toad Orb].

After all, the [Moon Toad Orb], under his control, also sucked away the Xuanming cold air that escaped from the Xuanming Water Eyes.

But now after seeing the power of the fire dragon, Zhou Chun immediately knew that the Tianhuo Sect's inherited treasure [Skyfire Divine Pearl], even if it is not the legendary spiritual treasure that even the Master of Transformation may not possess, it must be a spiritual treasure. A top-level spiritual treasure.

With such a powerful spiritual treasure falling into the hands of a Yuanying-stage monk, and with the help of the mountain-protecting formation, Zhou Chun suspected that even if a late-stage Yuanying monk came, he would probably be unable to do anything to the Yuanying-stage monks of the Heavenly Fire Sect who stayed behind closed doors. Real person!

"The background of Tianhuo Sect today is not as ordinary as when I inquired outside!"

Zhou Chun murmured to himself, not surprised by this.

After all, not everyone is like him. He possesses a powerful spiritual treasure at the golden elixir stage and knows the power levels of the spiritual treasure.

Even if the Jindan elder from Tianhuo Sect came here and saw the power of the fire dragon, at most he would only think that this was the normal power of a powerful spiritual treasure.

The monks who know the inside story are either real people in the Nascent Soul stage or the top late-stage Jindan monks. Naturally, these people will not gossip and incur the hostility of the Tianhuo Sect for nothing.

On the surface, the Tianhuo Sect, which has only one Nascent Soul Stage cultivator most of the time, is just plain ordinary in the eyes of most immortal cultivators!

Under the leadership of Jin Xinglie, Zhou Chun soon arrived at a cave house dozens of feet down to the east of the crater.

Half of this cave is a suspended pavilion, embedded in the mountain wall, and half is deep into the mountain wall, located within the mountain.

Usually in this type of cave, the outer pavilions and palaces are the reception areas, and the secret cultivation rooms, living rooms, and treasure hiding places are all located inside the mountain.

"Forefather, this disciple has brought Daoist friend Zhang."

After Jin Xinglie brought Zhou Chun to the vicinity of the hanging pavilion, he immediately bowed to it and reported.

Immediately, I heard the majestic and powerful voice of Master Yancang coming out: "Fellow Daoist Zhang, please come in by yourself. Junior Brother Jin, you can go back first."

"Yes, junior (disciple) obeys the order!"

Zhou Chun and Jin Xinglie responded in unison, then nodded to each other and stepped forward and back.

Zhou Chun stepped forward, and soon followed a rainbow bridge of fire that suddenly appeared, and went straight to the upper floor of a suspended pavilion, where he saw Master Yan Cang sitting on a chair sipping tea.

There seemed to be no one serving in the cave of this great master of weapon refining, but he was actually a rare ascetic!

"Junior has met senior Yan Cang."

Zhou Chun gave a respectful salute to show his respect.

"My little friend, you don't need to be polite. I have been in retreat for the past two years to heal my wounds, but I have neglected my little friend. I hope you don't blame me."

Master Yan Cang waved his hand and said, his words were very polite.

When Zhou Chun heard this, he quickly replied politely: "Junior, you don't dare! Senior, your health is the most important thing. It doesn't matter if I delay for some time!"

"As long as you understand, little friend."

Master Yan Cang nodded, then looked directly at Zhou Chun and said: "I naturally know the purpose of your visit. I have two high-grade magic weapons that match your attributes. You can choose one for yourself first!"

"As for the Lingquan Fire Eye, during the period when I am opening the furnace to refine the weapon, you can also use your fire phoenix at will."

"I have also communicated with the sect about the [Huoyuan Xianzhi]. You can pick it up and take it away at any time!"

"As for the promise to repair the magic weapon and refine the magic weapon, I have to take a look at the items and material requirements before I can give you an answer!"

After he said this in one breath, without waiting for Zhou Chun's response, he waved his sleeve and took out the two high-grade magic weapons he had prepared for him to choose from.

I saw these two high-grade magic weapons, one of which was a golden long arrow. Although it was only less than five feet long, it exuded an unparalleled sharpness.

The other piece is a pair of rings, one gold and one silver. The aura is restrained and resembles an ordinary dead thing, but it is completely opposite to the short spear.

Zhou Chun looked at these two high-quality magic weapons and felt that he wanted both of them and would be reluctant to give up either one.

After hesitating in his heart for a while, he still looked at Master Yan Cang and said, "Senior Yan Cang, can you tell me about the magical powers of these two magic weapons for this junior?"

"The long arrow is called [Geng Gold Soul-Chasing and Life-Destroying Arrow]. The arrowhead is blended with seven taels of Geng Gold, and the entire body is made of gold essence, meteorite iron and other materials. Once it locks on the target's aura, it can chase the soul and kill it. It won’t stop until you run out of power!”

"As for this pair of rings, they are a treasure left by one of the founders of our sect. They are called [Dragon and Tiger Golden Rings]. They can be used to attack the enemy with both rings, or the dragon ring can be used to protect the body, and the tiger ring can be used to attack the enemy. Both rings can be used together. The bottom one is a top-grade magic weapon, and when separated, it’s a top-grade middle-grade magic weapon!”

Master Yan Cang glanced at him and briefly introduced the functions of the two magic weapons.

After listening to Master Yan Cang's introduction, Zhou Chun became even more confused.

The soul-chasing and life-stealing effect of [Gengjin Soul-Chasing and Life-Seizing Arrow] is undoubtedly very powerful. Even if it is out of the range of spiritual guidance, it can independently pursue the enemy according to the enemy's aura. This is really effective for chasing down some escaping enemies. alright.

The key is that this object itself is very lethal, so you are not afraid of catching up and not being able to hurt the enemy.

[Dragon and Tiger Golden Ring] can be used both offensively and defensively, and it is a rare complete set of magic weapons. Its actual power will not disappoint.

Seeing that Zhou Chun was still unable to make a choice, Master Yan Cang seemed to be a little impatient, and immediately said: "My little friend, just choose according to your own needs. You have the spiritual treasures in your hands. These magic treasures are destined to be just a transitional thing." , why be so hesitant!”

One word wakes up the dreamer!

After listening to Master Yancang's words, Zhou Chun also quickly realized that the [Gengjin Soul-Chasing Life-Destroying Arrow] was actually not as effective as the [Dragon-Tiger Golden Ring] on him, not to mention that he himself had a [Two Dragons] Turn over the sea bottle].

So he quickly raised his hand and took the pair of [Dragon and Tiger Golden Rings] in his hands, saying, "This junior will choose this pair of [Dragon and Tiger Golden Rings]."

Seeing this, Master Yancang immediately raised his hand to take back the long golden arrow, then nodded and said: "Okay, since you have made your choice, little friend, now let me see your top-grade magic weapon. And the treasure refining materials you prepared!"

"Junior understands."

Zhou Chun responded, then raised his hand and patted the storage bag, taking out the [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Vase] and the various treasure refining materials he had prepared.

Then as he expected, when Master Yancang saw the dragon teeth and demon soul of the fifth-level thunder dragon, his expression immediately changed!

Another eight thousand words!

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