Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 597 Tiangang Thunder Sword and Five Color Dragon Scale Armor [Please subscribe to the big ch

Standing above the nine-sky blue sky, the earth has curved in Zhou Chun's sight and is no longer flat.

In terms of height, he was already thousands of feet high in the sky.

The strong wind blows out frequently here, so it is not a place where Golden Core Stage monks can stay for a long time.

If you fight with others here, you will easily be limited by the changes in the environment, resulting in flaws in your own defense, giving others opportunities to take advantage of.

Therefore, whether they are flying in a hurry or fighting in a martial arts battle, most monks in the Golden Core stage will not reach such high altitudes.

Only a real person in the Nascent Soul stage, whose mana is as deep as the sea and whose strength reaches the heavens and the earth, can fly through such high altitudes and fight with each other.

Only with the ability to enter and leave Qingming easily can the world be so vast that there is no place to go!

However, although Bixiao Jiutian is not a place where he can stay for a long time, with Zhou Chun's current ability, it is not impossible to stay for an hour.

The [Abyss Beast] basically will not leave the earth.

So if he just had bad luck and happened to encounter the [Abyss Beast] traveling with the sandstorm, he should be safe at this time.

Even a fourth-level mid-level monster cannot attack people on the ground in Jiutian Bixiao.

Even a late-stage Jindan cultivator would find it difficult to achieve such a precise strike despite such a long distance and the strong wind blowing away his consciousness.

Relatively speaking, this is Zhou Chun's best way to verify his guess.

"Am I really unlucky?"

After Zhou Chun stayed on Jiutian Bixiao for a while, he saw that no attack was coming, and he couldn't help but wonder if he was being paranoid.

After he pondered for a while, he waved his sleeves and sacrificed the [Blue Sea Silver Boat], and then set off on the journey above the nine-sky blue sky.

If you don't consider the danger of the strong wind, traveling on the Jiutian Bixiao is actually a great experience for immortal cultivators.

Flying at this altitude, the flying speed can be one or two percent faster than the air.

After Zhou Chun flew above the nine-sky blue sky for half an hour, he escaped from the scope of the sandstorm.

Then he commanded the flying boat to press down and quickly left the unique scenery of Bixiao Jiutian.

There is no way, if he keeps rushing to those areas, even his current cultivation level and magic power will not be able to support him to fly back to the Tianhuo Gate!

Gangfeng is still a very threatening natural force to the Golden Core Stage monks.

This wind is invisible and has the property of blowing away the monk's mana. Although the Golden Core monks can resist this wind, it will consume a lot of mana.

And if you are a monk in the foundation building or purple mansion stage, if you don't have a special magical weapon to protect your body, a strong wind can kill you!

During the rest of the journey, while Zhou Chun was on his way, his spiritual consciousness spread out without reservation to prevent possible attacks.

But until the outline of the Brazier Oasis appeared in his sight, he never encountered any more attacks.

This allowed him to regard the previous encounter as an accident and didn't think much about it.

But what Zhou Chun didn't notice was that just after he flew into the Fire Basin Oasis, in the sea of ​​sand outside the oasis, two figures suddenly rushed out from under the red sand and landed on a sand dune.

"Fellow Daoist Han, let him return to Tianhuo Gate like this. How can we deal with Daoist Xue after we return?"

On the sand dune, an old man in yellow couldn't help but complained in a low voice to another man in black.

If Zhou Chun were here, he would have discovered that the old man in yellow was the monk surnamed Du who had defrauded him with the "Emperor's Liquid" before!

The man in black robe standing next to the old man in yellow is a late-stage Jindan monk.

After listening to the complaint of the old man in yellow, the man in black robe couldn't help but glance at him, and then said lightly: "How to report to Senior Brother Xue is Han's business. If Du Daoyou didn't accept Han's approach, why didn't you take action on your own before? Deal with that person?"

As soon as these words came out, the old man in yellow's face suddenly froze, and he couldn't help but lower his head, not daring to speak any more.

He is self-aware that his own strength is not outstanding in the middle stage of the golden elixir, and Zhou Chun was able to produce a fourth-level low-grade demon elixir before, which shows that his cultivation strength must be at a very strong level.

If you want him to deal with Zhou Chun alone, it would be nice if he doesn't lose anyone!

Fortunately, the man in black robe had no intention of pursuing him fiercely. After beating him, he looked at him and said, "Since this man has been living in Tianhuo Gate for many years, he must have something important to do. Han will go back and report to Senior Brother Xue." To explain today’s situation, Fellow Daoist Du, please stay at the Fire Basin Oasis to gather more information about this person and wait for further instructions from Senior Brother Xue.”

"Dumou understands, fellow Daoist Han, don't worry, Du will definitely monitor this person closely and keep him safe so that he won't easily leave the Sea of ​​Flowing Fire and Sand!"

The old man in yellow nodded with a serious face and made a slightly excited promise.

He has always been short-tempered, and Zhou Chun's previous threats to him were enough to make him hold a grudge.

Therefore, as long as it is dealing with Zhou Chun, he is absolutely willing to help.

At this time, after agreeing to what the man in black robe told him, he immediately changed his appearance, transformed into a monk of the Purple Palace Stage and flew to the Brazier Oasis.

After the man in black robe watched the old man in yellow go away, his expression suddenly became serious, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Originally, according to the plan, he would cooperate with Zhou Chun in a sneak attack after the [Abyss Beast] took action.

But when he discovered that Zhou Chun's spiritual consciousness was powerful, comparable to that of a late-stage Jindan monk, and that he had a high-grade magic weapon behind him, he hesitated again.

Later, when Zhou Chunfei flew to Jiutian Bixiao, it would be difficult for him to take action again.

After all, the [Behemoth of the Abyss] is not his true contracted spiritual pet, and is unlikely to obey his orders to leave the safety of the ground and go to high altitudes to join the battle.

And without the assistance of the [Abyss Beast], he was not completely sure of leaving Zhou Chun alone with just an old man in yellow.

Of course, this is just the explanation he prepared on the surface.

In fact, he practiced a secret technique that could increase the probability of triggering mental warnings. When he was about to take action, this secret technique suddenly started to operate automatically and sent him a warning.

This was the real reason why he decided not to attack Zhou Chun as planned!

You must know that this secret technique came from a chance encounter after he established the foundation. Since he succeeded in practicing it, although it has only taken effect a few times in the past hundreds of years, every time it takes effect, it can save his life and help him avoid a life-and-death crisis.

So now he no longer has any doubts about the warning conveyed by this secret technique.

"Hey, I'd better remind Senior Brother Xue when I get back. If he refuses to give up his mind, I will have no choice but to stay out of it!"

With a sigh in his heart, the man in black robe quickly disappeared.

On the other side, after Zhou Chun returned to Tianhuo Gate, he returned to his usual life, staying quietly in his cave and not going out, only occasionally meeting Bai Zhiqing who came to deliver things.

Over the years, through Bai Zhiqing's hands, he has also collected many special spiritual items from the Immortal Cultivation World of the Fire Kingdom, as well as various poisons specially collected for Zhou Yuanlian.

Interestingly, after Bai Zhiqing learned about some situations in Jingguo, Dazhou and other places through communicating with him, she actually had the idea of ​​​​traveling there.

According to what he said, if you practice in Tianhuo Sect, there will be no shortage of [Ultra Yang Fire Spiritual Liquid] in the alchemy resources, but [Ultra Cold Ice Marrow Liquid] is more difficult to obtain.

In the past, the Tianhuo Sect was led by Nascent Soul stage monks who used [Poly Yang Fire Spiritual Liquid] to exchange resources with those forces in the outside world of immortality that produced a larger amount of [Ultimately Cold Ice Marrow Liquid].

However, there are quite a few monks in the Purple Mansion Stage in Tianhuo Sect. For some monks who are not very close to each other, the sect can only support one [Poly Yang Fire Spiritual Liquid] at most, and the remaining other pill-forming spiritual objects will have to be I went looking for it myself.

In fact, even this is already a very good welfare package, enough to make countless family monks and small and medium-sized sect monks extremely envious.

However, the journey from Huoluo Kingdom to Jingguo, Dazhou and other places is not very long. Even if Bai Zhiqing's cultivation reaches the late Zifu stage, traveling alone is dangerous and unpredictable, and it can easily take more than ten years.

So Zhou Chun was noncommittal about her idea and made no comment.

After returning to the Tianhuo Gate for more than two years, Zhou Chun finally received news about Master Yan Cang.

Counting the time, he has been in Tianhuo Sect for more than seven years at this time!

Excluding the two and a half years of waiting for Master Yan Cang to come out of seclusion and the time spent repairing the [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Vase], Master Yan Cang spent more than four years refining the treasure this time.

This is a long time for a great master of weapon refining.

Therefore, when Zhou Chun received the spiritual message from Master Yancang, he was full of expectations and excitement, and hurried to his cave to pay his respects.

"This treasure refining took a long time, but it made me wait for a long time."

In the cave, after Master Yan Cang waited for Zhou Chunxing to pay his respects, he nodded to him with a calm expression and said a polite word.

Then without waiting for Zhou Chun to say anything polite, he raised his hand and took out the two magic weapons.

So Zhou Chun immediately suppressed the words that came to his mouth, and his attention was attracted by the two magic weapons.

The two magic weapons he saw were a silver flying sword shrouded in lightning and a five-color scale armor that exuded five colors of light.

At this time, Master Yancang reached out and grabbed it, and the silver flying sword shrouded in lightning fell into his hands. The abnormality on it was quickly suppressed by his magic power, and turned into a slightly curved long sword with a round handle.

Then he said slowly: "According to my own choice, I refined the dragon tooth of the fifth-level thunder dragon into a flying sword magic weapon."

"This treasure is made of the most elite natal dragon tooth of the fifth-level thunder dragon, and is integrated into the unicorn of the [Thunder Lob Beast]. It also adds two materials, silver essence and iron essence, to enhance the hardness, and uses the method of enchantment to enchant it. The demon soul essence of the fifth-level thunder dragon is refined into it, and after the sword is completed, it will become a top-grade sword!"

Just a top-grade magic weapon?

Zhou Chun's expression changed slightly because of Master Yan Cang's words.

Although he had previously said that Master Yan Cang just had to do his best, his expectations for this flying sword had actually been upgraded to a top-grade magic weapon.

Now that he heard that it was only a high-grade magic weapon, how could this huge psychological gap not make his expression change drastically.

"Don't panic, little friend, I haven't finished speaking yet!"

Master Yan Cang glanced at Zhou Chun and continued: "It is not easy to refine the best magic weapon. My friend, although the material you provided is of sufficient grade, it needs to be added with the third-order [Thunder Lobster] unicorn. To bring out the lightning-devouring properties of this object, the requirements for refining skills are too high."

"If you are a great weapon refiner who practices thunder-attribute skills, you may be able to directly fulfill your request, little friend, and directly refine the top-grade magic weapon Flying Sword, but I don't think I have that level of strength!"

"Furthermore, the fifth-level thunder dragon demon soul you provided has also lost a lot of spiritual energy due to improper maintenance, making it difficult to provide the best assistance in the refining process!"

"So after comprehensive consideration, I decided not to overly pursue refining a top-grade magic weapon in one go, but to refine it into a top-grade magic weapon first."

Speaking of this, he said with pride: "Although it is only a top-grade magic weapon now, due to the existence of the fifth-level thunder dragon demon soul essence and the retention of the [Thunder Lob Beast]'s one-horned ability to swallow thunder and lightning, I am also able to Combined with this characteristic, the [Spiritual Transformation Formation] has been added. As long as this sword is refined and cultivated by a thunder and lightning monk with a late-stage golden elixir or a demonic beast sacrifice, it should be able to be promoted in less than a hundred years. Upgrade to a top-grade magic weapon, and even have a chance to turn into a spiritual treasure!"

After hearing his explanation, Zhou Chun finally looked much better.

Although it is not the best magic weapon now, as long as it can be promoted to the best magic weapon in the future, it will be acceptable.

After adjusting his emotions, he saluted Master Yan Cang with a smile and said, "Senior Yan Cang is indeed a great master of weapon refining. He can do things that others cannot and turn decay into magic. Once the refining is completed, This is the first time for this junior to hear about the magic weapon that can be used to advance to higher levels in the future. It is really an eye-opener! What an eye-opener!"

"I will not introduce the specific magical powers of this sword one by one. You will naturally know it after practicing it."

As Master Yan Cang spoke, he threw the flying sword in his hand towards Zhou Chun.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun quickly caught the flying sword, first used a trace of mana to leave a mark, and then turned around and put it away first.

At this time, Master Yancang raised his hand again, took the five-color scale armor that exuded multi-colored light, and said: "This defensive inner armor is also based on your choice, little friend, with [Colorful Dragon Fish] It is made of dragon scales as the main material, and is refined by combining five kinds of spiritual gold with different properties. In terms of grade, it is definitely a middle-grade magic weapon."

"However, I have refined the demon elixir of [Colorful Dragon Fish] into a low-grade magic weapon [Five Elements Orb], and embedded it into the central formation of this armor through the embedding method. If I actively activate the power blessing of [Five Elements Orb] This armor should be able to exert a defensive effect comparable to that of a top-grade magic weapon!"

Zhou Chun's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, and he quickly complimented again: "Senior's fantastic ideas and ingenious craftsmanship are really eye-opening for this junior, and I can only be amazed!"

Faced with his compliments, Master Yancang's expression did not change at all. He just raised his hand and threw the colorful scale armor in his hand to him, and then said: "I have given you these two magic weapons. [Huoyuan Xianzhi] I will personally pick it for you later, and we will settle the matter from now on!"

Such a straightforward approach also made Zhou Chun slightly stunned.

Then he nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, yes, senior Yan Cang's care and support for this junior will definitely be remembered in my heart, or I may not dare to forget!"

"Now let's talk about the exchange of the [Ghost Soul Contract]. What do you want to exchange for it, my friend?"

Master Yan Cang looked at Zhou Chun and whispered another deal.

After he returned to Tianhuo Sect, he also consulted the classics to find records of such secret techniques.

As a result, he found that the [Ghost Soul Contract] he signed with Zhou Chun was much stronger in terms of binding force than many similar secret arts.

This made him even more interested in exchanging the secret technique of [Ghost Soul Contract].

After all, there are really not many secret techniques in the world that can restrain monks in the Nascent Soul stage, and for sect forces, such secret techniques play an irreplaceable role at certain times.

At this time, facing Master Yan Cang's inquiry, Zhou Chun immediately replied without hesitation: "This junior wants to exchange a complete experience of having a baby!"

He had previously obtained some experience on childbirth from the remnant soul of Master Xuansha, but after all, Master Xuansha was too far away now, and it was unknown whether the experience of childbirth left by the remnant soul was completely trustworthy.

If there is another complete Yuanying Stage monk's experience in forming a baby as a reference and mutual confirmation, it will definitely be of great help to his future efforts to form an elixir and form a baby.

But Master Yancang was surprised after hearing his answer.

In Master Yancang's heart, Zhou Chun must be a person with a profound background and a good background.

How could such a golden elixir monk with a good background lack the experience of having a baby as a reference from the senior monks!

Therefore, I never expected that Zhou Chun would put forward such a condition.

After staring at Zhou Chun with surprise in his eyes for a while, he nodded and said, "Yes, but I can only give you the experience of a deceased senior in my sect."

The experience of having a baby will involve some personal privacy matters of the real person in the Yuanying stage. Unless you are a particularly close descendant, generally no real person in the Yuanying stage will be willing to tell all the experience of having a baby.

Most of the time, after he passed away and his descendants were sorting out his belongings, they would send the experience of childbirth to the sect's Sutra Pavilion for enshrinement for future generations of monks to review.

Zhou Chun was also clear about this, so he quickly responded: "As long as it's the experience of having a baby in the past three thousand years."

"Then it's settled!"

Master Yan Cang nodded slightly and made a decision on the spot.

Then he took Zhou Chun to the location of the Lingquan Fire Eye and asked Zhou Chun to bring back the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix.

I saw that compared to when he entered the Lingquan Fire Eye five years ago, the aura of the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix had obviously increased significantly.

In the past five years, it has devoured and refined twenty-nine fire spirits in the fire veins below, adding nearly a hundred years of cultivation out of thin air. The harvest is not small.

More importantly, with the nourishment of these fire essences, the fire phoenix bloodline in its body has been purified to a new level. Perhaps when it breaks through the fourth-level mid-level, it will grow a sixth true fire phoenix feather. !

"Your fire phoenix is ​​very lucky. If you can really break through the fifth level in the future, you may be able to let it come to our sect for meditation. The fire veins below our sect are of such a high level that even if you look at the entire far west, it is the highest." For those at the forefront, it is more than enough to supply a few fifth-level fire phoenixes for training!"

Master Yan Cang looked at Yan Jing Huo Feng, whose aura had obviously increased a lot, and suddenly said something that made Zhou Chun slightly stunned.

After being stunned for a moment, he quickly nodded and said, "If that day comes, I will definitely consider your suggestion, Senior Yan Cang."

Anyway, the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix is ​​still far away from breaking through the fifth level, so it doesn't matter if you promise it now, and you don't have to promise anything.

Master Yancang seemed to just mention it casually, and soon left the cave with Zhou Chun without saying anything more about it.

Later, in a precious medicine garden on Tianhuo Peak, Master Yancang personally picked the [Huoyuan Xianzhi] that was over 5,400 years old and handed it to Zhou Chun, completing the final promise he had made. One ring.

"Sky Fire Peak is not a place where I will stay for a long time. After I have finished refining the two magic weapons, I will leave here. I will not take back the [Sky Fire Token]. If I come to the Fire Kingdom again in the future, I will , you can still be entertained by this sect with this order."

On Tianhuo Peak, Master Yancang left such a message and then returned to his cave, leaving Zhou Chun alone to slowly walk back to his residence thoughtfully.

In the next six months, Zhou Chun devoted himself to refining the two newly acquired magic weapons in his cave, just as Master Yan Cang had told him.

Zhou Chun named that flying sword magic weapon [Tiangang Thunder Sword].

Although this sword is a flying sword, it has mysterious magical powers like Nagisa, and is not as sharp as ordinary flying swords.

Feijian has the magical power to condense and generate [Tiangang Divine Thunder] on its own. The power of the [Tiangang Divine Thunder] it displays has reached the fourth-level high-grade spell level, and it can condense the divine thunder into sword energy to attack the enemy.

He also has the magical power of thunder escape, which can reach hundreds of miles in an instant, and he can kill the enemy's head from a hundred miles away!

At the same time, this sword can also release the thunder dragon demon soul sealed in it, turning into a thunder sword dragon to attack the enemy. In a short period of time, it can exert power comparable to the best magic weapon!

The most important thing is that this sword has the effect of devouring and dissolving thunder and lightning spells, and even thunder caused by heavenly thunder tribulations.

In front of this sword, it will be difficult for lightning spells or magical powers below the fifth level to make a difference!

It can be said that in terms of power, this [Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword] is definitely the most powerful high-grade magic weapon that Zhou Chun has ever seen and owned.

But this sword is not without its shortcomings. It can even be said that the shortcomings are very obvious.

That consumes a lot of mana!

Zhou Chun tried it and found that the mana consumed by him to use this sword was nearly half as much as to use the [Dragon and Tiger Golden Ring], a set of magic weapons.

If the thunder dragon demon soul sealed by this sword is activated, 10% of his mana will be consumed every ten breaths of time it lasts. At most, it can only last for less than a hundred breaths before all of his mana is used up!

All in all, he consumes less mana to activate the [Moon Toad Orb]!

This does not mean that the [Tiangang Thunder Sword] is more powerful than the [Moon Toad Orb].

But the [Moon Toad Orb] is an external spiritual treasure that itself contains very abundant spiritual power. As long as the weapon spirit is willing to cooperate, Zhou Chun does not need to consume too much mana at all.

But when he activated the [Tiangang Thunder Sword], it completely consumed his own mana!

Therefore, Zhou Chun had to decide based on the actual situation whether to use this sword in battle.

And after all, he is not a thunder attribute martial arts monk, so he cannot exert the true power of this sword, nor can he upgrade its essence into a top-quality magic weapon.

It's okay to use it now, but in the future when Lei Jiao Bai Bai reaches the fourth level of middle grade, or even the fourth level of high grade, this sword will still have to be given to him to cultivate.

It is worth mentioning that it does not mean that monsters cannot be sacrificed and used magic weapons.

It's just that the monsters did not develop spiritual consciousness before the fifth level. Most of the magic weapons in their hands are not as useful as their own magical powers and physical bodies. Therefore, very few monsters will use human magic weapons.

However, the [Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword] is powerful after all. If the Thunder Dragon Baibai succeeds in the sacrifice, he can use this sword as an attack method when he is close to the enemy, so that there will be no situation where the magic weapon cannot hit the enemy.

This sword will be even more useful in the future when we go through the thunder tribulation of heaven!

Compared to the [Tiangang Thunder Sword], which consumes a lot of mana, the five-color scale armor named [Five-color Dragon Scale Armor] by Zhou Chun is relatively friendly.

This object is a piece of inner armor worn close to the body. It has an automatic protective effect. After encountering an attack, it will automatically condense a shield for defense. The condensed shield has all five elements and has a very good defensive effect against magic powers.

At the same time, the material of the inner armor itself can also withstand the sharp edge of the mid-grade flying sword magic weapon, giving the owner enough opportunities to counterattack and escape.

If Zhou Chun actively stimulates the embedded [Five Elements Orb] and pours mana into the armor, the defensive shield released by the armor can reach the defense strength of a top-grade magic weapon. Even a top-grade flying sword magic weapon cannot easily break the shield. to him.

As a result, Zhou Chun's defensive ability, which was somewhat weak compared to his offensive ability, has been strengthened at an epic level!

After thoroughly mastering and becoming familiar with the magical powers of the two magic weapons, Zhou Chun did not stay in the Tianhuo Sect any longer, and soon went to find the head of the Tianhuo Sect, Jin Xinglie, to resign.

"Thank you to Sect Leader Jin for your hospitality and help over the years. Now it's time for Zhang to go back. If Sect Master Jin or disciples of Tianhuo Sect need help in the Great Zhou Dynasty, they can go to Mingde Trading Company in Tianyuan Immortal City for help. At that time, as long as If I can help, Zhang will certainly not hesitate to help!”

In the main hall of the head of the Tianhuo Sect, Zhou Chun also gave a solemn salute to Jin Xinglie before leaving, thanking him for his hospitality and help in the past few years, and making some promises.

Zhou Chun knew in his heart that since Master Yan Cang did not take back the [Sky Fire Order] in his hand, it meant that he wanted the Sky Fire Sect to continue to maintain this good relationship with him.

Then he must reciprocate the favor and give something in return, even if it is a verbal promise!

And Jin Xinglie seemed to have received instructions from Master Yan Cang. At this time, he nodded with a solemn expression and said, "Jin will remember what Daoist Zhang said, and you will cherish it all the way!"

Then he personally sent Zhou Chun outside the mountain gate and watched him walk away.

Besides, after Zhou Chun left Tianhuo Gate, he didn't stay any longer at the Fire Basin Oasis. He just rode the Golden Winged Tiger and flew out of the Flowing Fire Sand Sea.

After the deal with Master Yancang was completely concluded, there was no point for him to stay in this world of immortal cultivation in the far west.

Now he just wants to go back to his family first to digest what he has gained over the years, and then go to Liang Kingdom's Mixian Ridge to bring back the golden-armored mountain turtle stone!

But unlike when he came, Zhou Chun only had to go all the way east when leaving the Flowing Fire Desert.

He now has a relatively detailed map of the eastern part of the Flowing Fire Desert. Except for a few places that need to be avoided to avoid trouble, most of the other so-called dangerous places can be visited directly.

But there is no need to look for a caravan to act as a guide because you don't know where the Fire Pot Oasis is in the sand sea like when you came here.

This has another advantage, the distance and time will be shortened a lot.

Even if you don't travel in a straight line, you only need to fly across the sea of ​​​​thousands of miles of sand to get out. At the flying speed of the Golden Winged Tiger, it only takes a few hours!

I saw a stream of cyan light passing through the sky from west to east thousands of feet high over the vast sea of ​​sand, flying at a balanced speed in the opposite direction to the sun.

Zhou Chun sat cross-legged on the back of the golden-winged tiger. It seemed that his eyes were closed, as if he was resting his mind, but in fact, his spiritual consciousness spread out and he was on guard all the way.

Although he didn't think in his heart that Master Yan Cang would betray the agreement in the [Netherworld Soul Contract] and reveal the news that he was carrying a valuable treasure, and he did not receive relevant feedback.

But in this sea of ​​​​fire and sand where he was most likely to be attacked, he still told himself not to be careless.

Be careful and you won’t make a big mistake!

Now he has a treasure that even many real people in the early stage of Nascent Soul cannot compare to.

Therefore, no matter how cautious you are, you can never be too cautious.

And just below the tens of feet of deep sand sea that Zhou Chun's spiritual consciousness cannot detect, an [Abyss Giant Beast] that makes the immortal cultivators of the Fire Kingdom change their colors upon hearing it, is traveling underground at the speed of the Golden Winged Tiger. .

On the back of this [Abyss Giant Beast], there are three immortal cultivators standing!

"This guy is really very vigilant. He didn't relax at all along the way. His consciousness was always on alert!"

On the back of [The Giant Beast of the Abyss], Xue Yan, who had red hair and purple eyes, looked up with gloomy eyes. He seemed to be able to see the figure of the man on the tiger's back through the thick red sand.

He has followed that figure for thousands of miles, but until now he has not found a good opportunity to strike.

And if you go thousands of miles further, you will leave the Sea of ​​Flowing Fire and Sand.

When he got outside, as the candidate of the Holy Fire Sect, he must not expose the matter of intercepting and killing the Golden Core monks from other places!

"Forget it, don't wait any longer, I'll take action to keep him by force!"

After chasing for hundreds of miles, Xue Yan finally gritted his teeth and made a decision that he would regret for the rest of his life!


I saw a sudden violent fluctuation of spiritual power from below the sand sea, and a khaki light pillar suddenly rose into the sky and shot straight towards the cyan stream of light in the sky.

But just when the khaki light beam was about to hit its target, the golden-winged tiger in the cyan stream of light suddenly disappeared in a flash, causing the light beam to miss.

Then dozens of feet away, the figures of Zhou Chun and Golden Winged Tiger appeared.

"Sure enough, I wasn't just unlucky last time, but I was already being targeted!"

Zhou Chun looked at the [Abyss Beast] that suddenly appeared below, and whispered to himself with a cold look in his eyes.

Then he raised his hand and put the Golden Winged Tiger away first.

At this time, the figures of Xue Yan and the others had quickly risen into the air and wrapped around him.

Zhou Chun looked around and saw that among the three of them, except Xue Yan, who was in the late stage of Jindan, the old man in yellow surnamed Du and another beautiful woman in red with a hot figure were both in the middle stage of Jindan.

And he had met these three people at that exchange meeting before!

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