Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 598: Kill powerful enemies in succession【Please subscribe】

Sea of ​​flowing fire and sand.

When Xue Yan showed up with someone, Zhou Chun finally knew who was the person who plotted against him last time.

At the same time, he seemed to understand why even though he could make a lot of money by coming to Huo Luo Kingdom to exchange with the monks here, there were not a large number of monks coming to "dig for gold".

But what he didn't expect was that even though he had kept a very low profile, he would still be treated as a fat sheep!

His eyes swept over the three of them, and finally landed on Xue Yan, who had red hair and purple eyes, and said, "Fellow Daoist Xue acted like this. It seems that the Holy Fire Sect has been rejected and boycotted by all the countries in the world of immortality in the far west. It is not without reason! "

"How dare you show off your words when you are about to die!"

The old man in yellow clothes surnamed Du sneered, his eyes filled with pride.

He had been squatting near the gate of Tianhuo Gate for the past few years, fearing that Zhou Chun would suddenly leave without enough time to report the news.

As soon as Zhou Chun went out this time, he immediately informed Xue Yan as quickly as possible, and the latter also quickly rushed over with the [Abyss Beast] as quickly as possible.

Now Xue Yan finally took action and intercepted Zhou Chun here.

In the eyes of the old man in yellow surnamed Du, Zhou Chun is already a dead man!

He clearly knew how strong Xue Yan was, not to mention that he and the beautiful woman in red were assisting him, as well as the [Abyss Beast], a fourth-level mid-level monster.

With such a luxurious lineup, even if Zhou Chun has the strength of a late-stage Jindan monk, he is definitely dead!

"Stop talking nonsense and just do it!"

Xue Yan frowned and spoke in a deep voice, interrupting the sarcasm that the old man in yellow surnamed Du was about to say.

For some reason, Zhou Chun's reaction made him feel a little uneasy.

Recalling some of the warnings given by Junior Brother Han, he decided to make a quick decision.

After he finished speaking, he immediately took action one after another, using several extraordinary magic weapons in one go.


But when Xue Yan's consciousness moved, fire suddenly appeared on a fiery red bronze mirror magic weapon, and a fiery red light beam instantly broke through the air and came to Zhou Chun.

However, Zhou Chun had already activated the golden ring on his hand, the [Dragon and Tiger Golden Ring], and a golden dragon shadow transformed into a ring to protect him, blocking the fiery red light beam.

At the same time, he raised his hand and patted the spirit beast bag on his waist, and the Fire Phoenix appeared on the battlefield with a clear cry.

"Oh, a fourth-level fire phoenix with good bloodline, is this your trump card?"

Xue Yan glanced at the fiery red phoenix bird and spoke calmly.

Then with a look from his eyes, the old man in yellow surnamed Du laughed and activated an earth-yellow gourd magic weapon, spurting out grains of divine sand with flashing yellow light and sweeping toward the Fire Phoenix of Hell.

At the same time, the [Abyss Giant Beast] also activated its innate magical power, condensing a giant dragon of yellow sand and pounced on the Hell Fire Phoenix.

With the restraints of this man and a demon, it would be good if the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix could protect itself. Don't even think about giving Zhou Chun any help!

But Zhou Chun soon made Xue Yan realize that he didn't need any help!

After he released the Hell Fire Phoenix, he used his magic power to activate the silver ring he wore on his other hand. The silver ring suddenly flashed with silver light and transformed into a silver giant tiger that swooped out and charged with the beautiful woman in red. A fire phoenix transformed into a magic weapon fought in a group.

Immediately afterwards, his natal magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of Ten Thousand Transformations] rose into the air again, transformed into a golden spear under the stimulation of his spell and shot towards the beautiful woman in red.

Judging from his appearance, he seemed to be preparing to deal with the beautiful woman in red first, who was obviously much weaker.

"How brave!"

Xue Yan, who was ignored, shouted lowly, pinched the magic weapon in his hand, and a ball of purple flame suddenly emerged from his hand, and then turned into a lifelike purple fire dragon and rushed towards Zhou Chun.

At the same time, he was distracted, and a red-gold flying sword suddenly flashed through the air. In the blink of an eye, it caught up with the golden spear and chopped it off with one sword!

Zhou Chun frowned, and immediately used the secret technique silently, opening his mouth and spitting out a stream of white cold air towards the purple fire dragon.

But what surprised him slightly was that the cold air hitting the purple fire dragon only made it slightly sluggish and did not damage its fundamental appearance.

And when this object jumped in front of him and clashed with the golden dragon ring that protected him, the golden dragon ring, which was actually a top-grade magic weapon, was quickly dimmed by the aura refined by the flames, and it seemed that it could not last long. look like.

"This kind of flame..."

Zhou Chun seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes suddenly filled with fear when he looked at the purple flame.

If his guess was correct, this kind of flame might be related to the rumored holy fire of the Holy Fire Sect!

It is said that the Holy Fire Sect is called this name because the sect enshrines a holy fire with overwhelming power. It is said that this fire is not from this world, but a kind of fairy fire from the upper world that has flowed into this world. It has infinite power. !

There are even rumors that the god-transformation venerable in the history of the Holy Fire Sect was able to advance to god-transformation because of the help of this holy fire.

If the flame magical power that Xue Yan mastered was related to the holy fire, then it would be normal for the golden dragon ring to be unable to block its power.

So it's normal that the cold air he exhaled earlier didn't have the expected effect.

But in this case, Zhou Chun could no longer continue to be entangled with Xue Yan, and he had to make a quick decision!

After he had this thought in his mind, he immediately used the secret technique silently and opened his mouth again to spit out a white cold air that was much stronger than before.

Under the freezing cold air, the fierce power of the purple flame was finally curbed a lot.

Zhou Chun also quickly activated the [Five-color Dragon Scale Armor], a defensive magic weapon, with all his strength. A burst of colorful light suddenly rose from his body, turning into a five-color light shield to protect himself within it.

Then he took back the golden dragon ring, raised his hand and touched the storage bag on his waist, and a silver-white flying sword appeared in front of him.

"This flying sword..."

As soon as the [Tiangang Thunder Sword] came out, Xue Yan's eyes suddenly focused, as if he felt the power of the silver-white flying sword.

But before he could make a move, Zhou Chun had already drawn his sword!

There was a flash of silver thunderbolt, and the silver-white flying sword suddenly disappeared from Zhou Chun. In a flash, it appeared in front of the beautiful woman in red who was thousands of feet away.

At the same moment, three invisible swords emerged from Zhou Chun's eyebrows, and silently struck the beautiful woman in red.

Since Zhou Chun successfully practiced the third-level "God-killing Technique", this is the first time it has been used on a golden elixir stage monk.

And the results achieved are also somewhat unexpectedly good.

The beautiful woman in red, who was in the middle stage of Golden Core cultivation, was hit by three "god-killing swords" at the same time. She screamed and fell into a state of temporary confusion.

Then the silver-white flying sword flashed to her side and easily tore through the fiery red clouds protecting her body, cutting her in half at the waist.

Then the lightning exploded, and the remaining power of thunder and lightning not only shook her soul away, but also burned the body to charcoal!

One sword!

Just one sword!

A monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core became Zhou Chun's dead soul under the sword, and became the sacrifice of the flying sword [Tiangang Thunder Sword]!

This scene was so shocking that Xue Yan was stunned.

After he was in a daze for several breaths, he suddenly came back to his senses, looked at Zhou Chun and shouted angrily: "You are so brave, how dare you kill my elder of the Holy Fire Sect and Junior Sister Yuan!"

Before he could finish his shout, he saw him making seals with both hands, and with a rush of magic power, the purple fire dragon, which had been weakened by Zhou Chun's cold breath, suddenly gained momentum and instantly turned into a purple fire ring, trapping Zhou Chun in it and training it fiercely. Melted up.

Then he used his magic power to activate the fiery red bronze mirror magic weapon, and a ball of red-purple fire light spurted out from it. In an instant, it turned into a red-purple rainbow light hole and shot on the five-color light mask. It directly blasted a gap out of the five-color mask!

The purple flame suddenly surged along the gap toward Zhou Chun inside, like a tarsal maggot.

Fortunately, Zhou Chun activated the [Moon Toad Orb] in time to display the magical power of "Taiyin Body Protective Fairy Clothes", which blocked the fierce power of the purple flames.

And since he had even used the [Tiangang Thunder Sword] and [Moon Toad Orb], Zhou Chun certainly wouldn't hold anything back.

Since the sea of ​​flowing fire and sand was very unfavorable to his transformation into the Moon Toad, Zhou Chun directly chose to activate the thunder dragon demon soul within the [Tiangang Thunder Sword].

But seeing him spit out a mouthful of essence and blood onto the flying silver-white flying sword, he pressed the sword with both hands, and the magic power in his body was suddenly drawn out by the sword like a flood.

Immediately, a clear and long dragon roar sounded over the battlefield, and the silver-white flying sword instantly burst out with dazzling silver lightning, directly transforming into a thunder and lightning sword dragon that was more than ten feet long!

not good! !

Seeing the appearance of the Thunder Stegosaurus, Xue Yan suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart, and his heart was beating with fear.

He is not an ignorant person. He can see how powerful this thunder sword dragon is. He knows that if he doesn't use his trump card, he may not be able to block the fierce power of this sword with only a top-grade defensive magic weapon!

Therefore, without any hesitation, he directly waved his hand and took out a talisman to activate it.

The talisman that can be used as a trump card by Xue Yan will certainly not be an ordinary talisman, but a talisman refined from the best magic weapon.

Moreover, it is a talisman that contains 30% of the power of the best magic weapon!

After this treasure was sacrificed by Xue Yan, it immediately turned into a red-gold flaming copper tripod and floated in the sky.

Then a ball of red-gold flame flew out from the copper cauldron, turning into a red-gold flame Suan Ni and facing the charging Thunder Sword Dragon.

Immediately, as if thunder from the sky collided with fire on the ground, the lightning sword dragon and the red-gold flame Suanni clashed in mid-air. The powerful aftermath of mana tore the clouds in the sky, rendering the sky into silvery white and red gold.

Silver thunder and lightning and red-gold flames splashed all over the sky, leaving a big crater in the sea of ​​sand instantly after falling on the ground.

Fortunately, the sand sea was already deserted, so this damage was nothing at all.

If you put it in that kind of mountains and forests, I'm afraid the mountains and the earth will collapse because of this fight!

But in fact, the Flame Suanni is no match for the Thunder Stegosaurus!

It is said that the thunder and lightning sword dragon transformed into the [Tiangang Thunder Sword] is comparable to the power of the best magic weapon, which is naturally an exaggeration.

But in fact, it must have more than half of the power of the best magic weapon!

The talisman that Xue Yan activated only had 30% of the power of the best talisman!

This 20% difference in power will soon become apparent in a close fight.

I saw that the Thunder Sword Dragon and the Flame Suanni had been fighting in mid-air for more than ten breaths, and then they became smaller and smaller. No matter how much Xue Yan increased his magic power, they could not be restored.

This is because the power of the talisman is consumed too much, causing the source of the talisman to evaporate rapidly.

In the final analysis, a talisman is not a magic weapon after all. No matter how powerful it is, it is a rootless tree, and its sustainability is far inferior to that of a real magic weapon.

If you bully a cultivator who has no reciprocal means, you can kill all around and intimidate the group of cultivators.

When encountering a stronger opponent, the word "talisman" in the talisman truly reveals the true meaning of this treasure. It is just a talisman that can be used repeatedly several times!

Such a situation also made Xue Yan's expression change drastically and he was extremely shocked.

Although he saw the extraordinary power of the Thunder Stegosaurus, he actually underestimated its power.

At this time, seeing that his talisman could no longer hold up, he could only grit his teeth and take out another magical talisman to activate it.

But he saw a khaki aura rising into the sky, quickly forming a canopy and falling on Xue Yan's head, with wisps of yellow clouds hanging down to protect him inside.

After the Thunder and Lightning Sword Dragon completely defeated the Flame Suanni, it was blocked by this magical power again.

But both Zhou Chun and Xue Yan knew that this magical secret talisman made by the real Yuanyingqi could only block the Thunder and Lightning Sword Dragon for a moment!

After all, according to common sense, the best magic weapon is a treasure that can only be possessed by real people in the Nascent Soul stage.

Even if Zhou Chun's [Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword] is not as good as the best magic weapon, it is still a nearly invincible power in the golden elixir stage. It doesn't take much effort to kill ordinary late-stage golden elixir monks.

Just a magical secret talisman, if it can withstand more than ten breaths of time, it is considered very good.

So after Xue Yan activated the magical secret talisman, he immediately raised his hand without hesitation and took back the red-gold flying sword and the fiery red bronze mirror magic weapon, and also took away the golden shield magic weapon that was originally used to protect him. Also took it back.


When Zhou Chun saw this scene, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he instantly saw Xue Yan's thoughts.

"Are you trying to escape?"

This thought flashed through his mind, and he wanted to stop it, but found that he seemed powerless.

Now he has to supply most of his mana with the [Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword], and Xue Yan is guarded by the magical secret talisman. Even if he is distracted and uses the [Moon Toad Orb] to display the "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light", it may not be possible. It can break the defense of that yellow canopy with one blow.

On the contrary, it will completely expose the fact that he is carrying a spiritual treasure!

While he was hesitating, Xue Yan had already finished casting the spell after taking back the magic weapon.

But his face instantly turned pale, and his breath suddenly became sluggish, as if his vitality had been severely damaged.

Immediately afterwards, a ball of flames as red as blood rose from his body, instantly wrapping him up into the sky. In the blink of an eye, he had flown hundreds of miles away, and continued to fly away at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye!

This speed has exceeded the scope of the Golden Core stage, and has definitely reached the flight speed of a real person in the Nascent Soul stage!

Not to mention Zhou Chun, even if the thunder dragon is here in vain, facing this person's speed, he will definitely be unable to catch up.

Therefore, Zhou Chun just glanced at the escaping light that quickly disappeared into the distance, then turned his sword light and commanded the Thunder and Lightning Sword Dragon to kill the [Abyss Giant Beast].

This beast and the old man in yellow surnamed Du were attacking the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix. The two suppressed the Fire Phoenix until it could hardly lift its head. They could only rely on the flying monster's speed advantage to dodge it.

When Xue Yan ran away, he obviously notified the beast.

When Zhou Chun turned his sword light, the beast had already penetrated into the sand.

It's a pity that it completely underestimated the power of Thunder Stegosaurus!

I saw the Thunder Stegosaurus diving towards the ground. In the flash of silver lightning, it instantly melted the red sand into magma, and in the blink of an eye it penetrated tens of feet underground.

After a moment, the Thunderbolt Stegosaurus flew out from the ground and turned into a silver-white flying sword again and returned to Zhou Chun's hand.

Zhou Chun raised his hand to grab the silver-white flying sword, and in a blink of an eye he looked at the old man named Du in yellow who was trying to escape.

After feeling his cold gaze, the old man in yellow clothes surnamed Du suddenly trembled in his heart and shouted hurriedly: "Spare your life! Fellow Daoist Zhang, have mercy on me. Du and Daoyou Zhang have no enmity. All of this was instigated by Xue Yan." , it was Xue Yan and the people from the Holy Fire Sect who arranged for Du to spy on and kill fellow Taoist fellows!"

At this moment, the old man in yellow surnamed Du was already frightened to death by Zhou Chun's horrific performance.

From the previous instant kill of the beautiful woman in red, to the powerful defeat of Xue Yan, the candidate for the Holy Son of the Holy Fire Cult, forcing the opponent to use secret techniques that greatly damaged his vitality to escape.

The powerful strength shown by Zhou Chun simply exceeded the imagination of the old man named Du in yellow.

He couldn't believe how there could be such a powerful Golden Core monk in the world!

They were both in the middle stage of Golden Core cultivation, so the gap in strength between him and Zhou Chun was as huge as a Golden Core monk and a Zifu monk.

So when Zhou Chun looked at him, even though he was still running away, he was already frightened and shouted for mercy.

But how could Zhou Chun spare his life!

I saw Zhou Chun making spells with his hands and casting spells. His figure instantly turned into a golden light and disappeared from the place. In the blink of an eye, he appeared more than seventy miles away.

Then he followed the same pattern and cast the spell again, appearing directly in front of where the old man in yellow clothes surnamed Du was escaping.

Now that the road was blocked, and there was a Fire Phoenix chasing behind him, the old man in yellow clothes named Du couldn't help but show a look of despair.

Zhou Chun had no intention of talking nonsense with him. When he threw the flying sword in his hand again, the sword immediately turned into a silver-white lightning and shot towards the old man in yellow surnamed Du.

At this time, the old man in yellow clothes surnamed Du seemed to still want to struggle. He hurriedly moved a yellow-brown round shield magic weapon to block him. At the same time, he condensed the sacred sand in the gourd magic weapon into a quicksand shield to protect himself. Inside.

But as the silver-white lightning flashed, the round shield magic weapon was broken into countless pieces on the spot, and then most of the quicksand shield was blown away by the power of thunder and lightning attached to the sword.

Before the old man in yellow clothes surnamed Du inside could use other methods, a silver-white arc of lightning struck him on the head, causing him to fall to the ground with a scream as his head emitted smoke.

And this was the result of Zhou Chunjian's mercy.

Otherwise, he would have turned into a corpse by now!

After capturing the old man in yellow surnamed Du in this way, Zhou Chun first locked him with the golden ring of the [Dragon and Tiger Golden Ring], banned his cultivation, and then flew to the place where the Thunderbolt Sword Dragon had emerged from under the sand sea.

Of course, the previous sword strike was not without success. On the contrary, it had successfully killed the [Abyss Beast] that could not escape.

It's just that the beast was huge, and after killing it underground, Zhou Chun didn't have time to collect the body.

Now that the enemies are dead, they are running away, and they are being captured, he finally has time to collect the spoils of war!

After a while, the huge corpse of [Abyss Beast] was moved from the underground to the ground by Zhou Chun.

This beast is more than a hundred feet long and was originally known for its tenacious vitality. It is said that even if it is cut into two pieces, it will still have a chance to survive and grow a new body.

But unfortunately it was unlucky and met the Thunder Stegosaurus.

When the Thunder Stegosaurus tore its body apart, the powerful thunder and lightning power it possessed immediately surged in along the wound, directly scorching all the organs in its body and completely cutting off its vitality.

The corpse brought up by Zhou Chun at this time, except for the most defensive skin, which was still mostly intact, a lot of the flesh and blood inside was actually burnt.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun simply turned his natal magic weapon [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] into a flying sword, first chopped off the beast's head, put the demon pill away, then dug out all the beast meat inside and threw it to the ground. Only a huge animal skin was left.

This animal hide is very hard, thick, and covered with long hair, so it may not be suitable for refining into inner armor.

But Zhou Chun happens to know a way to exert its effect, and that is to use it to refine the puppet outer armor!

He had seen various puppets from the Yuan Puppet Sect and knew that some animal-shaped puppets would use monster skins to refine the outside world to add an extra layer of protection to the puppets.

Anyway, the puppet is huge, even if it wears such an outer armor, it will not affect its movement.

With the quality and huge size of the skin left on the [Abyss Beast], Zhou Chun felt that it would not be difficult to exchange it with the Yuan Puppet Sect for a fourth-level puppet.

After disposing of the huge corpse of the [Abyss Beast] in this way, Zhou Chun picked up the belongings of the beautiful woman in red who was instantly killed by his sword, and then let the Fire Phoenix burn the body with a ball of fire. ash.

After doing all this, Zhou Chuncai directly took the old man surnamed Du in yellow and landed on the back of the Fire Phoenix, letting it fly away from the sea of ​​flowing fire and sand at the fastest speed.

This time, he beheaded a golden elixir elder of the Holy Fire Sect, and forced Xue Yan, the candidate of the Holy Fire Sect, to use an escape technique that greatly damaged his vitality to escape. Zhou Chun knew that he had completely offended the Holy Fire Sect to death.

Therefore, he must leave this sea of ​​flowing fire and sand in time before the real person from the Nascent Soul Stage of the Holy Fire Sect arrives.

Fortunately, this place is already less than two thousand miles away from the border of the Sand Sea, and the beautiful woman in red is not Xue Yan, the candidate for the Holy Son, so her status is relatively not that important.

Even if the Holy Fire Sect discovers that the soul card left in the sect is broken, it is estimated that they will not immediately alert the Yuanying period masters and follow the induction to chase him. At least they should go through the process to find out where he is, and then Report to the real person Yuanyingqi step by step.

Taking into account the distance between Tianluo Oasis and the incident site, Zhou Chun should have been able to leave the Sea of ​​Flowing Fire Sand Sea before the Holy Fire Cult Nascent Soul Realm caught up with him!

From this aspect, Xue Yan's successful escape was not entirely a bad thing for him.

The opponent is a candidate for the Holy Son of the Holy Fire Cult, and his status is extraordinary. He may have some means left on him. If he kills him, he may not be able to escape!

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