Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 599 Returning to the family, nine years of changes [Please subscribe for the big chapter]

In the far west, above a certain barren mountain.

As a golden ray of light descended from the sky, Zhou Chun, carrying an old man named Du in yellow clothes, landed on a desolate stone mountain.

This place is thousands of miles away from the Sea of ​​Flowing Fire and Sand, and during Zhou Chun's time, he transformed into a moon toad and traveled hundreds of miles across a river.

Even if a real person from the Nascent Soul stage catches up afterwards, without being able to lock his soul, it should be difficult to track his whereabouts with just his breath.

So Zhou Chun was ready to stay here for half a day to recover his mana and deal with some things.

Time was running out, and Zhou Chun did not open any temporary caves as usual. Instead, with a quick sweep of his consciousness, he found a natural cave, drove away the few beasts living inside, and then released the golden-winged tiger to protect the cave outside.

Inside the cave, Zhou Chun was sitting cross-legged, holding a piece of spiritual crystal in each hand to absorb the spiritual power and meditating to restore his mana. The unconscious old man in yellow clothes named Du was thrown aside.

After meditating like this for almost two hours, after recovering 30 to 40% of the almost exhausted mana in his body, Zhou Chun suddenly opened his eyes and put away the spiritual crystal in his hand that was severely depleted of spiritual power.

Then he glanced at the old man named Du in yellow who was still in a coma. Without hesitation, he immediately put his hand on his head and forcibly started searching for his soul.

The old man in yellow clothes surnamed Du is a monk in the middle stage of Jindan. Although his strength is not very good in Zhou Chun's eyes, he is in the same realm as him after all.

If it were an ordinary mid-stage golden elixir monk, there would be no chance of successfully searching its soul.

However, Zhou Chun's spiritual consciousness is powerful and he has reached the late stage of Jindan, so he can give it a try.

After such an attempt, Zhou Chun himself turned pale from the struggle with the spirit and will of the old man in yellow surnamed Du, his back was soaked with sweat, and he looked like he was exhausted.

But fortunately, he still managed to obtain the information he wanted to know after consuming a lot of spiritual power.

He casually shot out a ray of golden light that pierced the sea of ​​consciousness of the old man in yellow clothes named Du, wiping out his soul and consciousness. Then he lowered his head and thought about the information he had just obtained.

Because the old man in yellow surnamed Du had strong conscious resistance, Zhou Chun's soul search was very unsatisfactory, and he only got some scattered useful information after all the hard work.

According to the information obtained from Soul Search, the old man in yellow surnamed Du is indeed a casual cultivator recruited by the Holy Fire Sect. He often helps the Holy Fire Sect to go to the Flowing Fire Sand Sea to exchange for various training resources, and helps them to kill Zhou Chun. A golden elixir stage monk who traveled from afar.

At the exchange meeting that day, this person sent a message to Zhou Chun to meet him, and he was indeed instructed by Xue Yan.

However, the information about the "Emperor's Liquid" mentioned by the other party at that time was not purely fictitious!

According to the information obtained by the old man in yellow surnamed Du, there is a fourth-level high-grade monster [Binghuo Shencrow] in the Holy Fire Sect that is ready to survive the thunder tribulation of heaven, and the Holy Fire Sect also intends to help this monster successfully survive the tribulation.

If this demon really survives the thunder tribulation of heaven, then the vision of the God-given "Emperor's Odor" will naturally appear. At that time, it will be easy for the Yuanying Stage real people of the Holy Fire Sect to intercept part of the "Emperor's Ooze" and fall into their hands. Things.

This "Emperor's Liquid" is a real wonder of heaven and earth. It has a great nourishing effect on the fifth-level demon king. If monsters below fourth-level can refine some of this kind of spiritual object, the possibility of breaking through to fourth-level will be greatly increased. .

Even fourth-level monsters can have various benefits by refining such spiritual objects.

The biggest benefit is the opportunity to use the power of "Emperor's Liquid" to refine the bones in the throat and gain the ability to speak human words.

In addition, "Emperor Ooze" can also make monsters wiser and increase their spiritual intelligence.

Unfortunately, even if he knew this information, Zhou Chun seemed to have no chance of getting the "Emperor's Liquid".

Let's not talk about whether [Binghuo Divine Crow] can successfully survive the thunder tribulation of heaven. Even if it successfully survives, a large part of the "Emperor's Liquid" dropped from the sky will definitely be refined by it and used to lay the foundation of its own fifth-level demon king. .

Even if part of the rest is intercepted, it is estimated that it will fall into the hands of the Nascent Soul stage real people of the Holy Fire Sect.

Judging from the behavior of the Holy Fire Sect, not to mention that Zhou Chun has offended this sect to death, even if he has not and successfully exchanged other treasures for the "Emperor Ooze", he is afraid that he will still be blackmailed later!

"After all, my cultivation is not strong enough!"

Shaking his head, Zhou Chun sighed and stopped thinking about the "Emperor's Liquid".

He quickly burned the body of the old man in yellow surnamed Du to ashes with a ball of fire, then rode on the golden-winged tiger and left the place.

A few days later, Zhou Chun arrived at a large market and settled there to rest.

In a secret room, Zhou Chun was sitting cross-legged, with several storage bags placed in front of him, which were the relics of the two Golden Core monks he had killed before.

However, he was not in a hurry to check these relics, but first took out the [Tiangang Thunder Sword] for inspection.

In the previous battle on the Flowing Fire and Sand Sea, this sword showed great power and helped him defeat powerful enemies, showing that he was as good as the best magic weapon!

But after its glory, this sword now looks a little dull.

After the thunder dragon demon soul sealed in the sword exploded and accumulated, it can no longer be awakened and stimulated. It will take time to accumulate before it can regain its strength.

If Zhou Chun is a monk with thunder attribute skills, he may be able to recover in ten or eight years with careful cultivation.

But alas he is not.

Then this sword may not be able to exert such power again for twenty or thirty years.

Fortunately, with Zhou Chun's current strength, the situation where he needs to activate the Thunder Dragon Demonic Soul should be very rare, and he also has the [Moon Toad Orb], so there is no need to care too much about this gain or loss.

After checking it at this time, he put the sword into his body and slowly cultivated it.

Then Zhou Chuncai picked up the storage bag on the ground and cracked it open one by one to inspect the treasures inside.

After some inspection and counting, Zhou Chun's harvest was calculated.

In this battle, he killed two middle-stage Jindan monks and a fourth-order middle-grade monster.

A total of five complete magic weapons were harvested, including three mid-grade magic weapons, two low-grade magic weapons, and a fourth-level mid-grade earth attribute demon pill!

Among the three middle-grade magic weapons, two are natal magic weapons.

One is the yellow gourd magic weapon used by the old man in yellow surnamed Du, named [Wutu Divine Sand Gourd]. The "Wutu Divine Sand" inside is refined and cultivated with secret methods. It integrates offense and defense, and is very mysterious.

If Zhou Chun hadn't encountered the [Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword], a high-grade magic weapon, it would have been really difficult for Zhou Chun to capture and kill this man alive.

It is a pity that after the death of the old man in yellow surnamed Du, he did not use his own skills and secrets to refine the "Wutu Divine Sand". In the future, the sacred sand in the gourd will be reduced one by one. After using up, this treasure will basically be regarded as useless. It's useless, and its power is probably not as powerful as ordinary low-grade magic weapons.

Another natal magic weapon comes from a beautiful woman in red. It is a fiery red hairpin magic weapon. This magic weapon is a flying sword type. Its power is not bad, but its style may not be liked by some male cultivators.

The last remaining medium-grade magic weapon also came from the beautiful woman in red. It was a fiery red chain. It should be a binding magic weapon. I didn't see it being used at that time, maybe because I didn't find the opportunity to use it.

Unexpectedly, she was instantly killed by Zhou Chun before she even had a chance to use this magic weapon.

As for the two low-grade magic weapons, one came from a beautiful woman in red and was a bronze dressing mirror. Its power was mediocre and she had never been seen using it.

One piece came from an old man named Du in yellow clothes. It was a khaki stone stick magic weapon that had been used to attack the Fire Phoenix of Hell.

In addition to these magic weapons, two golden elixir stage monks also contributed four fourth-level magic talismans to Zhou Chun, including a fourth-level mid-level defensive magic talisman, eight magic weapons and spiritual materials, a dozen thousand-year-old elixirs, and a dozen third-level magic talismans. Utensils and various sundries.

Generally speaking, there are not many things in their storage bags, which is somewhat inconsistent with their mid-stage Golden Core cultivation.

I guess he was either really poor, or he deliberately cleaned his storage bag before going out and didn't bring some important things with him.

Zhou Chun didn't pay too much attention to it. Anyway, he had gained a lot from getting a few magic weapons, and the others were just tacks on.

Speaking of which, the number of various unused magic weapons that Zhou Chun has accumulated in his hands is now approaching ten. Except for a few magic weapons that are ready to be replaced by Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi, most of the magic weapons can be disposed of.

So now he looked at the magic weapons in his hands and quickly had some thoughts in his mind.

After resting in Fangshi for more than half a month, Zhou Chun set out on his way home again.

On the way back to Jingguo, Zhou Chun did not try to cross the Nieling Canyon again, but preferred to spend two or three more months taking a long way around this dangerous area.

By the time Zhou Chun returned to Jingguo, nine years had passed since he left the family!

After returning to the family this time, Zhou Chun no longer concealed the fact that his cultivation level had reached the middle stage of the Golden Core.

It has been more than a hundred years since he successfully formed the elixir. Although it is surprising that his cultivation has reached the middle stage of the golden elixir, considering that he formed the elixir in his early 200s, it is not too bizarre. It just makes people envious of his luck. That’s all.

And with Zhou Chun's current cultivation strength, as long as he doesn't attract the attention of real people in the Nascent Soul stage, he doesn't have to worry about what other Jindan stage monks think of him.

Whether they are envious or jealous, anyone who dares to provoke him will only regret it in the end!

Although Zhou Chun had been away from the family for nine years, because he had been in seclusion and going out for many years before, the Zhou family members were not surprised by this, and there was no disturbance caused by his return.

After all, with his current status and cultivation, he is already at a completely different level from the majority of middle and low-level tribesmen. Whether he is in the family or out, he will not affect the lives of these middle- and low-level tribesmen. Anyway, he usually does not There will be intersection.

Just like those countries in his previous life, no matter whether the head of state is at home or visiting abroad, it has nothing to do with ordinary people. After all, it is difficult for the two to intersect.

However, nine years is a long time after all, and the changes that have taken place in the Zhou family and even Jingguo are not small.

Among them, the Zhou family has added two new monks from the Zifu period, namely Zhou Zhiying, Zhou Chun's disciple, and Zhou Simiao, who is from the "Si" generation.

The success of these two people in opening up the Zifu also broke the embarrassing situation of not having any Zifu-level monks in their respective generations.

And with the success of these two people in opening the Zifu, including Zhang Liang and Xu Fu's two relatives, the number of Zifu monks in the Zhou family has reached ten!

Ten monks of the Purple Mansion Stage, this number is considered a just right number for the Zhou family.

If there are too many Zifu monks, it will not greatly improve the overall strength of the family, because the Zhou family does not have much land to accommodate these Zifu monks, and it is easy to form a "surplus talent" phenomenon.

As for maintaining this number of Zifu stage monks, then we can select two or three monks who are expected to form elixirs among them and focus on training to see if we can cultivate another golden elixir stage monk for the family.

This method of concentrating resources to cultivate outstanding geniuses is the best way for a cultivating family to ensure its family inheritance. It is also an advantage that family monks have over most sects.

There are ten Zifu stage monks and more than fifty Foundation Establishment stage monks. This is the Zhou family's greatest heritage now!

As long as there are no special circumstances that cause these people to suffer a lot of losses, with the resources the Zhou family has today, there is a high probability that one or two more Golden Core monks can be cultivated from them.

This does not include Zhou Zhiying, a tribesman who will definitely succeed in forming the elixir.

It can be said that the current Zhou family, even without Zhou Chun, without considering external influences, can still be like the Zhou family of the Sanjue Sect two thousand years ago, allowing the family to continue to be a golden elixir family for another thousand or two thousand years!

"This is all due to you, Masazumi!"

"If it weren't for the spiritual objects you brought back to help open up the Purple Mansion, and those foundation-building pills, the number of these juniors would have been reduced by at least half!"

"My Zhou family is so lucky to have an outstanding member like you!"

When Zhou Chun asked Zhou Mingde about his family's situation, Zhou Mingde also sighed with emotion.

This was not the first time he had said similar words in front of Zhou Chun.

But every time he thought of the changes that had occurred in the Zhou family because of Zhou Chun, he felt grateful to Zhou Chun from the bottom of his heart, and was extremely grateful for his original choice.

If he hadn't believed Zhou Daoyi's recommendation and given Zhou Chun full support and full trust, I'm afraid Zhou Chun wouldn't have given back to the family so wholeheartedly after he became more prosperous!

This is often the case. One decision, one choice, will change a person's destiny and the destiny of a force!

In the face of Zhou Mingde's emotional praise, Zhou Chunye said half-humbly and half-seriously: "You are serious. The family's current heritage and achievements are inseparable from the dedication and hard work of you and other clan members." Work hard, if those clan members themselves are not good enough and work hard, even if the younger generation can provide some resources for the family, there is a high probability that they will not be able to support them!"

A person's success requires hard work and opportunity.

If an individual does not work hard enough, even if an opportunity arises, he may not be able to seize it.

It's like studying. If an individual doesn't work hard, no matter how good the school is, or the best teachers are hired, he won't be able to become famous!

Therefore, Zhou Chun knew very well that he could not deny the efforts of his juniors just because of the resources he provided.

It can only be said that those younger generations are very lucky to be born in a good era. With their own efforts, they can relatively easily obtain the opportunity to build a foundation within the family and open up the Zifu.

"Zhengchun, if you think like this, I will be even more ashamed of myself!!"

Zhou Mingde looked at Zhou Chun with an moved expression, and was extremely impressed by his views and broadmindedness.

Zhou Chun just smiled and didn't mention it again.

After talking about the changes in the Zhou family, and then talking about the changes in Jingguo, Zhou Chun's expression gradually became serious.

The biggest change in Jingguo during these nine years was the death of the last headmaster of the Moon Lun Sect who failed to conceive a baby!

According to the internal information that the Zhou family learned through Su Yuniang, the real person in charge of the teaching, like the original Taoist Qingchen of Qinglian Temple, both fell into the "Heart Demon Tribulation".

This is also the most common way of death for many monks who have taken the path of transforming elixirs and forming babies.

However, Zhou Chun did not expect that this master with the best spiritual root qualifications would also fall at the stage of transforming elixirs and forming babies.

In this way, he gained a new understanding of the difficulty of transforming elixirs into babies.

Maybe in the future, if he wants to transform into a pill and form a baby, he really needs to pay special attention to the dangers of the "Heart Demon Tribulation" level.

And the failure of this real master to conceive a baby had far-reaching consequences.

You must know that even for a large force like the Lunar Sect, the resources that can help conceive a baby are very scarce, and it may take hundreds of years to get together.

And based on the qualifications and identity of the real person in charge, he must have used all the resources of the Moon Wheel Sect when he gave birth to a baby.

Now that he failed to conceive a baby and died, it means that in the next hundreds of years, the Moon Wheel Sect will have difficulty obtaining resources for conceiving babies through conventional accumulation methods to support other Jindan elders in the sect to conceive babies.

But at the same time, the Yuelun Sect's Yuanying stage elder who was about to expire could not delay it any longer.

When the Yuanying Stage Supreme Elder also passed away, the Yuelun Sect was left with only two Yuanying Stage masters, who happened to be exactly the same as the Yanyang Sect.

In this way, no one can say whether the current situation in Jingguo will remain as stable as it is now.

"Unrest is both a danger and an opportunity!"

"Although the wilderness is vast and rich, it cannot see the light after all. If our Zhou family wants to go further and truly reach the top level of the country, we must not be trapped in this small Tuyun Ridge!"

Zhou Chun murmured to himself, looking towards the east unknowingly.

That is the direction of the Qinglian Mountains in Lianzhou!

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde instantly understood what he meant, and was also shocked by his thoughts.

She couldn't help but look at him with shock on her face and said, "Masachun, you want to take advantage of Qinglian Temple? Is this possible?"

“Whether it works or not, you won’t know until you try it!”

Zhou Chun said calmly.

Then he turned his eyes and looked towards the northeast, which was the direction of Tianjing Villa.

"Do you want our Zhou family to turn to Master Tianjing? Let him take over the Qinglian Mountains?"

Zhou Mingde's mind moved, and he seemed to have guessed Zhou Chun's thoughts, and couldn't help blurting out his inner guess.

But Zhou Chun shook his head slightly and said: "No, Master Tianjing cannot be the backer of our Zhou family! Instead, he may be our competitor!"

"This, this, this..."

Zhou Mingde was completely confused by Zhou Chun's words, looking at him with his mouth wide open, unable to describe his shock at this moment.

Why did he listen to Zhou Chun and have the idea of ​​becoming an enemy of the Yuanying Stage Master?

Could it be that he was really carried away by the prosperity in front of the Zhou family and started to drift away?

After he looked at Zhou Chun and hesitated for a while, he couldn't help but remind him in a low voice: "I think it's better for you, Zhengchun, to be more cautious. The difference in strength and status between the Yuan Ying stage real person and the Golden Core stage monk is too big. Qinglian Mountain Range Although the blessed land of Lingshan is good, it cannot be occupied without the power of the Nascent Soul Realm!"

His words were already very tactful.

If Zhou Chun hadn't been so much stronger than him in cultivation and single-handedly led the Zhou family to an unprecedented level of glory, his tone would not have been so tactful.

It would be nice not to point at Zhou Chun's nose and scold him for being crazy.

Zhou Chun naturally heard the meaning of Zhou Mingde's words, and couldn't help but smile at him and said: "Sir, don't worry, I am not arrogant or arrogant enough to think that the Zhou family can compete with the Yuan Ying stage master. Fight!"

After speaking, he explained: "Just think about it, if the Yuelun Sect and the Yanyang Sect are fighting, who should the Qinglian Temple turn to?"

"If they are neutral, neither party will be satisfied. They are afraid that they will see a joke and take advantage!"

"But if they fall to one side, what will the other side do?"

"You also said that in a blessed land like the Qinglian Mountains, if there is no real person in the Nascent Soul stage to take charge, it means that virtue is not worthy of the position, and it will be difficult to sit firmly!"

Having said this, Zhou Chun also shook his head and said: "Of course, this junior just dares to think about this matter now. If we really want to occupy the treasure land of Qinglian Mountains, our Zhou family must master the fifth-level means." Only then can we fight for it!”

After hearing his words, Zhou Mingde couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately took a long breath and said: "Huh! As long as you can maintain this clear understanding! I'm really afraid that you will become dizzy for a moment and do something you regret. wrong thing!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he also said with a serious face: "Your worries are not unreasonable. If this junior is really so arrogant in the future, please don't be polite, lest this junior really become a great person." wrong!"

After saying that, the two of them couldn't help but laugh.

After talking about several major events that happened, Zhou Chun also talked about his experience of going to the Fire Kingdom.

When he heard that he had discovered the truth about "Qi gives rise to all things" in the Nie Ling Canyon, and that he had killed two bandit cultivators at the Golden Core stage, Zhou Mingde was shocked and dumbfounded.

Later, when he heard that the "Qingling Immortal Osmanthus" was destroyed, Zhou Mingde couldn't help but said that it was a pity that the spiritual root of heaven and earth would be destroyed.

Later, when he heard Zhou Chun talk about the magical power of the remaining tree stump, he was also pleasantly surprised. He asked Zhou Chun to take it out and experience it on the spot, and then said, "What a treasure."

When he heard later that Zhou Chun had obtained three high-grade magic weapons and killed the monks of the Holy Fire Sect, Zhou Mingde also lamented his good opportunity and lamented that the world is dangerous and people's hearts are unpredictable.

After talking about his own experience, Zhou Chun also took out the two magic weapons prepared for Zhou Mingde.

One is the repaired flame orb, and the other is the fiery red chain magic weapon obtained from the female cultivator of the Holy Fire Cult.

But Zhou Mingde shook his head and said: "My cultivation level is low and my magic power is low. It is difficult to use the middle-grade magic weapon, so just take this orb!"

Because of his martial arts training, his own magic power is not as good as that of Zhou Chun, a monk who practices top martial arts. He has also warmed and nourished his natal magic weapons [Red Flame Burning Sky Blade], [Three Yang True Fire Bottle], and [Wu Tu]. The four magic weapons [Vajra Shield] and [Blazing Flame Gloves] can no longer be used to refine and nourish a middle-grade magic weapon.

And he also knew his own abilities. The chain magic weapon, which was mainly used to trap enemies, was obviously not suitable for use by a monk with weak magic power like himself.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun agreed to his choice without any force.

"By the way, speaking of treasures, I also have something here that I want to give to you, Masazumi."

At this time, Zhou Mingde seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly took out a bronze beast and handed it to Zhou Chun.

"What is this?"

Zhou Chun looked at the bronze beast that was only about a foot long and looked like a unicorn in front of him, and he couldn't help but have doubts in his eyes.

But Zhou Mingde said with a smile: "This object is a treasure obtained by Zheng Yong when he was traveling abroad. It contains a special secret method of controlling beasts, which allows the monk's spiritual pets to form a combined attack formation and exert far beyond The combat power of your own cultivation is the most suitable for you, Zhengchun!"

"It sounds really good, Brother Yong is in luck!"

Zhou Chun's expression changed, and he immediately took the bronze beast and followed Zhou Mingde's instructions to enter the magic power to check the secret method of controlling the beast.

This secret method of controlling beasts is called "The Four Symbols of Heaven", and the name is very majestic.

This array requires at least four monsters with different attributes to be successfully deployed. These monsters must practice a common secret method to connect each other's magic aura.

Once the battle formation is formed, it can form a formation area to trap the enemy within it, and then generate several powerful formations and magical powers to destroy the enemy.

From this point of view alone, this secret method of controlling beasts has very high requirements for the cultivation of the monster beasts themselves.

Even if a third-level monster has some guidance from its master, it is probably difficult for it to succeed in cultivation. It would take at least a fourth-level monster to understand and do this.

This also illustrates the power of this secret method of controlling beasts. Its preciousness and power are probably not inferior to the Zhou family's "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique".

But compared to the "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique", this "Heavenly Four Symbols Formation" is obviously more difficult to successfully cultivate.

Not to mention how to make the monsters understand and learn the relevant secrets, just gathering four fourth-level monsters with different attributes would give many real people in the Nascent Soul stage a headache.

What's more, even if the Yuanying stage master spent a lot of money to gather four fourth-level monsters with different attributes, and successfully guided them to practice the "Tianjue Four Symbols Formation" combined attack formation, what would happen?

Is it possible that the formation of four fourth-level monsters can still trap the Nascent Soul monks?

This is simply a thankless act!

Therefore, except for Zhou Chun, a very special beast-controlling monk, most beast-controlling monks would probably think that the "Tianjue Four Symbols Formation" is very useless and cannot be used at all.

Zhou Chun, on the other hand, had just collected four fourth-level monsters with different attributes if he counted the golden-armored mountain turtles and stones!

This is probably why Zhou Mingde said that this secret method is most suitable for him.

And since he had met the conditions and practiced the secret technique without having to do it himself, Zhou Chun was happy to arrange something for his spiritual pets to do so that they would not have to run around idle or fall asleep.

After he accepted the bronze beast, he quickly went to the wilderness.

Since Zhou Mingde needs to be in charge in Tuyunling and Zhou Daoyi cannot see the light, it is Lin Hongyu who is now in charge of the wilderness.

After Zhou Chun arrived in the wilderness, he naturally went straight to the Caiyu Mountain stronghold where Lin Hongyu was stationed.

In fact, as of today, the Zhou family has found no fewer than dozens of spiritual sites suitable for building strongholds.

However, it would be too expensive to build a large stronghold like the Caiyu Mountain stronghold, and it is not necessary at all. Therefore, the Zhou family has only built such a stronghold so far.

After arriving at the Caiyu Mountain stronghold, Zhou Chun did not see Lin Hongyu yet, but first met Zhou Zhiying, the apprentice who was practicing here.

"Disciple pays homage to Master. Master, you are finally back!"

Dressed in Tsing Yi, Zhou Zhiying looks like a 17 or 18-year-old girl because she started building her foundation very early. She is full of youthful vitality.

Zhou Chun couldn't help but show a satisfied smile when he looked at the disciple he had brought up. He immediately praised him and said, "Not bad, not bad. I succeeded in opening the Zi Mansion so quickly. I finally didn't lose face as a teacher."

Hearing his words, Zhou Zhiying immediately said with a smile on his face: "That's natural! You are the number one monk of the Zhou family. As your only disciple, my disciple cannot let you lose face no matter what!"

"You have such a sweet mouth, it seems that you have some intentions. What else do you like about your teacher?"

Zhou Chun narrowed his eyes and expressed the thoughts in this disciple's mind.

Zhou Zhiying was not embarrassed at all when he revealed his thoughts. He immediately looked at him eagerly and said: "Disciple doesn't want any treasures from Master. I just want Master to do well and let Disciple go back to Jingguo. Disciple." I don’t want to stay here anymore, it’s too boring!”

Of course Zhou Chun understood what she meant by boring.

The monks here in the wilderness, whether they are the monks of the Zhou family or the family warriors trained by the Zhou family, all just want to accumulate merit and escape from this sea of ​​misery as soon as possible!

When Zhou Zhiying stays here, even if those people dare not neglect any of her requests because of her noble status, they will definitely not be able to bring her any happiness. Lin Hongyu rarely allows her to leave the Caiyu Mountain stronghold.

This kind of life, which is similar to being in prison, is extremely boring for a monk like Zhou Zhiying who still has a lot of fun.

Because Zhou Chun had high hopes for Zhou Zhiying, he didn't want to offend her with these little things. He immediately looked at her with a straight face and said: "Of course I can let you go back, but if you naughtyly expose your true cultivation level again after you go back, , Don’t blame me for allowing you to practice here until the elixir is formed!”

Hearing his words, Zhou Zhiying's face suddenly showed a look of joy, and he nodded repeatedly and promised: "It will definitely not happen! My disciple will never expose his cultivation level again!"

"Then it depends on your performance."

Zhou Chun said slowly, and then took her to Lin Hongyu's cave.

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