Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 600 Gift of Treasures, Family Matters [Please subscribe]

Lin Hongyu formed elixirs many years earlier than Zhou Chun. Even though she had not taken any spiritual cultivation elixirs, her cultivation had now reached the peak of the early stage of the elixir, and she was stuck in front of the realm barrier and could not break through.

Zhou Chun was willing to help her, but the main ingredient of [Yulu Jinxia Dan] had not been collected yet, and now he was helpless.

Fortunately, I can help her with magic weapons.

After meeting him in the cave, Zhou Chun first thanked him for helping to take care of his apprentice Zhou Zhiying, and then said with a smile: "This time I went to the Fire Kingdom, I got two very suitable things. Uncle, your magic weapon, please see if it can still be used by your eyes."

With that said, he took out two middle-grade magic weapons obtained from the beautiful woman in red from the Holy Fire Sect.

When Lin Hongyu saw the hairpin magic weapon and the chain magic weapon Zhou Chun took out, she was shocked at first, and then bit her lip and said, "This is inappropriate, this gift is too valuable!!"

It is not difficult to see from her expression and words that she is tangled in her heart at the moment.

I also want these two magic weapons that are very suitable for me in terms of style and attributes, but I also feel that I am not worthy of accepting such gifts without meritorious service.

Of course, Zhou Chun saw her inner struggle, and immediately spoke softly to persuade: "Uncle, you don't have to be polite to the younger generation. You have been running around for the family over the years, and you have no credit but hard work. Besides, you have these two magic weapons. , and there is no one else in the family who is more suitable!"

"Furthermore, our Zhou family has always distributed such treasures according to need, not necessarily based on merit!"

"And you are more powerful, which is also a good thing for the family!"

After his persuasion, Lin Hongyu, who didn't really want to refuse in the first place, soon relaxed, smiled, reached out and took the two magic weapons and said: "Since Zhengchun, you said so, then I will not be reconciled." You're welcome, I'll use these two magic weapons first!"

"That's how it should be."

As Zhou Chun spoke, he quickly cupped his hands and said, "Then I will not disturb you, my uncle, for refining the treasures, and I will leave first."

"Okay, I'll give it to you."

Lin Hongyu nodded, and immediately sent Zhou Chun out of the cave in person, and then happily went into seclusion to practice two newly acquired magic weapons.

After Zhou Chun left Lin Hongyu's cave, he met with Xu Fu and others who were responsible for the specific land reclamation matters.

Ever since he gave birth to a daughter with the best spiritual root qualifications for the wind attribute, Xu Fu's treatment in the Zhou family has skyrocketed, and his father suddenly became the powerful elder of the family based on his daughter's high status.

As a powerful elder, he can naturally enjoy all the benefits of the family. In addition, he has a high-grade spiritual root qualification and practices the method of rapidly improving mana.

Now his cultivation level has been promoted to the middle stage of Zifu, and it even seems to be not far from the late stage of Zifu.

Once he reaches the later stage of Zifu's cultivation, Zhou Chun's original promise of a pill-forming spiritual object will be honored and given to him, allowing him to directly lead everyone on the path to pill-forming.

Because of this ambition, Xu Fu worked very hard on pioneering work and wanted to make some achievements in order to show his value to Zhou Chun and hope to obtain more resources.

And Zhou Chun can be regarded as a lover now. Because of Zhou Zhiying, he is much more tolerant towards Xu Fu than before and no longer treats him as an outsider.

After all, the Zhou family is now stronger. Even if Xu Fu really succeeds in forming the elixir, he will never have the chance to occupy the magpie's nest like Yu Jinghua did!

Not to mention Zhou Chun, even Zhou Mingde or Zhou Daoyi could suppress him.

In this case, there is no harm in being generous.

Maybe it can also be used to buy horse bones for a thousand dollars!

"Clan leader Mingjian, now the family has discovered fifteen mineral veins in the wilderness, six of which have been put into development. The remaining nine are either too far away, or there are fourth-level mines within hundreds of miles nearby. Monsters are active, or the mining value is not high, and there are no mining plans yet!"

"In addition, the family has discovered a total of fifty-six resource points of various types in the wild. Related resources can be harvested every few years or decades."

In a large hall used for discussions, Zhou Chun was sitting at the top, listening to Xu Fu, who was standing below, reporting on the relevant situation.

The situation in the wilderness will be summarized and sent to Tuyun Ridge every few months, but there is always a lag.

Moreover, Zhou Chun personally asked about the situation here, which also represents a serious attitude. It can make the monks here not dare to fool them, but also feel that the family attaches great importance to them, so as not to feel abandoned.

After listening to Xu Fu's report, Zhou Chun pondered for a moment, then looked at him and asked: "How many monks are there currently?"

Hearing his question, Xu Fu just thought for a moment and quickly answered truthfully: "Currently, the total number of monks in various strongholds here in the wilderness is 337, including 58 of our own clan! "

"Well, the number of people is not that small."

Zhou Chun nodded slightly, and then asked again: "What about the number of mortals? Have you ever counted the number of mortals driven by family control?"

This question seemed a little difficult for Xu Fu to answer. After being silent for a while, he replied in a low voice: "There are no detailed statistics on the number of mortals. The main reason is that they are often attacked by monsters and wild beasts, resulting in a large number of attrition. Not many, and we don’t have the ability to count people on a large scale.”

"However, it is roughly estimated that the number of mortals that the family can control should be between one million and two million!"

Zhou Chun was naturally not very satisfied with his very vague answer.

But I also know that some of the difficulties he mentioned do exist objectively and should not be too harshly criticized.

Therefore, he no longer dwelled on the matter, and just said lightly: "I know the situation. After I return, I will discuss it with the elders of the family and allocate a batch of scarce materials here to reward those who For those who have made great contributions to the family, you can spread the word about this first, so that everyone below will know about this good thing."

Hearing this, Xu Fu also looked happy, and then he quickly responded respectfully: "Yes, I obey, I will truthfully tell every monk in the wilderness this good news!"

After talking to him about business matters, Zhou Chun took advantage of the situation and told him some personal matters about Zhou Zhiying.

The main thing is to ask Xu Fu and his wife to continue to keep their mouths shut and keep the secret, and not to show off and disrupt their own plans just because their daughter opened the Purple Mansion at a young age.

Although Xu Fu didn't know what Zhou Chun's plan was, he didn't dare to go against his wishes, so he naturally agreed.

Zhou Chun then left the Caiyu Mountain stronghold and went to the Yinsha Land where Zhou Daoquan was located.

More than ten years later, he wanted to know if Zhou Daoquan had made any progress in hatching insect eggs.

After he arrived at the Yinsha Land, he was quickly noticed by Zhou Daoquan, and then showed up to meet him.

After learning about Zhou Chun's purpose, Zhou Daoquan also said in a rather helpless tone: "I have tried various methods over the years, but I can't make those eggs show any signs of hatching. Maybe these strange insects really need something." Only special opportunities and circumstances can lead to successful hatching!”

More than ten years of research have yielded nothing, and this incident seems to have shocked Zhou Daoquan.

After all, he has always been proud of his skills in this area.

On the contrary, after Zhou Chun heard what he said, he quickly smiled and said: "If there is no other way, forget it. It's just a casual move. It doesn't matter if it doesn't produce results."

For Zhou Chun today, no matter whether the insect eggs were produced by [Six-winged Ice Silkworms] or whether such strange insects could be hatched, it would not affect him at all.

So he can accept it if there is no result.

After comforting Zhou Daoquan, he took back all the eggs from his hands and prepared to go back and seal the cocoon together.

Afterwards, Zhou Chun did not stay with Zhou Daoquan for long, and soon brought Zhou Zhiying back to Tuyunling.

After returning to Tuyunling, Zhou Chun gave the magic weapon [Hundred Magic Pearls] to Zhou Zhiying so that he could disguise himself and hide his cultivation.

Afterwards, he asked people to contact Zhou Yuanlian and Wu Yuzhu, who were traveling in search of poisons, and asked them to come back to see him.

As for the other specialties that Zhou Chun brought back from the world of cultivating immortals in the far west, most of them were stored in the family treasury for the convenience of redemption by clan members in need.

The two spiritual plants he asked Bai Zhiqing to collect at that time, "Fire Jade Red Lotus" and "Purple Sunflower", need to be planted in places with strong fire-attribute spiritual energy to grow. Zhou Chun specially gave them to partners in the Yanyang Sect area. , Yanzhou Zhu family sent a letter, preparing to ask the Zhu family to help plant this kind of spiritual plant.

In return, Zhou Chun was willing to exchange the Qinghuo Lotus produced by the Zhou family in reciprocal exchange.

Based on the current momentum of the Zhou family, Zhou Chun believed that the Zhu family would not reject him.

And he didn't put his eggs in one basket. He secretly asked his family to contact another large clan of immortal cultivators in the Yanyang Sect area, and asked his family to help plant two kinds of spiritual plants, in return for the clear fire lotus and some water treasures. .

Regarding the [Red Lotus Earth Fire] fire, after Zhou Chun had a conversation with Zhou Mingde and Lin Hongyu, both of them thought it would be better to leave it to the Fire Phoenix to devour and refine it.

Because they know that their potential is not as great as the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, their longevity is not as long as the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, and in the long run it is not as good as the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix's swallowing and refining.

Secondly, they don't want to spend a lot of energy to cultivate a true fire magical power, especially when their own cultivation level is difficult to break through.

It should be noted that the power of magical powers is also closely related to the monk's own cultivation.

Even a famous magical power such as [Samadhi True Fire], the power displayed in the hands of the Golden Core monks is completely different from the power displayed in the hands of the Nascent Soul monks.

For Lin Hongyu and Zhou Mingde, the strength bonus obtained by practicing a true fire magical power is at most equivalent to an extra magic weapon.

But they can now use magic weapons to make up for this shortcoming.

However, even though the two of them had made their choice, Zhou Chun was not in a hurry to feed the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix.

He planned to wait for the Hell Fire Phoenix to advance to the fourth-level mid-level monster beast in the future, and then feed it this thing as a boost.

Then the [Fire Origin Immortal Zhi] can be taken when breaking through the fourth-level high-grade monster in the future.

After arranging all the family affairs in this way, Zhou Chun went to the Su family in Jiangzhou.

Su family, Suzi Lake.

When Zhou Chunfei arrived at the gate of Sujiashan, Baibai, the thunder dragon who had not seen him for more than nine years, immediately flew into the sky from the lake with great excitement, went straight to him and flew up and down around him.

This scene immediately alarmed the Su family monks at the Su family mountain gate not far away. Many Su family monks who had never seen the true appearance of the thunder dragon were shouting in excitement at this time.

"Okay, okay, it's just nine years since we last met. I'll definitely take you with me next time!"

Zhou Chun gently patted the dragon's head in front of him and made his promise with a smile on his face.

No wonder Thunder Dragon was so excited in vain. Since he hatched it, this was the first time the master and servant had been separated for such a long time.

But this is not Zhou Chun's fault. After all, a place like the Immortal Cultivation World in the far west is indeed not suitable for dragons like Thunder Jiao Baibai to survive.

After soothing his pet, Zhou Chuncai entered the Su family mountain gate together with the Taoist monk Su Yuzhen who came out after hearing the news.

During the more than two months of staying in the Su family, Zhou Chun and his Taoist companions enjoyed their married life. At the same time, they also shared some knowledge about the world of immortality in the far west, and encouraged the Su family to grow various kinds of spiritual objects such as Qinghuo Lian. Reserve the Qinghuo Dan and other elixirs. Maybe in the future, if the quantity is large enough, you can make a special trip to the Immortal Cultivation World in the far west for bulk trade.

Both the ancestor of the Su family and Su Yuzhen took his suggestion very seriously.

Who in the whole Jingguo doesn't know that Zhou Zhengchun of the Zhou family is not only a genius in cultivation and fighting, but also a wise man with unique vision and far-sightedness.

The Zhou family's "Zhou Tong Tian Xia" business firm and the "Tian Ling Morning News" were both created under his leadership.

While the ancestor of the Su family thanked Zhou Chun for his advice, he also looked at Zhou Chun expectantly and said, "Ancestor, I am old. From now on, the Su family will have to rely on Yuzhen to support me. I hope you, Zhengchun, can help more in the future." Help her, help the Su family."

Hearing his vague words of entrusting the funeral affairs, Zhou Chun immediately replied with a serious face: "Old Ancestor, you don't need to say anything about this matter. I will definitely help you wherever I can."

"Okay, okay, with your words, Zhengchun, I will die with no regrets, ancestor!"

The ancestor of the Su family looked happy, feeling extremely pleased and satisfied with Zhou Chun's response, and couldn't help but applaud again and again.

Su Yuzhen also looked at Zhou Chun tenderly, with joy in her eyes.

After staying in the Su family for more than two months, Zhou Chun returned to Tuyunling.

Not long after, Zhou Yuanlian also came back with Wu Yuzhu.

Zhou Chun called her to his cave and gave her all the poisonous cultivation techniques he had obtained in the world of cultivating immortals in the far west, as well as various poisons collected specially for her.

When handing all these things to Zhou Yuanlian, Zhou Chun also looked at her with encouragement and said: "I also have a [Marigold Poison Dragon Fruit] in my hand that can increase the success rate of poison repair pills. If Xiaolian If you can cultivate to the later stage of Zifu, this object can be directly given to you. At that time, if you collect [Polar Yang Fire Spiritual Liquid], [Ultra-Cold Ice Marrow Liquid] and other pill-forming spiritual objects, the success rate of pill-forming will definitely be higher than Ordinary monks are much taller!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Yuanlian's face, which was covered with black and blue scars due to toxin accumulation, couldn't help but show a look of emotion. She immediately bowed to him deeply and said: "Junior, thank you for the patriarch's love. I am willing to be the patriarch in this life." Go through fire and water, even to death!"

Zhou Chun just nodded noncommittally to her words of loyalty.

Then he frowned and looked at the poisonous scars on her face and said: "The progress of your poisonous skill training is indeed beyond my expectation, but your current situation is not good. I hope you can pay more attention to your own life. Don’t practice simply with the thought of seeking survival in the midst of death!”

"Isn't there a magic weapon like the [Hundred Poison Divine Beads] in the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual" that can absorb and contain toxins? You'd better spend more time and effort refining this thing to control the toxins in your body!"

He trained Zhou Yuanlian for long-term considerations in the future, but he didn't want Zhou Yuanlian to kill himself because of his crazy cultivation.

"Yes, junior will pay attention."

Zhou Yuanlian responded in a low voice, but she didn't know if she really heard it.

I'm in really bad shape today! ! !

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