Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 601 Goodbye, Chongxuan Demon King【Please subscribe】

Tuyunling, inside Zhouchundong Mansion.

A strange thing happened recently in Zhou Chun's cave.

After he returned to his family, he placed the stump of the "Qingling Xiangui" tree next to the spring of spiritual eyes in the secret cultivation room.

Now that several months have passed, he discovered that the tree stump was slowly absorbing the spiritual power contained in the spiritual eye spring again!

What a strange thing!

Zhou Chun had already determined that the tree stump had no life left.

This was Mu Mei Mu Sang's personal judgment, and he had no reason not to believe it.

But why does a lifeless tree stump still absorb the spiritual power of the Spring of Spiritual Eyes?

And judging from the speed of its absorption, it is almost comparable to the amount consumed by a golden elixir stage monk meditating and practicing!

The key is that this kind of absorption continues all day or even all year long!

Fortunately, this spring of spiritual eyes has been connected with the spiritual veins below Tuyun Ridge and can continuously draw out the spiritual energy to maintain itself. Otherwise, Zhou Chun would have worried about whether the tree stump would suck it dry.

But in this way, Zhou Chun's cultivation becomes a little difficult again.

If he continues to practice here, the pressure on the Spring of Spiritual Eyes will be very great and it may be damaged.

But if he doesn't practice, giving the spiritual eye spring to this tree stump would be putting the cart before the horse.

Who knows what the purpose of this thing is to absorb spiritual power like this?

Who knows when this thing will be transformed?

And if you move the tree stump at this time, no one knows whether it will interrupt its mutation process and cause you to miss a big opportunity!

This left Zhou Chun in a dilemma for a while.

Fortunately, after knowing Zhou Chun's difficulties, Zhou Mingde took the initiative to give up the cave for him to practice, while he put his practice on hold and concentrated on studying the weapon refining inheritance that Zhou Chun brought back.

This might be the best solution. Although Zhou Chun felt a little sorry, he still accepted his kindness.

For more than a year after that, Zhou Chun observed the changes in the tree stump while practicing.

After more than a year of observation, he discovered something that was incredible even when he thought about it.

The tree stump seems to be transforming into something with spiritual eyes!

Yes, a spiritual eye thing, a spiritual eye thing like the spring of spiritual eyes!

There are many kinds of spiritual eyes in the world, some are in the form of spring water, some are in the form of stone, some are in the form of jade, and some are in the form of vegetation.

But no matter what form of spiritual eye objects they are, their essence and reasons for their formation are actually the same.

That is formed by gathering and concentrating the essence of an entire spiritual vein.

Moreover, the formation of this kind of spiritual eye is the natural creation of heaven and earth, and it cannot be formed by external interference, at least as far as Zhou Chun knows.

But the changes happening to the tree stump now are a little difficult for him to understand.

"Is it because the tree stump absorbed a large amount of spiritual power from the spiritual spring when the evil spirit eroded and forced it?"

Zhou Chun tried to deduce and find the reason, and came up with such a far-fetched speculation.

As for whether this is the case, no one can give him a correct answer.

But if Zhou Chun's guess is true, then the time for waiting for the tree stump to completely transform into the tree of spiritual eyes will not be too short.

After all, any spiritual eye object is born over a long period of time.

Even if the tree stump changes in an unusual way, it will definitely not be accomplished overnight.

It is a pity that Tuyunling's spiritual vein level is still holding back after all. Otherwise, if Zhou Chun meditates directly on the transformed spiritual eye tree, the effect will be very good!

This made him want to find a better mountain gate for his family and a better cultivation cave for himself.

After staying in the family for a year or two, and feeling that the situation in Jingguo would not change much in the short term, Zhou Chun also had the idea of ​​going to Liangguo to bring back the Golden Armored Mountain Turtle Stone, and he also wanted to go there by the way. The Great Zhou Kingdom was dealing with some treasures in hand.

Calculating the time, Jin Jia Fu Shan Gui Shitou has been staying in Misian Ridge for fifty or sixty years. If he is efficient, he should be almost ready to leave.

After making the decision, Zhou Chun immediately said goodbye to Zhou Mingde, took a few spiritual pets with him, and rushed towards Liang Kingdom.

Without stopping like this, it took less than a month for Zhou Chun to arrive outside the Mystic Ridge of Liang Kingdom.

Once here, at close range, the mental connection between Zhou Chun and Jin Jia Fu Shan Gui Shi Shi was restored.

Through mind-to-mind contact and communication, Zhou Chun knew that Jin Jia was carrying the mountain turtle Shitou. He had indeed completed the process of carrying the mountain and could leave with him at any time.

And just as he firmly believed, even if he broke through to the fourth level and obtained the inheritance of the demon king of the Negative Mountain Turtle clan, the golden-armored Negative Mountain Turtle Shitou's feelings for him had not changed and he had always stood firmly on his side.

In this case, Zhou Chun had nothing to hesitate and plunged directly into the Immortal Ridge.

Things turned out exactly as Zhou Chun expected.

When he entered the Mystic Ridge without concealing his aura, it didn't take long for him to encounter the mud and stone giant transformed into the clone of Chongxuan Demon King. Then, just like last time, he was taken back to the underground palace without any resistance. Inside.

This also made him sure that the Chongxuan Demon King was definitely not a fifth-order low-grade demon king, but at least a fifth-order mid-grade demon king!

Zhou Chun even suspected that in a place like Misian Ridge, even if a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage took action, he might not be able to defeat the opponent.

It's not like he has done nothing over the years. By reading various classics and exchanging knowledge with other Jindan monks during his travels, he has almost guessed what the true form of the Chongxuan Demon King is.

If his prediction was correct, the opponent was probably the rumored mountain spirit or stone monster!

The formation of stone monsters is similar to that of wood monsters.

And mountain spirits are very special!

In a broad sense, the body of the mountain spirit is a mountain peak or even a mountain range!

But of course that can’t be the case!

A true mountain spirit should be a creature born from the essence of a mountain peak or even a mountain range.

This object is much rarer than the wooden charm and stone monster. Even many immortal cultivators do not believe that such a creature exists!

Mainly because the rumors about this kind of existence are too exaggerated and bizarre.

According to rumors, once a mountain spirit is born, it will be a fifth-level existence, and its lifespan will be incredibly long!

According to rumors, the mountain spirit possesses all kinds of incredible magical powers within the scope of the mountain range above its own body, including using the power of earth veins to move itself or others at will, and to incarnate into thousands of people.

With such abilities, it is almost impossible for the mountain spirit to be killed by immortal cultivators or monsters of the same level!

The only thing that restricts these existences is their growth rate and their ability to reach great realms.

Compared with the growth rate of wood monsters, stone monsters and other spirits before the fifth level, the growth rate of mountain spirits can be said to be extremely slow. It may be difficult to break through a small level for thousands of years!

And if there is no great opportunity, it will be difficult for the mountain spirit to break through to the sixth level!

Zhou Chun suspected that the Chongxuan Demon King was the rumored mountain spirit, which would explain why he was able to turn the Mystic Ridge into a paradise for monsters.

Because as long as you don't provoke the Lord Huashen, even if a great monk in the late Yuanying stage enters the Misty Ridge, it will be difficult to get it, and he is not afraid of being besieged by many monks in the late Yuanying stage!

At the same time, this seems to be able to explain clearly why it has interacted with the demon king of the Negative Mountain Turtle clan.

But these are just Zhou Chun's guesses. If the Chongxuan Demon King didn't say anything, it would be difficult for him to confirm it.

After being suddenly taken to the underground palace at this time, Zhou Chun saw the rock giant transformed by Demon King Chongxuan at a glance.

As for whether this rock giant was the opponent's true form, he didn't know.

After he calmed down a little, he bowed to the other party and said, "Junior pays homage to Senior Chongxuan Demon King."

"Junior, you are so brave, you actually dare to come back! And your cultivation level has also broken through!"

Chongxuan Demon King's eyes fell on Zhou Chun, with a hint of surprise in his tone.

It's not surprising that Zhou Chun dared to come back. After all, he had sworn the Tao Heart Oath.

However, Zhou Chun's cultivation had broken through to the middle stage of Golden Core only after a few decades, which really surprised him.

Although the cultivation speed of the human race cultivators is indeed much faster than that of the demon race, let alone immortal species like them, this is still too fast.

You must know that the last time it was separated from Zhou Chun, Zhou Chun's cultivation was not very outstanding among the early Golden Core monks.

"Since the junior promised that the senior will come back, naturally there will be no lies!"

"Furthermore, the junior's cultivation has been able to break through so quickly, thanks to your original gift, senior, which allowed the junior to successfully exchange for the materials for refining the spiritual elixir. Senior, I will always remember this kindness in my heart."

Zhou Chun replied in a low voice with a respectful manner, as if he regarded the other party as a senior in the world of immortality.

In any case, he is still begging Chongxuan Demon King. It can even be said that his life depends on the other person's thoughts. It is definitely not wrong to be more respectful.

But Demon King Chongxuan didn't seem to accept his trick. After hearing this, he just said lightly: "There is no need to behave like this in front of me. Whatever I do, I do it casually. I don't need to thank anyone, and I am not afraid of anyone's resentment." !”

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Chun with sharp eyes and said: "Junior, since you dare to come here, you must have communicated with the mountain turtle, and you should also know the choice of the little turtle!"

Hearing what it said, Zhou Chun knew that it was impossible to hide this matter from the other party, so he simply nodded and replied: "Senior Mingjian, junior has indeed contacted Shitou, and it also expressed its willingness to leave with me. Please Senior can abide by the agreement and let it go with junior!"

"I always keep my word. Since I agreed to this in the first place, I will naturally not regret it now."

Chongxuan Demon King glanced at him and agreed immediately.

Then, without waiting for Zhou Chun to be happy, he said in a deep voice: "But that little turtle has stayed here for decades and eaten many rare spiritual things here. As its owner, shouldn't you also do it for it?" Pay the bill?"

After hearing this, Zhou Chun's heart suddenly sank, knowing that what he was worried about had happened.

As expected, Chongxuan Demon King would not let the turtle go away so easily!

It's a pity that even so, he didn't have the capital to bargain with the other party at this time, so he could only follow the other party's words and said: "But I don't know what rare spiritual objects the senior mentioned? How do you want the junior to pay for it!"

"That's a lot. I ate five pieces of the [Di Yuan Ling Ointment] that I treasured, drank half a cube of [Wu Tu Yuan Jing], and ate the [Earth Dragon Fruit] which is more than 4,000 years old. Got three plants..."

Demon King Chongxuan spoke in a leisurely tone a series of names of spiritual creatures that Zhou Chun had either heard of or never heard before.

And just the value of those spiritual objects that Zhou Chun had heard about already made his heart tremble.

Apart from other things, the [Earth Spiritual Cream] is a spiritual object formed by the highly condensed and concentrated spiritual object [Earth Spirit Milk]. A palm-sized piece is worth five to six hundred thousand spirit coins, and it is also difficult to buy.

The [Earth Dragon Fruit] is an underground spiritual root that grows in a place rich in earth energy. The value of [Earth Dragon Fruit], which is more than 4,000 years old, is difficult to measure.

These things are of great benefit after eating them.

But the question is, did the Golden Armored Mountain Turtle Stone really eat so many spiritual objects of this level?

Zhou Chun couldn't help but secretly communicate with his pet.

The result left him speechless.

According to the Golden Armored Mountain Turtle Shitou, when it was sleeping, the Chongxuan Demon King did feed it some spiritual things, but it didn't know what kind of spiritual things they were.

But it was able to complete the step of "carrying the mountain" within a few decades, and its cultivation level was also improved to a level close to that of a fourth-order mid-level monster. Maybe the Chongxuan Demon King was indeed not lying.

In fact, even if Demon King Chongxuan lied, Zhou Chun would not be able to expose it and would not dare to expose it.

So he could only look at Chongxuan Demon King with a wry smile and said: "I really can't afford to compensate these spiritual creatures that the seniors mentioned, so I can only make up for them in other ways!"

It was his words that Chongxuan Demon King was waiting for.

At that moment, he said calmly: "This matter is easy to discuss. As long as you agree to one of my conditions, I will no longer pursue these matters."

"Senior, are the conditions you mentioned the same as the last bet you made with this junior?"

Zhou Chun spoke thoughtfully, with a slightly heavy tone.


Chongxuan Demon King nodded, confirming his guess.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun thought for a while, then nodded firmly and said, "Okay, I can agree to this, but my cultivation is too shallow now and I can't complete the task of delivering the message for my senior. Can you please forgive me for a while?" , wait until the junior has a baby before doing this?"

Hearing his words, Chongxuan Demon King shook his head slightly and said: "It's okay to be patient for a while, but it's not okay to wait until you have a baby. I don't know if you will die during the process of transforming the elixir into a baby. If so, If you die, wouldn’t I have made a loss-making business?”

This is obviously not optimistic about Zhou Chun's success in conceiving a baby!

But it was difficult for Zhou Chun to refute his point of view.

If you tell people in front of you at this time that you will definitely conceive a baby successfully, let alone whether they believe it or not, even if they believe it, they will ask them where their confidence comes from!

At the moment, he could only say helplessly: "Let's wait until the junior's cultivation reaches the late stage of Jindan before we do this!"

Sure enough, I still have a fever today! ! !

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