Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 603 Storm gathers outside Yuling Gate [Please subscribe]

Zhou Chun didn't care whether Yulingmen's inheritance would be cut off.

What he cares about is, can the fourth-order high-grade monster at Yulingmen really survive the thunder tribulation of heaven?

If you can really survive the thunder tribulation of heaven, then this is really a God-given opportunity!

Ever since he learned about the "Emperor's Liquid" in the Far West, Zhou Chun's thoughts were opened and he decided that this was the best way to help the Golden Winged Tiger break through to the fourth level.

After all, the Golden-winged Tiger now has three attributes: gold, wind, and space, and has mutated twice. It is really unrealistic to let it evolve through mutation and advancement!

Therefore, most normal breakthrough methods have no effect and value for it.

This was the reason for Zhou Chun's headache before.

In this case, it is undoubtedly the most effective way to advance by taking the "Emperor's Liquid", a rare thing from the world.

Moreover, if one breaks through to the fourth level by taking "Emperor's Liquid Serum", the Golden Winged Tiger's bloodline qualifications will definitely be nourished and improved by this substance, and the possibility of breaking through to the fifth level in the future will also be greatly increased.

It can be said to be done once and for all, saving you the effort of finding breakthrough opportunities later.

But before that, how to obtain the "Emperor's Liquid" became Zhou Chun's biggest problem.

This object can only be produced by a fourth-level monster that has just passed through the thunder tribulation of heaven, and it is not easy to save. It is very unrealistic to obtain it through trading.

And it is even more unrealistic to collect it yourself.

Let’s not talk about how he knew where there was a fourth-level monster to overcome the tribulation. Even if he knew it and rushed there, it would probably be a waste of time.

After all, the probability of a fourth-level monster surviving the thunder tribulation of heaven is no higher than that of a human monk who transforms into a pill and forms an infant, or even lower!

At the same time, if the monster beasts in the wild want to survive the thunder tribulation of heaven, they must either find the protection of the fifth-level demon king in advance, or they must hide in a deserted place to survive the tribulation.

If a cultivator wants to encounter such a fourth-order monster beast crossing the heavenly thunder tribulation, not to mention it is completely impossible, and it is purely a matter of chance and luck.

Most monks are unable to do anything even if they happen to encounter it.

In this way, the monster beasts in the wild cannot be targeted, so the only thing they can do is target the mountain-protecting spiritual beasts cultivated by various immortal cultivating forces.

But generally, most of the forces that can cultivate mountain-protecting spiritual beasts to survive thunder tribulations in the heavens have real people in the Nascent Soul stage who are in charge, and they are also difficult to provoke for Zhou Chun.

And in order to avoid unexpected situations and people like Zhou Chun coming to ask for "Emperor's Liquid", the news is usually concealed until the moment when the monster really begins to transcend the tribulation. Be known.

Or simply take it to a deserted place in the wilderness to survive the tribulation without letting anyone know!

In short, under normal circumstances, it seems that it is impossible for Zhou Chun to obtain the "Emperor's Liquid" from elsewhere.

You can only hope that one of your spiritual pets will survive the thunder tribulation of heaven in the future, and intercept part of the "Emperor's Liquid" for you to use to cultivate other spiritual pets.

If that's the case, I don't know if the third-level high-grade golden-winged tiger can survive until that day!

Who would have thought that the current situation is that there is no way out, and there is a bright future in another village!

It’s not bright in the west, but it’s bright in the east!

The Holy Fire Cult's [Bing Fire Divine Crow] couldn't make any plans, but the Yuling Sect gave him a big surprise!

Compared to the Holy Fire Sect, which has so many strong men, the Yuling Sect, which does not even have a real person in the Nascent Soul stage, is obviously a weak persimmon.

With Zhou Chun's current strength, not to mention that he can handle it easily, at least it won't be a big problem to go up and squeeze it.

What's more, it is not difficult to hear from Zhou Daoyi's words that there may be real people in the Nascent Soul Stage taking action this time.

After all, whether it is the "Emperor Flow Serum" or a fifth-level monster that fell into a period of weakness after successfully overcoming the tribulation, they are treasures that are enough to make a real person in the Yuanying stage be tempted.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun understood the situation clearly, he quickly said categorically: "Of course our Zhou family cannot be left out of this matter!"

"Back then, the Yuling Sect took in the thief Yu Jinghua and stole my Zhou family's beast-taming heritage. This is an irreconcilable hatred and must be avenged!"

"Now that we have this opportunity, my Zhou family cannot miss this opportunity and must come back with severe revenge!"

Repaying kindness with kindness and taking revenge with hatred has always been Zhou Chun's code of conduct.

The seeds of hatred between the Yulingmen and the Zhou family were already planted when they took Yu Jinghua in.

The reason why the Zhou family did not retaliate against them was simply because they did not have the strength before.

Nowadays, Zhou Chun is already hard to find an opponent in the Golden Core realm, and he just happened to encounter such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for revenge. How could he miss it.

Whether it was to obtain the "Emperor Flow Serum" to help the Golden-winged Tiger break through to the fourth level, or to prevent the emergence of fifth-level monsters in Yuling Gate, he had to take action.

After hearing Zhou Chun's decision, Zhou Daoyi did not express any objections, but nodded on the spot and said: "Okay, since Zhengchun you plan to intervene, then I will go and do my best to find out the relevant information and see what Yu Lingmen is doing. What are you going to do!”

"This junior will also go meet Fellow Daoist Luo and see if she can have more detailed information."

Zhou Chun nodded and expressed his plan.

However, before leaving, he left the [Taibai Dragon-Slaying Sword] magic weapon he originally used and the heavily damaged [Mountain Shield] magic weapon to Zhou Daoyi.

After Zhou Daoyi succeeded in forming the elixir, apart from one natal magic weapon, he only refined the middle-grade magic weapon [Tianfeng Banner] that he had originally obtained from Yu Jinghua, and its strength was relatively weak.

Zhou Chun gave him these two magic weapons to strengthen his shortcomings.

In addition, Zhou Chun also handed over the fourth-level wolf-shaped puppet he just acquired to Zhou Daoyi for safekeeping as his life-saving trump card.

Because he learned about Zhou Chun's gains in the world of cultivating immortals in the far west, Zhou Daoyi did not refuse the magic weapons he presented and readily accepted his kindness.

Zhou Chun then separated from him and went to visit Luo Qingni's cave.

This visit went smoothly. Luo Qingni did not retreat to refine elixirs or do other things, but quickly welcomed Zhou Chun into his cave.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Luo for his breakthrough in cultivation and taking another step towards the great road!"

Qingni was inside, and Zhou Chun looked at Luo Qingni, who was already at the same cultivation level as himself, and sent his sincere congratulations with a smile on his face.

He and Zhou Daoyi had not seen each other for almost twenty years, and the same was true for Luo Qingni.

The last time I met Luo Qingni, it wasn't long after he failed to achieve breakthrough after taking [Yulu Jinxia Dan].

Unexpectedly, less than twenty years later, the other party had successfully broken through the realm barrier and was promoted to the middle stage of Jindan.

"Thank you to Fellow Daoist Zhou for your congratulations. Qing Ni has finally caught up with Fellow Daoist again."

Luo Qingni smiled slightly and couldn't help but joke.

It can be seen that she is in a very good mood now and has completely overcome the psychological haze of her previous failed breakthrough.

"Fellow Taoist Luo, this is a great compliment to Zhou, but I don't dare to say this as a fellow Taoist."

Zhou Chun shook his head repeatedly and responded seriously.

Then the two couldn't help but look at each other and smile, and no longer flattered each other.

Next, Zhou Chun first talked about some of his travels in the Frozen End Country and the Immortal Cultivation World in the Far West. Of course, he omitted the secrets that were not convenient for outsiders to know. He only said that he had obtained a few good things. magic weapon.

After describing his travels over the years, Zhou Chun then spoke of his purpose: "Now that Fellow Daoist Luo has achieved a breakthrough in cultivation, the refining of the [Four Spirit Barrier-Breaking Pills] must be stepped up. It is best to Refining it before you and I reach the barrier of the late stage of the golden elixir!"

"What Fellow Daoist Zhou said is absolutely true. It's just that Qing Ni has also used her connections to do research over the years. It is true that she has never found the whereabouts of the remaining two main medicines. If we really want to implement this matter, it may only be between you and me." It’s hard to do it easily!”

When Luo Qingni said this, her face looked a little ugly.

She knew that she was already lagging behind in this regard.

After all, Zhou Chun provided the elixir, two of the main drugs and many auxiliary drugs, but she didn't even know the news!

But she also has her own difficulties.

As a casual cultivator, it is difficult for her to establish any deep friendship with the real sect's golden elixir elders, because those people naturally have other channels to find alchemists from sects who are better than her in alchemy skills to cooperate in alchemy making.

As for some of the truly precious elixirs in the world of immortality, most of them can only be grown in the medicine gardens of the powerful sects.

Zhou Chun understood her difficulty.

In fact, he himself is like this.

That is to say, in Jingguo, he has Su Yunniang's line, and he has a messenger in the Yuelun Sect, the largest force in Jingguo.

In the Great Zhou Kingdom, even if he has a lot of wealth and can take out a few of the unused magic weapons at once, he can't exchange for what he wants without knowing the person.

As for the Yuelun Sect, Zhou Chun had already asked Su Yunniang, but they did not have the two main medicines needed to refine the [Four Spirits Barrier-Breaking Pill].

Perhaps there is information in the private medicine garden of the Nascent Soul Master, but that is information that even elders like Su Yunniang and others at the Golden Core Stage have difficulty accessing.

So after listening to Luo Qingni's words, Zhou Chun couldn't help but frown.

After he pondered for a while, he looked at Luo Qingni and asked: "Does Fellow Daoist Luo mean to invite others to cooperate in refining the [Four Spirit Barrier-Breaking Pills]? Then you already have a suitable candidate in mind?"

When Luo Qingni heard this, he replied calmly: "Qingni has indeed had this idea in his mind, but the suitable candidate has not yet been found."

Hearing her answer, Zhou Chun breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said with a solemn face: "Since there is no suitable candidate yet, we don't have to rush into this matter. It is better to be more cautious when cooperating with others to make alchemy. If If you trust someone else, it will be very bad!"

"What Fellow Daoist Zhou said is absolutely true. This matter indeed needs to be kept strictly confidential. Qing Ni will seriously consider this matter and will not let it slip easily!"

Luo Qingni nodded slightly, indicating that he also understood the importance of it.

Hearing this, Zhou Chun nodded repeatedly and said, "That's right. You and I have just been promoted to the middle stage of Jindan. There will still be a lot of time in the future to collect materials slowly. There is no need to get into trouble because of impatience."

"Since there is no news about the main drug now, let's collect all the auxiliary drugs first. By then there is really no news at all, and it will not be too late to consider bringing in other people!"

At this point, his meaning was obvious, and he was not in favor of bringing others in now.

Seeing this, Luo Qingni certainly couldn't object. After all, he provided the two main medicines and the elixir.

So he quickly said: "Qing Ni understands, let's leave it like this for now, and proceed as Brother Daoist Zhou said."

After the two reached an agreement, Zhou Chun asked for information on another elixir [Qionghua Yulu] needed to refine [Yulu Jinxia Dan], and wanted Luo Qingni to exchange for another such elixir. Refining a furnace of [Yulu Jinxia Dan].

Although the [Jade Dew Golden Cloud Pill] has no effect on the two of them, the value of this pill is still very high.

If it can be refined again, it would be great whether it is to leave one for each of Su Yuzhen and Lin Hongyu to help attack the golden elixir mid-stage barrier, or to exchange needed spiritual objects with other golden elixir stage monks in the future.

For this reason, Zhou Chun also made it clear that it was acceptable to use low-grade magic weapons for related replacements.

Of course, the value of a spiritual elixir cannot be compared with that of a low-grade magic weapon. He is just willing to accept the other party to make up for it with spiritual coins.

Naturally, Luo Qingni had no reason to refuse his request.

Even if she can't get the elixir from it, just refining a spiritual elixir of the level of [Yulu Jinxia Dan] once more is still a rare opportunity for her.

You must know that it is very difficult for her alchemy skills to improve at the level she is at now. Every time she refines a level elixir like [Jade Dew Golden Cloud Pill], it is a very valuable experience.

Only when her alchemy skills are truly comparable to those of alchemy masters trained by major sects, can she seize market share from those current alchemy masters.

In this regard, refining alchemy is much more complicated than refining weapons.

At least those masters of weapon refining have absolutely no shortage of magic weapons and spiritual materials to practice and improve their experience.

There is no way, who made the elixir a one-time consumable?

After getting Luo Qingni's promise, Zhou Chuncai finally talked about Yulingmen.

As a mid-level sect within the Great Zhou Kingdom, the Yuling Sect happened to be the main target for alchemists like Luo Qingni. Many monks in her network were from such mid-level sects or from the Golden Alchemy Family.

But Luo Qingni is usually either concentrating on cultivation or busy refining elixirs. People who know her also understand her character and will not deliberately talk about such things with her.

So when faced with Zhou Chun's request, she hesitated for a moment, then nodded to Zhou Chun and said: "Qing Ni has never paid attention to this matter before. I will reply after Qing Ni helps you, Daoist Zhou, to inquire about it." !”

"In this way, we have fellow Taoist Lao Luo."

Zhou Chun bowed his hand and expressed his gratitude.

For a while, Zhou Chun temporarily stayed in Zhou Daoyi's cave house, waiting for more news to be delivered to him.

After waiting like this for almost a month, all the information Zhou Daoyi had obtained through "Tianzhi Tower" and the information obtained from Luo Qingni were sent to him.

Zhou Chun compared the information from both sides and got a rough understanding of the incident.

This time things have reached this point. To put it bluntly, there is a traitor in Yulingmen who revealed the most important secret of the sect in advance.

Just like the Zhou family has various enemies in Jingguo, both covertly and openly, the Yuling Sect has been inherited in the Great Zhou Kingdom for so many years, so it is natural that there are indispensable enemies and opponents.

Naturally, their enemies are either weaker than them or close to them. In short, no one can kill each other, and they all want to kill each other!

Yuling Sect is planning to hold back this time. It will use all the strength of the sect to support a mountain guarding spirit beast in the sect to break through the fifth level, and then rely on the intimidating power of this newly promoted fifth level demon king to suppress and defeat those enemies in one fell swoop. opponent.

However, they did not expect that someone from the top of their sect leaked the secret and leaked the matter to a rival sect.

After the sworn enemy sect learned of the incident, they first deliberately failed to mention it.

After the mountain-protecting spirit beast of the Yuling Sect began to retreat to accumulate strength and prepare for a breakthrough, he publicized the matter widely and prepared to use external forces to destroy the Yuling Sect's plan.

Now the mountain-protecting spirit beast at Yulingmen has been in seclusion for several years, and after taking the spirit object that helped him break through, there is no way out.

If Yulingmen terminates its plan at this time, not to mention years of preparations being ruined, the mountain-protecting spirit beast may not be willing to give up what is probably the only breakthrough opportunity in its life!

Judging from the news, Yulingmen indeed has no intention of ending the plan. Now it has sealed the mountain gate, completely cutting off the spread of internal and external news.

Apparently he was prepared to bet on the fate of the sect, betting that the mountain-protecting spiritual beast would be able to escape the human tribulation after surviving the thunder tribulation of heaven!

As long as the mountain-protecting spiritual beast can survive these two catastrophes, even if Yulingmen suffers heavy losses in this disaster, it will be able to make a comeback and achieve greater glory in the future.

Information about the mountain-protecting spiritual beast is also introduced in the intelligence.

It was a fourth-level high-grade monster [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros], which was famous for its defensive capabilities. It was a spiritual pet left behind by an ancestor of Yuling Sect thousands of years ago.

This beast has been in the Yuling Sect for more than a thousand years, and it can be regarded as a hard-working one. It is trusted by all the Golden Core monks in the Yuling Sect. In addition, it is famous for its defensive ability, so it will give it the opportunity to break through to the fifth level. it!

And with this beast's profound knowledge and powerful defense capabilities, as well as some tribulation-transmitting magic weapons and elixirs prepared for it by Yuling Sect, the chance of surviving the thunder tribulation of heaven should be high.

"It's a pity that I don't know if there will be a real person in the Nascent Soul stage to take action. If there is such a being to take action and attract the attention of the [Rock-armored Giant Rhino], maybe I will have a chance to win some 'Emperor Ooze'! "

"Of course, even if there is no real person in the Nascent Soul stage to take action, this is my only chance to seize the 'Emperor's Liquid'. Even if it means snatching the food from the tiger's mouth, I have to fight hard!"

In the cave, Zhou Chun looked at the intelligence information in his hand with a very solemn expression.

With his current strength, it is not impossible to seize part of the "Emperor's Liquid" from a fifth-level monster that has just successfully passed through the tribulation and is still in a weak stage.

But in this case, he will definitely be regarded as an enemy blocking the way, and he will usher in crazy revenge in the future!

Therefore, if there were no Nascent Soul Stage monks to kill the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros], even if he captured the "Emperor Ooze", it would bring great trouble to himself and the Zhou family.

In order to prevent this future trouble, maybe after he seizes the "Emperor's Liquid", he will take advantage of the situation to do more things!

In view of this, Zhou Chun also quickly took action.

He and Zhou Daoyi went to the area near the mountain gate of Yulingmen and secretly contacted those forces that Yulingmen could not deal with.

Zhou Daoyi went to Jingguo and brought Zhou Mingde and Lin Hongyu to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

With Zhou Chun's character, once he decides to take action, he will definitely go all out!

After he rushed to the mountain gate of Yulingmen, he quickly contacted his mortal enemy sect "Shenmu Sect".

This Shenmu Sect is the sect from which it is reported that the [Rock Armored Giant Rhinoceros] will survive the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation. Its sect is slightly inferior to the Yuling Sect in terms of power and has suffered a lot in the open and covert battles with the Yuling Sect.

But no one expected that the Shenmu Sect would insert nails into the upper levels of the Yuling Sect without saying a word.

It is said that the person who spread the news was the concubine of an elder from the Yuling Sect, who was himself a descendant of a late Jindan elder from the Shenmu Sect!

Now that Yulingmen has sealed off the mountain to protect itself, Shenmu Sect no longer hides and tucks away, and stands out openly, with a clear-cut plan to destroy Yulingmen.

Of course, their slogan is not to attack the enemy, but to uphold justice for heaven, eliminate the senior leaders of the Yuling Sect who are controlled by monsters, and rescue those innocent Yuling Sect disciples who do not know the inside story!

In short, we must have a firm foothold on morality.

The Shenmu Sect itself is not bad in terms of strength. The eldest elder in the sect is a late-stage Jindan monk, as well as a middle-stage Jindan monk and three early-stage Jindan monks.

If it weren't for the fact that the Yuling Sect had several fourth-level monsters, the Shenmu Sect would not be any weaker than them on paper.

When Zhou Chun came into contact with the Shenmu Sect, he did not reveal his identity as the head of the Zhou family. He only said that he was a casual cultivator who had a grudge against the Yuling Sect and was willing to take action against the Yuling Sect at the right time.

The main purpose of doing this is to avoid being mistaken by the other party as the helper of the Yulingmen when the time comes to take action. The other reason is to inquire about the news and see if there is a real Yuanying in the Yuanying stage to take action.

Unfortunately, judging from the results of several contacts, it seems that the Shenmu Sect has not invited Daoist Nascent Soul Stage.

However, I learned another noteworthy information. The [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] at the Yuling Sect should be going through the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation in a year or two at most!

Under such circumstances, it would be difficult for Zhou Chun to leave the vicinity of Yulingmen Mountain Gate and look for other helpers.

He could only join up with Lin Hongyu and Zhou Mingde who had already arrived, and wait for the opportunity to take action.

As for Zhou Daoyi, he needs to disguise himself as Zhou Mingde and sit in the Zhou family, but it is not convenient for him to join this operation.

After all, he is nominally the one who has been declared dead by the Zhou family, and he also has a network of contacts that was managed with great difficulty in Tianyuan Immortal City.

Time passed slowly, and soon the three Zhou family members were squatting in the mountains and fields near Yuling Gate for more than a year.

During this period, as the news spread, more and more cultivators came to join in the fun around Yulingmen, including many Golden Core cultivators.

This is naturally good news for Zhou Chun.

The more chaotic the situation becomes, the less noticeable it will be for him to take action.

Until that day, a strong wind suddenly rose over the Yulingmen Mountain Gate and thunderclouds gathered. Zhou Chun knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for had finally arrived.

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