Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 604: Stealing the


As the wind suddenly rose, thunderclouds gathered, and a heart-stopping and huge force of heaven suddenly descended on the Yulingmen Mountain Gate, encompassing the nearby area of ​​a hundred miles!

The Heavenly Thunder Tribulation is so powerful that the area within a hundred miles of the Tribulation Overcoming Tribulation Area belongs to the Tribulation Tribulation Area. Any creature in this area will be attacked by the Heavenly Tribulation. The higher the level of cultivation, the stronger the Heavenly Tribulation attack will be.

Therefore, there is no way to seek help from outsiders to overcome the tribulation, and we can only resist it alone.

And after the coercion of Heavenly Dao appears, the tribulation-crossing people inside have been locked. At this time, they are not allowed to leave the tribulation-crossing area without permission, otherwise the tribulation will not only fall in advance, but the power will double!

In this case, whether it was for their own lives or not to interfere with the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros]'s tribulation, the monks at the Yuling Sect could no longer seal the mountain to protect themselves.

I saw that the Yuling Gate, which was originally closed, suddenly opened its formation. All the Yulingmen monks inside left the mountain gate under the leadership of the elders, including many monsters tamed by the Yuling Gate.

After these people and monsters left Yulingmen Mountain Gate, they retreated to two to three hundred miles away, and then formed formations on the spot to protect themselves.

At the same time, the coalition forces led by the Shenmu Sect also appeared one after another. Soon, an army of monks that was multiple times the number of Yulingmen disciples appeared dozens of miles away from them, vaguely surrounding them.

However, at this time, they only surrounded the Yulingmen disciples and did not take action directly.

After all, the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] has not yet passed the tribulation, and no one knows whether it can succeed.

If it fails, then this battle may not be possible.

After all, sect wars usually result in one thousand casualties to the enemy and eight hundred losses to oneself, so it cannot be carried out unless absolutely necessary!

If it weren't for the existence of a fifth-level demon king that could break the balance in the Yuling Sect this time, the Shenmu Sect would certainly not have been so aggressive in fighting to the death.

And as all the disciples of Yuling Sect withdrew from the mountain gate, only the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] existed in the entire Yuling Sect's mountain gate.

When the thunderclouds in the sky gathered bigger and bigger, and the thundercloud area expanded to dozens of miles, the giant beast finally couldn't bear it anymore and appeared.

Along with a long beast roar, a huge monster suddenly appeared above a certain peak inside the Yulingmen Mountain Gate.

What he saw was a gray-white giant rhinoceros with a body length of thirty to forty feet and a height of ten feet.

After this beast appeared, Dang even released its aura without reservation.

That majestic aura has exceeded the limit of a fourth-level demon beast and is infinitely close to that of a fifth-level demon king!

And with the release of its aura, the thunderclouds in the sky seemed to be stimulated. Silver-white thunder and lightning began to move around, and the pressure of heaven suddenly became much stronger.

The gray-white giant rhinoceros raised its head and looked at the tribulation thundercloud with the dancing silver snakes, a look of fear flashing in its eyes.

The power of heaven is unpredictable, and any enlightened creature cannot help but feel fear from the bottom of its heart when faced with the coercion emanating from this heavenly thunder calamity.

This is something that is imprinted on the blood and souls of the creatures in this world, and no creature can be exempted from it.

But those who have reached this point, whether they are human monks or monster beasts, all know that the only way to survive is to go against the will of heaven!

If you follow the rules, you will be an ordinary person; if you go against the rules, you will become an immortal!

If you want to live forever and transcend, you must take this heaven-defying path!

So the gray-white giant rhinoceros quickly suppressed the fear in his heart with a roar and began to prepare for the disaster.

But seeing the aura surging on its body, the rocks at its feet immediately melted into mud and converged on it, forming a thick and simple blue-gray rock armor on its body in the blink of an eye.

Then he saw it open its mouth and spit out, and a ball of earthy yellow glow emerged, turning into a hemispherical shield to protect itself within it.


Just when the gray-white giant rhinoceros began to use its magical powers to lay out protection, a thunderous sound suddenly exploded.

This is the thunder sound of heaven, which contains the power of heavenly calamity. Even the real person in the Yuanying stage cannot be exempted from its influence.

At the moment when the thunder exploded, even Zhou Chun and other monks watching the ceremony, who were hundreds of miles away from the place of transcending the tribulation, were all trembling in their hearts and briefly lost their consciousness.

And the gray-white giant rhinoceros, which was bearing the power of the thunder sound of heaven on the front, was stunned, and its eyes were full of confusion.

It wasn't until a thick silver sky-light beam hit the earth-yellow shield that it shattered the shield and landed on it, then it woke up as if waking from a dream.

And just this first sky thunder defeated the two defenses it arranged, and even the body was slightly bruised by the power of the sky thunder.

Such power made Zhou Chun's eyelids twitch slightly when he could see it from a distance.

Although he had previously known that the thunder tribulation of heaven encountered by fourth-level monsters breaking through to fifth level was astonishingly powerful, far more powerful than the heavenly tribulation faced by immortal cultivators who transformed into pills and formed infants, he did not expect it to be so terrifying!

You must know that with the gray-white giant rhinoceros's current magical power, the two defenses just arranged will be difficult to break with one blow, even if the Nascent Soul Stage master uses the best magic weapon.

I didn't expect that now I would be directly broken by the first thunder of heavenly tribulation!

The complete Heavenly Thunder Tribulation is divided into three rounds, with a total of twenty-seven Heavenly Tribulation thunders before and after!

This made Zhou Chun wonder, can the gray-white giant rhinoceros really survive the thunder tribulation of heaven?

Just when he was thinking with complicated emotions whether the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] could successfully overcome the disaster, thunder had already fallen one after another that day.

The gray-white giant rhinoceros also showed its tenacious will to resist during the thunder bombardment.

It went back and forth using the two defensive magical powers at the beginning. Even though the power of the sky thunder gradually increased, and every time it was bombarded to pieces and blood splattered, no more methods were used.

In this way, after the first round of nine thunders fell, no intact skin could be seen on the gray-white giant rhinoceros. There were pitted wounds all over the body. The dark red blood scab covered its whole body like a layer of blood scab armor. wrapped.

The so-called God of Heaven, even if it is a catastrophe such as the Thunder Tribulation of Heaven that eliminates those who go against the will of heaven, it will still leave a glimmer of hope for those who overcome the tribulation.

Therefore, after each of the three rounds of thunder tribulation, after the nine paths have passed, there will be a pause for some time before starting the next round.

This pause time is the best time for the Tribulation Crosser to heal and breathe. Whether or not they can seize this glimmer of hope and survive the coming thunder tribulation all depends on the preparations made by the Tribulation Crosser!

If the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] is just a wild beast without any backing helpers, the most it can do at this time is to swallow a few elixirs found in advance to heal its wounds, but the effect will basically not be much better.

But it is not a wild beast, but has the support of the entire sect of Yuling Sect.

In order for the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] to successfully survive the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation, the Yuling Sect has obviously made a lot of preparations.

Once the calamity ceased, [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] immediately swallowed a black bottle hidden in its belly and spit it out, swallowing all the various healing and recovery elixirs contained in it.

These elixirs are all high-quality products that the Golden elixir stage monks will fight for after seeing them. After swallowing them, the power of the elixirs will be quickly digested by the [Rock-armored Giant Rhino] and used to restore its own mana and injuries.

In just a few dozen breaths, the wounds on its body began to grow and healed quickly.

After about a cup of tea, the flesh wounds on [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] were 80% or 90% healed.

At this time, the second round of heavenly tribulation officially arrived.

Compared with the first round of tribulation, this second round of tribulation is more powerful. Just the first tribulation thunder easily shattered the protection arranged by [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros], leaving a ferocious mark on it. The extremely huge scar made it howl in pain.

Then when the second calamity thunder fell, it finally didn't dare to push it any further, and quickly displayed its third defensive magical power.

But seeing the gray-white aura radiating from its body, its body instantly turned into a stone sculpture of a giant beast, and its aura was faintly connected to the mountain below it.

The silver thunderbolt landed on the stone sculpture. Although it was full of cracks, it could not really shatter it.

And as the gray-white spiritual light surged, the cracks on the giant beast stone sculpture quickly returned to their original state.

Relying on this magical power, [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] actually survived eight tribulation thunders in a row, and survived this second round of tribulation thunders!

Zhou Chun was also surprised by this scene.

He is naturally familiar with the magical power of [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] that transforms into a stone elephant. It is almost exactly the same as the [Petrified Body] that his spiritual pet, the golden-armored mountain turtle Shitou, awakened after breaking through the third level. It is probably the same kind. Supernatural powers.

But I didn't expect that this magical power was so powerful that it could withstand so many thunder tribulations from heaven!

It seems that he still underestimated the power of this magical power!

However, since even [Petrified Body] is so powerful, the racial innate magical power [Mountain Incarnation] possessed by Golden Armor Bearing Mountain Turtle Stone now should only become more powerful. Maybe in the future, he can directly rely on this move to cross the border. Three rounds of thunder tribulation!

Of course, this may be a bit overthinking, because the stronger the monster itself is, the more powerful the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation will be, and vice versa.

Otherwise, those monster races that are not good at defense or attack will not be able to survive the thunder tribulation of heaven.

If a monster like the Mountain Turtle breaks through the fifth level, the power of the thunder tribulation of heaven will definitely be much stronger than the thunder tribulation this [Rock-armored Giant Rhino] is facing now.

But even so, the possibility of carrying the mountain turtle through the thunder tribulation of heaven is definitely much greater than that of the [rock-armored giant rhinoceros] under normal circumstances.

Looking at the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] again, after the second round of tribulation thunder ended, it also took the initiative to dissipate its petrified magical power and returned to its normal flesh and blood body.

Then he saw that its body was suddenly covered with bloodstains, and suddenly there were countless cobweb-like bloodstains and wounds, and gurgling blood burst out from them, instantly turning it into a blood cow!

At the same time, the mountain below him suddenly collapsed by hundreds of feet, and countless stone powder and dust were flying in the strong wind, as if there was a sandstorm!

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun's expression changed drastically again, and he knew that he still underestimated the power of Jie Lei.

It turns out that [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] did not completely withstand the damage caused by those tribulation thunders, but only delayed the outbreak of injuries through its petrified state.

It also transferred the power of the tribulation thunder to the mountain peaks and the earth beneath it, and the mountain peaks and the earth helped it bear this part of the tribulation thunder damage.

Now that the second round of thunder has passed and a new breather has arrived, it will naturally not hold on to its injuries without recovering!

I saw it repeating the previous operation again, opening its mouth and spitting out a bottle, taking out all the healing and recovery items inside and swallowing it in one gulp.

Zhou Chun even saw a few demon pills with earth-yellow light shining in them, which should be third-level high-grade earth attribute demon pills.

For the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros], which is already considered a quasi-level five monster, these demon pills have no effect at all on improving cultivation, they are only used to restore mana.

From this aspect, the demon pill is indeed the best way to restore mana for demon beasts.

Zhou Chun also took this matter to heart. If his spiritual pet survives a tribulation in the future, if there is no other better spiritual elixir to choose from, he can prepare several demon elixirs of the same attribute as supplements.

Although this seems to be a waste of resources, it is nothing compared to the benefits gained from surviving the thunder tribulation of heaven.

However, even with these elixirs and demon elixirs, [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] cannot fully recover its injuries and mana in a short period of time.

When it finally stopped the wounds from bleeding, the third round of thunder had already arrived!

As the last round of tribulation thunder, the power of this third round of tribulation thunder is naturally much stronger than the previous two rounds.

When the first tribulation thunder fell, silver lightning shone all over the sky, and then a silver lightning like a dragon or a snake fell from the sky, and in the blink of an eye it fell on the gray-white giant rhinoceros who had just barely put up two defenses.


A miserable roar sounded from the silver lightning. The huge body of the gray-white giant rhinoceros was directly knocked to the ground by the thunder. A huge wound with deep bones appeared on the back, and even the white cow bones were burned. Became black!

The injuries caused by this thunderbolt alone were more serious than all the previous injuries suffered by the gray-white giant rhinoceros combined.

It couldn't even imagine how terrifying the remaining eight tribulation thunders would be!

Therefore, when the second calamity thunder was about to fall, it finally started to fight with all its strength.

I saw the gray-white spiritual light condensed on the horn above its head, and directly released a gray-white light beam full of destructive aura that hit the thunder clouds above its head, just in time to collide with the second thunder that fell.

Under the bombardment of this gray-white light beam, the second tribulation thunder suddenly shrunk in size by nearly half. After falling on the defense supported by the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros], it was destroyed together with the defensive magical power.

But the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] could no longer send out such attacks continuously in a short period of time. Therefore, when the third thunderbolt fell, it could only spit out its own demon elixir and use the power contained in the demon elixir to blast away. Dispersed this calamity thunder.

However, the Demonic Pill also developed slight cracks, causing considerable damage to its vitality.

In this way, with the opportunity gained by the Demonic Pill, when the fourth tribulation thunder fell, it regained its breath and once again released a gray-white light beam to meet the tribulation thunder, and survived the tribulation thunder without any loss. .

When the fifth tribulation thunder fell, [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] suddenly opened its mouth and spit out a khaki aura, directly facing the tribulation thunder.

That is not its demon elixir, but an earthy yellow seal magic weapon. Judging from the aura, it is still a middle-grade magic weapon!

But this middle-grade magic weapon was easily blown into pieces under the bombardment of tribulation thunder.

Then the Tribulation Thunder, which had less than 20% of its power, shattered the protection arranged by the [Rock Armored Rhinoceros], leaving a second deep visible bone wound on its body.

Even though the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] itself is known for its tenacious vitality, these two wounds hanging on its body have made it weak and sluggish.

It should be noted that the trauma caused by the tribulation thunder is different from other wounds. The power of the tribulation thunder remains in the body, which can greatly suppress the monster's own recovery ability.

Otherwise, with the powerful self-healing ability of [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] and the assistance of the healing pills swallowed, the recovery from injuries would not be so slow.

But Heavenly Tribulation will obviously not show mercy to any living being.

The sixth calamity thunder fell quickly after more than ten breaths.

This time, the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] once again spit out a black-brown spiritual light from its mouth, turning into a black-brown giant peak a hundred feet high to block the calamity thunder.

It turned out to be another high-grade magic weapon with earth attributes!

But even the top-grade magic weapon was directly shattered into several pieces and fell to the ground under the bombardment of the Tribulation Thunder.

Then, the tribulation thunder, whose power was weakened by nearly half, still blasted away the protection arranged by the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros], leaving another serious wound on its body.

Obviously, the power of the tribulation thunder becomes stronger and stronger as we go to the back.

After the seventh tribulation thunder fell, [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] finally regained its breath and released the third gray-white light beam.

The effect of the gray-white light beam this time was similar to that of the high-grade magic weapon. It was also able to barely withstand the seventh tribulation thunder.

Only the last two are left!

At this moment, looking at the huge beast that was covered with scars, everyone from the Yuling Sect to Zhou Chun and others felt their hearts in their throats.

As long as they survive the last two thunderstorms without dying, they will witness the birth of a fifth-level demon king today!

This is an even rarer scene than the formation of a golden elixir stage monk into an elixir and a baby!

In the midst of everyone's attention, the eighth tribulation thunder arrived as expected.

At this time, the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] had almost exhausted its mana due to the continuous use of various magical powers that consumed a lot of energy.

Facing the eighth tribulation thunder falling from the sky, it could only roar, charge upwards with its head raised, and collided with the tribulation thunder with the horn on its head.

The result was that its horn, which was so hard that even high-grade magic weapons could not damage it, was directly shattered by the thunderbolt strike, and even its skull was shattered by the thunderbolt and half of it was vaporized!

Such a severe injury caused even a quasi-level five demon king like it to fall into a situation on the verge of death.

Going to fail?

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun's expression changed slightly, and he didn't know whether to be disappointed or happy.

Many disciples of the Yuling Sect also lowered their heads, their eyes full of despair and couldn't bear to witness the tragedy that followed.

The disciples of the Shenmu Sect had already started cheering.

Only the few Jindan-stage elders of the Yuling Sect were not desperate at this moment. Instead, they looked at the giant beast with tense expressions, with a faint look of hope emerging in their eyes.

Regarding the various reactions of these human monks, they did not pay any attention to the thunder tribulation of heaven or the dying giant beast.

The thunder tribulation of heaven will not stop attacking as long as the target of the tribulation is not completely dead.

Therefore, the last thunderbolt came quickly as scheduled.

As the last tribulation thunder in the entire heavenly thunder tribulation, the power of this tribulation thunder has naturally reached the extreme, almost comparable to the full blow of a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul!

Even a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul would be injured when dealing with such an attack, let alone the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] who had not yet survived the thunder tribulation.

But at this moment, [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] suddenly exhausted all his mana, opened his mouth and spat out a golden aura to face the tribulation thunder.

Among the golden light, there was a long golden cone about several feet long!

"The ultimate magic weapon [Golden Light Breaking Yuan Cone], isn't this the magic weapon of the Supreme Elder of the Huangfu family? How could it be in the hands of this evil beast! Could it be..."

A startling sound suddenly sounded from the blue sky near Yuling Gate, but only a few people heard it.

Because at this moment, all the monks' eyes were attracted by the golden light and silver thunder.

I saw that after the golden long cone collided with the falling silver thunder, it was not directly broken like the two previous magic weapons. Instead, after a large amount of the power of the silver thunder was consumed, it whined and was bombarded to the ground. There is no trace in the earth.

Then the tribulation thunder, whose power was greatly reduced, continued to bombard the [Rock-armored Giant Rhino], directly blasting its huge body into pieces!

Still dead?

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun suddenly felt a sense of disappointment in his heart, as if he didn't want the [Rock-armored Giant Rhino] to fall and die.

But as soon as this feeling of disappointment stayed in his heart for a few breaths, his eyes widened and he was instantly stunned by the scene he saw!

The shattered body of the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] turned into clouds of green smoke, and then the real [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] escaped from the ground.

At this time, [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros], although still looking dying, is still alive after all.

But as the aura of [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] appeared again, the thunderclouds in the sky no longer responded, and quickly dispersed as if they had completed their mission.

At this moment, a silver full moon suddenly appeared in the sky, and there was a phenomenon of a full moon in the sky in broad daylight!

I saw the silver light shining brightly on the silver full moon, and soon a silver slurry like lead and mercury fell from the sky, falling towards the [Rock-armored Giant Rhino] on the ground.

"It's the 'Emperor's Liquid'. The vision of the God-given 'Emperor's Liquid' has appeared!"

The excited roar sounded from nowhere, but it aroused the greed of countless interested people.

"We can't let that beast absorb the 'Emperor's Liquid' and recover. Let's all take action together to snatch away all the 'Emperor's Liquid'!"

In the Shenmu Sect camp, the great elder who had the late stage cultivation of Jindan shouted loudly, and immediately used the wood escape technique to escape towards the mountain gate of Yulingmen.

Looking at the Yulingmen camp, several Yulingmen elders also immediately flew towards the mountain gate, hoping to protect the mountain-protecting spirit beasts who were still in their weak stage.

And above the nine-sky blue sky, an old man in yellow robe was looking at the silver liquid with longing eyes, a little ready to make a move.

But just when he was about to snatch the "Emperor's Liquid", his expression suddenly changed, and he looked in a certain direction with fear, where there were only continuous white clouds.

But the old man in yellow robe was like a mouse seeing a cat. After cupping his hands in that direction, he quickly turned into a streak of yellow cloud and left the place!

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