Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 605: Getting what you want【Please subscribe】


After the vision of the heaven-given "Emperor's Liquid" appeared, Zhou Chun could not hide his excitement.

Even the several spiritual pets in his spirit animal bag expressed their desire at the same moment, and they were all restless.

Except for the human monks who have confirmed that they cannot obtain benefits from refining the "Emperor Ooze", any monster can obtain great benefits from these wonders of heaven and earth.

Even ordinary beasts, if they have the opportunity to swallow a drop of "Emperor Ooze", will instantly evolve into a monster beast, and have great potential to break through to the second level!

But Zhou Chun was excited, but he didn't take action immediately like the great elder of Shenmu Sect and others.

Instead, he slightly raised his head and looked up at the blue sky.

He was one of the few people who heard the exclamation before.

He even recognized the identity of the old man in yellow robe.

That person was none other than the famous Nascent Soul Stage cultivator Huang Yun Zhenren in the Great Zhou Kingdom!

Zhou Chun had also participated in exchange meetings of this old organization before.

When he saw this old man, Zhou Chun thought that everything would be settled today and Yuling Sect would be destroyed.

But then after carefully savoring the old man's words, he immediately changed his mind.

Seeing the old man turn around and leave without hesitation, he further confirmed his guess!

There is someone behind Yulingmen!

And it’s not just any big force, it’s the royal family of the Zhou royal family!

As the number one family of immortal cultivators in the Great Zhou Kingdom, the Huangfu family is one of the top five major forces in the Great Zhou Kingdom, with unfathomable strength.

The key is that it is rumored that the strongest person within this clan is a fifth-level high-grade demon king!

Zhou Chun didn't know how the Yuling Sect got connected with the Huangfu family, but since the Huangfu family was willing to lend out even top-quality magic weapons such as the [Golden Light Breaking Yuan Cone] to help the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] overcome the calamity, it can be seen that the relationship between the two has already Extraordinary.

At this moment, even Master Huang Yun, a casual cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, suddenly gave up the "Emperor Ooze" and a weak stage fifth-level demon king that was within easy reach. It can be seen that in addition to lending treasures, there are strong people from the Huangfu family hiding nearby.

Maybe this strong man is the fifth-level high-grade demon king!

In view of this, Zhou Chun was hesitant as to whether he should take action to intercept the "Emperor's Liquid".

Once he takes action at this time, he will completely break up with the Yuling Sect. If the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] wants to take revenge afterwards, it will be really difficult to resist.

On the other hand, if they don't take action, Yulingmen will most likely not go to Jingguo to deal with the Zhou family.

After all, what happened in the first place was that they were acting unethically, and the Zhou family is now nominally protected by the Moon Wheel Sect.

But in this case, Golden Winged Tiger's opportunity to break through would slip away before his eyes.

On the one hand, the family may face revenge from powerful enemies, and on the other hand, it is the opportunity for his spiritual pet to break through.

Zhou Chun didn't know what choice to make for a while.

"Masachun, what are you thinking about? Why don't you take action?"

At this time, seeing Zhou Chun's expression changing and showing no intention of moving, Zhou Mingde also frowned and couldn't help looking at him and asking aloud.

After hearing this, Zhou Chun also quickly expressed his difficulties.

After listening to his words, Zhou Mingde's expression also changed drastically, and he was in a dilemma like him.

In fact, this time Zhou Chun called Zhou Mingde and asked him to help deal with the Yuling Sect people. The main reason was to let his spiritual pet Vulcan Jackal also get a share of the pie and increase his breakthrough by taking "Emperor Flow Serum". Level 4 success rate.

So the choice Zhou Chun faces now also exists for him.

But what the two of them didn't expect was that just when they were in a dilemma, Lin Hongyu suddenly said: "In this case, you two should stop showing up, and I will fight for the 'Emperor's Liquid'. !”

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde were stunned and looked at her.

Facing the gazes of the two people, Lin Hongyu immediately said in a calm tone: "Yulingmen probably doesn't know much about my situation. As long as I change my appearance, I should be able to fool around in this situation."

"If I fail to succeed, then it means God's will is so, and you don't have to take any more risks!"

Hearing her words, Zhou Chun just pondered for a moment, then nodded quickly and said, "Okay, I'll leave this matter to you!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and handed Lin Hongyu the spirit beast bag containing the Hellfire Phoenix and Golden-winged Tiger, letting her take it with her for self-defense.

Even many elders of the Zhou family don't know about the existence of this Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, but they are not afraid of being exposed and people guessing that it is related to the Zhou family.

As for the golden-winged tiger, it was purely for the convenience of feeding Lin Hongyu in time after she obtained the "Emperor's Liquid".

After Lin Hongyu took the spirit beast bag, she immediately jumped into the air and galloped towards the location of the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros].

At this time, the elder of the Shenmu Sect who was the quickest to take action had already reached the vicinity of the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] through the wood escape technique.

After the person appeared, he first waved his sleeves and offered an emerald green gourd magic weapon.

A ball of green rays of light surged out of the gourd magic weapon and immediately swept towards the silver liquid falling from the sky.

At the same time, a blue-black flying sword suddenly flew out of his mouth, turning into a sharp sword light and slashing at the immobile [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros].

But he didn't expect that as soon as the sword flew a few feet in front of the [Rock Armored Giant Rhino], it suddenly stopped in mid-air. No matter how much the elder of the Shenmu Sect urged it, it was difficult to move forward an inch, as if it was blocked by an invisible wall. Blocked.

This scene caused a drastic change in the face of the Shenmu Sect elder, and also made Zhou Chun's face darken as he watched.

Obviously, his suspicion came true. There was indeed a strong person secretly protecting the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros].

But what happened next made Zhou Chun slightly stunned.

Although the great elder of the Shenmu Sect failed in his attempt to kill the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros], he succeeded in collecting the "Emperor's Liquid"!

The green glow emitted by the gourd magic weapon successfully rolled up part of the "Emperor's Liquid" and returned it to the gourd.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun couldn't help but squint his eyes, and all kinds of speculations flashed through his mind.

Various thoughts were swirling in his mind, and he quickly flew towards the location of several other Jindan elders of the Shenmu Sect, and conveyed his thoughts to a Jindan elder of the Shenmu Sect with whom he had been in contact before.

After hearing Zhou Chun's message, the Jindan elder of the Shenmu Sect also changed his expression slightly, and then hurriedly communicated with several fellow disciples via message.

Immediately afterwards, one of them sent a signal to call back the great elder of the Shenmu Sect, and directly called the assembled coalition forces to kill the Yuling Sect disciples.

On the other side, when Lin Hongyu arrived near the scene, the landing of the "Emperor's Slurry" was almost over. Only about half of the "Emperor's Slurry" was absorbed into the body of the [Rock Armored Giant Rhinoceros] for its own transformation and recovery. Injury.

She just caught up with the last wave and hurriedly took action to compete with several other golden elixir stage monks for the falling silver slurry.

But at this moment, the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros], which had been motionless in the face of everyone intercepting the "Emperor's Slurry", suddenly became angry.

But seeing it open its mouth and let out a roar, Lin Hongyu and others who were collecting the "Emperor Ooze" were all shocked, and their consciousness fell into a brief trance.

Immediately, several arms-thick gray-white light beams shot towards the golden elixir stage monks who had already gained a lot.


Suddenly a shrill scream sounded in the sky, and a certain late-stage Jindan monk suddenly had an arm exploded, and he hurriedly fled away, covered in blood.

This scream also woke up the absent-minded Lin Hongyu. She looked at the bloody rain that exploded in several other places in the sky. Her face turned pale and she hurriedly took a ball of "Emperor Ooze" back to her side, and then immediately released it from the Flame Prison. The fire phoenix, riding the fire phoenix, fled in a panic into the distance.

At this time, the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] had swallowed all the remaining "Emperor Ooze" in one gulp, and then only glanced at Lin Hongyu briefly before chasing after the escaped late-stage Golden Core cultivator.

Obviously, compared to Lin Hongyu who just came to pick up some leftovers in the end, the late Jindan cultivator who robbed at least one-tenth of its "Emperor's Liquid" made it even more angry and resentful.


Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it seems that Lin Hongyu's harvest is not very good, she still got a ball of "Emperor Ooze". The next step depends on the fate of the Golden Winged Tiger!

As for his side.

Zhou Chun looked at the Shenmu Sect coalition forces that had already broken out into a battle with the Yulingmen over there, and the strange color in his eyes flashed away.

At this point he almost understood what was going on.

If what he expected was correct, due to some reasons, the Huangfu family could not directly accept Yuling Sect as a vassal, and could not directly send people to help Yuling Sect deal with Shenmu Sect and other forces.

Even apart from helping the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] overcome the calamity and protect its life, they could not take action against those who were below the Nascent Soul stage.

Therefore, even though the actions of those people who intercepted the "Emperor's Liquid" were not in the interests of the Huangfu family, the powerful Huangfu family could only pretend that they did not see it and only took action to save the life of the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros].

And similarly, in the absence of real people from the Nascent Soul Stage participating in the war, they cannot interfere in the war between the Shenmu Sect and other forces and the Yuling Sect, even if the Yuling Sect is destroyed!

Most of this involves the game between the top forces in the Great Zhou Kingdom, and each other must abide by certain tacit agreements.

After all, the Great Zhou Kingdom is different from a small country like Jingguo. This country alone has more than two palms of Nascent Soul monks. It is impossible for everyone to separate themselves like Jingguo, let alone force all the small and medium-sized forces in the country to take sides.

If we did that, there would never be the prosperous situation of the Great Zhou Kingdom today.

It is precisely because of not forcing all small and medium-sized forces to take sides that the upper-class mobility of the Great Zhou Kingdom is not completely blocked.

For a sect like Leiya Valley, because of the sudden appearance of a Nascent Soul Stage monk, they were able to move from a medium power to a big power and become a new wealthy family.

There are also some sects that have declined due to the death of monks in the Yuanying stage and no successors.

Regardless of the rise or decline of a large force, it will only affect the force itself and a small number of vassal forces. It will not be too involved and will not cause turmoil in the country.

Under this model, even if the Huangfu family reached some agreement with Yulingmen in private, at least on the surface they could not accept Yulingmen, a sect that had been inherited for thousands of years, as a vassal.

So theoretically speaking, if the Huangfu family was not afraid of secret revenge later, they could only watch the Yulingmen be destroyed at this time.

"It's a pity that my disguise can't be hidden from the real person at the Yuanying stage. Otherwise, I will take this opportunity to kill one or two Yuling Sect Golden Pill monks and let them bleed hard!"

After some hesitation, Zhou Chun suppressed the murderous intention in his heart and asked Zhou Mingde to withdraw first.

It’s never too late for a monk to take revenge!

It’s not easy to cause trouble with the Yuling Sect now, because they are worried about the Huangfu family and the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] that has survived the catastrophe.

When he has the strength not to be afraid of the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] in the future, he will naturally come and destroy Yuling Sect in person!

After evacuating the battlefield in this way, Zhou Chun did not go to find Lin Hongyu, nor did he take Zhou Mingde to Tianyuan Immortal City. Instead, he went to stay near the mountain gate of Shenmu Sect.

He had seen before that the great elder of the Shenmu Sect took away the gourd magic weapon which was equivalent to more than ten times the amount of "Emperor Flow Serum" that Lin Hongyu had obtained.

With such a large portion, a mere Shenmu Sect would definitely not be able to use it all.

So Zhou Chun planned to wait for the other party to come back and then replace him with him.

Of course, the premise is that the other party can come back alive!

After waiting for almost a day, Zhou Chun really waited for the great elder of the Shenmu Sect to return with the defeated soldiers.

Originally, Shenmu Sect had five golden elixir monks. Except for one early golden elixir monk who stayed at the mountain gate, the remaining four golden elixir monks all went to Yulingmen.

But among the Shenmu Sect's group who returned to the mountain gate with less than a hundred people at this time, only the Shenmu Sect's great elder and another early-stage Jindan monk survived.

It can be seen that this battle must be extremely tragic!

At this time, when he was about to return to the mountain gate, he was blocked by Zhou Chun's sudden appearance. The expression of the great elder of the Shenmu Sect also changed. He couldn't help but look at him with an angry look and shouted angrily: "Su Qin, how dare you appear in front of me?" ! Why didn’t you fulfill your agreement before and take action!”

Su Qin is naturally the pseudonym Zhou Chun used when he came into contact with the monks of the Shenmu Sect, and his current appearance is also disguised.

At this time, facing the accusation from the great elder of Shenmu Sect, he said calmly: "Fellow Daoist Lin, if you are angry in your heart, you don't need to vent your anger on Su. Su is not an enemy of your Shenmu Sect."

"As for why Su didn't take action, it's naturally Su's own consideration. It seems that Su is not under your command, Fellow Daoist Lin!"

These plain words immediately ignited the anger of the great elder of Shenmu Sect. He looked at him and roared: "Then what are you doing here? Are you watching my joke?"

"No, no, Su came here because he wanted to make a deal with fellow Taoist Lin, and also to help your Shenmu Sect preserve the fire!"

Zhou Chun didn't care at all about the anger of the great elder of the Shenmu Sect, and even slowly told his purpose with a smile on his face.

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, the Shenmu Sect's great elder suddenly focused his eyes and his anger subsided.

Then he looked at him coldly and said, "What deal do you want to make?"

"Of course it's the 'Emperor's Liquid' in the hands of Fellow Daoist Lin!"

Zhou Chun smiled slightly and said what he wanted.

The great elder of the Shenmu Sect didn't seem surprised by his request. He just continued to look at him coldly and asked, "Then what did you prepare in exchange?"

"How about the magic weapon? Su can use a middle-grade magic weapon in exchange for half of the 'Emperor's Liquid' in the hands of Fellow Daoist Lin!"

Zhou Chun said tentatively.

The value of one middle-grade magic weapon is equal to that of two low-grade magic weapons. When converted into spiritual coins, it can be worth millions of spiritual coins!

Regardless of whether there are goods in the market, if you use these spiritual coins to buy elixir-forming spiritual objects, you can get eight out of ten items without any problem!

Therefore, Zhou Chun's bid cannot be said to be low.

However, facing his offer, the great elder of the Shenmu Sect just smiled coldly and said: "Do you think I or this sect will be short of magic weapons? Unless you can come up with a top-grade magic weapon, don't blame me for not giving you a chance!"

Magical weapons are difficult to find, and that is relatively speaking.

"Emperor's Liquid" is a rare thing in the world, and it cannot be obtained except by chance!

Besides, this is a treasure obtained by the great elder of Shenmu Sect at the risk of his life.

Naturally, he couldn't exchange it for a magic weapon that he couldn't use.

Zhou Chun actually understood this truth in his heart.

So he quickly gave up his delusions, turned to look at the great elder of the Shenmu Sect and said, "What about the elixir used to help break through the middle stage barrier of the golden elixir? Su exchanged two elixirs for half of the 'Emperor Flow' in the hands of fellow Taoist Lin. Damn it, that’s all right!”

"Do you still have this kind of elixir in your hand?"

The great elder of the Shenmu Sect was slightly startled, then frowned and looked at Zhou Chun and said, "Whether it can be done, I have to inspect the goods first!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately shook his head and said: "Su doesn't have the actual object for the time being, but Su has almost collected all the elixirs needed for the elixir, which will be ready in less than three years. In order to make you believe it, Fellow Daoist Lin, Su can I’ll give you some of the elixir recipes to take a look at!”

As soon as these words came out, the Shenmu Sect's great elder's face suddenly darkened, and he couldn't help but sneer and said: "You don't even have the real thing, how can I trust you?"

Then he waved his sleeves and said: "That's all, since you are not sincere, then leave, I don't have time to waste my time with you here!"

"Wait a minute, Fellow Daoist Lin. What Su just said is definitely not a lie. If Fellow Daoist Lin feels that he is not reassured without a physical object, Su can use a five-thousand-year-old elixir as collateral!"

Zhou Chun gritted his teeth, but instead secretly communicated his final plan.

Hearing his words, the great elder of Shenmu Sect really changed his color.

But when he saw him, he immediately said, "Do you really have such a magical medicine?"

"Of course I won't deceive fellow Taoist Lin about this matter. The thing is on Su's body and can be inspected by fellow Taoist at any time!"

Zhou Chun responded with a serious face.

Seeing him like this, he immediately said: "In that case, I can give you half of the 'Emperor's Liquid', but I don't want your unreleased elixir, I only want the elixir in your hand!"

"This is not okay, Su will suffer a big loss!"

Zhou Chun shook his head repeatedly, unwilling to accept this exchange.

However, the great elder of the Shenmu Sect also acted quite calmly at this moment, and replied coldly: "If it doesn't work, forget it, I won't force you!"

After saying that, he will take the people away.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun's expression changed continuously, and finally he had to sigh and said: "That's it, just what Fellow Taoist Lin said!"

A quarter of an hour later, Zhou Chun returned to Zhou Mingde with a bottle of "Emperor's Liquid" obtained from the great elder of the Shenmu Sect.

But the 5,000-year-old Jasper Ganoderma that he brought out from the secret island has become someone else's property.

Regarding this transaction, it is difficult to say who wins and who loses. It should be said that everyone gets what they need!

The great elder of Shenmu Sect needs this level of elixir as a gift to find a backer, and Zhou Chun also needs "Emperor Flow Serum" to help his spiritual pet break through and advance.

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