Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 607: The Name of Flying Tiger, Crisis in the Wilderness [Please subscribe]

The Golden-winged Tiger broke through to the fourth level. Not only did his magical power increase greatly, but he also refined the crossbones in his mouth to be able to speak human words. This gain is not a small gain.

When Zhou Chun heard its voice that sounded like a young boy's, his face was filled with surprise and joy.

Ordinarily, he had already had face-to-face conversations with fifth-level demon kings such as Chongxuan Demon King before, so he shouldn't be so surprised.

But Demon King Chongxuan is still in human form after all, and the two of them are not familiar with each other.

The Golden-winged Tiger is in a true beast form, and was adopted by Zhou Chun when he was still a cub.

Now that the spiritual pet he had raised for hundreds of years was suddenly able to speak, how could Zhou Chun not be surprised.

I saw him looking at the giant winged tiger in front of him with bright eyes, and the more he looked at it, the happier he became.

Then he couldn't help but stretched out his hand to touch the tiger's nose which was bigger than his own head and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, my tiger is very promising, he can even speak human words!"

Hearing his words, Golden Winged Tiger also showed a happy look in his eyes.

Then he looked at him with big tiger eyes and said: "Master, Xiaohu has something to ask for, please accept it!"

"What's the matter? Just tell me!"

Zhou Chun was stunned for a moment, then responded with a smile.

Seeing that he agreed, Golden Winged Tiger quickly spoke out what he wanted, "Little Tiger would like to ask the master to give the little tiger a name!"

Among Zhou Chun's spiritual pets, Thunder Dragon Baibai, Golden Armored Mountain Turtle Shitou, and even Mu Mei Mu Sang were all given names by Zhou Chun early on.

Only the Golden-winged Tiger, although he was the third spiritual pet to follow him, had never been named.

Zhou Chun may not care about this matter in his heart, but in the mind of Golden Winged Tiger, who is now enlightened, this is undoubtedly a big deal.

Therefore, the first thing it asked for after breaking through the fourth level was to ask Zhou Chun to give it a name.

After listening to its request, Zhou Chun quickly understood what it meant.

He immediately looked at it with a guilty look on his face and said, "I was negligent in this matter. In that case, I will think of a good name for you, little tiger!"

As he spoke, he lowered his head and began to ponder.

Got it!

Not long after, Zhou Chun's eyes lit up and he already had a plan in mind.

He immediately looked up at the Golden Winged Tiger who was looking at him expectantly and said, "How about I name you Zhou Feihu? From now on, all of you will have my last name, the master!"

"Thank you, Master, for the name. From now on, I will be called Zhou Feihu. I also have a name!!"

The golden-winged tiger's eyes flashed with joy, and he roared with joy, scaring away countless nearby birds and beasts.

After cheering like this for a while, it got over the excitement and immediately knelt down to Zhou Chun and said, "Flying Tiger pays homage to its master!"

"Well, Feihu, please get up first, and then tell me about your current magical powers and spells."

Zhou Chun smiled and waved his hand, then asked Golden Winged Tiger to stand up and dictate the details of his magical power to him.

After a detailed discussion with Golden Winged Tiger, Zhou Chun had a detailed understanding of its magical powers after breaking through the fourth level.

In terms of strength, it is difficult to confirm whether the fourth-level Golden Winged Tiger is stronger than the Thunder Dragon Baibai and the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix.

Because each of the three is good at it, anyone would have a chance to win in a fight to the death.

But in general, the Golden Winged Tiger's space magical power [Space Blade] completely surpasses other spiritual pets in terms of upper limit of attack power, even Zhou Chun who used the spiritual treasure!

Space magical powers are inherently very mysterious and unpredictable. It is basically difficult for monks below the Nascent Soul stage to master such magical powers.

Even the monks in the Nascent Soul stage, most of them don't have any other attack type space magical powers except the "teleportation" magical power that they automatically master after the Nascent Soul leaves the body.

Therefore, if the Golden Winged Tiger's [Space Blade] is used properly, it can theoretically injure or even kill even a real person in the Nascent Soul Stage!

But this is only theoretical after all.

In fact, although the magical power of space is powerful and can be said to be invincible at the same level, it is not completely unstoppable.

The defensive magical powers of Nascent Soul Stage monks, and even the best magic weapons, may be able to block the [Space Blade] released by the fourth-level Golden Winged Tiger.

And with the Nascent Soul stage master's ability to perceive danger and his powerful flight speed, it would be difficult for the Golden Winged Tiger to hit the opponent unless it was a sudden sneak attack at close range.

However, if the Nascent Soul Stage monks are excluded, in the Golden Core Stage realm, without the best magic weapons and magical talismans, even 99% of the Golden Core Stage monks would be unable to block the [Space Blade] attack head-on!

This kind of spatial attribute magical power is almost the same as the rumored "space crack". It can cut space and temporarily cut open the void where items are blocking oneself!

To block such attacks, either the treasure itself contains the power of space, or the material is extremely hard and of high grade, or the magical power itself is so powerful that it can temporarily offset the power of space!

In the golden elixir stage, very few monks can do these things!

With the Golden Winged Tiger's current cultivation level and mana, he can probably cast [Space Blade] three times, and each cast must be separated by more than a quarter of an hour.

Despite this, if these three [Space Blades] are used properly, they can definitely play a role in laying the foundation for victory in battle!

And in addition to the [Space Blade], its "Flash in the Air" magical power can now dodge a hundred feet, and it is not a problem to use it dozens of times in a battle.

Even the magical power of the "space bag" has been strengthened. The storage space inside is now comparable to the storage bag used by Zhou Chun. It can be used as a storage bag or a spirit beast bag!

All in all, the level 4 Golden Winged Tiger's magical abilities are worthy of Zhou Chun's hard work and effort for its breakthrough.

After Zhou Chun understood it clearly, he was very satisfied.

However, before returning to the stronghold, he specifically told Golden Winged Tiger not to reveal his ability to speak human words in front of anyone other than himself, not even in front of his apprentice Zhou Zhiying!

Before he had the strength to truly threaten the real person in the Nascent Soul Stage, Zhou Chun did not want to expose to Jingguo that he had strength that far exceeded that of the late Jindan monks, so as not to attract vigilance and suppression from some quarters.

Therefore, even the matter of the Golden Winged Tiger breaking through to the fourth level must be concealed as much as possible and not spread out.

The same applies to the fourth level of cultivation including the golden armor, mountain turtle, and stone.

But Zhou Mingde definitely couldn't hide it, and Zhou Chun also wanted to reassure him, so he even brought Golden Winged Tiger to meet him.

After seeing the Golden Winged Tiger that successfully broke through to the fourth level, Zhou Mingde gained more confidence in his old friend's breakthrough.

The foundation of Vulcan Jackal is actually not that bad. It's just that under normal circumstances, breaking through the fourth level depends on luck.

Now with the help of such rare things from heaven and earth as the "Emperor's Liquid", the probability of a successful breakthrough is actually not low.

Sure enough, just over half a year after the Golden-winged Tiger succeeded in breaking through, the Vulcan Jackal also successfully broke through to the fourth level on Tuyun Ridge!

It is said that at that time, the sky was full of flames on Tuyun Ridge, and it almost caused a fire on the mountain.

This is also the second level 4 monster to successfully break through the level 4 in Tuyun Ridge after Thunder Dragon Baibai.

This incident has greatly boosted the morale of the Zhou family monks, especially those who are devoted to cultivating spiritual pets. They are even more confident about their future path.

If Zhou Chun's Thunder Dragon was able to break through in vain, it was because he was of such high quality that it was difficult for others to imitate him.

If the Vulcan Jackal breaks through to the fourth level, it will be a successful example that many Zhou family monks can imitate and follow.

After all, Zhou Mingde's general experience in cultivating this spiritual pet has long been written in a book and placed in the family scripture collection pavilion, and anyone in the family's core clan can read it.

The Vulcan Jackal was originally from the bloodline of an intermediate-level demonic beast. Based on the experience gained by his family's senior monks, he found corresponding spiritual objects to help him achieve a successful breakthrough.

Now that he has trained the Vulcan Jackal to the fourth level, he has verified the correctness of this path. How can he not greatly boost the morale of the family!

In this way, with the thunder dragon Baibai and a fourth-level fire god jackal on the surface, the name of the Zhou family's beast-controlling family is completely confirmed.

From now on, whoever says that the Zhou family's reputation as a "beast mastering family" is not worthy of its name is not telling the truth and is simply spreading rumors and slander.

This is also an important reason why Zhou Mingde chose to let the Vulcan Jackal break through in Tuyunling.

Because he did not hide the news, Zhou Mingde quickly received congratulations from various forces. He even held a breakthrough celebration specifically for the Vulcan Jackal, displaying this fourth-level monster in a grand manner.

Unlike Zhou Chun, he, an early-stage Jindan cultivator with no future, would not arouse fear even if he cultivated a fourth-level spiritual pet.

At the same time, the Vulcan Jackal's own strength is mediocre. Even if he breaks through to the fourth level, his strength is comparable to that of ordinary early-stage golden elixir monks. He cannot produce dragon-blooded spiritual objects and cultivate dragon-blooded monsters like Thunder Dragon Baibai, which is not enough at all. To make some big forces afraid.

Zhou Chun also attended the celebration and confirmed that the Vulcan Jackal did not have the opportunity to successfully refine the crossbones to speak human words like the Golden Winged Tiger.

It can be seen that even if you have the same opportunity, the gap in your own foundation will still lead to differences in the final results.

Zhou Chun's original intention was that after attending the Vulcan Jackal's breakthrough celebration, he would go to the Great Zhou Kingdom to find Luo Qingni to refine elixirs.

But what he didn't expect was that on the day the celebration ended, Xu Fu from the wilderness sent someone to send an urgent message.

After reading this information, Zhou Chun could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​going to the Great Zhou Kingdom and immediately rushed back to the wilderness.

"What exactly is going on? How could the Longxing Valley stronghold be suddenly exposed?"

In the Caiyu Mountain stronghold, after Zhou Chun hurried back here, he immediately called the person in charge, Xu Fu, to ask about the situation.

It turned out that the urgent information he had received before was about the Zhou family's first pioneer stronghold in the wilderness being attacked by a group of monsters.

According to the intelligence, the Longxing Valley stronghold was suddenly discovered by monsters for some unknown reason, which attracted several third-level monsters and a large number of first- and second-order monsters to attack!

The Zhou family has been secretly pioneering in the wilderness for a hundred or two hundred years. This is the first time they have encountered this kind of thing, so they cannot but pay attention to it.

Zhou Chun naturally wanted to rush over as soon as possible to understand the situation.

Facing his inquiry, Xu Fu replied in a low voice with an ugly face: "I still don't know why Longxing Valley was exposed. Now I only know that the stronghold has fallen and all the monks inside have been heard from. I guess, I guess..."

He didn't say what he estimated it was, but Zhou Chun understood it.

This wilderness is the world of monsters. Since Longxing Valley is exposed and trampled by monsters, the fate of those Zhou family monks will definitely not be good.

But now is not the time to talk about this, nor is it the time to blame Xu Fu.

Zhou Chun quickly asked with a heavy face: "How is the situation in other places now?"

"There is no news about a silver sandstone vein near Longxing Valley, but we can still contact the other veins!"

Xu Fu quickly explained the situation in a low voice.

After hearing his answer, Zhou Chun felt relieved.

Then he looked at him and ordered: "Immediately send a message to all places, asking them to huddle in the mine veins of the stronghold and no longer go out. Wait patiently for the next instructions from the family."

"Yes, junior, let's do it now!"

Xu Fu quickly responded respectfully and went to handle the matter immediately.

Zhou Chun, on the other hand, pondered for a moment before letting Mu Mei Mu Sang go and let him go to Longxing Valley to investigate the situation.

But before he could understand the situation in Longxing Valley through Mu Mei Mu Sang, Xu Fu came over to report another matter.

"Reporting to the clan leader, my subordinates have just received multiple transmissions, saying that many places where mortals gather have been attacked by groups of monsters and beasts in the past few days, with countless casualties and deaths!"


Zhou Chun's eyes narrowed, and he keenly captured an important piece of information. He immediately stared at Xu Fu and asked, "You just said you were attacked by a group of monsters? Is it a group of the same kind of monsters?"

Hearing his words, Xu Fu replied with some embarrassment: "This subordinate doesn't know either. The person who summoned was some Qi-training monks and did not mention this matter in detail."

"Then immediately arrange for people who are good at investigation to investigate. I need more detailed information!"

Zhou Chun gave the order in a cold tone.

"Yes, junior, let's do it now, let's do it now!"

Xu Fu couldn't help but raise his sleeves to wipe his forehead, and hurriedly retreated.

After waiting like this for a long time, it was Mu Mei Mu Sang who came over first to relay its investigation findings to Zhou Chun.

According to its investigation, the Longxing Valley stronghold has indeed been completely destroyed, and there is not even a single body on the scene!

However, there are no third-order monsters there now. There are only three second-order monster wolves and hundreds of first-order monster wolves entrenched there, and they seem to be planning to make their home there.

However, Mu Mei Mu Sang discovered as many as five hidden third-level monsters and a fourth-level badger monster within hundreds of miles nearby!

Obviously, these monsters are fishing, hoping to catch more human monks!

"It seems that these monster beasts suddenly attacked the Longxing Valley stronghold not on a whim, but on a premeditated plan!"

"After all, is it the smoothness of the past two hundred years that makes people lose their vigilance?"

Zhou Chun murmured to himself, feeling a little heavy.

The loss of a Longxing Valley is not a big deal to the Zhou family, even if two of the foundation-building monks died!

But if the monsters in the wilderness realize that there are other human monks in the wilderness and start to purposefully clean up the human monks' strongholds and ambush the human monks, it will be a huge blow to the Zhou family!

To the extreme, the Zhou family may even have to temporarily withdraw from the wilderness to avoid being followed directly to their nest.

"I hope it won't come to that!"

Zhou Chun sighed, but sent Mu Mei Mu Sang out again, asking him to continue to conduct investigations around the Caiyu Mountain stronghold to see if there were any abnormalities here.

Since those monsters can discover Longxing Valley, there is no guarantee that Caiyu Mountain will not be discovered. This matter must be guarded against!

In the following days, more and more intelligence came to Zhou Chun, giving him a new perspective on the attack on Longxing Valley.

Judging from the intelligence, Longxing Valley was attacked by monsters. Although there was some premeditation, it was probably still an unplanned disaster!

Because according to the intelligence gathered from various aspects, the number and population of monster beasts in the vast area of ​​​​the wilderness near Jingguo are increasing significantly.

Many monster beast populations have migrated from other distant areas, and there are fourth-level monster beasts driving them behind them.

Moreover, the number of third-order monsters and fourth-order monsters has also increased significantly, and it has even happened that different types of fourth-order monsters coexist in a blessed land.

All these signs point to one word - beast tide!

Zhou Chun has reason to suspect that the person behind all this is the fifth-level demon king, and it should be the dragon clan!

Calculating the time, it has been almost a hundred years since King Lei Jiao fell in Jingguo.

Such a fifth-level demon king fell in Jingguo, and even rumored powerful beings such as the Golden Horned Dragon King suffered great losses in Jingguo. This can be said to be a big deal!

With the monster's vengeful character, how could it possibly go back without thinking of revenge!

Shortly after the collapse of the Hualong Sect, Zhou Chun discovered that many groups of monsters had migrated deep into the wilderness, and suspected that there might be a monster wave in the future.

Now, after hundreds of years of development, those monster beast groups have indeed grown stronger.

Now that a large number of monster beasts have migrated in again, and this has led to the exposure and destruction of Longxing Valley, Zhou Chun is basically certain that the beast tide will break out in the near future.

Moreover, it can be known from the fact that the Jiaolong clan endured for hundreds of years before launching revenge, that this beast wave will definitely be a big beast wave, and whether Jingguo can withstand it is a question mark!

Of course those are things for the future.

Now Zhou Chun is faced with an important decision, whether to evacuate the relevant personnel in time before the Caiyushan stronghold is exposed!

You must know that after one or two hundred years of continuous investment in development, the number of monks driven by the Zhou family in the wilderness has reached hundreds!

Even if dozens of people were lost in the destruction of Longxing Valley, there are still hundreds of people here.

If these people don't evacuate, and the Caiyushan stronghold and those small strongholds are discovered again, making the same mistake as the Longxing Valley stronghold, the Zhou family will suffer a huge loss, which will definitely break their muscles and bones.

But if people are removed at this time, let alone how to resettle these people and how to ensure that they will not leak secrets after returning to Jingguo, the blow to the Zhou family's finances alone will be huge!

It should be noted that the financial revenue contributed by the Wilderness Land has now reached 20-30% of the Zhou family's overall financial revenue, and this does not include the part with the alien trade with the scaled frogs!

If the stronghold and mineral veins here are completely abandoned, the Zhou family's financial deficit will soar rapidly, the situation of being unable to make ends meet will be inevitable, and it will be almost difficult to find other ways to alleviate it.

This huge consequence made Zhou Chun dare not make such a decision easily.

After thinking for a long time with a heavy face, he called Xu Fu in front of him and said: "In this way, for the time being, the several mineral veins and strongholds on the front line with Longxing Valley will be abandoned, and the relevant personnel will be withdrawn secretly, and I will let the spiritual pets Help cover in secret.”

Then he released Mu Mei Mu Sang to help evacuate.

Then he personally went to the Scaled Frog Alien Tribe and met with Bahar, the High Priest of the Scaled Frog Alien.

Through the conversation with Bahar, Zhou Chun learned that the situation in the Longyuanze waters is currently relatively stable, not much different from usual.

This made him realize that the dragon clan was probably not completely ready yet, and the beast tide would not break out within three or two years!

This also made him secretly relieved, knowing that he still had time to weigh and think.

Immediately, Bahar was asked to help monitor the water situation, and if there was any change, he should notify the Zhou family in time.

Then he returned to the Caiyu Mountain stronghold with a lot of worries.

A few days later, when Mu Mei Mu Sang successfully escorted the retreated monks back, Zhou Chun asked him to temporarily stay around the Caiyu Mountain stronghold to provide warning for the area, while he returned to Tuyun Ridge first.

When he returned to his family, Zhou Chun immediately explained the situation to Zhou Mingde, who was waiting for news, and discussed whether to fully evacuate the wilderness.

"At present, it is unrealistic to completely evacuate all personnel there!"

"First of all, the family doesn't have room to accommodate so many fresh-faced monks. Secondly, every extra year of persistence there will give the family one more year of buffer!"

"Besides, the family has invested a lot of resources there over the years. If we just abandon them all, it would be a huge loss!"

In the cave, after listening to Zhou Chun's proposal, Zhou Mingde quickly frowned and expressed his objection.

He has been supervising the family on behalf of Zhou Chun over the years, and he is very clear about all aspects of the family's situation. He is fully aware of some serious consequences that Zhou Chun did not consider.

After expressing his objections at this time, he quickly continued: "My opinion is to give up some unimportant mineral veins and strongholds first, give up the search for wild resources, and increase the manpower invested in mining the remaining mineral veins!"

"On the other hand, those tribesmen and even family dead men with good potential can be withdrawn first to prevent premature death there."

"Finally, the family will start to ventilate the situation in advance, slowly and in a planned way reduce unnecessary expenses in all aspects, reduce the welfare of the clan members, and stock up on war preparation materials!"

Having said this, he seemed to have thought of something, and quickly added: "In addition, the family must prepare an escape route in advance, and arrange some of the younger members of the clan to go out first, in case they really cannot hold on. The family can still have a chance to make a comeback!"

"What you always said makes sense, so let's make preparations according to what you always said!"

Zhou Chun nodded thoughtfully and quickly agreed to his suggestions.

Why! It's ridiculous. I woke up this morning to find that the power was out in the community, and the call didn't come in until 7pm. Although I made a detailed outline of what I was going to write today during the day, after four hours of coding, I could only write 6,000 words. !

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