Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 608: Tide of Big Beasts【Please subscribe】

The imminent outbreak of the beast tide is of great importance, and can even be said to be a matter of life and death.

However, this time Zhou Chun did not plan to report the matter to Yuelun Sect or Yanyang Sect.

If he reported this matter now, it would be difficult for the Zhou family to make all preparations, and people would also question how he discovered this matter.

After thinking about it, I still pretended not to know and made preparations secretly.

Anyway, if a big beast wave really breaks out, there is no way to hide the huge movement from anyone. Several major forces have arranged high-level monks to sit on the border, and they will get the news in advance.

It's just that we can't stock up on supplies and evacuate people in advance like the Zhou family did.

After Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde reached an agreement, the two also acted separately.

Zhou Chun was responsible for going to the Great Zhou Kingdom to purchase war preparation materials and informing Zhou Daoyi and Lin Hongyu. Zhou Mingde was responsible for the internal affairs of the family.

But before Zhou Chun left, Zhou Mingde returned an original object to him.

"The war is coming. It's better to give this demon pill to your Infernal Fire Phoenix, Zhengchun, to help it reach the fourth-level mid-level!"

The demon pill in his mouth was the fourth-level [Fire Lin Lion] demon pill that Zhou Chun had exchanged for Vulcan Jackal.

Originally, I wanted to use this demon pill to let Vulcan Jackal take a gamble to see if it could help him break through the fourth level.

As a result, the Vulcan Jackal directly broke through to the fourth level after taking the "Emperor's Liquid", and this demon pill was saved.

In terms of potential and strength, the Vulcan Jackal is obviously far inferior to the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix.

That's why Zhou Mingde is doing what he is doing now.

Zhou Chun also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he did not refuse this time. He quickly took the demon pill and fed it to the Fire Phoenix on the spot.

Speaking of which, Golden Armored Mountain Turtle Shitou has almost finished digesting the fourth-level low-grade demon pill, and his cultivation is already close to the edge of breakthrough.

Perhaps when the big beast tide really breaks out, both of his spiritual pets will be able to break through to the fourth-level mid-level!

This time when he went to the Great Zhou Kingdom, Zhou Chun specially brought his apprentice Zhou Zhiying with him.

In name, he was taking her to travel to the Great Zhou Kingdom to expand his knowledge, but in fact, he was taking her away from Jingguo, which was about to become a battlefield, in advance.

According to the plan, she would be under the supervision of Zhou Daoyi in the Great Zhou Kingdom until the war on the Jingguo side came to an end.

With her and Zhou Daoyi here, even if Jingguo loses, the Zhou family can still make a comeback.

Zhou Zhiying was not aware of all this at the moment, but she set out on the road with Zhou Chun full of expectation and longing.

Unfortunately, Zhou Chun was really in a hurry this time, so he didn't stop at many countries along the way. Just to avoid exposing the [Jing Tian Di Divine Jar], he selectively stopped in a few cities.

This made her quite regretful and depressed.

Fortunately, as the two arrived at Tianyuan Immortal City, the majestic Immortal City quickly attracted Zhou Zhiying's attention.

She has never seen such a majestic and huge fairy city!

Looking at the majestic fairy city at this time, she was as shocked as Zhou Chun when she saw this fairy city for the first time.

Then I was extremely curious and wanted to go inside to see the details.

Immediately, she looked at Zhou Chun eagerly and begged: "Master, can you allow this disciple to move freely in the fairy city? I want to have a good tour of this fairy city!"

Hearing her request, Zhou Chun looked at her calmly and said, "It's okay to let you move around the city alone, but you have to make three rules: you are not allowed to conflict with others, you are not allowed to expose your origins, and you are not allowed to Leave Fairy City privately!"

"If you can achieve these three points, I will let you move freely in the fairy city!"

Hearing this, Zhou Zhiying suddenly looked overjoyed, nodded repeatedly and shouted: "Disciple agreed, I must remember Master's instructions and never violate these three points!"

"In that case, you can go on your own!"

Zhou Chun looked at her in silence for a while, then nodded slightly and said something that made her smile.

Then the master and the apprentice went into the city separately.

After Zhou Chun entered the city, he naturally went to the cave where Zhou Daoyi and his wife rented first.

At this time, it had only been a few short years since the last time they planned the "Emperor's Blood", and Zhou Daoyi and his wife were still hiding in the city.

Zhou Chun met the two of them smoothly.

"Masachun, since you are here, the result of the spiritual pet's breakthrough must have come out. How is it? Has it been successful?"

In the cave, after Zhou Daoyi saw Zhou Chun who came to visit, he immediately asked with concern about the result of the Golden Winged Tiger's breakthrough.

Although Zhou Chun was full of worries, he was not in a hurry to talk about it at the moment. He just nodded with a smile and said: "That's right, not only has the Golden Winged Tiger successfully broken through to the fourth level, but the Supreme Elder's Vulcan Jackal has also successfully broken through! "

Hearing his answer, Zhou Daoyi suddenly showed a look of surprise on his face. He couldn't help but clapped his hands and exclaimed: "Great! This is really a double happiness, it's a revelation!"

Seeing this, Zhou Chun also took advantage of the situation and asked: "Uncle, where is your green dragon? Now it is time to successfully promote to the third level of high-grade monster beast."

"Thanks to you, Qingqing, not only has it been successfully promoted to the third level of high-grade, but its bloodline quality has also been improved. Although it is still far behind your Lei Jiao Baibai, it should not be a big problem to break through to the fourth level in the future! "

When Zhou Daoyi said this, his face was also full of smiles.

In the past, he was worried that he was holding back Qingjiao Qingqing, and that he might not be able to accompany his pet to the fourth level.

However, he didn't want the opportunity to come to him. On the contrary, he succeeded in forming the elixir first, but his spiritual pet Qingqing had regressed in his cultivation because he had taken forbidden drugs, which greatly hindered his progress in cultivation.

This matter has always been a regret in his heart, and he feels ashamed of his beloved pet.

Now, with the help of the third-level high-grade demon elixir and "Emperor Flow Serum" donated by Zhou Chun, the Qingjiao cultivation level has finally caught up, and the quality of the bloodline has been greatly improved. Finally, the pain is over, and the harvest is satisfactory. s return.

As a result, he was relieved of his worries and felt very good.

It's a pity that his good mood cannot be maintained for too long.

Because Zhou Chun quickly talked about the purpose of his visit!

Sure enough, when he heard that the Longxing Valley stronghold had been attacked and destroyed, and that a huge beast wave was brewing, not only Zhou Daoyi's expression changed, but also Lin Hongyu, who had never spoken.

Both of them knew how much harm it would bring to Jingguo and the Zhou family once the beast tide broke out.

That would definitely be a catastrophe that could lead to the destruction of the Zhou family!

"What a disaster!"

Zhou Daoyi murmured to himself, his face looking very ugly.

But after all, he had been a clan leader for a long time, and now he was a monk at the Golden Core stage. After a brief period of shock and confusion, he quickly regained his rationality.

After he pondered for a moment, he looked at Zhou Chun and asked, "How will the family prepare to deal with this matter? Is there any place where I can be used?"

Zhou Chun heard this and immediately replied: "This junior has already discussed with the Supreme Elder. The family has made two preparations. While actively preparing for war, it will also arrange for those young clan members with potential to leave Jingguo to preserve a spark of hope for the family!"

"After these young tribesmen leave Jingguo, they will need your secret care and protection, uncle."

"In addition, my great-uncle may also have to go back to fight against the beast tide with the younger generation and others, so as not to let the truth be false!"

At this point, he also added: "This junior has also brought Ying'er out. For some time to come, I will need you to take care of her and protect her to ensure that nothing happens to her before she reaches the later stage of Zifu's cultivation."

After hearing what he said, Zhou Daoyi quickly nodded with a serious face and said: "I understand, just leave these matters to me. I will definitely not let down the family's trust!"

After making this promise, he looked at Zhou Chun with a solemn face and warned diligently: "Just Zhengchun, you must be more careful. If it is really impossible to do, it doesn't matter even if a strong man breaks his wrist and evacuates Jingguo!"

"As long as we Golden Core monks are still alive, even if there are only dozens or hundreds of people left in the family, we will be able to make a comeback and regain today's glory within three hundred years!"

When the Zhou family first settled down in Jiufeng Ridge, there were only dozens of clan members.

Now three hundred years have passed, and the Zhou family has gained the momentum it has today.

So what Zhou Daoyi said is really not a lie.

Of course, both Zhou Chun and him knew that this was just a last resort choice.

If they really had a choice, they would definitely want to keep the foundation of Jingguo.

After all, those who have experienced it all know how hard it is to start over.

"Junior knows what's going on, please relax!"

Zhou Chun nodded slightly and responded solemnly.

Then he handed over the spiritual coins and related spiritual objects he brought over to Zhou Daoyi, and asked him to contact him before buying relevant war preparation materials.

He quickly left Zhou Daoyi's cave and went to Luo Qingni.

Luo Qingni also practiced alchemy normally in the cave.

As an alchemist, she basically does not need to venture out to obtain good cultivation resources, so she can stay in her cave most of the time.

However, this is stable, but it also loses the opportunity to make rapid progress. It is difficult to say whether it is good or bad.

At this time, after meeting with her politely, Zhou Chun looked at the beautiful lady in front of him solemnly and said, "This time I came to visit, but I have something to ask Fellow Daoist Luo for help!"

"Oh, Fellow Daoist Zhou is so solemn, I don't know why?"

Luo Qingni's expression changed, and she looked at Zhou Chun with some surprise and asked for details.

Zhou Chun also trusted her very much and did not hesitate to reveal what was brewing about the big beast tide.

After hearing this, Luo Qingni was also a little shocked.

In a place like the Great Zhou Kingdom, it is impossible for such a beast wave to break out.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't know the dangers of beast tides.

After all, the world of immortality is like a wilderness land where monsters and beasts live in groups. Naturally, the beast tide is not unique there.

After the shock, she looked at Zhou Chun with a puzzled face and said: "Since we know that a huge beast wave may break out and Jingguo may not be able to defend it, why does Zhou Daoyou take the risk? Why not take advantage of the foresight? Convenience, timely transfer of family members and property, away from home to avoid this disaster!"

Hearing her words, Zhou Chun suddenly felt dumbfounded.

This is purely a layman talking in layman’s terms, a typical individualistic thinking among casual cultivators!

As a casual cultivator, if faced with this situation, the first thing he would naturally think of is to escape far away from home, no matter whether Jingguo is dead or alive!

But as a cultivating family, this approach is obviously a last resort.

After all, let’s not talk about things like local sentiment and personal connections, just abandoning the blessed land of Lingshan, which the two families had finally obtained, and a large number of ordinary people, would leave the Zhou family with limbs and limbs!

And if they left Jingguo, where would the Zhou family go to find a blessed land in the Lingshan Mountain that could accommodate several Jindan monks in a short period of time?

Another one, how could Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect just sit idly by and do nothing if they just run away from the battlefield like this!

As for other robbery forces that may be encountered on the way to escape, there is no need to say more!

The Zhou family has the protection of the Moon Wheel Sect in Jingguo, and the real people in the Nascent Soul Stage of foreign countries will abide by the rules and not take action against them.

Once you abandon Jingguo and choose to flee, whether you are passing through another country or trying to settle down in another country, you are very likely to be directly swallowed by those local giant crocodiles!

This is a completely different concept from a casual cultivator fleeing to another country.

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, fleeing with the whole family should not be done at all!

But there is no need to explain all these things to Luo Qingni in detail. Zhou Chun just waved his hand with a wry smile and said: "Fellow Daoist Luo, you are alone, but you don't understand the difficulty. As long as you understand the matter of migrating and escaping from Jingguo, Zhou and the Zhou family It’s just impossible to do it now!”

Hearing what he said, Luo Qingni nodded somewhat understandingly, and then said softly: "Qingni has always been obsessed with practicing and refining elixirs, and he really doesn't understand these common things. Since Taoist friend Zhou said so, then I don't know what's wrong with Qingni." Can you help fellow Taoist?"

"Zhou wants to ask Fellow Daoist Luo to help refine elixirs, mainly to refine some advanced healing elixirs and elixirs for restoring mana. The more the better!"

Zhou Chun said what he wanted in a solemn tone.

Hearing what he said, Luo Qingni seemed to be relieved, and responded with a smile: "If it's just about refining alchemy, Qingni can help."

Seeing that she had agreed, Zhou Chun was relieved and immediately saluted and thanked her, saying, "That's how we have fellow Taoist Lao Luo!"

Then he asked Luo Qingni to provide a list of various elixirs needed for alchemy, and then went back to prepare to collect and purchase relevant materials.

The current Zhou family's income in the wilderness is destined to be greatly affected, and they need to save money in all aspects.

Therefore, being able to ask Luo Qingni to help make elixirs is definitely better than spending a lot of money to buy finished elixirs.

After Luo Qingni's list of elixirs came out, Zhou Chun and Zhou Daoyi began to prepare the elixirs according to the prescription. They first purchased a batch of elixirs from the Great Zhou Kingdom and sent them to Luo Qingni, so that she could start refining them immediately.

Then Zhou Chun asked Zhou Daoyi to look after Zhou Zhiying and purchase magic talismans and other items, and he immediately returned to Jingguo to purchase related elixirs.

In the next two or three years, many forces in Jingguo have discovered that the various Zhou family specialty spiritual beasts that were not easy to obtain in the past have now become significantly less difficult to purchase.

The Zhou family seemed to be very short of money all of a sudden. Not only did they cut down on the welfare and offerings of the clan members, cut some expenses in various aspects, they also sold off all kinds of spiritual beasts in the family!

This incident made many forces who were concerned about the Zhou family a little curious, and some wanted to investigate the cause. However, because most of the Zhou family monks themselves were unaware, nothing was gained in the end.

And even if someone wanted to take this opportunity to take advantage of the Zhou family, because there were too many buyers who were in demand for the Zhou family's spirit beasts, nothing could be done in the end.

In this short period of less than three years, the Zhou family sold most of the spiritual beasts that could be sold, and in many species only a few were left for breeding.

At the same time, during this period, the Zhou family held many martial arts competitions under various names, and sold many foundation-building spiritual items and auxiliary realm-breaking spiritual items at a discount to some winners and outstanding performers.

So much so that there was a grand event where five foundation-building monks emerged in three consecutive years!

However, because the monks involved were all low-level monks, apart from causing discussion in some low-level monk circles, this matter did not attract much attention from the high-level monks and did not attract much attention.

However, family leaders such as Zhou Zhengyong and Zhou Xinlan gradually discovered that some outstanding members of the family were quietly transferred out of the mountain gate on the grounds of going out for training and official business.

This made them feel a little uneasy, but they couldn't ask more questions.

On this day, Zhou Chun, who was staying at the Caiyu Mountain stronghold, suddenly received a message from Bahar, the high priest of the Scaled Frog tribe, informing him that there was a change in Longyuan Ze, and a large number of monsters were flowing from several rivers directly to Jingguo. The waterway went upstream, and I don’t know where it went!

"Is it finally starting?"

Zhou Chun murmured to himself, and suddenly felt a huge relief in his heart.

Sometimes it's like this. When something doesn't happen, you will always be suspicious, doubtful about this and that, and have many worries.

But when everything inevitably happens, you can calm down and face it calmly.

In the past two or three years, Zhou Chun was very busy. He not only had to go to the Great Zhou Kingdom from time to time to deliver alchemy materials to Luo Qingni, but also had to worry about various internal affairs within the family. He could not even practice with peace of mind.

Now that the beast tide has happened as expected, he has no more time to make more preparations. Instead, he can prepare for a tough battle with peace of mind.

Fortunately, although his personal cultivation has not improved much in the past few years, the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix and the Golden Armor Bearing Mountain Turtle Shitou have both broken through and become fourth-order mid-level monsters after refining the demon pill, which has increased his strength. A lot.

It's a pity that the "Four Symbols Formation" he obtained before is too profound, and several spiritual pets have not learned it yet, otherwise his strength will definitely increase dramatically!

But even so, as long as he does not encounter the fifth-level demon king, Zhou Chun asks himself that even if he faces multiple fourth-level high-grade demonic beasts, he will not be at a disadvantage at all, and he can even fight back.

Now let's see how the two major forces in Jingguo deal with this beast tide!

Immediately, Zhou Chun ordered all the remaining monks in the wilderness to gather at the stronghold of Caiyu Mountain to seal the mountain for practice, and then left Xu Fu, who had volunteered, to lead the monks here, while he quietly returned to his family by land.

Next, until the beast tide ends, there will be no further action on the Caiyu Mountain stronghold. Everything needs to wait for the beast tide to end before restarting.

At the same time, just when the monster beasts in Longyuan Ze began to flow upstream towards Jingguo in large numbers, the huge group of monster beasts that had migrated to various places in advance also rushed towards Jingguo at the same time.

The scene of thousands of beasts galloping was quickly discovered by the monks who were adventuring in the wilderness, and a message was sent back to notify various pioneering strongholds.

Subsequently, the intelligence information was passed through layers and spread to all parts of the country.

When the vanguard of the beast tide began to flood various pioneering strongholds and arrived at the border of Yunzhou, news about the coming of the great beast tide had already spread in the Jingguo immortal world.

At this time, Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect made a decision that did not surprise Zhou Chun.

That is to directly blockade the northern states of Jingguo and prohibit any monks from Jingguo who do not have permission to travel from Jingguo to escape from Jingguo!

This is obviously done to prevent those small families and casual cultivators from disappearing all at once, leaving no one available.

The order to recruit monks from various affiliated forces was quickly issued to the immortal cultivating families in various places. The Zhou family was immediately recruited two Jindan monks and six Zifu monks, and asked them to immediately lead twenty foundation builders. The monk and two hundred Qi-training monks went to the front line of Yunzhou to resist the invasion of the beast tide.

But Zhou Chun knew in his heart that the scale of this beast wave far exceeded the expectations of Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect. Such a large front line as Yunzhou would definitely not be able to hold it, and even Lanzhou might not be able to hold it!

Therefore, although he obeyed the order and recruited manpower, when he went to Yunzhou, he deliberately delayed some time on the way.

Sure enough, although Zhou Chun only delayed it for less than half a day, Yunzhou's first wave of resistance had completely failed. It is said that several Golden Core monks died on the spot!

Then news spread about the fifth-level demon king besieging the Moon Lun Sect and the Yanyang Sect's mountain gate.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun decisively led his tribe back to Tuyun Ridge, preparing to wait for further information before making a decision.

He knew in his heart that the tide of beasts was coming so violently and so suddenly that it was normal for the Moon Lun Sect and the Yanyang Sect not to be able to cope with it.

However, the thousands of miles in Yunzhou are enough to delay the beast tide for a day or two. By then, the two factions will definitely announce relevant countermeasures.

Moreover, after the capture of Yunzhou, the beast tide will inevitably divide its troops and rush to the various states. There will be resistance from various towns and family strongholds along the way, and it will not be that fast to reach Tuyunling.

The Zhou family is now calm and well prepared. Even if they are really surrounded by a horde of beasts, they will be able to hold on for a long time.

The fact was just as Zhou Chun expected.

The beast tide poured in from the wilderness. After the capture of Yunzhou, the huge group of monster beasts could no longer be controlled and commanded by the fourth-level monsters. They could only perform the tasks assigned by the fifth-level monster kings and drive them away individually. The part of the monsters that I can control the influence of is moving towards the hinterland of Jingguo, destroying any cultivator strongholds along the way!

But what really determines the direction of this war is not the millions of huge beasts, but the fifth-level powerhouses.

When the beast tide was raging throughout the Jingguo, the mountain gates of the three major forces, the Moon Lun Sect, the Yanyang Sect, and the Qinglian Temple, were also attacked and besieged by fifth-level demon kings.

Under the siege of these fifth-level demon kings, the mountain gate protection formations of several factions were under great pressure. Not only were the disciples unable to go out to organize manpower to resist the beast tide, but the Yuanying stage master was also blocked inside the mountain gate. .

Even now, their first consideration is whether their mountain gate can withstand the attacks of these fifth-level demon kings!

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