Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 609 The Battle of Tuyunling [Please subscribe]


As the murderer who directly caused the death of the Thunder Dragon King last time, and the force that indirectly seriously injured the Golden Horned Dragon King, the Moon Wheel Sect is naturally the main target of revenge for the Dragon Clan this time.

When it was inconvenient for the Golden Horned Dragon King to come forward, as many as six fifth-level demon kings, led by a fifth-level high-grade red fire dragon, directly attacked the Moon Lun Sect's mountain gate. They first killed the three who led the team to resist the beast tide. The Golden Core Stage monks and many Zifu and Foundation Establishment monks then surrounded the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate and attacked fiercely.

Under the fierce attack of these six fifth-level demon kings, the Yuelun Sect's mountain-protecting formation was also under great pressure. All the Yuelun Sect monks inside the mountain gate were blocked and no one could come out.

But fortunately, some of the communication methods that the demon kings could not intercept were all, which prevented them from being ignorant of the external situation and preventing them from sending messages for help.

"Has the reply from fellow Daoist Kunxu arrived? When will the alliance's reinforcements arrive in Jingguo? How many people do they plan to send?"

Inside the mountain gate, Master Yin Yue had just presided over the formation to repel the fierce attack of six demon kings. While the opponent was resting and recovering, he hurriedly asked the senior brother in charge of contact about the situation of seeking help.

After the mountain gate was besieged by six demon kings, they realized that the intensity of the beast tide might be beyond imagination, so they immediately used secret methods to ask for help from the late Nascent Soul Master Kunxu Zhenren of the Tianling Alliance and requested the alliance. Intervene to aid Jingguo.

After all, facing the pressure of the entire Jiaolong clan, they simply could not withstand the power of Jingguo alone.

At this time, facing the inquiry from Master Yin Yue, another Yuelun Sect Master Yuanyingqi who was in charge of contact immediately responded in a low voice: "Fellow Daoist Kunxu has responded to the message, and he has officially issued an order to inform all countries. Various factions rushed to assist us, but due to the sudden incident, it would take at least three to five days for the reinforcements from each faction to reach Jingguo, so he asked us to hold on to the mountain gate first and wait for the reinforcements to arrive!"

Hearing this answer, Master Yin Yue couldn't help but frown and said: "High-level monks from various sects are not necessarily inside the mountain gate. It takes time to gather them. These old men can understand, but their Nascent Soul stage monks should all be inside the mountain gate. Why? Aren’t they allowed to bring some of the Golden Core monks in the mountain gate to come to rescue them first?”

Speaking of this, he also said in an angry voice: "Three to five days is easy to say. Even if our sect does not have any problems within three to five days, half of the Yingguo is afraid that it will have to be in these three days." It fell within five days!”

These words made the Yuan Yingqi master who was responsible for contact not knowing how to answer.

After Master Yinyue vented his anger, he also knew that such simple anger would not help. He quickly cheered up and asked again: "What is the current situation at Yanyang Sect and Qinglian Temple? Is there any more specific information? Is the news coming?"

After hearing this, the Yuan Yingqi master who was in charge of contact immediately replied: "The Yanyang Sect was also blocked by four fifth-level demon kings. Fellow Taoist Ziyang and the others were unable to go out. The situation is generally better than our own sect. Some."

"As for Qinglian Temple, although Tianjing has been sent to help, the siege of the three fifth-level demon kings still puts great pressure on them. I'm afraid the situation may not be better than ours!"

This answer made Yin Yue's face look a little ugly.

"Sending out thirteen fifth-level demon kings in one go is really a big deal!"

Master Yin Yue murmured to himself, feeling very heavy.

The current number of Yuanying stage monks in the entire Jingguo is less than half of these fifth-level demon kings.

Among them, there is not even a single great monk in the late Nascent Soul period.

Relying on the existence of the mountain-protecting formation, he dared to fight with the fifth-level high-grade red fire dragon outside.

If he leaves the mountain-protecting formation, there is no way he can be his opponent.

And he knew in his heart that the number of these fifth-level demon kings was far from the limit that the dragon clan could mobilize.

No one dares to say whether there are more fifth-level demon kings hiding in the dark, waiting for opportunities.

"That's all! Then send an order to the subordinate forces to let them fight on their own and protect themselves!"

In the end, Master Yin Yue could only sigh lightly and made such a helpless decision.

He knew very well that once this order was issued, the prestige of the Moon Lun Sect would be greatly reduced. If those vassal forces encountered danger next, I am afraid that no one would take the Moon Lun Sect seriously anymore.

If you later try to mobilize monks from various vassal forces to organize a resistance army, you will probably encounter all kinds of excuses.

But this is ultimately a decision of the lesser of two powers.

As long as the Yuelun Sect stabilizes its foundation and continues to sit firmly on the throne of the Yingguo hegemon, even if its prestige is lost, it will not damage its status.

After all, if those vassal forces want to make a living in Jingguo in the future, they still have to look at the face of their overlord.

On the other side, Zhou Chun, who retreated to Tuyun Ridge, quickly received instructions from the Moon Lun Sect to fight on their own.

This is exactly what he expected!

Zhou Chun clearly understood in his heart that in this huge beast wave, only by mastering independence can he better protect his family.

Otherwise, if they are all transferred to the front line to fight against the main force of the beast tide, and there is no strong person on the family side, big chaos will easily occur.

Now that he has received instructions to fight on his own, he has ample room for maneuver!

So the first thing Zhou Chun did was to take advantage of the fact that the main force of the beast tide had not yet arrived, and move a large number of people and assets in the clan out of Tuyun Ridge, towards deeper places further north.

As long as he did not leave Jingguo, or escaped from Jingguo without being discovered, someone would have discovered the matter, and there would be no way to accuse the Zhou family.

As for the mountain gate of Tuyunling, it is best to be able to hold it. If it is really impossible to hold it, it is not unacceptable to give up temporarily!

The most important thing is to protect personnel and assets first, and wait to regain the country later!

After removing some tribesmen with shallow cultivation and a large amount of assets, all those left in Tuyun Ridge were the elites of the Zhou family.

Including Zhou Chun, three Jindan stage monks and six Zifu stage monks from the Zhou family gathered here, and there were more than thirty Foundation Establishment monks!

It can be said that the entire elite of the Zhou family has gathered here.

The family's other spiritual mountain blessed land, Jiufengling, is basically in a semi-abandoned state, with only two short-lived foundation-building monks and some equally old Qi-training monks stationed there.

Obviously Zhou Chun also knew very well that in the face of such a huge beast tide, it was very stupid to try to divide his troops to fight in two places.

And at this time, there were not only monks from the Zhou family on Tuyun Ridge, but also monks from some nearby cultivating families, and even casual cultivators.

After learning that the beast tide was coming and that it was difficult to escape to other countries, many immortal cultivating families in Lingzhou chose to abandon their family sects and divide their family members into groups to take refuge.

As one of the largest families in Jingguo, the Zhou family is naturally the first choice for these people to take refuge.

From the perspective of the Zhou family, if they can accommodate more monks in their own mountain gate, they will naturally try to accommodate them.

These are all good helpers to help protect their own mountain gate.

It was precisely because he had anticipated this situation in advance that Zhou Chun moved some of his clansmen away from Tuyun Ridge in advance to make room for the mountain gate.

In this way, on the third day after the beast tide entered Jingguo, monster beasts appeared outside Tuyun Ridge.

First, tens of thousands of demon birds, led by a fourth-level demon bird, circled near Tuyun Ridge and occupied all the important roads.

In the next half day, tens of thousands more monsters came galloping and surrounded Tuyunling.

And as time goes by, more monsters continue to gather.

Judging from this formation, the fourth-level monsters in the beast tide have also received tasks. They know the general strength of the Zhou family in Tuyunling and dare not be careless.

Before the beast tide launched an attack, Zhou Chun contacted Tianjing Villa. As he expected, Tianjing Villa was also surrounded by a large number of monsters.

"Masaki, can you tell how many fourth-level monsters are out there now? I see that the number of these monsters is still increasing, so I'm afraid the situation is not good!"

In Tuyun Ridge, three golden elixir monks, Zhou Mingde, Zhou Chun, and Lin Hongyu, stood at the highest point of the mountain, observing the beast tide surrounding the mountain. After observing for a while, Zhou Mingde also looked worried. expressed his concerns.

Hearing what he said, Zhou Chun couldn't help but shook his head and said: "This junior can't see it now. Different types of monsters have different magical powers. Fourth-level monsters often master some escape techniques and magical powers, and deliberately use the beasts to escape." If the group hides itself, unless it is a monk who has successfully cultivated spiritual eyes and magical powers, it is difficult to see how many fourth-level monsters are outside at this time!"

His own five-headed spiritual pets are all fourth-level monsters now, and he knows this very well.

Even if those fourth-level monsters outside might not have the talent of his spiritual pet, they would not all be mediocre people like Vulcan Jackal.

But he quickly continued: "But no matter how many fourth-order monsters are outside now, we just need to remain unchanged in response to changes and stick to the mountain gate."

"Hey! I hope the situation won't be too bad!"

Zhou Mingde sighed softly and could only accept the reality.

The beasts outside did not make the Zhou family wait any longer, and they officially launched their attack probably after the encirclement was completed.

These monster beasts seemed to understand the rules and regulations, and did not swarm them from all directions. Instead, they chose the east and west directions to attack mainly.

On the east and west sides of Tuyun Ridge, huge beasts such as cattle, horses, bears, and elephants, known for their rough skin and thick flesh, were lined up in formation. They surged towards Tuyun Ridge, which was covered with yellow clouds, one after another, like tidal waves. And go.

There are some second- and third-order monsters among them!

These monsters are obviously cannon fodder to attract firepower, used to test the defense strength inside.

Faced with the probing attacks of these cannon fodder monsters, Zhou Chun and other Golden Core monks had no intention of taking action. They just asked the Zhou family and those monks who had taken refuge to clean them up.

The [Nine Palaces and Yellow Dragon Formation] has already been fully deployed at this time, covering an area of ​​100 miles in radius.

As soon as those monster beasts rush into the formation range covered with yellow clouds, they will immediately lose their vision and find it difficult to form a joint force with their companions.

The immortal cultivators who were not affected by the formation were wandering around in the formation in groups of three to five, accurately harvesting the lives of those monster beasts!

But after all, the number of monster beasts far exceeds the cultivators in Tuyun Ridge, not to mention that these monster beasts are all thick-skinned and strong-willed.

Therefore, as the number of monsters pouring into the formation increases, it is no longer possible to complete all harvests in time by the middle and low-level monks alone.

If it is not stopped, these monsters will inevitably rush into the depths of the formation and test the reality of a large number of formations.

So Zhang Liang, a monk from the Zhou family's Purple Mansion period who was in charge of the formation, immediately mobilized the power of the formation to launch the formation's ultimate move.

I saw that certain places in the formation suddenly turned into sand traps, and all the monster beasts were trapped in it. Then huge rocks fell from the sky, smashing their heads and causing bloodshed as they were unable to move.

Some monster beasts suddenly sprouted sharp stone thorns on their way forward, piercing the relatively soft abdomen of these monster beasts and hanging them in place!

A third-level middle-grade earth dragon beast, relying on its rough skin and thick flesh, rushed into the depths of the formation at an extremely fast speed and was about to touch the defense barrier of the formation in front.

But he didn't expect that the gravity suddenly surged where he was, and his huge body was suddenly pressed to the ground.

Then a huge boulder with a diameter of dozens of feet fell from the sky, directly smashing an earth-yellow shield it had propped up, and smashing its head and half of its body into a pulp!

[Nine Palaces Yellow Dragon Formation] After all, it is a serious forbidden formation. Even if it is far inferior to the mountain-protecting formations of the three major forces of Jingguo, it cannot withstand the attacks of fifth-level strong men, but it can deal with some monsters less than fourth-level. Beast is still more than enough.

If the beast tide wants to break through this formation, it can basically only use the lives of the beasts to fill it, and continue to consume the spiritual energy of Tuyunling's spiritual veins, until the formation cannot extract enough spiritual energy to operate and collapse!

This attack continued for nearly half an hour, and after filling in the lives of two to three thousand monster beasts without detecting anything, the beast tide temporarily stopped the offensive.

"Oh, are you going to stop testing now?"

Zhou Chun's expression changed, and he looked at the group of beasts that no longer came forward, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

He originally thought that this round of testing would last for at least an hour or two and require several fourth-level monsters to be dispatched.

Who would have thought that now it is a bit anticlimactic.

After staring at the herd of beasts outside for a while, he nodded slightly and said, "Forget it, let's arrange for someone to clean the battlefield first and collect all the loot!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Xinyan, who was in charge of manpower dispatching, immediately arranged for the monks who had never taken action to collect the corpses of the monsters.

This huge beast tide is both a crisis and an opportunity.

If they can successfully survive, the corpses of various monsters and monster elixirs will be enough for the remaining forces and casual cultivators in Jingguo to make a fortune and make a lot of money.

But the premise is that you can survive until the end!

Zhou Chun himself actually regards this great beast tide as his own opportunity. With his strength, as long as he does not die in the beast tide, he will definitely gain a lot of demon pills of all levels in the future, and several of his spiritual pets will So benefited greatly.

However, the form is still unclear, and he does not plan to be too high-profile, lest he attract a dimensionality reduction attack from the fifth-order demon king!

Only after the situation becomes clear and the top-level beings on both sides can form a situation of mutual restraint, will he truly show his strength and harvest on a large scale.

Looking at the beast tide outside, after resting for about half a day, they launched a new wave of offensive at night when the full moon rose.

This time it seemed that it was serious. Not only the ground beasts launched a charge, but also a large number of flying birds and monsters participated in the offensive.

And those fourth-level monsters also appeared one after another, leading the team to launch a fierce attack.

There are eight of these fourth-order monster beasts, including one fourth-order high-grade monster, three fourth-order mid-grade monsters, and four fourth-order low-grade monsters.

Zhou Chun originally thought that there should be a fourth-order dragon inside, but he didn't actually see it.

But this is not good news, because since the dragon has not appeared yet, it means that the beast tide still has some remaining strength.

Therefore, Zhou Chun only released the thunder dragon that had been exposed for a long time in vain, and captured one of the fourth-level mid-level monsters. Secretly, he asked Mu Mei and the Golden-winged Tiger to capture the other two fourth-level monsters under the cover of Zhang Liang. A mid-level monster.

He himself stood up and faced the fourth-level high-grade monster.

In this way, he defeated the four strongest monsters by himself, and the remaining four monsters were left to Lin Hongyu, Zhou Mingde, Vulcan Jackal and the formation.

The fourth-level high-grade monster Zhou Chun fought against was a rare exotic monster [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape].

This kind of monster has rare spiritual eyes and supernatural powers. Its pair of blue eyes can not only see through illusions, but also have the effect of capturing souls.

At the same time, this beast is proficient in metallic magical powers and is very powerful in attack and defense.

Fortunately, Tuyunling's [Nine Palaces Yellow Dragon Formation] is not good at illusions, but good at defense.

Otherwise, if the formation relies on illusions, it will be directly destroyed when encountering this [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape].

But despite this, this beast seems to have seen through the reality of the formation eye, and it went straight to the formation eye position as soon as it entered the formation.

There are even formation bases in the directions attacked by several other fourth-level monsters!

If the Zhou family were weaker, they might have been directly pushed away by them.

It's a pity that they encountered a problem this time!

Zhou Chun flicked his hands, and the [Dragon and Tiger Golden Rings] on his wrists flew out together, and instantly transformed into a golden dragon and silver tiger, blocking the way of the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape].

Then he opened his mouth and spat out, and the [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron] flew out, golden light emerged from it, and several golden sword rainbows shot towards the Giant Ape Cave opposite.

Faced with this kind of offensive, the golden giant ape, which was more than ten feet tall, immediately roared, and while swinging his fists, a series of golden fist seals struck the golden dragon and silver tiger, making it difficult for the two to get close to him.

The golden sword rainbow that shot out of the hole was quickly blocked by a layer of golden body-protecting aura that burst out from his body, making it impossible to injure him at all.

After all, this beast has an advantage in terms of cultivation, and it is a natural alien species. It is impossible for Zhou Chun to win it with only a high-grade magic weapon and a natal magic weapon.

However, Zhou Chun himself had no murderous intention, he just wanted to contain the opponent and prevent him from breaking the formation.

Therefore, he didn't even use the [Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword]. He only relied on these two magic weapons and his own magical power to fight with him. The main one was a Zang Zhuo!

At present, the beast tide outside Tuyun Ridge alone cannot pose a fatal threat to the Zhou family, so Zhou Chun has no intention of showing off his power and attracting more beast tide forces to besiege the Zhou family.

Although the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] wanted to defeat Zhou Chun and break the formation, no matter how hard it tried, it could only force out Zhou Chun's other high-grade magic weapon [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Vase], and then it was completely unable to achieve anything. .

On the other hand, looking at other battlefields, the Zhou family quickly gained an advantage!

Thunder Dragon Baibai and Golden-winged Tiger were able to fight the fourth-level mid-level monsters with their fourth-level low-level cultivations without any difficulty at all, and they were even able to gain a certain upper hand.

Even Mu Mei relied on the blessing of [Tianmu Dao Weapon] to steadily entangle opponents with fourth-level mid-level cultivation.

The three of them blocked their opponents, and it was easy for Lin Hongyu and Zhou Mingde to open up the situation.

Don't forget, the Zhou family has two fourth-level puppets!

At this moment, Lin Hongyu and Zhou Mingde were commanding a fourth-level puppet. Together with the luxurious magic weapon set given to them by Zhou Chun, they could easily cause a lot of damage to their opponents, beating the two fourth-level monsters. The beast howled miserably.

The remaining fourth-level monster was also firmly trapped by Zhang Liang's formation, and it was impossible to escape in a short period of time.

Zhou Chun's consciousness spread, and he saw everything on the battlefield in his mind, and a smile couldn't help but appear on his lips.

The current situation can be said to be that everything is expected and everything is under control.

As long as Lin Hongyu and Zhou Mingde kill or defeat their opponents, they can break the situation.

But just when Zhou Chun thought everything was stable, he suddenly frowned and received a message from the golden-armored mountain turtle hidden underground in Tuyun Ridge. Another fourth-level mid-level monster passed through the skillful Earth Escape. Zhishu sneaked into Tuyunling, and seemed to be preparing to escape directly into the formation and start killing!

"What a beast, you are asking for your own death!"

With a cold look in his eyes, he immediately conveyed a kill-without-discrimination order to Jin Jia Fu Shan Gui Shi Shi. At the same time, he also sent a message to Zhang Liang, who was in charge of the formation, to help cover up the movement.


Suddenly, the entire Tuyun Ridge seemed to have experienced a violent earthquake. The ground began to shake violently, knocking many monks and monsters who were caught off guard to the ground.

This sudden change surprised both parties and they didn't understand what happened.

Only Zhou Chun, Zhou Mingde and other monks with the highest authority over the formation could see that a demonic beast that was more than ten feet long and similar to an armadillo suddenly burst out of the ground, vomiting blood and quickly fled outside the formation. .

Unfortunately, not long after it escaped, a gray-yellow light beam suddenly hit it, and in the blink of an eye, its body turned into a stone statue and stayed in place.

However, it is also an earth-attribute monster after all. It is naturally resistant to the magical power of petrification. When the power of the demon elixir in its body explodes, it quickly dispels the petrification power and restores its vitality.

But at this time, the golden-armored mountain turtle Shi Shi had appeared beside it, and without hesitation spit out a gray [Yuanci Divine Light] to hit it.

Immediately, a shrill howl burst out from the monster's mouth. Its body was twisted by the powerful power of [Elemental Magnetic Divine Light] and was instantly injured both internally and externally. Not only did its skin and scales burst and bleed, but its internal organs and bones were also damaged. It exploded and broke, and its mobility was directly disabled.

Then, before it could think of the self-exploding demon pill, a ferocious giant mouth full of sharp teeth bit its head and half of its body!

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