Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 610 The background of the Lunar Religion【Please subscribe】

It was also a fourth-level mid-level monster. The golden-armored mountain turtle Shitou killed the invading fourth-level armadillo monster with a crushing force. It can be seen that there are differences in the monsters due to different races. What a huge difference in strength!

To compare with immortal cultivators, the armadillo is just an ordinary mid-stage golden elixir cultivator who possesses a mid-grade magic weapon, while the golden-armored mountain turtle stone is Zhou Chun who possesses a spiritual treasure.

Once Zhou Chun uses the spirit treasure, ordinary middle-stage golden elixir monks can do it in seconds with just a few moves!

Of course, this is also because the armadillo monster was unlucky. It encountered the golden-armored mountain turtle stone that was much stronger than it in the earth-escape magical power, which made it difficult for this greatest escape magical power to work.

Otherwise, with its outstanding earth escape magical power, it would probably be able to escape from equally powerful monsters of the same level such as the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix.

Although Shitou Shitou, the golden-armored mountain turtle, killed the armadillo monster, he took its corpse and disappeared.

But this scene was still seen by the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] who had spiritual eyes and supernatural powers.

He may not know a monster like the Mountain Tortoise, but the powerful strength of the Golden Armored Mountain Tortoise to kill the armadillo monster in just a moment is enough to make him extremely fearful and even afraid.

So it quickly roared and gave the order to retreat.


Zhou Chun also knew animal language, and he quickly understood the meaning behind the roar of the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape], and frowned immediately.

Originally, he did not want to reveal his true strength and attract more monsters to besiege Tuyun Ridge, so he fought with the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] to stall for time.

Now Jin Jia Fu Shan Gui Shi Shi was forced to take action, exposing his own strength, which undoubtedly disrupted his original plan.

I believe that after the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] retreats, he will not launch an attack easily again, but will report the true situation to the fifth-level demon king who controls the overall situation behind the scenes and ask for more assistance!

Then should we simply change the plan and leave the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] and those fourth-level monsters behind?

Zhou Chun's mind was spinning, and he was a little hard to make a decision.

Just when he was hesitating, two of the fourth-level monsters that had received the retreat order had already withdrawn from the range of the formation.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun sighed in his heart, but still gave up the idea of ​​​​killing the demon and silencing the mouth.

[Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] is a fourth-level high-grade monster. If he wants to kill the monster, he must either expose the spiritual treasure, or call out the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix and the Golden-armored Mountain Turtle and Stone to surround him. In either case, he will be exposed. He has more cards.

The key is that it may not be possible to stop the opponent from exploding the demon pill!

If he were to succeed in self-destructing the demon pill in Tuyun Ridge, the [Nine Palaces Yellow Dragon Formation] might be broken by that powerful power, which would result in an even greater loss of blood.

So it might be better to keep the original plan.

However, [Blue Eyed Golden Ape], a fourth-level high-grade monster, is not easy to kill, but those fourth-order low-grade monsters have no such scruples.

When the other monsters were evacuating, the Golden-winged Tiger and the Thunder Dragon received Zhou Chun's orders in vain, and at the same time stopped two fourth-level low-grade monsters that were fighting Lin Hongyu and Zhou Mingde.

The golden-armored Mountain Turtle Shitou also took action secretly, using the gravity field to restrain the two monster beasts from escaping.

With the combined efforts of everyone, these two monsters were quickly killed within the formation!

Such an attack resulted in the loss of three fourth-level monsters, and the tide of beasts outside could no longer pose any threat to Tuyunling.

Therefore, when this round of offensive was completely over, the beasts outside began to gradually disperse.

Low and mid-level monsters also need food supplies, especially since most of these monsters have just traveled thousands of miles and need to eat to restore their physical strength.

Since it is now impossible to bulldoze Tuyun Ridge in one wave, [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] and other fourth-level monsters will naturally no longer restrain the desire of those monsters under their command to eat.

After all, monsters are monsters. Once they get hungry, even if they are restrained by fourth-level monsters, there is no guarantee that they will not treat other monsters around them as food!

But if this happens, those mortals will suffer!

After this huge wave of beasts passes, it’s hard to say that in the northern states, the number of mortals in the southern states will definitely be greatly reduced. At the extreme point, it is not impossible to reduce the number of people by 80 to 90%!

But this is something that cannot be changed at all, and no one can do anything about it!

Even if Zhou Chun has the idea of ​​​​pitying the common people, he does not have the strength to save the common people!

He couldn't even save the huge number of ordinary people of the Zhou family.

Just let them hide in underground shelters as much as possible before the war. Whether they can successfully escape the attack of the monsters depends on God's will!

"To report to the clan leader, the results of the battle damage have been calculated. In this offensive and defensive battle, twenty-seven of our monks died, including two foundation-building monks, eighty-four were injured, and twelve were seriously injured!"

"During this battle, we killed a total of more than 5,400 monsters, including three fourth-order monsters, fourteen third-order monsters, and more than 150 second-order monsters. A total of harvest Twelve third-level demon elixirs, and countless materials for various demon beasts!”

On Tuyun Ridge, after Zhou Chun finished meditating and recovered his mana, he called Zhou Xinyan over to ask about the battle damage.

After listening to Zhou Xinyan's report at this time, he was very satisfied with the battle damage.

This is the advantage of human cultivators.

As long as there is a strong enough mountain guard formation, even if you face dozens or hundreds of times more monsters, you can still create huge results.

Otherwise, if we only focus on quantity, the human race will not be able to defeat the monsters no matter what.

I saw him immediately nodded with satisfaction and said: "Very good, the spoils of war will be kept by the family first. The injured must be treated with the best means, and the fallen must also register their information. If there are any dependent disciples, they will be sent to the family after the war." The relevant pensions must be sent to his relatives and disciples!”

"As for those who have made great contributions, they can first be rewarded with magical weapons and talismans as appropriate. After the war, they will be rewarded separately based on their merits!"

Those who have merit must be rewarded. This is Zhou Chun's consistent policy in running the family.

In war, this set can improve morale even more.

Most immortal cultivators are very enterprising people. As long as they can get considerable rewards for killing monsters, their morale will always be high.

Especially since the previous battles had shown them that the beast tide was not as scary as they imagined.

As long as Tuyunling's mountain-protecting formation is maintained, they can easily hunt down a large number of monsters.

"This junior understands, this junior will definitely handle this matter personally!"

Zhou Xinyan glanced at Zhou Chun with respect and admiration, then took the initiative to step back and do some work.

But Zhou Chun didn't know at this time how much shock he had brought to the juniors of the Zhou family on Tuyun Ridge by directly killing three fourth-level monsters in this battle.

At this time, hundreds of years have passed since the war between immortals and demons. Many young monks have only heard his previous legends, and the things in those legends are not as impressive as those who experienced them back then.

Therefore, although I retain awe for the high-level monks in my heart, I always have the idea that the rumors are exaggerated.

After all, we are all human beings, why can you kill indiscriminately in the same realm?

However, this time they personally participated in the battle, and later witnessed Zhou Chun and his spiritual pets surrounding and killing two fourth-level low-grade monsters.

When the legendary story came into reality, they naturally developed a strong sense of respect and admiration for Zhou Chun, a family legend.

Even a cultivator of the Purple Mansion Stage like Zhou Xinyan is no exception.

In the next two days, the beast herd outside Tuyunling basically stood still and did not continue to attack the Zhou family in vain.

However, Zhou Chun discovered that a fourth-level demon beast had left this place, apparently to report to the fifth-level demon king who was commanding the beast tide behind the scenes.

At this time, news about the arrival of reinforcements in Jingguo was also conveyed to the Zhou family through the Moon Lun Sect.

After learning about this, Zhou Chun was not happy, but his expression became extremely solemn.

Because he knew in his heart that the most difficult time of the war would be after reinforcements arrived.

The dragon clan has been planning this big beast wave for hundreds of years, and it will definitely not end in such an anticlimactic manner.

This is known from the fact that so far, a fourth-order dragon has not appeared.

The development of things seemed to confirm Zhou Chun's idea.

Not long after he received the news of the arrival of reinforcements, Qinglian Temple suddenly couldn't stand it any longer.

Originally, there were only three fifth-level demon kings attacking Qinglian Temple, but with the arrival of reinforcements, two more demon kings appeared, as well as more than ten fourth-level demonic beasts!

Under the fierce attack of these powerful men, Qinglianguan's mountain-protecting formation immediately began to show signs of failure, forcing them to abandon a large number of peripheral areas and concentrate the power of the formation to defend the core area that was less than a hundred miles in size.

Despite this, if there are no reinforcements, Qinglian Temple will never be able to hold it for half a day!

Therefore, several foreign Yuanying monks who were originally planning to go over to relieve the siege of the Moon Wheel Sect had to rush to the Qinglian Mountains to rescue the Qinglian Temple.

These five Nascent Soul stage masters originally thought that if the five of them traveled together, they would basically not encounter any danger.

Unexpectedly, when they arrived outside the Qinglian Mountains, in addition to the five fifth-level demon kings surrounding Qinglian Temple, two other fifth-level demon kings suddenly appeared, including a fifth-level high-grade green dragon!

The result was that the five Nascent Soul stage real people were besieged on the spot, two of them died directly, and the other one only escaped with a Nascent Soul!

Later, the Qinglian Guanshan Gate formation was also forcibly blown up. Master Tianjing had no choice but to give up his body and managed to escape by relying on the Nascent Soul to leave the body!

The result of this battle shocked the entire Jingguo!

No one thought that so many fifth-level demon kings would come to this beast wave.

Moreover, the first person to die was not the local Nascent Soul monks from Jingguo, but the Nascent Soul monks from other countries who came to rescue him!

After this battle, the fifth-level demon kings seemed to have no intention of hiding anymore, and went straight to the Moon Lun Sect's mountain gate together, preparing to destroy the largest sect in Jingguo in one fell swoop.

Zhou Chun was able to learn the news of the destruction of the Qinglian Temple Gate in time because the Zhou family's Jiufeng Ridge had not been breached by the beast tide at that time, and he learned about the matter through the sentinels placed in Lianzhou in advance.

Even so, in the time it took for the news to be transmitted layer by layer, by the time he learned of the matter, the demon kings had already gathered outside the gate of Yuelun Sect.

Counting the six demon kings who originally surrounded the Moon Lun Sect, there are now a total of thirteen fifth-level demon kings gathered at the gate of the Moon Lun Sect, including two fifth-level high-grade dragons!

Such a strong lineup is really impressive!

The three Yuanying-stage masters of the Yuelun Sect and the Jindan elders turned pale, and their hearts sank to the bottom.

As the overlord of a country, the Yuelun Sect's mountain-protecting formation is naturally very powerful. Normally, only two Yuanying-stage monks are required to preside over it, and it can withstand the attacks of ten or eight Yuanying-stage monks.

But that only refers to ordinary Yuanying early stage monks!

And now there are not only thirteen fifth-level demon kings gathered outside the gate of Yuelun Sect, but there are also two fifth-level high-level demon kings and three fifth-level mid-level demon kings!

This level of strength has completely exceeded the limit of the Yuelun Sect's mountain-protecting formation!

"Two junior brothers, today is the most dangerous moment since the establishment of our sect. The only way to do this is to invite the sect's secrets and use the forbidden technique to support the arrival of reinforcements!"

"After all, I don't have much time left, so I will perform the access control technique, and the rest will depend on my two junior brothers!"

Inside the mountain gate, a white-haired old man with the look of a chicken skin glanced at the fifth-level demon queens outside, and immediately took a deep breath and said in a deep voice to Master Yin Yue and another middle-aged man in white. own opinions.

Hearing his words, Master Yinyue and the middle-aged man in green couldn't help but look at each other, and then they both bowed to the white-haired old man and saluted: "Senior brother, you are so righteous, we respect you!"

Immediately, Master Yin Yue and the white-haired old man each took out a crescent-shaped silver jade, and issued a matching magic spell at the silver jade in a dark and dignified manner.

Under the urging of the two magic arts, the two pieces of silver jade suddenly roared and erupted into bright silver clouds, and then rushed towards each other and merged into a silver jade ring in mid-air.

When this silver jade ring appeared, something deep inside the Moon Lun Sect's mountain gate seemed to be summoned.

Soon, a silver full moon was seen rising into the sky from somewhere deep in the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate, and quickly descended above the silver jade ring.

At this moment, the silver jade ring was like a baby swallow returning to its nest, flying happily into the silver full moon.

Looking carefully, the silver full moon turned out to be a silver wishing wheel treasure.

The silver jade ring just now is a component of the silver wish wheel.

"The world only knows that our Yuelun Sect has the inherited spiritual treasures [Holy Moon Wheel], [Moonlight Orb], and [Moonlight Sword], but they don't know that the true and most core inherited treasure of our sect is this once-powerful spirit. Treasure [World-Destroying Moon Wheel]!"

"The founder of the sect taught us that unless our sect encounters a calamity of annihilation, we cannot awaken the [World-Destroying Moon Wheel]. For thousands of years, all the Yuanying monks of our sect have kept in mind the ancestral teachings and have never awakened this treasure, and even deliberately awakened it. Keep the moon keys separately!”

"Now the evildoers are causing trouble and want to destroy the sect's orthodoxy. We will inherit the teachings of our ancestors and use the most precious treasure to protect the sect and destroy the enemy!"

The white-haired old man looked at the wish wheel magic weapon that turned into a silver full moon in the void in front of him. He murmured to himself while running the secret technique. He opened his mouth and spat out a ball of blood with silver light spots and fell on the wish wheel. Above the magic weapon.

A strange scene appeared.

The Tongtian Lingbao, which should have been difficult for even a real person in the Nascent Soul stage to sacrifice, now easily accepted the white-haired old man's essence and blood, instantly forming a deep connection with him.

He raised his hand and the treasure quickly shrank, turning into a disc-sized exquisite wish wheel that he held in his hand.

And he soon felt the powerful power contained in the thing in his hand, as well as the price needed to activate this treasure!

After he gently weighed the magic weapon in his hand, he looked at the two masters of Yin Yue and said, "Two junior brothers, I can activate this magic weapon six times by using that access control technique to increase my magic power!"

"Twice of them, I will give them to the two fifth-level high-grade dragons, which should be able to inflict serious injuries on them. For the remaining four times, I hope to kill four fifth-order low-grade monsters and preserve our sect's inheritance!"

Hearing his words, Master Yin Yue immediately replied in a deep voice: "Senior brother, no matter what you do, I will not let your sacrifice go in vain, and I will definitely fight to the death to keep our sect alive!"

"Good! So I take action!"

The white-haired old man nodded slightly, and then used his hands to perform a forbidden technique. His magic power increased instantly, reaching a level comparable to that of a late-stage Nascent Soul monk in just a dozen breaths.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the silver wish wheel in his hand being activated by his magic power, and the object immediately turned into a ray of silver light and disappeared in his hand.

In an instant, a ray of silver light appeared on the top of the head of a fifth-level low-grade black dragon that showed its original form. It easily cut through its protective aura and head, and cut the head into two halves, along with the demon inside it. Kill the pill and the demon soul together!

Then, without waiting for the other demon kings to react, the silver light quickly disappeared from the spot and reappeared on top of a fifth-level crocodile dragon dozens of miles away. It also easily killed its body, demon elixir, and demon soul.

Only then did the other fifth-level demon kings react. They roared and suspended their attacks on the Moon Wheel Sect's mountain-protecting formation, and used various means to strengthen their own protection.

But they soon discovered that this didn't work.

After a flash of silver light, another fifth-level red fire dragon was decapitated and soul-destroying!

This scene immediately frightened the remaining fifth-level demon kings to death, and they all used their escape skills to flee.

It's a pity that their escape skills are not as fast as that silver light.

I saw the fourth flash of silver light, and even though a fifth-level giant turtle had retracted its head into the extremely hard turtle shell, its shell, which was as hard as a spiritual treasure, was easily penetrated, and the huge monster body quickly fell to the ground. Go down.

After killing four low-level fifth-level demon queens in a row, Silver Light finally locked its target on the high-level fifth-level red fire dragon.

Due to its profound cultivation, this dragon did not flee in a panic like those fifth-level low-grade demon kings. Instead, it hid in a cloud of fire and concentrated on vigilance.

When the silver light disappeared into the fire cloud, a miserable howl soon came from inside.

Then he saw silver light flying out of the fire cloud, turning around and flying towards another fifth-level high-grade green dragon.

But I didn't expect that this fifth-level high-grade green dragon was even more sophisticated. When the silver light hit it, I discovered that there was only a fake body there, and its real body had disappeared without knowing it!

That is to say, after destroying the green dragon fake, the aura of the white-haired old man inside the mountain gate suddenly dissipated rapidly, and the Nascent Soul in his body instantly disintegrated into nothingness.

The Nascent Soul of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage is the condensed essence of his body. Once this thing is scattered, his soul will be completely scattered!

Witnessing this scene, Yin Yue Zhenren silently waved his hand to collect his physical remains, and then used a spell to summon back the [World-Destroying Moon Wheel] that was still outside.

However, out of fear of this thing, he did not dare to sacrifice it like the fallen senior brother, and he did not even dare to touch it with his hands.

He just took off the jade ring on the wishing wheel according to the method left by the ancestor, turned it into two pieces of jade and put it away.

Strangely enough, after the jade ring was removed, even if there was no one to remind it, the silver wish wheel would automatically fly towards the place where it flew out before, as if there was some kind of summons there.

It wasn't until he saw the Silver Wish Wheel disappearing into the forbidden area deep inside the mountain gate that Master Yin Yue turned around, looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Junior Brother Cang Yue, from now on, you and I will be the ones guarding the sect. , I will inherit the legacy of Senior Brother Xuanyue and defend our sect to the death!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man Cang Yue Zhenren also responded with solemnity: "What Senior Brother Yinyue said is absolutely true. The sect has trained us as pill-forming infants, and we should also swear to die to repay the sect!"

After expressing their attitude in this way, the two immediately united all the disciples of the sect and worked together to resist the crazy revenge of the demon kings outside!

The demon kings are indeed going to take crazy revenge!

Fully four fifth-level demon kings died on the spot, including two fifth-level dragons.

Such losses are not insignificant.

All the results achieved by ambushing the human reinforcements were returned after this battle.

This made the remaining demon kings not extremely angry.

Therefore, after it was determined that the terrifying magic weapon could not be used again, the remaining nine demon kings immediately launched a frantic attack on the Moon Lun Sect's mountain-protecting formation.

Under the joint attack of these demon kings, the Yuelun Sect's mountain-protecting formation suddenly began to shake violently.

However, compared to the previous joint attack of the thirteen demon kings, although the mountain guarding formation seems to be in danger of failure, it can actually last for a day and a half without any problem.

And this time is enough time for the Yuanying stage monks from outside Jingguo, especially the late Yuanying stage monks such as Master Kunxu to arrive.

As for whether those people would come to rescue them, Master Yin Yue and Master Cang Yue were not worried.

No matter from which angle you look at it, the destruction of the Lunar Sect has no benefit at all to those people, only harm.

Once the Yuelun Sect is destroyed, the Yanyang Sect will inevitably be unable to stop the beast tide, and then the entire Jingguo will fall.

Who dares to say that the beast tide will not spread to surrounding countries by then?

And even if the beast tide does not spread and Jingguo becomes a paradise for monster beasts, the surrounding countries will also face the military front of Longyuanze Jiaolong clan.

Therefore, even if it is for their own benefit, master Kunxu and other powerful foreigners will definitely come to the rescue!

On the other side, because of the distance and the fact that everyone in the Moon Lun Sect was trying their best to resist the attack of the demon kings, Zhou Chun had no idea what was happening there.

After he learned that the Qinglian Mountain Gate had been destroyed, his first reaction was not joy, but surprise and panic.

Because he knew very well that once the tall men above were eliminated, the tall man among the short ones in the Zhou family would definitely attract the enemy's attention and come over to eliminate him.

And as long as even a fifth-level demon king comes over, the Zhou family will not be able to resist it!

So he was quickly forced to launch a preparatory plan!

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