Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 611 The Fall of Tuyunling [Please subscribe]

The gate of Qinglian Temple was broken, this is not something that cannot happen.

But if it was breached so quickly, it would be a serious matter!

Tuyunling and Qinglian Mountains are on a horizontal line from east to west, belonging to the beginning and end of the line.

If there is Qinglian Temple in front, even Tuyunling will become the main attack direction of the beast tide, and the pressure will not be unbearable.

But after the Qinglian Mountain Gate was broken, the Zhou family in Tuyunling became the most conspicuous package for the beast tide advancing northward!

Even if the fifth-level demon king did not take action at this time, the Zhou family would not be able to withstand the huge tide of hundreds of thousands of beasts, and it would be impossible for them to survive the siege of twenty or thirty fourth-level demonic beasts.

Therefore, Zhou Chun could only activate the backup plan and evacuate Tuyun Ridge proactively before the beast tide that came to support arrived at Tuyun Ridge!

Evacuating Tuyunling means giving up this blessed land of Lingshan and the mountain gate that has been run by the family for a hundred or two hundred years.

This is a huge loss for the Zhou family, both in terms of morale and physical resources.

Zhou Chun really didn't want to make this decision unless he had to.

But now things have really come to a head.

If you choose to save land and lose people, you will lose both people and land.

Only by saving the lost ground can we have a chance to make a comeback and regain the lost ground!

But what really made Zhou Chun determined to evacuate was because the Qinglian Mountain Gate was breached!

After the Qinglian Temple Gate was breached, even if many disciples were removed like the Zhou family beforehand, it would be difficult to regain the lost ground.

In this way, if the monsters are driven back to the wilderness in the future, the Zhou family can legitimately replace Qinglian Temple and occupy the Qinglian Mountains.

In order to better occupy and develop the blessed land of Qinglian Mountains, Zhou Chun must now try to preserve the vitality of the Zhou family!

So taking the initiative to evacuate Tuyunling now seems to be a loss of a lot, but in the long term, it can help the family move forward.

After making up his mind at this time, Zhou Chun quickly took action.

You must know that the Zhou family learned about the emergence of the big beast tide several years in advance, so naturally they had already prepared various countermeasures.

Zhou Chun had long ago asked Jinjia Fushangui Shitou to dig several escape tunnels deep underground around Tuyun Ridge for use during evacuation.

These escape tunnels are located hundreds of feet deep underground and are difficult to discover even with the fifth-level demon king's spiritual consciousness.

And they are not directly connected to Tuyunling. Even if someone discovers them outside, there is no way they can be used to attack the Zhou Family Mountain Gate from underground.

But when they need to be used, the Golden Armored Mountain Turtle Stone can open up a dozens of miles long tunnel to connect with them in just half a day, forming a complete escape tunnel!

Once Zhou Chun made a decision at this time, Jin Jia Fu Shan Gui Shitou immediately took action.

At the same time, the Zhou family monks inside the mountain gate also received the evacuation notice and began to pack their things urgently.

In fact, there is nothing to pack away because the really precious things have already been packed away.

The same goes for Jiufeng Ridge.

As early as a year ago, Zhou Chun secretly transplanted several rare spiritual fruit trees, including the [Building Yuan Fruit] tree, and some rare elixirs to Bamboo Leaf Island in Le Country.

Although doing so will damage the vitality of these elixirs and fruit trees, with the vitality and conditioning provided by the Mu Mei Mulang, the losses can be minimized.

When the beast tide subsides and the Zhou family becomes stable again, they can be transplanted back.

So packing things at this time basically means packing everyone's personal belongings, as well as packing the things in the family treasure house, secret vault, and library.

But even if you are prepared in advance, you still have to give up a lot of things that should be given up at this time.

For example, there are some monsters inside the mountain gate that cannot be taken away, and the fourth-order purple mulberry tree in front of Zhouchun Cave!

In fact, Zhou Chun hesitated for a long time as to whether to transplant this purple mulberry tree.

It is not difficult to transplant this spiritual tree. What is difficult is how to preserve the [Chalcedony Mushroom] that has been planted on it.

These [Chalcedony Mushrooms] have been planted for a long time. If the spiritual trees are transplanted, they are likely to wither due to their delicate nature, which will cause great losses.

So after much thought, Zhou Chun decided not to transplant the spiritual tree.

He thought very simply. Even if the monsters occupied Tuyun Ridge, they would at most destroy those human buildings. They would not deliberately destroy fourth-level spiritual trees like purple mulberry wood.

It is impossible to say that this place will be occupied as the lair territory of a certain fourth-level monster.

In addition to this purple mulberry tree, Zhou Chun must take away the spiritual eye spring in his cave and the "Qingling Xiangui" tree stump.

At this time, he didn't care how much damage the removal of these two objects would cause to the spiritual veins and themselves. Zhou Chun first put the tree stump into the storage bag, and then forcibly put away the Spiritual Eye Fountain.

Now that he is in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation, and he can use the power of the large formation to cut off the connection between the spiritual eye spring and the spiritual veins, it doesn't take much time to put away the spiritual eye spring.

Only half a day passed, and Zhou Chun successfully packed up the Spiritual Eye Fountain.

At this time, the Golden Armored Mountain Turtle Stone had also dug out an escape passage, connecting it with the previously dug tunnel.

After he checked the tunnel and made sure there was no problem, he said to Zhou Mingde, who had arranged for people to pack various things: "Okay, the tunnel has been opened. Elder Taishang, you and your uncle should take the people away first. Junior will follow." Arrive soon!"

"Then I'll take the first step. Masazumi, you should be more careful yourself!"

Zhou Mingde's mother-in-law didn't act at such a critical moment. After giving Zhou Chun a warning, he took the people out of the tunnel and left.

Zhou Chun stayed in the mountain gate with dozens of elderly monks with little potential, and continued to use the empty city strategy to attract the attention of the beasts outside.

Anyway, he is an expert and bold person, and even if he is surrounded by enemies ten times his size, he is sure to escape.

When the other monks agreed to stay, they were already determined to die. The Zhou family would take good care of their descendants, relatives and friends!

In less than two hours, Zhou Mingde and others retreated through the tunnel to a hidden mountain stream two to three hundred miles away from Tuyun Ridge.

This place is not that far away from the herds of beasts surrounding Tuyunling, and there is still a possibility of being exposed.

Therefore, hundreds of people including Zhou Mingde did not act together, but divided into several groups and evacuated separately.

If nothing unexpected happens, they will eventually reunite at the Su family in Jiangzhou.

Jiangzhou is located in the north-central part of Jingguo, which is considered the rear area. If you evacuate there, you won't have to face the main force of the beast tide for the time being, and you will have more time to wait and see.

That is, five hours after Zhou Mingde and others withdrew, the beasts outside seemed to be waiting for reinforcements and launched an attack on Tuyun Ridge again.

This time, the beasts also chose to advance together from the east and west. Many fourth-order monsters also appeared one by one. Zhou Chun saw the figure of the fourth-order dragon for the first time.

In the sky to the east of Tuyun Ridge, three dragons, one green, one silver and one red, were soaring in the sky, activating the divine power to launch an attack into Tuyun Ridge.

These fourth-level monsters seemed to have learned the previous lessons and no longer entered the formation in person. Instead, they relied on their numerical advantage to launch attacks from the outside to the inside.

All of a sudden, all kinds of lightning, wind blade, and fire rain attacks fell on the Tuyun Ridge filled with yellow clouds, with a huge momentum.

"Thirteen fourth-level monsters, these really look up to my Zhou family!"

Zhou Chun glanced at the fourth-order monsters that appeared, and his expression was very solemn.

It is not difficult to see from the number of fourth-level monsters that appeared that his judgment was very accurate.

After the Qinglian Temple Gate was broken, Tuyunling became the focus of the beast tide.

Even if the Zhou family can resist the current attack of these monsters, there will definitely be more fourth-level monsters coming later.

Zhou Chun's eyes were quickly attracted by the silver dragon outside.

The silver dragon was much larger than the thunder dragon Baibai, and it was a serious fourth-level high-grade thunder dragon.

Zhou Chun specially released Mu Mei to confirm that it was the thunder dragon that had been chasing him all the way from Thunder Lizard Island!

This made him feel murderous in his heart.

"If I can kill this monster..."

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed with coldness, and he couldn't help but estimate the possibility of success.

Almost 60%!

This is Zhou Chun's estimate.

The reason why it is so low is because the opponent is a fourth-level high-grade thunder dragon, and his attainments in the art of thunder escape must be much higher than that of Bai Bai, the thunder dragon.

Even if he transforms into a Moon Toad, he may not be able to hit the opponent, and even if he hits, he may not be able to kill him with one blow!

And as long as he can't instantly kill or even trap the opponent, if the opponent wants to escape, he will never be able to catch up.

The invincible strength of the Golden Core stage only means that he can defeat all fourth-level opponents, but whether he can kill the opponent is not necessarily certain.

Even if a Nascent Soul stage monk takes action, sometimes he will still be escaped by some fourth-level monsters or monks who are particularly good at escaping!

Therefore, after Zhou Chun made some calculations, he still suppressed his murderous intention and gave up his plan to kill the fourth-level high-grade thunder dragon.

After all, the incarnation of the Moon Toad is a very important trump card for him. When the beasts invade, the importance of this trump card becomes even more prominent.

If this trump card is exposed rashly, many things may become difficult to do later.

After giving up trying, Zhou Chun concentrated on controlling the formation, and worked with several spiritual pets to harvest the monsters that rushed into the formation.

Usually going to the wilderness to kill third-level monsters would easily cause big trouble, so Zhou Chun had to restrain himself.

Now that he has a rare opportunity to kill these high-level monsters in large numbers, he will not show mercy.

With the combined efforts of several of his spiritual pets, not a single third-level monster that dared to rush into the formation could get out alive!

After he killed eight third-order monsters in this way, those fourth-order monsters belatedly asked the third-order monsters to stop entering the formation and instead attack outside like them.

But without these third-level monsters entering the formation, facing the pressure from Zhou Chun's fourth-level monsters, the low- and intermediate-level monsters that entered the formation would collapse at the first touch, unable to form an effective attack at all!

This is one of the shortcomings of Beast Tide.

Because it is purely relying on the pressure of high-level monsters to drive the middle- and low-level monsters. Once the opponent sends high-level monsters, and there are no high-level monsters of the same race to lead them, then these middle- and low-level monsters will be difficult to control at all. Muster up the courage to attack.

The [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] soon discovered this through his spiritual eyes, so the attack of the beast group soon stopped, with only a dozen fourth-order monster beasts attacking fiercely.

Fortunately, Zhou Chun had also been on guard against this demonic beast's spiritual eyes, and deliberately activated the power of the formation to form a rich spiritual light that covered the core area of ​​Tuyun Ridge to prevent it from seeing the truth inside.

This kind of pure spiritual light barrier is difficult to see through no matter how powerful your spiritual eyes and magical powers are, but it will consume a lot of power of the formation.

But Zhou Chun is stalling for time. If he can stall for a quarter of an hour, it will be a quarter of an hour.

Seeing that the beasts no longer came in to die, he pushed the power of the formation to the limit at any cost, and tried his best to shrink the coverage area of ​​the formation to defend against the long-range bombardment of those monsters.

In this way, relying on the powerful defensive power brought by the self-destruction formation, Zhou Chun and dozens of old and weak monks resisted for nearly three hours.

When the formation could no longer hold on, Zhou Chun no longer persisted, but took advantage of the last moment to bow to the monks who volunteered to stay behind and said: "Thank you fellow Taoists for everything you have done for the Zhou family, Zhou and The Zhou family will definitely not forget the sacrifices that all fellow Taoists made today!"

Then he directly escaped from Tuyun Ridge with Jin Jiafu Mountain Turtle Shitou.

Without Zhou Chun's leadership, the [Nine Palaces and Yellow Dragon Formation] was quickly forcibly breached. Most of the monks left behind died in the backlash caused by the breach of the formation, and the survivors soon died in those battles. Under attack from monsters.

Tuyunling, the gate of Zhou Family Mountain, completely fell!

Besides, after Zhou Chun left Tuyunling through Earth Escape, he didn't show up along the way. He directly used Earth Escape to travel a thousand miles north before showing up, and hurried to the Su family in Jiangzhou.

Because he was alone, he arrived at the Su family earlier than many monks from the Zhou family who had evacuated first. Only two teams led by Lin Hongyu and Zhou Mingde arrived here before him.

And just as the Zhou family was very happy to accept other monks to Tuyunling, the Su family naturally welcomed the arrival of the Zhou family cultivators.

"I have also heard about what happened in Tuyunling. Just stay here, Zhengchun. At this time of crisis, we, the Su and Zhou families, should work together to fight against the national crisis!"

Inside the Su Family Mountain Gate, the ancestor of the Su Family clearly expressed the Su Family's attitude after receiving the arrival of Zhou Chun.

Zhou Chun also responded firmly to this, "What the ancestor said is absolutely true. This junior and the Zhou family will do their best to guard this place with the Su family and protect the family!"

Then he inquired about the situation of the Moon Lun Sect and the alliance reinforcements from the ancestors of the Su family.

The Su family is relatively close to the Yuelun Sect's gate, and with Su Yunniang, a golden elixir-level elder from the family, taking care of them, it stands to reason that the information will be much better informed than the Zhou family's.

But in fact, the ancestor of the Su family didn't know the current situation of the Moon Lun Sect at all. He only knew that many demon kings were besieging the Moon Lun Sect's gate.

The information on the reinforcements was completely dependent on the Moon Wheel Sect, and he was not qualified to communicate with the senior leaders of the Tianling Alliance.

This situation also made Zhou Chun frown.

Anyone with some knowledge of war knows the importance of intelligence to war.

Now that the intelligence is unclear and they cannot judge the strength of the enemy, they cannot formulate a combat plan based on the actual situation.

They can only defend the city with a blind eye!

But the problem is that the Su family is not a strong city like the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate!

Although in terms of the power of the mountain-protecting formation, the mountain-protecting formation at the Su family's mountain gate is better than the [Nine Palaces Yellow Dragon Formation], it is extremely powerful and cannot truly resist the attacks of fifth-level demon kings or Nascent Soul monks.

In fact, this is also the deliberate result of the Lunar Sect and other big forces.

They will not allow the vassal forces to have the power to resist themselves, so as not to raise tigers!

Those formation masters who can lay out formations to resist the attacks of Nascent Soul monks can basically be cultivated only by these sects.

In this case, holding on to the city was undoubtedly a bad idea in Zhou Chun's opinion.

Once a fifth-level demon king comes, except for the fact that he can lead a few people to escape with his golden armor, mountain turtles, and stones, everyone else will probably have to die with the city!

After frowning and thinking for a while, he looked at the ancestor of the Su family and asked, "Has the ancestor ever tried to contact my aunt?"

"I tried it. I tried to contact her with a flying sword message, but the flying sword message was destroyed halfway. It must have been intercepted by those fifth-level demon kings!"

The ancestor of the Su family replied in a low voice with a helpless expression.

Hearing his answer, Zhou Chun couldn't help but be silent.

The Messaging Flying Sword flies extremely fast, and generally speaking, it is difficult for Golden Core Stage monks to intercept it.

But it does not include Yuanying stage monks.

To avoid being intercepted by Nascent Soul monks, only certain special communication magic weapons and talismans can be achieved.

But those magic weapons and talismans are extremely rare, and many of them require special activating magic techniques. Neither the Su family nor the Zhou family can possess them.

Previously, the Moon Wheel Sect was able to notify various vassal forces when the demon king surrounded the mountain. It relied on the treasures to first notify the Jindan elders of the sect in each city, and then relay them through this.

In the end, he could only say helplessly: "In this case, this junior can only repeat the old trick and let the spiritual pet dig an escape route outside first!"

"Then it's you, Lao Zhengchun."

The ancestor of the Su family nodded slightly, but did not object to this.

In the next day, other Zhou family teams that dispersed and evacuated also arrived at the Su family mountain gate.

Some of these people encountered small herds of beasts on the road, and it took them some time to break out of the encirclement.

Some people are traveling slowly and it takes more time to reach the Sujia Mountain Gate.

But overall, it was a very successful retreat.

It was at this time that the message from the Moon Lun Sect finally arrived belatedly in the hands of the ancestor of the Su family.

"Good news! The siege of the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate has been resolved. Master Kunxu personally brought seven masters of the Nascent Soul Stage of the alliance to help the Yuelun Sect resolve the crisis. Reinforcements from all countries in the alliance are also arriving. The first batch of reinforcements has arrived today Arriving in China, we are resting and recovering in Yuezhou!"

After the ancestor of the Su family quickly read the summons, he immediately told the contents with a look of joy on his face.

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun also breathed a sigh of relief.

He hopes that Qinglian Temple will be destroyed, but he definitely does not want the Moon Wheel Sect to perish.

Otherwise, if the Lunar Sect is destroyed, then the future development prospects of Jingguo will really be slim.

Even if a new big force moves here, it will definitely not be a good thing for the Zhou family. At least if they want to plot the Qinglian Mountains, there will definitely be no chance.

Then he looked at the ancestor of the Su family and asked: "Now that the siege of the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate has been resolved, is there any order issued regarding our vassal forces?"

After hearing this, the ancestor of the Su family immediately nodded and said: "Yes, the Moon Lun Sect's message has clearly stated that the alliance will set up a defense line in Cangzhou and Jiangzhou to first block the beast tide from heading north and west!"

"This is a good thing! If this is the case, our two families will stay in the same place, and there will be no need to be transferred to other areas."

Zhou Chun looked happy and immediately expressed his opinion.

"Yes, I think so too!"

The ancestor of the Su family nodded repeatedly with a smile on his face, feeling very happy inside.

But this joy did not last long, and was shattered by two messages received subsequently.

One piece of news still came from the Moon Lun Sect. It was a Feijian message sent by Su Yunniang on her own initiative.

According to what he said, although the Moon Wheel Sect survived the siege of the Demon King, not only did this battle lose a real person at the Nascent Soul Stage, but also a group of Jindan elders and a large number of disciples in the sect who fully assisted in maintaining the Mountain Guard. The formation was seriously injured, and there were even many casualties. She herself also suffered serious internal injuries.

Another news came from the front sentinels. The main force of the beast tide had completely captured Lingzhou and Tanzhou above, and was heading towards Jiangzhou!

"Did Master Xuanyue actually fall?"

After hearing the information relayed by the ancestor of the Su family, Zhou Chun also looked shocked and extremely surprised.

Unfortunately, Su Yunniang seemed to have some taboos. Apart from explaining the situation, she did not elaborate on the details, so he did not know what happened to the Moon Lun Sect at that time.

"The tide of beasts is about to arrive, Masazumi, do you have any ideas?"

At this moment, the ancestor of the Su family could not care less about why Xuan Yue had died. He only cared about whether the Su family's mountain gate could be defended. He immediately lowered his body and asked Zhou Chun for advice on how to defend against the enemy.

The Su family is not the Zhou family. The mountain gate spiritual land has been managed by them for thousands of years. Many of the elixirs in the medicine garden are almost a thousand years old.

Once the mountain gate is breached, even if the main members of the family can be saved, the loss will be immeasurable!

Therefore, he was determined not to give up the mountain gate spiritual land.

But what he didn't expect was that when faced with his question, Zhou Chun just smiled lightly and said: "Don't worry, ancestor, as long as the fifth-level demon king does not join the war, as long as the alliance reinforcements can reach the front line of Jiangzhou, I will guarantee that the Su family The mountain gate is as stable as Mount Tai!"

Such confident demeanor and words immediately stunned the ancestors of the Su family.

After looking at Zhou Chun blankly for a while, he said again with some worry: "Zhengchun, are you hiding something from me? Where does your confidence come from?"

Originally these were taboo words, but for the sake of the safety of the family sect, the ancestor of the Su family couldn't care less.

He asked himself that he still had a lot of kindness towards Zhou Chun and the Zhou family, and it wouldn't hurt to ask about these things under extraordinary circumstances.

As expected, Zhou Chun didn't look down on him because of this. He just nodded and said, "Since it's now this time, I won't hide it from my ancestor!"

After saying that, he summoned the fourth-order Golden Winged Tiger and the fourth-order Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, and revealed the two magic weapons [Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword] and [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Vase]!

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