Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 613 I’m going to take action【Please subscribe】

Zhou Chun acted very quickly and decisively. It only took less than half an hour to destroy the herd led by Black Wind Owl and Fire Dragon Lion. He still had enough energy to continue to deal with the next herd.

But just when he was about to continue doing this, he suddenly received a message from Taoist monk Su Yuzhen's flying sword.

After reading the information carried by the Messaging Feijian, Zhou Chun's expression suddenly changed and he hurriedly set off back to the Su Family Mountain Gate.

When he returned to the Su Family Mountain Gate, he looked at Su Yuzhen with a serious face and asked: "Madam, tell me carefully, how did Baijiangfang City be destroyed?"

It turned out that the reason why he was in a hurry to come back was because the news that Baijiangfang City was broken reached the Su family.

After listening to his words at this time, Su Yuzhen also said quickly: "According to the ancestor's message, Baijiangfang City was destroyed because a fifth-level demon king suddenly appeared and took action to break the mountain guarding formation and kill the people who were sitting there. Protected by late-stage Golden Core monks and several mid-stage Golden Core monks!”

Speaking of this, she also said with a happy face: "Fortunately, at the critical moment, a senior from the Nascent Soul stage arrived in time and stopped the demon king, otherwise I am afraid that no one in Baijiangfang City will survive!"

After hearing her answer, Zhou Chun's expression changed drastically.

What he was most worried about happened!

For Zhou Chun, who is already invincible at the Golden Core stage, as long as he does not encounter the fifth-level demon king, this wave of beasts will not pose any threat to him at all.

But he also deeply understood that in such a huge beast situation, the fifth-level demon kings would probably disregard the past tacit agreement between the two clans and bully the small ones to attack the monks below the Nascent Soul stage.

After all, when such a huge beast tide is launched, both parties will be at odds with each other, so there is no need to abide by this tacit agreement.

And when this tacit agreement is broken, it is a very frightening thing for them, the Golden Core Stage monks, and for those fourth-order monsters.

Because I don’t know when I might encounter the slaughter of the opponent’s fifth-level powerhouse!

"Since Baijiangfang City can no longer be defended, where are the ancestors and the others now?"

Zhou Chun suppressed the fear in his heart and asked further about his concerns with a heavy face.

"When the ancestor came back from the message, he was breaking through to the north with the surviving people in Baijiangfang City. His specific location is not yet known."

When Su Yuzhen said this, he couldn't help but look at Zhou Chun with a worried look on his face and said, "Husband, do you think we should go and help the ancestors?"

"Don't panic, don't panic first, there's no point in rushing about this now!"

Zhou Chun comforted the Taoist monk and analyzed calmly: "Since the ancestor was able to fly his sword to send a message on the way to escape, it means that the situation has not worsened to the extreme. Now we can just wait for further news after they have settled down. Even if it is really necessary We should wait until they contact us to report the location before we go to pick them up!"

After listening to his analysis, Su Yuzhen quickly calmed down and couldn't help but nodded and said: "My husband is right, it's the concubine who cares about me that causes chaos."

Then the two of them sat at the mountain gate and waited patiently for further news.

While they were waiting, the herds of beasts from all over the place gathered together near the Su Family Mountain Gate and surrounded the Su Family Mountain Gate.

It's just that this herd of 50,000 to 60,000 monster beasts obviously didn't take Zhou Chun seriously, and he didn't even look at them seriously.

If he hadn't been worried about being too conspicuous and attracting the attention of the fifth-level demon king, Zhou Chun could have taken people out to kill all these monsters now!

But the herds apparently didn't know this.

After gathering into a group, they couldn't wait to launch an attack on the Su family's mountain gate.

The mountain-protecting formation at the Su Family Mountain Gate is different from the [Nine Palaces and Yellow Dragons Formation]. It is a forbidden formation with balanced offense and defense.

At this time, seeing a large number of monsters divided into three teams and attacking from three directions, Su Yuzhen immediately controlled the large formation and launched the attack first.

I saw blue and white auras gathering in the air, and in an instant they turned into water arrows that filled the sky and shot towards the herd of beasts rushing in one direction.

Under the thousands of water arrows, hundreds of the thousands of monster beasts that charged up immediately fell!

By the time the three groups of beasts had rushed to the edge of the formation, the water arrows had been fired for six rounds, killing no less than four thousand low- and intermediate-level monsters.

And this is just an appetizer.

When the low- and intermediate-level monsters finally rushed to the front of the formation despite the rain of arrows, the monks from the Su and Zhou families who stayed behind inside the mountain gate also took action one after another, using various magical weapons and spells to attack the monsters.

You know, at this time, there are more than a hundred monks in the foundation building stage alone in the Su Family Mountain Gate, and there are also more than ten monks in the Zifu stage!

With so many people taking action together, most of them only attack monsters with lower cultivation levels than themselves. Basically, each round of attacks can take away the lives of dozens or hundreds of low- and intermediate-level monsters.

But the attacks of those monster beasts were all blocked by the formation, including the four fourth-order monster beasts that appeared!

So the attack only lasted less than half an hour, and had to be stopped because too many monsters were killed in the attack.

Those fourth-level monsters are not stupid. After this attack, they have seen that they cannot break the Su family's mountain-protecting formation with their own strength alone. They need more reinforcements!

Speaking of which, they were lucky. Zhou Chun had some scruples after hearing about what happened in Baijiangfang City, so he didn't go out to harvest them.

Otherwise, with just four fourth-level monsters, they would be swallowed up by Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde before they even get close to the Su Family Mountain Gate!

Not long after repelling the attack of the beasts from outside, the ancestor of the Su family finally sent another message from the flying sword.

"How's it going? Where are the ancestors and the others now? What's the situation over there?"

Inside the Su Family Mountain Gate, after Zhou Chun heard about the new news from the ancestor of the Su Family, he hurriedly came to Su Yuzhen to ask for details.

After hearing what he asked, Su Yuzhen immediately replied: "Ancestor and the others are currently in the Tao family in Yuezhou, and have joined a new batch of reinforcements. They may not be able to come back for the time being, because they have to counterattack Baijiangfang City with the reinforcements! "

"Are you preparing to counterattack so soon?"

Zhou Chun was stunned for a moment, and was a little surprised by the news.

It was a pity that the ancestor of the Su family did not disclose more information in the summons, and he did not know what caused the people above to be so eager to counterattack.

After all the thoughts in his mind turned around, he nodded slightly and said: "Since the ancestors have settled down now, I will personally communicate with him with my sword!"

Then he personally contacted the ancestor of the Su family by flying sword and informed the other party of some of his thoughts.

Feijian's message could not carry much content, so Zhou Chun just confessed one thing to the ancestor of the Su family.

That is to reveal a little bit about the strength he possesses and ask for a Yuanying Stage monk to be sent to protect him secretly, and this Yuanying Stage monk should preferably be from a foreign country!

As long as there are Nascent Soul Stage monks who secretly protect him and help him intercept the possible fifth-order demon king, Zhou Chun can fight and kill them!

Otherwise, it would be too much torture for oneself to have invincible strength but not be able to use it due to various reasons.

I don't know if it was because of the emergency of the war, but after the ancestor of the Su family received Zhou Chun's message about Feijian, it only took half a day for him to get a reply.

After reading the reply, Zhou Chun felt refreshed. He immediately called Taoist companions Su Yuzhen and Zhou Mingde together and said: "Madam, Supreme Elder, I have already contacted Patriarch Su. Next, I will personally participate in the battle to counterattack Baijiangfang City, and Ancestor Su and my great-aunt will come back to guard the Su Family Mountain Gate with you!"

After saying that, he told the whole story of why he contacted the ancestor of the Su family.

After listening to his words, Zhou Mingde pondered for a moment, then quickly nodded and said: "That's fine, Zhengchun, you will act with the Yuanying Stage masters, at least you don't have to worry about being bullied by those fifth-level demon kings. Got it!"

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Chun solemnly and warned: "But even if there are seniors in the Nascent Soul stage who are willing to protect you, Zhengchun, you must be more careful yourself. Don't be careless and let the enemy take advantage of you!"

"Don't worry, these juniors know it all!"

Zhou Chun nodded slightly and agreed.

Afterwards, he did not stay at the Sujia Mountain Gate any longer, and escaped directly from the underground soil through the golden armor, mountain turtle and stone, and quietly left the Sujia Mountain Gate.

A few hours later, Zhou Chun appeared at the Tao Family Mountain Gate in Yuezhou where the ancestors of the Su family and others were.

The Tao family in Yuezhou was also a Jindan family. Because its mountain gate was close to Jiangzhou, it also became a resting point for foreign reinforcements.

When Zhou Chun came here, there were already as many as twenty-five Jindan monks and hundreds of Zifu monks gathered here.

After he arrived here, he was immediately led by the ancestor of the Su family to a cave somewhere deep in the Tao family's mountain gate.

This cave originally belonged to the Supreme Elder of the Tao family, but now it has been given over to a more noble being.

"Junior Zhou Zhengchun has met Master Qianmu!"

In the main hall of the cave, as soon as Zhou Chun entered the room, he respectfully bowed to a thin old man wearing a blue robe on the jade cave in front.

This thin old man's name is Qian Mu Zhenren. He is a real person in the Yuan Ying stage of Shen State, a neighboring country of Jingguo. He also comes from Yuanxu Mountain, the largest power in Shen State.

Previously, Baijiangfang City was invaded by the fifth-level demon king. It was Qianmu Zhenren who took action in time to repel the fifth-level demon king, giving Zhou Mingde and others the opportunity to break out and escape.

At this time, facing Zhou Chun's salute, the thin old man just stared at him for a few times, then smiled slightly and said: "Young friend Zhou, there is no need to be polite. Please take your seat first."

"Thank you, senior, for the seat."

Zhou Chun thanked him respectfully and took a seat at the bottom of the table unceremoniously.

Now that he has decided to stand out and reveal his true strength, he can no longer be too humble and hide his clumsiness.

Under normal circumstances, monks in the late Jindan stage are absolutely qualified to sit in front of real people in the Nascent Soul stage.

After he took his seat, Master Qianmu said slowly: "I am very pleased to hear that little friend Zhou has volunteered to go into battle to slay demons."

"At this time of national crisis, we need heroes like you to step forward and set an example to inspire people and boost morale!"

After hearing this, Zhou Chun quickly stood up and bowed: "Thanks to the praise from senior, I am very honored to be junior."

After thanking him like this, he immediately continued: "Although my cultivation is low, I still have the desire to kill monsters and serve the country. In times of national crisis, I should not hesitate to take action, kill monsters with all my strength, and restore the great country!"

"Very good. What Zhou Xiaoyou said is very much in line with my wishes."

Qianmu Zhenren immediately clapped his hands and applauded, then looked at Zhou Chun with deep eyes and said: "Next, the alliance will make every effort to regain Baijiangfang City. I hope that little friend Zhou can bravely take up the important task and let me see my true strength!"

"The juniors will do their best and never let the seniors down!"

Zhou Chun responded with a firm tone, his words filled with strong confidence.

At this point, the first meeting between the two came to an end, and Zhou Chun quickly left the cave.

Both he and Master Qianmu knew that whether Zhou Chun was worth the personal protection of a Master in the Nascent Soul Stage all depended on whether he could perform brilliantly in the battle to regain Baijiangfang City.

This kind of dazzling performance is definitely not just as simple as showing the strength of the late Golden Core, so any late Golden Core monk can do it.

In this battle, he must show strength that far exceeds that of the late Jindan cultivators, and must show results that convince Master Qianmu, so that Master Qianmu is truly willing to protect him personally.

After Zhou Chun came out of Qianmu Zhenren's cave, the ancestors of the Su family and Lin Hongyu returned to the Su family.

This was the condition previously negotiated with Master Qianmu. As the largest surviving stronghold in Jiangzhou, the Su family had to be garrisoned by many Golden Core monks.

Zhou Chun only stayed at the Taojiashan Gate in Yuezhou for less than half a day before setting off with the army to Baijiangfang City.

This time to recapture Baijiangfang City, the Tianling Alliance only sent Golden Core Stage monks and Purple Mansion Stage monks. The main purpose was to first repel the beast tide army that was resting there, and then rearrange the formation to establish a stronghold.

As the accompanying Nascent Soul cultivator, Qianmu Zhenren is only responsible for dealing with the possible fifth-level demon kings and will not participate in the battle to recover.

From this point of view, it seems that the Tianling Alliance intends to continue to abide by the previous tacit agreement with the demon kings for the time being, and fifth-level beings will not take action against demonic beasts below fifth-level.

Zhou Chun understood this very well.

The reason is simple. The war is now taking place within the borders of the human race.

If we really let go of everything and high-level beings attack low-level beings arbitrarily, the human monks will be the ones who really suffer.

Because with the speed of the fifth-level demon kings, they can easily rush into Shen State, Cheng State and other places and kill them randomly, wiping out all the sects of various cultivating families and small and medium-sized sects!

Even if the human cultivators take countermeasures, it will be difficult to kill all the monsters scattered everywhere.

So as long as the demon kings don't really go crazy and do something that completely angers the entire human race, Master Qianmu and other Nascent Soul monks will still try their best to abide by the tacit agreement.

As for whether the demon kings dare to go crazy like that, I guess they probably don't!

Because if they do that, then it won't be the Yuanying stage masters taking countermeasures, but the god-transforming masters like the Yuanyang masters to carry out dimensionality reduction attacks on them.

At that time, these demon kings, who have gone through countless hardships and hardships to survive the thunder tribulation of heaven, will have to pay with their lives for their crazy behavior!

We must know that the human race can now become the largest force in this world, which definitely shows that the number and strength of the top human race are overwhelming the monster race.

The reason why demon clan forces like Long Yuanze are still allowed to exist is probably just because they are afraid of the other party's last crazy trick of dying together.

Therefore, as long as the top-level beings of the demon clan are not crazy, it is impossible to let those fifth-level demon kings completely run amok!

However, they saw Zhou Chun and other nineteen Jindan monks and hundreds of Zifu monks rushing all the way, and soon arrived outside the occupied Baijiangfang city.

Their whereabouts had already been detected by some birds and monsters. When they arrived outside Baijiangfang City, they were immediately surrounded by tens of thousands of monsters resting here.

Immediately afterwards, monster beasts emerged from the river adjacent to Fangshi, and soon the river that stretched for dozens of miles was filled.

"Fellow Taoists, please act according to the plan!"

A late-stage Jindan cultivator who was in charge glanced at Zhou Chun and the others, shouted in a low voice, and then used his magic weapon to hit a fourth-level high-grade red fire dragon.

Subsequently, all the Golden Core Stage monks and Purple Mansion Stage monks also distanced themselves one after another, and each activated their magic weapons and magical powers to hit their chosen opponents.

Judging from the number, there are more human Golden Core Stage cultivators in Baijiangfang City than there are fourth-order monsters.

But there are many second- and third-level monsters on the monster side, and they can also focus fire to provide support.

Even a Golden Core Stage cultivator would find it difficult to withstand the attacks of hundreds or even thousands of second-level monsters at the same time.

After all, golden elixir stage monks do not have the physical body as powerful as the fourth-level monsters and can ignore the attacks of second-level spells. Once they use magic weapons and magical powers for defense, they will continue to consume their own mana.

But this obviously does not include Zhou Chun!

I saw that he directly used the "Secret of Dragon Transformation" without any concealment, covering himself with a layer of silver dragon scales.

With this layer of silver dragon scale protection, any attack below the third level cannot even consume a trace of his extra mana!

And after he transformed, he quickly patted the spirit beast bag and released the three spiritual pets: Thunder Dragon Baibai, Golden Winged Tiger, and Flame Hell Fire Phoenix.

Compared to the Golden Armor Bearing Mountain Turtle, Stone and Wooden Charming Mulberry, these three-headed spiritual pets are relatively less attractive to Nascent Soul Stage monks, and are not something that must be obtained.

So even if it is exposed, it will only cause some surprise at most.

But to be honest, after seeing the three-headed spiritual pet he released, Master Qianmu was indeed quite surprised.

With the eyesight of a Yuanying stage monk, he could naturally see how extraordinary these three monsters were.

I won’t mention the Thunder Dragon and the Fire Phoenix. They are definitely the king race among monsters of the same level!

The key is that after the Golden Winged Tiger breaks through to the fourth level, its spatial attributes are further strengthened, allowing Nascent Soul Stage monks who are somewhat involved in the way of space to easily see its foundation.

"What a strange thing! This is the first time I have heard of and seen a winged tiger with spatial attributes. Could it be that some rare spiritual object with spatial attributes was consumed during the mutation process?"

Master Qianmu was secretly amazed and couldn't help but look forward to Zhou Chun's performance.

Zhou Chun didn't let him wait any longer, and quickly arranged a task for the three-headed spiritual pet.

I saw that he and the thunder dragon were in a group, and they directly found a fourth-level mid-grade blue dragon, and regarded this pure-blood dragon as their prey.

At the same time, the Golden-winged Tiger and the Fire Phoenix were aiming at another fourth-level mid-level demon bird, the two-headed black bird.

These two monsters are both extremely powerful beings at the same level, and they are definitely not weaklings.

Obviously Zhou Chun knew very well that if he wanted his victory results to be recognized by Master Qianmu, he must not rely on bullying those fourth-level low-grade monsters to improve his results!

But when he waved his hands, the [Dragon-Tiger Golden Ring] shot out, turning into a golden dragon and silver tiger and flew towards the blue dragon.

Then he opened his mouth and vomited, and the natal magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of Ten Thousand Transformations] flew out, and directly turned into a golden spear under the urging of his spell and shot towards the Blue Dragon Cave.

He actually showed off his real skills when he came up!

And the thunder dragon Baibai also turned into a silver lightning and rushed towards the blue dragon under the command of his master, preparing to fight with it at close range.

Facing such a sharp offensive from their master and servant, the blue dragon also tried its best with serious eyes.

I saw the blue water cloud around him suddenly burst into light, turning into a protective magical power to protect himself within it.

After the golden dragon and silver tiger pounced forward, although they tore apart the heavy clouds and broke many of them, they were unable to really hurt the changeable blue dragon inside.

But as a silver thunderbolt fell head-on, the water-attributed blue dragon was shaken all over, and it couldn't help but let out a roar of pain.

Its eyes were blazing with anger as it glared at Thunder Dragon Baibai, screaming angrily and accusing him of being a traitor and scum for actually helping a human monk deal with himself, a member of his own race.

But Lei Jiao Baibai didn't pay any attention to it at all, and he didn't feel any guilt at all. He just regarded it as prey and enemy with indifferent eyes, and he was merciless!

In Lei Jiao Baibai's heart, Zhou Chun, the master who raised him from a little snake to a four-clawed thunder dragon, is the person he is truly closest to.

As for these so-called compatriots, they didn’t take them seriously at all!

It has not forgotten that King Thunder Dragon's attack almost killed it!

And because the movement of the thunder dragon was interrupted in vain, the blue dragon had to make up for it by condensing a blue water shield to resist the attack of the golden spear.

But it seemed to underestimate the horror of this shot.

The blue water shield was directly penetrated by the golden spear, and then the spear pierced its hard dragon scales, almost piercing it!

Then the Gengjin power bloomed from the spear in its body wreaked havoc in its body, causing its body to twist and tremble in pain, and let out bursts of whining sounds.

Lei Jiao Baibai and Zhou Chun would not miss this opportunity to beat the drowned dog. Whether it was the golden dragon and silver tiger transformed by the [Dragon-Tiger Golden Ring] or the [Heavenly Thunder Silence Slash] used by Lei Jiao Baibai, they locked on the blue dragon and bombarded them. go.

If these two hits were successful, not to mention directly killing the fourth-level mid-level blue dragon, at least half of its life would be taken away.

But at this moment, the blue dragon suddenly opened its mouth and spit out a piece of blue dragon scale covered with runes, which instantly bloomed with rich spiritual light and turned into a deep and thick aqua blue shield to protect itself within it.

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