Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 614 Feihu performed meritorious service and killed three demons in a row [Please subscribe]

Even among the Longyuanze dragon clan, the fourth-level dragons are considered the most elite among them, and their number is not too large.

Therefore, the fourth-level dragons who joined the beast tide this time basically received the life-saving dragon scales given by the fifth-level demon king of their clan.

This kind of life-saving dragon scale is similar to the magical secret talisman made by monks in the Nascent Soul stage. It is a fifth-level dragon that uses its own dragon scale as a carrier, and uses a secret method to seal one of its own magical powers in it.

Because they use their own dragon scales as carriers, the magical power of these life-saving dragon scale seals can generally reach 70 to 80% of the genuine magical powers, which is better than many magical secret talismans!

At this moment, after Lan Jiao used his life-saving dragon scale, Zhou Chun's master and servant's attack was easily blocked by the blue shield.

Seeing this situation, his expression also changed slightly.

However, there is no turning back when the bow is fired.

Now that he has chosen this blue dragon, he must not give up just because the opponent is a tough guy.

In other words, if he didn't even have the ability to bite off this hard bone, it wouldn't be worthy of Qianmu Zhenren's protection.

So after his expression changed slightly, he launched a fierce attack on the blue dragon again with his spiritual pet with firm eyes.

But seeing him raise his hand, the high-grade magic weapon [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Vase] was also sacrificed, and directly activated the "Two Dragons Seize the Pearl" killing move to attack the blue dragon.

But at this time, you can see the difference between top-grade magic weapons and top-grade magic weapons.

When Zhou Chun activated the [Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword] to transform into a lightning sword dragon, it only took a dozen breaths to sever the magical secret talisman used by Xue Yan, the candidate of the Holy Fire Cult.

But now, even though he has activated two high-grade magic weapons to attack the blue dragon, the blue shield still looks very stable and does not look like it is about to be broken.

The blue dragon also relied on the protection of the blue shield to quickly counterattack him.

He first pulled out the golden spear that was still in his body, then opened his mouth and spit it out, and a stream of dark blue true water turned into a true water dragon and rushed towards Zhou Chun's body.

But now you can understand why Zhou Chun chose this blue dragon as his prey.

Then he saw that as soon as his magic power activated the [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Vase], the mouth of this treasure bottle was aimed at the true water dragon, releasing a blue-white spiritual light.

As soon as this blue-white spiritual light hit the true water dragon, it instantly seemed to mark it. Soon, a powerful suction force that no one could control came out of the mouth of the bottle, forcibly sucking the true water dragon in. into the vase, completely cutting off the control and induction of the blue dragon!

Seeing this scene, the blue dragon's eyes were also stunned, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

It's a blue dragon! A blue dragon born with the power to control thousands of waters!

The true water dragon is the true water that it condensed by absorbing and refining the essence of water. The connection with it can be said to be extremely close, just like its own hands and feet.

But what's happening now?

It stared at the blue and white dragon vase with wide eyes, as if it wanted to remember this thing deeply.

It is already quite intelligent and knows very well that this thing is definitely the nemesis of a pure water dragon like it!

And as if it wanted to test the limits of this treasure, it quickly used its own true water as a guide to condense a highly penetrating water column and hit Zhou Chun.

But this time, Zhou Chun didn't seem to have any idea of ​​using a high-grade magic weapon to resist, and directly used the [Qianyuan Jinxia] magical power to protect himself, and relied on his own defensive magical power to block the attack of the blue dragon.

Then he used all his strength to use two high-grade magic weapons and his own magical powers to launch a violent bombardment on the blue dragon.

But with a wave of his hand, a golden spear broke through the air and struck the blue shield, consuming a lot of the shield's spiritual power.

Then he cast a spell with both hands, and a ball of golden lightning suddenly condensed, and with a flick of his hand, it turned into a golden thunder ball and hit the blue shield.

On the other side, the thunder dragon Bai Bai also opened up his firepower, and various magical powers took turns bombarding the blue shield outside the blue dragon.

With the cooperation of master and servant, although the shield cannot be opened in a short time, it seems that it will not take too long.

Although Lan Jiao didn't want to be beaten passively, his counterattack was very weak and it was difficult to cause any harm to Zhou Chun's master and servant.

If this delay continues, it will be a matter of time before the shield on it is broken.

It also knows this well.

Therefore, after the blue shield that protected itself began to fade and became difficult to last for a long time, it suddenly let out a low groan and dived towards the Baijiang River not far away.

Want to escape?

A cold light flashed in Zhou Chun's eyes. Of course, it was impossible to let the blue dragon escape.

A silver light shot out from his sleeve and instantly turned into a silver lightning bolt that struck the blue dragon's outer shield.

Immediately, a violent force of thunder and lightning was released, directly blasting the blue dragon away with its body and shield.

At this critical moment, Zhou Chun was still forced to draw his sword.

As soon as the [Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword] came out, the three high-grade magic weapons worked together to launch fierce attacks on the shield outside the blue dragon. The already dim blue shield immediately shook sharply, like the wind. Like candlelight.

The blue dragon among them also seemed to feel the crisis. He immediately let out a long roar and activated his innate magical power. In an instant, a large rain cloud condensed in the sky, and it started to rain heavily.

Then it used the rain to display its magical power of water escape, transforming into flowing water and fleeing directly towards the Baijiang River not far away.

But what it never expected was that as soon as its figure escaped more than half the distance, it was suddenly forced out by the thunder and lightning raging in the rain.

However, Lei Jiao used the [Nine Heavens Thunder Prison] magical power in vain, interrupting its water escape technique through a large-scale thunder and lightning bombardment.

The moment it reappeared, Zhou Chun had already activated the [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Vase] to collect all the rain clouds in the sky, not giving it a chance to escape.

Then [Tiangang Thunder Sword] and [Dragon-Tiger Golden Ring] attacked at the same time, and finally broke the blue shield with a "bang".

Without the protection of this blue shield, how could this blue dragon be the opponent of Zhou Chun who had three high-grade magic weapons in hand.

Not long after, this dragon was stabbed in the head with the [Tiangang Thunder Sword] on the bank of the Baijiang River, and fell under the sword!

After killing the blue dragon with one sword, Zhou Chun quickly put its body into a large-capacity storage bag specially designed to hold the corpse of a fourth-level monster, and then went to another battlefield with the thunder dragon in vain. .

On another battlefield, only one head of the two-headed black bird was left. The other head had been exploded by the attack of the Fire Phoenix. At the same time, most of the bird feathers on its body were also burned, and the whole body was covered with blood. It's a scorch mark.

This bird itself has the dual attributes of wind and water, and is also a powerful natural alien species.

However, as a bird, it encountered the fire phoenix, the royal family among birds, and was born weaker.

And its proud speed cannot take any advantage in front of the Hell Fire Phoenix and the Golden Winged Tiger.

On the contrary, when the Golden Winged Tiger and the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix jointly attacked, they created an explosion effect of wind-assisted fire. Not only did it easily defeat all the magical powers it used, but it also burned it with [Glass Pure Fire], causing seven injuries. It was miserable.

There is nowhere to escape even if you want to!

After Zhou Chun and Lei Jiao killed the blue dragon in vain and rushed over, the two-headed black bird seemed to know that it was impossible to survive today, and the ferocity in his heart was suddenly aroused.

Then he suddenly let out a cry of "croak", and his whole body shone with blue and black aura, turning into a blue-black aura and swooping towards Zhou Chun.

not good!

Zhou Chun's expression changed, and he instantly understood what the other party wanted to do.

He hurriedly notified several spiritual pets to dodge, and he also quickly cast a spell to perform the Golden Escape Technique.


There was only an earth-shaking explosion roar that resounded through the sky, and a terrifying blue-black explosion aura spread out like a tide, turning the sky for dozens of miles around into blue-black.

This is the most powerful and rogue trick of high-level monsters, the self-exploding demon pill!

The power of self-explosion of the demon elixir of the fourth-level mid-grade demon beast with two heads and black black birds is even stronger than Zhou Chun's activation of the best magic weapon, but it is just difficult to sustain.

If he had not dodged just now, even if he exposed the spiritual treasure [Moon Toad Orb] and activated the defensive magic weapon [Five-Colored Dragon Scale Armor] with all his strength, he would have been seriously injured!

Fortunately, he had already mastered the Golden Escape Technique and discovered the intention of the two-headed Black Bird in time, so he escaped in time!

Only dozens of miles away, Zhou Chun's figure appeared. He looked back at the strong explosion light behind him, and a look of pity flashed in his eyes.

This was also the first time that he personally encountered a self-exploding demonic elixir attack from a demonic beast of the same level.

Those fourth-level monsters that died under his hands in the past would be interrupted and killed by him in advance even if they wanted to self-destruct their demon pills.

Only this time, because he did not dare to expose the spiritual treasure [Moon Toad Orb], and the thunder dragon had no time to interrupt, the two-headed black black bird succeeded in self-destructing.

And because the two-headed Blackbird self-destructed with its body, it could be said that not a single bird feather was left behind. Zhou Chun didn’t catch anything this time!

"What a pity! Otherwise, if you keep this demon pill for the Golden-winged Tiger, it might be able to help it break through to the fourth level mid-level in the future!"

He secretly thought of a pity and quickly turned his attention to other battlefields.

Just two fourth-order mid-grade monsters alone couldn't satisfy his appetite.

Since he decided to stand out, he naturally wanted to kill as many fourth-level monsters as possible to show off his abilities, and at the same time, accumulate more gains for himself.

This kind of opportunity to slay fourth-level monsters and obtain demon pills is not something you can come across all the time.

I saw that after his eyes wandered around, he quickly aimed at another target.

It was a fourth-level high-grade monster, a golden unicorn. It was also a rare alien monster with extraordinary strength.

The person fighting this golden unicorn was a late-stage Jindan monk who practiced fire-attribute skills. However, he was completely at a disadvantage during the fight and was no match for him.

From a pure point of view of strength, this beast is even stronger than the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] that Zhou Chun had fought in Tuyunling before.

If he can kill this beast, it should be enough to prove Zhou Chun's strength!

After selecting the target at this time, Zhou Chun immediately took the three spiritual pets and rushed towards the battlefield over there. At the same time, he said loudly to the late-stage Jindan monk: "Fellow Daoist Situ, leave this evil beast to Zhou." Let’s deal with it, you go help other fellow Taoists!”

Hearing what he said, the late-stage Jindan cultivator couldn't help but look back at him, then glanced at his three spiritual pets one by one, and finally nodded and said: "Okay, then it depends on Zhou Daoyou's ability. !”

After saying that, he took the magic weapon back and stepped aside, leaving the battlefield to Zhou Chun and his spiritual pet.

The arrival of Zhou Chun and the three spiritual pets also made the golden unicorn that looked like a donkey quickly become vigilant.

The previous self-explosion of the demonic pill by the two-headed Black Crow Bird was so powerful that it had already attracted the attention of the human monks and fourth-level demonic beasts on the surrounding battlefield.

Zhou Chun's master and servant were able to first kill the fourth-level mid-level blue dragon, and then force the two-headed black black bird to explode the demon elixir in all its strength. The strength really shocked many golden elixir stage monks and fourth-level demonic beasts.

Otherwise, the late Jindan monk with the surname Situ would not have given up his position so happily.

The golden unicorn is a fourth-level high-grade monster. It has lived for thousands of years, and its wisdom is much deeper than other fourth-order monsters.

It did not wait for Zhou Chun's master and servant to launch an offensive, but took the initiative to attack first.

But when he saw a surge of golden light from the golden horn above its forehead, a golden rainbow light like a sword rainbow shot through the air towards Zhou Chun.

Faced with the innate magical powers of such fourth-level high-grade monsters, Zhou Chun did not dare to show any signs of neglect.

As soon as he activated his magic power, the golden dragon ring in the [Dragon and Tiger Golden Ring] transformed into layers of golden ring shadows to block him. At the same time, the [Five-color Dragon Scale Armor] on his body also emerged, blooming a five-color light shield to protect himself. live.

Almost as soon as he completed the protection, the golden rainbow light penetrated the protection laid by the golden dragon ring with unstoppable force, blasting the magic weapon away, and then shot through the five-color light mask, causing Spider web-like cracks appeared at the impact point!

But the power of this blow is no less than that of a high-grade magic weapon.

After Zhou Chun felt this, his judgment on the danger level of this golden unicorn improved.

When he was attacked, the three-headed spiritual pet also quickly launched an attack-for-attack counterattack.

But when the thunder dragon spat out in vain, a silver thunder ball fell through the air in front of the golden unicorn and exploded with a bang.

However, this blow failed to break even the protective layer of golden light outside the golden unicorn's body.

After all, there is still a difference of two small realms in cultivation between the two sides. Even the talented four-clawed thunder dragon cannot fight against the enemy across two small realms at the fourth level!

Fortunately, Thunder Dragon Baibai was not fighting alone. The attacks of the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix and the Golden Winged Tiger also fell on the Golden Unicorn.

However, compared to the magical power of thunder and lightning that is difficult to dodge, the attacks of the Fire Phoenix and the Golden Winged Tiger were not able to completely hit this beast.

As a fourth-level high-grade metallic monster, he has already mastered the magical power of the Golden Escape Technique, and his attainments are obviously better than Zhou Chun's.

In a flash of golden light, he dodged the wind and fire combos of the Hell Fire Phoenix and the Golden Winged Tiger.

Faced with such a difficult enemy, Zhou Chun once again chose to explode!

Without hesitation, he used the "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique" and merged with the thunder dragon Bai Bai to form a human-faced thunder dragon.

In the past, he kept this move as a trump card, only waiting to use it when chasing down the fleeing enemies. Now, this was the first time he used this move in front of others.

Therefore, when the human-faced thunder dragon appeared, even Qianmu Zhenren, who was observing secretly, was slightly shocked.

"What a magical power! I didn't expect this kid to have such secret skills of controlling beasts. No wonder he was able to cultivate several fourth-level monsters!"

Master Qianmu couldn't help but applaud, and was full of expectations for Zhou Chun's next performance.

But after seeing Zhou Chun transform into a human-faced thunder dragon, he immediately activated the two high-grade magic weapons [Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword] and [Dragon and Tiger Golden Ring] to attack the golden unicorn.

Originally, with his pure metallic magic power, it was difficult to activate the [Tiangang Thunder Sword] to unleash the true power of this magic weapon.

At this time, he transformed into a human-faced thunder dragon, and the magic attribute was increased by the thunder attribute. This magic flying sword, which was expected to be promoted to the top magic weapon, immediately showed its true power.

Only silver lightning flashed in the sky. [Tiangang Thunder Sword] The lightning escape magical power of this flying sword was completely stimulated to its due power. It could suddenly appear in any direction and attack the golden unicorn. onslaught.

Even if he used the Golden Escape Technique to dodge, he could not avoid the thunder flying sword that followed him like a shadow.

And relying on the paralysis effect of the thunder and lightning magical power to constantly interrupt the golden unicorn's escape magic power, the wind and fire combos of the Hell Fire Phoenix and the Golden Winged Tiger quickly exerted their due power.


An explosion roared in the sky, and a sea of ​​black and red poisonous flames instantly drowned the golden unicorn inside.

Then another cyan hurricane fell into the sea of ​​black and red poisonous flames, restricting the golden unicorn from breaking out, and concentrated the collapsed poisonous flames to form a pillar of wind and fire light.

After the golden unicorn finally burst out with mana and broke through the hurricane's confinement, the golden dragon and silver tiger worked together to push it back into the sea of ​​fire!

After several sets of combined attacks, the golden unicorn had more than a dozen scars of various sizes on its body, which completely angered it!

But he saw it suddenly let out a roar that sounded like a horse's neighing or a wolf's howl. Suddenly, its figure transformed into thousands of layers, and it transformed into dozens of clones and charged towards the four masters and servants of Zhou Chun.

With Zhou Chun's spiritual consciousness being stronger than that of ordinary late-stage Jindan monks, it was actually difficult to tell which one was his true form for a while!

Faced with such a situation, he and his spiritual pets also instantly chose to avoid its edge.

But seeing the lightning flashing on his body, he instantly used the lightning escape technique to avoid the golden unicorns that rushed towards him.

The Golden Winged Tiger also used the "Dodge Technique" one after another to dodge this wave of attacks.

The Flame Hell Fire Phoenix also activated the fire escape technique, transforming into a stream of fire and quickly escaping far away.

But they all seemed to underestimate the power of the golden unicorn's move!

In the flash of golden light, the body of the golden unicorn caught up with the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, and then like a rhino's horn, it hit the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix hard.

Immediately, the Fire Phoenix screamed and was directly pierced through the body by the horn on its head, and was knocked away!

Fortunately, Zhou Chun sensed something was wrong and hurriedly activated the [Tiangang Thunder Sword] to fly forward and slashed out a stream of Tiangang Thunder Sword Qi that fell on the golden unicorn.

This Tiangang Divine Thunder Sword Qi almost exhausted all the lightning power of the flying sword itself, and its power far exceeded any previous attack.

The sword slashed down, quickly cutting through the protective golden light and tough animal skin on the golden unicorn, leaving a hideous wound on the back of its neck that was deep enough to show the bones, and even caused wounds all over its body. Paralysis and stiffness.

Taking advantage of the fact that it could not continue to launch subsequent combos, the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix hurriedly flapped its wings to escape from its side.

But Zhou Chun stepped forward bravely, and suddenly wrapped half of the golden unicorn's body with his dragon body, and burst out the power of thunder and lightning with all his strength to rush towards the golden unicorn, trying to paralyze it for a longer period of time.

At the same time, the golden-winged tiger under Zhou Chun's command also flashed close to the golden unicorn one after another. The silver light of the word "king" on its forehead shone brightly, and soon a pale silver light blade about a foot long was condensed.

"This is……"

As soon as the pale silver light blade condensed, the first person to be shocked was Master Qianmu, the secret onlooker.

As a monk at the Nascent Soul stage, he could clearly feel the rich power of space contained in the pale silver light blade, and it gave him a faint sense of danger, as if this object had the power to hurt him!

"It turns out to be a rare space attack magical power!"

"The existence that possesses such rare magical powers is actually just a fourth-level low-grade monster!"

Master Qianmu couldn't help but exclaim in his heart, and a feeling of envy could not help but surge into his heart.

A magical space attack power!

If he could master this kind of magical power, he would be able to fight even a master cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage!

At least it must have the strength to threaten the opponent.

It's a pity that let alone him, even a great monk in the late Yuan Ying stage would have a hard time mastering such a rare space-based magical power.

"Is it really the God of Heaven? Although it is difficult for monsters to practice martial arts before the fifth level, and their bodies are dominated by animal nature, and they have to face thunder and disasters that are much more severe than those of immortal cultivators, but they are also given unlimited possibilities, allowing them to Master several attribute powers at the same time, even spatial attributes!"

Qianmu Zhenren murmured to himself, his eyes couldn't help but follow the pale silver light blade.

Although he felt a dangerous aura on the pale silver light blade, how powerful this attack could be could only be judged by looking at the actual effect.

The fourth-order high-grade golden unicorn is indeed a very good experimental subject!

At this time, as the target of the pale silver light blade, the golden unicorn naturally felt a strong death threat.

It is still in a state of paralysis, and of course it will not be willing to sit still and wait for death.

Even if the demon pill in the body is forcibly stimulated, a terrifying energy bursts out by damaging the meridians and internal organs, forcibly dispersing the power of thunder and lightning in the body.

But because the human-faced thunder dragon transformed by Zhou Chun was tightly wrapped around it, it couldn't dodge it through the Golden Escape Technique at this moment.

So he could only open his mouth and spit out a piece of golden animal scale, which turned into a golden scale shield and blocked the light silver blade.

This is also a life-saving thing given to it by a fifth-level demon king. It is an advance payment for its willingness to participate in this beast tide.

However, this golden scale shield, which was said to be able to block even a blow from a Yuanying stage monk, was easily cut open by the pale silver light blade.

Then, before it could react, the pale silver blade of light fell on its head, cutting through its extremely hard skull as easily as cutting tofu, and cutting a blade-shaped hole in its head!

It’s hard to resist, it seems like you have to get up early to write, otherwise every day will be a life and death situation!

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