Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 615 The war situation changes again [Please subscribe]

As long as the thing cut by the [Space Blade] cannot completely block the cut, a blade-shaped cavity will appear, and the things inside will disappear in a strange way, as if they have entered the legendary extraterrestrial void.

At that time, after the head of the golden unicorn was cut by the pale silver light blade, this was the situation. The contents of the head were directly and permanently lost part of it, including flesh, blood, bones and even brain plasma!

At the same time, due to the influence of the power of the remaining space, the blade-shaped hole cannot even be healed or filled with blood!

This is also the most unique effect of the space attack magical power, which is difficult to achieve with other attribute magical powers.

Naturally, the golden unicorn did not die immediately after a hole was opened in his head.

For a fourth-level high-grade monster like it, unless the demon soul is directly annihilated or the demon core is broken, the physical injuries will make it difficult for it to die immediately.

But as long as they are still flesh and blood, after a hole is opened in the most important head, consciousness will inevitably fail.

Because before the fifth level, spiritual consciousness and physical body are still two inseparable parts, and neither party can be called a life alone!

This is even more obvious in the monster beasts that only cultivate the physical body.

So at that moment, the golden unicorn's consciousness shut down and his thinking stopped functioning.

Naturally, Zhou Chun would not let go of such an excellent opportunity.

Taking advantage of the fact that all the Golden Light Unicorn's defense methods were ineffective and his consciousness fell into a downtime state again, with a flick of his consciousness, the [Tiangang Thunder Sword] turned into a bolt of lightning and shot towards it, inserting it through the hole above its head. Go in.

The Tiangang Divine Thunder Sword Qi burst out one after another, destroying the golden unicorn's brain and cerebellum from the inside, and almost annihilating the demon soul!

However, the golden unicorn is a fourth-level high-grade monster after all. Even if its body is destroyed, it does not die immediately.

Suddenly golden light surged from its mouth, and a shining golden demon pill wrapped around an illusory golden unicorn figure flew out, trying to escape from this place.

Those are its demon elixir and demon soul.

If it really escapes, there might be a chance for it to be reborn.

But it is not a fifth-level demon king, and demon pills and demon souls cannot have the magical power of "teleportation".

Although the power of the demon elixir exploded very fast, it was still not faster than Zhou Chun's thunder and lightning power.

Zhou Chun, who had transformed into a human-faced thunder dragon, suddenly opened his mouth and spat out, and a large lightning net composed of silver lightning power flew out of the air, instantly trapping the demon pill and its demon soul.

The power of thunder and lightning is originally the most restrained thing against ghosts and ghosts. The demon souls of the fourth-level monsters have not experienced the baptism of heavenly thunder and lightning, and they also have no resistance to the power of thunder and lightning.

Even with the protection of the demon elixir, it was quickly annihilated by the power of thunder and lightning.

Then Zhou Chun grabbed it with his claws, and the out-of-control demon pill flew back into his dragon claws.

After confirming the death of the golden unicorn, Zhou Chun immediately released the combined transformation, then put away the demon pill and the body of the golden unicorn, and hurriedly stepped forward to check the injuries of the Fire Phoenix.

The previous collision with the golden unicorn had seriously injured it.

Even the Fire Phoenix clan itself is a race with strong self-healing ability, and phoenix blood is still dripping from the wound at this moment.

This scene made Zhou Chun extremely distressed.

He hurriedly took out a bunch of healing monsters from his storage bag. No matter which ones were useful or not, he fed them all to the Fire Phoenix first.

He is not worried that the Infernal Fire Phoenix's injuries will endanger his life. The Infernal Fire Phoenix possesses the magical power of [Nirvana in Fire]. As long as it is not directly killed by someone and the demon soul is annihilated, it can recover from any serious injury.

But once the magical power of [Nirvana in Fire] is used, the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix will consume one of the Fire Phoenix True Feathers, which will reduce the cultivation level for decades in disguise!

This is something Zhou Chun wants to avoid.

Fortunately, the healing elixirs he had asked Luo Qingni to refine before were not in vain. After feeding some rare elixirs refined with thousand-year-old elixirs, the wounds of the Fire Phoenix were finally stopped temporarily, and no more dripping occurred. Blood.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun hurriedly took it back into the spirit beast bag to rest.

After dealing with the injured Flame Hell Fire Phoenix in this way, Zhou Chun looked at the battlefields.

It was seen that the human side had gained an absolute advantage on the battlefield. After the fall of the golden unicorn, those fourth-level monsters basically lost their will to fight and began to flee.

This is actually the best opportunity to expand your results.

However, Zhou Chun killed three fourth-level monsters in a row, and his own mana had been greatly consumed. Thunder Dragon Baibai was also in poor condition due to the fusion with him. The only one who was still capable of fighting was the Golden-winged Tiger with the lowest cultivation level.

So after hesitating for a moment, he gave up the idea of ​​continuing the pursuit.

And just after the beasts dispersed in all directions as the fourth-order monster beasts fled, Qianmu Zhenren, who had been hiding in the dark, finally couldn't help but show up and came to Zhou Chun's side.

"Junior has met senior Qianmu!"

Zhou Chun looked at Qianmu Zhenren who took the initiative to show up, and quickly bowed and saluted.

"Hahaha, you don't have to be polite, little friend Zhou. I showed off my great power today and killed three demons in one breath. It really opened my eyes!"

Master Qianmu laughed, waved his hand to Zhou Chun with a smile on his face, and praised his performance today.

This attitude was undoubtedly completely different from Zhou Chun's first meeting with him.

And this fully shows that Zhou Chun's performance today has completely won his approval.

At this time, Zhou Chun began to be humble, "Senior, you are so polite. In front of a real senior like you, this junior's three-legged cat's methods are just a child's play. I really don't dare to praise you so much!"

Upon hearing this, Master Qianmu said in a sincere tone: "Young friend Zhou, what you said is wrong! Even from my perspective, the magical powers that you have shown today are quite unique, unique, and very broad-minded. significance!"

Speaking of this, I couldn't help but sigh slightly: "Especially the space attack magical power, it is really eye-opening for me!"

Hearing him sigh like this, Zhou Chun was speechless for a while.

Being modest once can be said to be polite, but being modest in disregard of the facts is hypocrisy.

Any monk with some knowledge of space attack magical powers knows how rare they are.

To put it bluntly, if the person who mastered this magical power was Zhou Chun, even if he had successfully conceived a baby, he would definitely get into a lot of trouble for himself.

Fortunately, this is just the innate magical power of the Golden Winged Tiger.

As we all know, there is no way to cultivate the innate magical powers of monsters at all. At most, they have reference significance.

So Zhou Chun doesn't have to worry about Master Qianmu coveting him.

After a slight silence at this time, Zhou Chun took the initiative to change the topic and said: "In the opinion of senior Qianmu, can this junior's performance today still be worthy of senior's judgment?"

Hearing his question, Qianmu Zhenren couldn't help but show a look of contemplation on his face.

After pondering like this for a moment, he saw him slowly speaking: "Originally, I didn't take Xiaoyou Zhou's application seriously. Because the war is unclear now, it's really hard for a Nascent Soul Stage monk to give up his mobility and come here to protect you. It’s overkill.”

Speaking of this, he also looked at Zhou Chun deeply and said: "But after seeing your performance today, I really have to seriously consider your application. With your talent and talent, once it is exposed, , it is indeed easy to attract the attention of the fifth-level demon king!"

After hearing the other party's words, Zhou Chun quickly replied respectfully: "Senior, I must be clear that this junior is not bragging. With the strength of this junior, if there is no fifth-level demon king coming, basically no fourth-level monster will be my opponent. If you want to truly If we want to restrict the juniors, we will have to arrange a few high-grade fourth-level monsters!"

"But the number of fourth-level high-grade monsters is so rare. If they gather in one place, the juniors can avoid their sharp edges. If they are scattered everywhere, they will not be able to restrain the juniors at all!"

Having said this, he also paused slightly and continued to increase the weight and said: "Furthermore, this junior owns a four-clawed thunder dragon. Dragons of this quality are rare even in Longyuan Ze. Previously, there were even more It attracted the fifth-level Thunder Dragon Demon King to seize it personally, and now it is likely to attract the covetousness of the fifth-level demon king again!"

"So without the protection of seniors like you, Senior Qianmu, it would be difficult for this junior to feel at ease and go all out to kill the enemy on the battlefield!"

At the end of his words, he also faintly revealed his true intentions.

His real idea is very simple. If Qianmu Zhenren cannot agree to his application, then in future battles, he will definitely put his own life and safety first and will not really use his full strength.

In this way, it is difficult to say whether a Yuanying stage monk who cannot kill monsters below the fifth level at will can really play a greater role than Zhou Chun on the battlefield.

Master Qianmu naturally understands this truth.

So he did not ignore Zhou Chun's words, but nodded with a serious face and said: "I know, I will seriously consider this matter."

After receiving his statement like this, Zhou Chun was also satisfied. He stopped at the moment and did not continue to create pressure on the other party.

Soon after, all the golden elixir stage monks and purple mansion stage monks who had left in pursuit also returned to the original location of Baijiangfang City. Then Master Qianmu took out a complete set of mountain guarding formation equipment and set up a new formation on the spot.

It turns out that this real person in the Nascent Soul Stage is also a formation master himself!

With Qian Mu Zhenren, a Nascent Soul Stage monk and formation master taking action, and many Golden Core Stage monks and Zifu Stage monks following his instructions to assist in setting up the formation, this mountain-protecting formation was set up in less than a day. .

As soon as the formation was completed, Qianmu Zhenren immediately ordered the Jindan late-stage monk named Situ to lead the team and take several Jindan-stage monks to Yuezhou to meet the Qi training and foundation-building monks.

After all, it is more troublesome to use these low- and middle-level monks to maintain the operation of the Pure Spirit Array.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, do you have any idea of ​​transferring your blue dragon demon pill? Wu is willing to pay a high price in exchange!"

In the Baijiangfang City ruins, Zhou Chun, who had just walked out of the resting stone room after taking a rest, was pestered by a mid-stage Golden Elixir monk who wanted to buy the demon elixir in his hand.

Just as he had thought before, the opportunity to kill a fourth-level demon beast was very rare, so the fourth-level demon elixir was rare even in the circle of golden elixir monks, let alone the dragon demon elixir!

But the fourth-level mid-grade blue dragon demon pill is so precious, how could Zhou Chun be willing to exchange it with others.

He said without hesitation: "If Fellow Daoist Wu can exchange for the fourth-level Thunder Dragon Demon Pill, Zhou can consider this deal."

This is a polite rejection.

After all, he knew very well that it was impossible for the other party to obtain such a treasure.

But the monk surnamed Wu obviously did not give up so easily. After hearing this, he immediately said: "Of course Wu can't take out the fourth-order thunder dragon demon pill, but Wu also got a low-grade fourth-order fire attribute demon pill in this battle. Wu I am willing to exchange this item and two thousand-year-old medicinal herbs with fellow Taoist Zhou!"

However, Zhou Chun didn't even ask what the two thousand-year-old elixirs in his mouth were. He shook his head and said, "Sorry, except for the fourth-level thunder dragon demon elixir, or other higher-quality thunder attribute demon elixirs, these Zhou will not exchange the blue dragon demon pill with anyone!"

After rejecting the other party so directly, Zhou Chun did not look at the ugly face of the other party. He said a polite word and went to find someone else to exchange the demon pill.

Just like the monk surnamed Wu wanted the demon pill in his hand, he also took a fancy to the demon pill in the hands of other monks that matched the attributes of his spiritual pet, and wanted to exchange the unused magic weapon with those people.

In this war period, magic weapons are quite attractive to some Golden Core monks, and there may be opportunities to reach some deals.

But just like Zhou Chun was reluctant to part with the fourth-level blue dragon demon elixir in his hand, those middle-stage golden elixir monks and late-stage golden elixir monks who had obtained the fourth-level demon elixir seemed not to want to take action for the time being.

Zhou Chun asked several people, but none of them succeeded.

But he is not in a hurry. As long as the war is not over, there are still opportunities.

And although no one is willing to take advantage of the fourth-level demon pill, there are still some Zifu period monks who are willing to use it to replace other treasures.

Zhou Chun took advantage of the situation and exchanged some fourth-level magic talismans and talisman treasures for treasures that he did not need, and exchanged them for several third-level demon pills.

From this we can know that after this beast wave, if the human side can win a big victory, not only the Zhou family, which is famous for its beast control skills, will take off, but also the other forces that benefited from the war will also be in the process of refining elixirs. It will be of great benefit to people and animals.

After all, treasures like demon pills are usually obtained in large quantities, but it is not that easy.

On the third day after regaining Baijiangfang City, a battle also broke out at the Su Family Mountain Gate.

This battle was commanded by the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] that Zhou Chun had fought before. A total of 60,000 to 70,000 monsters and eight fourth-level monsters surrounded the Su Family Mountain Gate and attacked fiercely, making the monks inside the Su Family Mountain Gate really feel The beast tide is terrifying.

Fortunately, there were four Jindan monks and a fourth-level monster inside the Su family's mountain gate at this time. With the help of the mountain gate's formation, they were able to hold off the beast tide's attack.

Zhou Chun was naturally extremely concerned about the fighting situation at the Su family's mountain gate, and even once asked Master Qianmu for help.

However, Master Qianmu sensed the aura of the fifth-level demon king and concluded that there was a fifth-level demon king lurking outside Baijiangfang City, so he did not dare to send reinforcements from here.

And it was not just the Sujia Mountain Gate that was under attack at this time, but many strongholds on the front line of Jiangzhou were attacked by the beast tide. Reinforcements must be used at key points.

The good news is that the countries of the Tianling Alliance have quickly reached a consensus after fully realizing the dangers of this beast tide. Various aids are coming to Jingguo in waves, and new reinforcements are entering Jingguo every day. .

From this perspective, perhaps Jingguo really wanted to thank the Yuan Demon Legion for their invasion.

It was not the invasion of the Yuan Demon Legion that caused the Tianling countries to form an alliance after feeling the crisis. Now it is simply impossible for so many countries to reach a consensus on support.

However, just when Zhou Chun and many Jingguo monks thought that the situation would get better and better with more and more reinforcements, the situation on the battlefield changed dramatically!

Without any warning, 50,000 "Longting Soldiers" suddenly appeared in Yuezhou. Within half a day, they broke through the mountain gate of the Tao family in Yuezhou and killed all the Tao family members and thousands of people who had been organized there. All the reinforcements were slaughtered!

As many as five Golden Core Stage monks died in this battle, and the remaining Zifu and Foundation Establishment monks suffered heavy losses.

And after capturing the Tao Family Gate in Yuezhou, these "Dragon Court Soldiers" divided into several groups and attacked the gates of other immortal cultivating families in Yuezhou, cutting down mountains and exterminating families along the way, setting off a bloody storm!

The impact of this incident was almost comparable to the breach of the Qinglian Temple Gate.

Not only because of the huge losses it caused, but also because the appearance of so many "Dragon Court Soldiers" represented the Dragon Clan's attitude towards launching the beast tide this time, which was very unusual.

Most of the beast tides in the past felt the increasing pressure brought by the approaching human country, and wanted to use the beast tide to disrupt its development, relieve the pressure, and also clean up some old monster beasts that had exhausted their potential.

But now even the "Dragon Court Soldiers" have invested in the battlefield on a large scale, indicating that the dragon clan's purpose of launching the beast tide this time is probably not only to cause destruction.

Maybe he really wants to completely overturn the Jingguo immortal world and turn this place into a wilderness of monsters again!

Once something like that really happens, all the original cultivating forces in Jingguo will probably have to live in foreign lands and become homeless dogs.

Therefore, the impact of this matter is so huge that all the Nascent Soul Stage monks have to reconvene to discuss the next countermeasures.

One thing they have to admit is that if the Jiaolong clan is really determined to subvert the Jingguo immortal world, then they may not be able to stop it with the power of their Heavenly Spirit Alliance!

After all, the power that the Jiaolong clan can control is too huge. Even if the transcendent existence of the Golden Horned Dragon King is removed, the number of fifth-level demon kings that the Jiaolong clan can activate will not be less than that of the Nascent Soul stage monks from Tianling countries. The number of monsters and other monsters will far exceed the number of human monks in the same realm.

After all, the lifespan of high-level monsters is generally longer than that of human monks, and the number accumulated is definitely very impressive.

Regardless of the fact that there seemed to be only a small number of high-level monsters in the wilderness before, that was purely because the Hualong Sect had previously occupied that area, and many fourth-level monsters had been ordered by the Dragon Clan to migrate to the depths of the wilderness.

In the depths of the wilderness where it is almost impossible for human monks to set foot, the number of fourth-order monsters and third-order monsters is definitely beyond ordinary people's imagination.

The environment there is more suitable for monster beasts to live and inhabit. It is relatively easier for monster beasts to break through and advance there. There are also many kinds of spiritual creatures in the world that are beneficial to the growth of monster beasts.

In fact, the same is true for Longyuan. Most of the high-level monsters in Longyuan Ze have gone to the depths of Longyuan that are more suitable for their own practice. It is also a restricted area for human monks!

Therefore, if the Jiaolong clan is determined to turn Jingguo into a wilderness of monsters, it will be difficult to resist it with the power of the Heavenly Spirit Alliance alone.

It is impossible for various countries and factions to risk the sect's inheritance and send all their forces to Jingguo to stop the beast tide!

"The Jiaolong clan has crossed the line with this move. This is no longer just a simple beast attack. It is likely to be a major event that restarts the war between the two clans. This matter must be reported to all the countries of the human race immediately and reported to the Lord Huashen. !”

Inside the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate, Master Yinyue, as the representative of Jingguo, put forward his opinions to Master Kunxu with an extremely serious face.

In the previous battle at the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate, Master Xuan Yue sacrificed himself to invite members of the town sect to kill four demon kings in a row. This achievement not only frightened many fifth-level demon kings, but also shocked many Nascent Souls who knew about it afterwards. Period monk.

So at this moment, in the gate of Yuelun Sect, even a great monk in the late Yuanying stage like Master Kunxu dare not look down upon Master Yinyue, a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying.

After listening to what the other party said, he quickly nodded with a heavy face and said, "Fellow Taoist Yinyue's words are reasonable. I will contact Senior Yuanyang and invite the senior Holy Inquisitor!"

Being able to directly contact Lord Yuanyang, the god-transforming Lord, is also a special benefit obtained by Master Kunxu, a great monk in the late Yuanying stage, when the Tianling Alliance set up an ambush on the Golden Horned Dragon King last time.

It can be seen that Venerable Yuanyang might have expected something at that time, so he intentionally left this contact information.

However, Master Huashen either lives in seclusion or travels around incognito. Even if Master Kunxu has contact information, he may not be able to contact him in a short time and ask him to come to Jingguo to take charge.

Therefore, while contacting the Lord Huashen here, they also adopted the most conservative strategy and tried their best to defend various medium and large strongholds. For the time being, they relied on the mountain protection formation and the beast tide consumption.

Zhou Chun was naturally not qualified to know about this top-level decision-making.

On the third day after the attack in Yuezhou, he successfully obtained permission to return to the Su Family Mountain Gate.

Because Yuezhou's "Dragon Court Soldiers" are also returning to Jiangzhou at this moment, and they seem to be planning to unite the main force of the beast tide here and completely capture the entire territory of Jiangzhou.

Under such circumstances, several large strongholds in Jiangzhou such as Sujiashanmen became the must-defend places for the Tianling Alliance, and their importance even exceeded that of the newly rebuilt Baijiangfang City.

So this time not only Zhou Chun returns to the Su Family Mountain Gate, but Master Qianmu will also go with him. At the same time, many Masters of the Nascent Soul stage have secretly come to Yuezhou and Jiangzhou to prevent the fifth-level demon king from ignoring him again. They made a tacit agreement to break the formation.

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