Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 616: God Transformation Battle【Please subscribe】

Jiangzhou, Sujiashan Gate.

Suzi Lake, where thunder dragons live in vain, is now crowded with monsters. The various spiritual lotuses originally planted in the lake were either harvested by the Su family in advance, or were eaten by these monsters. In the belly.

The originally green lake water also became turbid under the agitation of these monsters.

As one of the surviving large strongholds in Jiangzhou, the Sujia Mountain Gate has become the main target of the beast tide. Every day, large and small beast herds flock here from all over the place.

Compared with the previous beast tides, one of the biggest differences between this beast tide and the beast tides is that after the beast tide penetrated deep into the hinterland of Jingguo, they did not spread out and each occupied a mountainous area.

From the beginning to the present, most of the invading mid- and low-level monsters are controlled by high-level monsters and attack the designated targets.

This kind of organizational power also shows that the beast tide here is special, and it is definitely prepared.

On this day, the beasts outside the Su family's mountain gate suddenly broke into a commotion, quickly attracting the attention of the monks inside.

But they soon discovered that the turbulent beasts did not attack the Su family's mountain gate. Instead, they could see some high-level monsters flying in a certain direction outside.

"The beasts are moving so strangely, it seems like Masazumi and the others are coming!"

Inside the Su Family Mountain Gate, the ancestor of the Su Family suddenly looked happy after seeing the movements of the beasts, and he had already guessed the reason.

This is because before Zhou Chun set off from Baijiangfang City, he sent him a summons Feijian, stating that he would come back to provide assistance.

"Then let me be prepared. If things change, I can take care of it!"

Zhou Mingde immediately expressed his opinion, but he was a little worried that things would change.

Hearing what he said, several other people followed suit and paid close attention to the external situation.

But in the wilderness hundreds of miles away from the Su family's mountain gate, Zhou Chun and the other five Golden Core monks who came to help had already encountered the intercepted monster.

The number of these monsters that intercepted them was small, but their quality was very high.

There are nine fourth-level monsters, and hundreds of third-level monsters!

The leading monster among them was the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] that Zhou Chun had fought before, and there were as many as four fourth-order mid-level monsters.

Compared with human monks who are easily stuck and difficult to break through the small realm barriers, as long as the monsters can break through the large realm before the fifth level, the subsequent small realms are not too difficult. With their long lifespan, most of them can Stay up to the same level as the top grade.

Therefore, the number of fourth-order middle-grade and fourth-order high-grade demon beasts is generally higher than that of immortal cultivators.

However, fourth-level high-grade monsters often aim to break through to fifth-level. Even if some fifth-level monster kings want them to join the beast tide, they may not agree.

In fact, after many monsters break through to the fourth-level high-grade, if they do not have a particularly good relationship with the fifth-level demon kings, they will deliberately avoid the fifth-level demon kings.

After all, some fifth-level demon kings are also very ungrateful in martial arts. They will hunt and kill fourth-level high-grade monsters in order to improve their cultivation, or they will wait for the fourth-level high-grade monsters to be in a weak period after passing through the thunder tribulation of heaven, and then rob the opponent of the " "Emperor Liquid", swallowing the opponent's demon pill!

Therefore, in this great beast tide, there are a lot of fourth-order middle-grade monsters, but the number of fourth-order high-grade monsters is not that large.

Since the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix has not yet recovered from its injuries, Zhou Chun does not want to fight with these monsters outside.

Dang Ji ordered in a deep voice: "Don't worry about these beasts, I'll wait until we enter the Su Family Mountain Gate while fighting!"

After saying that, he released the thunder dragon in vain, and then faced the fourth-order monsters together with the golden-winged tiger who was taking his place.

Among them, the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] was naturally dealt with by Zhou Chun.

Facing this familiar opponent, he directly used two high-grade magic weapons, [Tiangang Thunder Sword] and [Dragon and Tiger Golden Ring], and took the initiative to launch a fierce attack on the opponent.

[Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] This time, he had no intention of fighting Zhou Chun alone. With a roar, he summoned another fourth-level mid-level hedgehog monster to surround him.

The hedgehog monster is very good at long-range attacks. The thousands of needles on its back are like a crossbow with infinite arrows. When it is shaken, a shower of golden needles and arrows will bloom and shoot towards Zhou Chun.

Moreover, this rain of golden needles and arrows is still imaginary and real. It consists of arrows with the power of Geng metal condensed by magical powers, as well as the needles tempered by itself.

Those acupunctures that have been tempered by its own magic power over many years have very powerful penetrating power and are designed to break through all kinds of body-protecting magical powers.

Moreover, these acupunctures also possess special poison. Once they hit the target, even a fourth-level monster will be seriously injured!

Zhou Chun didn't know how powerful it was at first, he only thought that he could block these attacks with the protective magical power of [Qianyuan Jinxia] and the five-color light shield of [Five-color Dragon Scale Armor].

As a result, two layers of protection were broken by those needles. The tough material of the [Five-Colored Dragon Scale Armor] blocked the needles without being injured.

After discovering later that the acupuncture was powerful, he hurriedly activated his natal magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of All Transformations] to turn into a shield to protect himself, relying on the hard body of this natal magic weapon to defend against those acupuncture attacks.

At the same time, he himself was fighting while breaking out towards the Su family mountain gate.

But Zhou Chun was able to withstand the siege of the two monster beasts, but not all the monks he brought had this ability.

Don't forget that in addition to the nine fourth-order monsters, their opponents also have hundreds of third-order monsters.

The attacks of those third-order monster beasts cannot be completely ignored by ordinary early-stage Jindan monks. When there are more of them, the pressure caused is also very great.

So Zhou Chun soon discovered that, except for himself and another middle-stage Jindan monk who were doing well, the other four early-stage Jindan monks were all stuck in a quagmire and it was difficult to get out.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to abandon these people and leave alone.

Seeing this situation, he could only send a signal to ask people from the Su family's mountain gate to help rescue the siege. At the same time, he called out the injured Yanjing Huofeng to help rescue the few early-stage Jindan monks who were in bad condition.

But at this moment, Zhou Chun suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and felt a biting murderous intent locking him.

Locked under this bone-chilling murderous intent, he felt his soul trembling, the operation of his magic power becoming obscure, and he endured indescribable huge spiritual pressure.

The fifth level demon king!

A fifth-level demon king has taken action against him!

Zhou Chun was shocked and angry, and a green wooden token suddenly appeared in his hand.

This object is the magical secret talisman given to him by Master Qianmu before he left. It is made of fifth-level spiritual wood. It has a defensive magical power sealed inside, which can slightly block the attack of the fifth-level demon king.

At this time, he also activated this thing without hesitation.

As soon as the token was activated, it immediately bloomed with a rich green light and turned into a green canopy to cover Zhou Chun inside.

At this moment, the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] suddenly opened his mouth and spat out, and a white cold light shot out, hitting the green canopy outside Zhou Chun in the blink of an eye.

And this green canopy, which was said to be able to block the attack of the fifth-level demon king, was pierced by the white cold light!

Fortunately, Zhou Chun did not place all his life on this magical secret talisman. The golden shield transformed from his natal magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of All Transformations] blocked the white cold light in time.

Although his natal magic weapon is still a middle-grade magic weapon, because of its top-notch material, it cannot even compare with many high-grade magic weapons in terms of hardness.

And when that white cold light penetrated the green canopy, it obviously consumed a lot of power.

At this time, it was blocked by the golden shield. The object also had no stamina and collapsed on its own after knocking the golden shield away.

Before it collapsed, Zhou Chun also saw its foundation clearly. It was a white animal tooth that was several fingers long!

But even though he blocked the fatal blow, Zhou Chun couldn't help but groaned, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

But when he raised his hand, the golden tripod, which had returned to its original shape, flew back into his hand. Several hair-like cracks were faintly visible on the tripod.

It turns out that although he blocked the blow just now, his magic weapon was also damaged as a result, causing internal injuries to himself.

At this time, the murderous intention targeting Zhou Chun also disappeared, and two extremely powerful auras burst out from the blue sky in the sky. It seemed that a fifth-level existence had taken over.

Zhou Chun knew that Master Qianmu had found the fifth-level demon king who was releasing murderous intent to interfere with him, and took the initiative to attack him.

But he didn't know who would win this confrontation.

In order to prevent himself from falling into another crisis, he no longer had any intention to hold back. He directly patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and released all the [Sky Frost Bees] inside.

Today, [Sky Frost Bees] are actually of no use to Zhou Chun. It is simply unrealistic to expect them to pose a threat to the fourth-order high-grade monsters unless there are thousands of mature monster bees.

Therefore, Zhou Chun rarely uses these monster insects in battles.

But for some third-level monsters, [Sky Frost Bee] can still cause great damage to them.

At this time, hundreds of demon bees appeared, and under the command of Zhou Chun's spiritual consciousness, they launched an attack on those third-level demonic beasts. A stream of cold air spurted out, and it was easy to freeze several third-level high-grade demonic beasts. .

With the help of these monster bees, the situation of those early stage Jindan monks immediately improved a lot, and they were at least able to keep up with Zhou Chun's speed.

On the other side, the ancestor of the Su family, who received Zhou Chun's message, also rushed out of the mountain gate with Zhou Mingde and Lin Hongyu, and came over to meet them.

After persisting like this for a while, the personnel from both sides came together and formed a numerical lead over those fourth-order monsters.

Seeing this, [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] did not dare to push too hard, so he could only lead the crowd back to the herd, allowing Zhou Chun and others to enter the Su Family Mountain Gate.

"How are you, Masazumi? Are your injuries still serious?"

At the gate of Sujiashan, after escorting Zhou Chun and others back, Zhou Mingde noticed something was wrong with Zhou Chun's aura, and immediately asked about his situation with concern.

"It's nothing serious, it's just that the magic weapon has damaged some vitality!"

Zhou Chun didn't want these elders to worry, so he immediately waved his hand to indicate that it was nothing serious.

But in Zhou Mingde's eyes, even if it was a small injury, it would be a big deal if it happened to him.

Therefore, he immediately looked at him and said: "Then you quickly go to the cave to recuperate and adjust your breathing. I will wait and watch here."

"Okay, then this junior will go recuperate first."

Zhou Chun thought for a while and felt that the beasts outside would not pose any threat to the current Su family's mountain gate, so he agreed.

Soon after, the fight between the two fifth-level beings outside also ended. No one knew who took advantage, and Master Qianmu did not come to the Su family's mountain gate.

According to the agreement he made with Zhou Chun, he would wander near the Su Family Mountain Gate and monitor the movements of the fifth-level demon king in this area.

If Zhou Chunru was ready to go out to kill the enemy, he would immediately come to escort him.

After this battle, the beasts outside seemed to know that the current strength could not pose a threat to the Su Family Mountain Gate, so they did not continue to attack, but waited for more reinforcements to arrive.

Long Yuanze.

In the depths of Longyuanze, where Longyuan is located, the water is bottomless and dark blue in color, and there are countless aquatic tribes living in it.

These aquatic tribes move in different depths of water depending on their racial habits. Just like some beasts like to live in grasslands, and some like to live in mountains and forests.

On this day, a brilliant flame came from north to south, reaching the sky above Longyuan with a brilliant momentum, and then hung over the water like a red scorching sun.

As the scorching red sun stopped, the water temperature in the water below rose rapidly. Countless fish, shrimp and aquariums were boiled red in the high temperature, and their bellies turned up.

"Golden Horned Dragon King, come out and meet me for a while!"

A powerful and majestic voice sounded from the sky, penetrated the vast waters, and appeared in a certain water palace deep in the Dragon Abyss.

Soon, a golden light rushed up from the depths of the Dragon Abyss and appeared above the water, revealing the figure of a middle-aged man wearing dragon scale gold armor.

As soon as the middle-aged man appeared, he looked at the scorching red sun in the sky with a happy face and shouted: "Old Yuanyang, you are finally here!"

Judging from his tone, it seemed that he had expected the other party to appear!

The scorching red sun quickly dimmed, revealing the figure of the red-haired old man with a gourd hanging from his waist. He was none other than Venerable Yuanyang, the human race's god-transforming monk.

After listening to the words of the Golden Horned Dragon King, Venerable Yuanyang immediately looked at the other party coldly and asked: "Golden Horned Dragon King, you just started a wave of beasts this time, why did you even send out a large number of 'Dragon Court Soldiers'? , could it be that he wants to start a full-scale war with my human race!"

When the Golden Horned Dragon King heard this, he laughed loudly and said: "Hahahaha, if I didn't send out the 'Dragon Court Soldiers', why would you come here, Mr. Yuanyang!"

After laughing, he shouted angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, the shame you left me last time will be returned to you today!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly transformed into a golden dragon with a body length of several hundred feet and soared into the sky. He spit out golden divine light and started fighting with Venerable Yuanyang.

For the Golden Horned Dragon King who has broken through the sixth level, this huge beast wave, including the fifth level demon kings, are just pawns for his revenge!

All these things he did were just to force Venerable Yuanyang to come to Longyuanze to fight with him.

This time on his home court, he has broken through to the sixth level again, and he must avenge his disgrace!

This afternoon I watched the LOL game to relax and stretch my hips for the day! I'll start writing early tomorrow morning and try to make up the number of words!

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