Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 617 The Battle of Transformation into Gods【End】

It would be no exaggeration to say that the world was shattered by the battle between gods.

At this level, every blow has the power to change the world.

That's why the will of heaven places restrictions on such beings, so that they can't attack with all their strength.

Otherwise, if these divine beings are allowed to take action at will and change the world, we still don’t know what the world will become!

The last battle between Venerable Yuanyang and the Golden Horned Dragon King was actually far from using all their strength, and there was no real intention to kill.

But this time the Golden Horned Dragon King broke through to the sixth level, and launched a wave of beasts in order to avenge his hatred, and actively provoked him to appear. A real battle of becoming gods was inevitable!

I saw streaks of fire-like divine light shining in the sky above Longyuan, and the colorful flames turned into a sea of ​​fire that stretched across the sky, as if they were going to burn the sky and boil the sea!

The water below is indeed steaming heavily under the high temperature, as if a heavy fog has covered thousands of miles of water, forming a magnificent scene of "steaming Longyuan Ze".

And in the endless sea of ​​fire and steam clouds, a golden dragon appeared and disappeared like a legendary dragon. Occasionally, a scale and a half of its claws were revealed, which was enough to stun people's eyes.

Fortunately, the battlefield at this time was above the Dragon Abyss, and it was changed to the world of human cultivation of immortals. Such a grand scene of immortals fighting dragons would definitely attract many monks to risk their lives to watch.

Judging from the scene, the Golden Horned Dragon King seems to have been suppressed by Venerable Yuanyang and is not his opponent.

But the reality is otherwise.

The actual situation is that Venerable Yuanyang used himself to break through the divine transformation stage earlier, and he has a deeper understanding and application of the laws, so he chose this fighting method that is most beneficial to him.

The Golden Horned Dragon King chose to enter the sea of ​​fire to fight with him because of his confidence in his own body.

The human race cultivates the law, and the demon race refines the body.

This is not absolute, but it is indeed a difference in the mainstream practice directions of the two races.

Human monks have developed various powerful magical powers by understanding the laws of heaven and earth.

The demon clan relies on tapping the potential of the physical body's bloodline to reach the point where magical powers can be generated on their own.

There is no conclusion yet on which side's practice method is more advanced, because there are strong people who have reached the extreme!

But both sides are practicing in a direction more beneficial to themselves.

For example, at this moment, the Golden Horned Dragon King is self-generated by divine light. His whole body is bathed in golden divine light and he is roaming freely in the sea of ​​fire. Those various real fires that can easily kill Yuanying monks, and even the protective divine light on his body, Difficult to refine.

With his defense at the moment, even if a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage uses his Lingbao to strike with all his strength, he may not be able to break one of his dragon scales!

However, it is very difficult for him to attack Master Yuanyang.

In this sea of ​​​​fire, even if Venerable Yuanyang does not use the magic power of "teleportation", he can change his position at will through the miraculous fire escape technique, making it impossible for him to find his target.

This made him unable to help but open his mouth and sneer loudly: "Old Yuanyang, are you a rat? If you have the ability, come out and fight me openly!"

As soon as I finished speaking, Venerable Yuanyang laughed jokingly and said, "Little loach, you brought this on yourself!"

For a moment, the Golden Horned Dragon King felt something bad in his heart and hurriedly wanted to use his exquisite escape method to leave the place.

But he didn't expect that bursts of dragon roars suddenly rose from the sea of ​​​​fire, and suddenly thousands of feet long fire dragons condensed from all directions around him, forming a flame cage and trapping him in it.

"This [Nine-Dragon Divine Fire Formation] I created was specially created for you monsters. Let me, you little loach, try its true power for me today!"

Outside the fire cage, the figure of Venerable Yuanyang appeared, and with his smiling hands, he fired spells one after another, causing the temperature of the flame inside the fire cage to rise sharply, turning into a raging fire of law.

After all, the Golden Horned Dragon King was still a little immature. He had never had the experience of fighting against human god-forming monks, and he believed too much in himself, so he unscrupulously entered the sea of ​​​​fire he had arranged.

At this time, the Golden Horned Dragon King also realized the mistakes he had made.

Refined by the fire of law, the protective divine light on his body began to shrink and dim rapidly, making it difficult to resist the power of the law.

The Master of Transformation God understands and uses the power of the laws of heaven and earth, and can integrate the power of laws that suit himself into magical powers and spells, greatly enhancing their power.

For example, at this moment, Venerable Yuanyang integrated the power of fire-attribute laws into the flames to generate the fire of laws. Even if a sixth-level saint like the Golden Horned Dragon King was contaminated, his skin would still be peeled off even if he did not die.

Even if the spirit treasure encounters the flames here, most of them will lose their spirit and turn into iron juice after they can't hold on for a few breaths!

Faced with such an unfavorable situation, the only way is to break the so-called [Nine Dragon Divine Fire Formation] and escape from the cage.

After all, no matter how powerful the fire of law is, it will only be useful if it can burn him!

Immediately, golden light condensed on the top of the Golden Horned Dragon King's head, and soon an unstoppable golden light blade flew forward through the air.

Wherever the golden light blade passed, the space seemed to be torn apart, leaving a long-lasting silver-white crack.

The cage that trapped him could not withstand the attack of the metallic law blade, and a gap was directly cut open.

But just when he wanted to escape from the gap, a gourd suddenly blocked the gap. Green, purple, and gold flames spewed out from the mouth of the gourd, and the true fire of Samadhi surged out, drowning him in an instant and forcing him back. Went back.

Once an opportunity is missed, it is fleeting.

Soon the broken cage was restored to its integrity, and there was a burst of Samadhi True Fire inside the fire cage.

Seeing this, the Golden Horned Dragon King knew that he was making one mistake at a time. If he wanted to reverse the decline, he would have to use extraordinary means!

Fortunately, he really prepared a special method to deal with Venerable Yuanyang.

Immediately, I saw him suddenly opening his mouth and spitting out a long black river.

Rolling black water spurted out from his mouth, turning into a black water dragon and rushing towards the fire cage barrier in front.

When poured by the billowing black water, both the fire of law and the true fire of samadhi were extinguished. One corner of the fire cage was completely destroyed!

The Golden Horned Dragon King did not miss the opportunity this time, and quickly rushed out of the gap, sucking back most of the remaining black water in one gulp.

"What a little loach, he has actually refined so much Xuanming True Water. Is this the killer move you are planning to use against me this time?"

Venerable Yuanyang's words full of surprise rang out from the sea of ​​fire, and he was also quite surprised by the move of the Golden Horned Dragon King.

He never thought about actually trapping and killing the opponent, that was simply unrealistic.

But I didn't expect that the other party would break the situation in this way.

"Old Yuanyang, you also have a taste of my methods!"

The golden-horned dragon king who trapped the dragon and ascended to the sky roared, and the golden light around him intertwined into clouds, then condensed into clouds, turned into the sea, and suddenly turned into a golden ocean and swept away towards the sea of ​​​​fire.

"Metal and water create each other, and water turns into gold. You are not stupid, little loach, but it's a pity that your methods are a bit immature!"

Venerable Yuanyang controlled the sea of ​​fire and collided with the golden ocean, and even took the time to comment on the opponent's magical power, which showed that he did not use his full strength.

But his tone of seniority pointing out juniors clearly made the Golden Horned Dragon King very angry.

An angry dragon roar was heard, and a golden orb suddenly appeared in the sky, as dazzling as a golden sun.

"Did you become angry so quickly?"

Venerable Yuanyang's tone was still a bit joking, but his eyes had become very serious.

Because only a strong man like him can feel the majestic power contained in that orb!

Compared to the human race, the demon race is not that good at refining weapons.

But some of the demon clan's heirloom treasures are extremely powerful.

Because these heirloom treasures all have one characteristic, that is, they can continue to grow and become stronger by absorbing the power of generations of masters who sacrificed before their death!

Just like the golden orb appearing in the sky at this time.

This treasure, also known as the [Dragon God Pearl], is a well-known inherited sacred object of the Jiaolong clan. It is ranked as a middle-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasure, and it is still only one step away from being promoted to a high-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasure!

This treasure has been passed down by the Jiaolong clan for many years. Every demon king saint of the Jiaolong clan who holds this treasure will, before his death, integrate all of his blood essence, blood, demon soul and elixir into this treasure through secret sacrifices to enhance the spiritual power of this treasure. able.

If the Golden Horned Dragon King does the same thing before his death in the future, he may have the chance to completely transform and evolve into a top-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasure!

In that case, this treasure may even compete for the title of the number one magic weapon in this world!

On the other hand, the Samadhi True Fire Gourd in the hands of Master Yuanyang is just a relatively good low-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasure.

There is absolutely no doubt about the magic weapon's ability to strengthen monks.

Even though the [Dragon God Pearl] is not an offensive type of spiritual treasure, its power is definitely something that Venerable Yuanyang, a monk in the transformation stage, dare not take lightly.

I don’t know when, the Samadhi True Fire Gourd turned into a giant gourd that was dozens of feet long and appeared in the sky. The three colors of green, purple and gold true fire surged out and turned into a three color fire unicorn towards the Golden Horned Dragon King. Fly away.

At the same time, a long dragon roar rang out from the [Dragon God Pearl], and it suddenly transformed into a black-gold dragon and faced the three-color fire unicorn.

I saw the black golden dragon spitting black divine light from its mouth, clashing with the Samadhi True Fire spewed by the three-color fire unicorn, and easily gained the upper hand and extinguished the Samadhi True Fire.

Seeing this scene, Venerable Yuanyang's expression changed drastically.

"So that's it! That's it! It turns out that this so-called [Dragon God Pearl] can be used as a sustenance object for the second soul, allowing people to create an extra dragon incarnation out of thin air with the same cultivation level as themselves, but with different attributes and powers. What!"

He murmured to himself, and his eyes suddenly filled with passion as he looked at the [Dragon God Pearl].

Only a god-incarnation venerable like him can understand how precious this treasure can be as the sustenance of the second soul, let alone the incarnation of the soul with the same cultivation level as himself!

As for the fact that this object was a sacred object inherited by the Jiaolong clan, it was said that only the Jiaolong clan could be used for sacrifice, so he didn't take it to heart at all.

As a venerable person in the transformation stage, as long as the treasure is in his hands, he will naturally have many ways to refine it for his own use.

"It seems like I really have to try my best today!"

Thoughts flashed in his mind, and he immediately summoned up his energy and exerted all his magical power to fight the Golden Horned Dragon King.

However, Venerable Yuanyang seems to have underestimated the power of the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

Although the [Dragon God Pearl] is not a pure killing treasure, the gap of one level is completely enough for the Golden Horned Dragon King to use it to make up for the gap between himself and Venerable Yuanyang in the use of the power of law.

And although the Golden Horn Dragon King's promotion to the sixth level did not last long, it also meant that he was less affected by the will of heaven.

In battle, he is more relaxed than Master Yuanyang.

In this way, after a shocking battle, not only did Venerable Yuanyang fail to take advantage, but he himself suffered the backlash from heaven because he mobilized the spiritual energy of heaven and earth with all his strength and exerted various powerful powers!

Fortunately, as a veteran god-incarnation venerable, he also has relevant secret techniques to deal with the backlash damage from heaven.

At this time, after relying on secret techniques to forcibly suppress the backlash of the Heavenly Dao, Venerable Yuanyang also paid the price of not being able to fight for the next hundred years, forcibly condensing a sword of law and flame and slashing the Golden Horned Dragon King's body.

This sword not only broke through the impenetrable defense of the Golden Horned Dragon King, but also left an indelible wound of the law in his body, enough for him to spend decades recovering from his injuries!

After slashing out this sword, Venerable Yuanyang did not stop any longer and directly used his "teleport" magical power. Through continuous teleportation, he quickly disappeared within the sensing range of the Golden Horned Dragon King.

If one of the God-Transforming Lords wants to run away, it will be very difficult for the other one to catch up unless he has absolute crushing power.

Because the "teleportation" magical power of the Master Huashen is not the castrated version of the Yuanying Stage monks, a long-distance "teleportation" can reach hundreds or thousands of miles, and is enough to be used dozens of times in a row!

It is difficult to determine the specific range of the long-distance "teleportation" magical power. It does not mean where you want to appear!

Therefore, as long as someone uses magical powers to escape first, even if the pursuer also masters these magical powers, they may become farther and farther apart after multiple pursuits.

The Golden Horned Dragon King has just broken through to the sixth level, and if the demon saints themselves do not possess the spatial attribute, their attainments in the "teleport" magical power are generally lower than those of the human race's God Transformation Venerable. Want to catch up with Venerable Yuanyang? It's simply impossible.

Furthermore, he may not dare to keep chasing!

Why did he provoke Venerable Yuanyang to come to Longyuanze to find him instead of going to Venerable Yuanyang's cave himself?

There is certainly a reason for this!

At this time, he looked at the direction in which Venerable Yuanyang was leaving and pondered for a moment before whispering in a deep voice: "Old Yuanyang broke through the divine transformation stage more than two thousand years earlier than me. He is no match for me now. It seems that even if I go to the hinterland of the human race, I am quite confident that I can leave!"

"In this way, after I recover from my injuries, I can go out to travel around and visit and contact fellow demons and fellow aliens from all over the world!"

Generally, after a fifth-level demon king can transform into a human being, he can hide his identity and sneak into the world of human cultivation to travel.

They use illusions or shape-changing methods to hide their demonic characteristics. It is difficult for monks who are not at the Nascent Soul stage, or late-stage Jindan monks with particularly powerful spiritual consciousness, to see through this disguise.

However, there are not many demon kings who really dare to travel to the world of human immortality.

Because once his identity is exposed, he will probably be surrounded and killed by the human Yuanying Stage monks.

Monster clans like the Golden Horned Dragon King, who are rich in treasures, do not dare to leave the Longyuan range easily!

So even though he has lived for two or three thousand years, he has never been to other demon regions in this world.

This also made him feel regretful all the time.

Now that he has broken through to the sixth level, and defeated Lord Yuanyang in a battle, he was angry and at the same time felt confident in his heart, and he could not help but want to travel around the world.

After all, the most taboo thing in practicing Taoism is sitting in a well and looking at the sky. Even if he is extremely talented, after breaking through to the sixth level, he has exhausted the potential of his bloodline.

In the future, if you don't want to be trapped in the sixth-level low-level realm for the rest of your life, you'd better move around more and communicate with other demon saints and even powerful aliens.

On the other side, Venerable Yuanyang would certainly not tell anyone about his defeat.

After his battle with the Golden Horned Dragon King, he basically understood that the other party had no real intention to trigger a war between the two races.

In this case, for a god-turned-vener like him, it is a trivial matter and not worth spending energy and attention on.

Therefore, he just replied a message to Master Kunxu and informed him of his judgment, but did not mention a word about his fight with the Golden Horned Dragon King!

But even so, Master Kunxu, Master Yinyue and other Yuanying stage monks who received the affirmative reply from Master Yuanyang also breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it is not a real war between the two races, even if the intensity of this big beast wave is a bit high, it is still within the range of what they can handle.

Master Yinyue immediately looked at Master Kunxu and said: "Fellow Daoist Kunxu, since it will not cause a war between the two races, then we don't have to have any scruples anymore. This beast tide has now devastated the lives of Jingguo. If this continues for a long time, the entire Jingguo will be wiped out!"

Of course his words were exaggerated, but they also showed the seriousness of the matter.

Now half of Yasukuni has been submerged by the beast tide, and countless mortals have been killed and injured.

Even if the beast tide is completely driven back now, it will still take hundreds of years to restore the number of mortals!

The secular world is the cornerstone of the world of immortality. If there are not a sufficient number of mortals, not only will it be difficult for each sect to recruit enough disciples, but the number of casual cultivators will also be greatly reduced.

In this way, there are fewer disciples and there are not enough casual cultivators to drive and utilize. It will be very difficult for each sect to restore its vitality.

Therefore, Master Yinyue naturally wants to expel the beast tide as soon as possible and restore peace.

"What Fellow Daoist Yinyue said makes sense, I will contact other fellow Daoists to discuss counterattack together!"

Master Kunxu pondered for a while, but decided to betray Master Yinyue to save face, and immediately agreed to the other party's proposal.

And while the upper-level monks were busy meeting to discuss how to end the beast tide, the offensive and defensive battle at the Su Family Mountain Gate started again.

This time, the beasts outside received a large number of reinforcements, including 20,000 "Dragon Court Soldiers"!

The number of beasts surrounding the Su Family Mountain Gate has reached 100,000!

The number of various fourth-level monsters exceeds fifteen!

The [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] is no longer the leader of the beast group, but has been replaced by the fourth-order high-grade thunder dragon, and a fourth-order high-grade dragon turtle monster has also arrived here.

The appearance of as many as three fourth-level high-grade monsters also made Zhou Chun feel a huge pressure inside the Su family's mountain gate.

If he could use all his methods, he might not be afraid of these three fourth-level high-grade monsters.

However, with his own hands and feet tied, it is impossible to defeat them based on the strength he has shown so far.

Maybe even the two ends are the limit of his ability to cope!

"I have already asked for help from Baijiangfang City and several other places, but it is still unknown whether they can send people in time and whether they can extract people. I am afraid that we will have to rely on ourselves to resist the beast tide. Early offensive!"

The ancestor of the Su family came to Zhou Chun with a heavy face and told him what he had just done, and he was in a very bad mood.

He had no idea whether the Su family's mountain gate could survive today's disaster.

If the resistance fails, the Su family will suffer heavy losses!

After all, they are not like the Zhou family, who start moving family members and property years in advance. Once the mountain gate is broken, the losses will be immeasurable!

"Now that things have come to this, we can only do our best and obey fate!"

Zhou Chun said in a low tone, feeling very helpless inside.

He has the power to kill the enemy, but he can't kill the enemy with all his strength. How helpless this is!

The beasts outside did not give Yu Zhouchun and others more time, and quickly formed a formation to attack.

Perhaps it was the experience gained from using the lives of many demonic beasts in the past, but now when the beasts attacked, they had a lot more tricks up their sleeves than before when the swarm of swarms came forward.

They try their best to spread out the formations of the beasts and expand the attack surface. In this way, even the large-scale attack spells cast by the Golden Core monks will be difficult to destroy hundreds or thousands of low- and intermediate-level monsters at once.

At the same time, those fourth-level monsters are also combined in twos and threes according to their respective characteristics. For example, those who are good at defense and attack form a team and can echo each other.

Then, together with the beasts, they launched a fierce attack on the mountain guarding formation.

Among them, the attack of the fourth-level high-grade thunder dragon is undoubtedly the most conspicuous and eye-catching.

It turned over the clouds and summoned thunder in the sky, condensing a large thundercloud, and then urged the thundercloud to fall down one after another silver-white thunder and lightning towards the mountain guarding formation below.

The damage caused to the formation by its attack alone is equivalent to that of two other high-grade fourth-level monsters.

Even though the Su family's mountain-protecting formation was good, it quickly showed signs of failure in the face of such a fierce attack.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun knew that he could not allow it to continue, otherwise the Su family's mountain gate would definitely not be able to survive and would be broken down in half a day.

Therefore, after communicating with several spiritual pets, Zhou Chun took the thunder dragon Baibai and the golden-winged tiger out of the formation and rushed straight towards the thunder dragon.

"Watch the sword, evil beast!"

Zhou Chun shouted sharply, and the [Tiangang Thunder Sword] shot through the air and slashed straight at the evil dragon in the clouds.

At the same time, Thunder Dragon Baibai also rushed straight into the sky without fear, hoping to find the evil dragon to fight.

Only the Golden-winged Tiger was burdened with a heavy responsibility and did not attack. He was just waiting for the opportunity to move aside, preparing for the killing move.

But those fourth-level monsters naturally wouldn't watch Zhou Chun's master and servant attack the leader. Soon, several fourth-order monsters that were close to him flew towards this side, intending to surround their master and servant.

Failed to fill in the word count! Rubbish Li Ning, a waste of my time. Fortunately, there will be no competition tomorrow. I will get up early tomorrow morning to make up the word count. If I don’t write 8,000 words tomorrow, I will chop it off!

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