Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 618 The Power of Poisonous Cultivation [8,000-word chapter please subscribe]

A siege was met with a counter-siege, something that Zhou Chun expected.

After all, there are as many as a dozen level four monsters outside.

But if you want to besiege him, just three or two fourth-level monsters are not enough.

I saw him continuing to use the [Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword] and [Dragon and Tiger Golden Ring] to attack the evil dragon in the thunder cloud, and at the same time, he sacrificed the [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Vase] out.

With the activation of his mana infusion, two blue water dragons immediately flew out of the bottle, forming a double dragon arching beads and spinning around him.

A fourth-level mid-level demon bird flapped its wings, and green light flowed on the wings. It instantly turned into a blue afterimage and swooped towards Zhou Chun, as fast as lightning.

But as soon as its figure approached Zhou Chun dozens of feet away, it was hit by the tail of a blue water dragon.

This blow did not hurt it, but it cut the blue water dragon into two pieces, and its body was torn and shattered by the fierce wind attribute power.

However, it was slowed down by the beat of the blue water dragon, causing a golden blade of light shot by Zhou Chun to hit it.

Suddenly, bird feathers flew in the sky, and the attacking demon bird screamed and dropped a pile of bird feathers and quickly fled the place.

It paid a heavy price for its underestimation of the enemy.

Seeing this, another fourth-level low-grade demon cow that was a few steps slower immediately learned its lesson and gave up the idea of ​​getting close. It just let out a moo and spit out a blue-black light beam towards Zhou Chun.

Such attacks were unable to cause any harm to Zhou Chun, and were directly blocked by the five-color light shield outside him.

And he didn't pay much attention to these two young men, and only used all his strength to fight with the evil dragon in the thunder cloud.

At this time, the thunder dragon Baibai had also rushed into the thunder clouds and started fighting closely with the evil dragon.

Although in terms of cultivation, there is still a big gap between the thunder dragon Baibai and the evil dragon, but because he is superior in appearance, the evil dragon's thunder and lightning power cannot cause much harm to it.

Therefore, when the two were fighting close to each other, although it was at an absolute disadvantage and suffered more injuries than the other, it was still firmly attached to the other.

This gave Zhou Chun a chance to perform.

[Tiangang Thunder Sword] As a lightning attribute flying sword that is expected to be promoted to the top magic weapon, it can be said to be like a fish in water among the thunder clouds, without any hindrance.

Zhou Chun urged the sword to swim through the thunderclouds, frequently landing on the evil dragon. Each time, it would cut through its protective lightning and leave a bloody sword mark on its body.

After the evil dragon felt the familiar aura of the Thunder Dragon King on the flying sword, it was frightened and angry, and its murderous intention towards Zhou Chun and Thunder Dragon Baibai became even more intense.

If it hadn't been for the death of the Thunder Dragon King, it would have been protected and cared for by the Thunder Dragon King. All it would have to do is practice its magical powers and wait for it to survive the thunder tribulation of heaven.

However, due to the death of the Thunder Dragon King, it now no longer has the protection of the fifth-level demon king of its clan. If it wants to obtain the tribulation treasure from the dragon clan, it will have to put in a lot of hard work.

This time it will join the beast tide, firstly because it wants to exchange for the treasure to overcome the tribulation, and secondly because it wants to avenge the Thunder Dragon King and complete what he has not done.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t happen to appear here at the Su Family Mountain Gate!

So when he saw Zhou Chun actually using the flying sword made from the dragon's teeth on King Thunder Dragon's body to kill him, the evil dragon was extremely frightened and angry.

It immediately let out an angry dragon roar, calling for the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] and the Dragon Turtle to come over and help it surround and kill Zhou Chun.

Given the two options of breaking through the Su Family Mountain Gate and killing Zhou Chun, it chose the latter without hesitation.

Although [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] realizes that it is inappropriate to do so, after all, it is not the coach now and has no say at all.

He could only reluctantly obey the evil dragon's exchange, temporarily put down the attack on the Su family's mountain gate, and quickly came to support the evil dragon.

But just when the two fourth-level high-grade monsters gave up attacking the Su family's mountain gate and rushed to support them because of the evil dragon's call, the Golden-winged Tiger, which had been waiting for an opportunity, finally seized the opportunity to make a move.

But he saw the word "王" on its forehead flashing with silver light, and a pale silver blade of light instantly cut through the sky and slashed away at the evil dragon in the cloud.

At the same moment, Zhou Chun performed the "God-Slaying Technique" and knocked out three "God-Slaying Swords" in a row!

It seems that these spiritual attack secret methods are actually very ineffective against monsters.

Because the demonic soul of the demonic beast is closely related to its bloodline, its spiritual consciousness is obscured.

Although this makes it difficult for them to have the smart minds and flexible and versatile spiritual consciousness of humans, they are also protected by their physical flesh and blood and are not harmed by spiritual consciousness attacks.

In order for a spiritual attack to harm the monster soul consciousness of a monster, it must first break through the protective layer of their flesh and blood.

But it is undoubtedly very difficult and almost impossible to actually do it.

For example, at this moment, Zhou Chun's three "god-killing swords" were all blocked by the evil dragon's thick blood and failed to achieve any results.

But this is actually all foreshadowing.

Because the real attack comes from Thunder Dragon Baibai.

At that time, Lei Jiao Baibai suddenly let out a long dragon roar that went straight into people's hearts.

After hearing this dragon roar, even Zhou Chun couldn't help but feel shocked. His consciousness was greatly shocked, and his physical body felt as if he had been struck by lightning. The blood and energy in his body vibrated, creating a numb feeling.

He was like this, and those fourth-level monsters were even more unbearable.

Because this magical power of "Thunder Dragon Roar" has a greater impact on monsters than on human monks.

The evil dragon had just withstood Zhou Chun's "God-killing Sword" attack with its full body of blood. At this moment, it was attacked at close range by the sound attack magical power that attacked the soul and the body at the same time. Even though it was a fourth-level high-grade monster, It is also inevitable to experience temporary stiffness.

It was this brief stiffness that lasted less than two breaths that allowed the golden-winged tiger to successfully hit its neck with the light silver blade activated by it.

In an instant, just like the golden unicorn that was hit on the head by the [Space Blade] before, a blade-shaped hole appeared on the neck of this evil dragon, and all the flesh and bones inside disappeared.

The damage caused by this blow may not be as fatal as that of the Golden Unicorn, but it won't be much different.

Because most of the evil dragon's spine and keel were cut off directly!

It couldn't cut them all off because its cervical vertebrae were too thick, and the pale silver light blade was not big.

But even so, for the evil dragon, which relies entirely on this spinal keel to exert its power, this blow will directly kill most of its life!

Therefore, after recovering from the stiff state, it hurriedly opened its mouth and spit out a black dragon scale, blooming into a thick black water cloud to protect itself within it.

Zhou Chun's subsequent attacks were all easily swallowed up and offset by the black water cloud, and even the [Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword] was almost trapped by it and unable to come out.

Seeing this situation, he knew that it was impossible to beat the drowned dog, and the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] was also on the way, so he couldn't stay any longer.

So he immediately jumped up to join the returning Thunder Dragon Baibai, and quickly retreated towards the Su Family Mountain Gate.

At this time, the evil dragon was severely injured, and the other monsters had no strength left behind as their master and servant.

Zhou Chun bravely returned to the Su Family Mountain Gate despite being attacked by several fourth-level monsters.

This scene was seen by many monks from the Su and Zhou families inside the mountain gate. It also greatly boosted morale and confidence for a while, making them more confident in resisting the attack of the beast herd.

Even the ancestor of the Su family had a rare smile on his face at this moment.

"Well done! Only you, Masazumi, can do this, such as decapitating the enemy's commander among all the troops!"

He praised Zhou Chun's feat just now without hesitating words of praise, his voice was so full of energy that it spread throughout the mountain gate.

Undoubtedly, at this moment, Zhou Chun almost beheading the enemy commander before the battle would definitely boost his own morale.

It is likely to change the outcome of the war.

Therefore, the Su family ancestor's praise was mostly sincere.

"It's a pity that I couldn't do my best. After all, I was still a little bit behind!"

Zhou Chun whispered back with a look of regret on his face, his heart full of pity.

He really wanted to take the opportunity to kill the fourth-level high-grade thunder dragon and seize its demon elixir.

If this can be accomplished, not only will the siege of the Su family's mountain gate be lifted, but the Thunder Dragon's ability to break through the fourth-level mid-level monsters will also be much faster.

It's a pity that it was still a little bit behind in the end!

And after this incident, I'm afraid it won't be that easy to kill that fourth-level high-grade thunder dragon again.

[Space Blade] Once this kind of magical power is exposed, fourth-level monsters will guard against it as long as they are not stupid.

Once the golden-winged tigers show signs of accumulating energy to use this move, they will definitely try their best to dodge immediately.

"It doesn't matter. As long as the evil dragon can be temporarily disabled and unable to participate in the battle, it can already reduce a lot of pressure on the formation, and it will also make those fourth-level monsters fearful and dare not let go. Attack with full force!"

The ancestor of the Su family didn't know Zhou Chun's true inner thoughts, and thought he was just worried about the defense of the Su family's mountain gate, so he quickly offered words of comfort.

Zhou Chun couldn't explain this, so he could only nodded, and then together with him, he intercepted the attacks of the fourth-order monster beasts outside.

And things were just like what the ancestor of the Su family said. When they saw the long-lasting wound on the neck of the fourth-level high-grade thunder dragon, both the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] and the dragon turtle monster showed a look of fear.

They were unable to sense the power of space remaining at the wound, but they knew how much impact this unhealable wound had on the fourth-order high-grade thunder dragon.

This not only means that it can no longer control the body freely to fight, but it may also lead to physical necrosis!

After all, no matter how powerful the monster's vitality is, it is not immortal.

Once there is a wound in the body that is difficult to heal, the blood flow will not be smooth. If it goes on for a long time, physical necrosis is inevitable!

So they know very well how dangerous the situation of the fourth-order high-grade thunder dragon is at this time.

However, even if they wanted to help at this time, they were powerless and could only surround each other to protect them, and temporarily gave up attacking the Su family's mountain gate formation.

After about a quarter of an hour passed like this, the fourth-level high-grade thunder dragon seemed to have received some kind of message. He immediately growled at them and gave them a few instructions, then left the herd alone and flew somewhere behind.

This scene was also seen by Zhou Chun, and he immediately had some guesses in his mind.


He said it was a pity in his heart again, and then concentrated on dealing with the offensive of the beasts outside.

Looking at the beasts outside, after the fourth-level high-grade thunder dragon retreated due to injury, [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] became the leader of the beasts again, leading and directing the beasts to launch an offensive.

It had no special hatred for Zhou Chun, so it was able to calmly and calmly command the beasts to attack, which put great pressure on the Su family's mountain gate.

Zhou Chun also wanted to try to take the initiative again, but now those fourth-order monsters had chosen to form a group. Once he chose to attack, seven or eight fourth-order monsters would immediately come to besiege him.

This would not only make it difficult to achieve any results, but would also result in injuries to Thunder Dragon Baibai and Golden Winged Tiger, further weakening his own strength.

In addition, he was also worried that the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] would be like last time, refining the secret attack treasure given to it by the fifth-level demon king, and would deal a cruel blow to himself or his spiritual pet at the critical moment.

So after trying once or twice, he gave up and could only stay in the formation to intercept and interfere with those fourth-level monsters breaking the formation, trying to delay as much time as possible for reinforcements to arrive.

It has to be said that when attacking the Shanmen Fortress with its mountain-protecting formation, those low- and intermediate-level monsters and low- and intermediate-level monks can indeed contribute to great uses.

For example, when they first attacked the Hualong Sect's mountain-protecting formation, the three major forces of the Jingguo State dispatched a large number of foundation-building and Zifu monks to form battle formations to attack in turn. In the end, they blasted open the formation shield through continuous attacks!

Among the beasts outside now, except for the 20,000 "Dragon Court Soldiers" who could barely achieve that kind of coordination, many of the others rushed up and released a few spells before being killed.

But there are just too many of them!

If the Su family's mountain-protecting formation is presided over by three Golden Core monks, it can withstand the siege of more than ten Golden Core monks. It is not weak.

However, facing a herd of more than 100,000 beasts, the formation was quickly pushed to its limit.

Inside the mountain gate formation, monks from the Su and Zhou families kept urging their magic weapons and talismans to attack the approaching beasts, and monster beasts died in their attacks every moment.

Many dead monster corpses were superimposed with the corpses of other monsters, forcing them to even set fire to those corpses to make room, lest the monsters behind use the wall of corpses as a shield!

Speaking of which, because the Zhou family had made preparations several years in advance, the various strategic reserves of materials were actually very rich.

There are no less than 100,000 first-level talismans of various kinds in stock!

After retreating to the Su family, Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde were not stingy with their money and gave many of these talismans to the Su family and other monks involved in the defense.

However, because there have been many offensive and defensive wars before, these reserve talismans are also very consumed. Now it is simply unrealistic to rely on these low-level talismans to withstand the attack of the beasts.

At this time, although Zhou Chun and others intercepted and interfered with the attacks of five or six fourth-order monsters, the remaining fourth-order monsters, with the cooperation of the beast group, only took less than two hours to trap the Su family's mountain gate formation. On the verge of being broken!

The ancestor of the Su family who presided over the formation was now pale and bloodless, with a faint look of despair in his eyes.

What he was most worried about was about to happen!

But at this moment, Zhou Chun took action again.

I saw that Zhou Chun suddenly gave up intercepting and interfering with the attack of [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape], and instead directly let the Golden Winged Tiger lead Zhou Yuanlian out of the formation.

This scene made the ancestor of the Su family and others stunned, not understanding what his intention was.

But when Zhou Yuanlian on the back of the golden-winged tiger sacrificed a dark green flag flag and released a large dark green poisonous mist downwards to attack the beasts, Zhou Mingde seemed to understand something, and immediately shouted with joy on his face: " That’s right! Why did I forget that the family still has this trump card!”

His meaningless words made the ancestor of the Su family look confused, not knowing what he was talking about.

However, Su Yuzhen seemed to understand something, and there was a look of surprise in her eyes.

Look at the situation outside.

The poisonous mist released by Zhou Yuanlian was driven by the strong wind instigated by the Golden Winged Tiger, and quickly spread across the battlefield.

Any monster that inhaled the poisonous mist or had its body in contact with the poisonous mist, whether it was a first-order monster or a second-order monster, soon screamed and fell to the ground, and its body quickly turned green and black.

Even some third-level monsters screamed and hurried away from the poisonous mist after accidentally inhaling the poisonous mist, trying their best to use the magic power of the demonic elixir to suppress the toxins in their bodies.

Only some types of monsters with particularly strong poison resistance can barely resist the poisonous mist.

But those kind of monsters are only a minority after all. Most monsters have ordinary poison resistance, and it is difficult to resist the poisonous mist created by a Purple Palace poison cultivator like Zhou Yuanlian.

So as soon as Zhou Yuanlian's poisonous mist spread, a large number of low- and intermediate-level monsters fell to the ground like wheat in the wind, dying in pieces!

This kind of killing speed is much faster than the range attack magical power of a Golden Core monk like Zhou Chun.

After all, his range attack magical power can only affect an area of ​​several hundred feet in radius, but the poisonous mist can spread for more than ten miles or even dozens of miles when blown by strong winds!

And the most important thing is that this poisonous mist also has a miraculous effect on the 20,000 "Dragon Court Soldiers".

Originally, the 20,000 "Dragon Court Soldiers" relied on their innate magical powers and mana to connect them together, making it difficult for Zhou Chun to attack them head-on.

However, when they failed to check for a moment and were approached by the poisonous mist, a large number of their own kind fell to death in an instant.

After all, most of the members of these "Dragon Court Soldiers" are only first- and second-level monsters, and their resistance to toxins is not much better than other monsters.

As a result, in less than a hundred breaths of time, the number of monsters that died because of Zhou Yuanlian was no less than tens of thousands!

At this time, those fourth-level monsters finally came to their senses, and then they roared and tried to focus their fire to kill Zhou Yuanlian, the culprit.

But Zhou Yuanlian only hid it in the golden-winged tiger's space bag, and then let it take it to avoid the attacks of those fourth-level monsters. Then, like a source of plague, it spread the poisonous mist like a plague everywhere on the battlefield!

After such a circle, more than 20,000 monster beasts died under the poisonous mist, and the remaining beasts were completely frightened by the tragic sight of those dead monster beasts.

Even with the coercion and control of the fourth-level monsters, a large-scale collapse was inevitable.

For low- and intermediate-level monsters with low intelligence, this kind of unknown death is much more terrifying than dying from the magic attacks of immortal cultivators' flying swords.

After all, the flying sword magic attack can be seen and blocked.

But the poisonous fog is blown away and diluted by strong winds, making much of it invisible.

This invisible way of death is the most terrifying to all living beings!

In this way, Zhou Yuanlian almost single-handedly successfully stopped the beast herd's offensive, giving the Su family's mountain gate formation a hard-won respite that was on the verge of collapse.

When Zhou Yuanlian finally returned safely to the Su Family Mountain Gate with Zhou Chun under the leadership of Golden Winged Tiger, all the monks inside looked at her differently.

Those Zhou family cultivators who knew her status as a poisonous cultivator and who had kept a distance from her in the past, and even criticized her secretly, felt the most complicated at this moment.

Inside, I feel ashamed, grateful, and even afraid.

Others who knew her identity as a poisonous cultivator for the first time felt only gratitude and fear at this moment!

Any monk with common sense knows that monsters are generally much stronger than monks of the same realm in terms of poison resistance.

Therefore, the poisonous mist that can easily poison monsters will only make it easier to poison cultivators.

Zhou Yuanlian poisoned more than 20,000 low- and intermediate-level monsters in less than a quarter of an hour. This killing speed made any low- and intermediate-level monks who witnessed this scene unable to help but feel horrified from the bottom of their hearts.

But because she did this, she directly saved the lives of the low and middle-level monks in the Su Family Mountain Gate, and these people couldn't help but be grateful to her!

Compared with those low and middle-level monks, such as the ancestors of the Su family, Zhou Mingde and other golden elixir monks, the eyes looking at Zhou Yuanlian at this moment were full of surprise and joy.

Zhou Mingde also knew Zhou Chun's intention to vigorously support and train Zhou Yuanlian before, and he also supported it.

But he never expected that Zhou Yuanlian, who was only in the middle stage of Zifu's cultivation, could really play such a big role!

Judging from the number of monsters Zhou Yuanlian killed with poison in a short period of time, Zhou Mingde, a dignified golden elixir-level monk, was definitely beyond his reach!

So at this moment, he was extremely shocked and delighted, and he admired Zhou Chun's vision from the bottom of his heart.

You must know that Zhou Chun has cultivated Zhou Yuanlian's card a long time ago. Before that, even within the Zhou family, few people knew the significance of him cultivating Zhou Yuanlian as a poison cultivator.

Some Zhou family monks even criticized this, feeling that the existence of such a poisonous cultivator could easily ruin the family's reputation.

Until today, Zhou Yuan's Lotus Technique's shocking appearance finally made all criticisms and doubts disappear.

Everyone who knows the truth admires Zhou Chun's foresight from the bottom of their hearts, and is in awe of Zhou Yuanlian, the Poison Cultivator of the Purple Mansion!

After hundreds of years of hard training, no one asked, but once he took action, the world was shocked!

Zhou Yuanlian felt the grateful and awed looks from all directions, and her dead heart seemed to have a little vitality, and a smile could not help but appear on her face hidden under the hood.

She enjoyed the awed looks of other monks, which was the best reward for her.

She doesn't need people to like her, she just wants people to respect her.

The awe of others and the fear of her opponents were all things that made her happy.

Being able to awe others and make opponents fearful means that the inhuman pain she endured is meaningful and valuable!

"Zhengchun, is this fellow Taoist also an elder of your Zhou family? Can you recommend him to me?"

Just when Zhou Mingde was still filled with emotion, the ancestor of the Su family, who saw the beasts and the fourth-level monsters outside suspending their offensive, couldn't wait to take the time to come over and ask about Zhou Yuanlian's situation.

He is the one with the biggest mood swings now!

He was already in despair, but he never expected that the situation would turn around so quickly!

And the person who reversed the situation and saved the Su family was a middle-stage monk from the Zifu!

At this moment, he was like a person who fell into a cliff and was suddenly caught by a big tree, full of joy of surviving the disaster.

She was also full of gratitude and curiosity towards Zhou Yuanlian, the person who caught her.

Facing the curious gaze of the ancestor of the Su family, Zhou Chun also nodded generously and said: "Ancestor Mingjian, Xiaolian is indeed the elder of my Zhou family."

After that, he briefly introduced Zhou Yuanlian's situation.

After listening to his words, the ancestor of the Su family admired his vision and ideas from the bottom of his heart. Then he bowed his hands to Zhou Yuanlian with gratitude and said, "Fellow Taoist Xiaolian really saved my Su family this time. It's me, Su." My great benefactor, on behalf of the Su family, I would like to say thank you to fellow Taoist Daoist!"

He is of such a high seniority and is a Golden Core cultivator, but now he is saluting and thanking Zhou Yuanlian, a junior like this, which shows how excited he is at this moment.

But Zhou Yuanlian did not seem to feel very honored, and was not very moved. He just replied in an indifferent tone: "Senior Su, if you want to thank me, then thank the patriarch. Everything that I have is given by the patriarch. Without the gift of the patriarch, I would have already lost my life." He has turned into withered bones, let alone possessing the current cultivation strength!”

Hearing what she said, Zhou Chun quickly coughed twice and said, "Ahem, ancestor, don't be offended. Because of her way of cultivation, she has a relatively indifferent temperament and is not very understanding of the world!"

After saying that, he told Zhou Yuanlian: "Xiaolian, please step aside and rest first. If I need you, I will find you again!"

"Yes, junior, please take your leave."

Zhou Yuanlian responded and immediately retreated obediently.

The ancestor of the Su family looked at her leaving figure and smiled slightly at Zhou Chun who was a little embarrassed and said: "Zhengchun doesn't have to be like this. I really like Taoist friend Xiaolian's temperament. The kindness you receive today will be rewarded in the future." Great reward!"

"Ancestor, you're welcome. Now that the two families are in the same boat, saving others means saving yourself. There is no need to be kind or unkind."

Zhou Chun shook his head repeatedly, not wanting to take credit.

Zhou Mingde also quickly came to his senses and nodded in support: "That's right. Fellow Taoist Su said this, but it's just an outsider, isn't it? Our two families are related by marriage, and thanks to your Su family's willingness to take you in, my Zhou family In order to have a place to stay, to say thank you is what my Zhou family should say!"

Hearing what the two said, even though he knew they were being polite, the ancestor of the Su family still felt extremely helpful. He couldn't help laughing and said: "Hahahaha, what Daoyou Zhou said is true, the relationship between our two families really shouldn't be like this. polite!"

I can only keep this kindness silently in my heart and repay it when I have the opportunity in the future.

This is what true friends and relatives are like. You can be polite when you should be polite, but you can't take politeness for granted.

Otherwise, if you just want to take advantage in the name of relatives and friends without thinking about anything in return, you will definitely get farther and farther away in the future!

But while everyone inside the Su Family Mountain Gate was laughing and full of joy, the fourth-level monsters outside were busy crushing the fleeing beasts and regrouping.

Although Zhou Chun's two successive waves of proactive attacks had reduced the number of the beasts from top to bottom, the beasts still had the strength to fight. Compared to the monks in the Su family's mountain gate, their combat power was still at an advantage.

In addition, no retreat instructions were received from the fifth-level demon king. The fourth-level demonic beasts such as [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] would never and would not dare to evacuate and stop attacking without permission.

Therefore, what Zhou Yuanlian did was actually just to buy the Su family some breathing time.

And there is only one chance like this. When the beasts attack again, they will definitely focus on preventing her from releasing poison again.

Although her poisonous mist is powerful, it is not impossible to break it.

Whether it is blowing in the direction of no one with wind attribute spells, or burning it with fire attribute spells, it can be contained and cracked.

No matter how bad things go, you can fundamentally solve her harm by killing her.

But even so, this breathing time is still very precious!

It not only gave the many monks in the Su Family Mountain Gate time to rest and restore their mana, but also gave the Su Family ancestors more confidence to delay the arrival of reinforcements.

After stopping the attack for two hours, the fourth-level monsters finally gathered back most of the scattered beasts and continued to drive the beasts to attack the Su family's mountain gate.

This time the herd attacked even more ferociously, as if they were trying to vent the fear they had accumulated before.

It's just that the deaths of more than 20,000 monster beasts have had a considerable impact on the strength of the beast group, and the pressure on the Su family's mountain gate array has been reduced a lot compared to before.

In addition, Zhou Yuanlian, following Zhou Chun's instructions, made some poisonous gas bombs from time to time and threw them into formations to attack the beasts, causing large-scale damage and psychological panic to the beasts, further making the beasts' attacks seem weak.

After persisting like this for three or four more hours, the reinforcements that had been waiting for most of the day finally arrived!

Moreover, the number of reinforcements arriving this time was also greater than expected. There were as many as nine Golden Core monks, and the leader was a late Golden Core monk.

At the same time, there was also a magic flying boat carrying thousands of Qi-training, foundation-building, and Zifu monks.

Looking at this posture, it no longer looks like they are here to rescue the Su family, but more like they are here to wipe out the herd of beasts!

"Fellow Daoist Su and Fellow Daoist Zhou, we are here to rescue on orders from the alliance. Please join us to exterminate the herd of beasts. Don't let these evil beasts escape!"

In the distance, a powerful and majestic voice came from the magic flying boat to the Su Family Mountain Gate.

After Zhou Chun heard this, his eyes immediately focused, and then he said in a deep voice to the ancestors of the Su family, Zhou Mingde and others: "Ancestor, Supreme Elder, this is a rare opportunity, let's fight out together!"

"That's right! I've long wanted to go out and have a blast!"

The ancestor of the Su family laughed, feeling quite proud.

Zhou Mingde also laughed loudly and said: "What Fellow Daoist Su said is absolutely true, it's time to ask for some interest from those beasts!"

The two of them agreed, and the others naturally had no objections.

So except for Su Yuzhen who continued to stay at the Su family's mountain gate, Zhou Chun, the ancestor of the Su family, Zhou Mingde, Lin Hongyu and the few golden elixir monks he brought over all rushed out together.

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