Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 619: Recovering Tuyunling and meeting Tianjing again [Please subscribe]

The unexpected arrival of strong reinforcements lifted the siege of the Su Family Mountain Gate in an unexpected way.

Zhou Chun and others took the initiative to attack, flanking the incoming reinforcements, and quickly gained an advantage.

After a great battle, the Golden-winged Tiger and the Hell Fire Phoenix worked together tacitly, and once again beheaded a fourth-level low-grade water attribute monster, and obtained a fourth-order monster pill and a fourth-order monster corpse for him.

And he also won a great victory in the battle with the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape], successfully blinding one of the opponent's eyes and destroying the opponent's natural spiritual sight!

It's a pity that this beast has fought with him twice, and it was prepared for all his methods. In addition, it was quick to spot opportunities, so in the end, it was not possible to kill it successfully!

However, the siege of the Su Family Mountain Gate can be lifted, which is the biggest gain.

At this time, after those fourth-level monsters fled one after another, the monks inside the Su family's mountain gate also rushed out one after another, spreading out to hunt down the scattered low- and mid-level monsters.

Zhou Chun did not participate in this matter, and only asked Zhou Mingde, Lin Hongyu, and Su Yuzhen to take care of him.

He and the ancestors of the Su family were responsible for entertaining the monks who came to help.

"Fellow Daoist Su, Fellow Daoist Zhou, we need to use Guibao Land to rest for half a day, and then continue to support other strongholds. Please make it convenient!"

Inside the gate of Sujiashan, Feng Zishan, a late-stage Jindan monk who led the reinforcements, led people into the room. He looked at Zhou Chun with a kind face and made his request.

He seemed to have heard about Zhou Chun's name, but he didn't dare to show off in front of Zhou Chun.

Since he had such a correct attitude, Zhou Chun certainly would not look at him with a bad face. After looking at each other with the ancestor of the Su family, he responded readily: "This matter is easy to talk about. We, the Su and Zhou monks, will free up the place now. Fellow Taoists, please rest and recover first!”

"Then I would like to thank you two fellow Taoists in advance."

Feng Zishan smiled slightly and cupped his hands towards the two of them with a smile on his face.

After half a day passed like this, before the Su and Zhou monks had finished collecting the corpses of the monsters outside, Feng Zishan set off with reinforcements, and also took with him the few gold men that Zhou Chun had brought from Baijiangfang City. The Danqi monks were recruited and sent away.

According to what he said, now that the Tianling Alliance has reached a consensus, all factions from various countries will send a large number of their disciples to Jingguo to help drive away the beast tide and counterattack the states of Jingguo that have been occupied by the beast tide.

Jiangzhou, as the front line, is the starting point of the counterattack.

Zhou Chun, the ancestors of the Su family, and others have not received transfer orders yet, but they expect that when Jiangzhou is safe, they will also be transferred to participate in the counterattack.

This news is exciting news for the Zhou family, and it means that it may not take long for them to regain the mountain gate.

But Zhou Chun was not very happy.

Because it felt that the speed was too fast, so fast that he was not ready yet!

After all, he was not satisfied with just recovering the two spiritual mountains, Tuyunling and Jiufengling.

But the reality is that until now, he has not even seen the Golden Core Stage monks of the Moon Wheel Sect and the Yanyang Sect.

If he wants to plot the Qinglian Mountains, where should he start?

Without the permission of these two families, it would be impossible for the Zhou family to occupy the Qinglian Mountains!

How can we get these two families to agree to the Zhou family occupying the Qinglian Mountains?

Zhou Chun's face changed as he looked in the direction of the Qinglian Mountain Range, feeling suddenly a little irritable.

He admitted that he thought a little too much and thought too beautifully.

Normally speaking, if you want to attempt to occupy a blessed land like the Qinglian Mountains, you must at least have the Nascent Soul Stage cultivation level.

But the opportunity is rare!

Under normal circumstances, blessed places such as the Qinglian Mountains and other spiritual mountains are occupied by Nascent Soul stage monks, and it is impossible for them to allow the Zhou family to plot.

Only now, the original owner of the Qinglian Mountain Range, Qinglian Temple, has lost first the pillar of the sect and then the mountain gate. It is basically certain that it will never be able to reoccupy this place.

The Yuelun Sect and the Yanyang Sect both have their own mountain gates, and they are competing with each other. Neither one will let the other occupy such a blessed land in the spiritual mountain again.

This gives the Zhou family a chance!

If they cannot seize the opportunity to occupy the Qinglian Mountains this time, whether the Moon Lun Sect and the Yanyang Sect choose to occupy the Qinglian Mountains together, or they attract a Nascent Soul monk from a foreign country to establish a sect here, it will be difficult for the Zhou family to have another chance. Opportunity is here.

Unless he has to wait until he successfully conceives a baby and has a spiritual pet to become a fifth-level demon king, he will have that chance!

And that will be hundreds of years later!

So it's understandable that Zhou Chun is feeling irritable now.

Time passed quickly like this. In the next few days, news of the Tianling Alliance's coalition forces defeating the beast herds and regaining the mountains and rivers came to the Su family one after another. Zhou Chun also quickly received an order to arrange for him to work with Lin Hongyu and the Su family elders. He went to Tanzhou with his ancestors to participate in the battle to regain Tanzhou.

After receiving the order, Zhou Chun did not want to delay, so he rushed to Tanzhou with his troops to rendezvous.

In the next half month, Zhou Chun traveled around Tanzhou and participated in several major battles. He also took the opportunity to kill a fourth-level mid-grade water attribute monster and harvested a fourth-level demon pill.

The Tanzhou Immortal Cultivation World was also recaptured during their hard work.

After recovering Tanzhou, the next place that needs to be recovered is Lingzhou.

Zhou Chun was thinking about the purple mulberry tree on his Tuyun Ridge, and when the army was resting, he took the initiative to go to Lingzhou to investigate the situation.

He did this because he was worried that when those monsters retreated, they would ruthlessly destroy the purple mulberry trees on Tuyun Ridge.

After all, judging from the previous situation in Tanzhou, this kind of thing exists.

So Zhou Chun planned to put the golden armored mountain turtle stone and wooden charm back to protect the purple mulberry tree to prevent it from being destroyed by the retreating monsters.

Of course, since he took over the task of investigating the situation, it was not easy for him to do nothing.

Before that, Mu Mei was asked to conduct secret reconnaissance around the place.

The result made Zhou Chun frown slightly.

Because the investigation results show that there are not many fourth-order monsters in Lingzhou, and even the existence of high-grade fourth-order monsters has not been found.

"Could it be that these monsters are trying to play some tricks?"

Zhou Chun was secretly wary, and soon returned to Tanzhou to explain the information he obtained from the investigation.

The coalition forces did not ignore the information he brought. The leading Jindan late-stage monk immediately reported it to the Nascent Soul stage master who was secretly escorting him.

Not long after, a real person from Nascent Soul stage ventured into Lingzhou, Yunzhou, Lanzhou and other places to investigate and learned the truth of the matter.

But it turns out that the main force of high-level monsters have retreated to Yunzhou, Lanzhou, and Lianzhou. Especially in the Qinglian Mountains and several famous spiritual mountain blessed places in Yunzhou, a large number of high-level monsters and beasts have gathered.

From this point of view, it seems that the beast tide has given up on continuing the attack and just wants to keep the territory it has now occupied.

In other words, they want to concentrate their forces and fight with the Tianling Alliance for a few battles on those blessed lands of Lingshan Mountain!

After discovering this situation, the coalition forces who were still resting immediately attacked quickly, preparing to capture Lingzhou together first.

The process of this attack was still very smooth. The Lingshan Blessed Lands in Lingzhou were easily recovered, and those high-level monsters could even be said to have escaped.

And Zhou Chun's worries turned out to be true.

The fourth-level monster that originally occupied Tuyun Ridge really wanted to destroy the spiritual fruit trees and spiritual trees left by the Zhou family on the mountain before escaping.

However, Shitou and Mumei, the golden-armored mountain turtle, stopped the beast in time, and even killed the fourth-level low-grade monster Xunfengdiao on Tuyun Ridge!

With the recovery of Tuyunling, this place also became the next temporary location of the coalition forces.

Naturally, there are formation masters who are proficient in formations and know how to rearrange the formations here.

However, this kind of temporary formation cannot be compared with the [Nine Palaces Yellow Dragon Formation] and other forbidden formations. In the future, the Zhou family will have to find an array master to set up a new forbidden formation.

Considering that the remaining states gathered the elite forces of this beast wave, after the coalition regained Lingzhou, they were not eager to continue to recover Yunzhou, Lanzhou, and Lianzhou. Instead, they divided their troops into two groups and stayed in Lingzhou to monitor. The beast herds from the three states went all the way to the west to help regain the territory occupied by the beast tide in the Yanyang Sect area.

As the owner of Tuyunling, the Zhou family naturally stayed in Lingzhou with the team.

"Zhengchun, I see that you seem a little restless these days. Is there something on your mind?"

On Tuyun Ridge, when the ancestor of the Su family was talking to Zhou Chun about rebuilding the Zhou family's mountain gate, he saw that he seemed to be in a low mood, so he couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

Hearing this question from the ancestor of the Su family, Zhou Chun hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Ancestor has great eyesight. This junior is really troubled by something on his mind and doesn't know how to start!"

Seeing that he did not deny it, the ancestor of the Su family became even more curious and couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Can you tell me about it? Although I am not as good as you in cultivation and not as strong as you, I have lived hundreds of years longer than you. Some things may I can give you some advice as a reference!”


Zhou Chun hesitated for a while.

He had only told Zhou Mingde about the conspiracy in the Qinglian Mountains, and even Zhou Daoyi didn't know about it.

Although the ancestor of the Su family has a different relationship with him, he is the ancestor of the Su family after all.

But then I thought about it, and now that the situation has changed, his plot to plot the Qinglian Mountains has almost reached a dead end. Even if he said it, it would not be a big deal.

Maybe the ancestor of the Su family knew about it and just smiled.

So after hesitating for a while, he still nodded with a wry smile and said: "Since you want to hear it, ancestor, then let me tell you!"

After that, he told his plan.

The result was naturally as he expected. After hearing his plan, the Su family ancestor's first reaction was shock. He looked at him with a shocked face and was speechless for a long time.

But just when Zhou Chun was ready to accept some of his criticisms, he suddenly nodded and said: "Yes, if I had your strength, ancestor, the Su family would also have the strength of the Zhou family now, and again When you encounter such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you really can’t help but want to take this step!”

Zhou Chun couldn't help but look up at him in astonishment, with surprise in his eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm just telling the truth!"

The ancestor of the Su family smiled slightly, and then sighed with emotion: "Who didn't have some dreams when they were young! When I first succeeded in forming elixirs, I was very high-spirited and realized that even if I couldn't form elixirs and form babies, I should still be able to cultivate to the level of gold. In the late Dan period, he surpassed all the ancestors of the Su family!"

As he spoke, he laughed at himself and said: "Unfortunately, you have seen the result now. Even a mid-stage golden elixir barrier can prevent me from breaking through for hundreds of years!"

Having said this, he couldn't help but look at Zhou Chun and said: "If I had your level of cultivation when I was Zhengchun's age, I would be more daring to think and do than you are now!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he turned his head slightly in embarrassment and did not answer.

It is understandable that the ancestor of the Su family would lament and complain like this, but as the object of envy of the other party, it would be best not to answer the conversation at this time.

Fortunately, the ancestor of the Su family did not indulge in it. He quickly straightened his expression and looked at him with a serious face and said: "Just like what I said just now, this is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Zhengchun, you want to get into trouble?" It’s normal to make profits.”

After finishing speaking, he seemed a little unbearable, but in the end he said truthfully: "But I can tell you for sure, unless you have the strength to rival the Nascent Soul Stage monks, it is simply impossible to take over the Qinglian Mountains!"

"Judging from the current situation in Jingguo, it is very likely that after expelling the beast tide, the Yuelun Sect and the Yanyang Sect will negotiate and invite a Nascent Soul Stage cultivator with good cultivation strength to start a sect in Jingguo. Establish a sect, and even directly invite a certain Nascent Soul stage force to migrate here!"

It's not that Zhou Chun didn't understand the situation he was talking about, but he just felt a little unwilling in his heart.

After listening to his words at this time, he couldn't help but fall into silence and didn't speak for a long time.

Seeing that he was silent, the ancestor of the Su family knew that he had not given up yet.

At that moment, he couldn't help but sigh slightly, and then said: "That's all, since you want to accomplish this so much, I will show you the way!"

"Ancestor, do you have any ideas?"

Zhou Chun looked at the ancestor of the Su family with a surprised look, unable to believe that this was true.

"Don't look at me like this. Of course I can't help you, but someone can!"

The ancestor of the Su family waved his hand, and then talked about his suggestion.

"Zhengchun, if you really want to plot the Qinglian Mountains, there is only one feasible plan now. Over there, you are looking for a real person in the Nascent Soul stage to stand up for you and agree to be the guest elder of the Zhou family. It is best to have someone from Jingguo. The real person in the Nascent Soul Stage!"

"In this case, as long as your Zhou family is willing to give up some benefits on the side of Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect, they will probably agree to this matter!"

At this point, the meaning of the words of the ancestor of the Su family is already obvious.

Zhou Chun also reacted quickly and said: "Ancestor, what do you mean, this junior is going to find Senior Tianjing Zhenren to become the supreme elder of the Zhou family's guest?"

When Zhou Chun said this, his face looked very strange.

He vaguely knew some of the situation of Master Tianjing, but he had not considered this matter.

But now listening to what the ancestor of the Su family said, it seems that we can really give it a try.

Even if it fails, nothing is lost!

The ancestor of the Su family also nodded quickly and said: "Yes, after Tianjing Zhenren destroyed his body this time, it is no longer difficult for him to change his body. From now on, he can only use some special means to maintain his Nascent Soul body. !”

"But even if there are special means to replace the physical body, his lifespan will be greatly reduced, and he may only have a few hundred years to live!"

"In this way, as long as you, Zhengchun, can transform into elixirs and form babies in the next few hundred years, you will be able to complete the handover with me and completely occupy the blessed land of the Qinglian Mountains!"

After hearing his analysis, Zhou Chun was completely moved.

Indeed, if Tianjing Zhenren only has a few hundred years to live, the Zhou family can still cooperate with him even if some of his conditions are harsh.

But he quickly remembered something, and he couldn't help but frown and said, "But I don't know where Tianjing Master is now, how can this junior contact him?"

"This ancestor can't help you. Maybe you can ask those Nascent Soul Stage real people for advice. They may know."

The ancestor of the Su family shook his head, but he couldn't help with this matter.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun did not mention the matter again. He just saluted the ancestor of the Su family with a grateful look on his face and said, "I understand, I thank you for your guidance today. If this matter can be successful, I will definitely be rewarded handsomely." !”

Hearing this, the ancestor of the Su family also chuckled and said: "Hahaha, ancestor, I will remember what you said. If this can really happen, I will ask you to leave one or two houses for my Su family in the Qinglian Mountains. The cave is convenient for cultivating the younger generations of our clan!"

"If this matter can really be achieved, my ancestor, your request is of no consequence!"

Zhou Chun also laughed loudly and felt much better.

In the following time, Zhou Chun also used this channel to inquire about the situation of Master Tianjing, and even went to ask Master Qianmu for advice.

But no matter how much he inquired, he never got what he wanted.

Since the Qinglian Temple Gate was broken, Tianjing Zhenren only knew that he abandoned his body and used the magical power of "teleportation" to escape from the battlefield, but where he went is a mystery.

It is very likely that he is hiding somewhere to recover and wait for the war to end before coming out.

After all, he is the only Nascent Soul monk left now, and he cannot take over his life to cultivate. He can be said to be the weakest Nascent Soul monk. In the eyes of those fifth-level demon kings, he is just a walking elixir of ten thousand years. Want to take a bite!

Despite this, Zhou Chun was not too disappointed.

After all, the Qinglian Mountains have not yet been recovered, and the Moon Lun Sect and the Yanyang Sect probably have no intention of considering the allocation of this land in the future.

As long as they can contact Master Tianjing and reach cooperation with him before the two factions determine the matter, there is still hope for the Zhou family.

After being stationed on Tuyun Ridge for more than a month, the war in the Yanyang Sect area also came to an end.

In fact, for many monster beasts in the beast tide, the Yanyang Sect area is not a suitable place to survive, so there are not many beasts attacking there.

At this time, the coalition forces concentrated their efforts there and easily wiped out and drove away the invading herds.

The real highlight is actually in Yunzhou and Lianzhou!

As time went by, the situation of the beast herds in Yunzhou, Lanzhou, and Lianzhou was gradually investigated.

Let’s not talk about the situation in Yunzhou. The water network there is intertwined, and it is now blocked by the "Dragon Court Warriors" and many aquatic monsters that swim upstream. It is the most difficult to attack.

Lianzhou and Lanzhou can be counted as one, because Lianzhou needs to pass through Lanzhou to enter the wilderness.

As for the Qinglian Mountains in Lianzhou, there are dozens of fourth-order monster beasts gathered at this moment. The number of beasts in the entire Lianzhou is as many as hundreds of thousands, and there are also many fifth-order monster kings sitting in charge.

Cracking off this bone is also a big challenge for the coalition forces.

After all, after many battles, many Golden Core monks were injured in the battle with monsters of the same level, or their magic weapons were seriously damaged in the battle.

So when the coalition forces returned to Lingzhou, Tanzhou and other places from the Yanyang Sect area, the subsequent war did not start immediately, but they recuperated first.

Zhou Chun is also happy to see this happen.

He is the last person who wants to attack the Qinglian Mountains immediately, because it is not in line with his and the Zhou family's interests.

Moreover, several of his spiritual pets are also injured, and even he has not completely repaired the damage to his natal magic weapon. It is naturally the best thing to have more time to recuperate.

When he returns to perfect condition and attacks the Qinglian Mountains, he will have the opportunity to kill a few more fourth-level monsters.

Of course, while recuperating, Zhou Chun did not forget to communicate with other golden elixir stage monks, seeking to exchange demon elixirs that fit the attributes of his spiritual pets.

He may not have gained the most from this war, but he will definitely gain a huge amount!

The acquisition of a large number of demon elixirs will make the future cultivation of his spiritual pets extremely smooth, unlike when they were in the third-level demon beast realm, each of them had to wait for him to collect materials to make elixirs and feed them.

If he can turn elixirs into infants in the future, maybe he will soon have a spiritual pet that can keep up with his cultivation progress and survive the thunder tribulation of heaven to become a fifth-level demon king!

After resting for more than half a year, during which time they received several waves of reinforcements, the coalition forces finally planned to take action again.

This time, it's just a matter of not moving, and if it moves, it moves like thunder.

More than a hundred Jindan stage monks and tens of thousands of Qi training, foundation building, and Zifu stage monks moved together, starting from Lingzhou and pushing towards Lianzhou.

Although the movement was not very fast, it still managed to clear out the beast herds in Lanzhou in just over twenty days, and then advanced all the way to the Qinglian Mountains hundreds of miles away!

On this day, the army set up camp hundreds of miles away from the Qinglian Mountains, and many Nascent Soul stage masters also fell from the sky and fell into the camp.

Relying on his current fame and strength, Zhou Chun was able to enter the Chinese army's tent along with many late-stage Jindan monks and meet these Nascent Soul stage masters.

Among these people, he was also surprised to find an "acquaintance". That person was the real Tianjing he had been looking for but could not see.

It's just that at this time, Tianjing Zhenren could no longer seize the body, so he could only live in a puppet with his Nascent Soul and act as a puppet.

The puppet itself seemed to be very extraordinary. The real Nascent Soul of Tianjing resided in it, and the aura it exuded was no weaker than what Zhou Chun had seen before!

"Could this be the legendary fifth-level puppet?"

Zhou Chun couldn't help but take another look at the humanoid puppet body covered in scales of Master Tianjing, and secretly guessed in his heart.

Master Tianjing seemed to feel his gaze, and couldn't help turning his head slightly to look at him, with a pair of amber puppet eyes, without any emotion.

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