Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 620 The Violent Body [Please subscribe]

Qinglian Mountains.

Originally regarded as one of the most blessed places in Jingguo, the Qinglian Mountains have been managed by the Qinglian Temple for hundreds of thousands of years. They have long been like a fairyland on earth, with beautiful scenery everywhere.

However, as the gate of Qinglian Temple was broken, this place became a demon domain where monsters were entrenched. The original fairyland on earth had long since ceased to exist, with a stench emitting everywhere.

Most of the palaces and pavilions that had been built with a lot of manpower and material resources were destroyed and collapsed. All the elixir and fruit trees in the mountains were eaten or taken over and became the trophies of monsters.

Nowadays, a large number of beasts have shrunk back to the blessed land of Lingshan, making the place even more smoky and unbearable to look at!

When Zhou Chun followed the alliance army to a hundred miles away from the Qinglian Mountains, he looked at the Qinglian Mountains from a high altitude and frowned when he saw this scene.

He now regards the Qinglian Mountain Range as the future mountain gate of the Zhou family, and is naturally very dissatisfied with this situation.

"Forget it, as long as nothing happens to the spiritual veins, it's just a matter of spending more time and manpower."

He shook his head secretly and didn't dwell on the matter anymore.

And with the arrival of their army, the Qinglian Mountain Range was filled with the roars and hisses of various beasts, and then each of the fifth-order demon kings and fourth-order demon beasts appeared in the mountains. .

From the looks of it, it seems that the Monster Beast side does not intend to leave the Qinglian Mountains to fight, but wants to wait for the coalition forces of the Tianling Alliance to enter the mountains to attack.

This is not a good thing!

Although the monsters and beasts are not familiar with formations and cannot arrange a large formation to block the coalition forces.

But fighting in the complex terrain of the Qinglian Mountains is definitely not a good thing for low- and mid-level monks.

And if we fight in the Qinglian Mountains, this blessed land of Lingshan is likely to be destroyed in the war!

Therefore, after witnessing this situation, the coalition forces were no longer eager to attack for a while, but held urgent discussions regarding this situation.

Zhou Chun was also qualified to participate in the discussion, and he took the initiative to put forward his own suggestions.

However, he quickly emerged from the crowd, bowed deeply to the Nascent Soul Stage monks and said, "Seniors, fellow Taoists, and juniors think that we must not fall for the evil deeds of those monsters. In the Qinglian Mountains, Fight with it!"

"The terrain in the Qinglian Mountains is complex and stretches for thousands of miles. It is very suitable for the monsters to give full play to their racial advantages, so that they can cut the battlefield to target and kill our coalition forces!"

"In addition, the Qinglian Mountain Range is also one of the top three spiritual mountain blessed places in our Jingguo. If there is a war inside and the Lingshan blessed land here is shattered, it will be a heavy blow to our Jingguo's immortal world, which will be very detrimental to the future recovery of our Jingguo's immortal world. vitality!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Chun also said firmly: "So this junior believes that we can never let those monsters get what they want. Instead, we should first clean up the areas around the Qinglian Mountain Range and destroy the food source of those monsters!"

"As long as there is no sufficient food source, the hundreds of thousands of monsters in the Qinglian Mountains will start civil strife within two or three months!"

When listening to Zhou Chun's previous words, the Nascent Soul stage monks, including Master Tianjing, showed no signs of expression and were somewhat indifferent.

However, after hearing what he said later, the eyes of several Nascent Soul Stage monks flashed and they looked thoughtful.

"Interesting, using a hunger strike to defeat the schemes of those beasts is a very interesting idea!"

A faint smile appeared on the face of a real Yuanying person, and there was a hint of appreciation in his eyes when he looked at Zhou Chun.

Qianmu Zhenren, who once protected Zhou Chun, nodded slightly at this time and said: "Although Zhou Xiaoyou's strategy is simple, it does have feasibility if you think about it carefully. The main thing is that it won't waste too much time, and it also allows me to do it." Fang takes the initiative!”

"I also agree with Zhou Xiaoyou's suggestion. If the Qinglian Mountain Range and other spiritual mountain blessings are destroyed in our hands, it will harm the world. Being able to use this place to force those monsters to come out to fight is indeed the best strategy!"

As a local monk in Jingguo, Master Tianjing also spoke out to support Zhou Chun's suggestion.

In this way, he gained the appreciation and support of the three Nascent Soul Stage real people, and Zhou Chun's suggestion had to make others think deeply.

In the end, after deliberation and voting, his suggestions were successfully adopted and implemented, and the process went smoothly beyond his own expectations.

In the following time, according to Zhou Chun's suggestion, the coalition forces separated into small groups of elite troops and began to clear the wilderness around the Qinglian Mountains. They used the poison prepared by Zhou Yuanlian to kill all the monsters, fish and shrimps in several rivers and lakes. Killed by poison.

At the same time, the ordinary beasts on the ground were either poisoned, killed, burned, or driven away from the Qinglian Mountains.

The monsters in the Qinglian Mountains did not realize the purpose of the coalition forces' actions at first. By the time the fifth-level monster kings figured out their intentions and prepared to stop them, it was already too late.

So the pressure quickly came to the monster side.

You must know that monsters are no better than human monks. As long as the human monks successfully build the foundation, they can live without food for hundreds or even hundreds of days!

And even for third-level monsters, except for some special species, most of them cannot survive for hundreds of days without eating.

It's not that they will starve to death if they don't eat for hundreds of days, but if they don't eat for such a long time, their vitality will decline and their strength will be greatly reduced.

Although there are many herbivorous monsters in the Qinglian Mountains that can eat the grass and trees in the mountains to satisfy their hunger, the number of these herbivorous monsters only accounts for 50 to 60% of the total number of monsters in the mountains. They are still among the carnivorous monsters. range of recipes!

So just like Zhou Chun said, if the carnivorous monsters cannot be provided with enough food, they will desperately attack the herbivorous monsters when they are hungry.

In less than a month, the beasts had to fight their way out of the Qinglian Mountains and took the initiative to attack the human alliance!

On the battlefield covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles, hundreds of thousands of monster beasts and tens of thousands of human monks were fighting each other in teams on the battlefield. The auras of various magical powers shone on the earth and sky. The scene was extremely spectacular.

In terms of numbers, the coalition of human monks was undoubtedly at an absolute disadvantage, inferior to a herd that was several times its size.

But in terms of momentum, the coalition of human monks did not lose the slightest bit.

The battle of immortal cultivators is quite different from the battle of mortal soldiers.

Facing the beasts that are attacking in groups, a mortal can only form a formation to protect themselves, and rely on erecting shield walls and spear walls to withstand their impact.

But immortal cultivators don’t need to be like this.

They only need to create a quicksand trap in front of them to neutralize the impact of the beasts, or lift hundreds of feet into the air to prevent the physical power of many first-order monsters from being exerted.

Even if the beast herd is too densely distributed, it will be easier for them to use spells to focus fire and bombard them.

Therefore, although the number of both sides reached tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, they did not choose the large army combat mode to fight in military formations. Instead, they formed groups of combat squads.

Most of the human monks formed groups according to the sects and families they came from, while the monsters formed groups according to race.

Then both sides attack the opponent closest to them.

Of course, this only refers to those Qi-training and foundation-building monks and first- and second-level monsters.

The monks at the Zifu stage and the Golden Core stage, as well as the third-order monsters and the fourth-order monsters, were all fighting each other in the air.

Their first task is to defeat these same-level opponents, and then clean up those lower-level opponents.

However, the Nascent Soul stage monks and the fifth-level demon king were not in a hurry to take action. They were all facing each other far above the nine heavens in the blue sky, waiting for the opportunity to take action.

This is the time for Zhou Chun to show off his skills.

He found the target and directly faced a fourth-level mid-grade thunder-attribute monster, the three-legged thunder gull.

This is a special monster beast of Long Yuan Ze, a very fierce and unique monster beast.

This demonic bird's thunder and lightning powers are not much inferior to those of the thunder dragon, and its flying speed is even stronger.

Generally speaking, when a cultivator in the late stage of Jindan encounters this monster, it is hard to do anything with it, and most of the time he will become disgraced.

When Zhou Chun brought the Thunder Dragon Baibai and the Golden-winged Tiger against this demon, it was impossible to defeat him at first. All kinds of attacks were dodged and resisted by the opponent.

It wasn't until he asked the Thunder Dragon Baibai to repeat his old tricks and use the [Thunder Dragon Roar] magical power to attack it in a large area that the monster was temporarily stabilized.

And he seized the opportunity and directly wrapped the golden dragon ring around the demon's neck!

When the neck is trapped, whether the demon is performing the thunder escape technique or its own flying speed, which is the best among the demons, will inevitably be affected.

Zhou Chun's master and servant didn't give it a chance to break free. They swarmed it with all kinds of attacks and overwhelmed it with saturation attacks.

So this is the advantage of Zhou Chun having many spiritual pets. Each spiritual pet has unique abilities and special skills.

When encountering some enemies with special abilities, ordinary methods are difficult to work, so the special skills of these spiritual pets are needed to save the situation.

After getting off to a good start by beheading a three-legged thunder gull, Zhou Chun quickly changed his target and found another fourth-level low-grade monster with thunder attributes, the Thunder Giant Rhinoceros.

This thunder giant rhinoceros was originally the prey of a mid-stage Golden Core monk, but because of his ordinary strength, he was unable to capture the beast.

After Zhou Chun brought the thunder dragon to kill Bai Bai, he immediately promised him that as long as he wanted the demon pill, the body would be his.

Faced with such a generous offer, the man simply couldn't refuse.

And the Thunder Giant Rhino, who only had a fourth-level low-level cultivation, didn't even have a chance to self-destruct the demon pill in front of Zhou Chun's master and servant!

When it realized that it was outmatched and wanted to self-destruct the demon pill, Zhou Chun had already activated the [Tiangang Thunder Sword] to chop off its head.

But not everyone has such sharp means like Zhou Chun.

Therefore, not long after he and the mid-stage golden elixir monk distributed the spoils, a demonic beast self-destructed the demon elixir because it was in a desperate situation!

And not only the fourth-level monsters use self-destructing demon pills, but many third-level monsters also choose to self-destruct demon pills when facing desperate situations.

From time to time, huge explosions will appear in the sky above the battlefield.

Many immortal cultivators were unlucky enough to be killed by monsters that exploded their demon pills, and there were also many injured.

In this war, even a real person in the Nascent Soul stage may not be able to avoid being injured!

As strong as Zhou Chun, after killing two level four monsters in a row, when he wanted to kill the third level four mid-level fire attribute monster, the opponent directly chose the self-destructing demon pill.

As a result, the Golden Winged Tiger and the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, which were too close, were injured, and their injuries were all serious.

After this incident, he woke up in time and realized that this war was completely different from previous wars.

There are many fifth-level demon kings supervising the battle in this war. Under the influence of the demon king's pressure, those fourth-level demon beasts do not dare to escape easily even if they are defeated.

In this way, once they find that they are unable to survive, most of these monsters will directly choose to self-destruct their demon pills to fight for their lives!

Unlike previous local wars, even if they lose, the fourth-level monsters will take chances and try to escape from the battlefield.

After realizing this, Zhou Chun no longer dared to rely on his strength to besiege other fourth-level monsters at will, and chose his targets much more carefully.

Sometimes they simply go directly to harvest some third-order monsters that are close by, rather than rashly intervening in the battle between other Golden Core cultivators and fourth-order monsters.

And with his strength, harvesting the third-level monsters was almost as easy as eating and drinking, and he didn't even have time to give them the time to self-explode the monster pills.

But those fifth-level demon kings who were watching the battle would naturally not leave such a powerful fighting force unmarked.

So soon a six-legged stone elephant, a fourth-level high-grade earth-attribute monster, crossed the battlefield and came to him.

This six-legged stone elephant is also a strange beast. Its strength is not inferior to that of a dragon at the same level, and it is especially good at facing group attacks.

It is more than fifty feet long and nearly twenty feet tall. It has six elephant legs as thick as mountains, like a flying mountain of meat.

The gray-black skin is like a rock, rough, thick, and unbreakable.

When it displays its defensive magical power and a gray-yellow defensive aura spreads across its body, even the golden dragon and silver tiger transformed from the [Dragon and Tiger Golden Ring], a high-grade magic weapon, cannot harm it at all!

The thunder dragon's lightning magic power struck it in vain, and it seemed to fall on the ground, without much effect at all.

From Zhou Chun's point of view, he might be able to break through the monster's defense, but if he wanted to kill it, it would be difficult to do so unless he used all his trump cards.

The only shortcoming of this demon may be that its attack power is not very sharp. It is basically difficult for the earth attribute power to pose a threat to him and his spiritual pets.

In this way, it is easy to understand the intention of those demon kings, which is to let this six-legged stone elephant hold Zhou Chun down and prevent him from hunting other fourth-level demonic beasts.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun's thoughts turned around, he suppressed his murderous intention, and started a fierce fight with the six-legged stone elephant.

And even if Zhou Chun was restrained by the six-legged stone elephant, the monster side would still be unable to hide its defeat in a high-level battle.

The human coalition was well prepared this time. The number of Golden Core monks dispatched was slightly more than those of the fourth-order monsters. Among them were some veteran Golden Core monks with good fighting skills.

Therefore, on the overall battlefield, the odds of victory and defeat between the two sides were almost evenly divided, with the human side clearly having the advantage.

It was only because many demon beasts took away some enemies and buried them with them by self-exploding demon pills that some high-level human monks could not completely let go, so that the situation would not become one-sided.

It is difficult to tell the winner in a short time on the battlefield above them, let alone the battlefield below.

Even if one side has a slight advantage, it is impossible to form an overwhelming advantage quickly!

After the battle lasted for half a day, the Nascent Soul Realm and the fifth-level demon king above the nine heavens in the blue sky also started fighting.

As these top-level beings also joined the battlefield, the situation on the battlefield became increasingly complicated.

Because from time to time, the aftermath of the fighting between these top-level beings will leak to the bottom. As long as the aftermath is affected, the Golden Core Stage monks are likely to die on the spot!

As a result, the fourth-level and third-level beings on both sides had to move the battlefield away from the battlefield of the fifth-level beings to avoid dying in an unknown manner.

Zhou Chun saw an opportunity in this battlefield transfer process!

He then took the opportunity to move the battlefield, suddenly abandoned the six-legged stone elephant, and headed straight for the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] that he had already targeted.

The monk this monster fought against was a late-stage Jindan monk. The two sides had fought back and forth before, and it was difficult to tell the winner.

By performing the Golden Escape Technique, Zhou Chun quickly forced his way into the battlefield where both parties were, and then quickly joined forces with the late-stage Golden Elixir monk to besiege the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape].

On the way to pursue the six-legged stone elephant, it was held back by the Fire Phoenix, the Golden-winged Tiger, and the Thunder Dragon, and was unable to catch up for the time being.

[Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] and Zhou Chun can be said to be old rivals. One of its right eyes was blinded by Zhou Chun's sword in the previous battle.

At this time, seeing Zhou Chun join the battlefield, it was frightened and angry, and almost immediately wanted to run away.

It is well aware of Zhou Chun's strength. If Zhou Chun joins forces with that late-stage Golden Core cultivator, it will be impossible for it to be its opponent.

And now those fifth-level demon kings are fighting against the Nascent Soul monks, so they probably have no time to take care of it.

But when it discovered that Zhou Chun was alone and did not bring any of his spiritual pets, it felt at ease again.

Although Zhou Chun, who does not have a spiritual pet, is still very strong, he thinks that it is okay to delay for some time, at least until the six-legged stone elephant comes over.

So it mustered up the courage to fight two human monks one against two.

It was this misjudgment that made it pay a heavy price very quickly!

At that moment, the late-stage Jindan cultivator suddenly raised his sleeve and waved a cyan talisman with his hand, turning into a green jungle that encompassed the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] for more than ten miles. .

This is the rare fourth-level high-grade magic talisman "Ten Thousand Wood Entrapment Immortal Talisman". It is a very rare wood attribute trapping enemy spell.

Once trapped by this talisman, even a fourth-level high-grade monster like [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] will have difficulty escaping in an instant.

And just after it was trapped in this small jungle, the golden-winged tiger that was still blocking the six-legged stone elephant immediately rushed over here quickly.

Zhou Chun also took advantage of the situation and put away the [Dragon and Tiger Golden Ring] and sacrificed the [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Vase].

Then he and the late-stage golden elixir monk looked at each other, smiled at each other, and immediately activated their magic weapons together to launch a fatal blow towards the trapped [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape]!


Only a roar full of pain was heard from the jungle. The bloody [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] also exploded with extraordinary strength in the desperate situation. He actually waved his fists and forcibly dispersed the jungle in front, and escaped from it early. come out.

This scene made Zhou Chun and the late-stage Jindan monk slightly shocked.

According to their plan, they naturally wanted to kill the opponent when they were trapped.

In this way, even if the opponent self-destructs the demon elixir in a desperate situation, it will be difficult to hurt them.

But once they get out of the trap, it will be difficult to run away or fight them desperately.

At this time, the choices made by the two also went awry.

The late-stage Jindan cultivator immediately transformed into a blue light and retreated without thinking, not wanting to give [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] and himself a chance to fight.

But Zhou Chun gritted his teeth and pinched the spell, then suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a golden light.

I saw a flash of golden light, and it hit the chest of the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] in an instant, exploding a bloody hole in its chest, and waves of golden evil energy centered on the wound and spread to its internal organs. .

This is exactly a secret technique that Zhou Chun had previously practiced [Sha Yuan Diamond].

But there seemed to be something wrong with the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape]'s state at the moment. He didn't even look at the injuries, and seemed unaffected and directly roared and pounced towards Zhou Chun.

"No! It's a violent body, but this animal actually has such talent!!"

Zhou Chun looked at the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] who was covered in blood but seemed unaffected by his injuries. His expression suddenly changed and he quickly discovered the truth.

The so-called "violent body" is a special innate magical power on the monsters. Only a very small number of monsters can awaken this innate magical power.

Once this innate magical power is used and enters a violent state, the monster's strength will not only increase dramatically, but it will also not be afraid of injuries, pain, and paralysis. As long as its head is not chopped off, its strength will not be affected at all.

Of course, this state also has a duration. After the time passes, the damage caused to the body by those injuries will explode, which may directly lead to the death of the monster!

Therefore, under normal circumstances, unless it is in a desperate situation, a monster with this kind of innate magical power will not easily use this kind of magical power.

Now [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] has entered a violent state, immune to pain and locked to injuries. Unless Zhou Chun can cut off its head immediately, he will face a powerful enemy with an explosive state!

"Avoid its edge first!"

Zhou Chun's thoughts swirled in his mind, and he immediately activated the [Five-color Dragon Scale Armor] with all his strength to strengthen his own protection.

At this time, [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] approached him very quickly, and when he waved his fists, he hit the five-color light mask with a huge force. In the blink of an eye, dense cracks appeared on the light mask!

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun was also frightened, and he hurriedly activated the [Two Dragons Turning the Sea Bottle] to release the two true water dragons.

But within ten breaths of the two true water dragons coming out, they were blown away by the violent giant ape!

This is the first time Zhou Chun has faced such a dangerous situation since he returned from the world of cultivating immortals in the far west.

Thoughts were racing through his mind, and he pressed the idea of ​​using the [Moon Toad Orb] and releasing the Golden Armored Mountain Turtle Stone, and directly activated the [Dragon and Tiger Golden Ring] to fly out, transforming into a golden dragon and silver tiger to guard him.

However, under the giant ape's double fists, the golden dragon and silver tiger were forcibly knocked back to their original shape without resisting for long, and even some minor cracks appeared on the magic weapon itself.

Fortunately, the Golden-winged Tiger also arrived at this time, and Zhou Chun hurriedly activated the [Tiangang Thunder Sword] to burst out a full-strength Tiangang Divine Thunder Sword Qi, temporarily sending the giant ape flying dozens of feet.

Then he quickly jumped onto the back of the golden-winged tiger that flashed over, turned over and hid in its space bag.

Although it is a bit embarrassing and embarrassing, this is indeed the best way at the moment.

The Golden Winged Tiger is fast enough to fight with the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] for a while, waiting for its "violent body" to pass through.

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