Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 621 Win! Conditions for Sky Mirror【Please subscribe】

The duration of the "violent body" will not be too long, because it is a magical power that can overdraw the body to the extreme.

It only lasted for about a quarter of an hour before [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] exited its violent state.

And as the violent state exited, the various injuries on its body piled up and backfired. In an instant, it experienced what it means to be violent for a while and feel like a crematorium afterwards!

I saw multiple wounds on its body suddenly bursting and exploding together, blood and flesh flying everywhere, as if there was an implosion inside the body.

His aura dropped rapidly, and he seemed to be returning to the middle level of the fourth level!

At this moment, the late-stage Jindan monk who had retreated before took action.

Before Zhou Chun had time to take action, he directly activated a high-grade magical flying sword and struck the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] on the neck.

Even before the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] entered a violent state, such a sword would at most seriously injure it, and it would be difficult to cut off its head with a sword that included all bones.

But now this sword can easily chop off the huge ape head!

Even with a roll of sword light, the huge ape head flew towards the late Jindan monk.

However, Zhou Chun also reacted at this time and hurriedly used his sword to scatter the sword light and knock down the ape's head.

Then he looked at the late Jindan monk with an ugly expression and asked, "What do you mean, fellow Taoist Lu? Could it be that you want to go back on what you promised before?"

Hearing his words, the monk surnamed Lu's eyes suddenly flickered, then he raised his hand to retract the flying sword and said with a faint smile: "Fellow Daoist Zhou said something serious, Lu is just afraid that this beast is not dead, so he wants to confirm it."

"Is that so? It seems that Zhou has misunderstood Fellow Daoist, but we can just let Zhou do this, so I won't bother Fellow Daoist Lu!"

Zhou Chun stared at the man deeply, and as he spoke, he took the ape head in front of him.

The monk named Lu did not stop him.

This made him feel a little relieved, and he immediately cut open his head and took out the demon pill inside.

After taking the demon pill and putting it away, Zhou Chun looked at the monk surnamed Lu with relief and said: "According to the agreement, Zhou will only take the demon pill. The beast's spiritual eyes and body will belong to fellow Taoist Lu, and Zhou will make up for it." Fellow Taoist, a portion of dragon essence and blood."

After saying that, he waved the ape head and a bottle of blue dragon blood essence prepared in advance to the monk surnamed Lu.

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Zhou is indeed a man of faith."

The monk surnamed Lu waved his hand and took the object over. After a brief inspection, he smiled and nodded to Zhou Chun, and then took action to collect the headless ape corpse.

Then he glanced at the six-legged stone elephant that was about to kill him, and immediately raised his hand towards Zhou Chun and said, "Lu is going to help our fellow disciples, so I won't stop chatting with fellow Taoist Zhou and take my leave."

With that said, he hurriedly left here.

Zhou Chun looked at the man's leaving figure and couldn't help but shake his head slightly, and immediately roused himself to face the six-legged stone elephant again.

Of course he knew what the monk surnamed Lu had just planned. If he hadn't taken action in time, once the head of the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] really fell into the opponent's hands, it would be basically impossible for him to get the demon pill back as agreed in advance.

The reason why the other party was so easy to talk to later was because he knew that there was a gap between his own strength and him, and he didn't want to break up with him if he failed to steal the chicken.

Both parties know this kind of thing in their hearts, but they are also worried about each other, and neither of them seems to be at odds with each other.

But after what happened just now, it was natural that there was no possibility for the two of them to cooperate anymore.

The monk named Lu obviously didn't want to help him deal with the troublesome opponent of the six-legged stone elephant.

In fact, Zhou Chun didn't have any methods to deal with the six-legged stone elephant. At least the Golden Winged Tiger's [Space Blade] could break the opponent's defense.

However, with the huge size of the six-legged stone elephant, unless the [Space Blade] happens to hit the opponent's brain center or heart, it will be difficult to cause serious damage like the previous fourth-level high-grade thunder dragon.

And he believed that this six-legged stone elephant must have been warned by the fifth-level demon king, and he would be very careful to guard against the golden-winged tiger's killing move, so he never used it easily.

If the killing move is not used, the opponent will always be on tenterhooks and not dare to use all his strength.

On the other hand, if the ultimate move has no effect after being used, the opponent will relax and attack with all his strength.

So this thing is sometimes a double-edged sword.

After Zhou Chun killed the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape], he gained a lot from this battle, and he didn't want to take too many risks now.

Moreover, the remaining fourth-level demonic beasts have basically been targeted by other golden elixir-level monks. If he rashly intervenes, they may not welcome them, and they may not all be willing to give him the demonic elixir.

He would definitely not do such a thankless thing.

Time passed slowly, and the war raged from day to night, and from night to morning.

In such a high-intensity war, both sides suffered heavy casualties.

Especially those monks below the Zifu stage, many of them were easily hit and trampled to death by monsters after running out of mana!

Of course, there are also many monsters that are exhausted and fall to the ground to be slaughtered.

Even the golden elixir stage monks had replenished their mana several times through elixirs and spiritual crystals during the battle.

Now that the battle has begun, the situation has finally become clear.

The number of fourth-level monsters is now less than thirty, less than one-third of what it was in its heyday.

And the number of Golden Core Stage monks besieging them on the field was as many as sixty or seventy!

Such a multiple difference makes it impossible for them to make a comeback.

At the same time, some golden elixir monks who were injured but still capable of fighting went to sweep away those third-order monster beasts, beating this group of monster beasts to a rout and collapsed!

This kind of top-down collapse is the most fatal.

At this time, unless those fifth-level demon kings defeated all the real people in the Nascent Soul stage, and then bullied the smaller ones regardless of their status, the defeat of the demon beasts would be irreversible!

But that's impossible.

Since the battle between the Golden Horned Dragon King and Venerable Yuanyang, most of the fifth-level high-grade demon kings who had appeared before had withdrawn into Longyuan Ze, leaving only one to take charge of the overall situation.

And since the Golden Horned Dragon King has no intention of provoking a war between the two clans, some tacit agreements between the top-level beings of the two clans must continue to be abided by, otherwise neither party will be able to benefit.

Therefore, seeing that the defeat was irreversible at this moment, those fifth-level demon kings did not let the remaining demon beasts fight to the end, and immediately issued a retreat order.

As soon as the retreat order was given, the remaining fourth-level monsters who were still alive first roared with joy as if they were surviving a disaster, and then used all their methods to escape towards the Qinglian Mountains behind them. They were quickly Most of them ran away!

The remaining slow monsters were surrounded by a group of human monks.

Among them was the six-legged stone elephant that Zhou Chun had been fighting with for a long time!

This six-legged stone elephant is not good at escape techniques, and it is entangled with Zhou Chun, a powerful enemy. It is extremely difficult to escape.

At this moment, the other fourth-level monsters escaped, and it was suddenly surrounded by Zhou Chun and five or six golden elixir stage monks. No matter how strong its defense was, it was still difficult to support it alone.

After stumbling and persisting for less than a quarter of an hour, various magic weapons broke the protective magical power, leaving horrific scars on the body.

This beast may have also realized that it would be difficult to survive today. When it spit out the demon elixir with a long hiss, it tried to be like the previous fourth-level demon beasts who self-destructed the demon elixir. It also took a few people on its back before dying.

With its fourth-level high-grade cultivation, it is not difficult to do so.

But what it didn't expect was that as soon as the demon pill was spit out, it was suddenly hit by a ray of emerald green light, and the connection with it immediately became looming, making it impossible to self-destruct the demon pill.

Zhou Chun and others took the opportunity to attack together and directly blew up its huge elephant head!

With the death of the six-legged stone elephant, the demon elixir also lost its spirituality. It was enveloped by the emerald green glow and fell into the hands of a beautiful middle-aged woman with late-stage cultivation of the golden elixir.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun hesitated for a moment, then bowed his hands to the beautiful middle-aged woman and said, "Mrs. Gu, can you transfer this demon pill to Zhou? Zhou is willing to exchange other treasures with Taoist friends!"

After hearing what he said, the middle-aged beautiful woman looked at him and smiled lightly and said: "Originally, this six-legged stone elephant was held back by fellow Taoist Zhou so that we could kill it. Logically speaking, I should not refuse you. This proposal.”

"It's just that Fellow Daoist Zhou must admit that if I hadn't used my magical power to stop the demon pill it sprayed, it would have exploded by itself!"

"And this Demonic Pill Concubine happens to be of great use, but I'm afraid it won't be as good as Fellow Daoist Zhou wishes!"

After saying that, he put the demon pill into a jade box and put it into a storage bag.

As for the other golden elixir stage monks who had contributed, none of them raised any objections.

All this stems from the extraordinary identity of the middle-aged beautiful woman!

She is the concubine of a certain Daoist in the Yuanying stage, and the magical power that held the demonic pill before was the magical power attached to a special high-grade magic weapon given to her by the Daoist in the Yuanying stage.

With this level of status, as long as she doesn't go too far, other Jindan monks will naturally not offend her for a small gain.

After all, no matter how you calculate it, except for her, Zhou Chun is eligible to get the demon pill, and it has nothing to do with anyone else.

Zhou Chun also knew this very well.

So after seeing the middle-aged beautiful woman put away the demon pill, he didn't really want to offend a real person in the Nascent Soul stage for this thing, so he could only nod his head and said: "Since Mrs. Gu, you chose the demon pill, then this The body of the six-legged stone elephant should be distributed by Zhou and other fellow Taoists."

"I have no objection to this."

The beautiful middle-aged woman smiled lightly and left immediately.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun was not polite to the monks who had just been watching from the wall. He directly separated the two long tusks from the six-legged stone elephant's mouth and the huge heart in its body.

Originally, the most precious materials of the six-legged stone elephant were an elephant skin and two tusks.

But Zhou Chun had taken the ivory, and it was impossible to take away the complete elephant skin, otherwise the others would really have scored nothing.

So he took this heart, which was also rich in earth-attribute spiritual power. This thing was also a good tonic for the golden-armored mountain turtle stone.

At this time, those third-level monsters and low- and intermediate-level monsters also began to flee in all directions.

But those Zifu Stage monks, Qi Practitioners, and Foundation Establishment monks were no longer able to chase and kill these fleeing monsters. They could only watch the remaining tens of thousands of monsters scatter and flee to various places.

What is certain is that even if the entire territory of Jingguo is recovered, the legacy left by this beast wave in Jingguo will last for decades.

In the future, various numbers of monsters may appear in sparsely populated barren mountains and wilderness, and they will no longer be as safe as before.

However, Zhou Chun and other Golden Core monks followed the instructions of the Nascent Soul monks and continued to chase towards the Qinglian Mountains to prevent those fourth-level monsters from destroying the Lingshan blessed land operated by Qinglian Temple before leaving here. .

You must know that some medicinal fields, spiritual ponds and other blessed places inside are things that Qinglian Temple has invested a lot of energy in building in the past. If they are destroyed, it will take an unknown amount of resources and manpower to rebuild them.

Regarding this matter, Zhou Chun is definitely the person who works the hardest.

He directly called the ancestors of the Su family and Lin Hongyu together, and went straight to the main peak of Qinglian Guanshan Gate.

Before they reached their destination, they already saw fires burning there, and fireworks could be seen rising from everywhere in the mountains, accompanied by the sound of earth shaking and mountains shaking.

It was obvious that the escaped fourth-level monsters were really trying to destroy this blessed land in the Lingshan Mountain.

This made Zhou Chun very angry. He hurriedly separated the Thunder Dragon Baibai, Golden Winged Tiger, and Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, and asked them to go to nearby places to put out fires and disasters, so as to prevent those fourth-level monsters from continuing to cause damage.

Fortunately, the fourth-level monsters had been frightened in the previous battle. When they saw Zhou Chun and other Jindan monks chasing after them, these beasts did not dare to fight them face to face anymore, and they all took the initiative to retreat and leave.

According to the final statistics, the overall loss was acceptable to Zhou Chun and was not particularly serious.

After driving away those fourth-level monsters, everyone brought the low- and intermediate-level monks to the Lingshan Mountain. They first temporarily arranged a detachable and movable spiritual purification array to restore their vitality and treat the wounded.

As for the battle between the Nascent Soul stage masters and the fifth-order demon king in the Nine Heavens of Bixiao, it is not something that Zhou Chun and other Golden Core stage monks can get involved in. They just need to wait for the results to come out.

After waiting for nearly a day, the Nascent Soul stage masters and the fifth-order demon kings ended the battle, which finally ended with the retreat of the fifth-order demon kings.

In this battle, except for one or two Nascent Soul stage monks and the fifth-level demon king who suffered some injuries, there was no major damage, and it was far less intense than when the beast tide first broke out.

In fact, this is the normal situation for fighting between monks in the Nascent Soul Stage.

Under normal circumstances, a fight between Nascent Soul stage monks can determine the winner, but it is difficult to distinguish life and death.

Many times, even those who have the upper hand do not dare to push the other party too hard. Most of the time, once the other party retreats, they will just give up.

After all, who can cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage and doesn’t have some unique skills hidden away?

Without absolute strength, forcing the other party to fight with you will not only make you disgraced, but also bring you no benefits.

It is precisely because of this that at the beginning of the beast tide, the Nascent Soul stage monks who came to support Qinglian Temple did not think that this trip would be very dangerous. They did not expect that the demon clan would have such a strong murderous intention towards themselves and others. , and also specially prepared magical treasures to deal with Yuanying's "teleportation"!

But with this precaution in place later, even if another battle breaks out between the Nascent Soul Stage monks and the Demon King, there will be no such thing as the fall of existence.

After repelling those fifth-level demon queens, all the Nascent Soul stage monks quickly entered the stronghold where formations had been arranged to restore mana and recuperate from injuries.

At this time, Zhou Chun suddenly received a spiritual message that surprised him.

When he received the message, he was stunned for a moment, and then he hurriedly left the camp with joyful eyes and hurried towards somewhere in the mountains.

Not long after, Zhou Chun stopped near the "Xuanyin Valley", a famous scenic spot in the Qinglian Mountains.

This "Xuanyin Valley" is a valley with a special structure. Various inexplicable sounds are often heard in the valley, which is also a strange thing in the Qinglian Mountains.

Although Zhou Chun had never been here before, he knew where it was.

At this time, he arrived here alone, and after waiting silently for about two hours, he saw a golden light falling into the valley, revealing the puppet body of Master Tianjing.

"Junior pays homage to Senior Tianjing."

Zhou Chun looked at the Tianjing master who had landed on the ground and bowed down with great respect.

"You don't need to be polite, little friend Zhou. Please wait for me to arrange the arrangements first."

As Master Tianjing spoke, a formation plate flew out of his body and several formation flags were formed. He quickly formed the formation and set up a magic formation here to cover and hide the two figures.

What he did made Zhou Chun even more curious about the other party's intentions.

Master Tianjing was more cautious than he thought. Even though there were formations blocking him and he was a Nascent Soul stage monk, he still chose to use spiritual consciousness.

"Time is running out, so let's open the skylight and speak frankly. If I'm not mistaken, Zhou Xiaoyou is also very excited about this sacred land in the Qinglian Mountains, and he wants to take it for himself!"

As soon as Master Tianjing opened his mouth, he said something that made Zhou Chun's expression change slightly.

However, Zhou Chun probably expected this when he came. At this time, his expression changed slightly, and he cupped his hands towards Tianjing Zhenren and said: "Senior has a keen eye. This junior has indeed had such thoughts, but it is a pity that he knows If you don’t have enough strength, I’m afraid it won’t be possible!”

Hearing this, Master Tianjing commented rudely: "If it were just your Zhou family, even if you already have a strong man like you and multiple fourth-order monsters, you are indeed not qualified to take over the Qinglian Mountain Range! "

As he spoke, he changed the topic and quickly continued: "But if I stand for your Zhou family, then you are qualified to compete on the surface!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun suddenly felt filled with emotion and was speechless for a long time.

Whether it was because someone gave him a pillow when he fell asleep, or whether the two parties coincided with each other, it was impossible to tell for a while.

However, now that Master Tianjing took the initiative to talk to him about this matter, Zhou Chun was not as excited as expected, but was very wary.

He knew very well that in the current state of Master Tianjing, the Qinglian Mountains was no longer a place that he had to occupy.

In other words, there is absolutely no need for the other party to take a trip into this muddy water.

Under such circumstances, the other party took the initiative to approach him and offered to give him and the Zhou family a platform to fight for the ownership of the Qinglian Mountains. How could this not make him wary.

After being silent for a while, Zhou Chuncai looked at him calmly and said, "Senior, you are willing to stand up for the Zhou family. I will naturally be very grateful. I just don't know what I and the Zhou family have to pay?"

Seeing his attitude, Master Tianjing was not angry, but nodded and said: "Very good, it seems you are very awake."

Then he said leisurely: "I am willing to help your Zhou family take control of the Qinglian Mountains. Naturally, it is not without conditions."

"In fact, if it weren't for the strength you showed in this war, Xiaoyou Zhou, and successfully attracted my attention, I would never have had this idea at all!"

Having said this, Master Tianjing paused for a moment, then suddenly looked at Zhou Chun and asked, "I would like to ask, first of all, how confident is Zhou Xiaoyou about turning elixirs into babies in the future?"

Zhou Chun's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and then he shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Senior, you look down upon me! I don't even have the advanced level of Jindan, so how can I dare to think about Gao Luyuan?" The matter of transforming elixirs into babies!”

After hearing his answer, Master Tianjing said calmly: "You have been able to form elixirs for more than a hundred years before breaking through to the middle stage of the golden elixir. Now that you have combat power that exceeds that of late-stage golden elixir monks, the late-stage golden elixir barrier will definitely not be able to stop you. Even with the aid of pills, we can force a breakthrough!"

After speaking, he shook his head and said: "But transforming elixirs and forming babies is different. The spiritual objects that can assist monks in transforming elixirs and forming babies are all rare and rare spiritual objects in the world. With your background, without the support of noble people, , or an opportunity breaks out, it’s basically impossible to get it!”

"What the seniors said is absolutely true. The juniors also know how difficult it is to transform the elixir into a baby, so I really don't dare to have too many extravagant expectations now!"

Zhou Chun nodded repeatedly and replied in a low voice with a sad look on his face.

Master Tianjing did not suspect that he was lying, and immediately nodded and said: "So my conditions are divided into two. One is that you have the ability to do it now, and the other is that you have to wait until you transform into an elixir and form a baby. It’s possible!”

"Please ask senior for advice!"

Zhou Chun's face became solemn, and he immediately looked at Master Tianjing with a solemn expression.

But I saw Master Tianjing saying in a calm tone: "Although the gate of Qinglian Temple was broken before, some people still escaped, and several branches were arranged to cultivate secretly outside. I don't want to see this force continue to cultivate in the future. The fairy world will be passed down!"

The intention revealed by these plain words surprised Zhou Chun.

But if you think about it carefully, if the Zhou family takes control of the Qinglian Mountains, this matter must be done. Otherwise, if Qinglian Guan makes a comeback in the future, it will definitely not let go with the Zhou family.

Therefore, he quickly said: "This junior understands that if this junior and the Zhou family succeed in taking over the Qinglian Mountains, they will naturally eliminate these Qinglian remnants in the future!"

After saying that, he looked at Master Tianjing with an uneasy expression and asked, "But I don't know what the second condition is, senior?"

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