Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 622 The war is over [Please subscribe]

Xuanyin Valley.

When Zhou Chun asked Master Tianjing about his second condition, the other party stared at him and didn't say anything for a long time, as if he was weighing and hesitating in his heart.

This made Zhou Chun even more worried.

Even Nascent Soul stage monks like Master Tianjing must be so cautious about this matter. Even if you think about it, it must be a shocking event!

Can he let himself and the Zhou family fall into such a shocking whirlpool in order to take over the Qinglian Mountains?

Thinking of this, he became a little timid and couldn't help but said: "Senior, if..."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words left his mouth, he was interrupted by Master Tianjing: "Actually, there is nothing that cannot be said!"

I saw his eyes fixed on Zhou Chun and said: "My second condition is actually very simple. It is also very beneficial to your Zhou family. That is, I want you to lead the Zhou family to become a The largest force in Jingguo!"


Zhou Chun looked shocked and couldn't help but look at Tianjing Master with his mouth wide open, almost thinking that he was telling a joke!

High EQ: I hope the Zhou family will become the largest force in Jingguo in the future!

Low EQ: I hope the Zhou family will destroy the Moon Lun Sect in the future!

This is what Master Tianjing calls the second condition!

Zhou Chun never expected that the other party would put forward such a condition!

To be honest, Zhou Chun can completely understand the first condition of Master Tianjing.

After all, Master Qingxiao destroyed his physical body and then captured his Nascent Soul alive, thus cutting off his future upward path. This is an irreconcilable hatred!

So now that Qinglian Temple is in trouble, it is not surprising that Master Tianjing wants to add insult to injury and cause it to perish.

But the second condition is too incredible!

What grudge does the Moon Wheel Sect have against Master Tianjing? Is it worth doing this?

Zhou Chun didn't understand and was shocked!

Then he shook his head and said: "Senior, are you joking with me? How can I and the Zhou family dare to think of such beautiful things!"

He said with some emotion: "Don't talk about whether this junior can successfully turn elixirs into infants in the future, so what if he does? With the foundation of my Zhou family, I can be lucky enough to produce a Nascent Soul stage monk. There is already smoke coming out of the ancestral graves, how dare you think about things like killing gods and annihilating the clan for your family!"

"Furthermore, senior, have you forgotten that several fifth-level demon kings fell together before?"

These words of his were absolutely spoken with passion and represented his true inner thoughts, without any lies!

Although he is very strong now and has many trump cards.

But he knew very well that his trump card might not be too bad compared to other sects, but it was simply not up to par with the Moon Wheel Sect, a long-established hegemonic power of a country!

The Yuelun Sect has several such things as spiritual treasures!

Even if he succeeds in transforming elixirs into infants in the future, he will only be able to barely compete with Yuelun Cult masters in the Yuanying stage in terms of magical weapons.

Even with the amazing foundation that the Moon Lun Sect has revealed before, even if he trains several spiritual pets into fifth-level demon kings in the future, he may not be able to win the Moon Lun Sect's monastery!

Zhou Chun didn't know where Master Tianjing got the courage and confidence to think that he and the Zhou family could try the Porcelain Moon Sect.

But he knew that the Qinglian Mountain Range was definitely not qualified for the Zhou family to create such a powerful enemy for themselves!

Therefore, regardless of what Tianjing Zhenren said, it was impossible to get him to agree to the second condition.

Seeing Zhou Chun reacting so fiercely, Tianjing's face showed no change.

After all, he is now a puppet and his expression cannot change according to his mood.

He raised his hand and said in a low tone: "Little friend Zhou, calm down first and listen to what I have to say."

"You may have misunderstood what I meant just now. The fact that the Zhou family has become the largest force in the Jingguo does not mean that they want to destroy the sect inheritance of the previous overlord. It only needs to actually have the strength to overwhelm other forces!"

"The Moon Wheel Sect's treasure is indeed powerful, but there must be many restrictions on its use. I'm afraid it will be difficult to leave its mountain gate, so it can only be used to guard the mountain gate."

"If you, little friend Zhou, can turn elixirs into infants in the future, and cultivate one or two of your own spiritual pets to advance to the fifth level, then you will have the power to dominate a country!"

"At that time, we only need to unite vertically and horizontally to squeeze the Yuelun Sect's power to only one or two states, and then the Zhou family will naturally replace it and become the largest force in the Jingguo!"

After hearing his words, Zhou Chun indeed calmed down a lot.

But he still said quickly: "Even if, as the senior said, the junior can really transform into a pill and form a baby in the future, there is no need to take such a big risk to fight for such a false reputation!"

Speaking of this, he also sighed from the bottom of his heart: "After all, our Zhou family has a shallow foundation. If the younger generation can one day transform into a pill and form a baby, and can occupy several states, it will be enough to support the family's development for thousands of years. What the senior said This matter must at least be considered by forces like the Yanyang Sect that have inherited several generations of Nascent Soul Stage monks!”

Hearing his sigh, Master Tianjing remained silent for a long time.

In fact, he also agreed with Zhou Chun's words in his heart.

After all, with the strong foundation and heritage of Yuelun Sect, even a great monk in the late Yuan Ying period may not be able to subvert his sect.

It turns out that the Yanyang Sect might still want to compete.

But this time the [World-Destroying Moon Wheel] appeared, killing four fifth-level demon kings in an instant, and injuring a fifth-level high-level demon queen. The Yanyang Sect was probably very frightened, and could only continue to be honest in the future. Become a dick!

But recognition is one thing, and the resentment accumulated in his heart does not prevent him from stumbling upon Yuelun Cult and applying eye drops.

Therefore, after being silent for a while, he spoke again: "You think too simply. With your strength and potential, if you can successfully transform elixirs and form babies in the future, even if you don't want to be an enemy of the Moon Wheel Sect, they will You will be viewed as a threat!"

"Believe it or not, if in the future it is known that your monster spirit pet is going to go through the thunder tribulation of heaven, the Moon Wheel Sect will definitely use various means to destroy it, and even kill the spirit pet in front of you who is still in a weak stage after going through the tribulation. !”

This kind of conspiracy theory is indeed easy to deceive people.

Zhou Chun also fell silent at the moment.

With the current situation of the weak and the strong in the world of immortality, no one dares to say that this kind of thing will not happen.

"Junior is very curious, senior, why do you have so much resentment towards the Moon Lun Religion? It seems that the Moon Lun Religion has never had a bad relationship with you, senior!"

Zhou Chun was silent for a long time, and suddenly his eyes became fixed, and he finally plucked up the courage to ask this question.

He was really a little puzzled as to what was wrong with Master Tianjing and why he insisted on becoming an enemy of the Moon Lun Sect.

What good does this do to it?

But just as he feared, after hearing his question, Tianjing's aura immediately cooled down, and an invisible pressure enveloped him.

This pressure from the Nascent Soul Stage monks made his heart sink, as if a weight was weighing on his heart.

Fortunately, with his own powerful consciousness, this pressure was not enough to make him look embarrassed. He just lowered his head slightly in a polite manner.

"Xiaoyou Zhou, your question is a bit over the line. This is not something you are qualified to ask now!"

Master Tianjing said in a cold and deep voice, his words full of warning.

"Yes, I don't mean to offend my senior, please forgive me."

Zhou Chun replied in a respectful tone, and immediately bowed to Master Tianjing to apologize.

But the next moment he shook his head and said: "It's just that if the senior wants to make the junior and Zhou family enemies of the Yuelun Sect, please forgive me for not agreeing to such conditions!"

After speaking, he looked at Master Tianjing with a sincere face and said: "Although this junior covets the blessed land of Qinglian Mountains, I don't want to put myself and my family in danger because of some foreign things!"

"You have to think carefully. There is no chance of occupying a blessed land like the Qinglian Mountain Range at any time!"

"If you miss this excellent opportunity, even if you succeed in transforming elixirs and forming babies in the future, it will be extremely difficult to plan a piece of Lingshan blessed land of this size for the Zhou family. I don't know how much price and time it will cost!"

Master Tianjing's tone dropped, as if he was dissatisfied with Zhou Chun's ignorance.

But Zhou Chun did not compromise due to his pressure, and still said firmly: "Senior, I know clearly what choice I need to make."

These firm words made Master De Tianjing fall into silence again for a while.

It wasn't until half a quarter of an hour later that he slowly said: "What about the relics left by me after I sit down in the future? If I sit down in the future, this fifth-level puppet body and a top-quality magic weapon will all be lost." I can leave it to your Zhou family, and I can also leave all the inheritance I have learned in my life to you!"

He originally thought that with such conditions, Zhou Chun would be a little tempted.

After all, even if we don't talk about the best magic weapon, his fifth-level puppet body is also a priceless treasure, not much inferior to the spiritual treasure.

But what he didn't expect was that when faced with such a generous offer, Zhou Chun still said without any hesitation: "Senior, please forgive me for not agreeing to this!"

"Stubborn and unclear!"

Master Tianjing snorted coldly, immediately raised his hand and put away the array, then turned and left.

Zhou Chun looked at his retreating light, feeling both happy and disappointed at the same time, and his mood was also very complicated.

Zhou Chun knew in his heart that this might be the closest he was to taking over the Qinglian Mountains.

But he doesn't regret his choice.

After sighing for a while, Zhou Chun also regained his composure and returned to the temporary residence with a calm expression.

After returning to the station, Zhou Chun just pretended that the incident had not happened and did not reveal anything to outsiders.

In the next half month, Zhou Chun and others rested in the Qinglian Mountains, clearing away the high-level monsters that had not escaped from the mountains and Lianzhou.

But just when Zhou Chun felt that after taking a rest, the coalition forces would move south to Yunzhou and regain the last lost ground in one go, the coalition forces stopped attacking.

The reason why the coalition forces stopped attacking is simple. Heavy troops are now gathered in Yunzhou, and there are huge groups of water monsters from Longyuanze in various rivers and lakes. It is very difficult to regain this place.

The key is that the Jiaolong clan seems to have no intention of giving in anymore. There are as many as 100,000 "Dragon Court Soldiers" showing up in Yunzhou alone!

And in addition to the "Cloud Lobster" and "Giant Tide Dragon Crab" that Zhou Chun had seen before, there were also several other special beasts.

Under such circumstances, facing the monster side that had a geographical advantage, the coalition forces temporarily chose to rest and stay put.

Whether to continue the attack or stop here depends on what those Nascent Soul stage masters think.

What Zhou Chun didn't expect was that half a year had passed so quickly.

And until half a year passed, there was still no accurate news.

Until this day, he met Tianjing Zhenren again, who came to see him alone.

"Xiaoyou Zhou, have you ever considered my original conditions these days?"

In Zhou Chun's temporary cave, Master Tianjing suddenly visited him and after he saluted him, he brought up old matters again.

To this, he immediately replied with a firm tone: "Senior, I know it clearly, I don't regret my original choice!"

Such a firm tone and attitude also made Master De Tianjing seem to be choked, and he didn't know how to respond for a while.

He could only quickly change the subject and said: "Then do you know that Yanyang Sect has proposed to introduce a Nascent Soul Stage casual cultivator from other countries to come to the Qinglian Mountains to practice and support him in establishing a sect here!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun couldn't help but his eyes moved, and then he shook his head and said: "I have never heard of this junior."

His tone was very calm, as if it had nothing to do with him.

This made Master Tianjing couldn't help but appreciate his determination and determination.

He immediately continued: "Because it is the Yanyang Sect's proposal, and they have also reported their recommended casual cultivators, the Moon Lun Sect has not yet agreed to this matter, but this also means the ownership of the Qinglian Mountains , I won’t delay it any longer!”

"And I can also tell you news that the coalition forces will withdraw soon, and Yunzhou may not be able to take it back for a long time in the future!"


After hearing what Master Tianjing said, Zhou Chun breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, after seeing that the coalition forces had been resting for more than half a year without continuing to attack, Zhou Chun knew that the war situation had changed and the war would probably not continue.

The words of Master Tianjing just confirmed his guess.

And this also means that the large-scale war will be completely over, and the Zhou family and other surviving forces in the Jingguo can call back their clansmen and rebuild the mountain gate.

He was naturally relieved.

As for the Qinglian Mountain Range, he had given up hope after rejecting Master Tianjing's conditions, and he didn't care much about it now.

At the moment, he just bowed his hands towards him and said: "Thank you, senior, for telling me this news. I will call the clan back to Tuyun Ridge to rebuild the mountain gate later!"

These words not only thanked the other party for sharing the information, but also expressed their own opinions.

But this is obviously not the answer Tianjing Zhenren wants to hear.

I saw him speak again: "The Moon Wheel Sect did not immediately agree to the Yanyang Sect's proposal, which shows that they do not want the Yanyang Sect to take advantage of this matter. If your Zhou family can join forces with me at this time, it will be very big." Maybe because of this, I got the support of the Lunar Sect and successfully entered the Qinglian Mountains!"

Facing his temptation, Zhou Chun also looked at him helplessly and said, "I believe what senior said. It's just the condition of senior. Please forgive me for not agreeing!"

"How about I change my condition? I will help your Zhou family take over the Qinglian Mountains in exchange for helping me with something after you transform into elixirs and form babies in the future!"

Master Tianjing looked directly at Zhou Chun, and suddenly said something that surprised him.

After he was stunned for a moment, he looked at Master Tianjing with vigilance and said, "Senior, can you tell me in detail what happened? If you want me to help you deal with Master Yuanying of Yuelun Sect, please forgive me for not agreeing. !”

Master Tianjing seemed to have expected that he would say this, and immediately said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, it's definitely not this kind of thing. If I ask you to do this kind of thing, you can refuse!"

Hearing this, Zhou Chun was also greatly surprised. He didn't understand why he suddenly became so easy to talk to.

So he couldn't help but boldly said: "Senior, aren't you afraid that junior will agree now but regret it in the future?"

"If you regret it, I will definitely make you regret it!"

Master Tianjing looked at him deeply and replied in a cold tone.

This gave him a chill in his heart, knowing that the other party could say it and do it.

Then he just thought about it for a while, then nodded solemnly and said: "Okay, if that's the case, the junior will agree to the senior's conditions on behalf of the Zhou family!"

This answer made Master Tianjing very satisfied, and he immediately said: "Very good, in that case, in order to avoid long nights and many dreams, you should go and meet the headmaster of Yuelun Sect and mention this matter to him. Let's see first. Let’s see how he reacts!”

"Yes, this junior understands."

Zhou Chun responded, and his mood became agitated.

He never thought that what he thought was impossible would now be possible.

He didn't know what the reason was that caused Master Tianjing to change the conditions.

But this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Zhou family.

He must seize this opportunity and go all out to accomplish this!

Zhou Chun then discussed some related cooperation matters with Master Tianjing, and soon embarked on the road to the Moon Lun Sect's mountain gate alone.

Fortunately, it is now basically certain that the war will not start again, otherwise it would not be that easy for Zhou Chun to leave the station.

And after rushing for half a day, he soon arrived at the gate of Yuelun Sect Mountain.

The writing is a bit confusing. I don’t know why, but I feel like I need to speed up the progress. It will be three million words soon!

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