Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 623 Everything is ready【Please subscribe】

Lunar Religion.

When Zhou Chun arrived at the gate of Yuelun Sect, he was also secretly surprised by what he saw.

That day, more than a dozen fifth-level demon kings besieged the Yuelun Sect's mountain-protecting formation. Although they failed in the end and failed to break through the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate, they still caused great damage to the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate.

First of all, the mountains, rivers and land outside the mountain gate protection formation were shattered, leaving many mottled scars.

For example, some places were burned by flames, and the ground within a radius of dozens of miles was burned into a special crystallization state, forming special crystal pits.

Some places seemed to have been corroded by some kind of venom. There were a lot of pits on the ground. All life nearby was extinct, and there seemed to be remnants of the poison.

There are dozens of such kinds.

After entering the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate, Zhou Chun compared his impressions of coming here in the past and found that many of the peaks inside had traces of repairs. Even some of the medicinal fields and spiritual trees he had seen at the beginning were now gone.

Obviously, the Mountain Gate Mountain Guard Formation was under extreme pressure at that time, which also caused considerable damage to the Lingshan Blessed Land inside the Moon Lun Sect's Mountain Gate.

As for the extent of the Yuelun Sect's losses in that disaster, only Master Baiyue and the two Masters of the Nascent Soul stage know.

In the main hall of the Moon Lun Sect, Zhou Chun soon met the Moon Worshiper.

"My subordinate Zhou Zhengchun has met the real master!"

After seeing Master Baiyue, Zhou Chun treated himself as a subordinate very respectfully and bowed respectfully to him.

No matter what, the Zhou family is still a vassal cultivating family of the Yuelun Sect, so he cannot neglect any etiquette.

But at this time, Master Bai Yue did not dare to neglect him like before.

After hearing this, he quickly smiled at him and waved his hands and said, "You're welcome, fellow Daoist Zhou, you and I are at the same level of cultivation, so there is no need for such courtesy!"

As he spoke, he looked at him with twinkling eyes and sighed again and again: "This time the beasts invaded, I, Daoyou Zhou and the Zhou family sacrificed their family to serve the country and even killed the big demon. I have heard a lot about it. It really made a big difference to me, Jingguo monk." Majestic and admirable!”

After hearing this, Zhou Chundang made an impassioned speech even with righteous words: "The master in charge is too generous. The national crisis is at the forefront. As members of the Jingguo, Zhou and the Zhou family should sacrifice their lives to serve the country and not teach monsters to run rampant. Disrupt my country!"

"Well said! What you said, Fellow Daoist Zhou, is a great kindness! If all of our fellow monks in Jingguo think like this, Fellow Daoist Zhou, there is no need to worry about being unable to expel monsters and conquer the rivers and mountains!"

Master Baiyue couldn't help but applaud, and seemed to appreciate Zhou Chun's desire to serve the country.

But in fact, both of them knew that these were just stage words, and no one would really take them seriously.

The applause of the worshiping master is more of a signal to show that he and the Moon Lun Sect have not turned a blind eye to Zhou Chun's contribution to the beast wave.

At this time, after the scene was finished, Master Baiyue didn't say any more nonsense. He looked at Zhou Chun and asked, "If the news I got is correct, Fellow Daoist Zhou should be stationed in the Qinglian Mountains. I don't know if you are here at this time." What happened to our sect’s mountain sect?”

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun's face suddenly became solemn, and he immediately bowed his hands and said: "Master Master Mingjian, this subordinate came here precisely for the purpose of belonging to the Qinglian Mountains!"

After saying that, he asked softly: "Now that the Qinglian Mountain Range has been recovered, I wonder what the seniors and masters of the Shang Sect think about this blessed land of Lingshan?"

After hearing what he said, Master Wuwanbai Yue deliberately pretended to be stupid and said: "What does Zhou Daoyou mean by this? The Qinglian Mountain Range is the gate of Qinglian Temple. Now that this place has been restored, they will naturally rebuild the gate on their own!" "

Seeing this, Zhou Chun could only shake his head and said: "The master master really knows how to joke! There are only three or two big cats and kittens left in Qinglian Temple. Even the strength of my Zhou family is far inferior, so what's the virtue? How can we occupy a blessed land like the Qinglian Mountain Range again?"

He directly pointed out the details, and Master Baiyue could no longer pretend to be stupid. At that moment, he looked directly at him with bright eyes and said, "Does Fellow Daoist Zhou mean that the Zhou family wants to take over the Qinglian Mountains?"

"Yes, this junior has this intention!"

Zhou Chun took a deep breath, nodded and admitted with a serious face.

Seeing this, Master Baiyue nodded slightly and said: "Fellow Daoist Zhou's strength has been verified by this beast wave. It is indeed rare to encounter an opponent in the Golden Core Stage. The three Golden Core Stage monks of the Zhou family are indeed The only immortal cultivating family in Jingguo for thousands of years!"

Having said this, he quickly shook his head and said, "Even so, if you want to take over the Qinglian Mountains, I'm afraid you're still not qualified!"

"You must know that once you take control of the Qinglian Mountains, you will have the responsibility to protect Lianzhou, Lanzhou, Lingzhou, and even Yunzhou that has not yet been recovered!"

"How can the Zhou family, a mere family with less than a thousand members, shoulder this responsibility?"

At the end, Master Baiyue's tone also became very serious.

Putting aside his views on this matter, the problems he mentioned do exist.

With the current number of Zhou family members, just one Qinglian Mountain Range is not enough to run.

Not to mention guarding the territory of the three states at the same time!

You must know that even if Qinglian Temple declined before, there were still at least two to three hundred disciples left in each state to guard important places such as Fangshi.

But since Zhou Chun wanted to take over the Qinglian Mountains, he naturally considered these issues.

At this time, he immediately replied: "The headmaster knows clearly that if the Zhou family can take control of the Qinglian Mountains, it will naturally open the door to recruit a large number of casual cultivators and small families as guest vassals to guard important places in various states."

"And Lingzhou was originally the power of the Xuanzhu Palace. If my Zhou family takes over the Qinglian Mountains, the Xuanzhu Palace can also return to the mountain gate of Lingzhou's hometown and protect this state on our behalf!"

Speaking of this, he also said with a hint: "And these problems that the Zhou family will face are also problems that other forces will have to face when they take over the Qinglian Mountains. They may not have as many people as my Zhou family does now!"

"There is some truth in what Fellow Daoist Zhou said."

Master Baiyue nodded slightly, agreeing with Zhou Chun's answer.

Then he quickly frowned and said with a pityful look: "It's just that in a blessed land like the Qinglian Mountains, generally speaking, a real person in the Nascent Soul stage is required to be able to overwhelm the surroundings and not attract people's prying eyes. As for the Zhou family, But the shortcomings are too serious!”

But he didn't expect that what Zhou Chun was waiting for was his words.

Dang even looked at him with piercing eyes and said: "What does Master Master mean, as long as our Zhou family can find a Master of Nascent Soul stage to sit in the Qinglian Mountains, can we take over this place?"


Hearing Zhou Chun's words, Master Bai Yue was slightly startled, and then looked at him with a confused expression as he looked up and down.

Are there other Nascent Soul stage monks in the Zhou family as backers?

How come he didn’t know about this!

For a time, various thoughts flashed in Master Baiyue's mind, leaving him silent for a long time in response to Zhou Chun.

After remaining silent like this for almost half a quarter of an hour, Master Bai Yue came back to his senses, looked at Zhou Chun in surprise and asked, "What did fellow Taoist Zhou mean by what you just said? Could it be that there are still hidden Nascent Soul Stage monks in your Zhou family!" "

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately smiled slightly and said: "Master Master Mingjian, although the Zhou family does not have any Nascent Soul monks, it should not be a big problem to invite a Nascent Soul monk to take charge of the Qinglian Mountains!"

His appearance really frightened Master Yue Worshiping. He looked at him with an unusually polite tone and asked, "I wonder where the Nascent Soul stage monk that Fellow Daoist Zhou is going to invite comes from? What is his title?"

"I dare not deceive Master Tianjing. This junior once killed the thief Yu Jinghua wanted by Master Tianjing, so he and Master Tianjing were quite close. At that time, he even had the idea of ​​accepting me as his disciple!"

"So I feel that if I ask him to join us in the Qinglian Mountains, he will be happy to agree to such a thing, which will benefit both parties!"

When Zhou Chun said this, he saw Master Baiyue's expression suddenly become strange.

He didn't know how to describe that expression. In short, he couldn't see much awe for the Nascent Soul monks, and he was not at all as cautious and polite as before.

This made him even more certain about certain aspects of his speculation.

After Master Baiyue stared at him with a strange expression for a while, he said calmly: "Master Tianjing is indeed a good choice. After all, he is also a member of our Jingguo!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and said: "This matter is of great importance, and I cannot make the decision. Fellow Daoist Zhou will stay here for now, and I will give you an answer after I inform the two Supreme Elders!"

"Zhou understands, then I'll leave this matter to the Master."

Zhou Chun bowed respectfully and stepped back first.

And just after he retreated, Master Baiyue quickly went to see Master Yinyue and informed Zhou Chun of his intention.

And after finishing speaking, he also took the initiative to express his own opinion: "Old Ancestor Mingjian, from the perspective of this junior, Zhou Zhengchun may have reached some deal with Tianjing this week, and then the news just came out from the Yanyang Sect. , he hurriedly came to the sect’s mountain gate to handle this matter!”

After listening to his analysis, Master Yinyue also nodded slightly and said: "Master, you are right, this is indeed Tianjing's style of doing things!"

"Then what should our sect do? Tianjing colludes with the Zhou family behind our sect's back. Could it be that he has betrayal intentions?"

Master Bai Yue whispered his worries again.

"The Heavenly Mirror's Forbidden God Card is still in my hands, and it contains 30% of his soul's original power. If he dares to betray our religion, I can kill him in an instant!"

"He shouldn't do such an unwise thing!"

Master Yin Yue shook his head slightly, denying Master Bai Yue's speculation.

Then he narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "But he secretly colluded with the vassal families under our sect, intending to instigate the vassal families of our sect to become independent. I will naturally settle this matter with him later!"

Hearing his words, Master Bai Yue suddenly showed a look of understanding, and then said: "Tai Shang Elder, do you mean that our religion should reject the Zhou family's request?"

"That's not true."

Master Yinyue shook his head and said in an indifferent tone: "Even if this sect cannot directly control blessed places such as the Qinglian Mountains, we cannot take advantage of outsiders at will!"

As he spoke, he sighed with emotion: "And after this beast tide is over, in the next few hundred years, the country of Yasukuni will no longer have to worry about intrusion from foreign enemies. Relatively speaking, the threat to the south is far less than before!"

Having said this, he pondered for a while, then looked at Zhenyue Worshiper and said: "It's not impossible for the Zhou family to take over the Qinglian Mountains. They are just a golden elixir family. How can He De be able to monopolize such a spiritual mountain?" Blessed land!”

"Headmaster, you can tell the head of his family that if you want to take over the Qinglian Mountains, you need to accept the supervision of the disciples of this sect. In the future, you will donate 30% of the output of this place to the sect, and give another 20% to the Yanyang Sect. Otherwise, you will take advantage of it." Stop this delusion!"

After hearing what he said, Master Bai Yue quickly responded respectfully: "Yes, this junior understands what to do."

Then he left Yin Yue Zhenren's cave very quickly.

After not waiting for long, Zhou Chun saw Master Baiyue again in the main hall and learned about Master Yinyue's decision.

To be honest, Zhou Chun was very shocked and angry when he first heard the words of Master Yin Yue relayed by Master Bai Yue.

After all, this means that the Zhou family is working for Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect in vain.

But if you think about it carefully, it will take at least a hundred years for this blessed land of Qinglian Mountains to be fully rebuilt and contribute a lot of resources.

By that time, he should be about to break through to the late stage of Golden Core!

If he delays for some more time and waits for him to successfully transform the elixir into a baby, then naturally he can completely ignore this kind of tribute.

As for if it fails, then it would be a good thing for the Zhou family to pay tribute to ensure peace!

So he quickly showed a happy smile and nodded repeatedly: "This is what it should be. The Zhou family was originally a vassal family of the Shang Zong. To be favored by the Shang Zong and to take over the Qinglian Mountains is to inherit the great favor of the Shang Zong. , we should repay our kindness generously!"

“It’s best if Fellow Daoist Zhou can think like this!”

Master Baiyue nodded slightly, then looked at him and warned: "It's just that although our sect is determined to help Zhou Daoyou and the Zhou family take over the Qinglian Mountains, whether it can succeed or not depends on what the Yanyang Sect says, so Zhou Daoyou It’s best not to publicize this matter first, lest it end badly later!”

"Don't worry, the master, Mr. Zhou understands the importance and will definitely not spread this matter indiscriminately."

Zhou Chun's face turned serious and he agreed with a serious face.

After gaining the support of the Yuelun Sect in this way, Zhou Chun left the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate with excitement and went straight to the Su family's mountain gate.

He would not spread the word randomly, but it was necessary to tell Zhou Mingde about it.

I believe this news will also make the other person happy!

In addition, Zhou Chun also asked Zhou Mingde to find out information about the remaining monks of Qinglian Temple. Once he successfully takes over the Qinglian Mountains, he will fulfill his promise to Master Tianjing and personally eliminate these remnants of Qinglian Temple. .

It is best to take advantage of the current chaotic situation and get it done in one step.

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