Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 624 Twelve Level 4 Demonic Pills [Please subscribe]

Just as Zhou Chun expected, after learning that the Zhou family was expected to take over the Qinglian Mountains, Zhou Mingde was extremely excited and overjoyed.

He didn't have much hope for this, because he knew how difficult it would be to accomplish it!

Unexpectedly, Zhou Chun actually accomplished this!

"God bless my Zhou family, God bless my Zhou family!!"

"It seems that this big beast wave not only did not cause our Zhou family to suffer much loss, but it also became an opportunity for our Zhou family to go further!"

“Isn’t this God’s blessing!”

Zhou Mingde said repeatedly with excitement and joy on his face, laughing non-stop.

When he was forced to abandon Tuyun Ridge and Jiufeng Ridge and retreat north, he was still filled with grief. He was extremely heartbroken that all the hard work that the Zhou family had invested in the two spiritual mountains over the past hundreds of years was ruined.

In addition, many clan members died during the attack by the beast tide, further weakening the family's strength.

This kept him in a low mood and worried about the future development of the Zhou family.

But now that it is known that the Zhou family is expected to take over the Qinglian Mountains, all these sorrows and worries have disappeared.

Compared with the rich and vast Qinglian Mountains, the two spiritual mountain blessings of Tuyunling and Jiufengling are nothing!

As long as the Zhou family can properly manage this sacred land in the Qinglian Mountains, their future prospects are limitless.

"Yes, they all say that you can't trap the wolf if you don't want to give up your children. Now it seems that our previous approach of retreating and abandoning Tuyunling was very correct and useful!"

Zhou Chun also nodded with emotion, but his heart still hadn't calmed down yet.

The Qinglian Mountains, a spiritual mountain blessed land, is indeed too important.

The Zhou family can take over the Qinglian Mountains. Not only will they no longer have to worry about insufficient space in the future, but the cultivation speed of the clan's children can also benefit from the spiritual vein amplification effect, all of which have been greatly improved.

The Qinglian Mountains, which stretch for thousands of miles, will become a pasture for the Zhou family to graze spiritual beasts, fully utilizing the Zhou family's ancestral beast-controlling skills to the fullest!

Even if Zhou Chun transforms into an elixir and gives birth to a baby in the future, it will have some slight bonus effects on such blessed land of Lingshan.

That's why he was so eager to take over the Qinglian Mountain Range before.

"Although this matter is very close and there shouldn't be any big problems, in order to keep it confidential, it's better not to mention it to other clan members yet."

"Moreover, the condition for Master Tianjing's willingness to help is to exterminate the inheritance of Qinglian Temple. Our Zhou family should also pay more attention to the news about the remnants of Qinglian Temple. While there is still chaos everywhere, fish in troubled waters and kill them!"

After Zhou Chun calmed down, he spoke his thoughts in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Zhou Mingde immediately nodded and responded: "Zhengchun, you are right. The sooner this matter is done, the better. I will immediately launch the family intelligence network to find the whereabouts of the remaining members of Qinglian Temple!"

After staying at the Su Family Mountain Gate for half a day, Zhou Chun set off for the Qinglian Mountains.

Although Tianjing Zhenren said that the war would not continue, after all, no formal order had been issued yet. If Zhou Chun left the station for a long time, it would still be easy for him to be criticized.

Especially since the Yanyang Sect still doesn’t know whether they will agree to the Moon Lun Sect’s proposal, Zhou Chun doesn’t want to give them an excuse to object!

After Zhou Chun returned to the Qinglian Mountains, he immediately reported his experience in the Yuelun Sect to Master Tianjing.

After listening to what he said, Master Tianjing nodded with satisfaction and said: "Since the Moon Wheel Sect is willing to express its support, then the matter should be close to ten thousand. Xiaoyou Zhou, you can now consider how to manage Qinglian in the future. It’s about the mountains.”

"I hope so!"

Zhou Chun sighed softly, and then said in a low voice: "The junior has mobilized the family's strength to find the whereabouts of the remnants of the Qinglian Temple. As long as they find their whereabouts and wait for good news from the Moon Lun Sect, the junior will personally take action to complete the investigation. Senior’s promise!”

But what he didn't expect was that Master Tianjing didn't feel any joy after hearing what he said. Instead, he looked at him and said, "Young friend Zhou, you are interested, but there is no need to be anxious about this matter. It is not suitable now." Do this."

"Why is this?"

Zhou Chun was slightly startled and looked at the other party with a puzzled expression.

However, Master Tianjing said in a cold tone: "Old ghost Qingxiao had an agreement with Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect. After his death, the two sects should not attack Qinglian Temple, and they should take care of the two hundred Qinglian Temple. Year!"

"The two factions of the beast tide were also unable to protect themselves this time, so they were unable to keep the Qinglian Temple as promised. As long as the Qinglian Temple comes after them, they will definitely still have to protect one or two."

"But Old Ghost Qingxiao has been dead for many years, and more than half of the two hundred years have passed. When the time comes, there will be no problem for you, Little Friend Zhou, to take action again!"

This was the first time Zhou Chun heard about this, and he was a little surprised for a while.

However, in this way, it can be explained clearly why the Moon Lun Sect failed to truly fulfill its duties as a sect leader when Qinglian Guanming targeted the Zhou family.

After being surprised, he also said happily: "That's it! Fortunately, the senior reminded me, otherwise the junior would have almost made a big mistake!"

"Since I have chosen you and the Zhou family as partners, I will naturally not let anything happen to you."

Master Tianjing replied with a hint, and then ended the conversation with Zhou Chun.

In the following days, Zhou Chun walked around the Qinglian Mountains, exploring the conditions of the spiritual mountains in the mountains. At the same time, he also participated in some exchange meetings between Golden Core monks to exchange some treasures with each other.

After waiting for almost three months, the order to disband the coalition forces was finally officially issued.

As this order was issued, reinforcements from various countries retreated first.

Only the Yuelun Sect and the Yanyang Sect, two local forces in Jingguo, jointly sent hundreds of disciples to form a patrol team to patrol the border with Yunzhou to prevent large-scale herds of animals from crossing the border.

At the same time, the "Dragon Court Soldiers" in Yunzhou also returned to Longyuan Ze along the river. The monster beasts that remained were those that invaded with the beast tide.

However, many fourth-level monsters stayed behind and did not return to the wilderness.

And the fifth-level demon kings have not completely evacuated Yunzhou.

It is obvious that Yunzhou will become a demon territory for a long time to come.

For the Jingguo Immortal Cultivation World, losing Yunzhou not only lost a rich territory, but also lost a deep place.

In the past, Yunzhou was in front, and several states behind were safe places.

Now Yunzhou has become a demon territory, and the demonic beasts in it can spread to several neighboring states at any time.

If another wave of big beasts breaks out from Yunzhou next time, the entire Jingguo may fall within a few days!

Zhou Chun didn't believe that Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect couldn't see this.

But since they knew this, they still failed to regain Yunzhou, which means there must be some unknown inside story.

Therefore, I can only stop thinking about things that I cannot intervene in.

After the war was determined to be over, he went back to the Su family in Jiangzhou and took those clan members back to Tuyun Ridge and Jiufeng Ridge to start the reconstruction work.

Regardless of whether the Zhou family succeeds in taking over the Qinglian Mountains, these two spiritual mountain blessings will not be lost, and they can still invest manpower and material resources in rebuilding them.

Almost all the surviving immortal cultivating families throughout Jingguo returned to their family's hometown immediately and began to rebuild the mountain gate.

However, after this war, in the places that were captured or attacked by the beast tide, all the cultivating families suffered heavy losses, and there were many people who destroyed their families and exterminated their clans.

Many blessed places in Lingshan will have to change their owners in the future!

"Have you calculated the family's losses during this monster wave? How is the situation?"

On Tuyun Ridge, Zhou Chun looked at the tribesmen who were rebuilding various buildings in the mountain, and asked Zhou Mingde in a low tone about the family's losses.

Since the outbreak of the beast tide, he has been busy traveling around to kill monsters, and has not paid much attention to the situation of the clan members in his family.

But the disappearance of some faces still let him know that the Zhou family's loss would not be too small.

Sure enough, after listening to his words, Zhou Mingde sighed softly and said: "The family's loss is not small, it can even be said to be huge!"

"Although we knew about the outbreak of the beast tide several years in advance and made various preparations, the intensity of this beast tide is undoubtedly much stronger than we expected in advance."

"In this war, although no one at the family elder level was killed, Zhengyong and his son were seriously injured, and as many as seven members of the Foundation Establishment period died!"

"As for the fallen family Qi-training monks, including some relatives of the family, there are already close to 300 people!"

"Not to mention the other various property losses, the family's gains this time are completely enough to offset or even far exceed these losses!"

Zhou Chun couldn't help but change his face slightly, and said in a surprised tone: "Is the loss so serious?"

Then he shook his head and said with a wry smile: "It seems that the family will vigorously encourage people to get married and have children in the future!"

Hearing what he said, Zhou Mingde immediately said in a serious tone: "It is very necessary to encourage the tribe to reproduce heirs, because this time the family has suffered greater losses from the ordinary tribesmen!"

"It turns out that the number of mortal members of the family is already hundreds of thousands, but yesterday I learned from the people who went to check the situation that almost all of the underground bunkers where the mortals of the family were hiding were discovered and dug up by monsters, and more than 80% of them were discovered and dug up by monsters. Mortals died in this beast wave!"

"So not only the number of monks in the family needs to be replenished, but the number of mortals also needs to be restored as soon as possible!"

Hearing this, Zhou Chun was speechless for a while.

Indeed, although the number of immortal cultivators who died in the Jingguo Immortal Cultivating World during this invasion by the beast tide was large, it was not the worst.

The worst offenders are those mortals!

Places such as Yunzhou, Lanzhou, and Lianzhou originally had tens of millions of mortals.

But among the beast tide, as long as it is a large mortal settlement, the monster beasts basically treat it as a dining table.

It can be said that only one mortal can survive!

There are no roosters crowing for thousands of miles, and white bones are exposed in the wild. This is the current situation in Lingzhou and other places.

Zhou Chun didn't talk any more about this topic and immediately went to visit Zhou Zhengyong and his son.

Their father and son had encountered a third-level high-grade monster that self-exploded its demon pill in a previous battle. If it hadn't been for the many protective weapons and talismans on its body, they would have almost been buried with it!

But even so, both of them suffered serious internal injuries.

Zhou Chun visited the father and son, and after making sure that their injuries were not serious, he returned to his residence and took stock of his gains.

Zhou Chun obviously gained a huge amount from this big beast wave.

In the beast tide, he killed more than ten fourth-level monsters by himself, and now he had as many as twelve fourth-level monster pills in his hand.

Among these twelve demon pills, there are two fourth-level high-grade demon pills, which come from the golden unicorn and the [blue-eyed golden ape].

There are also four fourth-level mid-grade demon pills, one from the blue dragon, the armadillo monster, the three-legged thunder gull, and another fire attribute demon pill obtained in exchange for the water attribute demon pill.

After Zhou Chun's replacement, these twelve demon pills can be directly refined and consumed by his spiritual pets to improve their cultivation.

Among them, there are three metallic demon pills, two of the fourth-order high-grade pills and one of the fourth-order low-grade pills.

There are two earth-attribute demon pills, one is a fourth-level mid-grade pill and one is a fourth-grade low-grade pill.

There are two wind attribute demon pills, both of which are fourth-level low-grade.

There are two fire attribute demon pills, one is a fourth-level mid-grade and one is a fourth-order low-grade.

There are two thunder attribute demon pills, one is a fourth-level mid-grade and one is a fourth-order low-grade.

A water attribute demon elixir comes from a fourth-level mid-grade blue dragon.

In addition to these fourth-order demon pills, there are now as many as twenty-three third-order demon pills in Zhou Chun's personal storage bag, all accumulated from killing some third-order monsters before.

With the demon elixir, there will naturally be no shortage of demon beast corpses.

Although several of the demon pills in Zhou Chun's hands were obtained by cooperating with others to kill the fourth-order monsters, the corpses of the fourth-order monsters in his hands now have as many as seven, including the golden unicorn. The corpse of this fourth-order high-grade monster beast and the corpse of a fourth-order mid-grade blue dragon.

These monster beast corpses are also valuable spiritual materials.

However, there are too many monsters that have fallen in this beast wave. I am afraid that for a long time in the future, the price of monster materials in Tianling countries will fall, and even radiate to areas like the Great Zhou Kingdom.

Fortunately, compared to those materials of low- and intermediate-level monsters, the materials of fourth-level monsters are easier to preserve for a long time, so Zhou Chun is not in a hurry to take action immediately.

At this time, after counting his gains in the beast tide, Zhou Chun directly fed a fourth-level low-grade demon pill to the four spiritual pets except Mu Mei Mu Sang to reward them for their contribution in this war.

As for Mu Mei Mu Sang, it would be too wasteful to replace the wood attribute demon pill for it alone. Zhou Chun planned to wait for his apprentice Zhou Zhiying to become the master of the secret island in the future before making up for it.

And just as the Zhou family began to rebuild the two spiritual lands of Tuyun Ridge and Jiufeng Ridge, negotiations and discussions were also taking place between the Yuelun Sect and the Yanyang Sect regarding the ownership of the Qinglian Mountains.

In this way, after the Zhou family had almost completed the construction of various damaged buildings and arranged the Pure Spirit Array, good news finally came from the Moon Wheel Sect.

The Yanyang Sect agreed to the Yuelun Sect's proposal to let the Zhou family take over the Qinglian Mountains, but it also put forward new conditions.

That is, the Zhou family must no longer be a vassal of the Moon Lun Sect, but must become an independent third-party force. They must no longer have any subordinate relationship with the Moon Lun Sect, and they must also accept their supervision in the Qinglian Mountains.

At the same time, the Zhou family was also required to assume some of the social responsibilities that Qinglian Temple had previously undertaken, and to release a certain amount of foundation-building pills every ten years to benefit the casual cultivators in the immortal world in several states under Ze Ze's rule.

These two new conditions have both good and bad consequences for the Zhou family.

The good thing is that since the vassal relationship with the Lunar Sect has been officially lifted, there will be fewer constraints on doing some things in the future.

The disadvantage is that it is not easy to use the tiger skin of the Moon Wheel Sect anymore, which will make other big forces afraid.

However, considering that Tianjing Zhenren will also be stationed in the Qinglian Mountains in the future, Zhou Chun believes that this disadvantage is still acceptable.

As for the use of Foundation Establishment Pills to benefit the casual cultivators under Ze's rule, it can only be regarded as a minor issue. For the current Zhou family, this is not a big deal at all.

On the contrary, as the matter of entering the Qinglian Mountains was settled, a very practical problem was placed in front of him.

How should the Zhou family manage this blessed land in Lingshan?

Who should be asked to arrange the mountain-protecting formation?

The former can be planned slowly, but the latter is something that cannot be delayed!

After all, there is no Lingshan Blessed Land guarded by a mountain guarding formation. Even if there are Nascent Soul Stage monks sitting in charge, it cannot be reassuring.

Any low-level monster can enter and cause damage.

So after Zhou Chun learned that he could take over the Qinglian Mountains, he breathed a sigh of relief and had to consider this issue immediately.

"Now there are two options. One is to ask the formation masters from the Yuelun Sect and the Yanyang Sect to help build the mountain protection formation. They will definitely not refuse this, but if they do this, it will be equivalent to the details of our family's mountain protection formation. It’s all known to them!”

"The second option is to ask formation masters from distant countries to build a mountain-protecting formation!"

On Tuyun Ridge, after Zhou Chun thought about it for a while, he told Zhou Mingde his opinion.

After listening to his words, Zhou Mingde just pondered for a moment, then looked at him firmly and said: "The second option is, the mountain protection formation is of great importance. Even if it is easy for the two factions to have opinions, we cannot give it. Let’s dig our own holes!”

Hearing this, Zhou Chun nodded immediately and said: "This junior also prefers the second option. If this is the case, then I will have to go to the Great Zhou Kingdom, where it will be easier to find formation masters capable of setting up forbidden formations! "

"Okay, anyway, the war has subsided now, and there is no need for you to contribute to the reconstruction. I just want to go over there and inform Dao Yi first, and take back all the tribesmen who were arranged earlier!"

After Zhou Mingde said this, he continued: "And if you, Zhengchun, go to the Great Zhou Kingdom, you can just buy some more elixirs to improve the cultivation of monks during the Qi training period. If we want to quickly complete the attack on the Qinglian Mountains For the construction, we must recruit a large number of casual cultivators to help, these things are the most attractive hard currency!"

"Junior understands, then I will go to see Senior Tianjing first, and then go directly to the Great Zhou Kingdom."

Zhou Chun said and immediately set off for the Qinglian Mountains.

This wave of cooling is really fierce! But after watching today’s game, my heart became even colder!

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