Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 625 Gongsun Family【Please subscribe】

Is Master Tianjing really controlled by the Yuelun Cult?

On the way to the Great Zhou Kingdom after leaving the Qinglian Mountains, Zhou Chun was thinking back on his previous meeting and conversation with Master Tianjing.

When he saw Master Tianjing again, he could clearly feel that something was wrong with the other person's condition, as if his vitality had been greatly damaged again.

Considering that the war just stopped not long ago, it is unlikely that Master Tianjing's situation was caused by fighting with others.

Then combining the second condition he proposed to himself and some of the speculations he had made before, it is not difficult for Zhou Chun to know what happened to him.

Zhou Chun was also secretly shocked by this.

After all, the real person in the Nascent Soul stage is already the top existence in this world. Although he still cannot live forever, he can already live freely in the world.

Basically, as long as a real person in the Nascent Soul Stage does not offend the Reverend Transformation God, or those great monks in the late Nascent Soul Stage, he will be treated as a distinguished guest wherever he goes.

But Master Tianjing is now very likely to have his own life and death controlled by others!

How could this not shock Zhou Chun who knew this.

And he also knew in his heart that the fundamental reason why Master Tianjing fell to the ground was that he had his body chopped off by Master Qingxiao and captured Nascent Soul alive.

No wonder Master Tianjing must destroy the Taoist inheritance of Qinglian Temple after the death of Master Qingxiao.

If it were him Zhou Chun changing places, he would definitely do the same thing.

In this way, he seemed to be able to understand why the Moon Lun Sect was so ready to agree to the Zhou family's entry into the Qinglian Mountains.

Anyway, with the thug Tianjing Zhenren sitting in the Qinglian Mountains, the Zhou family can't get out of their hands no matter what. To put it bluntly, they benefit the most.

I just don’t know whether the Yuelun Sect knows that Master Tianjing once wanted to bet on the Zhou family to replace them!

After rushing all the way, it didn't take long for Zhou Chun to arrive at Tianyuan Immortal City.

After entering the city, he went to Zhou Daoyi's cave as usual to visit his elders and apprentices.

Since the beast tide did not last long, Zhou Chun and the others had not seen each other for only two years.

But after seeing him, both Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Zhiying were very excited.

You must know that the death of several Nascent Soul monks and fifth-level demon kings in Jingguo has spread even to the Great Zhou Kingdom, causing quite a shock in the circle of high-level monks.

After all, it is difficult for an existence of this level to fall easily, let alone seven or eight people who fell in a short period of time!

After hearing the news at that time, Zhou Daoyi was horrified and extremely worried about the safety of Zhou Chun and the Zhou family.

Just because he was in the Great Zhou Kingdom, it was really far away from Jingguo, and during the war, there were no monks who could leave Jingguo and spread the news to the outside world. As a result, he wanted to find out the relevant information, but there was nothing he could do.

I could only pray silently in my heart that nothing would happen to Zhou Chun and the Zhou family.

Before Zhou Chun came over, the happiest thing for them was hearing the news that the war was over.

At that time, Zhou Daoyi wanted to go back immediately to see the situation.

However, considering that the war had just ended and the situation was unclear, he still resisted the urge and suppressed Zhou Zhiying who wanted to go back.

Now seeing Zhou Chun appear in front of him intact, Zhou Daoyi finally let go of the heart that he had been unable to let go of.

And when he learned about the general course of the war from Zhou Chun, and learned about the family's losses, he was very optimistic and said: "It's okay, as long as nothing happens to you Zhengchun and the core family leaders, the family will not be affected." No matter what happens, it only takes a few decades for the family to regain its strength!"

Hearing what he said, Zhou Chun immediately said: "I'm just recovering my strength, but I'm sorry for the sacrifices of those clan members. Only by letting the family go further can we prevent their sacrifices from being in vain!"

After saying that, he also shared the good news with Zhou Daoyi that the Zhou family had successfully taken over the Qinglian Mountains.

As expected, Zhou Daoyi was so excited after hearing the good news that he couldn't help but stand up and clap his hands on the spot.

"Okay, okay, this is great! It's so joyful!"

Zhou Daoyi kept cheering, he was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

Zhou Chun never told him about plotting against the Qinglian Mountains, and he never dared to think of such a beautiful thing.

Therefore, after suddenly hearing about this happy event, the surprise and excitement inside were far greater than the reactions of Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde when they first heard about it.

I saw that he finally calmed down a little after being excited for a while.

Then he looked at Zhou Chun with emotion and said, "It's unbelievable! I think back to how embarrassed our Zhou family was when we moved all the way to Jingguo! At that time, in order to have a spiritual mountain to serve as the family's mountain gate, we even took risks with the local people. The forces engaged in a life-and-death battle, and it took a lot of effort to take over Jiufeng Ridge and lay down a foundation!"

“Who could have thought of it at that time, who could have thought of it!”

"Just over three hundred years have passed. Our Zhou family has not only produced three golden elixir-level monks in succession, but we have also taken over the Qinglian Mountains, a blessed land that only the Nascent Soul Sect is entitled to enjoy!"

Having said this, he shook his head excitedly and said: "I can't believe it, I really can't believe this is true!"

"If the ancestors of my Zhou family are really alive in heaven, they must be cheering for the achievements of us descendants at this time!"

After finishing speaking, his face was also full of smile.

What is Guangzong Yaozu?

The current achievements of the Zhou family are the true glory of their ancestors!

Not only the number of Golden Core monks, but also the number of fourth-order monsters cultivated far exceeds any previous era in our ancestors.

Even in terms of the number of people in the family and the level of Shanmen Lingdi, it far exceeds that of the ancestors, and it can even be said to be far beyond it!

The ancestors of the Zhou family couldn't even fully possess a spiritual vein like Sanxian Mountain.

But now the Zhou family has taken over the Qinglian Mountains, a top spiritual mountain blessed land that only the Nascent Soul Sect is eligible to take over!

It's just like what Zhou Daoyi said. If the ancestors of the Zhou family were alive in heaven and knew about this, they would definitely cheer for the achievements of future generations.

"It is certainly a once-in-a-lifetime good thing to be able to take over the blessed land of the Qinglian Mountains, but it is not easy to manage such a blessed land of the spiritual mountain!"

"Nowadays, the family is not only short of personnel, but also does not have a suitable set of forbidden formations that can be deployed in the Qinglian Mountains."

"That's why I came here in a hurry. In addition to wanting to assure you and Ying'er that you and Ying'er are safe, I also came here to find a reliable formation master."

Zhou Chun looked at Zhou Daoyi with a smile on his face and whispered his intention of coming to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

After listening to his words, the smile on Zhou Daoyi's face suddenly subsided, showing a solemn expression.

He immediately nodded and said, "Masachun, you are right. These problems are indeed urgent for the family to solve."

He frowned again, and then said: "There are a few formation mages in Tianyuan Immortal City who can arrange forbidden formations for hire, but if we want to ask them to take action, let's not say what kind of reward they need to pay, just whether they can It is unknown whether they are willing to go to Jingguo, and it is also unknown whether their level can deploy such a forbidden formation that affects hundreds of miles of area!"

After Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately replied: "We will not consider a forbidden formation of the same level as the original Qinglian Mountain Guarding Formation. Not to mention whether the family's current financial resources can afford it, we can just arrange it. It’s not a good thing either.”

"Now I just want to be able to set up a forbidden formation that is better than the [Nine Palaces Yellow Dragon Formation]!"

Hearing his answer, Zhou Daoyi immediately frowned and couldn't help but nodded and said: "If that's the case, those few people should be able to meet the requirements, but do you need me to contact them?"

"That's no need. It's not convenient for you to reveal your true identity now. I can just ask fellow Taoist Luo to contact them."

Zhou Chun shook his head slightly and expressed his plan.

When Zhou Daoyi heard this, he didn't say anything more and nodded as acquiescence.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun thought about it, but still didn't want the family elder to be too disappointed, so he spoke again: "By the way, before I left, the elder Taishang specifically told me to purchase more Jingqi training period. The elixirs for cultivating the monk's magic power are returned to attract casual cultivators to serve the family, so I'll leave it to you, uncle, to do this."

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, Zhou Daoyi immediately became energetic and immediately responded: "No problem, this matter will be taken care of by me. I will definitely finish it before you leave!"

After talking about the business like this, Zhou Chun also had some exchanges with his apprentice Zhou Zhiying, asking about her life in Tianyuan Fairy City in the past few years.

Because she was worried about what kind of accident she would encounter when she went out, she had been practicing in Tianyuan Fairy City in the past few years.

Perhaps it was because the Zhou family had already been accustomed to this kind of life, but she did not feel any discomfort. On the contrary, the various rare and precious spiritual objects from all over the world in Tianyuan Fairy City opened her eyes and she often went to shops in various places in the city. Wander around and learn about the special products and customs of the world of immortality in various places.

According to her own words, when she successfully forms the elixir in the future and has enough power to protect herself, she will definitely travel all over the world to meet the charming people in the world of immortality.

Zhou Chun was naturally very supportive and encouraging of her ambition.

After understanding the situation of his disciple, Zhou Chun also looked at this proud disciple and said: "This time, I have obtained a lot of third-level demon elixirs. When I go to visit Fellow Daoist Luo, I will ask her to refine some refined magic power." I’ll give you the elixir for cultivation. When the time comes, you can slowly take the elixir and improve your cultivation according to the situation. Just don’t be too eager for quick success.”

Hearing his words, Zhou Zhiying suddenly became happy and quickly bowed and thanked him: "Thank you so much, Master. I will definitely practice hard and live up to Master's high expectations!"

After speaking, he raised his head again, looked at Zhou Chun eagerly and said, "Master, can you give me a third-level demon pill with wind attribute? I want Xiaoyu to advance to the third level quickly and catch up with my disciple's cultivation level as soon as possible." !”

The "Xiaoyu" she was talking about was the high-level monster "Tianfeng Thunder Eagle" that Zhou Daoyi bought as a gift to her. Now it has grown to a second-level high-grade monster.

With the talent of "Tianfeng Thunder Eagle", there is almost no problem in advancing to the third level. It just requires a few years of step-by-step accumulation of strength.

But she obviously didn't want to delay it for so long, and wanted to use the demon pill to help her spiritual pet save that time directly.

To be honest, if it was before the beast tide, even if Zhou Chun loved her very much, he would not let her waste spiritual objects like this.

After all, she won't have any fights with others before forming the elixir, so it doesn't matter if her spiritual pet grows a few steps slower.

However, now that he has enough demon pills in his hand, and it was his disciple who requested it, Zhou Chun hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, since you have been obedient all these years, I will satisfy you as a teacher." ask."

After saying that, he took out a third-level low-grade wind attribute demon elixir from the storage bag and gave it to her.

Then he left Zhou Daoyi's cave amidst the gratitude of his apprentice.

Soon after, Zhou Chun's figure appeared in "Qingni Residence".

"It's great to congratulate you. Now that Fellow Daoist Zhou is free to come to the Great Zhou Kingdom, it seems that the beast tide in Jingguo should be over."

In the cave, after Luo Qingni welcomed Zhou Chun in, she sincerely smiled at him, glad that nothing happened to him among the beasts.

"Yes, the beast tide is finally over!"

Zhou Chun sighed with emotion, and took the opportunity to express his gratitude to the other party, thanking him for his hard work in refining a large number of healing and recovery elixirs for the Zhou family.

After chatting like this, Zhou Chun was not in a hurry to talk about hiring a formation mage. Instead, he looked at Luo Qingni and said: "During this beast wave, Zhou killed many fourth-level monsters. Now in his hand, I have accumulated a lot of fourth-level demon elixirs, including many high-grade fourth-level demon elixirs. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Luo has the kind of elixir in his hands that can use demon elixirs as medicine to improve Zhou's magical power?"

"Oh, do you even have a fourth-level high-grade demon elixir? It seems that Zhou Daoyou's strength is much stronger than Qing Ni imagined!"

Luo Qingni was slightly startled and looked at Zhou Chun with a surprised look on her face, her beautiful eyes shining brightly.

She only knew that Zhou Chun was very powerful and could not be measured by ordinary golden elixir stage monks, but she did not expect that Zhou Chun was so strong that he could even obtain demon elixirs from fourth-level high-grade demonic beasts!

Facing her exclamation, Zhou Chun waved his hand modestly and said, "It's just good luck that I joined forces with other fellow Taoists to kill two fourth-order high-grade monsters."

But Luo Qingni had known him for many years and had a deep understanding of his character, so she naturally didn't believe his rhetoric.

At that moment, he couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled and said: "Gee, Fellow Daoist Zhou doesn't need to explain, Qing Ni won't get to the bottom of it."

After he stopped laughing, he said with a serious face: "Qing Ni doesn't have the elixir recipe you want, Brother Zhou. However, Qing Ni has recently made acquaintance with a quite accomplished alchemy master and is sure that he can refine it." If you are willing to provide this kind of elixir with a demon elixir, it shouldn’t be a big problem to occupy half of the share after the elixir is completed!”

"Only half the share..."

Zhou Chun frowned slightly, showing a thoughtful expression.

Seeing this, Luo Qingni comforted him softly and said: "Half share is quite a lot. Although the auxiliary elixir required to refine the elixir using the demon elixir is not as rare and hard to find as the [Jade Dew Jinxia elixir], it still requires several Only a thousand-year-old treasure medicine is enough, plus the cost of the alchemy master himself, this is already a very reasonable distribution method!"

Hearing this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but nodded with a wry smile and said: "Friend Luo, you understand what you mean. It's just that Zhou really has a greater demand for this kind of elixir for improving mana cultivation. Why don't you see if you can get along with that alchemy master?" Let’s discuss whether it is feasible for Zhou to exchange some rare spiritual materials or even magic weapons!”

Hearing what he said, Luo Qingni couldn't help but frown slightly, lowered his head and thought for a moment before looking at him again and said: "The alchemy master himself has already reached the late stage of golden elixir cultivation. Whether it is a magic weapon or a magic weapon and spiritual material, I'm afraid it will be useless." It’s hard to catch his eye, if Fellow Daoist Zhou really wants to get all the elixirs, I’m afraid he’ll have to do whatever he wants!”

"Following his own interests? I wonder what the alchemy master's hobbies are?"

Zhou Chun was stunned for a moment, and then followed her words with a confused look on his face.

Upon hearing this, Luo Qingni immediately said slowly: "Being able to become a master of alchemy, in addition to the talent of alchemy, is also inseparable from his obsession with this Tao. If you want to follow him, in addition to those rare elixirs in the world, you can This is a rare elixir that he has never mastered before!"

"What Fellow Daoist Luo means is..."

Zhou Chun narrowed his eyes and seemed to understand what Luo Qingni meant.

Facing his gaze, Luo Qingni immediately nodded lightly and said: "Yes, if Fellow Daoist Zhou is willing to give up the elixir recipe of [Yulu Jinxia Dan] in exchange, the alchemy master will definitely not hesitate to refine the elixir for Fellow Daoist Zhou, and Don’t charge a penny!”

"But if this happens, wouldn't it mean that Fellow Daoist Luo will compete with that alchemy master in the future?"

Zhou Chun frowned and looked at her worriedly.

"Competition is out of the question. After all, it is not easy to collect the materials required for such elixirs. The alchemy master himself is from a sect and cannot easily make elixirs for ordinary monks!"

Luo Qingni shook her head and replied calmly.

Zhou Chun knew that things were not as simple as she said.

After all, the profession of alchemist becomes more and more complicated as you go up. In many cases, because the opportunities to refine high-level elixirs are limited, alchemists rely on their own unique secret recipes to ensure that they have the opportunity to refine high-level elixirs and continue to improve. Alchemy skills.

If Luo Qingni was the only one who mastered the recipe for [Yulu Jinxia Dan], she would only need to spread the word, and people in need would naturally come to her with the materials to make the elixir.

But if another alchemy master with better skills than her also masters this kind of elixir, then she will definitely lose many potential customers.

This shows how much sacrifice she made when she gave this advice.

Zhou Chun also hesitated for a while, then nodded towards her with a grateful expression and said, "Zhou appreciates this favor from fellow Daoist Luo. When the time comes, he will be rewarded generously!"

"Fellow Daoist Zhou is serious. Originally, this recipe belonged to you, but Qing Ni still took advantage of you!"

Luo Qingni shook her head and did not accept the favor.

But Zhou Chun has already recorded this favor in his heart, and is determined to wait until his apprentice Zhou Zhiying inherits the inheritance from the owner of the secret island, and then he will show her all the alchemy inheritance left by the owner of the secret island, and provide her with the elixirs to make elixirs. .

This can be regarded as repaying her for providing the key to the secret island!

After talking about his own alchemy situation, Zhou Chun also took advantage of the situation to talk about refining elixirs such as [Yulu Jinxia Dan], [Zengyuan Dan], and [Longling Dan].

He could not use these elixirs himself, but his apprentices and Taoist companions' relatives could use them. Since he decided to exchange the elixir recipe of [Yulu Jinxia Dan], it was best to collect a batch of materials before the exchange.

Fortunately, Luo Qingni had previously contacted the forces that owned the [Qionghua Jade Dew] elixir for him. At this time, when he was willing to take out a low-grade magic weapon in exchange, it was not easy to exchange for this last unknown master elixir. It's difficult, but it can also bring him hundreds of thousands of spiritual coins.

After finalizing the alchemy matters, Zhou Chun mentioned that he wanted to invite the formation master to help arrange the formation.

After not wanting to listen to his request, Luo Qingni said: "If we are setting up a mountain-protecting formation, these formation mages in Tianyuan Immortal City may not be the best choice. They are better at the art of breaking formations and refining. Make all kinds of formation equipment!"

"Is there still such a thing?"

Zhou Chun was slightly surprised, but he didn't expect this.

At that moment, he couldn't help looking at Luo Qingni with a worried look on his face and asked, "Does Fellow Daoist Luo have any other suitable candidates to recommend?"

"Qing Ni does know that there is a family that inherits the art of formation. His ancestor once had a formation master who helped a certain sect set up a mountain-protecting formation. It should be able to meet your needs, fellow Taoist Zhou."

Luo Qingni nodded slightly and quickly told the information he knew.

But she only provided a piece of information and could not help Zhou Chun become the middleman because she had no friendship with the formation family.

After listening to the information she provided, Zhou Chun had no choice but to give it a try and rushed to the mountain gate of the array family.

This Array Dao family's surname is Gongsun. Although it is also a Jindan family, it is quite low-key in the Great Zhou Kingdom, and the number of its clan members does not seem to be large.

The Gongsun family passed down their formation skills from generation to generation, and there were formation masters in the family from generation to generation. Even many sects could not compare with their attainments in formations.

Therefore, even some sects would sometimes ask the formation masters of the Gongsun family to help arrange or repair formations.

After all, some sects with weak foundations cannot guarantee that there will be formation masters in every generation.

Following Luo Qingni's instructions, Zhou Chun found the Gongsun family's mountain gate easily and handed over a greeting card.

Not long after this, a white-haired old man with middle-stage Jindan cultivation flew out from the mountain gate of Gongsun's house, bowed his hands to Zhou Chun and said: "I, Gongsun Xuanlu, what do you call me? Come to me, Gongsun. What's important at home?"

"Zhengchun will meet fellow Taoist Gongsun next week."

Zhou Chun immediately returned the gift with his hand, and then looked at the white-haired old man with a sincere face and said, "Fellow Daoist Gongsun, please forgive me. The reason for Zhou's presumptuous visit to disturb us is because several forbidden formations need to be arranged to rebuild the family's mountain gate, but he suffers from I couldn’t find a suitable formation master, so I learned through someone’s advice that the Gongsun family passed down the formation method, and there are endless formation masters, so I came here to ask for help!”

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