Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 626: There is a bright future in the dark [Please subscribe]

The conversation with Gongsun Xuanlu was not very smooth.

Because although the Gongsun family can help people set up mountain protection formations, they usually need to have a trustworthy person to vouch for it.

Moreover, Jingguo, where the Zhou family is located, is too far away, and the Gongsun family is also worried that something will happen to the past formation masters.

After all, just like Zhou Chun was worried that the formation masters setting up the formation would deliberately leave some loopholes to target the Zhou family in the future.

Those formation masters who were invited to help set up the formation were also worried that in order to keep the secret secret, the masters would kill them after the event was completed!

Just like after those mortal emperors built tombs, in order to prevent the mechanisms inside the tomb from being known to others, they would often kill the craftsmen who knew about it!

After all, the Gongsun family is just a golden elixir family. If something like this really happened, they would most likely not have the ability to travel across multiple countries to avenge the murdered clan members.

This kind of thing has not happened before.

So even if this business can make a lot of money, they don't want to lose money!

No matter what Zhou Chun said, even if he swore an oath, Gongsun Xuanlu would not let go.

After trying so hard to persuade the other party, Zhou Chun became a little angry and couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Gongsun, Zhou sincerely wants to ask the formation master of your family for help, and is willing to pay a generous reward. It’s disappointing that my friend is so unkind!”

Faced with his words, Gongsun Xuanlu just shook his head slightly and said, "Fellow Taoist Zhou misunderstood. It's not that I am unkind, but that I am responsible for the safety of my clan. Since Taoist friend is also a monk in the family, , you should understand my concerns."

"Forget it, since you, fellow Daoist Gongsun, are so incompetent, Zhou has nothing to say and can only hire someone else!"

Zhou Chun looked at the other party deeply, stood up and left without wasting any more time.

But just when Zhou Chun was about to leave the gate of the Gongsun family, a shout suddenly came from behind him.

"Senior, please be patient, junior Gongsun Yuanji is willing to help senior set up the formation!"


Zhou Chun's expression changed, he immediately stopped and turned around to look behind him.

I saw a thin middle-aged man with middle-level Zifu cultivation, walking quickly towards him.

But just when he was about to listen to what this thin middle-aged man had to say, Gongsun Xuanlu's angry shout rang out: "Gongsun Yuanji, get back to your residence!"

Before the shouts ended, a ray of green rays of light swept towards Gongsun Yuanji, seeming to take him away.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun's eyes suddenly flashed with strange color, and he directly raised his hand and shot out a golden light to defeat the green glow.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, what do you mean by this? Could it be that you want to make an enemy of my Gongsun family here!"

Gongsun Xuanlu's figure quickly appeared outside, looking at Zhou Chun with a look of shock and anger, and sternly questioned him.

At the same time, the Gongsun family's mountain-protecting formation suddenly woke up like a sleeping giant, emitting an aura that made Zhou Chun feel palpitated.

As a formation family that has had formation masters in the past, the Gongsun family's mountain-protecting formation is naturally first-class and powerful.

Even though it is not as good as the mountain-protecting formations of those great sects due to the level of spiritual veins, it is still not a big problem to withstand the attack of one or two Nascent Soul Stage monks.

This was also the reason why Gongsun Xuanlu dared to let Zhou Chun enter his mountain gate without fear of offending Zhou Chun.

But now that Zhou Chun had taken action, he naturally couldn't retreat at this time.

What's more, he didn't believe that Gongsun Xuanlu really dared to mobilize the power of the mountain gate formation to suppress him.

To take a step back, even if Gongsun Xuanlu really did this, with his methods, if he really wanted to fight with his hands and feet, he would not have the ability to lose both sides.

So at this time, he smiled lightly and said without fear: "Friend Gongsun said something serious. Zhou has no enmity with the Gongsun family. Naturally, he does not want to be an enemy of the Gongsun family. But since this little friend is willing to help Zhou solve his difficulties, But Zhou cannot let fellow Taoist Gongsun hurt him!"

Seeing his confident appearance, Gongsun Xuanlu suppressed his anger and couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Young Daoist Zhou, I'm afraid you were deceived by him. Gongsun Yuanji's attainments in formations are ordinary, not to mention the forbidden master." Even if the formation is already in place, even the more advanced ordinary formations are incapable of being arranged!"

"Is that so? What do you think, little friend?"

As Zhou Chun spoke, he couldn't help but look at the middle-aged man named Gongsun Yuanji.

Facing his gaze, the middle-aged man did not look at Gongsun Xuanlu's gloomy face. He just replied with a serious look and respect: "Senior, don't worry. Although this junior's own formation attainments are average, he can still help his seniors." Recommend a fellow Taoist who has profound attainments in formations and is not inferior to the supreme elders of our clan!"

After hearing what he said, Zhou Chun knew that there must be something else going on, but he still nodded with a smile and said: "That's good! Zhou only wants a formation master with profound knowledge of formations to take action. Help us, and you will be rewarded generously when things are done!"

After saying that, he looked at Gongsun Xuanlu with a smile but not a smile and said: "Since fellow Taoist Gongsun is unwilling to help, Zhou will not force him, but please don't ruin Zhou's opportunity, otherwise don't blame Zhou for being unethical. !”

In turn, he threatened the other party!

Seeing him like this, Gongsun Xuanlu was shocked and angry. He looked at him with a shocked and angry face, his face changing constantly.

Gongsun Xuanlu was not sure whether Zhou Chun was really confident or a bluff.

But he knew very well that once he really chose to take action and failed to take down Zhou Chun, he would provoke a very terrifying and powerful enemy for the Gongsun family.

Therefore, he did not respond to Zhou Chun's words for a long time.

At this time, Gongsun Yuanji looked at Gongsun Xuanlu and said, "Sir, have you forgotten the ancestral precepts of the Gongsun family?"

Hearing what he said, Gongsun Xuanlu couldn't help but change his expression. He immediately looked at him and shouted angrily: "How dare you mention the family's ancestral teachings, you evildoer! How could there be such an unfilial person like you in our Gongsun family!"

Before the shouts ended, he waved his sleeves and said, "In that case, get out of the Gongsun family. There will never be anyone like you in the Gongsun family in the future!"

After saying that, he opened an exit above the mountain guarding formation.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun knew that this person had borrowed the donkey to find a way down the stairs, so after a chuckle, he said to Gongsun Yuanji, whose face turned extremely pale: "Little friend Gongsun, let's go out first and talk about it." !”

"Yes, senior."

Gongsun Yuanji opened his mouth, then reluctantly looked at the place where he had lived for most of his life, gritted his teeth, and immediately left through that exit.

Zhou Chun also followed closely behind him to protect him, and left the mountain gate of the Gongsun family with him.

In this way, after the two of them left the Gongsun Family Mountain Gate, Zhou Chun took Gongsun Yuanji and stopped on a barren mountain a hundred miles away from the Gongsun Family Mountain Gate.

"Little friend Gongsun, can you tell me the inside story now?"

On the barren mountain, Zhou Chun looked at Gongsun Yuanji, who still looked a little pale in front of him, and asked for details in a calm tone.

Hearing his words, Gongsun Yuanji immediately saluted him and said: "Senior Mingjian, the formation master that I want to recommend to you is my sister Gongsun Yuanzhi. She has shown outstanding performance since she was a child. He has extraordinary formation talent and has become a formation master before he is even a hundred years old. In terms of formation talent, he can be said to be the best in the Gongsun family today!"

Zhou Chun heard this and immediately said: "If your sister really has the outstanding talent for formations as you said, she should be the one who is cultivated by the Gongsun family. Why does it seem like she is not in the Gongsun family from what you said?"

"Hey! This is why the junior went to the senior desperately!"

Gongsun Yuanji sighed and immediately told the whole story.

It turned out that her younger sister was indeed gifted. The entire Gongsun family had high hopes for her, hoping that she would be able to reach the level of a Formation Dao Grandmaster when she was still in the Golden Core stage, just like the ancestor of the Gongsun family.

But just a few decades ago, his sister was privately invited to explore an ancient cave. Unfortunately, she was plotted against her and suffered serious injuries that were difficult to heal. She almost lost the possibility of forming an elixir!

And what is most unacceptable to the Gongsun family is that his sister also lost a formation treasure left by the ancestors of the Gongsun family!

That array treasure was the product of a lifetime of hard work by the ancestors of the Gongsun family. In order to protect this object, the Gongsun family had previously strictly prohibited the clan members from taking this object out of the family gate.

But Gongsun Yuanzhi violated this clan rule and secretly took the object away from the family gate and lost it!

Such behavior is tantamount to betraying the family!

Therefore, after it was determined that Gongsun Yuanzhi was basically unlikely to succeed in forming elixirs, Gongsun Xuanlu was completely disappointed with this descendant who he once loved very much. He directly expelled him from the Gongsun family and did not allow any members of the Gongsun family to interact with him again. There is a dispute.

It's just that others can ignore Gongsun Yuanzhi's life or death, but Gongsun Yuanji, as her biological brother, cannot.

So over the years, Gongsun Yuanji has been trying every means to seek medical treatment for his sister, hoping to cure her internal injuries.

Over the years, Gongsun Yuanji's savings have been exhausted, and he still owes many debts to fellow monks.

But Gongsun Yuanzhi's injury still has no chance of healing!

This time Zhou Chun came to visit and asked the Gongsun family to help arrange the formation, but Gongsun Xuanlu refused.

Therefore, Gongsun Yuanji also saw a glimmer of opportunity, and then stopped him with the determination to break the boat.

After listening to Gongsun Yuanji's story, Zhou Chun couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, looked at him deeply and said, "According to what you said, little friend Gongsun, your sister was severely injured and it was difficult to use her magic power. It can basically be said to be useless, so how can you let her help Zhou arrange the formation?"

"Or do you want to let Zhou pay for your sister's injuries first?"

At the end of the words, there was also a hint of sarcasm.

"This junior has no such intention!"

Gongsun Yuanji quickly denied it, and then bowed his hands to Zhou Chun and said: "Senior, I know clearly that although my sister-in-law is seriously ill now and it is difficult to use her magic power, her formation skills are still there, and she comes from the same origin as my junior. , with her one-on-one guidance, the junior can help the seniors set up the formation as her deputy!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he looked at him with deep suspicion and said: "But according to fellow Taoist Gongsun Xuanlu, little friend Gongsun, your formation skills don't seem to be very good. Even with your sister's guidance, you can guarantee that Arrange a forbidden formation?"

"Senior, please rest assured on this point. Without this confidence, the junior would not dare to mention this matter in front of the senior!"

Gongsun Yuanji immediately made a guarantee with a confident look on his face.

Considering that he was only a small middle-level cultivator from the Zifu, he probably didn't dare to lie to himself, so Zhou Chun believed him for the time being.

Then he nodded and said: "That's good. As long as you brothers and sisters can really complete what Zhou has asked you to do, Zhou will never deduct even a little bit of remuneration!"

"Thank you for your trust, senior. I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Gongsun Yuanji looked happy and immediately expressed his gratitude with a deep bow.

Then he looked at Zhou Chun and said: "There is just one thing that I would like to ask for your forgiveness, senior. For the sake of the safety of the junior and my sister-in-law, I would like to ask the senior to make an oath before taking the two juniors to leave the Kingdom of Zhou." To silence everyone!"

"No problem, Zhou can promise you this."

Zhou Chun readily agreed without hesitation.

After receiving his answer, Gongsun Yuanji was completely relieved, and then took him to the place where his sister Gongsun Yuanzhi was recuperating.

After Gongsun Yuanzhi was kicked out of the Gongsun family, Gongsun Yuanji placed her in a nearby market to rest. As long as she did not leave the market, nothing would happen to her.

Under the leadership of Gongsun Yuanji, Zhou Chun soon met the formation master in a small courtyard in Fang City.

I saw that this woman was not very beautiful in appearance. She could only be described as ordinary. Only her eyes were very lively and sparkling with wisdom.

But her body is very weak, even worse than that of an ordinary ordinary woman. She feels weak even if she takes a few steps.

Even if Zhou Chun didn't use his spiritual sense to probe closely, he could feel that the aura in this woman's body was chaotic and her vitality was weak, as if she wouldn't live long.

"Sister, this is Senior Zhou from the Tianling Earth Realm. I have already reached an agreement with Senior Zhou. We brothers and sisters will go to the Tianling Earth Realm with Senior Zhou to help his family set up a mountain protection formation!"

After Gongsun Yuanji brought his sister out of the bedroom, he quietly introduced Zhou Chun's identity and purpose to her.

After hearing his words, Gongsun Yuanzhi also leaned up and bowed slightly to Zhou Chun and said: "Junior Gongsun Yuanzhi, pay your respects to Senior Zhou!"

"Master Gongsun, you're welcome. Since Master is physically inconvenient, there is no need to perform these false gifts."

Zhou Chun smiled slightly and spoke softly in a kind tone.

For a formation master who can set up an excellent forbidden formation, even if the opponent is only a monk in the Zifu stage and can't even use his magic power, he will still maintain a certain amount of respect.

Knowledge is power. Even if a formation master loses her magic power, the knowledge she possesses is enough to be respected.

However, after Gongsun Yuanzhi saluted him, he looked at Gongsun Yuanji with a reproachful look and said, "Brother, how could you deceive Senior Zhou? I've obviously become a useless person, how can I help Senior Zhou arrange the mountain guard?" Formation? Besides, when I left the family, I also promised that I would never reveal the formations I learned to outsiders without the permission of the family, and I would not leak the inheritance of the family formations!"

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Zhou Chun's face suddenly faltered slightly, and he couldn't help but look at Gongsun Yuanji.

Seeing this, Gongsun Yuanji hurriedly smiled at him and said: "Senior Zhou, don't worry, the guarantee I made to you before is absolutely not false at all. Please let me discuss this matter in detail with my sister-in-law!"

"Then Zhou will be waiting here for good news from fellow Taoist."

Zhou Chun looked at this person deeply, nodded slightly and sat down aside.

Then Gongsun Yuanji hurriedly took Gongsun Yuanzhi to the inner room, set up a soundproof ban, and started talking privately.

I don’t know what Gongsun Yuanji said to Gongsun Yuanzhi. In short, after the two talked for a long time, when they came out, although Gongsun Yuanzhi’s face was still ugly, he immediately expressed his apology to Zhou Chun. He also promised to do his best to help the Zhou family arrange the mountain protection formation.

With her guarantee, Zhou Chun didn't want to pursue too much, and immediately nodded and said: "Very good, in that case, let's settle the matter first. When are you two going to set off with Zhou?"

Hearing what he said, Gongsun Yuanji immediately replied: "The two juniors have nothing to prepare in particular. They can set off with the seniors at any time!"

"It's best. Then Zhou will take you two to Tianyuan Immortal City to stay for a while and purchase some materials."

Zhou Chun nodded with satisfaction and quickly made a decision.

After that, he took the brother and sister back to Tianyuan Immortal City, and first let them stay in an immortal inn in the city.

Since Gongsun Yuanzhi needs to personally visit and inspect the Qinglian Mountains before deciding what kind of mountain protection formation to deploy, it is not possible to give Zhou Chun a detailed list of materials for the time being.

But some basic formation materials can already be collected.

Considering that the mountain-protecting array deployed this time was of extremely high quality, Zhou Chun naturally couldn't save on the materials used. At the moment, he personally went to several large stores in the fairy city to place orders.

And to set up a superior mountain protection formation, the resources consumed are indeed very huge.

Zhou Chunguang spent a million spirit coins in one go just to purchase various basic materials. This was despite the fact that the Zhou family's treasury itself had a lot of related materials.

But in fact, these are just scraps.

A truly superior mountain-protecting formation, formation base, formation plate, etc. all need to be crafted with special magic weapons and spiritual materials. Those are the real expenses!

Just like how Zhou Chun spent a lot of effort to collect enough [Huanglong Stone]!

By then, he would have to collect relevant magic weapons and spiritual materials, and he would probably have to spend a lot of blood, which would take him who knows how long.

It is said that if you want to set up a forbidden formation that can withstand real people in the Nascent Soul stage, the materials required for setting up the formation alone will cost an astronomical figure, worth at least tens of millions of spiritual coins!

Even those big sects have to work hard to set up such a formation.

Therefore, Zhou Chun had to wonder if the Moon Lun Sect and the Yan Yang Sect agreed to allow the Zhou family to take over the Qinglian Mountains, and whether they also intended to use this conspiracy to weaken the Zhou family!

It's a pity that even if this is the case, he still can't save any money that should be spent.

When Zhou Chun walked around the fairy city and purchased some basic formation materials, good news came from Luo Qingni.

She had successfully reached an agreement with the master of alchemy, giving the other party the [Blue-Eyed Golden Ape] demon pill and [Jade Dew Golden Cloud Pill] pill recipe given by Zhou Chun, and the other party would collect the remaining elixirs to refine the elixir. elixir, and she can still watch while the elixir is being made.

At the same time, she also followed Zhou Chun's instructions and replaced the [Qionghua Jade Dew] in her hand.

The low-grade defensive magic weapon "Octagonal Black Water Plate" exchanged for this elixir was the relic of the bandit cultivator Lin Canghai that Zhou Chun had obtained together with the "Two Dragons Turning the Sea Bottle".

The magic weapon was exchanged for the elixir, and Zhou Chun also received 550,000 spiritual coins as compensation.

After gathering the elixir, Luo Qingni quickly went into seclusion to refine elixirs.

Zhou Chun didn't have time to wait for the elixir she had prepared to be released. He took the hundreds of bottles of elixir Zhou Daoyi had purchased these days and returned to the family with Gongsun and his sister.

As for his apprentice Zhou Zhiying, Zhou Chun doesn't want her to return to the family for the time being because he is worried that the real Tianjing in the Qinglian Mountains will find out her true identity.

With Zhou Chun's strength, there were naturally no accidents along the way. After traveling for more than a month, he returned to Jingguo safely.

Calculating the time, it has only been a few months since he left, and everything is normal in Jingguo.

While various sects and families are busy rebuilding the mountain gate, they are also clearing out the monster beasts left behind by the beast tide in the area near the mountain gate and helping mortals rebuild their settlements.

This reconstruction process may take more than ten years or even longer.

Compared to many weak families, the Zhou family itself was able to rebuild relatively quickly with Zhang Liang, the formation master.

Both Tuyun Ridge and Jiufeng Ridge have rearranged their formations. Although due to limited materials and manpower, the formations are not particularly powerful for the time being, they still have a basic guarantee.

The detailed map of the Qinglian Mountains was successfully drawn with the help of the elders from the Zifu period of the family.

After Zhou Chun returned to his family, he handed over the Kan map to the Gongsun brothers and sisters, and asked the Vulcan Jackal to follow the brothers and sisters for personal protection. He arranged for Zhang Liang to take them to the Qinglian Mountains for field exploration to see what formations should be arranged. good.

"Recently, fellow Daoist Su received news that the previous temple master of Qinglian Temple, Qing Weizi, went to the Moon Lun Sect's mountain gate to visit the Moon Worshiper. He stayed for about half a day and then left. His whereabouts are unknown!"

"In addition, according to the information obtained by the family, someone discovered that a disciple of the Ninglian-like Qinglian Temple was fighting with someone in Leguo, and displayed the unique spiritual lotus secret technique of the Qinglian Temple on the spot!"

On Tuyun Ridge, after Zhou Chun told him about his experience of going to the Great Zhou Kingdom, Zhou Mingde also whispered some important intelligence information collected by the Zhou family during Zhou Chun's absence.

After hearing the news he said, Zhou Chun also condensed his eyes slightly, and couldn't help but said coldly: "Qingweizi, this old guy is really lucky. So many elders of Qinglian Temple died at the hands of the Demon King, but he was allowed to escape. A life!"

After saying that, he shook his head and said: "Forget it, now is not the time to settle accounts with Qinglian Temple, we only need to secretly collect their intelligence information, and wait until the two hundred years have passed before settling the accounts with them!"

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