Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 627 The choice of the mountain protection formation [Please subscribe]

A wild place.

Not long after Zhou Chun returned from the Great Zhou Kingdom, he quietly reached the wilderness through the underground waterways of Lanzhou.

As Yunzhou was occupied by monsters and turned into a monster realm, the importance of this underground waterway became more obvious.

Because the situation was unclear before, and he had to worry about whether the attempt to conquer the Qinglian Mountains would be successful, Zhou Chun came to the wilderness immediately after the war.

The monks of the Zhou family who are holding on here don't know that the war is over yet.

At this time, after Zhou Chun arrived near the Caiyu Mountain stronghold, he couldn't help but feel relieved when he looked at the Caiyu Mountain stronghold in front of him, which was still functioning normally.

Now that the Zhou family wants to develop the Qinglian Mountains, all kinds of expenses are huge. It can be said that money is flowing like water.

Even with the income gained from killing a large number of monsters in this beast wave, it is far from enough to support them.

Therefore, the importance of the Caiyu Mountain stronghold has become highlighted.

If even this stronghold is lost, it is basically impossible for the Zhou family to allocate manpower to rebuild the pioneer stronghold in the wilderness now that people are needed everywhere.

Seeing that nothing happened at the stronghold at this time, Zhou Chun immediately revealed his identity and entered the stronghold easily.

"My subordinates pay their respects to the clan leader."

In the stronghold, Xu Fu learned of Zhou Chun's arrival and hurriedly came out to greet him.

"Thank you for your hard work during this period. Now that the beast tide has ended, you don't need to worry too much anymore."

Zhou Chun looked at the Zhou family's son-in-law in front of him, nodded slightly, and said the good news in a gentle tone.

Hearing his words, Xu Fu's face suddenly showed a look of relief and joy, and then he quickly replied respectfully: "It's not hard for me, and no monsters have come here during this period. What happened at the beginning should be just an accident. !”

"Since it was just an accident, there is no need to continue to huddle in the stronghold. The production that was stopped before should be ready to resume."

"Furthermore, this beast tide has taken away most of the demon beasts in this area. In the next few decades, the number of demon beasts in nearby areas should be reduced a lot. You can try to send people to explore undeveloped areas further away. , looking for more resources worth picking!"

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed and he immediately expressed his opinion.

It was said to be an opinion, but speaking out in his capacity, it was actually an order.

Therefore, after Xu Fu heard what he said, he immediately responded respectfully: "Yes, I will obey the patriarch's instructions."

"You may not be clear about some situations, and the burden on your side may be a bit heavy next."

As Zhou Chun spoke, he told the story that the Zhou family had taken over the Qinglian Mountains.

After learning about this, Xu Fu was indeed surprised and happy, and quickly understood what he meant.

Immediately, he solemnly expressed his position: "I understand, and I will definitely go all out to manage this financial resource for the family, and I will never hinder the family!"

"Well, I still believe in your ability. During this beast tide war, the family also obtained a lot of third-level demon elixirs. I have already asked people to refine those elixirs that improve mana. When the time comes, in addition to giving them to Ying'er Except for a part, you guys can redeem the rest with your contribution points!"

Zhou Chun nodded with satisfaction, and was well versed in the ways of serving his subordinates, so he gave the expected reward on the spot.

Then he inspected a circle of strongholds and left some pills and magic talismans before Zhou Chun left.

He is quite popular now, so he still can't easily stay away from the public eye for too long, lest someone discover something.

Moreover, the Zhou family still has many things that need him to solve.

For example, the spiritual trees and elixirs that had been transplanted to Bamboo Leaf Island in Le Country had to be transplanted back with the wooden charms.

He also needs to be involved in communicating with the Su family and other families and seconding manpower.

In the subsequent collection of materials for the formation of the mountain protection formation, he will still have to be the main force.

In short, he should be very busy in the next few years.

In the next six months, Zhou Chunye was really busy running around, relying on the time he squeezed out to maintain his daily practice.

Not only him, but also Lin Hongyu and Zhou Mingde also have their own things to do.

Except for some juniors who have just entered the Taoist practice, almost every monk in the Zhou family is busy with secular affairs and has their own livelihood.

On this day, Zhou Chun rarely had time to spare, so he immediately went to the Qinglian Mountains to look for the Gongsun brothers and sisters and inquire about the layout plan of the mountain-protecting formation.

More than half a year is not too long, but it is not too short either.

What's more, the Zhou family has already conducted relevant exploration of the mountains, rivers, landforms, spiritual veins, and earth veins of the Qinglian Mountains before, which is equivalent to saving them a lot of effort in advance.

"Senior Mingjian, after six months of exploration, we found that the spiritual veins of the Qinglian Mountains are of the wood virtue, with wood as the main element and earth as the secondary element, accompanied by metal and water. The fire virtue is weak, and it is suitable for arranging some forbidden formations for main defense and trapping enemies. !”

On the Qinglian Peak, the main peak of the Qinglian Mountain Range, facing Zhou Chun's inquiry, Gongsun Yuanji and his sister Gongsun Yuanzhi expressed their opinions with a respectful expression.

Compared with the great Zhou Kingdom at that time, his respect for Zhou Chun now is truly respectful from the bottom of his heart.

Because in the past half year or so, they had heard various legends about Zhou Chun from the accompanying monks of the Zhou family.

Especially in the recent battle of the beast tide, Zhou Chun killed two fourth-level high-grade monsters with one force, which shocked Gongsun Yuanji.

We also know why Zhou Chun still dared to be so strong when facing Gongsun Xuanlu who could mobilize the mountain guard formation inside the mountain gate of the Gongsun family!

Facing such a strong man, he didn't dare to show any signs of neglect.

After listening to his analysis, Zhou Chun nodded first, and then asked: "In your opinion, what kind of formation should be deployed here?"

Hearing this, Gongsun Yuanji raised his head and glanced at Zhou Chun, then lowered his head and slowly expressed his opinion in a low tone.

"My sister-in-law's opinion is that if Senior Zhou can find nine fourth-level stone heart trees, transplant them to nine spiritual energy nodes in the mountain as the base of the formation, and then use [Earth Element Crystal Jade], [Wu Earth Xuan Stone], [Century-Yellow Yellow Stone], Copper] and other materials are used to refine three formation platforms, supplemented by fourth-level high-grade spiritual wood, fourth-level spiritual silk, [Yi Mu Yuanjing] and other materials to refine a main formation flag, and then the secrets of my Gongsun family can be laid out. The big formation [Wood and Stone Spirit Locking Formation]!”

"This [Wood and Stone Spirit Locking Formation] uses the two qi of wood and earth to circulate. In addition to its powerful defense and trapping effects, it can also lock spiritual veins and stabilize the earth veins, making it difficult for many formation-breaking techniques that shake the spiritual veins and earth veins. It can also control the four-season climate and spiritual energy distribution in the mountain gate, and its wonderful uses are endless!"

After the words fell, Zhou Chun's expression changed slightly, and then he didn't speak for a long time.

To be honest, although he had known for a long time that setting up the mountain protection formation this time would not be easy, Zhou Chun did not expect it to be so troublesome.

It is true that the [Wood and Stone Spirit Locking Formation] mentioned by Gongsun Yuanji is very extraordinary, far more mysterious than the forbidden formation [Nine Palaces and Yellow Dragon Formation] used by the Zhou family to protect Tuyun Ridge.

If such a formation can really be arranged, even if a Nascent Soul Stage monk takes action, it will be difficult to break such a formation easily.

But where can Zhou Chun find the materials to set up such a formation?

Stone Heart Wood is originally a relatively rare spiritual tree. The fourth-level Stone Heart Wood must grow in a place with strong spiritual energy for at least a thousand years.

That's all.

If Zhou Chun was willing to give up some treasures, it would not be difficult to collect one or two fourth-level stone heart trees.

But it would be too difficult for him to transplant nine fourth-order stone heart trees!

Unless he happened to find a secret cave where Stone Heart Trees grew together, where would he find so many fourth-level Stone Heart Trees?

Therefore, after Zhou Chun was silent for a while, he shook his head slightly and said: "The other materials are easy to say, it won't be too difficult for Zhou to get them, but the number of nine stone heart trees is really too big. Even if Zhou can Even if I can get the corresponding exchange items, I have nowhere to look for these spiritual trees!"

After saying that, he looked at the brother and sister Gongsun Yuanji and asked: "I wonder if you two friends have other alternatives besides this [Wood and Stone Locking Spirit Array]? It would be best if they don't take too long to collect materials." plan!"

Hearing what he said, Gongsun Yuanji immediately responded: "The [Wood and Stone Locking Spirit Formation] is the most suitable formation for this place among the formations mastered by my sister-in-law. If this formation is not used, the effect will be much worse." The [Thousand Layers of Forest and Sea Formation], or the [Yimu Panlong Formation]!"

"But to tell the truth, junior, neither the [Thousand Layers of Forest Formation] nor the [Yimu Panlong Formation] can pose any obstacle to the Yuanying stage master. The former cannot even trap the Yuanying stage master for even a quarter of an hour. The latter Those who pay more attention to attack will find it even more difficult to resist the invasion of real people in the Nascent Soul Stage!"

It is not difficult to tell from Gongsun Yuanji's words that he did not agree with Zhou Chun's arrangement of the latter two formations.

Zhou Chun didn't know whether he felt that it was a waste of resources to arrange such an array in a blessed land like the Qinglian Mountains, or whether he could get more rewards for arranging the [Wood and Stone Spirit Locking Array].

But Zhou Chun immediately asked him about the relevant materials required for the latter two formations.

Obviously, compared with the [Wood and Stone Spirit Locking Formation], whether it is the [Thousand Layers of Forest and Sea Formation] or the [Yi Wood Coiled Dragon Formation], the materials required for their arrangement are much easier to find.

If he chooses these two formations, Zhou Chun is confident that he can gather the relevant materials within three years.

This made him immediately excited.

For him, it is not very important whether the formation can withstand the Nascent Soul stage real person.

He just wanted to have a good formation to build the mountain gate first and start construction as soon as possible.

As for the [Wood and Stone Locking Spirit Formation] and other mountain-protecting formations, if he can successfully transform elixirs into infants in the future, he will naturally have plenty of time to slowly collect materials and arrange them.

Even then, Gongsun Xuanlu would definitely not dare to refuse his invitation.

But just when Zhou Chun wanted to speak out his choice, Gongsun Yuanzhi suddenly spoke: "If Senior Zhou just thinks that the fourth-order Stone Heart Wood is difficult to find, this junior knows that there must be a large amount of Stone Heart Wood in one place, so Perhaps you can try to exchange for your senior’s cultivation strength!”

"Oh, little friend Gongsun, are you serious about what you said?"

Zhou Chun looked surprised and looked at the formation wizard in surprise. He immediately followed his words and asked, "But I don't know where the place that little friend Gongsun mentioned is?"

Gongsun Yuanzhi immediately replied: "Senior Mingjian, there are ancestors of the Gongsun family who specifically searched for information about the fourth-order Stone Heart Wood in order to study the [Wood and Stone Locking Spirit Formation]. Later, after many years of inquiring, we found out that there is something in Wuyang near the far west. A large force is called the Earth Mother Sect, and a secret realm controlled by this sect is rich in Stone Heart Wood. It is said that there is a vast Stone Heart Wood forest inside, and there may even be ten-thousand-year-old Stone Heart Wood up to the fifth level!"

Hearing her words, Zhou Chun suddenly looked thoughtful.

Gongsun Yuanzhi probably didn't know that Zhou Chun had been to the Immortal Cultivation Realm in the far west, and also passed by the Wuyang Kingdom when he came back.

Although Zhou Chun was busy on the road at the time, he did not stay much in Wuyang. However, when he was in the far west, he had some understanding of the situation in some countries on his way back, and he had also heard about some of that land mother. things to teach.

Therefore, as far as Zhou Chun knows, the Earth Mother Cult is a powerful force with a very long heritage. Although it is not the largest force in Wuyang Kingdom at present, it is still a powerful force with two Nascent Soul Stage real people, one of whom is even a The middle stage of Nascent Soul cultivation.

Even if a powerful force of this level could indeed bring out nine fourth-level Stone Heart Trees in one breath, Zhou Chun would not dare to come and exchange them!

But he remembered this information.

When he has the strength to not be afraid of the Earth Mother Cult in the future, and then goes to look for people to exchange, he can quickly set up the [Wood and Stone Spirit Locking Formation] and other mountain-protecting formations.

At that moment, he nodded slightly and said: "Zhou knows that the information provided by little friend Gongsun is very valuable. Zhou will give me another reward. Now, let's start preparing to set up the [Yimu Panlong Formation]! "

Seeing that he finally gave up on the [Wood and Stone Spirit Locking Formation], Gongsun Yuanji couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

But he didn't dare to question Zhou Chun's decision, and could only reply helplessly: "Junior knows, junior and roommate will start construction according to senior's instructions, and please senior to arrange enough manpower for junior to call on!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he nodded without hesitation and said: "This is easy to say. Zhou asked Zhang Liang to take all the formation masters and apprentices of the Zhou family to the two of them. If the manpower is still not enough, Zhang Liang can also be asked to find Zhou. The person in charge of the house is seconded!”

Then he asked Gongsun Yuanji for a list of relevant materials needed to set up the [Yimu Panlong Formation], and went to prepare the relevant materials himself.

The materials needed to arrange this [Yimu Panlong Formation] are mostly various spiritual trees. The core material must be fourth-level dragon blood wood or dragon scale wood, but only one tree is enough.

As far as Zhou Chun knew, there were several fourth-level dragon blood trees in the mountain gate of Hualong Sect, but he didn't know who took them away in the end.

He was going to launch a network of contacts to find out if he could exchange this item back from the monks who had originally taken it away, if they had not used it or sold it.

As for other materials, the Zhou family can collect most of them here, and Zhou Chun will definitely be able to collect the rest if he goes to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

In this way, as long as the fourth-level Dragon Blood Wood is obtained, the layout of the [Yi Wood Panlong Formation] only depends on when the Gongsun brother and sister can complete it.

Next, after some inquiring, Zhou Chun had a detailed understanding of the whereabouts of the fourth-level dragon blood trees from the Dragon Transformation Sect, and then began to visit the owners of those spiritual trees one by one.

These people are all golden elixir stage monks. Even if they are from a great sect, they will show off some face when facing Zhou Chun at this time.

It's just that after many years, the fourth-level dragon blood wood in the hands of some people has long been used to refine treasures or exchanged.

In the end, I got this thing in exchange for a late-stage golden elixir monk from the Shen Kingdom. For this reason, I reluctantly paid the dragon horn from the fourth-level mid-grade blue dragon in exchange!

With the most important materials in hand, Zhou Chun handed them over to the Gongsun brothers and sisters, and then went straight to the Great Zhou Kingdom to purchase the remaining materials.

After arriving at Tianyuan Fairy City, Zhou Chun was not in a hurry to purchase materials. Instead, he went to Luo Qingni's "Qingni Residence" first.

Calculating the time, it has been more than half a year since he last left Tianyuan Immortal City. Luo Qingni's [Jade Dew Golden Cloud Pill] should have been refined long ago.

Zhou Chun is also looking forward to her alchemy results.

But when he knocked on the door of "Qing Ni Ju", he received no response. He didn't know whether the owner was not at home or was refining elixirs in seclusion.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun had no choice but to leave a communication talisman, and then went to purchase relevant materials.

After he had stayed in Tianyuan Immortal City for more than a month and purchased all the other materials needed for the [Yimu Panlong Formation], the message from Luo Qingni came belatedly.

After receiving the summons, Zhou Chun quickly arrived at "Qing Ni Ju".

"I have kept you, fellow Taoist Zhou, waiting for a long time. Qing Ni was in seclusion refining elixirs before and could not sense the external situation, so she was unable to reply to fellow Taoist in time."

In the cave, Luo Qingni, who had a faint look of exhaustion on his face, welcomed Zhou Chun into the cave and apologized to him for explaining the reason for replying so late.

Zhou Chun also waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Luo. You and I have been friends for many years, so such a trivial matter is not worth mentioning."

Then he looked at her with expectant eyes and asked: "Has Fellow Daoist Luo mastered that furnace of [Yulu Jinxia Dan]? I wonder what the result will be?"

Hearing his question, Luo Qingni immediately pursed his lips and smiled and said: "Thanks to the trust of fellow Taoist Zhou, Qingni has lived up to his mission. This pill was successfully released a few months ago, and the number is the same as last time, still six!"

The last time the pills reached six, she had to use a lot of auxiliary means and also lost some vitality.

This time the alchemy was performed normally.

She was able to make six pills in this way, which shows that her alchemy skills have improved compared to last time.

Of course, this must also be related to having already had an experience.

After all, once for life, twice for familiarity.

Zhou Chun also understood the truth behind this, and couldn't help but clapped his hands with joy at this time and said: "Okay, Fellow Daoist Luo is really good at his craftsmanship! Zhou really didn't trust the wrong person!"

"Thanks to fellow Taoist Zhou for giving me these opportunities."

Luo Qingni replied with a smile, then raised her hand and patted the storage bag on her waist, then took out several pill bottles and handed them to Zhou Chun.

He said: "In addition to [Yulu Jinxia Pill], there are two furnaces of [Zengyuan Pill] and one furnace of [Longling Pill]. All the pills are here."

"We have Fellow Daoist Luo Luo!"

Zhou Chun nodded and put all the elixirs into the storage bag with a wave of his hand without opening them for inspection.

Then he pondered for a moment, then looked at Luo Qingni and asked: "As for the elixir Zhou used, I wonder when the alchemy master will be able to produce the elixir?"

"Grandmaster Xu is still collecting the remaining auxiliary materials. It is estimated that it will take another one or two years before he can start making alchemy."

When Luo Qingni said this, she looked at him seriously and said, "If Fellow Daoist Zhou is in a hurry to use it, Qingni can personally send it to Fellow Daoist Zhou after the elixir is completed."

Hearing what she said, Zhou Chun felt a little embarrassed. He felt that he had really rushed it, so he quickly waved his hand and said, "That's not necessary. After the elixir is completed, Fellow Daoist Luo only needs to give it to Zhou." Just uncle."

"Qing Ni understands. Since Fellow Daoist Zhou trusts Qing Ni, Qing Ni will definitely be responsible for this matter to the end!"

Luo Qingni nodded with a serious face and made a promise in a solemn tone.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun was very pleased and felt that he had not misjudged the person.

Afterwards, they talked with her about collecting the materials for refining the [Four Spirits Barrier-Breaking Pill]. Zhou Chun stopped disturbing the beauty and took the initiative to say goodbye.

After leaving "Qing Ni Ju" like this, Zhou Chun went to Zhou Daoyi's cave and gave eight [Zeng Yuan Pills] and seven [Dragon Spirit Pills] to Zhou Zhiying, letting him slowly take them to improve his cultivation.

Then he talked to Zhou Daoyi about the family's current reconstruction situation and his choice of the mountain protection formation.

After listening to his story, Zhou Daoyi suddenly said: "In another year or two, Qingqing should be able to digest the fourth-level low-grade demon pill sent by Hongyu. By then, it will be promoted to the fourth level. If it succeeds, let it return to the family, there should be many places in the Qinglian Mountains suitable for it to nest and live!"

Zhou Chun was also stunned when he heard what he said.

After thinking about it carefully, I understood his intention.

At that moment, he couldn't help but said: "That's no need. Qingjiao has lived with you for hundreds of years. It would be inappropriate to separate the two places!"

But Zhou Daoyi seemed to have seriously considered this matter a long time ago, and quickly waved his hand and said: "There is nothing inappropriate. It follows me and can only live in a small spirit beast room. This is even more unfair to it." , it is better to let it return to the family, and I will do my part to rebuild the family!"

"This... well, after this junior returns, let him find a suitable place to build a nest for it!"

Zhou Chun hesitated for a moment, then nodded and agreed.

It's not that he and the Zhou family really need the benefits brought by a fourth-order green dragon, but they just don't want to disturb Zhou Daoyi's good intentions and his desire to repay his family!

But this incident reminded him.

The Qinglian Mountain Range is so vast, so maybe it's time for him to find good land to build an exclusive nest for a few spiritual pets.

At least the thunder dragons can no longer be kept in the small lake of the Su family.

On the other hand, the golden-armored mountain turtle, stone and wooden charm cannot yet see the light of day in front of Master Tianjing, the Nascent Soul Stage Master, and may only be kept at Tuyunling.

Next, he stayed in Zhou Daoyi's cave for half a month, and contacted his apprentice Zhou Zhiying about the relationship between master and apprentice. Zhou Chun returned to the family with his harvest.

Prepare to change the title of the book on Friday!

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