Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 628: Transformation into a baby can be expected【Please subscribe】

Qinglian Mountains.

But it was said that after Zhou Chun returned to the family, he immediately handed over all the formation materials he had purchased to Zhang Liang, asking him to cooperate with the Gongsun brothers and sisters in setting up the formation according to the situation.

Then he also distributed the [Yulu Jinxia Dan] in his hand.

First, he gave Lin Hongyu one and asked him to try to reach the middle stage of the golden elixir.

In the same way, Su Yuzhen, who was about to touch the middle stage of the golden elixir, also got one in his hand.

After thinking about the remaining four elixirs, Zhou Chun went to Yuelun Cult in person and gave one to Su Yunniang as a thank you for the other party's care of information over the years, and also with the idea of ​​deepening the relationship between the two parties. .

In this way, the last three elixirs are temporarily kept by him. If Zhou Mingde or Zhou Daoyi want to try to hit the middle stage of the golden elixir in the future, they can also give them one to try, or exchange it with other golden elixir stage monks. treasure.

In the following time, Zhou Chun personally participated in the construction of the [Yimu Panlong Formation], using his magical powers to cut mountains and rocks to speed up the formation of the formation.

After two years of this process, with the joint efforts of the Gongsun brothers and sisters, the [Yimu Panlong Formation] was finally successfully completed.

Once this formation was completed, it immediately covered the area of ​​more than 100 miles centered on Qinglian Peak, and the overall coverage area reached about one-third of the previous mountain-protecting formation of Qinglian Temple.

But only one-third of the area is obviously not enough, and a lot of spiritual land will be wasted.

Therefore, we will continue to deploy a series of formations on those vacant areas to develop them.

But that is a matter for the future after all. We have to wait until the Zhou family is no longer short of manpower and material resources before we can do this.

At that time, there will be no need for the Gongsun brothers and sisters. Zhang Liang, the formation master trained by the Zhou family, will be able to handle this matter.

Therefore, after the [Yimu Panlong Formation] was successfully deployed, Zhou Chun briefly tested the power of the formation and then began to settle the rewards for the brother and sister.

"The skills of the two young friends are indeed good. This formation is really to my liking. I don't know how the two young friends would like to pay for it in terms of reward?"

On Qinglian Peak, Zhou Chun called Gongsun and his sister to him and asked about the reward with a smile on his face.

Before this, they had actually never talked about this matter.

Because Zhou Chun was very confident, it was impossible for the two of them to blackmail him.

The two Gongsun brothers also knew that Zhou Chun would not default on such a matter.

After listening to his words, Gongsun Yuanji immediately said: "Senior Zhou clearly knows that in terms of reward, we choose to get a thousand-year elixir, preferably one that can replenish qi and nourish the body!"

"It's easy to talk about this. Zhou actually has some of these elixirs in his hands, and there are also many similar elixirs. Little friend Gongsun, see for yourself which ones you want!"

Zhou Chun nodded slightly, and quickly took out the elixirs and elixirs he carried with him for the brother and sister to check, and also reported the names of some elixirs that were not brought with him.

Gongsun Yuanji was also pleasantly surprised to see him so easily come up with a variety of elixirs and elixirs that met his needs.

After being polite to him, he hurriedly picked up the elixirs and elixirs one by one and gave them to Gongsun Yuanzhi to smell.

It is obvious that his purpose in choosing to exchange these qi-nourishing elixirs is to heal Gongsun Yuanzhi's injuries and prolong his life!

In the past two years, Zhou Chun had already figured out the causes and consequences of Gongsun Yuanzhi's injury, as well as the internal injuries through inquiries and investigations.

Knowing that she had been injured by someone using a sinister water attribute power, all the meridians and organs in her body had suffered wounds that were difficult to heal, and her vitality was flowing out at a rate ten times that of a normal person.

The only way to save her life now is to regularly take those elixirs that replenish her vitality and vitality to replenish her lost vitality.

This is much more difficult than the situation Zhou Chun encountered with Wu Yuzhu, because she has basically lost the possibility of practicing unless she can be replaced with a new body, or some legendary elixir can be used to help her recover. Shape the meridians and physical body, otherwise it will be impossible to recover.

It's just that she may not be willing to do the former. At the same time, it is quite difficult for the Zifu period monks to successfully seize the body.

Even if the latter does exist, it is not something she can enjoy.

Gongsun Yuanji no longer expects to be able to cure his sister Gongsun Yuanzhi's injury, he just wants to let her live a few more years.

At this time, after Gongsun Yuanzhi explained the properties of the medicine to him, he pointed to the three thousand-year-old elixir and expressed his choice.

It turned out that for Gongsun Yuanzhi, the pure life energy contained in the thousand-year elixir was more useful than those elixirs that replenished Qi and nourished Yuan.

"In this case, these three elixirs belong to the two little friends."

With a wave of his hand, Zhou Chun transferred the three elixirs to Gongsun Yuanji and put away the other elixirs.

Originally, at this time, the commission between the two parties was settled, and the Gongsun brothers and sisters should return to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

But at this time, Zhou Chun suddenly looked at the two Gongsun brothers and said: "Ms. Gongsun's formation skills, Zhou has also seen them. If the two Taoist friends are willing to stay in the Zhou family and serve as the guest ministers of the Zhou family, Zhou will leave I dare not say more, but you can still get a thousand-year elixir every ten years, and as long as the two Taoist friends help the Zhou family arrange the formation, they can also accumulate their contributions and exchange for the thousand-year elixir!"

But he directly extended an olive branch to the brother and sister, hoping to recruit them.


Gongsun Yuanji's expression changed, and he seemed to have something on his mind.

Unexpectedly, Gongsun Yuanzhi directly shook his head and refused at this time: "Senior's kindness is appreciated by this junior, but we are members of the Gongsun family after all, and it is not suitable to live in the Zhou family forever!"

"Sister, you..."

Gongsun Yuanji looked at his sister with a complicated expression, not expecting that she would say this.

Zhou Chun was also a little surprised by this, but he still nodded and said: "Forget it, since Miss Gongsun has no intention of doing this, Zhou will not force it. You two friends will have a good trip."

"Then the two juniors will not bother the seniors too much."

Gongsun Yuanzhi replied in a respectful tone, then took Gongsun Yuanji's wrist and motioned for him to take him away.

At this point, Gongsun Yuanji had no choice but to bow to Zhou Chun, take his sister and leave.

But after the two of them left the Qinglian Mountains, Gongsun Yuanji quickly took his sister to an uninhabited mountain. Then he looked at his sister angrily and said, "Sister, why were you so eager to reject Senior Zhou's offer just now?" Good intentions? Besides, both of us have been expelled from the Gongsun family, so even if we join other forces and become guest ministers, it won’t be a big deal!"

Hearing his words, Gongsun Yuanzhi immediately shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Brother, you are confused! Think about it, besides our ability in setting up forbidden formations, what other abilities do the two of us have that are worthy of others? Spending so much money to recruit?”

"You have seen Zhang Liang's skills in the past two years. Apart from the lack of guidance from famous teachers and the confusion in what he has learned, he is already good enough to set up some ordinary forbidden formations. The remaining spiritual lands of the Zhou family need to be set up. He is fully capable of doing the formation alone!"

"Under this situation, brother, do you think they will spend a lot of money to recruit the two of us to stay? What's your idea?"

Gongsun Yuanji's expression suddenly changed, and he blurted out with surprise: "Sister, what do you mean, Senior Zhou is interested in our family's formation inheritance?"

"Other than this, I can't think of anything else worthy of people's attention!"

Gongsun Yuanzhi replied in a low tone.

But after Gongsun Yuanji's expression changed for a while, he quickly calmed down and questioned rationally: "This shouldn't be the case! From the previous conversation with Zhang Liang, we can also know that the Zhou family's own formation inheritance It’s not bad, it’s just that no truly talented people have emerged to connect the system together to form a master-disciple inheritance system!”

"What's more, sister, you and I have both practiced secret arts. If someone forcibly searches for the soul, the soul will immediately collapse. I have also sworn not to pass on what the family has learned. I want to obtain the Gongsun family's formation inheritance through you and me. It’s simply impossible!”

Gongsun Yuanzhi didn't know how to refute what he said. In the end, he could only say: "In short, there is nothing wrong with being careful. Although we have been expelled from the family, we must still abide by the family rules and cannot let the hard work of the family ancestors be used by outsiders." Stolen!"

When Gongsun Yuanji heard this, he realized that this was indeed the truth. He did not talk about it any more at the moment, but just nodded and said: "Okay, sister, what you said makes some sense. It's just that the three thousand-year-old elixirs that I got this time, It’s not enough for you to use it for a long time. I think we should stay in the Jingguo Immortal Realm for a while and accept some commissions for setting up formations. It just so happens that many families here are busy rebuilding the mountain gate, so we can raise the price!"

"There is no need for this. Three elixirs are enough for me for ten years. With this time buffer, I should be able to complete the formation book and restore the remaining set of formations, so that I can slightly make up for the loss of my family. The treasure's guilt is enough to explain to the family!"

Gongsun Yuanzhi shook his head slightly, but did not agree to his proposal.

But Gongsun Yuanji didn't listen to her this time. He just looked at her firmly and said, "Sister, you can't die so quickly, at least not before the family finds that guy! I must let you live until that guy is killed by the family. The day of slaughter!”

After saying that, he no longer looked at Gongsun Yuanzhi's suddenly uglier face. He waved his hands and said without comment, "That's it. Let's go to the nearby market first!"

Not to mention what the Gongsun brothers and sisters planned, after Zhou Chun confirmed that the mountain protection formation was usable, he began to recruit people and start the reconstruction work in an aggressive manner.

The Zhou family has made several plans on how to develop the Qinglian Mountains in the past few years.

Generally speaking, we mainly focus on two aspects.

On the one hand, it is natural to take advantage of the inherited skills of the Zhou family, use the vast area of ​​​​the Qinglian Mountains to raise various monster beasts, steadily produce monster materials and transportation mounts, and carry forward the golden name of the "Beast Control Zhou Family".

On the other hand, medicine gardens and forest farms were widely opened, and a large number of various kinds of elixirs and trees were planted.

In addition to the main spiritual vein centered on Qinglian Peak, there are many branch veins in the Qinglian Mountain Range. In the past, many branch veins were opened up as private caves by the monks of Qinglian Temple, and masters and apprentices passed down the management from generation to generation.

It is impossible for the Zhou family to have as many disciples as Qinglian Temple, and most of these branches are temporarily unavailable.

Therefore, in order to prevent them from going to waste, it is the best choice to use them to plant elixirs and spiritual trees.

Many elixirs and spiritual trees that do not require careful care can grow very well as long as they have a suitable growing environment.

In short, any place that can be used must not be allowed to continue to be abandoned, but must be used to maximize its value.

However, the idea is good, but it cannot be implemented in a short time.

You must know that in the previous Beast Tide War, the Zhou family lost the two sacred mountain gates of Jiufeng Ridge and Tuyun Ridge, and sold many monster beasts in advance. As a result, the number of monster beasts originally raised in the family was It has been greatly reduced, and some common species have even become temporarily extinct!

Even if there is a vast spiritual land ranch now, if these monster beasts want to grow their population again, it will not be possible in ten or eight years.

Therefore, for the time being, the Zhou family can only clear out the place first, so that these monsters can enjoy the best living environment and speed up their reproduction.

During this period, Zhou Chun also released the three-headed spiritual pets that had almost digested the power of a demon pill, letting them find a place in the mountains where they liked to build their nests.

But what he didn't expect was that the three spiritual pets didn't want to go outside to occupy the mountain and become the king. They all wanted to accompany him near Qinglian Peak.

Under such circumstances, he couldn't force them, so he let the thunder dragon live in a pool with rich aura on Qinglian Peak, while the golden-winged tiger and the hell-fire phoenix could move anywhere in the mountain as they liked.

Anyway, these three fourth-level monsters have already passed the public life and are widely known to the Zhou family and outsiders. Even if they often appear in front of people, nothing will happen to them.

As for Zhou Chun himself, he naturally occupies the best training cave on Qinglian Peak.

Originally, he was planning to give this training cave to Master Tianjing, but the other party refused and did not even stay on Qinglian Peak. Instead, he lived alone on a mountain peak not far away.

Zhou Chun wasn't sure what he was thinking, but since he did it, he could only leave it at that.

Although he occupies the best position on Qinglian Peak, Zhou Chun's current cultivation environment is naturally far inferior to that of Master Qingxiao who occupied this place at that time.

After the gate of Qinglian Temple was broken, all the spiritual eye objects originally collected by Qinglian Temple were taken away. Those that could not be taken away immediately were taken away by the fifth-level demon kings behind them. gone.

The huge spiritual eye spring on the mountain is now an ordinary spiritual pool. The water in the pool is different from the ordinary pool water outside because of the rich spiritual energy here.

Zhou Chun could only place his spiritual eye spring not far away, and then built several palaces and pavilions around the spiritual spring.

What made him slightly relieved was that after the "Qingling Xiangui" tree stump was taken out, it quickly began to absorb the power of the spiritual eye spring again and transformed, and this opportunity was not interrupted because it was put away at that time.

And with the level of Qinglian Peak's spiritual veins, it is completely enough to support the consumption of the Spiritual Eye Fountain. Zhou Chun no longer has to worry about the Spiritual Eye Fountain shrinking due to his practicing nearby.

The only fly in the ointment is that because of the zodiac sign of Qinglian Peak's spiritual veins, Zhou Chun, who practices metallic skills, cannot fully exert the blessing effect of this place's spiritual veins on his practice.

The effect of his cultivation here is better than that of Tuyunling, but it is not as good as originally expected.

After practicing quietly on Qinglian Peak for more than a year, Zhou Chun counted the time and went to the Great Zhou Kingdom again.

He was lucky. Luo Qingni had successfully retrieved the elixir from the alchemy master and handed it over to Zhou Daoyi.

This elixir called [Huanzhen Dan] is very strange. Its main material is the fourth-level demon elixir. And depending on the level of the demon elixir, its efficacy is also different.

The elixir refined using the fourth-level low-grade demon elixir can only be used to improve the mana of early-stage golden elixir monks.

The elixir refined using the fourth-level high-grade demon elixir has a good effect on the late-stage golden elixir monks.

Zhou Chun is only in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation, so using this [Returning Truth Pill], which is refined from the fourth-level high-grade demon pill, has the best effect.

And because the demon elixir used is completely consistent with his own attributes, the effect of this [Revival Elixir] on him will be even better.

When the alchemy master took action, the number of completed elixirs was naturally guaranteed, and a total of eight elixirs were released.

After Zhou Chun retrieved the elixir, he quickly took one and entered a state of seclusion.

This retreat lasted about ten months.

After completely refining this [Revival Pill], Zhou Chun's increased mana cultivation was equivalent to about twelve years of meditating on Qinglian Peak.

According to the master of alchemy, the [Huanzhen Pill] refined using the fourth-level high-grade demon elixir is roughly equivalent to saving ten years of hard work for monks in the middle stage of the golden elixir.

Calculated in this way, eight [Huanzhen Pills] can save Zhou Chun nearly a hundred years of hard work.

After he takes these elixirs and practices for another hundred years or so, he should be able to touch the late-stage barrier of the golden elixir.

"A hundred years should be just right. Ying'er must have reached the late stage of Zifu at that time. I also have exactly a hundred years to collect the materials for the [Four Spirits Barrier-Breaking Pill]!"

After Zhou Chun made some calculations in his mind, a satisfied smile suddenly appeared on his face.

According to his calculations, if everything goes well, it may not take two hundred years for him to start transforming elixirs into babies!

And if you can successfully transform the elixir into a baby before the age of five hundred, you will have more time to pursue higher realms in the future.

You should know that although the higher the immortal cultivator's cultivation, the more lifespan he will have, but in fact, for the higher-level monks, lifespan will never be enough.

Golden elixir stage monks may practice for one or two hundred years before reaching the peak of their current small realm.

However, the time spent by monks in the Nascent Soul stage will increase several times.

After some immortal cultivators successfully formed a baby through elixir formation, due to various factors, it may take thousands of years for them to reach the peak of the early stage of Nascent Soul after they successfully formed a baby.

In this case, let’s not talk about whether they can break through the mid-stage Nascent Soul barrier.

Even if they really break through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, the life span left behind will not be enough for them to attack a higher realm.

Therefore, if you can successfully form a pill and form a baby earlier, you will be able to give yourself hundreds of more years to practice in the future.

Perhaps in the end, it will take these extra hundreds of years to truly reach the pinnacle of that world!

However, although [Huazhen Pill] was easy to use, Zhou Chun did not take this elixir continuously in order to minimize drug resistance and the effects of erysipelas.

He plans to take a magic pill every ten years, which should be able to maximize the effect of this pill.

What can be expected is that it is almost impossible for him to hire someone to refine the elixir for the second time.

After all, the remaining golden unicorn demon pill in his hand was reserved exclusively for the Golden Winged Tiger, and would be used to break through to the fourth-level high-level realm in the future.

And even if he is willing to take out this demon elixir and ask someone to refine it, he is not willing to let someone extract half of the finished elixir for this purpose.

On this day, Zhou Chun suddenly seemed to have something. After a conversation with Zhou Mingde, he suddenly left the Qinglian Mountains and secretly went to the wilderness.

After he arrived at Longyuanze through the underground waterway, he did not go to the Caiyu Mountain stronghold, but went directly to the headquarters of the Black Spear Tribe of the Scaled Frog alien tribe.

Arriving near the Black Spear Tribe, Zhou Chun quickly took out a token and called Bahar, the high priest of the Scaled Frog Alien Tribe, in front of him.

"Bahar pays homage to Senior Zhou. I don't know what the senior's instructions are for suddenly calling the junior here."

Facing Zhou Chun, whose cultivation was a level higher than his own, Bahar looked very respectful.

And Zhou Chun was not polite to the high priest of the alien race of scaly frogs, and immediately gave instructions: "Today I suddenly called High Priest Bahar to come over. I want you to go to Longyuan and bring High Priest Ukuru to Zhou." To take back something that was placed there."


Bahar suddenly showed a look of embarrassment and hesitation, but did not agree immediately.

This made Zhou Chun's face darken, and he said in a deep voice: "What? High Priest Bahar, do you have any opinions?"

"Juniors don't dare!"

Bahar quickly bent down and lowered his head, and said in a panic: "Senior, it's not that Bahar doesn't want to know, it's because the situation in Longyuan Ze is no better than before. There are many more patrolling monsters in the area close to Longyuan. Many of our own warlocks have died at the hands of those monsters because they went too far into the Daze to search for spiritual objects!"

"Oh, isn't the patrol range of the 'Longting Soldiers' limited to Longyuan?"

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed slightly, and he was a little surprised by the news revealed by Bahar.

But he did not give up the idea because of this, and quickly stared at Bahar and said: "Ordinary warlocks are naturally no match for those patrolling monsters, but Bahar, as a third-level warlock, you have a unique talent in breath gathering. , it should still be difficult to be discovered by those patrolling monsters."

"Besides, this is something that the high priest Ukuru promised to Zhou. As his successor, Bahar, are you going to violate his original agreement with Zhou?"

At the end of the sentence, Zhou Chun also had a hint of threat in his words.

But he has already made up his mind. If Bahar really doesn't know how to praise, then he will have to find another high priest for the Black Spear Tribe!

And Bahar seemed to feel the murderous intention in his heart, and he was so frightened that he quickly fell to the ground and kowtowed: "Bahar doesn't dare! Bahar will do it now. We will do it according to the instructions of Senior Zhou." thing!"

"That's good. Zhou will be here waiting for your good news."

Zhou Chun glanced at the scaly frog alien on the ground, his face softened slightly, and he was quite satisfied with his timely repentance.

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