Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 630: Fire Inheritance【Please subscribe】

The matter of rescuing Gongsun Yuanzhi is just a trivial matter for Zhou Chun now.

He only asked Gongsun Yuanji to bring a personal letter, and the Cangzhou Wei family released him.

This is the influence of the Zhou family in Jingguo today.

Except for the Yuelun Sect and the Yanyang Sect, no other force dared not sell the Zhou family's face.

As long as it doesn't involve fundamental interests and bottom lines of principles, they will definitely be very happy to sell him Zhou Chun's face.

After Gongsun Yuanji brought Gongsun Yuanzhi out, he did not dare to think about leaving directly, and returned to the Qinglian Mountains to report to Zhou Chun.

The formation materials that Zhou Chun compensated for them this time, converted into remuneration for their work, would have to be paid by serving the Zhou family for at least ten years.

"From now on, you two will be under Zhang Liang's charge. If there is a task of setting up the formation, you can go with him."

Facing the Gongsun brothers and sisters who came over to express their thanks, Zhou Chun just waved his hand and dismissed them, without any intention of treating them differently.

In fact, for Zhou Chun, there is really no need to look at them differently now.

After all, once the [Yimu Panlong Formation] was successfully deployed, the Zhou family no longer needed them in the formation.

Even if you want to set up a stronger mountain-protecting formation in the future, you can go directly to the Supreme Elder of the Gongsun family or other formation master-level figures.

Gongsun Yuanzhi said that Zhou Chun was coveting their formation inheritance, which was completely underestimating Zhou Chun.

In Zhou Chun's eyes, let alone the formation inheritance mastered by the two of them, or the formation inheritance of the entire Gongsun family, there was nothing worthy of special concern.

Because the art of formation has always been difficult to learn and master, and it requires a lot of talent.

None of the formation masters trained by the Zhou family can fully understand the existing formation inheritance of the Zhou family, so it is useless to give them a more advanced formation inheritance.

This can be seen from Gongsun Yuanji. He is also a descendant of the Gongsun family, but his formation level is only average.

And in Zhou Chun's opinion, the Zhou family will definitely not lack the inheritance of high-end formations in the future, because the owner of that secret island must also be a powerful being who is proficient in formations.

At least that [World Reversal Formation] is the most powerful forbidden formation that Zhou Chun has come into contact with so far. In terms of its level of mystery, it is estimated that even the Mountain Protecting Formation of the Moon Wheel Sect cannot compare!

Being able to arrange such a forbidden formation to protect the cave dojo, Zhou Chun didn't believe that the master of the secret island's formation level was not at the level of an formation master.

So why should he abandon the near and seek the far away to seek the little knowledge of formations mastered by the two juniors.

After this incident, Zhou Chun returned to his normal cultivation life. On weekdays, he either devoted himself to cultivation, practiced magical powers and secret techniques, or took care of some family affairs. Occasionally, when he had free time, he would have fun with his spiritual pets and deepen his relationship.

During this period, many monks from outside the country who heard about the outbreak of the beast tide traveled to Jingguo, hoping to seek monks from Jingguo in exchange for high-level demon elixirs and demon beast materials.

Zhou Chun also met with several Golden Core monks in a few years, and exchanged some precious spiritual materials from fourth-level monsters for a piece of [Fire Origin Crystal Jade] from a Golden Core monk, as well as some other useful materials. The best elixir.

Among them, [Fire Element Crystal Jade] is a rare fire attribute spiritual material, which meets the fire attribute spiritual material requirements required by Zhou Chun to practice the third level of "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light".

After having this object, he only needs to find metallic spiritual materials and earth spiritual materials to practice the third level of this secret technique.

Zhou Chun actually had an idea in mind as to where to obtain the spiritual materials with these two attributes, but it would be better if they could be obtained through other methods.

In addition to the high-level monks from other places who came to Jingguo to hunt for gold, some low-level casual monks who felt that they could not survive in other countries or were having a hard time also worked tirelessly after hearing the news that the number of monks in Jingguo had dropped significantly. Regardless of the danger, he crossed thousands of rivers and mountains to come to Jingguo.

For Jingguo during the reconstruction period, the arrival of these low-level monks undoubtedly solved the problem of "labor difficulties" and the reconstruction speed was visibly improved.

In this way, the low-level monks received remuneration that was several times equivalent to that in the country, and the reconstruction speed of various forces in Jingguo was also accelerated a lot. It can be said that both sides got what they wanted.

And if you want to ask which force in Jingguo has absorbed the most low-level monks in this process, it is not the two major sects of Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect.

Their sect's own gate has not been breached, and it has a large number of middle and low-level disciples, so there will not be a big shortage of manpower.

The force that really absorbs the most of these low-level monks is undoubtedly the Zhou family who has just taken over the Qinglian Mountains!

Not only did the Zhou family provide generous employment conditions, they were even willing to provide lifetime employment contracts to some of them with good conduct and hire them as the Zhou family's retainers.

For those casual cultivators, this is a huge killer!

From usually living without a fixed place, it is difficult to even have a fixed place to practice, to being able to join the Zhou family, which is equivalent to a powerful force, and become a disciple of the Zhou family who eats and receives money from the Zhou family, and is stable for the rest of his life.

It can be said that if you take one step forward, you will reach the sky in one step!

Therefore, even if everyone knows that this step is not that easy to pass, and they don't know how many tests they have to go through, the casual cultivators are still willing to fight for this opportunity.

Thanks to the participation of these casual cultivators, many members of the Zhou family have been liberated. Finally, they no longer have to work overtime as before, so much that even their cultivation time is squeezed and cut by half.

In fact, all the Zhou family members who survived the beast tide are now worth a lot of money and have gained a lot from the beast tide.

They need a period of time to transform what they harvest into actual cultivation growth, and to transform resources into their own cultivation strength.

Just like Zhou Chun has always believed, war in the world of immortality has always been a coexistence of danger and opportunity.

After a war, as long as it is not a complete defeat, like Qinglian Temple, you can basically gain a good harvest.

The Zhou family is able to achieve what it is today, and it is because they have made a lot of money from wars, so that the latecomers can surpass those local Jindan families that have been developing steadily for hundreds of thousands of years!

Time passed, and before anyone knew it, the beast tide had ended for ten years.

After ten years of continuous construction by the Zhou family, the Qinglian Mountain Range has finally regained some of its original atmosphere, and has a hint of the scene of a fairyland.

The new generation of the Zhou family was also born here.

This generation of clan members is already the "hundred" generation.

After the Zhou family took root in Jiufengling, Zhou Mingde, Zhou Chongshan, Zhou Daoyi and other elders of the Zhou family discussed together and finalized the sixteen-character generation of "the world is pure and clear, the Tao and the family are respected, the mind is right and the source is the source, and the ambition is high", which stipulates that every other generation Fifty years changes a generation.

Now, as the monks of the Zhou family's "yuan" generation have begun to give birth to offspring, these sixteen generations are no longer enough.

Fortunately, Zhou Mingde noticed this in the early years and made relevant preparations in advance, and added another sixteen character generations based on the original sixteen character generations.

This newly continued character generation starts with the character "hundred", which means "a hundred blessings are prosperous, jade music is prosperous, culture is long and martial arts is prosperous, and the virtues are passed down through the ages."

According to the calculation of one generation in fifty years, these sixteen characters are sixteen generations, which can be used for another eight hundred years!

On this day, as a long dragon roar sounded from Qinglian Peak, a silver dragon suddenly rose into the sky from a pool somewhere on the mountain, soared into the sky, and began to dance happily in the sky.

However, after continuing to swallow the fourth-level mid-level three-legged Thunder Owl Demon Pill, the Thunder Dragon Baibai finally broke through to the fourth-level mid-level and became Zhou Chun's fourth fourth-level mid-level spiritual pet.

It was originally Zhou Chun's second spiritual pet to break through the fourth level. It has awakened its bloodline inheritance and mastered the breathing and cultivation method. It is reasonable to say that its cultivation speed is faster than other monsters.

It's just because he had to be bloodletted and scaled out all the time, which delayed his practice too much. Unlike the Fire Phoenix in Hell and the Turtle and Stone in Golden Armor, he had adventures one after another, and his cultivation level increased rapidly like a rocket.

It wasn't until Zhou Chun killed two fourth-level thunder-attribute monsters in the last beast wave and obtained two fourth-level demonic pills for it that it had the opportunity to break through.

Before it, Mu Mei Mu Sang also relied on the opportunity he had in the Mystic Ridge and a small chance in the wilderness two years ago to barely break through to the fourth level mid-level before it.

Since then, Zhou Chun has had five spiritual pets, and only the Golden Winged Tiger has yet to break through.

But in fact, the golden-winged tiger is the one who is the least panicked.

Because it possesses both gold and wind attributes, among the demon pills in Zhou Chun's hand, it is the most suitable for it.

It only needs to refine the demon elixir step by step and practice, and it won't take long to break through to the fourth-level mid-level demon beast realm.

As long as Zhou Chun keeps the fourth-grade high-grade golden light unicorn demon pill for it, it will be very smooth for it to break through to the fourth-grade high-grade monster realm in the future.

At this time, the thunder dragon Baibai roamed freely in the sky. After venting his inner joy, he quickly flew down into the clouds and landed in Zhou Chun's cave.

Zhou Chun and Su Yuzhen had already been alarmed by the noise it made, and they both came out of the training room at this time.

Seeing it fall at this time, Zhou Chun also put his palms with a smile on his face and said, "Not bad, not bad, Bai Bai, you finally succeeded in breaking through."

"Congratulations, husband, for getting another strong helping hand."

Su Yuzhen also congratulated Zhou Chun with a smile on her face.

She now lives in the Zhou family almost permanently, not only because the cultivation environment here is better, but also because the ancestors of the Su family are no longer as afraid of her living in the Zhou family as before, which has caused her to become alienated from the younger generations of the Su family.

As Zhou Chun's Taoist companion, she was naturally happy and happy from the bottom of her heart for Zhou Chun's improvement in cultivation and strength.

Next, Zhou Mingde, who was also in the Qinglian Mountains, also came over to congratulate him, and he was also very happy about this matter.

A few years ago, Zhou Daoyi's Qingjiao Qingqing successfully broke through to the fourth level and was sent back to the Qinglian Mountains by Lin Hongyu. It is now placed in a water vein lake in the Qinglian Mountains and is fed and cared for by dedicated personnel.

Now that the thunder dragon has broken through to the fourth-order mid-grade monster, the Zhou family can rely on these two fourth-order dragons to create a production line of dragon-blooded spiritual objects and dragon-blood monsters.

This has a huge effect on improving the overall strength of the family.

After congratulating Zhou Chun at this time, Zhou Mingde also took this opportunity to say: "By the way, Zhengchun, a member of the family recently proposed an idea and wants to apply to you to obtain a few drops of fire phoenix essence and blood to cultivate new varieties. Monster, would you like to give me some support and encouragement?"

After hearing what he said, Zhou Chun's expression changed and he couldn't help asking: "Oh, I wonder what you think?"

"Do you still remember the five-colored pheasant, a low-level demonic beast in the family? It was a demonic bird that we obtained from the family's mountain gate after we destroyed the Jiang family in Lingzhou!"

Zhou Mingde whispered.

"There seems to be some impression." Zhou Chun nodded slightly, indicating that he remembered.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde continued: "Five years ago, some tribesmen found that the rooster in a flock of colorful pheasants was dead. They also found a second-order feather in the chicken farm. They suspected it was a second-order feather. The feathers of the red-feathered fire pheasant, and then I discovered a few eggs that were different from other eggs!”

"When those different eggs hatched, they hatched out a colorful fire pheasant that can spit out demonic fire. Not only is it larger than the ordinary colorful pheasant, it also has much stronger flying ability, and its combat effectiveness is much stronger than Ordinary colorful pheasant!”

"Therefore, some tribesmen have speculated that the meager phoenix blood in the colorful pheasant may have been stimulated by the blood of the red-feathered fire pheasant, and some dominant mutations have occurred. Perhaps it can be fed with the blood of the fire phoenix to promote its evolution. Become an intermediate level monster with fire phoenix bloodline!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Chun understood.

Then he said happily: "In this case, of course there is no problem with this junior. If the junior wants it when he wants it, he can take blood for him at any time as long as he is in the family!"

"There's no rush. Those colorful fire pheasants haven't grown to the first level yet, and they haven't left any heirs yet. When the time comes, I'll come find you again."

Zhou Mingde waved his hand, indicating that he was not in a hurry.

Next, the two chatted about some family matters, and Zhou Mingde left first.

Nowadays, Zhou Mingde personally handles all the affairs of the Zhou family, while Zhou Chun acts as the hands-off shopkeeper just like he did before.

All this is to allow Zhou Chun to concentrate on his cultivation and break through to the late stage of Jindan as soon as possible.

Under normal circumstances, only some matters that Zhou Mingde thinks are important will come to discuss with Zhou Chun and ask for his opinion.

Zhou Chun himself usually doesn't pay attention to family affairs.

He is also under a lot of pressure now. He must break through to the late stage of the golden elixir as soon as possible and transform the elixir into an infant as soon as possible.

Because he knew very well that if he could not transform the elixir into a baby as soon as possible, the Qinglian Mountains that the Zhou family had invested heavily in and manpower to build might eventually become a wedding dress for others!

Time flies, years fly by, and another seven years fly by in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Chun and his five-headed spiritual pets have been cultivating quietly, rarely leaving the family gate.

Occasionally, golden elixir monks from Jingguo or golden elixir monks who traveled to Jingguo would come to visit him. He would only discuss Taoism and communicate with them, but basically would not travel far.

Even though a certain late Jindan monk from Yuelun Sect held an exchange meeting and invited him, he refused.

By doing this, firstly, I don’t want to distract myself anymore, and secondly, I also intend to keep a low profile.

On this day, Zhou Chun met a clan member he had not seen for a long time in his cave, a descendant who had left the family and traveled far away for decades.

"Junior Zhou Zhiqian, please pay homage to the clan leader."

In the cave, a middle-aged man in silver robes with a long beard bowed respectfully to Zhou Chunshen to express his respect.

The person is clearly Zhou Zhiqian, a member of the Zhou family who has embarked on the path of sword cultivation with high-grade spiritual root qualifications.

When this man insisted on pursuing the path of sword cultivation, Zhou Chun allowed him to leave the family and travel around the world to hone his sword skills.

Now, decades have passed, and this person has successfully opened up the Purple Mansion, and his aura is even more sharp and sharp. It is obvious that he has made great achievements in the way of sword cultivation.

At this time, after Zhou Chun carefully looked at this junior, he couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction and said: "Not bad, you can successfully open up the Zi Mansion without the help of the family. It seems that you have been able to do this for decades." Traveling has not been a waste of time, and I have successfully found my own path!”

Hearing what he said, Zhou Zhiqian quickly replied respectfully: "This junior can achieve such achievements all thanks to your guidance and care, patriarch. Without the life-saving things you gave me back then, my soul would have passed away long ago. It’s a foreign land!”

After finishing speaking, he whispered with a guilty look on his face: "It's a pity that when the beast tide broke out a few years ago, I was in a far away place, and it happened to be in retreat to break through the big realm, so I couldn't rush back to the family to contribute to the family. I really feel ashamed of the cultivation you and the family have received, patriarch!"

"You don't need to feel guilty about this. In the situation at that time, one more person was not more, and one less you was not less. Even if I came back in time, it would not change the overall situation."

Zhou Chun shook his head slightly, without any intention of blaming this junior.

Then he smiled slightly at him and said: "On the contrary, you are now able to open up the Zi Mansion and return to the family when the family needs people, which just shows your loyalty to the family!"

"Yes, this junior will definitely serve the family well and live up to the patriarch's cultivation and high expectations!"

Zhou Zhiqian responded in a deep voice with a solemn expression.

Hearing his firm and powerful words, Zhou Chun began to appreciate this junior even more.

He quickly nodded towards him and said: "Since you have successfully opened up the Zi Mansion, according to the family rules, you should be promoted to the family elder. This sword sharpening stone will be regarded as a gift from me, and it will belong to you in the future. ”

With that said, he took out the sword sharpening stone from the treasure room in the cave and gave it to Zhou Zhiqian.

Zhou Zhiqian was also extremely surprised to see that he had fulfilled his original promise and gave this sword-sharpening stone to him after he opened the Zifu.

He hurriedly held the stone with both hands, as if he were holding a sacred object, raised it above his head and saluted Zhou Chunshen, saying: "Junior, thank the patriarch for his love, and thank the patriarch for the treasure!"

"Work hard. If you can really master this sword cultivation path in the future and successfully form elixirs with this path, then my Zhou family will be able to have another line of inheritance in the future, and you will be the ancestor of this line. I will always be remembered and praised by future generations of my Zhou family!"

Zhou Chun took advantage of the opportunity to encourage the junior, drew a big pie, and asked him to step down.

For him, who has now set his sights on transforming elixirs into infants, a descendant of the Zifu period can only give him a few compliments and not pay too much attention to him.

Two more years later, when Zhou Chun was practicing daily, his mind suddenly moved and he vaguely connected with several weak consciousnesses.

When he followed this weak mental connection and found the target, he immediately opened his mouth in surprise.

I saw four white and transparent insects crawling on the "Qingling Xiangui" tree stump next to the spiritual eye spring.

Each of these four little bugs is less than a finger long, about the thickness of a chopstick, and looks like a silkworm baby that has not yet spun silk.

Their whole body is white and transparent, and even the eyes can't see any black. If it weren't for the different color of the tree stumps underneath them, Zhou Chun might not be able to see them with the naked eye.

But if you sense them carefully, you will find that there is a faint aura of mana on them.

"Are these really six-winged ice silkworms? Where are their wings?"

Zhou Chun looked at the four white silkworms on the tree stump, his face full of surprise and uncertainty.

It turns out that these four small white insects hatched from the eggs of those suspected "six-winged ice silkworms".

At this time, the cocoon wrapping these eggs was still on a tree root. Of the original nine eggs inside, not one was left!

As for why only four bugs hatched out of nine eggs, this is also easy to understand.

Many oviparous creatures have the habit of devouring their own siblings after birth.

Maybe not only four bugs hatched at the beginning, but maybe the four hatched bugs ate the other unhatched eggs.

Anyway, only these four bugs survived now.

However, Zhou Chun was not sure at this time whether these four little insects were the legendary six-winged ice silkworms.

After all, he didn't see wings on them.

But what is certain is that the origin of these white bugs must be extraordinary.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun looked at them with surprise, he began to try to feed them with various foods.

After some experiments, Zhou Chun found that these white bugs did not seem to be picky about food. Whether it was the leaves of the spirit trees containing spiritual power, monster rations or monster meat, they would all eat it, but not much.

And they especially like to stay on that tree stump. Once they are placed elsewhere, even on the [Thousand-Year Cold Jade] that Zhou Chun deliberately took out, they will become a little restless.

This also surprised him.

For this, he could only explain that the four little bugs were "recognizing the bed". At present, his weak consciousness only regarded the tree stump as a safe place.

And he just silently observed and recorded their growth and changes to see what they would grow into later.

That is, half a year after the four little insects emerged from their cocoons, the Zhou family achieved another important breakthrough in beast control.

After receiving a few drops of fire phoenix essence and blood given by Zhou Chun, a junior of the Zhou family named Zhou Gaoping successfully cultivated a second-level phoenix-blood monster, the colorful phoenix-tailed pheasant!

The appearance of this colorful phoenix-tailed pheasant represents a new development direction for the Zhou family, in addition to the dragon-blooded monsters, the phoenix-blooded monsters.

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