Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 631 Killing at Qinglian Temple [Please subscribe]

The dragon and the fire phoenix are both top-level monster bloodlines.

Any monster with the blood of these two monsters will have strength and potential that is much stronger than ordinary monsters of the same level.

Moreover, many special elixir secrets and even magic weapons and talismans in the world of immortality require the blood of these two monsters as a medium.

The Zhou family's dragon-blood monsters are now widely circulated. Every year, individual monks or cultivating forces come to buy dragon blood.

Zhou Chun also made deals with several golden elixir monks who came to buy dragon spiritual blood.

It can be said that just drawing blood from various low-, middle-, and high-level dragon-blood monsters and selling them now can bring an income of 10,000 to 20,000 spirit coins to the Zhou family every year.

And this income is very stable, basically only going up, not going down.

As for the Fire Phoenix Bloodline, which is as famous as the Dragon Bloodline but even rarer, its value will only be higher.

In fact, after seeing Zhou Chun's Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, more than one Golden Core Stage cultivator came from the Yanyang Sect and wanted to exchange the Fire Phoenix True Feather with him, and the conditions offered were also very generous.

But Zhou Chun naturally sternly refused this kind of thing and ignored it at all.

At the beginning, he was not even willing to compromise with Master Yancang, the great master of weapon refining, let alone these Golden Core Stage monks.

As for the Yuanying stage master of Yanyang Sect, unless he deliberately suppresses him, he will definitely not open his mouth to embarrass his junior.

In short, just being able to give a few drops of fire phoenix essence and blood to those Yanyang Sect monks was enough for him to care about the Yanyang Sect's face.

Under such circumstances, the Zhou family has now cultivated an intermediate level monster of Fire Phoenix bloodline, which is of great significance.

Not to mention whether these monster beasts can hope to condense the true feathers of the fire phoenix and turn into a real fire phoenix in the future.

It can only be said that after they become phoenix blood monsters, the industrial expansion they can bring to the Zhou family is a treasure with unlimited potential.

With the precedent of the colorful phoenix-tailed pheasant, the Zhou family can continue to develop along this line of thinking in the future and continue to dig deeper and cultivate more varieties of phoenix-blooded monsters.

Anyway, the fire phoenix blood essence and blood are only extracted in small amounts and will not affect the growth of the Fire Phoenix too much. It can be replenished by taking a few more millennium elixirs.

And when the phoenix-blood monster beasts such as the colorful phoenix-tailed pheasants also breed in groups, in the future Zhou Jiaguang will be able to steadily earn a large amount of spiritual coins by selling their feathers and spiritual blood.

So after Zhou Chun learned the news, he was very happy. He even made an exception and personally met with the Qi-training junior named Zhou Gaoping, and gave him the most precious foundation building stone for Qi-training monks. Dan.

"Junior, I would like to thank the clan leader for the reward. I will never forget the kindness of the clan leader!"

Zhou Gaoping, who received the Foundation Establishment Pill, held the pill bottle with trembling hands and knelt on the ground with an extremely excited expression, kowtowing to Zhou Chun and thanking him endlessly.

He only has low-grade spiritual root qualifications, and his parents are ordinary mortals. Now he is over sixty, but he has only reached the twelfth level of the Qi training stage. This is thanks to the Zhou family's entry into the Qinglian Mountains, allowing him to enjoy it. In the past, only Qinglian Temple Foundation Establishment monks could enjoy the cultivation environment.

According to his situation, even in the Zhou family, it was impossible to obtain the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Now that he had made great contributions, he was received by the clan leader Zhou Chun, who personally gave him the Foundation Establishment Pill and gave him a chance to ascend to heaven. This made him extremely excited and grateful.

"Get up, this is the reward you deserve. The family will never treat anyone with meritorious service. No matter what his background is, as long as he can make great contributions to the family, he should be worthy of a reward!"

Zhou Chun waved his hand and said some words of encouragement before letting people retreat.

The reason why he summoned the other party this time and gave him the Foundation Establishment Pill was just to make a gesture to the other young clan members and reiterate the policies and rules he had set when he was in power.

Any member of the Zhou family who can make great contributions to the family, regardless of origin or qualifications, will receive special awards from the family.

Whether it is a foundation-building pill or a spiritual object that assists in opening up the Purple Mansion, the family will not hesitate to reward them.

As long as there is such an upward path, even if there are some middle and high-level people in the Zhou family who use their power for personal gain, those clan members with no background and poor spiritual qualifications will not completely lose the opportunity to seek enlightenment.

this point is very important!

Speaking of which, as the Zhou family occupied the Qinglian Mountains and carried out development everywhere, many members of the clan have gained personal opportunities in recent years.

After all, the Qinglian Mountain Range is the spiritual mountain blessed land that the Qinglian Temple sect has operated for a long time. Even though it has been harmed by hundreds of thousands of monsters before, there are still many missing treasures that have not been damaged.

Moreover, after the gate of Qinglian Temple was broken, many disciples of Qinglian Temple fell into the mountain while escaping. Some of their magic weapons and storage bags were not damaged by monsters.

After the Zhou family took over this place, many members of the clan were lucky enough to discover these things while patrolling and exploring in the mountains, and thus made a fortune.

As for what these tribesmen gained by chance, the family would not ask for it to be handed over, but would acquiesce that it belongs to them.

Even if those hired casual cultivators gain something in the Qinglian Mountains, the Zhou family will not rob them.

Not even Zhou Mingde had that idea.

As the decision-makers of the Zhou family, both he and Zhou Chun knew that a good reputation was more important to the Zhou family than petty profits.

Stealing the harvest of those casual cultivators would not be of much benefit to the Zhou family, but it would harm the entire casual cultivator group.

The senior members of the family will never do this kind of thing, and they will also prohibit the clan members from doing it.

What really deserves Zhou Chun's attention is the secret vault of Qinglian Temple and the inheritance that Qing Weizi and others took away.

Sects such as Qinglian Temple that once produced monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul may even have infant-linked spiritual objects in their secret vaults!

After all, if these sects really want to use their secret vaults and want to revive, they must have Nascent Soul Stage monks in charge.

Therefore, it is possible to store the infant spiritual objects in the secret vault for future generations to use.

Counting the time, the protection period of Qinglian Temple is about to expire, and Zhou Chun has already secretly prepared for this matter.

Three years later, two brothers, Gongsun Yuanji and Gongsun Yuanzhi, suddenly came together to pay homage to Zhou Chun and bid farewell to him.

The brother and sister have been working for the Zhou family for more than ten years to pay off their debts. During this period, Zhou Chun was asked to give away a thousand-year elixir to replenish their life energy, so their construction period had to be delayed for a few years.

Now, I have finally paid off the corresponding debts and can be free.

They obviously have no intention of continuing to stay in the Zhou family, and the Zhou family has now arranged formations wherever they should be, and there is no place for them to be of great use.

So at this time, the two came to bid farewell to Zhou Chun.

"Since you two have finally decided to leave, Zhou won't say much to persuade you to stay. I wish you two Taoist friends a safe journey."

In the cave, Zhou Chun looked at the Gongsun brothers and sisters in front of him and didn't do much to persuade them to stay, and quickly agreed to their request.

"Senior is so magnanimous. My younger brothers and sisters are so grateful. I wish my senior a smooth journey and an everlasting path to immortality!"

Gongsun Yuanji's face relaxed, and he quickly expressed his gratitude with a grateful expression, and then took his sister Gongsun Yuanzhi and left.

About three days after the two left, Zhou Xinyan suddenly came over to meet Zhou Chun.

After seeing Zhou Chun, he took out a silver-white box and held it in his hands. He held the object in both hands and said respectfully to Zhou Chun: "Clan leader Mingjian, today a clan member in the Qi training period came here with this object to ask to see the junior. He said Fellow Daoist Gongsun and his brothers and sisters specifically asked him to hand it over. I don’t dare to make any arbitrary decisions, so I came here to pay homage to the clan leader.”

"Oh, is there anything else?"

Zhou Chun raised his eyebrows and immediately raised his hand to take the silver-white box into his hand.

This silver-white box is obviously blessed with some kind of restriction and cannot be opened by ordinary monks.

But to him, it is not worth mentioning at all.

He raised his hand and touched the box, and a golden light flashed, erasing the restrictions on the box.

And when he opened the box, he saw a thick book inside, with the four characters "Detailed Explanation of Formation" written on the cover.

Zhou Chun took out the book and flipped through it, showing a look of surprise.

This "Detailed Explanation of Formation" turned out to be a teaching book for formation masters specially written by Gongsun Yuanzhi based on the situation of the Zhou family.

This book does not record the secret formations of the Gongsun family, but uses some widely circulated formations in the world of immortality as models to teach the formation master apprentices step by step how to set up and dismantle formations, and how to learn a new skill more effectively. Formation, how to build a complete formation system!

There is a lot of knowledge here that should be something that the formation masters of the Gongsun family have learned since childhood. It is not a secret in their family.

But for a family like the Zhou family that is not good at formations, it is a very precious thing.

In the future, whether you are a new formation apprentice or a formation master like Zhang Liang, through this "Detailed Explanation of Formation", you will be able to avoid many detours in formation research.

It can be seen that Gongsun Yuanzhi also truly investigated the situation of the Zhou family's array masters before choosing to leave such a teaching book to help the Zhou family.

"Senior Zhou is upright and magnanimous. Brother and sister Yuan Zhi admire him very much. However, the inheritance of the Formation Dao of this junior is the foundation of the Gongsun family. I really dare not do anything that goes against the ancestral precepts and teach it to outsiders." , I only dedicate this book to my seniors, hoping it will be of benefit to the Zhou family’s inheritance of formations!”

Zhou Chun turned to the end of the book and saw the comments left by Gongsun Yuanzhi.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but nodded, and whispered to himself: "She is really thoughtful. It seems that those thousand-year-old elixirs are not in vain!"

Then he threw the book in his hand to Zhou Xinyan who was still waiting and said: "After you have a few rubbings of this book, give it to Zhang Liang."

"Yes, junior, I obey."

Zhou Xinyan responded and left with the "Detailed Explanation of Formation".

Time passed, and soon another three years passed.

On this day, in Zhouchun Cave Mansion, under his gaze, four small insects that were suspected to be six-winged ice silkworms spun silk into cocoons, sealed themselves inside the cocoons, and began their own transformations.

Up to this point, he had not found any powerful abilities in the four little bugs.

After waiting with anticipation for another year, Zhou Chun finally waited until four little insects emerged from their cocoons.

I saw that the four little insects after breaking out of the cocoon were actually smaller than before. I wonder if it was because they had not eaten for too long.

Apart from becoming more invisible, they haven't changed much, and they haven't grown wings.

This made Zhou Chun quite disappointed.

He then observed for another half a year and found that the four bugs did not show any abnormal abilities except that they grew larger and larger with sufficient food supply.

This performance made him completely disappointed. He didn't pay too much attention to them anymore, and just threw some food to them every once in a while.

At this time, after more than ten years of construction and management, the Zhou family finally had the Qinglian Mountains, a spiritual mountain blessed land, completely under their control, and all the spiritual lands in the mountains were put into development.

Of course, due to the shortage of manpower, many places just randomly arrange formations as protection, and arrange for regular inspections. The actual development level is not high.

Despite this, because many formations were successively deployed and many casual cultivators were hired, the Zhou family's savings were almost wiped out.

Senior family members such as Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde also subsidized many spiritual coins from their own pockets.

Only at this time did the Zhou family have some energy to take care of places outside the Qinglian Mountains.

For example, other immortal cultivating families or scattered cultivating strongholds in Lanzhou and Lianzhou.

In the future, these forces will be directly controlled by the Zhou family and will nominally become vassals of the Zhou family.

At the same time, the rights to open markets in both places will also belong to the Zhou family.

Some unowned spiritual lands are also under the jurisdiction of the Zhou family.

Previously, because the entire central and southern part of Jingguo was in the reconstruction period, neither the Zhou family nor those other families had the time to pay attention to these matters.

But now that more than ten years have passed, each family has rebuilt the mountain gate and begun to enter the recovery period. These matters have to be put on the table and dealt with.

In particular, the markets where cultivators can exchange and trade with each other are in urgent need of reconstruction.

In view of this, Zhou Chun also arranged for people to send invitations to all the forces in the two states in the name of the Zhou family, inviting the principals of each force to come to the Qinglian Mountains to meet and discuss relevant matters.

"Clan Chief Mingjian, there are no Jindan aristocratic families in the two states now. There are four large Immortal Cultivation families with Zifu period monks in charge, and there are 16 Immortal Cultivation families with Foundation Establishment monks in charge, and the remaining small families that have established mountain gates total five Twelve families.”

"As for the casual cultivators' strongholds, there are two Zifu period casual cultivators from foreign countries. They took advantage of the situation and occupied two mountain gate spiritual lands that originally belonged to two immortal cultivating clans and established cultivation strongholds. The remaining strongholds were established by the foundation-building period's casual cultivators. There are also six places!”

While the invitations were still being distributed, Zhou Xinyan also took the opportunity to report to Zhou Chun the intelligence on various forces within the country collected by the Zhou family, so that he would have an idea.

After listening to Zhou Xinyan's report, Zhou Chun also showed a surprised look.

Dang even couldn't help but look at him and asked: "Why are there so few? Didn't the Chen family of Lanzhou also evacuate at the beginning? Didn't they even want the family's ancestral land?"

Zhou Chun remembered that in the past, there were six or seven large immortal cultivating families in Lanzhou alone, let alone Lianzhou.

Even if the previous beast wave came too fiercely and those families misjudged the situation and could not cope with it, logically speaking, they should not leave only these few families.

After listening to his words, Zhou Xinyan replied with a wry smile: "The supreme elder of the Chen family in Lanzhou unfortunately fell into the beast tide, and several senior members of their family also lost their lives, plus maybe I feel that it will be difficult to get along with my Zhou family in the future, so now I have moved to Tanzhou and occupied a spiritual land there to rebuild the mountain gate!"

"As for the other major Zifu clans, either the Zifu period monks in the clan died and fell off the lintel, or they were wiped out in the beast tide. There are also a few who are particularly close to Qinglian Temple and seem to follow Qinglian Temple. We left together!”

This answer made Zhou Chun also silent.

After being silent for a while, he smiled faintly and said, "So be it, since those people don't want to come back, they don't have to come back in the future!"

After all, there are more people than land in this world of immortal cultivation. As long as Lingshan Blessed Land is there, there will always be a suitable owner to settle in in the future.

Those people and forces who have no confidence in the Zhou family will regret their ignorance in the future!

But with only three or two big cats and kittens, the subsequent meetings seemed boring.

After representatives from all the forces arrived, Zhou Chun simply showed up, acknowledged their sovereignty over the spiritual land they now occupied on behalf of the Zhou family, accepted their allegiance, and then announced that the Zhou family would rebuild Fang City as soon as possible.

As for how to deal with these vassal forces in the future, there is no need for Zhou Chun, a golden elixir stage monk, to worry about it.

Zhou Chun himself kept his word. Half a year after convening a meeting with the vassal forces, the Zhou family started construction in both places at the same time, rebuilding new cities in Lanzhou and Lianzhou where the original cities were, making it easier for monks from the two places to pass through the cities. Communicate what is needed.

At the same time, the former "Zhou Tong Tianxia" trading house also resumed operations.

But this only means that the situation in the world of immortality is beginning to improve.

In the mortal world, today's Lanzhou and Lianzhou are still uninhabited. A few mortals can only rely on the protection of immortal cultivators to survive the threats of monsters and beasts and spread their branches to expand their populations.

It would take less than two to three hundred years to restore the immortal world and the secular world to the situation before the beast tide.

Spring turns to winter, and three years pass in the blink of an eye.

In Zhouchun Cave Mansion, the four little insects once again experienced cocoon transformation, but the result was still not much changed.

Su Yuzhen had already entered the secret room of seclusion at this time and began to retreat to the middle stage of the golden elixir.

"The two hundred years have passed. It's time for you, Zhou Xiaoyou, to take action."

On this day, Master Tianjing, who had been living in seclusion inside the Zhou family's mountain gate, suddenly sent a message to Zhou Chun's ear to remind him.

Hearing this familiar voice that he had not heard for a long time, Zhou Chun was stunned for a moment, and then he bowed his hands towards the mountain peak where Master Tianjing was and said, "Yes, I understand, this junior."

A few days later, without the knowledge of many Zhou family elders, Zhou Chun quietly left the Qinglian Mountains.

I saw that he first went to Tuyun Ridge, secretly took away the golden-armored mountain turtles Shitou and Mu Meimu Sang there, and then went straight to Leguo.

Over the years, the Zhou family has never given up collecting intelligence on the remnants of Qinglian Temple.

Now it can be confirmed that Qingweizi, the former master of Qinglian Temple, has taken most of the remaining monks of Qinglian Temple to settle down somewhere in Leguo, and seems to have been protected by a sect in Leguo.

Zhou Chun guessed that Master Qingxiao had reached some agreement with Master Yuanyingqi of the Leguo sect before his death, or the other party owed a favor, so he took care of Qinglianguan, who was now like a bereaved dog.

But this kind of care is definitely limited. The purpose of supporting the sky is to leave a spiritual place for the remnants of Qinglian Temple to protect them from persecution by local forces.

Moreover, as long as Zhou Chun takes action quickly and kills the remnants of the Qinglian Temple before the Nascent Soul Master receives the news, even if the other party knows that it was him who did it, they will probably be helpless.

You can't go to the Qinglian Mountains to fight with Tianjing Zhenren for the sake of the extinct Qinglian Temple.

At this time, Zhou Chun hid his identity and cultivation along the way. After spending several days on the road, he quietly arrived at the place where the remnants of Qinglian Temple were.

This place is called Tongmuling. It was originally a annex of the Liyang Sect of the Leguo sect. The size of the spiritual land is similar to that of the Su family's mountain gate, and it can accommodate several Golden Core monks to practice.

The mountain-protecting formation arranged on Tongmu Ridge is also quite exquisite. Even if it is not as good as the forbidden formation that can withstand Nascent Soul monks, it is no worse than the [Yimu Panlong Formation] currently arranged by the Zhou family.

If a late-stage Jindan cultivator were to come here, faced with such a situation, it would be difficult for him to take action.

After all, this place is not open to the outside world, and non-Qinglian Temple monks are not allowed to enter. Even the Qinglian Temple monks inside rarely go out.

Even if you want to hide your cultivation, sneak inside, and blast it from the inside, there is no chance.

But Zhou Chun is different.

He has now cultivated the second level of "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light" to the level of Dacheng. As long as he collects the five element attribute spiritual objects required for the third level, he can quickly reach the third level.

Relying on the mystery of this secret technique and the special talent of the golden armor, mountain turtle and stone in breaking the formation, it is enough to forcefully break into the formation.

Therefore, after observing in secret outside, he deliberately waited for half a month, and finally chose to take action on a rainy night.

In the rainy night, Zhou Chun's figure suddenly appeared at the edge of the Tongmuling Mountain Protection Formation.

Then he made secret techniques with both hands, and a ball of colorful spiritual light emerged from his hands, turning into a forbidden light and rushing forward.

Immediately, under the wash of this multicolored forbidden-breaking mysterious light, a barrier-free passage was opened in front of the Tongmuling Mountain Protection Formation, allowing Zhou Chun to easily penetrate deep into the formation without even being discovered.

It was not until he entered the deepest part of the formation and was about to break through the entire defense line of the formation that the monks guarding the formation finally noticed the anomaly because the power of breaking the forbidden light could not easily break through the invisible barrier at the end of the formation.

"Who dares to break into Qinglian Mountain Gate!"

As a roar full of shock and anger rang out, the originally restrained power of the Tongmuling Mountain Guard Formation immediately became violent.

But without waiting for the person who made the noise to mobilize the power of the formation to deal with those who broke into the formation, Zhou Chun directly activated the [Tiangang Thunder Sword] and cooperated with the forbidden black light to forcefully break through the last layer of the formation barrier and enter. In Tongmu Ridge.

"Where is Qingweizi? Come out and die soon!"

In Tongmu Ridge, Zhou Chun shouted loudly with his sword, and with a wave of his hand, he called out all the five monster beasts and pets under his seat, and started to slaughter all the Qinglian temple monks inside without mercy!

Well, after watching the competition, I still had time to write six thousand words.

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