Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 632 The Fall of Qingweizi [Please subscribe]

In Tongmu Ridge, wailing was everywhere.

Zhou Chun came to destroy the family this time, so he had no means to do so.

As soon as the five spiritual pets under him came out, they faithfully carried out his orders and started killing people and setting fires.

I saw the golden-armored mountain turtle stone first exerting force, directly connecting with the earth veins below Tongmul Ridge, disrupting the energy of the earth veins, causing the entire Tongmul Ridge to shake, as if a major earthquake had occurred.

Affected by this, Tongmuling's mountain-protecting formation immediately fell into a state of paralysis. The monks in charge of the formation could only do their best to stabilize the formation, and there was no way they could mobilize the power of the formation to suppress Zhou Chun.

The Flame Hell Fire Phoenix rose into the sky, raining fire in all directions, attacking the courtyard residences of the Qinglian Temple monks.

Many low-level and middle-level monks were howled and turned into ashes in the rain of fire before they even left their residences.

Furthermore, Mu Mei Mu Sang released twelve [Tianmu Taoist Soldiers] in one breath, leading these Taoist soldier puppets to rush around in Tongmu Ridge, constantly harvesting the lives of the Qinglian Temple monks among them.

Originally, after the Qinglian Temple Gate was breached, most of the disciples fell into the beast tide. Now there are only two to three hundred people left, many of whom are still in the Qi training stage.

This time, there was a sudden attack, and these disciples who carried the hope of reviving the Qinglian Temple were immediately slaughtered by the dozens.

This scene made Qingweizi and Qinglingzi, who had just come out, their eyes wide open.

"Zhou Zhengchun, you are so brave!"

As Zhou Chun's nominal master, Qingweizi was extremely frightened and angry at this moment.

After he roared angrily, he activated a cyan treasure seal to suppress Zhou Chun.

"The ultimate magic weapon!"

Zhou Chun exclaimed in surprise, and hurriedly activated the [Tiangang Thunder Sword] to turn into a silver thunder light and face the cyan treasure seal.

As a result, after the sword seals collided, the silver flying sword was slightly inferior and was blown away by the cyan treasure seal.

Fortunately, the [Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword] also consumed a lot of the power of the cyan spear. The attacks of the thunder dragon Baibai and the golden-winged tiger landed on this top-quality magic weapon at the same time, and finally blocked it.

But the best magic weapon naturally does not only have this power.

As Qingweizi pressed the seal with both hands, the cyan treasure seal suddenly bloomed, and in an instant, a stream of cyan black light burst out and shot towards Zhou Chun and his spiritual pet.

Zhou Chun felt a strong threat in the cyan black light, and he did not dare to be negligent at all. He hurriedly activated the [Moon Toad Orb] to use the "Taiyin Body Protective Fairy Clothes" to protect himself firmly.

Thunder Dragon Baibai and Golden-winged Tiger also instinctively felt the danger of the cyan black light, and they all chose to retreat from the sharp edge and dodge the attack through the Thunder Escape Technique and the "Flying Air Technique".

But seeing those green mysterious lights shooting at Zhou Chun, the body-protecting magical power of [Qianyuan Jinxia] he used was instantly smashed into a sieve, like paper.

Fortunately, the "Taiyin Body Protective Immortal Clothes" was powerful enough, and in the flashes of silver light, it took over all the attacks.

Wei Zi was shocked to see this scene.

He knew Zhou Chun was powerful, so he used his trump card as soon as he made a move and sacrificed the magic weapon [Qingxuan Seal] left by Master Qingxiao.

This [Qingxuan Seal] is a top-quality magic weapon that was once used by Master Qingxiao, a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. It is naturally of extraordinary power, and its attributes are very consistent with Qingweizi.

With this seal in hand, coupled with her cultivation at the peak of the middle stage of the Golden Core, even if she encounters a late-stage Golden Core monk who possesses a high-grade magic weapon, Qingweizi is sure to defeat or even kill the opponent.

In the previous beast tide, he also relied on this top-quality magic weapon to successfully fight his way out.

But he didn't expect that Zhou Chunzhao had taken over the attack power of this top-quality magic weapon now, without making any achievements at all!

"This is impossible! How can you have the best magic weapon on you!"

Qingweizi looked at Zhou Chun with disbelief and roared, feeling extremely shocked.

Of course he knew very well the origins and background of the Zhou family.

It is impossible to pass down the best magic weapon left by the predecessors!

So the only explanation is that Zhou Chun got this top-quality magic weapon from his own wanderings outside.

And with Qingweizi's vision of cultivation, he only dared to think about the best magic weapons, but he never thought about such things as spiritual treasures.

Facing Qingweizi's low roar, Zhou Chun ignored it and directly activated the spiritual treasure in his body without hesitation, displaying the magical power of "Moon Toad Possession".

He originally didn't expect to be able to easily win Qingweizi, but now that Qingweizi came up and used the best magic weapon, he immediately realized that he couldn't delay any longer, otherwise he didn't know what other trump cards the opponent would pull out.


Following a dull toad cry, Zhou Chun transformed into a silver-white giant toad in front of Qingweizi and Qing Lingzi.

This silver-white giant toad is bathed in silver moonlight and exudes an icy aura.

"Damn it! What kind of magical power is this!"

Seeing Zhou Chun who suddenly turned into an ice toad monster, Qingweizi was also shocked and couldn't help but cursed.

Even if Zhou Chun turns into a dragon in front of him, he won't be surprised, because he knows that Zhou Chun has practiced "The Secret of Dragon Transformation".

But what about turning into an ice toad monster?

He has never heard of any magical power or treasure that can turn a person into an ice toad!

Looking at Zhou Chun after he transformed into the Taiyin Moon Toad, when he opened his mouth and spat out, a white ice light shot towards Qingweizi.

Facing the attack of such unknown magical powers, Qingweizi did not dare to be negligent and hurriedly activated the [Qingxuan Seal] to release a stream of cyan glow in front of her.

Unexpectedly, the cyan glow suddenly disappeared under the impact of the white ice light.

This scene frightened him so much that his complexion changed, and he hurriedly activated his magic weapon with all his strength to bloom an even stronger cyan glow to maintain his defense. Only then did he finally wear away the power of the white ice light.

While he was resisting the attack of Zhou Chun's ice toad, Qing Lingzi, who had also broken through to the middle stage of Jindan cultivation, also used a blue spear to shoot at the white ice toad.

This green spear magic weapon is also a top-grade magic weapon. It is made from the hardest fifth-level spiritual wood "Qingxuan Wood" and is one of the foundations of Qinglian Temple.

But when this cyan spear magic weapon was pierced into the white ice toad, it didn't even pierce the silver moonlight outside it. Instead, the spear itself quickly condensed a layer of white frost, showing signs of being frozen. .

This situation also startled Qing Lingzi, and he hurriedly activated the treasure with all his strength to disperse the ice and frost and fly away from the white ice toad.

Then he hurriedly sent a message to Qingweizi and said: "Senior Brother Qingweizi, there is something wrong with this guy's strength. He is much stronger than the rumors!"

"I've also discovered it. He must have hidden his strength before. We can't have any luck anymore. We have to keep him here even if we use our secrets!"

Qingweizi replied in a heavy tone, her words full of murderous intent.

"Okay, then let's use our secrets to kill him!"

Qing Lingzi nodded and immediately agreed without any hesitation.

Both of them had watched Zhou Chun grow up from a young monk in the foundation-building stage, and they had been jealous of Zhou Chun a long time ago.

Since Zhou Chun came to the door today and exposed his true strength in front of them, they also knew what Zhou Chun was planning, so they also did not want to give Zhou Chun more opportunities to show off his skills.

At this time, the two of them communicated and agreed, and together they launched a counterattack against Zhou Chun.

Qing Lingzi opened his mouth and spat out, and a ray of silver light flew out, turning into a brilliant silver mirror.

This silver mirror is the top-quality magic weapon used by Master Tianjing and Master Qingxiao when they fought. It comes from another monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, Master Xuanjing.

When Master Tianjing Yuanying was captured, this magic weapon fell into the hands of Master Qingxiao. Naturally, there was no reason to return it to him afterwards.

Nowadays, this thing is passed down as a heritage and was sacrificed by Qing Lingzi.

At this time, after Qing Lingzi sacrificed this top-quality magic weapon, he immediately activated it to shine a beam of silver mirror light towards the white ice toad.

The silver mirror light was extremely fast and hit the white ice toad in the blink of an eye.

The silver moonlight surrounding the white ice toad seemed to have lost its effect at this time. It was unable to block the silver mirror light and allowed it to sink into the white ice toad's body.

When the silver mirror light entered his body, Zhou Chun immediately felt his body sink. All his blood and even his magic power were imprisoned by a strange force, making it difficult to function, as if he had been hit by a body-holding spell.

Taking this opportunity, Qingweizi activated the [Qingxuan Seal] with all her strength to turn into a giant cyan seal and suppressed it towards the white ice toad. At the same time, she patted the storage bag on her waist and quickly released two fourth-level mid-grade seals. The golden tiger puppets let them spit out golden beams of light and attack the immobilized white ice toad.

Under the suppression of the giant cyan seal, the silver moonlight surrounding the white ice toad suddenly flashed sharply, as if it might collapse at any time.

This situation also made Zhou Chun anxious, and he could only desperately use the power of the [Moon Toad Orb] to help him get rid of the silver mirror light power.

Fortunately, at this time, several spiritual pets also discovered that their master was in a bad situation, and hurriedly tried their best to save the master.

But the khaki stone mountain on the back of the golden-armored mountain turtle suddenly rose into the air and crashed directly towards the giant cyan seal.

Qingweizi originally did not take this earth-yellow stone mountain seriously, because the aura it exuded was comparable to a high-grade magic weapon.

But what he didn't expect was that when the khaki stone mountain was about to collide with the giant cyan seal, a circle of gray [Essential Magnetic Divine Light] suddenly burst out.

As a well-known magical power in the world of immortality, [Elemental Magnetic Divine Light] is said to be able to overcome all kinds of magic. Whether it is a magical power or a magical flying sword, when it encounters it, it will first be weakened by one layer of power.

With the blessing of this magical power, after the earth-yellow stone mountain collided with the giant cyan seal, this top-quality magic weapon actually flew out!

However, the essential gap between the two sides still exists. After this collision, countless cracks suddenly appeared on the khaki stone mountain.

Fortunately, the object itself is smelted from various ore spiritual materials and earth elements, so it is very easy to restore. There is no need to feel bad about the golden armor, mountain turtle and stone.

At the same time, Lei Jiao Baibai also opened his mouth and let out a long groan, and used the [Thunder Dragon Roar] magical power to interfere with Qing Lingzi.

This [Thunder Dragon Song] is different from Zhou Chun's "God-Slaying Sword". Even if it has the effect of attacking the soul, it will also shock the physical body's energy, blood and mana. Even if Qing Lingzi practices secret techniques such as "Heart Lotus Zhengfa" At extremely high levels, one can only be immune to the attack of the divine soul.

At this moment, he was shocked by the dragon's roar, and the connection between him and the silver mirror suddenly became sluggish.

Zhou Chun immediately seized this opportunity and quickly burst out of strength to get rid of the power of immobilization.

Then he opened his mouth and spat out, and a ball of white ice light condensed, instantly turning into a white ice realm that appeared in front of him.

The silver mirror light that Qing Lingzi shot from a hole fell onto the ice and was immediately reflected back to himself.

This is the innate magical power "Xuanbing Mirror" possessed by Taiyin Moon Toad, which has the effect of reflecting the enemy's magic power.

The secret technique of "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad Chapter", combined with the "Moon Toad Possession" magical power of the [Moon Toad Orb], can allow the Taiyin Moon Toad transformed by Zhou Chun to completely inherit the magical power of this monster, just like Just like a real lunar moon toad.

Qing Lingzi over there obviously didn't expect that the white ice toad that Zhou Chun transformed into could have such methods.

As soon as he was illuminated by the reflected silver mirror light, all his magic power was immediately banned and he was trapped in a cocoon!

Naturally, Lei Jiao Baibai, who has a close connection with Zhou Chun, would not miss such a good opportunity.

It opened its mouth and spat out, and a silver thunder ball hit Qing Lingzi, whose magic power was banned.


Accompanied by a flash of lightning, a piece of green cloud that protected Qing Lingzi was immediately blown away by the lightning.

Then Lei Jiao Baibai's body flashed with lightning, and his figure appeared next to Qing Lingzi. A dragon claw shrouded in thunder penetrated into the broken clouds, and pinched Qing Lingzi. In the claws.

"Junior Brother Qinglingzi!!"

Qingweizi's expression changed drastically, as if she wanted to distract herself from the rescue.

Unfortunately, before he could distract himself, Qing Lingzi was crushed to pieces by the thunder dragon's white dragon claws like a toy!

After killing Qing Lingzi in this way, Lei Jiao Baibai and Jin Jiafu Mountain Turtle Shitou had a very tacit understanding and launched an offensive against Qing Weizi at the same time.

I saw a gray-white spiritual light spitting out from the mouth of the golden-armored mountain turtle stone, shooting towards Qingweizi like an arrow.

Sensing the danger, Qingweizi did not dare to neglect and hurriedly activated the [Qing Xuan Seal] to block in front of her.

But when the gray-white spiritual light came into contact with the cyan glow released by the best magic weapon, the surface of the cyan glow was petrified into layers of stone flakes, instantly cutting off several pieces of the glow.

And the white ice light that followed almost penetrated the cyan glow, causing the [Qing Xuan Seal], the ultimate magic weapon, to let out an overwhelmed whine.

This was the first time Qingweizi had encountered this situation after she had sacrificed and refined this top-quality magic weapon.

He gritted his teeth and suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a ball of life essence blood that fell on the blue treasure seal, triggering more green glow to protect himself.

Then he raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and immediately a red talisman exuding a terrifying aura appeared in his hand.

"Fifth level talisman!"

The white ice toad transformed by Zhou Chun couldn't help but exclaimed, but he recognized its origin through the breath of the red talisman.

A fifth-level magic talisman, this is something even rarer than the best magic weapon!

Even if you are a monk at the Nascent Soul stage, you must pay great attention to luck if you want to get this object.

Because there are too few monks in the world of immortality who can make magic talismans of this level!

First, this requires a Grand Master level of talisman making!

Second, the talisman paper, talisman pens, and talisman ink that can be used to make talismans of this level are very rare.

The third is that you need to have Nascent Soul stage cultivation.

Moreover, the higher the level of the talisman, the lower the success rate of production. Generally, even if a great master produces a talisman of this level, it is only used for his own collection and is rarely exchanged with others.

In terms of power, the power of the fifth-level magic talisman is undoubtedly much stronger than the magical talismans made by the early Yuanying monks, and it is not as easy to hurt oneself as the attack-type magical talismans, and it lasts longer. Out a lot.

Once Qingweizi activates this fifth-level talisman, it will be equivalent to a Nascent Soul stage monk striking with all his strength. Zhou Chun has no idea how powerful it will be.

But the situation had changed so much that there was no more time for him to think.

After Qingweizi took out the magic talisman over there, she quickly injected magic power to activate it.

But the red talisman in his hand suddenly rose into the air, bursting out with a bright red light, and then turned into a red fireball and shot towards Zhou Chun.

At first glance, the red fireball looked like a "pyrotechnic" magnified more than ten times.

However, from the terrifying aura emanating from the red fireball, as well as the terrifying high temperature that caused the vegetation on Tongmu Ridge to wither, we can know that this red fireball is fundamentally different from the second-level spell "pyrolysis".

Zhou Chun opened his mouth and spat out, and a "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light" hit the red fireball.

But this powerful magical power, which is enough to freeze a fourth-level high-grade monster, is like a drop of water falling on a fire. It has no effect at all except for making a sound.

He then spat out a white crystal ball, activating the magical secret talisman that Tianjing Zhenren had given to him. The magical power called "Mirror Return" was sealed in it, and it also had the effect of reflecting the opponent's attacks.

I saw the white crystal ball explode with a "bang", blooming with a rich white light, forming a white wall of light blocking the front of the red fire ball.

When the two collided, the white wall of light quickly shattered and dissipated.

But the red fireball suddenly split into two, splitting into a red fireball about one-third of its original size, and shot towards Qingweizi in the opposite direction.

The remaining red fireball, which had shrunk by about half in size, continued to fly towards Zhou Chun.

The "Mirror Return" magical power of Master Tianjing actually has a certain effect!

This result also boosted Zhou Chun's spirits, and he hurriedly activated the [Moon Toad Orb], a spiritual treasure, with all his strength. The silver moonlight glowed all over his body, and he collided head-on with the red fireball, which had shrunk by nearly half its size.

Boom! Boom!

With the roar of two explosions, one after the other, most of the Paulownia Ridge was filled with red fire, and everything that could burn everywhere burned in the terrifying high temperature.

Many of the disciples of Qinglian Temple who were not yet dead were directly evaporated by the terrifying high temperature and became charred corpses!

Mu Mei Mu Sang's twelve [Tianmu Dao Weapons] were up to the third level, but in this terrifying high temperature, eight of them were burned instantly. Only four third level high-grade Taoist puppets barely retained the spirit wood core. Not completely destroyed!

As for the wood-type spirit, it also let out a miserable howl in the terrifying heat and suffered serious internal injuries.

The rest, such as the Golden-winged Tiger and the Thunder Dragon Baibai, although they retreated to a distance in time, some of their hair and skin were inevitably burned.

The only ones that could not be affected by this terrifying high temperature were the fire-attributed Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, and the thick-skinned, thick-bodied, golden-armored mountain turtle stone with powerful defense.

But these two are just not afraid of the aftermath of the high temperature.

If they were hit by that red fireball, it was hard to say whether they would survive!

And when the blazing fire gradually dissipated, the situation at the two explosion centers also appeared in the sight of Zhou Chun's spiritual pets.

I saw that the mountain peak near Zhou Chun's original location was directly blown away by hundreds of feet!

The white ice toad he transformed also fell to the ground covered in blood. If it were not possible to sense the existence of his consciousness through mind contact, several spiritual pets would almost worry that he was dead!

Qingweizi on the other side was no better than him at all.

Although the reflected attack he received was not as strong as Zhou Chun's, it was still equivalent to one-third of the power of a fifth-level magic talisman.

Qingweizi's defense and vitality are not as strong as the Taiyin Moon Toad transformed by Zhou Chun!

If he hadn't used his life essence and blood to increase the defensive power of [Qing Xuan Seal], this wave of explosions might have blown him to pieces.

It's not like this now, just lying on the ground with a face like gold paper and vomiting blood.

But what if he survived the explosion?

No matter how seriously injured Zhou Chun is, he still has five spiritual pets that can control him.

He was so seriously injured, and Qing Lingzi, his only Jindan-level junior brother, was crushed to death by the thunder dragon one step ahead of him. At this time, it was impossible to withstand the attack of Zhou Chun's spiritual pet.

He was obviously aware of this situation.

Therefore, when several spiritual pets looked at him with cold eyes because of their master's serious injury, he also staggered and stood up, looked at Zhou Chun, vomited blood and said: "Zhou Zhengchun, this time it's okay." You win, but our Qinglian Temple will not become extinct because of our deaths!"

At this point, he looked at Zhou Chun with resentment and unwillingness and growled: "Sooner or later, the younger disciples of our Qinglian Temple will go to the Qinglian Mountains, kill all the traitors like you, and revive our Qinglian." Watch the fame!!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he destroyed his storage bag, and then, without giving Zhou Chun a chance to capture him alive, he killed himself and dispersed his heart and soul!

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun's eyes moved slightly, and then he sneered and said: "It's ridiculous! When you Qinglian Temple was in its prime, you couldn't destroy my Zhou family, let alone in the future? Zhou will wait in the Zhou family for those remnants to come and die. !”

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