Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 633 Harvest and Regret【Please subscribe】

Once Qingweizi died, the lineage of Qinglian Temple in Tongmu Ridge was over.

Zhou Chun also didn't have any kindness towards women. Regardless of men, women, old or young, big or small, all of them were silenced by a few spiritual pets.

Then he let several spiritual pets violently break through the caves of Qingweizi and Qinglingzi, as well as the forbidden formations in the treasure house, library and other places, and hurriedly searched for all the valuable things on Tongmu Ridge, and then In a hurry, he let the golden-armored mountain turtle and Shitou take him to escape from this place.

Less than half an hour after Zhou Chun left Tongmuling, a ray of red light fell from the sky and landed on the ruins of Tongmuling, revealing an old woman in black clothes with an old face.

The old woman's figure stopped in the sky above Tongmuling. Her consciousness just scanned the situation below and she had a rough idea.

"This residual fire energy should be left behind by the fifth-level magic talisman. That old guy Qingxiao has left a lot of good things for the younger generations!"

"Why is there still such a pure ice-attribute aura left? Could it be that someone also used a fifth-level ice-attribute spell? Or is it the power left by some magical secret talisman?"

"There are also these messy monster auras. It seems that there are more than two or three fourth-level monsters!"

"Well, the earth's veins have also been disrupted, causing the mountain-protecting formation to be unable to exert its due power. How did this happen? Could it be that the legendary formation secret treasure [Multiple Breaking Bead], which is specially used to break the mountain-protecting formation, was used?"

The eyes of the old woman in black were shining as she carefully analyzed the information obtained at the scene. The more she analyzed, the stronger the surprise in her eyes became.

Although there were no Nascent Soul monks participating in this battle, judging from the known information, its intensity and excitement were probably comparable to those of some Nascent Soul monks.

As for Qingweizi's ability to explode with such strength, the old woman in black was not surprised.

After all, Qinglian Temple is also a force with a long heritage, and there has been a strong man like Qingxiao Zhenren. It is normal for the sect to leave some trump cards against the Nascent Soul monks.

But the old woman in black was surprised that a strong man who could kill Qingweizi could also explode with such strength.

Because judging from the known information at the scene, she had roughly guessed his identity.

As far as she knew, that person was of ordinary origin, so it was logically impossible for him to have such a trump card against the Nascent Soul Stage monks!

"Yes! Being able to cultivate several fourth-level monsters is extraordinary in itself. Even if those monsters have extraordinary potential, if the master does not have enough strength and opportunities, it will not be possible for him to do it in hundreds of years. This matter!"

"It seems that this child may also become another Tianjing Daoist in the future!"

The old woman in black murmured to herself, looking in the direction of the Qinglian Mountain Range.

But she just took a look.

The original agreement between her and Master Qingxiao was to give the place of Tongmuling to Qinglian Temple as an enclave, and to protect the disciples of Qinglian Temple when necessary and rebuild the mountain gate here. It did not necessarily protect the disciples of Qinglian Temple from harm!

Now she is asked to go to Jingguo to face another Nascent Soul monk for the sake of the extinct Qinglian Temple. She is not yet of such noble character.

Of course, if she could catch the murderer in Le Country, she would still be very happy to take action.

It's a pity that when she ingested the residual mana at the scene and used it as a medium to perform the tracking secret, she found that the induction she learned was very weak, and she could only vaguely feel that the target was moving away from Leguo.

When she followed the general direction she sensed, she found no whereabouts of the target.

"It's a good method. No wonder he dares to go deep into Le Kingdom alone to kill all the people!"

The old woman in black stopped her pursuit and stared deeply at the vast land below, as if she already understood how the murderer avoided her pursuit.

On the other side, after Zhou Chun fled underground for thousands of miles, he didn't dare to come to the surface until he was far away from Leguo's territory.

But at this time, he did not dare to return to the Qinglian Mountains. Instead, he wandered all the way through the underground waterways of Lanzhou to the wilderness of Caiyu Mountain to recuperate.

Zhou Chun knew that the Yumai of Qinglian Guan was wiped out, and the Moon Lun Sect and the Yanyang Sect could not be hidden.

He didn't know what the two families would think after learning about this.

So he decided to hide behind the scenes to take a look at the situation and recover from his injuries.

This time, he was indeed seriously injured.

On the way back from Le Country, he could hardly move on his own and had to be carried around by his spiritual pet.

He waited until he reached the Caiyu Mountain stronghold, and then with the help of the effect of the elixir, he was able to move a little without revealing too much details in front of Xu Fu.

But his family knew about his affairs. After he entered the cave, he took off his disguise and fell to the ground with a pale face. He couldn't help but cough up a mouthful of bloody phlegm.

The power of that fifth-level talisman was indeed beyond the upper limit of what he could bear. After being injured by this talisman, not only was his vitality severely damaged, but there was still a pure fire energy left in his body that was difficult to get rid of.

Because this fire is transformed by pure spiritual power, it cannot be restrained and targeted by the "Pure Yuan Spiritual Water".

Fortunately, he has the [Moon Toad Orb], an ice-attribute spiritual treasure, to protect himself. He can suppress this anger for the time being and have time to slowly dispel it.

In the following time, Zhou Chun was recuperating at the Caiyu Mountain stronghold, while paying attention to the reactions of the two major forces of the Jingguo, and at the same time taking stock of the gains gained in the battle of Tongmuling.

When he came to the Caiyu Mountain stronghold, he had already agreed on the contact information with Zhou Mingde, and he would ask Lei Jiao Baibai to go to Lanzhou through the underground waterway regularly to bring back the latest news.

In the battle at Tongmuling, although Zhou Chun was seriously injured, he also gained a lot.

The first is the two top-quality magic weapons used by Qingweizi and Qinglingzi.

This is a truly top-grade magic weapon, not a "quasi-top-grade" magic weapon like the [Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword].

They were all magic weapons used by monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Even among the best magic weapons, they are among the best.

However, these two treasures are a bit hot, and whether they can be saved in the end remains a question mark.

Therefore, Zhou Chun was not in a hurry to sacrifice these two treasures.

In addition to these two top-grade magic weapons, there are also three top-grade magic weapons left by Qingweizi and Qing Lingzi. They are the blue spear used by Qing Lingzi, and the weapon that exploded from Qingweizi's body. A green flying sword with a green shield.

Under these three high-grade magic weapons, there are three other middle-grade magic weapons.

They are Qing Lingzi's natal magic weapon Flying Sword, Qingweizi's natal magic weapon Wood Seal, and a blue flag banner magic weapon Qing Lingzi uses to protect herself.

The two fourth-level mid-level golden tiger puppets released by Qingweizi before could also be regarded as mid-level magic weapons.

At the same time, Zhou Chun also found two low-grade magic weapons in Qing Lingzi's storage bag, a fourth-level low-grade puppet, an earth attribute shield magic weapon, a water attribute teapot magic weapon, and a giant ape puppet.

The Qinglian Temple has been passed down for so many years, and it is also a Yuanying sect. It must have a large number of various magic weapons.

Qingweizi and Qinglingzi are probably the last two golden elixir monks in Qinglian Temple, and they were also two of the people with the highest cultivation level in Qinglian Temple before the mountain gate was broken. It is normal to have these treasures on their bodies.

Zhou Chun even suspected that there were more magic weapons in the storage bag destroyed by Qingweizi.

It's a pity that there was no time to stop the other party at that time.

In addition to magic weapons, Qing Lingzi's storage bag also contains two fourth-level low-grade demon elixirs, one with water attribute and one with wind attribute. They should have been obtained by killing demonic beasts after breaking out of Qinglian Temple.

He has the best magic weapon in hand, and it is still easy to kill a monster with this level of cultivation.

In addition, there are as many as seven fourth-level talismans in his storage bag, including a top-grade fourth-level attack talisman.

These should also be the foundation of Qinglian Temple, and the original number is likely to be more.

In addition, Qing Lingzi's storage bag also contains four thousand-year-old elixirs, and as many as thirty-five thousand-year-old elixirs, including five thousand-year-old [Chalcedony Mushroom]!

These elixirs should have been picked and taken away in a hurry when they escaped from Qinglian Temple.

There are also seven or eight kinds of other magic weapons and spiritual materials, including many fourth-level spiritual trees that look like they have been cut down in a hurry.

Finally, Qing Lingzi's storage bag also contains twenty-three foundation-building pills, three spiritual objects to assist in opening up the Purple Mansion, seven spiritual crystals, and more than 470,000 spiritual coins!

Zhou Chun has killed several middle-stage Jindan monks, and Qing Lingzi's storage bag is definitely the best one he has ever created!

This made him even more regretful about the storage bag destroyed by Qingweizi.

Even if you think about it with your buttocks, you can tell that the relevant treasures in Qingweizi's storage bag must be much more than Qinglingzi's, and there may even be more than one or two connecting pill spiritual objects!

These should originally be the strategic secrets reserved by Qinglian Temple, and they will not be easily used until the annihilation of the family.

It's just that things have happened, and it's a pity that it's useless to regret.

Zhou Chun could only continue to count the gains in other areas.

Other gains mainly come from the treasure house and library in Tongmuling.

There is nothing much to talk about in the treasure house. Qingweizi and Qingweizi probably know that Tongmuling is not a particularly safe place. They do not store any precious things in the treasure house. They only store some magic weapons, talismans, talismans and other items. , purely just in quantity.

The Library Pavilion contains many classics on martial arts and secret techniques, as well as various classics on the inheritance of immortal cultivation techniques.

However, just like the treasure house, many classics on techniques and secrets are not complete, only the parts below the golden elixir stage, and the classics on the inheritance of immortal cultivation skills do not involve much reference to the fourth level.

Obviously they are all hiding their secrets.

The key is that Zhou Chun was not able to find the remaining second half from Qing Lingzi's storage bag. It was probably carried by Qing Weizi!

Thinking about it, this may be the biggest reason why the other party must destroy the storage bag at that time.

After all, if all the sect's core skills and secrets are allowed to fall into the hands of the enemy, then he will really be the sect's biggest sinner.

This made Zhou Chun couldn't help but sigh.

Fortunately, when searching the caves of Qingweizi and Qinglingzi, Zhou Chun still found several complete methods for cultivating the magical powers of Qinglian Temple in the library inside their private caves. They should be the magical powers that they have cultivated themselves. .

This is a habit that many high-level monks will develop, because even if they learn some secret techniques and magical powers, they can deepen their understanding and application of them through repeated study.

There will even be notes left for you to read and study later.

Zhou Chun himself has made similar research notes on magical powers and secret techniques such as "Golden Escape", and his experience notes are also stored in his private cave.

Fortunately, in the Qinglingzi Cave, he happened to receive the subsequent inheritance of the "Heart Lotus Zhengfa" that he had practiced!

In this way, if he has free time in the future, he can continue to practice this secret technique.

And although the incomplete inheritance of skills and secrets in the library are useless to Zhou Chun, many Zhou family monks will never be able to practice to the golden elixir stage in their lifetime. Putting these things in the family library can still benefit all the family's descendants.

In the following time, Zhou Chun was recovering from his injuries while paying attention to the reactions of Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect.

The result was just as he expected. Just one month after he conquered Tongmuling, envoys from the Yuelun Sect and the Yanyang Sect came to the Qinglian Mountains one after another and asked to see him.

After this request was rejected by Zhou Mingde because he was currently not in the family, Master Baiyue and the head of the Yanyang Sect wrote another handwritten letter and sent it to the Zhou family.

The content of the letter bluntly asked him to go to their mountain gate in person to explain the destruction of the remaining veins of Qinglian Temple in Tongmuling, and also moved out the Liyang Sect, which had nominally protected Tongmuling, accusing him of seriously violating the laws of nature. The rules of the Spirit Alliance made it difficult for the two factions to explain to the Liyang Sect!

Zhou Mingde gave both letters to Tianjing Zhenren for review, but Tianjing Zhenren didn't show any expression, as if he didn't want to get involved with them at all.

After Zhou Chun learned about this, he could only write two letters in person, stating that he was seriously injured and unable to move, and explained the destruction of the remaining veins of Qinglian Temple.

In his explanation, when the Zhou family moved to Jingguo, Qinglian Temple had already accepted benefits from the Zhou family, but later went against its promise and wanted to drive the Zhou family out of Jiufeng Ridge. This was the beginning of the feud between the two parties.

Later, Qinglian Temple hired the Ice Prison Gate killer to assassinate him and confiscate the Zhou family's shops in Fang City. This revenge must be avenged!

With such hatred existing, it is reasonable for him to come to take revenge now, and it does not violate the moral rules of the world of immortality.

As for the Liyang Sect accusing him of damaging the relationship between the two countries, Zhou Chun said that one person is responsible for the work. If the Liyang Sect wants to stand up for Qinglian Temple, both the Zhou family and he are willing to take over!

Of course, in order to express his apology for the damage to the reputation of the two factions, he was willing to offer each of the two factions a top-quality magic weapon as an apology!

This last point is the key to Zhou Chun's two letters.

He knew very well that these two factions actually had the idea of ​​​​exterminating the family, but now that the protection period promised to Master Qingxiao had just passed, they were too embarrassed to take action immediately, but they let him take the lead!

Therefore, the top leaders of the two factions probably had a lot of opinions about him, so they would put up such a posture to question the Zhou family.

Now that he is willing to offer two top-quality magic weapons, most of the top leaders of the two factions will have nothing to say.

After all, except for the best magic weapons, nothing else on Qingweizi and others is likely to catch the eyes of the top leaders of the two factions.

Thinking that there is something in Qingweizi and others, the top leaders of the two factions probably know it well.

Although it hurt Zhou Chun to give away these two top-quality magic weapons, if you think about it carefully, it may not be a good thing to leave such things in the hands of a golden elixir-level monk, as it will easily attract people's attention!

If he can successfully transform elixirs into infants in the future and support his spiritual pet to break through the fifth level, there may not be a chance that the two factions will vomit the things they have eaten now!

I couldn't think about it tonight and watched the national football game. Plus I'm in a bad state today, so I can only write 4,000 words!

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