Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 634 Successfully Passed [Please subscribe]

A wilderness place, the stronghold of Caiyu Mountain.

Zhou Chun has been recuperating here for more than a year now.

Ever since he wrote to Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect, expressing his willingness to offer the best magic weapon, the two sects have stopped urging him and continued to send people to the Qinglian Mountains, apparently acquiescing to his statement.

Of course, for more specific matters, he will definitely have to wait for him to go to the two factions to discuss it in person after he recovers.

Maybe the top leaders of the two factions were also curious about how he killed Qingweizi, who had the best magic weapon, and how much he gained in Tongmuling.

And I don’t know if the two factions deliberately concealed it and controlled public opinion. The matter of the Qinglian Temple’s extermination has not yet spread in Jingguo.

It can be seen from this that these two factions have no intention of severely punishing the Zhou family.

Otherwise, if they spread this matter, they can confidently use public opinion to punish the Zhou family severely.

Zhou Chun also knew this in his heart, so he had not moved his body for more than a year and had been recovering from his injuries.

Now, after more than a year of rest, his injuries have recovered a lot, and they no longer affect normal travel.

But in order to create the illusion that he was seriously injured in that battle, he had no intention of showing his face now.

I just calm down and continue to recuperate and practice at the Caiyu Mountain stronghold, and practice the later part of the "Heart Lotus Zhengfa" by the way.

This "Heart Lotus Zhengfa" has a total of five levels. The third level requires the golden elixir stage to be successful, and the fifth level requires the Nascent Soul stage to be successful!

Zhou Chun has successfully practiced the third level of "Heart Lotus Zhengfa" for many years, but he has been unable to break through because of the lack of subsequent cultivation methods.

Now that he had obtained the complete secret method, he took advantage of the opportunity to comprehend the fourth level of cultivation methods, striving to complete the fourth level of cultivation before transforming into an elixir and forming a baby.

Three years later, Zhou Chunyi's injuries were completely healed, and the Golden-winged Tiger also took the demon pill and broke through to the fourth-level mid-level demon beast.

Only then did he set off for the Moon Lun Sect's mountain gate.

After arriving at Yuelun Sect, Zhou Chun quickly met Master Yue Bai.

But he just had some courtesy with Master Bai Yue, and was taken by Master Bai Yue to see the Supreme Elder of Yuelun Sect, Master Yin Yue.

"Junior Zhou Zhengchun, pay your respects to Master Yin Yue."

In the cave of Yinyue Zhenren, as soon as Zhou Chun entered the place, he bowed and paid homage to the person sitting on the cloud couch.

This was the first time Zhou Chun had met Yin Yue at such a close distance, but he did not dare to look at him even more.

After he finished his salute, Master Yin Yue did not ask him to stand up immediately. Instead, he looked at him with clear eyes, as if he wanted to see through him.

Faced with such a situation, Zhou Chun did not appear to be very nervous. He just maintained his posture and allowed the other party to look at him.

After sizing him up like this, Master Yinyue waved his hand and said with a smile, "Young friend Zhou, you're welcome. Get up and talk."

"Yes, thank you senior."

Zhou Chun responded, then stood up straight, lowered his head slightly and waited for the other party's next instructions.

But I saw Yin Yue Zhenren say lightly: "Young Zhou, you have gone too far regarding the destruction of the remaining veins of Qinglian Temple. Fellow Daoist Qingxiao sacrificed his life to eliminate demons for the alliance and Jingguo. Since your Zhou family has If we occupy the Qinglian Mountain Range, why do we have to kill them all!"

Upon hearing this, it seemed that he was still ready to accuse Zhou Chun.

But if that were the case, Zhou Chun wouldn't be here at this moment.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun heard what he said, he immediately replied respectfully without any panic: "Senior Mingjian, senior Qingxiao's heroic feat of sacrificing his life to slay demons, this junior naturally admires him very much!"

After finishing his words, he said in a serious tone: "But this is not the reason why Qingweizi and others can use it to do evil!"

I saw him saying in a deep and passionate tone: "This junior is not talented. He also worked hard to kill demons and demons in the original war between immortals and demons. He killed countless evil heretics with his own hands. However, he was wantonly bullied and humiliated by Qingweizi and others shortly afterwards. , and even narrowly avoided being assassinated by a killer hired by someone else!"

"Since Qinglian Guan first committed injustice against the younger generation, the younger generation should retaliate directly and take revenge if there is any vengeance!"

After finishing his words, Zhou Chun looked at Master Yinyue calmly and calmly, looking like he had a clear conscience.

As he expected, Master Yin Yue, after his eyes flashed slightly, suddenly let out a long sigh and said: "Hey! I thought about how amazing and talented Taoist Qingxiao was back then, but how incompetent and short-sighted his descendants were. He was actually destroyed by Xiao'er, it seems that Qinglian Temple is also destined to suffer this fate!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and said: "That's all, since the matter has come to this, I don't want to meddle in other people's business, so please leave first!"

"Yes, thank you for your understanding, senior. I will take my leave, junior!"

Zhou Chun felt relieved and immediately bowed respectfully and left.

Not long after, Zhou Chun and Master Yue Bai met again in the main hall of the Yuelun Sect.

I saw Master Baiyue looking at him with brilliant eyes, and exclaimed with a tone full of wonder: "Fellow Daoist Zhou is really a good trick. As far as I know, Qingweizi and Qinglingzi are both middle-stage Jindan cultivators. Why, with the best magic weapon and fifth-level magic talisman in hand, and with the help of a large formation, I can still be killed by fellow Taoists with one force, and the whole family is wiped out, it is really amazing and shocking!"

Master Baiyue was truly amazed by Zhou Chun's achievements.

Although Zhou Chun's strength in the previous beast tide was already very impressive, in the eyes of the Moon Worshiping Master who possesses the best magic weapon, Zhou Chun may not be his opponent yet.

After all, the best magic weapon is very powerful, and he is in the late stage of Jindan cultivation. Once the two cooperate, it is simply not something Zhou Chun's spiritual pets and himself can resist.

But now he doesn't dare to have any more thoughts in this regard.

Indeed, Qing Weizi and Qing Lingzi's cultivation levels are not as good as his. Even if they have the best magic weapons in their hands, it is difficult to exert their full power.

But once the two join forces and use their best magic weapons to deal with him, he may not be able to defeat them.

What's more, Qingweizi still has a fifth-level magic talisman in his hand, which is something that he, as the leader of the Moon Lun Sect, doesn't have!

It's not that the Yuelun Sect can't come up with such treasures, but that in the presence of a real person in the Nascent Soul stage, they won't give such treasures to him, who usually never leaves the mountain gate.

Therefore, Master Baiyue was extremely curious about Zhou Chun who was able to do things that he himself could not do. He wanted to know how Zhou Chun managed to kill Qingweizi and Qinglingzi.

But Zhou Chun naturally didn't want to reveal his own details. After hearing this, he just replied with a humble face: "Master Zhangjiao is too praised. I also paid a huge price to kill Qingweizi and Qingweizi. If not for the help of noble people, If you give me a treasure, I'm afraid I'll die under the attack of the fifth-level magic talisman!"

His vague words were obviously intended to put the credit on Master Tianjing.

But Zhenren Baiyue knew more about the inside story and was not misled by him.

At that moment, he looked at him with deep meaning in his eyes and said, "Young Daoist Zhou is so humble. Even if you have help from noble people, I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to succeed in this matter if I have to move to another place!"

Having said this, he also shook his head, as if he felt that there was no point in probing like this. He looked directly at Zhou Chun and asked: "When Zhou Daoyou killed Brother Qingweizi, did he get any information about the [Qinglian Transformation Tribulation Armor]?" Information about this spiritual treasure?"

After asking, he seemed to be worried that Zhou Chun did not know the importance of this matter, and immediately added: "This treasure has disappeared after the death of Master Qingxiao, and this sect has been looking for this treasure!"

Hearing what he said, Zhou Chun was also moved in his heart, and then he quickly shook his head and said: "No, to be honest, Qingweizi did not actually die at the hands of Zhou, but committed suicide after seeing no hope of escape. Before she committed suicide, The personal storage bag was deliberately destroyed, so apart from the magic weapon he used during his lifetime, Zhou did not get anything useful from him!"

"Is this really so? Daoyou Daozhou, can you dare to swear?"

Master Bai Yue looked at Zhou Chun suspiciously and said, as if he didn't quite believe his answer.

"What's wrong with this!"

Zhou Chun looked solemn and immediately made an oath in front of him.

After reaching Zhou Chun's level of cultivation, his future goal must be to transform elixirs into infants.

And once the oaths made now are lied, the "inner demon tribulation" will become much stronger out of thin air in the future, making it almost impossible to survive.

So once he swore an oath, Master Bai Yue would believe it even if he didn't believe it.

Then he smiled apologetically and said, "It seems that I have wrongly blamed Fellow Daoist Zhou, Fellow Daoist, please don't be offended."

Then he nodded and said: "Since Fellow Daoist Zhou doesn't know the whereabouts of [Qinglian Transformation Armor], then I don't have anything else to ask. It's just that the Yanyang Sect still needs Fellow Daoist to explain. It’ll take a while.”

"I understand. Thank you Master Master for your advice."

Zhou Chun replied with a calm face.

Then he raised his hand and took off a storage bag from his waist, and handed it to Master Yue Bai: "This is the compensation I made to make up for the reputation of your sect. Please accept it."

When Master Bai Yue saw this, he immediately smiled and said, "It's just what Daoist Fellow Zhou thinks, then I represent the subordinates of this sect."

After saying that, he raised his hand to take the storage bag, then glanced inside with his consciousness, and the smile on his face became more sincere.

In addition to the silver mirror magic weapon, there was also a fourth-level low-grade puppet and two spiritual crystals inside!

Needless to say, Zhou Chun knew that the extra things were for him.

With such an easy gain, his attitude towards Zhou Chun naturally changed.

He immediately added one more point and said: "Young Daoist Zhou, you'd better be careful when you go to Yanyang Sect. As far as I know, Master Ziyang has always been very concerned about the [Qinglian Transformation Tribulation Armor], and may make suggestions to you. Some excessive demands!”

As soon as he said these words, Zhou Chun felt that the extra gift was worth it.

Immediately, he responded with a solemn look: "I understand, thank you Master Master for your advice."

Then he left the Yuelun Sect’s mountain gate.

After Zhou Chun left, Master Bai Yue immediately took the storage bag to see Master Yin Yue and dedicated the silver mirror to him.

After Master Yin Yue obtained this treasure, he poured some magic power into it and refined it, and then he couldn't help but sigh: "This [Wanfa Xuanguang Mirror] magic weapon is the natal magic weapon of Master Xuan Jing. If it were originally If a person can break through the late stage of Nascent Soul, this treasure should be able to be enlightened by him and become a spiritual treasure. Unfortunately, in the end, there is only a slight chance!"

After speaking, he nodded slightly and said: "But this treasure has its own secrets after all. It is also of great use to us Yuanying stage monks in fighting. If we can use this treasure to practice the secret technique of clones obtained from the Sky Mirror, Even facing the great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage, I can still delay him for a moment or two!"

Master Baiyue had been waiting quietly, but after he finished sighing, he spoke: "Old Ancestor Mingjian, Zhou Zhengchun has already sworn in front of this junior, and he has indeed never seen [Qing Lian Transformation Tribulation" Armor], and I don’t know any news about this treasure.”

"It's normal that he doesn't know. When Qingxiao left the Qinglian Mountains with the intention of dying, he should have secretly hidden this treasure. He only waited for another Nascent Soul Stage monk to appear in Qinglian Temple in the future. I will ask him to take out this treasure again and refining it!"

When Master Yin Yue said this, he smiled lightly and said, "But this is understandable. If it were him, I'm afraid he would have done the same thing at that time!"

When Master Baiyue heard this, he couldn't help but sigh in a low voice: "It seems that this treasure can only be in the secret vault of Qinglian Temple. I just don't know where the secret vault is, and whether Qingweizi knows it!"

"Don't worry about this. Our Yuelun Sect has its own inherited spiritual treasure. Even if we can't get this [Green Lotus Transformation Armor], it doesn't matter. As long as we don't let it fall into the hands of the Yanyang Sect and increase their strength, that's it. !”

Master Yinyue seemed to be very open-minded, and at this time he comforted Master Baiyue.

When Master Baiyue said this, he couldn't continue to dwell on the matter, so he could only change the subject and said: "Ancestor, when you looked at Zhou Zhengchun earlier, did you see anything? This boy can kill the weapon. Brother Qingweizi, who possesses the best magic weapon and fifth-level magic talisman, may also have a big secret in his possession!"

Hearing this, Master Bai Yue couldn't help but shook his head and said: "This boy dares to come to see me. He must have made preparations in advance, but it is difficult to see anything special about him!"

After speaking for a while, he quickly continued: "As for the secrets about him, it should be related to cultivating monsters. The fourth-level monsters he owns may not only have three heads, but he may also have hidden one." Both ends!”

"What is the secret related to cultivating monster beasts? Is it some kind of spiritual object that can purify the blood of monster beasts? Or does it hold some secret method that can help monster beasts break through and advance?"

Master Baiyue murmured thoughtfully, with a look of curiosity on his face.

"You will know what it is in the future, so let's just watch it first."

Master Yin Yue said indifferently, and then asked Master Bai Yue to retreat.

If Zhou Chun's secrets were related to his spiritual practice, or if he possessed some extremely powerful spiritual treasure, he might still be interested. If necessary, he would be able to bully the small ones.

But since it was related to cultivating monsters, he didn't care much.

Because even if it is true, as Master Baiyue said, that he masters the secret method to help monster beasts break through and advance, there must be many limitations, and it may not even consume a lot of resources such as monster pills.

As a result, the value of this method to Nascent Soul stage monks is greatly reduced.

And what if the Zhou family can cultivate a few more fourth-level monsters with this secret method?

Could it be that just a few fourth-order monsters could threaten the Nascent Soul monks!

This is the difference in cultivation and different views on things.

After all, Master Baiyue is still a monk at the Golden Core stage, and his way of thinking is still limited to his own cultivation realm. There is still a huge difference between him and a real Yuanying stage monk.

On the other side, after Zhou Chun left the Yuelun Sect, he also thought about going to the Yanyang Sect.

The reminder given to him by Master Baiyue was undoubtedly very important.

Yanyang Sect and Yuelun Sect are different.

After all, the Moon Wheel Sect was once the sect leader of the Zhou family, and they allowed the Zhou family to become independent now. The two parties have been dealing with each other for a long time, and many things can be discussed carefully.

The Yanyang Sect and the Zhou family do not have any friendship, and the Zhou family's plan to introduce foreign Nascent Soul stage monks to them after they took over the Qinglian Mountains failed. If the relationship between the two parties is not said to be enmity, there must be some grudges.

Under such circumstances, it would be normal to seize this opportunity to make things difficult for him, Zhou Chun.

So Zhou Chun had to think carefully about how to deal with the difficulties he might encounter.

Half a month later, Zhou Chun, who was ready, went to Yanyang Sect alone again.

During this trip to the Yanyang Sect, the Master Ziyang encountered difficulties as expected. If Zhou Chun had not been fully prepared in advance, he would not have known how to deal with it at that time.

Later, when he was forced to hand over the memory of the scene before Qingweizi committed suicide, he was able to barely resolve the suspicion in the mind of Master Ziyang.

This humiliating experience also made Zhou Chun write a debt to Yanyang Sect in his heart. In the future, when he has enough strength, he will definitely settle the old score with Master Ziyang!

After settling both the Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect in this way, Zhou Chuncai finally returned to the Qinglian Mountains and presented the heads of Qingweizi and Qinglingzi to Master Tianjing.

"Senior, it is clear to me that this junior has killed all the remaining Qinglian Temple disciples in Le Country. As for the other scattered remaining Qinglian Temple disciples, they are unable to take action because their whereabouts are unknown."

"But if we get news about them in the future, this junior and the Zhou family will definitely not show mercy and will definitely fulfill their promise to you, senior!"

Zhou Chun placed the two frozen heads in front of him and told the results of his previous actions in a respectful tone.

"Young Zhou is indeed a man of faith. I am not wrong about him."

Master Tianjing nodded slightly, then raised his hand, and the two heads were burned to ashes.

Then he looked at Zhou Chun and said, "Next, little friend Zhou, please practice hard. When you truly transform into an elixir and form a baby, you will understand that power and wealth are all within your reach!"

"Yes, the juniors must remember the teachings of the seniors."

Zhou Chun responded respectfully.

Then seeing that Master Tianjing had nothing more to say, he took the initiative to say goodbye and left.

After arriving at his cave, Zhou Chun began to distribute treasures to those close to him.

Although he handed over two top-grade magic weapons, he still had several other high-grade magic weapons and medium-grade magic weapons in his hand, and of course he could not use so many.

I saw that he first called the Taoist monk Su Yuzhen who had successfully broken through to the middle stage of the golden elixir. He looked at the Taoist monk with a smile and said: "Madam, you have broken through to the middle stage of the golden elixir. My husband has not congratulated you yet. This [two [Dragon Turning Sea Vase] happens to be a water attribute, and it is very suitable for you. It can be used as a breakthrough gift from your husband. I hope you will like it!"

After saying that, he took out the high-grade magic weapon that he had frequently used before and handed it to the Taoist companion.

Su Yuzhen was also shocked by the way he gave a top-grade magic weapon as a gift when they met.

She stared blankly at the smiling Taoist monk, and after making sure that he was not joking, she waved her hands and refused: "No, no, this gift from my husband is too precious. I cannot accept it, and I dare not accept it!"

This is a top-grade magic weapon!

There is not a single treasure in the entire Su family!

Even though she was a Taoist couple with Zhou Chun, she still felt that this kind of treasure was too valuable and she did not dare to accept such an expensive gift easily.

In the world of cultivating immortals, a treasure like this can sometimes be enough to cause the destruction of a golden elixir family and turn Taoists against each other!

Zhou Chun is not unaware of this, but he now has more magic weapons, and he also wants to use them to deepen the relationship between Taoists.

Therefore, he forced the magic weapon into Su Yuzhen's hands and said with a serious face: "I am not joking with you, madam. This time, I have obtained several high-grade magic weapons. For my husband, this magic weapon is already It’s of no use anymore, so just give it to Madam for you to use!”

After saying that, he smiled and joked: "After all, you are my Taoist companion, Zhou Zhengchun. If you don't have a top-grade magic weapon with you when you go out from now on, wouldn't you make people laugh at me, Zhou Zhengchun, for my false reputation and my stinginess?"

Hearing his words, Su Yuzhen's eyes suddenly sparkled, and she looked at him full of love.

Then he couldn't help but hold the treasure vase in his hand. After a slight hesitation, he nodded gently and said: "Then I will keep this thing for you for the first time. In the future, when I don't need it anymore, I will leave this thing to you." Zhou family!"

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Chun with eyes full of eyes and whispered: "My husband is so affectionate and loving, I really don't know how to repay you!"

Hearing what she said, Zhou Chun didn't understand what she meant, so he immediately laughed, picked her up and walked to the bedroom.

Because of the special nature of Su Yuzhen's practice, it coincided with her breakthrough to the middle stage of the Golden Elixir. After this dual practice, Zhou Chun gained quite a lot of benefits, almost equivalent to a year of practice on her own.

After enjoying this very happily for half a month, he walked out of the gentle village and began to deal with other treasures in his hands.

Zhou Chun originally wanted to give Zhou Mingde a high-grade magic weapon, but Zhou Mingde's early cultivation of the golden elixir was not only difficult to use a high-grade magic weapon, but also consumed a lot of mana.

In addition, the several magic weapons Zhou Mingde currently equipped are already very good in themselves. It may not be better to replace them with a single high-grade magic weapon. Therefore, he can only give up this idea and just give the two fourth-level mid-grade golden tiger puppets to One for Zhou Mingde's self-defense.

This kind of puppet is of little use to Zhou Chun, and he rarely needs them in his current battle.

But for an early stage Jindan monk like Zhou Mingde, with a puppet of this level, he can fight even if he encounters a middle stage Jindan monk.

Zhou Chun put all the magical weapons, talismans, and secret techniques that he had collected into the family treasury and library.

After distributing the spoils in this way, Zhou Chun left the Zhou family again and went to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

The harvest this time was so great that Zhou Chun planned to go to the Great Zhou Kingdom to see if there was any chance to get rid of some unused things in exchange for what he needed.

In addition, I want to visit my apprentice Zhou Zhiying, understand her current cultivation situation, and see how long it will take to reach the later stage of Zifu.

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