Tianyuan Fairy City.

Speaking of which, Zhou Chun hasn't been here for many years since he got the [Huanzhen Pill] back.

Now when the Zhou family delivers goods here, they either have Zhou Zhengyong or other elders bring a fourth-level monster to follow them, or Lin Hongyu personally escorts them. Zhou Chun is not needed to do this anymore.

So generally if he doesn't have something to do, he doesn't have to worry about these little things.

After entering the city this time, he went to Zhou Daoyi's cave as usual.

"Not bad, not bad. We are already in the middle stage of Zifu so soon. It seems that Ying'er has not been lazy in these years."

Outside Zhou Daoyi's cave, Zhou Chun immediately showed a satisfied smile after seeing his apprentice Zhou Zhiying who came out to greet him.

He could naturally see that Zhou Zhiying was not only at the middle level of Zifu at this time, but also it seemed that he did not break through recently, but may have been a few years ago.

Comparing her current cultivation speed, she might be able to reach the late stage of Zifu within ten years.

Facing Zhou Chun's praise, Zhou Zhiying was not proud, but replied modestly: "Thanks to Master, you asked Senior Luo to refine the elixirs, otherwise the disciples would not be able to improve their cultivation. so fast!"

"Oh, do you actually know how to be humble? It seems that you have really grown a lot in these years!"

Zhou Chun raised his eyebrows, looked at the apprentice in front of him in surprise, and said in a surprised tone.

Although he has extremely selfish motives for cultivating Zhou Zhiying, the hard work and affection he has put in over the years are also real and there is nothing false.

He definitely cultivated Zhou Zhiying as his disciple from the bottom of his heart, rather than a tool to realize certain plans.

Therefore, he was sincerely happy about Zhou Zhiying's growth, whether it was in terms of cultivation or character.

After listening to his words, Zhou Zhiying bowed to him with a grateful look on his face and said, "Disciple, I used to get into trouble when I was young, causing a lot of troubles and causing a lot of trouble to Master. Thank you for your generosity, Master." , I don’t argue with my disciples, now that I think about it, I really made my disciples extremely ashamed and ashamed!”

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately smiled and said: "There is no need to talk about the past. Who hasn't been young and willful? These are all part of life experience, and they will have a different taste when you look back on them in the future!"

After speaking, he looked at his disciple with encouragement and expectation and said, "Ying'er, if you can realize this, it means that you have really grown up. I sincerely hope that you can make good use of your spiritual roots, talents, and spiritual cultivation. Go further and transcend as a teacher!”

"Disciples will definitely work hard to practice and not be as bad as Master expects them to be!"

Zhou Zhiying nodded vigorously with a pretty face and said firmly.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun suddenly showed a smile of relief like an old father.

After entering the cave, he quickly met Zhou Daoyi and Lin Hongyu, whom he had not seen for a long time, and then handed over the green dragon Qingqing he had brought over to "visit relatives" to Zhou Daoyi.

After staying in Zhou Daoyi's cave for a while and communicating with him about some of the things that had happened to the Zhou family over the years, Zhou Chun gave him the remaining fourth-level mid-grade golden tiger puppet.

As for Lin Hongyu, who was already in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation, Zhou Chun gave away the high-grade magic weapon Flying Sword obtained from Qingweizi.

Of course, nominally these magic weapons are still his, they are just temporarily lent to the two of them for use.

Otherwise, Lin Hongyu would really not dare to accept such an expensive gift.

During the exchange with Zhou Daoyi, Zhou Chun also learned the reason for Zhou Zhiying's change of mind.

However, during these years, because of the arrival of Lin Hongyu, Zhou Daoyi also relaxed the control on Zhou Zhiying, allowing her to leave Tianyuan Immortal City to travel to the world of immortality, hide her cultivation and engage in some adventure activities with other monks.

Of course, Zhou Daoyi and Lin Hongyu would definitely not dare to let her go out alone. Every time she went out, Lin Hongyu would secretly follow and protect her.

This allowed her to travel around the world of immortality, experience the hardships of casual cultivators and small-power cultivators, and witness the unscrupulous methods and intrigues those people use to obtain certain treasures. Naturally, she was no longer as willful as before. Simple.

Zhou Chun did not blame Zhou Daoyi for his self-assertive behavior.

After all, Zhou Zhiying is a child of the Zhou family. Even if she is burdened with a heavy responsibility that she is unaware of, in the eyes of elders like Zhou Daoyi, she cannot raise these younger generations as canaries because of this.

As long as her safety can be guaranteed, she still has to go through some of the trials that need to be carried out.

Zhou Chun also absolutely believed that Zhou Daoyi must be more concerned about Zhou Zhiying's safety than himself.

After staying in Zhou Daoyi's cave for several days, Zhou Chun contacted Luo Qingni in advance before visiting in person.

"We haven't seen each other for many years. Fellow Daoist Zhou's cultivation seems to have improved a lot. It seems that the effect of the [Huanzhen Pill] should still satisfy Fellow Daoist Zhou!"

In "Qingni Residence", after Luo Qingni personally brewed a pot of spiritual tea for Zhou Chun, she looked at him with a smile and talked about this old incident to open up the topic.

Hearing this, Zhou Chun first took a sip of tea, and then replied with a smile: "[Huan Zhen Dan] is indeed very effective. Thanks to the help of fellow Taoist Luo, Zhou was able to obtain this elixir."

After saying that, he looked at the other party with strange eyes and asked: "I see that Fellow Daoist Luo is full of vitality and energy. Could it be that he has had some adventures recently? Or has he developed some powerful magical power?"

Hearing what he said, Luo Qingni was slightly startled, and then she looked at him with surprise and nodded: "Dao Zhou has a good eye, Qing Ni has tried his best to hide it, but I didn't expect that I still can't hide it from my fellow Taoist!"

Zhou Chun smiled and said nothing and did not explain much.

In fact, he could only vaguely detect the difference in Luo Qingni's Qi with the help of his powerful spiritual consciousness. What really discovered the change in Luo Qingni was the Mu Mei Mulang in the spirit beast bag at his waist.

If he hadn't secretly comforted him, this spiritual pet would have jumped out by now.

And being able to make Mu Mei Mu Sang so agitated shows that Luo Qing Ni's chances this time will definitely not be small.

Sure enough, after Luo Qingni pondered for a while, he still smiled softly at Zhou Chun and said: "Well, fellow Taoist Zhou is not an outsider, so Qingni told fellow Taoist about this opportunity, and fellow Taoist just treated it as a curiosity. Bar."

After that, he talked about his own opportunities in detail.

It turns out that the abnormal energy in her body is all related to the refining of a spiritual object.

Just seven years ago, she participated in an exchange meeting and unexpectedly discovered a top-level wood-attribute spiritual item called "Wood Essence Core" from a golden elixir-level monk!

The "Wood Essence Core" was hidden in a section of fourth-order high-grade spiritual wood, and its aura was completely integrated with the spiritual wood, even the other golden elixir stage monks present did not notice it.

Luo Qingni also had a special physique and practiced very advanced skills. Only then did she sense something abnormal, so she decisively took away the spiritual object.

When she discovered the "Wood Essence Core" inside, she was also extremely pleasantly surprised, and then spent several years in seclusion to refine this thing.

Although Luo Qingni did not say what benefits she gained from refining this thing, judging from her need to deliberately conceal the changes in her own energy and the joy she felt from the bottom of her heart when she talked about it, I am afraid that she gained it. The benefits are huge, and are by no means as simple as improving your cultivation and mana.

However, although Zhou Chun was curious about this, he did not deliberately inquire into other people's privacy.

Although the relationship between the two is very good, even if they are a Taoist couple, they will not tell each other some things. If they pry, it will only ruin their friendship.

But in this way, Zhou Chun also understood why Mu Mei Mu Sang was so restless.

After all, the "wood essence core" is equivalent to the demon elixir of the spirit, and the wood spirit itself also has one.

If it could devour something of the same origin, the benefits would definitely be great.

After listening to Luo Qingni's story, Zhou Chun also sighed with emotion: "Zhou often goes out on adventures, but often gets very little. Fellow Taoist Luo devotes himself to practicing hard at home, and only occasionally participates in an exchange meeting. It’s really hard not to envy you to get such a treasure!”

When Luo Qingni heard this, she immediately rolled her eyes at him and said, "Young Daoist Zhou are being very humble. In terms of opportunity, who can be better than you? If Qingni had your strength, Friend Daoist, he wouldn't just sit at home and bury his head." Now that I have practiced cultivation, I have long since traveled around the world like you, fellow Taoist, searching for hidden places and wonders!"

She also vaguely knew Zhou Chun's strength. After all, the things Zhou Chun often gave her were not accessible to ordinary people.

And she knew the details of the Zhou family, and knew that those things could never be the Zhou family's own details.

So she didn't believe a word of Zhou Chun's sigh.

Zhou Chun couldn't help but smile when she said this, but he didn't try to defend himself.

He just changed the subject and asked: "We haven't seen each other for many years. I wonder if there is any news about the remaining two main medicines of [Four Spirits Breaking Barrier Pill]. Does Fellow Daoist Luo have any clues?"

Hearing his words, Luo Qingni nodded immediately and said: "A few years ago, Qingni learned from a Jindan monk from the Huangfu family that there was a turtle plant in a private medicine garden of a certain lineage of their family. Yuanzhi has reached its peak.”

After saying that, he couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, I later found out that Gui Yuanzhi is one of the auxiliary ingredients for refining the rumored [Huaying Dan], and the Huangfu family will never exchange it with outsiders! "

"Is Gui Yuanzhi actually an auxiliary medicine for refining [Huaying Dan]? That would be troublesome!"

Zhou Chun's complexion changed slightly, and his mood suddenly became heavy.

[Infant Transformation Pill] This famous spiritual elixir is a treasure that is regarded as an elixir by countless golden elixir-stage monks in the world of immortality. Just having one in hand can increase the success rate of conceiving a baby by 20%.

Therefore, the elixir that can be used to refine the [Huaying Dan], even if it is just an auxiliary medicine, is very precious in the world of immortality, and no one will easily exchange it with others.

Under normal circumstances, each major force prepares several auxiliary medicines according to its own situation, and then everyone gathers together relevant elixirs and makes elixirs together.

There are only a handful of big forces in the entire world of immortality that can gather all the materials for the [Huaying Dan] on their own. Only those big forces that truly have a legacy that will last for thousands of years can do it.

The main medicine for refining the [Four Spirit Barrier-Breaking Pill] is also the auxiliary medicine for refining the [Huaying Dan]. This is something Zhou Chun never expected.

In this way, the difficulty for him to obtain this kind of elixir will undoubtedly be greatly increased.

"It is indeed very troublesome! Now it seems that the two of us alone have little chance of refining this [Four Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill]. We must find a well-connected monk from a big sect to join us!"

Luo Qingni also expressed her thoughts in a low tone.

Hearing her words, Zhou Chun couldn't help but frown and said: "It's not impossible to add another person, but how to distribute them after adding more people? This pill is not as good as [Yulu Jinxia Pill]. Even if you play well, Fellow Daoist Luo, you can only do it at most." Can produce four pills at once!"

"If only two pills are released by then, how should we distribute them?"

As the person who provided the elixir recipe and the two main medicines, he must have secured a spot for one elixir no matter what, even if he only produced one elixir.

As an alchemist, Luo Qingni must have a second choice.

If a third person is added and more than three pills are not guaranteed to be produced, then this distribution will be difficult to handle.

But since Luo Qingni made the suggestion, he has naturally considered this matter.

After hearing this, he quickly said: "Qing Ni's alchemy skills have also improved over the years. If we prepare more auxiliary means when the time comes, it won't be a big problem to produce three elixirs!"

Having said this, she gritted her teeth and said: "If the quantity of elixirs produced is not enough because of Qingni's poor craftsmanship, Qingni will have to pay for this mistake himself and not participate in the distribution!"

Hearing her words, Zhou Chun knew that she was really determined.

Therefore, after being silent for a while, he sighed softly and said: "Well, since you have said this, Fellow Daoist Luo, it's hard for Zhou to say anything more, so I won't bother you to worry about finding another collaborator. .”

"This is Qingni's responsibility, and we must do our best to facilitate this!"

Luo Qingni nodded in agreement with a solemn look on her face, without any hesitation.

If she wanted to invest in the elixir, in addition to her own alchemy skills, she would naturally also have to contribute elsewhere.

Now that there is no other main medicine available, she must be the one to do all these collaborative elixir refining tasks.

After settling the matter in this way, Zhou Chun also spoke again: "Fellow Daoist Luo has a wide network of friends and deep connections. Do you know which fellow daoists have spiritual objects that can be useful to Zhou to improve his magic power? Zhou has recently been I have obtained a few new thousand-year-old medicines and several good magic weapons, and I am willing to exchange them for them!"

"With Daoist friend Zhou's level of cultivation, it is rare to find spiritual objects that are suitable for you to use. Let Qing Ni think about it first."

As Luo Qingni spoke, she closed her eyes slightly and meditated, recalling the relevant information she knew.

After thinking about it for a while, she gave Zhou Chun a few clues.

As for how Zhou Chun planned to exchange, she didn't ask any more questions, respecting personal privacy.

After such a conversation, Zhou Chun took out several third-level demon pills and related materials, and asked Luo Qingni to help refine a few more potions of pills that would improve the mana cultivation of the monks in the Zifu period.

There were also five thousand-year-old [Chalcedony Mushroom] obtained from Qing Lingzi's storage bag, and he was also asked to help refine them into foundation-building pills.

These elixirs are mainly refined for the Zhou family's Zifu period monks, so that a few people who have some hope of forming elixirs can have more time to give it a try.

Now that the Zhou family has taken control of the Qinglian Mountains, they no longer need to be as secretive as before, worrying that one or two more Golden Core Stage monks will touch the sensitive nerves of some forces.

If there could be one or two more Golden Core Stage cultivators, it could stabilize people's hearts and enhance the family's cohesion and reputation.

Naturally, Luo Qingni would not refuse Zhou Chun's request for alchemy, and readily agreed.

Seeing that she readily agreed to the matter, Zhou Chun thought for a while, then suddenly looked at her and said, "Zhou recently obtained a high-grade magic weapon that is very suitable for Fellow Daoist Luo. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Luo is interested?"

Hearing what he said, Luo Qingni was also startled, and then looked at him with surprise and joked: "Fellow Daoist Zhou, this is a thousand-year-old medicine and a top-grade magic weapon. Could it be that it was stolen from some sect's house?" "

But when Zhou Chun heard what she said, he looked at her in surprise and said, "Hey, fellow Taoist Luo, could it be that he has the ability to predict the future?"

"Is this really the case?"

Luo Qingni was shocked and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Seeing her look like this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but laugh: "Isn't that what it is?"

However, he did not elaborate on this matter. After all, the matter of killing a whole family is really not something worth bragging about.

He just raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out the wooden spear magic weapon that Qing Lingzi had urged.

Then he introduced: "This magic weapon is made of extremely hard fifth-level Qingxuan wood. Although it is not the most important trunk wood heart, it is still very good. Even if it collides with the same-level metallic flying sword, Not much worse, and much easier to recover from!”

"The exercises practiced by Fellow Daoist Luo are extraordinary. If you can match them with this magic weapon, it should be able to take your strength to a higher level!"

There was no hint of bragging in his words.

If he didn't already have the [Tiangang Thunder Sword], and his own metallic magic power naturally conflicts with this wood attribute magic weapon, he would definitely refine this weapon and use it as a common magic weapon.

And Luo Qingni's eyes couldn't move away after he took out the wooden spear.

As a monk in the middle stage of the golden elixir of wood-attribute skills, Luo Qingni could sense that the wooden spear in Zhou Chun's hand fit perfectly with her without even touching it.

Although she doesn't like fighting with others and rarely ventures out to fight, she naturally wants to get these self-defense treasures that can greatly enhance her own strength.

However, precisely because this treasure was so precious, after she thought about her net worth carefully, she couldn't help but smiled bitterly at Zhou Chun and said, "This is indeed a very rare treasure! It's a pity that Qing Ni's net worth is weak, I'm afraid I can’t exchange something of equal value with fellow Taoist Zhou!”

The value of high-grade magic weapons is no less than that of some less effective infant-forming spiritual objects.

Although Luo Qingni had gained a lot from the secret island in the past, after practicing over the years, he had almost exhausted all his savings.

The reason why she has been shrinking in Tianyuan Immortal City to make alchemy for others is indeed because she knows that her strength is not much advantageous compared to other golden elixir stage monks, so she has no choice but to do so.

Since she couldn't go out and take risks to gain opportunities, she naturally couldn't exchange the corresponding treasure for this high-grade magic weapon.

However, Zhou Chun had guessed this a long time ago, so he immediately said: "It doesn't matter if Fellow Daoist Luo can't come up with a suitable treasure in exchange. Just treat Zhou as using this object to exchange with Fellow Daoist Luo for the ownership of the token of entering and exiting the secret island. In the future, that token will belong to Zhou, what do you think, Fellow Daoist Luo?"


Luo Qingni was slightly stunned and couldn't help but look at Zhou Chun suspiciously, but did not answer immediately.

If Zhou Chun hadn't mentioned this matter, she would have almost forgotten the agreement between the two of them.

After all, she has been alone all this time and has never used that token again.

As for whether Zhou Chun had used that token during this period, she really didn't know.

For a moment, I was not sure what Zhou Chun meant.

Did he really get some huge benefits from the secret island, or did he deliberately use this as a reason to let her accept his favor.

Facing Luo Qingni's suspicious gaze, Zhou Chun also said calmly: "Zhou did not hide anything from fellow Taoist Luo. In a few years, Zhou will ask his apprentice to go to that secret island to try his luck. By then she will have Zhou With the support, we should be able to gain a lot. In the future, the Zhou family may have the opportunity to use this token to steadily obtain pill-forming spiritual objects from the secret island!"

"So if Fellow Daoist Luo is willing to give up his love, let alone such a high-quality magic weapon, there is nothing wrong with adding another one!"

Hearing what he said, Luo Qingni suddenly realized and remembered the [Five Elements Spirit Fruit] tree on the secret island.

In my heart, I just thought that Zhou Chun wanted to monopolize the output of the [Five Elements Spirit Fruit] tree to pave the way for the family in the future.

Indeed, for a family that cultivates immortality, this transaction is a guaranteed profit.

After all, the current situation of the Zhou family is definitely not a big problem if it is inherited for thousands of years.

And the [Five Elements Spiritual Fruit] tree will probably be able to bear a few more spiritual fruits after a thousand years.

But for a casual cultivator like Luo Qingni, if she were still alive after a thousand years, she would have turned into a pill and given birth to a baby long ago, and the [Five Elements Spirit Fruit] tree would not be that important.

So this deal is completely done!

It can even be said that you have earned a high-grade magic weapon for nothing!

After thinking about this, she immediately smiled and raised her hand and said: "Since Fellow Daoist Zhou is so sincere, Qing Ni will not be polite to you anymore!"

Seeing this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but laugh and said: "Hahaha, thank you Daoist Luo for making it happen!"

After saying that, he handed the wooden spear in his hand to Luo Qingni.

Frankly speaking, his behavior is a bit bullying of honest people.

But in fact, he could not even give him this top-grade magic weapon.

After Zhou Zhiying successfully inherited the mantle of the master of the secret island, Luo Qingni could not say anything even if she knew about it.

After all, the two of them had agreed at the beginning that each could arrange for people to go to the secret island for trials.

Since Zhou Zhiying can pass the trial and inherit the mantle of the master of the secret island, it is her chance.

So Zhou Chunya doesn't feel guilty about this.

The fact that he can compensate for a high-grade magic weapon is completely based on the friendship between the two.

I believe Luo Qingni will understand this clearly when she learns the truth.

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