Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 636 Ice Silkworm Transformation [Please subscribe]

After using a high-grade magic weapon and Luo Qingni to completely clarify the ownership of the token of entering and leaving the secret island, Zhou Chun finally got rid of a worry that had been pressing on him for a long time.

After that, he didn't bother Luo Qingni too much with her alchemy and magic weapon refining, and soon took the initiative to say goodbye and leave.

After leaving Luo Qingni's cave in this way, Zhou Chun followed the information she had provided before and visited monks one by one who might have spiritual objects useful for the cultivation of middle-stage Jindan monks.

Unfortunately, after Zhou Chun's visit, he actually gained nothing.

It's not that those people don't have the spiritual objects he needs, it's that they don't care at all about the things he takes out.

And it was impossible for him to exchange a high-grade magic weapon for such a consumable spiritual object.

Therefore, Zhou Chun could only regretfully put this matter aside for the time being, and instead look for pill-forming spiritual objects.

Among the younger generations of the Zhou family, Zhou Yuanlian, Zhou Xinyan, Xu Fu and others all have the hope of reaching the Golden Core stage.

Although Zhou Chun had never promised to help others get the pill-forming spiritual objects except for a promise he made to Xu Fu.

But as the person with the highest cultivation level in the family, if he has the ability, he will definitely help these juniors in this regard.

After running around like this for almost a year, Zhou Chun successfully exchanged two copies of [Extreme Yang Fire Spiritual Liquid] and one [Extreme Cold Ice Marrow Liquid], as well as a [Xuanyi Heqi Pill] that helps to combine pills. 】.

Being able to achieve this step, Zhou Chun thought that he had done his best for his juniors.

After all, he is not the father and mother of those people, so he has to prepare a complete set of pill-forming spiritual objects for each of them.

If the pill-forming spiritual objects are not enough, then these people can only look for opportunities on their own.

When Zhou Chun returned to Tianyuan Immortal City, found Luo Qingni and collected the elixirs entrusted to him to refine, and was about to say goodbye to Zhou Daoyi, he suddenly received news from Zhou Daoyi that someone had come to the Zhou family's Mingde Trading Company. He reported his name as "Zhang Liang" and asked to see him.

Since Zhou Daoyi knew that Zhou Chun was traveling in the world of cultivating immortals and often called himself under this pseudonym, he knew that the man was actually here to see Zhou Chun.

After Zhou Chun learned about this, he also decided to meet that person.

On this day, after he asked people from the trading company to contact the person in advance, he waited for the other party's arrival in the backyard of the trading company.

When the man came over, Zhou Chun saw through his disguise at a glance. He smiled brightly at Bai Zhiqing, who was disguised as an old woman in front of him, and said, "It turns out to be Little Friend Bai. This is really a rare visitor!"

The old woman in front of her was clearly Bai Zhiqing, a disciple of the Tianhuo Sect in the Immortal Cultivation World in the Far West.

When Zhou Chun was a guest at Tianhuomen, the other party helped him collect a lot of specialties from the world of immortality in the far west, and the two of them became friends through this.

After Bai Zhiqing learned about the prosperity of the Immortal Cultivation World in the Great Zhou Kingdom through chatting with him at that time, she also felt yearned for it and expressed her desire to come and travel there.

At that time, Zhou Chun was not very optimistic about the other party's plan, because it was still difficult and dangerous for Zifu Qi to achieve this.

But looking at Bai Zhiqing, who was in the late stage of Zifu's cultivation in front of him, Zhou Chun understood that the other party finally chose to take the risk, and it seemed that he had obviously succeeded in taking the risk.

At this time, after being revealed by Zhou Chun about her true identity, Bai Zhiqing simply stopped covering up and immediately put away her disguise to reveal her true face. She bowed respectfully to him and said, "Junior pays homage to Senior Zhang and has taken the liberty to come to the door. I have disturbed senior Qingxiu, and I hope senior Haihan will forgive me."

"You don't have to be polite, little friend Bai. It's great to have friends from far away. Zhang is also very happy to see foreign friends like little friend Bai in the Great Zhou Kingdom."

Zhou Chun waved his hand and said with a smile.

Hearing his words, Bai Zhiqing's anxiety immediately dissipated a lot, and she immediately complimented him repeatedly: "Senior Zhang has a broad mind and magnanimity. I sincerely admire him."

Regarding such compliments, Zhou Chun just smiled lightly and didn't take it seriously. Then he looked at Bai Zhiqing and said directly: "With a mere cultivation level of the Zifu period, little friend Bai traveled thousands of miles across thousands of mountains and rivers to come to the Great Zhou Kingdom. , this perseverance is really admirable, I wonder if there is anything Zhang can do to help the children?"

But she knew in her heart that when Bai Zhiqing came to Mingde Trading Company to find her, she must have something to ask for.

Sure enough, after listening to his words, Bai Zhiqing immediately replied respectfully: "I don't dare to deceive Senior Zhang. The reason why I took the liberty to come to see Senior is because I want to ask Senior to help me exchange pill-forming spiritual objects with others."

"Oh, what Xiaoyou Bai means is that you have already found a candidate for the exchange, are you just worried about something unexpected happening during the exchange process?"

Zhou Chun's expression changed, and he looked at the other party thoughtfully and asked.

"Yes, this junior is worried about this."

Bai Zhiqing nodded and directly admitted this.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun didn't refuse. He nodded happily and said, "Well, since that's the case, Zhang has helped me with this little favor. Xiaoyou Bai, please tell Zhang about the situation in detail."

"Thank you, Senior Zhang. I'm so kind to you. I'm very grateful to you."

Bai Zhiqing looked happy, thanked her hurriedly, and then explained the relevant situation.

After Zhou Chun understood the situation, he quickly asked Bai Zhiqing to contact the other party and personally came forward to make an exchange with the other party.

After the exchange was successfully completed through the intervention of the elder Zhou Chun, Bai Zhiqing also rented a cave in Tianyuan Immortal City and prepared to retreat and form elixirs.

After Zhou Chun finished this matter, he returned directly to the family.

After returning to the family, Zhou Chun did not publicly put those pill-forming spiritual objects on the shelves, but privately revealed some information to a few juniors with good potential.

This is not because he has selfish motives, but because he does not want the family elders to ruin their relationship with each other because of these pill-forming spiritual objects, or even do things that are not conducive to family unity.

If Zhou Chun doesn't directly announce the news about these pill-forming spiritual objects, some elders of the Zifu period who have no hope in the first place may not have any ideas yet and just want to live the rest of their lives in peace.

If he announces this news, I am afraid that everyone will be unable to help but feel coveted and want to spend all their wealth to try it.

In fact, this is not a good thing for themselves or the Zhou family.

Because once they fail in their attempt, not only will they easily lose their lives, but they will also destroy their many years of savings.

As for the family, the failure of these people not only caused the family to lose an elder, but also wasted the hard-earned elixir-forming spiritual objects.

Therefore, unless the family's elixir-forming spiritual objects are overflowing, or he succeeds in transforming elixirs into babies in the future, Zhou Chun will definitely not easily release such treasures for exchange.

At the same time, those Zhou family elders who got Zhou Chun's hint suddenly became full of motivation, and their whole spirit was different.

Jindan and Zifu seem to be separated by only one realm, but there is a huge difference in terms of status, strength, and longevity between the two parties.

Only monks at the Golden Core stage can truly be called high-level monks.

Only by becoming a Golden Core monk can one truly join the inner circle of the Zhou family and be the one who makes decisions.

Two years later, the four little bugs that were almost abandoned by Zhou Chun finally ushered in the crucial third transformation!

After the four bugs transformed for the third time, they finally sprouted a pair of crystal-clear ice wings.

The pair of wings are as wide as butterfly wings, and they can fly up to the sky with the insects in a flutter, and the speed is not slow.

And after this transformation, not only has the bug's stealth ability been enhanced again, but it can also spit out silk threads as a means of attack.

The threads they spit out are extremely tough, even a first-level high-grade monster with brute force cannot break them, and they contain an extremely cold air.

Once bound by these silk threads, the cold air emitted by the threads alone will make the target's blood flow sluggish, making it difficult for the target to exert its strength to break free.

Zhou Chun released them to fight with some of the first-order high-grade monsters raised by the Zhou family, and found that even if they were fighting alone, no first-order high-grade monster could be their opponent.

Even many monsters cannot detect them when they are invisible!

This result surprised Zhou Chun, but also basically confirmed their true identity.

There is a high probability that it is the legendary six-winged ice silkworm!

After discovering this situation, Zhou Chun's attitude towards the four six-winged ice silkworm larvae suddenly changed drastically, and he truly cultivated them with great care.

Not only were the foods fed to them replaced with the flesh and blood of various high-level monsters and high-level spiritual tree leaves, but some "Sky Frost Bees" that were about to expire were also killed and fed to them.

The result was similar to what Zhou Chun had guessed. The six-winged ice silkworm larvae that ate the flesh and blood of high-level demonic beasts and the leaves of spiritual trees could not see much effect, but after eating strange insects such as the "Sky Frost Bee", they were visible to the naked eye. The aura has increased.

Obviously, for strange insects like six-winged ice silkworms, only strange insects with the same attributes as "Sky Frost Bee" as their food can speed up their growth.

But Zhou Chun didn't really feed all those "Sky Frost Bees" to the six-winged ice silkworms just because of this.

Because he knows very well that even if he feeds all the "Sky Frost Bees" to these four larvae now, he may not be able to make them enter the mature stage and have the strength to instantly kill the Golden Core Stage monks.

In this case, it is better to let them grow naturally while they are still in their infancy and their growth rate is relatively faster than in the future.

When they enter adolescence or even adulthood, their growth rate will be extremely slow, so slow that it will take hundreds of years to count. Then feed them a large amount of "Sky Frost Bees" to promote their faster adulthood and maturity.

And while Zhou Chun was concentrating on cultivating, the Zhou family, after decades of recuperation, began to show its own influence.

In Baishoufang, a newly built city in Lianzhou, an auction that the Zhou family had been preparing for many years was held.

The Zhou family has been preparing for this auction for nearly ten years, and even promoted it on the "Tianling Morning News" a year in advance. The news spread to other nearby countries.

Because part of the list of items to be auctioned was released during the warm-up period, which contained precious items such as foundation-building pills and spiritual items to help open up the Purple Mansion, it also attracted many interested monks.

On the day when the auction was held, there were five Jindan-stage monks in Wanshoufang City, and there were so many other Zifu-stage monks and Foundation-Building stage monks that there was not even enough room in the auction room.

After all the monks participating in the auction had arrived, Zhou Mingde personally appeared on the auction stage with the fourth-level Vulcan Jackal to escort the auction.

The person responsible for hosting this auction is Zhou Yuanyuan, the elder of the Zhou family.

"We welcome all seniors and Taoist friends who have traveled thousands of miles to come to Baishoufang City to participate in this auction. On behalf of the Zhou family, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to all seniors and fellow Taoists."

On the auction stage, Zhou Yuanyuan first looked around and made a polite and thoughtful opening statement. Then she patted the storage bag without any delay, took out a pill bottle and put it in her hand. She said loudly: "The following is the auction. The first treasure, a Foundation Establishment Pill, has a starting price of 8,000 spirit coins, and each bid must not be less than 100 spirit coins!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the eyes of the monks who were in the qi training period who were not strong enough to enter the private room suddenly turned red.

They all looked at the pill bottle in Zhou Yuanyuan's hand with hot eyes, wishing to put it in their pocket immediately.

For monks in the Qi training stage, the most precious treasure is always the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Even if they were asked to exchange magic weapons for foundation-building pills, they would be willing to do so.

After all, they can't use the magic weapon, but the Foundation Establishment Pill can give them a great chance to successfully build the foundation, thus taking the most important step on the road to spiritual practice.

For a time, various bidding sounds came and went, which was very lively.

In the end, this Foundation Establishment Pill was auctioned for a high price of 14,500 spiritual coins!

At the subsequent auction, various special spiritual objects from the Zhou family became the main products of this auction.

It ranges from elixirs such as [Demon Spirit Pill] that enhance the cultivation of second-level monsters, to the musk produced by the Xiangling Musk Musk, to the young eggs of mid-level monsters such as the Cloud-Stepping Dragon Colt and the Green Water Turtle, and even All the essence and blood of the fourth-level dragons were put up for auction in turn.

Furthermore, Zhou Chun brought out various kinds of thousand-year-old elixirs and magical materials, which attracted the golden elixir stage monks to take action.

The final treasure is a low-grade magic weapon!

Dare to put a low-grade magic weapon up for auction, which undoubtedly shows the Zhou family's extraordinary heritage to the outside world.

After all, for most Jindan families, magic weapons are never too much.

Even if there are too many golden elixir-level monks in the family to control them, they can still be transformed into "pseudo magic weapons" or refined into talismans.

The Zhou family now dares to take out magic weapons and put them at auction. If they are not trying to make a fool of themselves, it means that they already have a stable channel to obtain magic weapons, or there are so many magic weapons that there are no less than one or two.

No matter what the situation is, it shows that the Zhou family is now completely different from the ordinary Jindan family.

Therefore, after this auction meeting, many monks who had participated in the auction couldn't help but take a higher look at the Zhou family in their hearts.

Maybe they haven't sincerely regarded the Zhou family as a Nascent Soul family and recognized the Zhou family as a powerful force, but they certainly don't dare to treat the Zhou family as an ordinary Jindan family anymore.

But this auction conference is only part of the Zhou family's display of their own strength.

Because not long after the auction meeting, the Zhou family gathered various families and scattered cultivators in Lanzhou and Lianzhou to hold a demon hunting event.

This monster hunting activity is mainly to sweep and kill those monster beasts that occupy Shanba Lake in the two states, including several third-level monster beasts!

You must know that in these years, although the monsters occupying Yunzhou have not invaded Lanzhou, Lingzhou and other places in large numbers, there are often small groups of monsters or lone monsters entering these Jingguo territories from Yunzhou.

The more symbolic patrol teams at the border are powerless to stop such monsters from entering the country.

Therefore, even if decades have passed, the problem of monsters in the central and southern states of Yasukuni has not been eliminated.

When some low-level Qi-training monks go out, they have to walk around the deep mountains and old forests, for fear that some monsters will suddenly emerge from inside and regard them as prey.

But this time the Zhou family is serious about it!

More than 200 Zhou family monks brought many spiritual pets with them, as well as monks from various vassal forces gathered together. A total of 500 to 600 people were divided into dozens of teams to conduct a net-style investigation and hunting, clearing out the two states. Monsters within the territory.

Many monsters usually hide very deep, or come out during the day or night, or hide when they smell the scent of immortal cultivators, so that they have slipped through the net in some previous eradication operations.

But this time, the Zhou family's teams all brought monsters who were good at tracking. They used monsters to find monsters, and those cunning monsters were immediately unable to hide.

This massive monster hunting activity lasted for more than three months before it ended.

During this monster hunting activity, none of the Zhou family's Golden Core Stage monks took action, and not even a fourth-level monster was sent out.

But even in this case, there were three third-order monsters killed by the Zhou family, more than fifty second-order monsters, and more than 20,000 first-order monsters!

However, the number of monks who died during the event was less than fifty, and less than half belonged to the Zhou family.

It can be said to be a very successful monster hunting activity!

After this monster hunting activity, basically all the monsters in Lanzhou and Lianzhou were eliminated, and the safety level was restored to what it was before the monster wave broke out.

The execution ability displayed by the Zhou family in this event, as well as the personal strength displayed by the Zhou family monks, greatly shocked the vassal forces who accompanied them to the war.

No comparison, no harm!

In the process of hunting monsters with the Zhou family members, compared with the strength and methods displayed by the Zhou family monks, the monks from the vassal forces were in awe.

After this event, these vassal monks were full of awe when they talked about the Zhou family.

Only then did these powerful monks realize that they were not as good as the Zhou family, not only because there were no Golden Core monks in charge, but they themselves were not at all as good as the Zhou family monks at the same level!

Once this understanding was formed, they would have nothing but awe for the Zhou family as the sect leader.

On the other hand, this monster hunting activity is also an assessment and test for many clan members of the Zhou family.

Tribesmen who performed well in the monster hunting activities received various physical rewards from the family afterwards. Some outstanding individuals even gained the attention of the family elders and even the Supreme Elders, and gained the favor of the real leaders of these families. .

These outstanding tribesmen were all personally received and awarded by Zhou Xinyan.

"Zhou Yuanxin, um, your father is Zhou Gaoping? Yes, yes, your performance in this monster hunting activity can be regarded as a tiger father without a dog son!"

"This thunder lizard egg is the family's reward for your outstanding performance. I hope you will not let down the family's cultivation, cultivate this beast well, and enter the second level or even the third level with it in the future!"

In the Zhongping Hall, which was used for clan chief affairs, Zhou Xinyan patted the shoulder of a round-faced young man in front of him with an encouraging smile. After some encouragement, he distributed the prepared reward to the other person.

After the round-faced young man took over the jade box containing the animal eggs, he could not hide his inner joy and quickly hugged the jade box and bowed deeply to Zhou Xinyan: "Zhou Yuanxin thanks the elder for the reward. I will work hard to practice and serve the family loyally. Live up to the cultivation of the family and the love of the elders!”

I'm speechless. I could have finished writing 6,000 words, but the phone call at home urging me to get married lasted for an hour, which made me feel numb!

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