Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 637: The revelation [please subscribe]

Qinglian Mountains.

On this day, Master Tianjing, who had always lived in seclusion in the cave and did not care about foreign affairs, suddenly opened his eyes and shouted in a deep voice: "Who is the fellow Taoist looking out for!"

Before the shouts ended, a golden light flew out from the [Yimu Panlong Formation] and hit somewhere in the void outside.

Then I saw a silver thunder light and the golden light collide, and each dissipated.

After the silver lightning appeared, a young man wearing a silver robe also appeared in mid-air.

The young man in silver robe looked very young, as if in his early twenties, but his temperament gave people a sense of vicissitudes of life, which felt very strange.

If an ordinary monk saw this situation, he might just feel a little strange.

But for Tianjing Zhenren, who had had a similar experience, he almost quickly learned the reason for this strange situation on the other party.

The reason is very simple. The current body is not the original body of the person.

In short, this is an old monster in the Nascent Soul stage who has used the art of seizing a body!

Master Tianjing quickly recalled all the Nascent Soul Stage masters he knew, but found no one who matched the situation of the person in front of him.

In this way, it can be confirmed that the other party is definitely not a monk from the world of heaven and spirit or even the surrounding world.

After discovering this, Master Tianjing immediately knew that this person was probably coming for Zhou Chun.

So he quickly set off and flew out of the formation. Looking at him from afar, he said in a deep voice: "What do you call your Excellency? Why did you spy on me with your spiritual consciousness outside just now!"

It turned out that he had just noticed the spiritual consciousness emitted by the other party, and then discovered that there was a Nascent Soul Stage monk spying outside.

[Yimu Panlong Formation] is a forbidden formation that pays more attention to offense and defense. It is not very good at blocking the detection of spiritual consciousness. If the Nascent Soul Stage monks are also familiar with some formation knowledge, they can do it without disturbing the monks inside. Put your spiritual consciousness into the formation.

This also means that if they want to launch their spiritual consciousness to attack the secret technique, the formation will not provide any help.

Therefore, this array is almost a decoration for the Nascent Soul Stage monks, and has no hindering effect at all.

"I am Master Kuang Lei of Lei Ya Valley of Great Zhou Kingdom, and you must be Master Tianjing!"

The young man in silver robe looked at Master Tianjing with twinkling eyes, and told his origin in a low tone.

And his words happened to be listened to by Zhou Chun who came out of seclusion after hearing the news.

Immediately, Zhou Chun knew that his murder of Wang Jun had been revealed.

When he planned to murder Wang Jun, he could not erase the traces of the thunder dragon's in vain, so he exposed the clue of the fourth-order thunder dragon.

Fortunately, Master Kuang Lei stepped on a thunderstorm in the Black Mist, and his body was destroyed, and Nascent Soul was seriously injured. This led to the closure of the Lei Ya Valley, and there was no time to investigate and follow up on this matter.

But from the perspective of Master Kuang Lei, whether the blood descendant he values ​​​​was murdered, or his body was destroyed as a result, this hatred is irreconcilable!

Therefore, after his injury stabilized, he mobilized his connections to investigate the murderer.

In the previous wave of monsters, Zhou Chun showed great power again and killed more than a dozen fourth-level monsters.

Such a remarkable achievement was naturally widely circulated among the high-level monk circles, and it was not surprising that it was spread to the Great Zhou Kingdom.

As a hero who must be mentioned in Zhou Chun's outstanding achievements, Lei Jiao Baibai will definitely be mentioned in particular.

In this case, when the monks in Leiya Valley learned about the matter, they would naturally report it to Master Kuang Lei.

So now that Kuanglei Zhenren has come to visit, the reason and purpose are very simple.

Zhou Chun felt happy when he thought about this.

Fortunately, he was tied into a chariot by Master Tianjing after the big beast tide ended. Now facing Master Kuanglei who came to raise an army to accuse him, he could only rely on Master Tianjing to resist the thunder!

He quickly communicated with Master Tianjing to explain the grievances between himself and Master Kuanglei, and asked the other party to help get rid of Master Kuanglei.

Of course, he also knew that if Master Tianjing were to face off against a Master in the Nascent Soul stage for no reason, he would definitely be unwilling to do so.

Therefore, after finishing his request, he also said meaningfully: "Senior, if you can send this Kuang Lei Daoist away, I may have a way to help you get rid of the constraints!"

Sure enough, Master Tianjing, who was originally indifferent to Zhou Chun's request, was shocked after hearing his suggestive words.

Even though he couldn't help but turn around and forgot that he was still in the formation, he said with a slightly excited tone: "Are you serious about what you said? Do you know what kind of restraint I am subject to?"

In the excitement at this moment, he actually stopped denying that he was not free.

Listening to his excited tone, Zhou Chun suddenly knew that he had made the right move.

Dang Ji immediately responded: "Senior, I know that although I don't know why you are bound, my method can allow people to get rid of most of the restrictions on the soul!"

After hearing his words, Master Tianjing's eyes suddenly flashed with strange light, and he said in a firm and powerful voice: "Okay, I will believe you for now. We will talk about this matter after I send this person away!"

After saying that, he looked at Master Kuang Lei across from him and said in a deep voice: "It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Kuang Lei, but Fellow Daoist Kuang Lei came to visit rashly to spy on me. What's the point?"

"Does Fellow Taoist Tianjing really not know the purpose of my visit? If you don't know, you will know if you call Zhou Zhengchun out!"

Kuang Lei's eyes flashed and he responded calmly.

Hearing this, Zhou Chun immediately flew out from the [Yimu Panlong Formation], then bowed his hands slightly towards Master Kuanglei and said, "Junior Zhou Zhengchun, I have met Master Kuanglei."

Then he asked again: "I wonder why senior Kuang Lei came to Jingguo from the Great Zhou Kingdom to look for this junior?"

"Are you Zhou Zhengchun?"

Master Kuang Lei looked at Zhou Chun, and then said calmly: "I heard that you have raised a fourth-level thunder dragon, why don't you call it out and let me have a look!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately shook his head and said, "That's really unlucky. The junior's spiritual pet took a spiritual object a few days ago, and is now in seclusion to digest the power of the spiritual object. I'm afraid it's hard to call him out to meet the senior!"

"you are lying!"

Master Kuang Lei's face darkened, he looked at Zhou Chunhan with a fierce look and said: "Since you dare not call that beast out to confront me, it seems that you are the murderer of Jun'er. What a big dog." How brave!!"

Before he could finish his words, a ray of silver lightning flew out of his sleeve and jumped towards Zhou Chun.

But Tianjing Zhenren had long been prepared for his sudden action.

As soon as he made a move, Master Tianjing arranged protection first and intercepted the silver thunder.

It was a silver long-cone magic weapon, with a grade as high as high-grade!

At this moment, seeing the magic weapon being intercepted by Master Tianjing, Master Kuanglei immediately looked at Master Tianjing angrily and asked: "Fellow Taoist Tianjing, what do you mean by this? Do you want to protect this son and become my enemy?"

"That's right!"

Master Tianjing replied in a calm tone, expressing his attitude in just a few words.

This answer made Master Kuanglei frown and couldn't help but restrain his anger.

It turns out that what he looked like just now was also a disguise, trying to scare away Master Tianjing through his attitude.

But now that Tianjing Zhenren was determined to protect Zhou Chun, he knew that things were a little difficult to handle.

This is Jingguo after all, and he, Kuanglei Zhenren, is not a casual cultivator without a family sect.

If he insists on embarrassing Zhou Chun under the protection of Master Tianjing, even if he is really allowed to do it, the revenge of Master Tianjing later will make them feel uncomfortable in Leiya Valley!

This consequence made him think twice before he acted.

After he pondered for a moment, he looked at Master Tianjing and said: "As far as I know, Taoist fellow Tianjing and the Zhou family are not related to each other, and they don't have a particularly deep relationship. Why do you want to do it just for such a mere fool?" Are you an enemy of me?"

Having said this, he also gritted his teeth and said: "Well, if Fellow Taoist Tianjing can let me kill this son, it will be considered as a favor that I owe to fellow Taoist, and I also don't need any of his treasures, and they will all belong to me." How are you, fellow Taoist?"

Since he had traveled thousands of miles to come to Jingguo to cause trouble for Zhou Chun, he had naturally collected relevant intelligence information.

It is very clear that Master Tianjing did not have any interaction or deep friendship with the Zhou family before he transformed into a pill and gave birth to a baby.

Even before entering the Qinglian Mountains, I had never heard of any in-depth cooperation and exchange between the two forces.

It was after he found out these things that he went directly to the outside of the Qinglian Mountains and used his spiritual consciousness to spy on the situation inside.

According to his own judgment, after he revealed his origins and methods, and then expressed his determination, he should just be the Tianjing master who cooperated with the Zhou family to take over the Qinglian Mountains. There is a high probability that he would not become his enemy for Zhou Chun.

Even after he helped Master Tianjing kill Zhou Chun, it might be more conducive for the other party to completely embezzle the Zhou family.

So in his mind, he would be a villain and succeed in a sudden attack. Then Master Tianjing would pretend that he had no time to stop him, and then he would become furious and pursue him, just to put on a show.

But he didn't expect Master Tianjing to express his support for Zhou Chun so clearly, which completely deviated from his imagination.

As a result, he can only change his strategy according to local conditions, and grit his teeth and sacrifice a favor in exchange for Tianjing Zhenren to stand by and watch.

But what Master Kuanglei didn't expect was that after he had already given in, Master Tianjing refused without any hesitation.

Master Tianjing looked at him with a serious face and said in a deep voice: "Friend Kuang Lei, be careful! I hit it off with Zhou Xiaoyou, and now we are the supreme elders of the Zhou family. If you continue to instigate the relationship between me and Zhou Xiaoyou, Don’t blame me for being rude to you!"

These powerful words also made Master Kuanglei stunned for a moment, and he was a little confused.

Did he really guess wrong?

The relationship between Master Tianjing and Zhou Chun is so good that they are as close as master and disciple?

This thought flashed through his mind, and then he became really angry.

Regardless of the relationship between Master Tianjing and Zhou Chun, this statement is undoubtedly a betrayal of his "good intentions".

In this case, don't blame him for being rude!

Dang even sneered and said: "Okay, okay, since fellow Taoist Tianjing is so protective of the calf, let me come and learn about fellow Taoist's magical powers!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and sacrificed his own magic weapon [Thousand Thunder Bottle].

The silver treasure bottle was seen floating in the air, and silver thunder and lightning transformed into various forms of thunder and lightning monsters under the urging of Master Kuang Lei and pounced on Master Tianjing.

The same top-quality magic weapon has two completely different concepts in the hands of Yuanying stage monks and in the hands of Golden Core stage monks.

Monks in the Nascent Soul stage have deep magic power and can activate the best magic weapons to continuously erupt and produce extraordinary explosions.

Even if the late-stage Jindan cultivators can unleash all the power of the best magic weapon, it will be difficult for them to continue to explode for several rounds.

Zhou Chun looked at the various thunder and lightning monsters such as Lei Peng, Thunder Dragon, and Thunder Tiger that were transformed by thunder and lightning. The feeling each one gave him was no worse than when he activated the [Tiangang Thunder Sword] to transform into a Thunder and Lightning Sword Dragon. .

But it was this kind of attack that Master Kuang Lei launched more than a dozen times at once!

From this we can see how big the gap is in the cultivation level of the two powers!

Facing Master Kuanglei's ferocious offensive, Master Tianjing asked Zhou Chun to retreat into the [Yimu Panlong Formation], while also activating his own magic weapon to fight.

The golden mirror in front of him flashed with golden light, shining out streaks of golden light towards those thunder and lightning monsters. Each golden light could defeat a thunder and lightning monster and scatter into tiny pieces of thunder and lightning falling to the ground.

At the same time, the black dragon scales on his puppet's body suddenly burst into black light, and soon formed a layer of metallic light film to protect him.

Kuanglei Zhenren displayed a thunder-attribute magical power that he had cultivated, and suddenly condensed a thunder and lightning war spear and shot it towards Tianjing Zhenren's cave.

As a result, the thunder war spear was shattered by a punch from the puppet body of Master Tianjing!

After Yuanying settled in this fifth-level puppet body, Tianjing Zhenren's explosive power became stronger than before, but his endurance and recovery power were far inferior to those of Yuanying-level monks with physical bodies.

He himself is very aware of this, so once he takes action, he will spare no effort and has no intention of fighting for a long time.

At this time, a punch shattered the thunder and lightning war spear condensed by Master Kuang Lei. He immediately let out a loud roar, and a black aura emerged from his body, converging on his arms, and then he swung it with all his strength.

In an instant, two jet-black auras turned into two jet-black magic dragons and flew towards Master Kuang Lei.

After his spiritual consciousness sensed the terrifying power contained in the two black dragons, Master Kuang Lei did not dare to be negligent. He immediately let out a low shout, and thunder and lightning surged around his body, forming a thunder ball to protect himself.

At the same time, two more thunder and lightning dragons flew out from the thunder ball and faced the two black dragons.

As a result, after the four dragons collided, the two thunder and lightning dragons were easily defeated by the black dragon and turned into pieces of thunder and lightning, and then they all pounced on the thunder ball.

For a moment, the dazzling silver lightning flashed sharply. After resisting the two black dragons for less than two breaths, the thunder ball was finally defeated and scattered!

Fortunately, Master Kuang Lei inside saw that the situation was not good, and used the thunder escape technique in time to avoid the strangulation of the two black dragons.

But this retreat shows that he is undoubtedly slightly inferior to Tianjing Zhenren in terms of strength.

Therefore, although he avoided injury, he was not happy at all.

Of course, if you want him to stop after just one move, that's absolutely impossible!

He quickly formed a seal with his hands, and silver thunderbolts shot out from his hands, quickly converging into a silver thunderball in front of him.

Then he sprayed a breath of his life energy on the silver thunder ball. The silver thunder ball suddenly flashed with lightning, and silver inscriptions faintly emerged inside.


As he raised his hand and pointed at Master Tianjing, the huge silver thunder ball like a wheel suddenly flashed across the sky and appeared in front of Master Tianjing. It was so fast that it was impossible to dodge!


As an earth-shattering explosion roared, the entire Qinglian Mountains could clearly see the surging silver thunder in the sky.

And just the aftermath fell towards the Zhou Family Mountain Gate not far away, causing the figure of a green dragon transformed into [Yimu Panlong Formation] to shrink sharply, as if it would be broken at any time!

Such a scene also made the faces of all the Zhou family monks inside the mountain gate change drastically, and their eyes were filled with fear.

Normally, monks in the Nascent Soul stage would fight with each other in a tacit understanding above the blue sky, so that even if the aftermath spreads, after the strong wind above is relieved, it will not affect the low-level monks below.

But Master Kuang Lei came with the intention of exterminating his family this time, so naturally he would not intentionally abide by this tacit rule.

It would obviously be a great thing if we could use the aftermath of the fight to destroy the Zhou family's mountain gate and kill everyone in the Zhou family.

Naturally, Master Tianjing discovered this very quickly.

When he rushed out from the center of the explosion with a somewhat embarrassed figure, looking at the [Yimu Panlong Formation] that was swaying in the aftermath of the attack, he immediately shouted in a deep voice towards Master Kuanglei: "Master Kuanglei, if you continue If you dare to be so shameless and bully the small, don't blame me for going to Leiya Valley to fight with you in the future!"

After saying that, he went straight up to Bixiao Jiutian.

After receiving the threat from him, Master Kuang Lei's expression changed slightly, and he had no choice but to follow him and fly up into the blue sky.

"Huh, we finally left. Is this how powerful the Nascent Soul Stage monks are? Just the aftermath of the fight makes it difficult for even the Golden Core Stage monks to resist!"

Inside the Zhou Family Mountain Gate, Zhou Mingde took a long breath of joy, his eyes full of fear and awe.

This was also the first time for him to experience the fighting skills of the Yuanying Stage monks at such a close distance. He felt that compared with the Yuanying Stage monks, he was like a chicken in front of a lion. Although he could jump a few times, he could easily be slapped to death. !

As for the monks below the Golden Core stage, they are really no different from ants.

Zhou Chun behaved quite calmly. After all, he had seen a lot of the world and had dealt with Nascent Soul monks many times.

At this time, he just said in a low voice: "Senior Tianjing should be able to drive back the master Kuang Lei, but if the family monks go to the Great Zhou Kingdom in the future, they must be careful not to reveal their identities!"

Nascent Soul Stage monks all frighten each other. As long as Master Kuang Lei cannot defeat Master Tian Jing today, then it is impossible for him to attack Zhou Chun and the Zhou family in Jingguo.

Not even in private!

If he dared to do this, Master Tianjing would dare to go to the Great Zhou Kingdom to squat as a golden elixir-level monk from the Wang family in Leiya Valley.

But if Zhou Chun leaves Jingguo, or if a Zhou family monk leaves Jingguo, he will no longer be within the scope of this protection.

As for Zhou Chun himself, who was powerful and had enough disguises, he was not worried about himself. He was afraid that other monks in the Zhou family would accidentally reveal their identities and be assassinated by the monks from Leiya Valley.

"Don't worry, Zhengchun. After this incident, I will warn all the monks to be careful of this hostile force in Leiya Valley!"

Zhou Mingde nodded slightly to indicate that he understood.

In the next half hour, the roar of the battle between the two Nascent Soul Stage monks in the Nine Heavens of the Blue Sky was unceasing, causing all the birds and beasts in the Qinglian Mountains to hide in their nests and tremble, not daring to say a word.

It wasn't until half an hour later that the roar finally stopped, as if the battle had come to an end.

Not long after, Master Tianjing, whose body was covered with lightning scorch marks and even had dragon scales falling off in some areas, returned to Qinglian Peak.

Seeing him like this, Zhou Mingde suddenly looked worried, thinking that he had lost the battle.

But he didn't expect that he would soon look at Zhou Chun and say: "I have already driven away the master Kuang Lei. After today's battle, he should not dare to come to Jingguo to act wild again!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Mingde suddenly became happy, and Zhou Chun's slightly tense face relaxed.

I saw Zhou Chun immediately bowing to Master Tianjing and saluting: "Thank you, senior, for helping this junior to resolve this disaster. Senior is a great kindness, and this junior may not dare to forget it!"

"Yes, yes, the Zhou family is deeply grateful for Senior Tianjing's great kindness, or may not dare to forget it!"

Zhou Mingde also saluted and thanked him repeatedly.

However, Master Tianjing did not express any gratitude to the two of them. He just stared at Zhou Chun and said, "I have done everything I should do. Now it is your turn, little friend Zhou, to fulfill your promise!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately nodded and said, "This is natural. Senior, please follow me to the quiet room for a chat."

After saying that, he raised his hand and led Master Tianjing into a quiet room.

When there were only two people left in the quiet room, Zhou Chun raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out the ghost face token refined from the fifth-level soul-nurturing wood.

Then he handed it to Master Tianjing and said: "To be honest with you, senior, the method for junior to help senior escape from bondage is actually the method of ghost cultivation recorded here. If senior is willing to switch to ghost cultivation, most of the restrictions on the soul will be eliminated." It’s hard to restrain you, senior!”

"The method of ghost cultivation? I didn't expect you to have such a heritage!"

Master Tianjing glanced at Zhou Chun in shock, then raised his hand to take the ghost face token in his hand, and checked the ghost cultivation inheritance inside.

He is a monk in the Nascent Soul stage. With the miraculous power of the Nascent Soul, he does not need to practice magic skills like Zhou Chun did in the past in order to view the inheritance in the Ghost Face Token.

Not long after, he read through all the ghost cultivation inheritance in the ghost face token, and then said in a low tone: "This ghost cultivation inheritance is indeed quite unique, and it is worth the exchange for my hand today!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and put the Ghost Face Token in his hand into his storage bag, with no intention of returning it to Zhou Chun.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun's eyelids twitched slightly, but in the end he chose to acquiesce.

After Master Tianjing collected the Ghost Face Token, he returned directly to the secluded mountain peak without talking about anything else.

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