Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 640 Secret Realm Inheritance [8,000-word chapter please subscribe]

The demonic beast's demonic elixir itself is a powerful weapon, and its power is much stronger than magic weapons of the same level.

As soon as the Golden Winged Tiger's demon elixir hit Archmage Banglu, it instantly defeated the protective aura that he had managed to hold up again, and then exploded his head on the spot!

After the Archmage Banglu was eliminated in this way, the purple-black spear that was fighting with the Thunder Stegosaurus was instantly knocked away because it lost its owner's activation.

Zhou Chun also took advantage of the situation and used the Thunder Sword Dragon to kill the Archmage Tumen.

Seeing this situation, the great mage Tumen was so frightened that he even dared to continue fighting against the evil star Zhou Chun.

He first took out a bone talisman and struck it at the Thunder Stegory Dragon. The green storm formed by the bone talisman slightly blocked the Thunder Stegory Dragon's attack.

Then he used some kind of secret technique that overdrafted his own vitality, amplifying and strengthening the effect of his own wind escape technique.

In the blink of an eye, his body turned into a ray of blue light and flew towards the sky. He actually flew into the blue sky and flew away in the strong wind.

Zhou Chun was not willing to let this person go easily, so the Thunder Stegosaurus also transformed into lightning and launched a pursuit using the art of lightning escape.

However, although the Thunderbolt Sword Dragon was no slower than the Archmage Tumen, Zhou Chun himself found it difficult to keep up.

Once it leaves the control range of his divine consciousness, the Thunder Stegosaurus's flexibility is greatly reduced, and it can no longer lock on to the target.

Therefore, after a pursuit, Zhou Chun finally failed to keep the Tumen Archmage and let him escape with the help of the special environment of Bixiao Jiutian!

"Sure enough, when you have reached the late stage of Golden Core, you have a few amazing trump cards. This person's fighting skills are not very strong, but his escape method is really impressive!"

Zhou Chun looked at the empty Bixiao Jiutian and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

However, he did not dwell on this matter all the time. He quickly recovered his mood, cleaned up the battlefield, and then quickly returned to the Great Zhou Kingdom on the Golden Winged Tiger.

Killing several great mages of the Multi-Wing Clan this time will definitely alarm the holy mages of the nearby large tribes and hunt him down personally.

Therefore, he had to leave Duolan Grassland and return to the Great Zhou Kingdom before the Holy Mage was dispatched.

Fortunately, he was not too far away from the Great Zhou Kingdom at this time. With the speed of the Golden Winged Tiger, he could return in less than two hours if he hurried on with all his strength.

In fact, in about an hour and a half, Zhou Chun had successfully returned to the territory of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

Moreover, he considered that there might be a Saint Mage dispatched this time, and the border of the Great Zhou Kingdom alone might not be safe, so he replaced the Golden Winged Tiger and let the Golden Armored Mountain Turtle Shitou lead his Earth Escape towards the hinterland of the Great Zhou Kingdom. , to avoid being suddenly hit by a dimensionality reduction blow from the sky above the sky while flying in the sky!

After traveling underground for thousands of miles like a ground rat, Zhou Chun was not in a hurry to get to the surface. He simply opened a space somewhere underground to meditate and rest, while counting the loot.

This time he killed three multi-winged archmages in a row. Except for the archmage who was torn to pieces by the Thunder Sword Dragon, everything on his body was completely shattered. He also kept all the storage magic weapons on the other two archmages intact.

At this time, after spending some effort to open all the storage instruments, Zhou Chun also gained a lot.

Especially the storage magic weapon of Master Banglu, there are really many good things in it.

As the strongest person in the "Lingfeng Tribe", the best resources of the entire "Lingfeng Tribe" are concentrated in his hands.

And this Banglu Archmage doesn't know whether it's out of self-confidence or his habit of carrying some good things with him. In short, he has a lot of things in his storage magic weapon.

Among them, there were nine pieces of spiritual crystals alone, which was Zhou Chun's most harvested spiritual crystals ever!

In addition, there are three preserved thousand-year-old elixirs, seventeen various thousand-year elixirs, seven pieces of fourth-level monster materials, six pieces of various magic weapons and spiritual materials, and four third-level demon elixirs.

At the same time, there are many magic weapons and elixirs used by the Multi-Wing Clan mages, as well as a large number of practice books for the Multi-Wing Clan mages.

There are many other miscellaneous things.

But the thing that attracted Zhou Chun the most was not the purple-black spear, nor the green-brown wooden bow magic weapon that was comparable to a top-grade magic weapon on Master Banglu's body, nor the cyan flying boat magic weapon, but a cyan flying eagle stone statue.

This cyan flying eagle stone statue is about the size of a palm. The material of the stone statue is very special. It is made of a stone that Zhou Chun does not recognize. It is engraved with countless black runes as small as sesame seeds.

Although he did not receive any feedback after injecting mana into the cyan flying eagle stone statue, Zhou Chun knew that this object should be the clone of the "Vengeance Blood Eagle" enshrined by the Multi-Wing Clan.

Regarding the "Vengeance Blood Eagle" of the Multi-Wing Clan, Zhou Chun also spent a lot of energy to inquire and investigate.

According to the information he learned, this "Vengeance Blood Eagle" seems to be related to the rumored upper realm. It is said that its identity is a powerful existence in the upper realm.

The Multi-Winged Tribe seems to have some connection with that powerful being, so they can worship that powerful being through special rituals, attracting its power to settle in the stone statue and transform into the "Vengeance Blood Eagle".

Zhou Chun didn't particularly believe this rumor in the past. He felt that it might be the Duoying clan bragging and trying to put money on their own faces.

But this time he went to Duolan Grassland after two hundred years, and his experience of being quickly tracked made him somewhat forced to believe this.

Because if it weren't for the intervention of forces beyond imagination in this world, it would be difficult to explain why the Archmage of the "Lingfeng Tribe" discovered him so quickly.

There's no way they have to cast spells every day for these two hundred years to investigate!

"I'm afraid it's inappropriate to carry this thing with you. Let's wait until Tianyuan Immortal City and see if anyone is willing to buy it!"

After Zhou Chun studied the cyan flying eagle stone statue in his hand, he decided not to keep such a dangerous thing in his hand, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

And most of the other trophies he got had to be disposed of, even the quasi-sacred weapon.

After these things are processed, I think it will bring him a lot of money.

After hiding underground for almost half a month, Zhou Chun showed up and returned to Tianyuan Immortal City.

On the other hand, after Zhou Zhiying separated from Zhou Chun, he embarked on the road to the secret island alone.

She had a map in her hand, and she passed through the cover of the Tianfeng Thunder Eagle, a unique monster on the Duolan Grassland, and did not encounter any danger.

Only half a month passed before she successfully arrived at the shore of Muli Lake above the grassland.

After arriving at the lakeside, she first put the Tianfeng Thunder Eagle into the spirit beast bag, then raised her hand and patted the other spirit beast bag on her waist, and released the thunder dragon in vain.

"Uncle Bai, please take Ying'er to that secret place next."

By the Muli Lake, Zhou Zhiying bowed respectfully to the summoned thunder dragon and expressed his request.

Although Lei Jiao Baibai cannot speak like a golden-winged tiger, he has no problem communicating with Zhou Zhiying.

He immediately nodded to her, then carried her on his back and plunged into the bottom of the lake, swimming quickly towards the location of the secret island.

After swimming at the bottom of the lake for half a day, Lei Jiao Baibai took Zhou Zhiying to the area covered by the [Inversion of the Universe Formation].

"This is it. Uncle Bai, you and Uncle Mu Sang are waiting for me outside. After I complete the task assigned by Master, I will come out and go back with you!"

Zhou Zhiying looked at the familiar environment around him and Lei Jiao Bai Bai who stopped on his own initiative. He quickly understood the situation and immediately nodded to Lei Jiao Bai Bai and stated his plan.

Then she took off the spirit animal bag containing Mu Mei Mu Sang from her waist and handed it to Lei Jiao Bai Bai. She walked towards the formation area holding the jade token in her hand alone.

In fact, Zhou Chun also hesitated about whether to let Zhou Zhiying take his spiritual pet into the secret island.

In the end, after careful consideration, he decided to give up this approach.

The reason is simple. He is afraid that if Zhou Zhiying fails the test and is trapped in the secret island, his spiritual pet will not be able to come out!

This is not to say that he thinks his spiritual pet is more important than his disciple in his heart, but he does not want to put all his eggs in one basket.

Furthermore, if Zhou Zhiying is really trapped inside, as long as he doesn't die, he can still form a pill inside, and he should be able to find a way out by then.

But no one knows whether the fourth-level monster that entered it can still come out like this.

Therefore, it would be safer not to let Zhou Zhiying bring the fourth-level monster in.

At this time, after witnessing Zhou Zhiying disappearing into the water, Lei Jiao Baibai quickly took the spirit beast bag containing Mu Mei Mulang and hid it in the mud at the bottom of the lake below.

After Zhou Zhiying appeared on the bluestone square in the secret island through the jade token, he just took a moment to look at the surrounding environment, and then went straight to the road leading to the main hall.

After walking along the road for a while, a light blue crystal pillar about ten feet high appeared in front of her, and behind the crystal pillar was a white mist of formation.

Following Zhou Chun's guidance, she quickly walked up to the spar pillar, stretched out her hand against it and injected her own magic power into it.

As her pure wind-attributed mana was injected into it, a faint cyan aura was released from the spar pillar.

After this cyan aura enveloped Zhou Zhiying, it soon seemed as if some setting had been triggered. The entire spar pillar suddenly emitted a large amount of cyan light, blooming with an extremely rich cyan aura that engulfed Zhou Zhiying.

Zhou Zhiying, who was surrounded by the cyan aura, felt that his body suddenly floated up uncontrollably, and was instantly carried by a strong cyan wind into the mist of the formation.

Not long after, she appeared in front of the gate of a magnificent palace.

She raised her eyes and looked towards the door, only to see the three gilded characters "Feng Yuan Hall" written clearly on the lintel.

"Is this the main hall of the cave here?"

Zhou Zhiying released his spiritual consciousness and scanned it, but he didn't seem to find any formation restrictions in front of him.

Then she hesitated briefly and walked up the steps leading to the palace door.

Everything was normal. After walking up more than a dozen steps, she came to the door of the palace, then raised her hand to grab the door knocker and tried to open the door.

But no matter how hard she tried, the door wouldn't budge.

Seeing this situation, she thought for a moment and injected magic power into the door knocker.

I didn’t expect that this trial would actually work.

After injecting magic power, she quickly opened the door to a gap that could allow one person to pass through.

She hesitated for a moment and entered along the gap.


As a muffled sound came out, Zhou Zhiying looked back after entering the hall, and saw that the door behind him had been closed again.

But it is not dark inside the main hall, because there are radiant orbs on the many beams supporting the main hall.

These orbs seem to be able to absorb spiritual energy and charge themselves, so they can still emit the radiance of illumination after an unknown number of years.

Looking at the layout of the hall, we can see that there is a jade table at the top of the hall, and next to it stands a strange puppet with the body of a snake and the tail of a snake.

When Zhou Zhiying laid his eyes on the puppet, it seemed as if it had received some kind of instruction and opened its eyes.

Its eyes are like amber, emitting a faint yellow light.

It opened its eyes and looked at Zhou Zhiying, and an old voice slowly said in its mouth: "Being able to come here and allow me to be successfully awakened means that you, junior, have successfully met my preliminary conditions for successors. Qualified to accept the inheritance I left behind!"

"But it is not enough to meet the preliminary conditions, because my successor must not only have the talent for cultivation, but also have enough understanding and tenacity!"

Having said this, it slowly walked down from the high platform next to the jade cave, came directly in front of Zhou Zhiying and looked at her a few feet away and said: "I will personally preside over the next test of will and understanding, junior. Are you ready?"

"Senior, junior is ready!"

Zhou Zhiying took a deep breath and responded in a low tone.

"Very good, now let's start the test of will. I will pull you into the illusion. You need to break free from the illusion within the time specified by me to pass the test, and you only have three chances to try, and the time will not exceed one month!"

The snake-man puppet nodded slightly, and while talking about the content of the test, the stars in his eyes flickered, and his eyes seemed to form two whirlpools, pulling Zhou Zhiying's consciousness into a certain illusion.

After almost six hours passed like this, Zhou Zhiying broke out of the illusion with sweating profusely.

As soon as she woke up, she heard words from the snake-man puppet that made her expression change drastically: "First attempt, two hours and six quarters over the prescribed time, failed!"

"You have two more chances to try!"

After the snake puppet finished speaking, he closed his eyes directly and entered a dormant state without giving Zhou Zhiying any time to ask.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhiying couldn't help gritting his teeth, and immediately took out a piece of incense that could help restore consciousness from his storage bag, lit it, and meditated silently to regain his energy.

After five days of this, Zhou Zhiying, who had completely recovered his energy, said in a deep voice to the snake puppet: "Senior, junior is ready."

"Now begins the second test of will!"

The snake puppet opened its eyes, and a vortex of bright stars erupted again, pulling Zhou Zhiying's consciousness into the illusion.

This time, Zhou Zhiying had gained experience and was able to break away much faster than last time. It only took less than five hours to break free from the illusion.

But this is still far from the minimum three regular requirements.

And she only has one chance left.

Such a situation also made her face turn pale and her heart was filled with anxiety.

She didn't know what would happen if she failed to pass the test a third time.

But even in the best case scenario, if she was sent directly out of the secret realm, she would have completely failed the expectations and high hopes of her master Zhou Chun and the elders of the Zhou family.

Even if Zhou Chun and the elders of the Zhou family are tolerant and will not blame her for this in the end, she will blame herself to the point where it will be difficult to get over, and she is afraid that she will not be able to make any progress in her cultivation in the future!

So one can imagine the pressure she is facing at this moment!

Under such tremendous pressure, she no longer dared to make one last attempt for fear of falling in this test again.

But as a late-stage cultivator in the Zi Mansion, she also knew that she would eventually have to face all this.

So after two days of decadence, she stopped thinking about it and just concentrated on cultivating the secret technique of "Heart Lotus Zhengfa".

This is not because she wants to sharpen her skills in the face of battle, hoping to make a breakthrough in just a few days, but she just wants to use this secret technique to calm her mind and restore her energy.

Seven more days passed like this, and seeing that half a month was running out, Zhou Zhiying finally accepted the third test of will with the determination to burn everything.

Several hours passed like this, and when Zhou Zhiying regained consciousness with sweat on his face, he looked at the snake puppet with a worried face.

Facing her anxious gaze, the snake puppet said slowly: "Two hours and seven and a half minutes, the test of will is passed, and the next level is the comprehension test!"

After saying that, the snake puppet opened its mouth and spat out, and a ray of silver light flew towards Zhou Zhiying. She reached out and grabbed it in her hand, revealing a piece of silver metal foil.

"This secret foil contains a secret technique of spiritual consciousness called "Taiyi Divided Divine Technique". If you can master the first level of its cultivation within three years, you will have passed the comprehension test!"

After the snake puppet said this, he closed his eyes again and fell into sleep.

After listening to its words, Zhou Zhiying couldn't help but look at the secret foil in his hand, immediately put it into his storage bag, and concentrated on recovering his energy.

After a few days passed, Zhou Zhiying, who was in perfect condition, took out the secret foil and looked at the secret method of "Taiyi Two Points Magic" inside.

It didn't matter if she didn't see it, she was also shocked when she saw it.

Because this secret method is surprisingly related to the legendary "external incarnation" magical power.

After successfully practicing this technique, the soul can be split into two parts, forming another split soul outside the main soul.

This split soul can temporarily leave the monk's own Purple Mansion, take over other puppets or refined corpses, or even the corpses of dead people and monster beasts, and control the activities of these things, and even practice!

This method has three levels, corresponding to the three realms of Zifu, Jindan and Yuanying respectively.

At the first level, the split soul can only communicate with the main soul within a thousand miles, and it must be taken back to the Zi Mansion every other year to nourish it with secret methods.

After cultivating to the second level, the split soul can be connected with the main soul within thousands of miles, and needs to return to the main body Zi Mansion every five years.

If it can be cultivated to the third level, the split soul can further evolve into the "second Nascent Soul", which can move freely even if it is one hundred thousand miles away from the main Nascent Soul, and its survival will not be affected even if it does not return to the main body of the Purple Mansion for nourishment. !

In the past, Zhou Zhiying had only seen records of such "external incarnation" magical powers in some anecdotal books in the world of immortality, and they were all treated as legends.

I never thought that such magical powers really existed in the world!

She couldn't help but be attracted by this technique for a while, and devoted all her attention to the practice of this secret technique.

And just when Zhou Zhiying began to work hard to understand and practice the "Taiyi Two-Point Divine Art", Zhou Chun also started to sell his gains in Tianyuan Immortal City.

In order not to expose himself and attract the attention of Leiya Valley, he did not come forward himself, but entrusted Zhou Daoyi to come forward to help deal with various multi-wing clan related items in his hand.

Although doing this will easily make Zhou Daoyi get noticed by the Duoying Clan, because he will not leave Tianyuan Immortal City and will not go to Duolan Grassland, he is not worried about how much trouble this will bring to him.

Zhou Daoyi's status in the circle of high-level monks in Tianyuan Immortal City is that he is the representative of a certain force arranged here.

Therefore, he got rid of these things, even if many of them were not obtainable by his level of cultivation at first glance, no one doubted the origin of these things.

After a fire sale, Zhou Daoyi successfully exchanged those multi-wing clan items that even Zhou Chun looked down upon in exchange for pills, talismans and spiritual coins worth millions of spiritual coins.

Of course, Zhou Chun was not in a hurry to take action on those treasures that were comparable to top-grade magic weapons and top-grade magic weapons.

These things will be waiting for him in the later stage of the golden elixir in the future, and it will not be too late to find an opportunity to take action.

"Now, Zhengchun, you can no longer go to Duolan Grassland, what about Ying'er? Why not let Hongyu go to pick her up!"

In the cave, after Zhou Daoyi had disposed of the multi-wing items given to him by Zhou Chun, he also talked about Zhou Zhiying's return with a worried look on his face.

However, after Zhou Chun heard what he said, he shook his head repeatedly and said: "This is not appropriate. This junior has just killed several archmages of the Multi-Wing Tribe on the grassland. At this time, even if they are unrelated golden elixir monks, once they are in the grassland, If he is discovered on the grassland, he may even attract the Holy Mage to take revenge!"

"Uncle Hongyu goes to the grassland at this time. That is a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. You must not do it!"

After speaking, he looked at him and comforted him and said, "Uncle, don't worry. With Bai Bai and Mu Sang protecting her, Ying'er can escape as long as she doesn't encounter the Holy Mage. The actual situation is not as bad as you think."

Hearing his words, Zhou Daoyi couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "You are quite patient, this is a major matter for you to transform your elixir into a baby!"

"This junior is not patient, but this junior has done what he should do, and now he can only wait for the result!"

Zhou Chun shook his head slightly and spoke truthfully.

In fact, compared to the dangers Zhou Zhiying might encounter on her return journey, Zhou Chun was more worried about whether she could successfully obtain the inheritance of the master of the secret cave.

If this step goes wrong, even if he is in Muli Lake at the moment, he can only do nothing!

In the following time, Zhou Chun almost stayed at home and huddled in Zhou Daoyi's cave to cultivate, patiently waiting for Zhou Zhiying's return.

After waiting like this for two years, Zhou Zhiying had not returned yet, but Bai Zhiqing, who had successfully formed the elixir, came out first to bid farewell to Zhou Chun.

It turns out that after Bai Zhiqing went into seclusion in Tianyuan Immortal City to formulate elixirs, she successfully formed elixirs in just over ten years. After that, she consolidated her cultivation and refined her natal magic weapon.

After so many years, Bai Zhiqing has finally refined and cultivated her natal magic weapon, and is ready to leave seclusion and continue traveling around.

Before setting off, she also made a special trip to express her gratitude to Zhou Chun.

"Fellow Daoist Bai has left Tianyuan Immortal City this time, and I don't know where he wants to go?"

In the backyard of Mingde Trading Company, after Zhou Chun met Bai Zhiqing here, he took the opportunity to ask about the other party's whereabouts.

Today is different from the past. Now that Bai Zhiqing has successfully formed the elixir, its usable value has been greatly increased.

Because Zhou Chun knew that the newly promoted Jindan elder of Tianhuo Sect had the opportunity to ask Grandmaster Yan Cang to refine a magic weapon for him for free.

And if you want to ask a fellow weapon refining master to help you refine magic weapons, the price you pay will be much less than that of outsiders.

Since Zhou Chun has shown a lot of kindness to Bai Zhiqing, he naturally wants to continue to deepen his friendship with her and see if he can let the other party give him the opportunity to ask Grandmaster Yan Cang to refine weapons!

You must know that Zhou Chun currently has a lot of spiritual materials that are enough to refine high-grade magic weapons. Please ask Grandmaster Yan Cang to take action to ensure that he can produce a high-grade magic weapon.

Considering that Grandmaster Yan Cang's lifespan is not very long, Bai Zhiqing probably couldn't wait until she could gather enough materials to refine a high-grade magic weapon before asking the Grand Master to help refine the magic weapon.

What's more, Tianhuo Sect does not lack high-grade magic weapons, and she can exchange them from the sect's treasury in the future.

Of course Bai Zhiqing didn't know that Zhou Chun was already thinking about how to pluck her wool. After listening to Zhou Chun's words, she immediately replied softly without hiding anything: "Zhiqing has been traveling for decades, so next I only plan to travel for another ten years before returning to the sect. The places I want to visit now are the Fengyi Kingdom and the Jing Kingdom that Fellow Daoist Zhang once mentioned. Maybe I will return to the sect after traveling to these two countries!"

Hearing her answer, Zhou Chun suddenly nodded thoughtfully and said, "If that's the case, Fellow Daoist Bai can go to Bingyi Country first, and then turn to Jing Country."

He smiled slightly at him and said, "When Fellow Daoist Bai arrives in Jingguo, you can go to Zhou's house in the Qinglian Mountains of Jingguo. Zhou will be waiting for Fellow Daoist Bai there!"

Having said this, he also smiled apologetically and said: "There is something I need to apologize to fellow Taoist Bai. In fact, Zhou's surname is not Zhang. Zhang Liang's name is just a pseudonym used by Zhou when he traveled to the world of immortality!"

"So that's it! Fellow Daoist Zhou had a hard time hiding it from Zhi Qing!"

Bai Zhiqing nodded with a sudden look on her face, and then complained a little about Zhou Chun's concealment from herself.

Before she changed to Jiedan, she definitely wouldn't have dared to speak to Zhou Chun like this.

But now that the golden elixir has become 100% and the two of them are in the same realm, she has become bolder.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun didn't mind at all. He just smiled bitterly and cupped his hands towards him as an apology.

Fortunately, Bai Zhiqing also knew what was appropriate. After complaining a little, she no longer dwelled on the matter, but accepted Zhou Chun's suggestion very obediently.

After making this agreement, Bai Zhiqing left Tianyuan Immortal City alone and traveled all the way to Frozen Yi Country.

Zhou Chun also returned to the cave and continued to practice quietly.

On the other side, after more than two years of hard training, Zhou Zhiying finally understood the secret of "Taiyi Two-Divided Magic", successfully completed the split of the soul, and separated a split soul!

From this point of view, although she is a little weak in will, her understanding is undoubtedly extremely high.

And when she used secret techniques to control the separation of the soul and body, and pounced on the snake puppet, the snake puppet, which had been dormant for more than two years, finally opened its eyes again.

"Very good, you have successfully passed the comprehension test, proving that you are qualified to be the successor of my [Master Xuanfeng]!"

The snake puppet nodded gently with bright eyes, and pushed Zhou Zhiying's soul back into her body with a wave of his hand.

Then I saw it turning around and saying, "Come with me now, and I will take you to the real inheritance place to receive the complete inheritance!"

Have we finally reached this point?

Zhou Zhiying perked up and immediately followed the snake puppet to a portal at the back of the hall.

But when the snake-man puppet raised his hand and cast a spell of magic that fell on the door, the door opened.

Following the snake puppet into the portal, he soon arrived at a sleeping hall.

The tables and chairs in this dormitory are all made of fourth-order spiritual wood. Even after an unknown number of years, they still have not faded or decayed at all. The bed is made of fifth-order spiritual wood, Tianxiang rosewood!

However, there was no remains of the owner of the bed on the bed at this time. There were only a cyan jade tablet, a cyan jade bottle, and a silver formation flag.

"My true body has perished under the catastrophe of becoming a god, and there are no bones left!"

"Junior, you only need to take the [Blue Sky Pill] in the blue jade bottle of Wan Zai Kong, complete the practice of the "Nine Heavens Wind Mysterious Sutra" on the jade tablet, and use the magic power of this sutra to practice the formation flag, and you will have freedom. Permission to enter and leave the cave here!"

"After you form the elixir, you can go to the Qiankun Hall to worship the main formation flag of the [Inversion of the Universe Formation], and go to the top of the Treasure Pavilion to obtain the treasures left by my body!"

After the snake puppet introduced these, he turned to look at Zhou Zhiying and said: "I have been obsessed with pursuing the path of immortality all my life. I have never had any Taoist companions or formal disciples during my lifetime. Since you, junior, are destined to inherit my Taoism, I hope you will You can inherit my legacy, aim to become a god, and fulfill my unfulfilled wishes in my life!"

"The top floor of the library contains my life biography and various practice experience notes. I hope you will make good use of the legacy of my predecessors and climb to a peak that no one has reached before!"

As soon as the words fell, the luster in the snake puppet's eyes quickly dissipated, as if it had completed its mission, it became completely silent.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhiying immediately prostrated himself to the snake-man puppet, kowtowed three times respectfully and said, "Senior, please rest assured. I will definitely remember my senior's teachings, inherit my senior's legacy, and strive to live up to my senior's high expectations!"

Times are changing, and in today's era, the Divine Transformation Master is already an elusive existence.

Zhou Zhiying is extremely talented, but she doesn't think she has any chance to reach that level.

But since she has inherited the legacy of [Xuanfeng Zhenren], she must still work hard towards this goal.

At this time, after kowtowing to express her determination, she also stepped forward with excitement and trepidation and inspected the three treasures on the Tianxiang rosewood bed.

I have been writing all day today and finally finished 8,000 words!

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