Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 641 Unprecedented Harvest【Please subscribe】

Inside the secret island.

Zhou Zhiying withdrew his hand from the green jade tablet, couldn't help but rub his head, and immediately sat cross-legged on the Tianxiang rosewood bed to carefully sort through the information he had just obtained.

The unique fragrance of the heavenly scented rosewood has a calming effect, and the fifth-level heavenly scented rosewood has a great effect on Nascent Soul stage monks.

At this time, Zhou Zhiying relied on the help of this treasure and carefully studied the inheritance of "Nine Heavens of Winds and Mysteries" received from the blue jade tablet. It didn't take long for him to gain something.

Compared with the "Xunfeng Jue" she had practiced before, this "Nine Heavens Wind Mysterious Sutra" is naturally much more mysterious and profound.

Even the other two top-level wind attribute techniques collected by the Zhou family are far less mysterious than this sutra.

Even if she had not accepted the legacy of her predecessors, even if she had inherited this technique, it would have been difficult for her to practice it.

Because this "Nine Heavenly Wind Mysterious Sutra" not only requires extremely high qualifications for practitioners, who must have the highest quality wind attribute spiritual root qualifications, but also needs to collect the essence of the Nine Heavenly Gangfeng and smelt it into a [Blue Sky Pill] to assist in practicing and entering the Tao.

To collect the essence of Jiutian Gangfeng, it is difficult for those who do not have the cultivation level of Nascent Soul stage to do it. Even ordinary Yuanying stage monks have difficulty in doing this.

Therefore, without the [Blue Sky Pill] left by [Zhenren Xuanfeng] for the successor in advance, Zhou Zhiying went to Zhou Chun for help, and Zhou Chun would not be able to help her accomplish this.

Fortunately, now that she has the elixir in hand, she only needs to take the elixir step by step and practice.

With her current level of cultivation in the later stages of Zifu, it is not difficult to switch to the introductory chapter of a new technique.

After she was ready, she opened the sealed lid of the green jade bottle, poured out a green elixir the size of a chicken, swallowed it in one gulp, and then followed the exercise route in the "Nine Heavens Wind Mysterious Sutra" Start practicing.

During the process of practice, the pure spiritual power slowly dissipated from the azure elixir was continuously absorbed by her, and then merged with her own existing mana, transforming it into a brand new mana.

This new mana is much purer than her original mana, and it also comes with all kinds of mysteries.

In this way, she kept refining the inner spiritual power of the [Blue Sky Pill], and kept converting her original "Xunfeng Jue" mana into the "Nine Heavens Wind Mysterious Sutra" mana.

After the entire spiritual power of the [Blue Sky Pill] was refined by her, all her magic power had been converted into the magic power of the "Nine Heavens Wind Mystic Sutra", and she also took advantage of the situation to push the level of this skill to Zifu period.

"Is this the benefit of top-level skills? The difference in the quality of the magic power alone is already so huge, let alone the difference in the magical properties of the skills!"

After Zhou Zhiying carefully experienced the new magic power in his body, he couldn't help but look deeply moved.

Perhaps only someone like her, who has switched majors in martial arts, can so clearly appreciate the huge gap caused by different levels of martial arts.

At this time, I couldn't help but feel extremely grateful to Master Zhou Chun for teaching me back then.

If she had chosen to practice top-level techniques, she might not have been able to reach the late stage of Zifu so quickly, and when she switched to other techniques at the same time, it might not have been as smooth as it is now.

Her conversion to practice this time was incredibly smooth.

In addition to the powerful spiritual help provided by the [Blue Sky Pill], the practice route of "Xunfeng Jue" is completely covered and accommodated by the "Nine Heavens Wind Mysterious Sutra", which is also one of the important reasons.

It may even be more convenient for her to switch to the "Nine Heavens Wind Mysterious Sutra" than to switch to the "Xunfeng Sutra"!

And this is undoubtedly all thanks to Zhou Chun's foresight!

After sighing with emotion at this time, Zhou Zhiying carefully put away the jade bottle containing the [Blue Sky Pill].

This kind of jade bottle made of "Wan Zai Kong Jade" is also a rare treasure no less than a magic weapon in the world of immortality. Usually those extremely precious elixirs are contained in this kind of jade bottle to ensure that The power of the medicine will not fade away.

It is said that some immortal cultivators once obtained the elixir left by people tens of thousands of years ago. Because it was preserved in this kind of empty sapphire bottle that has been preserved for thousands of years, it still retains most of the potency, which shows its miraculous effect.

Then Zhou Zhiying waved and took the silver formation flag in his hand.

This formation flag is equivalent to the highest pass token of the [Qiankun Reversed Formation]. After being sacrificed, one can pass through this formation freely. However, this object can only be passed by one person, and there are special restrictions imposed by the sacrifice. Only by cultivating "Nine Heavenly Wind" Only monks who have read the Mysterious Sutra can practice this thing.

At this time, Zhou Zhiying had successfully transferred his martial arts. After transferring his own magic power into the formation flag, he only spent a few days to successfully refine it.

After refining the token of passage in this way, Zhou Zhiying began to inspect the entire secret cave.

Now that she has the token of passage in hand, she can go to all the important places in the cave such as the Treasure Pavilion and the Library Pavilion, as well as the medicinal gardens where rare elixirs are grown.

She was soon dazzled by the various treasures left by [Zhenren Xuanfeng] in the cave, and she could not calm down for a long time.

Even though she had been cared for since she was a child, all kinds of cultivation resources were at her fingertips and she was never lacking.

But he also knows how precious and rare the treasures in the cave are now.

[Xuanfeng Zhenren] However, the late Nascent Soul master who died at the level of impacting the God Transformation stage had made sufficient preparations before the final fight.

Except for one natal spiritual treasure, he did not bring any other treasures with him, because he expected that if he failed, those treasures might be destroyed together with him.

So there are a lot of various treasures he left behind!

In addition, because it was so long ago, the medicine gardens he established on various spiritual sites on the island have now produced various rare and rare elixirs.

There are even some rare miracle medicines that are nearly ten thousand years old!

More importantly, in the core of the island, there are two spiritual eye objects left by [Master Xuanfeng], namely the Spring of Spiritual Eyes and the Stone of Spiritual Eyes.

The area of ​​the spiritual eye spring is more than ten times that of the spiritual spring owned by Zhou Chun, and the spiritual eye stone is also a large stone large enough for monks to sit cross-legged on it and meditate.

[Inverting the Universe Formation] It is with these two spiritual objects as the eyes of the formation that it can protect this place for thousands of years without any damage.

After Zhou Zhiying wandered around the island, he remembered that there were Thunder Dragon Baibai and Mu Mei Mu Sang waiting for him outside. Then he quickly left the formation through the token and took the two into the cave.

Entering the cave this time is also a great opportunity for the two monsters.

There are three fifth-level spiritual trees on the island, no less than a hundred fourth-level spiritual trees, and countless other kinds of spiritual herbs and elixirs.

As soon as Mu Mei Mu Sang entered this place, it was like landing in a paradise. It was so refreshing.

With the rich resources on the island, it is very likely that it will become the first among Zhou Chun's many monsters to cultivate to the fourth level of perfection.

If it is sure to survive the thunder tribulation of heaven, it may even become the first one to successfully survive it!

And even for Lei Jiao Baibai, the rich aura environment on the island is a big help for him to improve his cultivation.

What's more, there is a fifth-level spiritual apricot tree on the island. The spiritual apricots produced on the tree are fifth-level spiritual fruits, which have a good effect on improving mana for Nascent Soul stage monks.

A single spiritual fruit taken by a golden elixir stage monk or a fourth-level monster is worth dozens or even hundreds of years of hard work!

Now there were eighteen ripe spiritual fruits on the apricot tree. Of course Zhou Zhiying was not stingy, so he picked one and gave it to the thunder dragon in vain.

As for Mu Mei Mulang, there are many spiritual trees on the island for it to use, but there is no need to take these spiritual fruits for the time being.

In this way, while the two monsters were busy improving their cultivation, Zhou Zhiying also began to inventory and count all the spiritual objects and treasures on the island, so that Zhou Chun could learn the relevant details later.

Since it is difficult for Zhou Chun to come here, this place may still be idle for a long time in the future, and it is not convenient for Zhou Zhiying to practice here alone.

Therefore, it is very necessary to carry out inventory statistics of these spiritual objects.

And because she was the only one, it was not easy to do this work. She didn't know many elixirs and trees, so she had to go to the library to find relevant classics to compare and understand.

By the time she made the detailed list, it was already a year later.

At this time, Mu Mei Mu Sang had also absorbed the power of the wood spirit, and the power of the wood spirit stored in the body was enough for it to digest for more than ten years.

Thunder Dragon Baibai has almost finished refining the fifth-level spiritual apricot fruit, and his cultivation and mana have increased a lot.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhiying immediately selected some treasures from the cave to take with him, then left the cave with two monsters and embarked on the return journey.


Not long after Zhou Zhiying embarked on the return journey, Zhou Chun, who was practicing in Tianyuan Immortal City, seemed to have something to say. He couldn't help but raise his head and look in the direction of Duolan Grassland.

But he suddenly discovered that the connection between himself and the two spiritual pets was gradually increasing, indicating that the two spiritual pets were moving closer to him.

"Are you finally coming back? Yes, it's been five or six years, and it's time to come back!"

He murmured to himself, and a look of expectation suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Then he pondered for a moment, and then set off for the border area to meet him.

In the past five or six years, because he had killed several archmages before, those cultivators who ventured to Duolan Grassland were also in bad luck.

It is said that even the Golden Core Stage monks were unlucky enough to be beheaded on the grassland by the Holy Mage of the Multi-Wing Clan, and the remaining Zifu and Foundation Establishment monks did not know how many people were besieged and killed by the Mage of the Multi-Wing Clan.

So much so that in recent years, the monks in the Great Zhou Kingdom had to suspend this kind of adventurous behavior and temporarily listed the Duolan Grassland as a forbidden area that cannot be entered.

Zhou Chun was also worried that Zhou Zhiying might encounter some trouble when he returned to the Great Zhou Kingdom from the grassland, so he rushed over in advance to respond.

After he stopped in an area about six or seven hundred miles away from the border, he patiently waited for Zhou Zhiying's return.

After waiting like this for more than twenty days, Zhou Chun suddenly felt the nervousness conveyed by Mu Mei Mu Sang, and seemed to be in some trouble.

Seeing this situation, he immediately rushed towards the place where the spiritual pet was without hesitation.

After flying hundreds of miles like this, Zhou Chun saw Zhou Zhiying from a distance, protected by Mu Mei Mu Sang, struggling to deal with the siege of two Jindan monks.

This made him furious, and immediately he rushed towards the battlefield, using the [Dragon-Tiger Golden Ring] and [Tiangang Thunder Sword] from a distance to attack the two men.

"What do you mean by this, fellow Taoist? Why did you attack the two of us so unprovoked?"

Suddenly attacked by Zhou Chun, the two golden elixir monks were a little flustered and hurriedly asked why.

One of the two people had a mid-stage Golden Elixir cultivation level, and the other had an early-stage Golden Elixir cultivation level. Facing Zhou Chun who was holding two high-grade magic weapons, their own aura was obviously insufficient.

While Zhou Chun activated the magic weapon to attack the two of them fiercely, he shouted angrily with a dark face: "You two still have the nerve to question Zhang? Why did Zhang's apprentice offend you two and be so shameless and bully her?" Beat up!"

Hearing what he said, the old man in red robe who was in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation immediately waved his hands and said: "Fellow Taoist, calm down, there must be some misunderstanding here, please stop and listen to Yang's explanation!"

"No need to explain! Zhang is not blind, he sees everything!"

Zhou Chun shouted with a gloomy expression, and with a flash of consciousness, he activated the [Tiangang Thunder Sword] and pierced the protective magical power of the yellow-robed man in the early stage of the Golden Elixir, piercing a bloody hole in his body.

This scene was so horrifying that the red-robed old man's scalp exploded, and he hurriedly shouted: "Stop, fellow Taoist, if you have something to say, please speak it carefully. Even if we are wrong, our mistakes will not lead to death. Please look at the sect Huanglong behind us." For the sake of the castle, please let me wait!"

As he spoke, he hurriedly played a fourth-level low-grade defensive talisman to protect the big man in yellow robe to prevent Zhou Chun from making another cruel move.

But he didn't know that if Zhou Chun really had murderous intentions, both of them would probably be dead at this moment.

"Humph, so what about Huanglong Fort? If you don't give Zhang an explanation today, just leave your life here!"

But Zhou Chun snorted coldly, and the [Tiangang Thunder Sword], which was still stained with a trace of the blood of the big man in yellow robes, suddenly burst out with thunder and lightning, instantly evaporating the blood on the sword into a puff of black smoke.

But now that he has sheathed his sword, his attitude is already obvious.

Therefore, the red-robed old man nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, yes, fellow Daoist Zhang, please calm down. It was Yang and his brother who were reckless before. They attacked your disciple without asking the situation clearly. The two of you are willing to apologize to your disciple!" "

"Yinger, what do you think?"

Zhou Chun ignored the red-robed old man's words and turned to ask about his beloved disciple.

This made the red-robed old man's heart skip a beat, and he had to put aside his old face and show a flattering smile towards Zhou Zhiying.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhiying's anger that had been stagnated from being bullied by the two men was immediately relieved. He couldn't help but sneered and said: "Then it depends on their sincerity!"

After hearing this, Zhou Chun immediately looked at the red-robed old man and said, "You have heard what Ying'er said. If you can't satisfy her, don't blame Zhang for being ruthless with the sword!"

The exchange between the master and the disciple made the red-robed old man's chest rise and fall sharply, and he felt ashamed and angry inside.

This is really treating their fellow apprentices as a piece of cake!

His lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something more, but at this time, he heard the voice of the seriously injured junior brother pleading again.

In the end, he could only sigh loudly: "Yang knows!"

Then he and his junior brother bowed to Zhou Zhiying and saluted: "My friend, please forgive me. Before, we and I were blind and ignorant of the real person. We were greedy and bumped into you. Please be magnanimous and don't agree with me." Wait for the two of you to argue!"

After saying that, he reached out and wiped it from the storage bag at his waist, took out a jade box and presented it, saying: "There is a piece of copper essence refined by Yang himself, weighing three kilograms and two taels, and it can be used as an apology for Yang and his wife." Yes, please don’t dislike it, little friends!”

He was apologizing with a big gift and making amends with a big gift. Even though Zhou Zhiying was still a little unhappy, he couldn't say anything more.

After all, she also knew that if Zhou Chun really killed these two people, she would probably create a powerful enemy for the Zhou family.

This is also very unfavorable for their masters and disciples who will often hang out in the Great Zhou Kingdom in the future.

So in the end I could only snort and say: "Hmph, good luck to you, I won't argue with you this time!"

"Thank you for your generosity, little friend."

The old man in red robe cupped his hand towards him again, then turned to look at Zhou Chun.

When he saw that Zhou Chun had no reaction, he threw the jade box in his hand towards Zhou Zhiying, and then left in despair with his junior brother.

"Thank you, Master, for arriving in time, otherwise I would have been forced to call Uncle Bai out!"

After watching the two people from Huanglong Fort go away, Zhou Zhiying quickly came to Zhou Chun's side and explained the situation to Zhou Chun with a grateful face.

It turned out that when she came back from Duolan Grassland, she happened to be discovered by two senior brothers from Huanglong Fort.

Seeing that she was riding a mount like Tianfeng Thunder Eagle and coming alone from Duolan Grassland, these two people stopped her and asked her about the situation on the grassland.

And when he learned that she was not a powerful monk from the Great Zhou Kingdom, the man in yellow robe became malicious and wanted to capture her for questioning.

Later, in order to protect herself, Zhou Zhiying could only release the fourth-level low-grade puppet given to her by Mu Mei Mu Sang and Zhou Chun.

Fortunately, Zhou Chun arrived in time, otherwise she would have no choice but to expose Lei Jiao in vain.

In that case, it is very likely to lead to the pursuit of Master Kuang Lei afterwards, but it will really cause big trouble!

This is why both master and disciple are so angry.

If it weren't for the Nascent Soul stage monks in Huanglong Fort, Zhou Chun really wouldn't let those two go this time.

"Forget it, those two guys are lucky this time, let's go back to Tianyuan Immortal City first!"

After understanding the situation, Zhou Chun immediately comforted his apprentice, and then took Zhou Zhiying back to Tianyuan Immortal City.

After flying all the way and entering the cave in Tianyuan Immortal City, Zhou Chun immediately told Zhou Zhiying about his experiences and gains on the secret island.

Zhou Zhiying naturally had nothing to hide from his master, so he told all his experiences very frankly, and then gave his list of statistics to Zhou Chun for review.

"Sure enough, I knew that the senior who could build such a secret cave must not be an ordinary Yuanying stage monk. I didn't expect that this senior [Xuanfeng Zhenren] turned out to be a great Yuanying stage monk!"

After listening to his apprentice's story, Zhou Chun couldn't help but nodded with a look of surprise on his face, finally clearing up a doubt in his heart.

Then he devoted his attention to the jade slip presented by his apprentice and checked the information in it.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. At first glance, even with Zhou Chun's experience and knowledge, it feels a lot worse with every breath.

[Xuanfeng Zhenren] There are so many various treasures and spiritual objects left behind!

Among them, among the magic weapons alone, there are one spiritual treasure, two top-grade magic weapons, and as many as three high-grade magic weapons.

These important magic weapons were stored on the top floor of the Treasure Pavilion, and it was impossible for Zhou Chun to see them at first.

There are five remaining middle-grade magic weapons, and as many as ten low-grade magic weapons!

At the same time, [Xuanfeng Zhenren] also left many high-level puppets for his successors. After Zhou Zhiying inherited his mantle, the puppets that originally guarded various important places on the island can be collected and refined using secret methods, and a total of four levels have been obtained. There are two high-grade puppets, three fourth-grade medium-grade puppets, and eight fourth-grade low-grade puppets.

That snake-man puppet is an extremely rare fifth-level puppet!

In addition, there are more than twenty pieces of various rare magic weapons and spiritual materials stored in the Treasure Pavilion, many of which are top-notch spiritual materials of the level of [Geng Gold].

Think about it, if it can be noticed and collected by the great monks of the late Nascent Soul, how can it be an ordinary magic weapon and spiritual material?

Let's talk about various elixirs. Because Mu Mei Mu Sang helped to find and check them, Zhou Zhiying, even if his cultivation level was low, was able to count all the elixirs on the island.

Among them, there are as many as seven elixirs with a medicinal age of more than 8,000 years!

There are as many as twenty-six strains of elixirs that have been used for more than five thousand years!

There are as many as 220 elixirs with an age of more than 3,000 years!

The rest of the elixirs are over a thousand years old and there are more than 500 elixirs under three thousand years old!

As for those elixirs that were less than a thousand years old, Zhou Zhiying didn't bother to count them because they were of little significance to Zhou Chun and the Zhou family.

In addition, there are three fifth-level spiritual trees on the island, one of which is a fifth-level spiritual apricot tree. The spiritual apricots produced can be used to improve cultivation. The effect will be halved for each one taken. A person can take up to three.

The remaining two trees are Evergreen Cloudwood and Everlasting Rosewood.

As for the [Five Elements Spiritual Fruit] tree on the island, although it can be regarded as a fifth-level spiritual tree, in fact, the value of such heaven and earth spiritual roots is not determined by its grade.

If we really talk about it, the value of the [Five Elements Spiritual Fruit] tree is even incomparable to that of the fifth-level spiritual apricot tree!

Among the other fourth-level spiritual trees on the island, there are also some precious varieties. For example, there are eight fourth-level spiritual fruit trees similar to the spiritual apricot tree, and the spiritual fruits they bear have their own magical uses.

In addition, there are fourth-level heavenly fragrant rosewood, gold resin wood, blue cloud wood and other rare spiritual trees that have various magical uses.

Many of these spiritual trees with different magical functions were specially planted by [Master Xuanfeng] for the successor of the mantle, which can be said to have taken a lot of thought.

As for the various classics left by [Zhenren Xuanfeng], they are even more numerous.

A brief glance at it will tell you that the four skills he left behind, including formations, weapon refining, alchemy, and puppetry, are enough for one to reach the realm of a grand master!

The rest of the inheritance of skills, such as making talismans and controlling beasts, also point directly to the realm of a master!

After receiving the inheritance of these classics, the Zhou family is afraid that there will be no geniuses with enough talent in these skills in the future, and they are not afraid that there will be no inheritance for them to inherit and practice.

Of course, these are not the things Zhou Chun is most concerned about at this time. Even secret techniques such as "Taiyi Divide Magic", he has no time to pay attention to at this time.

The thing that he is most concerned about at this time is naturally the baby-shaped spiritual creature!

[Master Xuanfeng] Since the requirement for the heirs of the mantle is to impact the gods, naturally they will not even consider the level of Nascent Soul for the heirs.

In fact, he not only considered this, but also made full preparations.

For example, in the alchemy inheritance he left behind, there is the recipe for [Huaying Dan], and in the medicine garden, the main medicine of [Huaying Dan] and several important auxiliary elixirs were planted. Now those elixirs are The age of the medicine is completely enough to refine this elixir!

In addition, he also planted a special elixir [Taiqing Xianzhi] in his medicine garden. When a monk takes a piece of this Ganoderma and takes it, it can also increase the success rate to nearly 10%. Now that strain [Tai Qing Xian Zhi] has a medicine age of more than 8,000 years and has been prescribed its third Zhi Zhi leaf.

At the same time, in the most dangerous "Heart Demon Tribulation" in the process of transforming elixirs into babies, [Xuanfeng Zhenren] also left behind a secret method to overcome the calamity and a special spiritual object [Tianxinjiang Zhenxiang].

When this set of infant-forming spiritual objects is superimposed, it can increase the success rate of a golden elixir-stage monk's elixir-forming infant to more than half.

If it is used by a cultivator like Zhou Zhiying, who has the best wind attribute spiritual root qualifications, unless she is really bad and fails in the "Heart Demon Tribulation", the success rate of conceiving a baby will be almost 100%!

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