Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 642 [Undeposited Gold Beads] and

Get rich!

This was Zhou Chun's most intuitive thought after reading the list of spiritual objects provided by Zhou Zhiying.

Although he had long expected that the harvest in the secret cave would be extraordinary, and would definitely far exceed what he had gained from any previous adventure.

But it turns out that he still far underestimated the number and rarity of the various treasures and spiritual objects inside.

He even underestimated the number of infant spirit objects.

Originally, he thought that it would be very good if the master of the secret cave [Zhenren Xuanfeng] could leave a spiritual elixir such as [Infant Transformation Pill] to his heirs.

Who would have thought that other people's handiwork would be much greater than he imagined.

Even the big forces cannot complete the refining materials of [Huaying Dan] independently. They have directly planted all the main medicine and important auxiliary ingredients. As long as they can find an alchemy master with excellent alchemy skills, they can refine it. The furnace [Huaying Dan] comes out!

At the same time, there is also [Taiqing Xianzhi], a heterogeneous elixir that can directly increase the chance of conceiving a baby if taken raw!

Even the spiritual objects and secret techniques that Zhou Chun had only heard of in legends to resist the "Heart Demon Tribulation" were prepared.

The magnitude of this gesture is really shocking.

Even the Daozi-level figures of the sects of several top forces in the Great Zhou Kingdom may only be able to enjoy the infant-forming spiritual objects, and they may even be slightly worse!

"What a generous move! What a generous move!!"

Zhou Chun murmured to himself with a shocked face, unable to calm down for a long time.

Zhou Zhiying on the side watched his expression change, feeling quite proud in his heart.

After all, Zhou Chun's shock this time was all caused by her.

She immediately smiled proudly and said: "Master Mingjian, I don't dare to make any decisions about other things, and I don't dare to move lightly. However, for those two top-grade magic weapons, three top-grade magic weapons, and those spiritual apricot fruits, the disciples are I brought half of it back, please take a look first!"

As he said that, he took out everything.

In fact, if possible, she would like to bring out the spiritual treasure left to her by [Master Xuanfeng].

However, the Lingbao already had a weapon spirit. She did not have the cultivation level of the Golden Core, so it was impossible to collect it, so she could only let it stay in the treasure pavilion.

Looking at the things she took out, the nine apricot fruits were all golden in color and exuded an alluring aroma. Just smelling the aroma made Zhou Chun feel that the magic power in his body was about to start, and he hurriedly closed the jade box to prevent the loss of spiritual power. .

The two top-quality magic weapons are a cyan flying sword surrounded by cyan air currents and a brilliant golden orb.

The green flying sword is called [Blue Sky Phantom Sword]. It is a top-quality flying sword with wind attributes. It comes from the hands of a certain great master of weapon refining. It was made by [Master Xuanfeng] before he entered the late stage of Nascent Soul. .

That golden orb is called [Infinite Golden Light Bead]. The only magical power of this treasure is the "Infinite Golden Light". It is said to be omnipotent and no one or thing cannot be stabilized!

Even if the fifth-level demon king is hit by this "unfixed golden light", he will be frozen in the air and unable to move, just like the body-holding spell.

This treasure even has the opportunity to fixate the Nascent Soul of a cultivator!

According to the records left by [Master Xuanfeng] in his biography, when he was still in the middle stage of Nascent Soul cultivation, he had a death duel with an enemy, and then relied on this [Infinite Gold Bead] to defeat the opponent's Nascent Soul. He was frozen so that he had no chance to use his "teleportation" magical power to escape.

The remaining three high-grade magic weapons also have their own characteristics.

One is the defensive magic weapon [Nine Palaces Golden Pagoda], which can release nine levels of defensive golden light. When combined, it can even withstand several attacks from the best magic weapons!

One is the flying magic weapon [Wind and Cloud Wings], which is a rare pair of wings. After refining this magic weapon, you can use it to use the wind escape technique to travel.

One is a special type of magic weapon [Thousand Illusion Treasure Mirror]. This mirror can not only display illusions and magical powers, making others fall into illusions and unable to extricate themselves, but also can use illusions to bless oneself and change one's own appearance and aura. It has endless magical uses.

From the uses of these magic weapons, it is not difficult to see that [Master Xuanfeng] also spent a lot of thought on the successor of his mantle, taking every aspect into consideration.

At this time, after checking the five magic weapons one by one, Zhou Chun nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, yes, these magic weapons are all good things. After Ying'er forms the elixir, I don't need to give you any more magic weapons."

Although Zhou Zhiying had already guessed that he would say this, she was still extremely moved when she saw that he was still not tempted in the face of so many magic weapons.

Dang even smiled bitterly and said: "Master, you think highly of this disciple. How can I use so many magic weapons?"

Then he shook his head slightly and said: "Besides, even if the disciple succeeds in forming the elixir, he still has to sacrifice the spiritual treasure. How can he have so much spare time to sacrifice these magic treasures!"

"What do you mean?"

Zhou Chun's expression changed and he looked at this disciple thoughtfully.

But he saw Zhou Zhiying pushing the two magic weapons [Infinite Gold Bead] and [Feng Yun Wing] towards him and said: "These two magic weapons are unlikely to be used by the disciples in the short term, so I will leave it to you first, Master." Use it for sacrifice!"

Seeing this, Zhou Chun was slightly moved, but then he waved his hand and said: "Your thoughts are understood by the master. However, the master's magic weapons are enough now, and they can be used to make up for one's own shortcomings, but there is no reason to use them anymore." Covet what belongs to your apprentice!"

He is not bragging. When it comes to magic weapons, the quantity of magic weapons on his body may not be as good as Zhou Zhiying's, but the quality is not necessarily inferior.

However, Zhou Zhiying seemed to have made up his mind, and immediately looked at him seriously and said: "This is all a disciple's filial piety. If you don't accept it, Master, you will not regard the disciple as one of your own!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Chun was immediately restrained by her. Of course, she couldn't admit this.

After hesitating for a while, he could only smile and nod his head and said: "Okay, then my master, just accept this [Infinite Gold Bead]. As for this [Feng Yun Wing], you should keep it yourself. Its properties are the same as those of You fit in better.”

After saying that, he raised his hand to take the golden orb, and said in an unarguable tone: "That's it, Ying'er, please stop using your words as a teacher. Being a teacher also costs you face!"

"Well, since Master, you said so, I don't dare to force it, but you have to accept all these apricot fruits. I don't have any use for them!"

Zhou Zhiying looked embarrassed and had no choice but to take back the [Wind and Cloud Wing] magic weapon.

After listening to her words, Zhou Chun nodded and said: "These apricot fruits are indeed of great use to me as a teacher. I won't be polite to you as a teacher."

Now that decades have passed, Zhou Chun only has two [Real Truth Pills] left in his hand, but his cultivation is still far from the late stage of the Golden Pill.

The appearance of these spiritual apricot fruits came at the right time and could save him decades of hard work.

And those who have not taken them, such as the Golden Armored Mountain Turtle Stone, the Golden Winged Tiger, and the Fire Phoenix, can also be taken.

There is no such thing as too many spiritual objects that can enhance the mana and cultivation of Golden Core Stage monks.

After he accepted the nine apricot fruits, he pondered for a moment, then looked at Zhou Zhiying and said, "According to the list you provided Ying'er, there are many elixirs in the cave that can be used to refine and refine mana." These are rare elixirs, but our family doesn’t have enough outstanding alchemists, so I’m afraid it will be difficult to truly bring out the usefulness of these elixirs.”

"Therefore, I would like to give a copy of the alchemy inheritance of [Master Xuanfeng] you obtained to fellow Taoist Luo Qingni, so that she can help refine the relevant elixirs. What do you think of it, Ying'er?"

This was originally his plan early on, but now the owner of the secret cave is Zhou Zhiying, and he will have to go through his hands when picking elixirs in the future, so he feels that it is still necessary to respect his apprentice's wishes.

Of course, he knew in his heart that Zhou Zhiying would most likely not refuse.

Sure enough, after Zhou Zhiying heard what he said, he immediately said without hesitation: "Disciple has no opinion, it all depends on the master."

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Chun seriously and said: "Master, I can't thank you enough for your concern and love for me. However, I have said before that as long as you can truly inherit the mantle and legacy of the master of the secret cave, in addition to Except for the treasures that the disciple needs for his own use, all other treasures are at your disposal. There is no need for you to ask the disciple’s opinion on everything like this!”

When Zhou Chun heard this, he was pleased with his disciple's filial piety. At the same time, he did not forget to warn his disciple: "Ying'er, you don't understand. Although you and I are master and disciple, the things in the secret cave are [Master Xuanfeng] after all." 】Senior left it to you, so even if you don’t mind sharing the treasures with me, you can’t help but ask for it, this is a matter of principle!”

Zhou Chun knows that people's hearts are fickle, and even if there is such a close relationship between husband and wife and father and son, there will still be times when they quarrel and even get violent for their own interests.

Because of Zhou Zhiying's living environment since childhood, his personal talents and qualifications, and because he has always intended to exert influence, he may not care much about the elixirs in the cave now, and is very willing to use them to help his master.

But in the future, if she encounters setbacks in her practice, or encounters some special circumstances, thinking back on what happened now, she might have a problem with him, a master who takes things without asking.

At that time, the relationship between master and apprentice, who are now as close as father and daughter, is likely to have a rift.

So Zhou Zhiying, who is still young, may not care, but as a master, he must stick to his principles and not lay the groundwork for the future breakdown of the master-disciple relationship.

And Zhou Zhiying is also a smart person with good understanding. When Zhou Chun spoke to her in a serious tone, she suddenly understood something and quickly nodded and said: "Disciple understands, I must remember Master. Your teachings.”

"You can teach me, boy! Then you should first form the elixir in Tianyuan Immortal City. After you successfully form the elixir, you can go to the secret realm of the cave to get some things for me!"

Zhou Chun nodded slightly and immediately told his arrangement.

"Yes, I will obey my master's instructions!"

Zhou Zhiying looked happy and immediately responded respectfully.

She now has a treasure but cannot use it due to insufficient cultivation, not to mention how depressed she is.

Now Zhou Chun asked her to retreat to formulate pills, which was exactly what she wanted. Soon she happily took the pill-forming spiritual object from Zhou Chun and went to retreat.

Although it is almost certain that she can successfully form a pill with the best spiritual root qualifications, without the assistance of a pill-forming spiritual object, it will definitely take her longer to succeed, and she may need to spend a lot of time consolidating her cultivation after forming the pill.

After all, those pill-forming spiritual objects themselves contain rich spiritual power and can provide monks with a large supply of spiritual power when forming pills.

Therefore, she still has to use the pill-forming spiritual objects that should be used.

After sending Zhou Zhiying to retreat, Zhou Chun also started thinking about the elixirs recorded on the list alone.

While thinking, Zhou Chun was still flipping through the alchemy inheritance left by [Master Xuanfeng], mainly looking at the elixir recipes above to decide how to use the rare elixirs on the island.

The alchemy inheritance left by [Master Xuanfeng] is undoubtedly extremely profound and exquisite. There are even four elixir recipes that are useful for cultivators in the Nascent Soul Stage to increase their cultivation.

Zhou Chun took a look and found that there were some elixirs in his medicine garden, which turned out to be the main medicine and auxiliary medicines recorded on one of the elixirs, but one or two other important auxiliary medicines were still missing.

As for other elixirs, you can basically just take a look at them. Some of the elixirs they require may have become extinct in the world of immortality today!

As for the elixirs suitable for use by Golden Core monks, in addition to the [Infant Transformation Pill] and [Yingying Pill] and several other pills that are helpful in conceiving babies, there are also six or seven kinds that are suitable for Jindan monks. Mana and barrier-breaking elixirs, as well as several other healing and detoxifying elixirs.

Similarly, many elixirs on the island meet the material requirements of those pill recipes.

Obviously this aspect is also the result of [Xuanfeng Zhenren]'s deliberate decision.

What makes Zhou Chun most delighted is that the other two main medicines needed to refine the [Four Spirits Barrier Breaking Pill] are actually available on the island!

Among them, Gui Yuanzhi is one of the important auxiliary medicines required for refining [Huaying Dan]. There are five plants growing on the island. The one with the longest medicinal age is more than 6,000 years old. The remaining four plants contain Two medicinal plants are more than three thousand years old, and two medicinal plants are more than a thousand years old.

In this case, it is likely that Ganoderma robes spread out from behind the six-thousand-year-old Gui Yuan Zhi, giving birth to a new elixir.

Including some other auxiliary elixirs of [Huaying Dan], there are also these situations.

Only the main material of [Huaying Dan] is "Tian Ying Fruit". Because it belongs to the special spiritual root of heaven and earth, only one spiritual fruit can grow at a time.

Now the "Tianying Fruit" is over eight thousand years old, far exceeding the minimum requirement of three thousand years!

When the medicine age exceeds this much, even if this "Tian Ying Guo" is taken directly, it will have the six to seven success effects of [Huaying Dan].

If it is used as the main material and other auxiliary materials are also used, the effect of the refined [Huaying Dan] will be stronger than the normal [Huaying Dan]!

According to the records on the pill recipe, if an alchemy master refines the [Infant Transformation Pill], as long as it performs normally, it will usually be guaranteed to have more than three pills, and in the best case, it can even reach five pills.

Only the legendary master of alchemy can confidently refine six [Infant Transformation Pills] in one furnace.

But those great masters of alchemy were even rarer than the great masters of weapon refining. At least at Zhou Chun's current level, he didn't know where to look for such a person.

What's more, the [Huaying Dan] is so precious and of great importance, there is no way he can just go to those alchemists who cannot be completely trusted to refine it.

Therefore, if he wants to refine the [Huaying Dan] in the future, he will almost have to let Luo Qingni do it.

At the same time, in order to allow Luo Qingni to perform as well as possible in the alchemy process, it is necessary for her to refine some other rare elixirs to improve her alchemy skills before refining the [Huaying Dan], and even upgrade her cultivation to the golden elixir. Later!

When Zhou Chun thought of this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, shook his head and sighed: "This is really in line with that sentence, every peck and every drink has its destiny!"

Luo Qingni confusedly traded the token jade talisman to him, originally at a loss.

But after going round and round, it turns out that a large part of the benefits that Master Zhou Chun and his disciples get must be benefited by her!

Even if Zhou Chun is not a person who believes in fate, when encountering such a thing at this time, he has to doubt whether there is such a thing as karma and retribution in the world.

But in this way, when Zhou Chun faced Luo Qingni again, he no longer had to feel guilty.

After all, even if Luo Qingni knew about it by then, she would still have to thank him!

Thinking about this, Zhou Chun carefully compared the prescriptions and gradually had an idea in his mind.

Of course, even if he was ready to tell Luo Qingni the truth, before Zhou Zhiying successfully formed the elixir and before Zhou Zhiying picked up those elixirs, he would still not reveal the news in advance, not even the inheritance of the alchemy. will give it to the other party.

Therefore, in the following time, Zhou Chun did not wait for the results of Zhou Zhiying's elixir formation in Tianyuan Immortal City, but returned to his family first.

The safety of Tianyuan Immortal City is guaranteed, and there is no need for him to guard it here, not to mention that it is not very convenient for him and his spiritual pets to practice here.

Furthermore, Zhou Chun must also inform Zhou Mingde of the good news in time so that he can feel at ease.

The journey was uneventful, and Zhou Chun quietly returned to Qinglian Peak without disturbing anyone.

Except for some people around him, not many people even knew that he had been away from the family for more than ten years!

And when Zhou Chun told him that Zhou Zhiying had successfully inherited the mantle of [Master Xuanfeng] and showed him the list, Zhou Mingde was also shocked and excited.

"This is truly God's blessing. Masaki, all your hard work and planning for so many years have finally borne gratifying fruits!"

After being excited for a long time, Zhou Mingde came back to his senses. He looked at Zhou Chun with joy and emotion and sighed like this.

Hearing this, Zhou Chun also sighed with deep sympathy: "Yes, this result is extremely pleasant and unexpected for this junior. After so many years of planning, my hard work is finally not in vain!"

"Opportunities always come to those who are prepared. Masachun, you have been planning for hundreds of years to wait for this day. Now everything is going as you wish. It shows that everything is God's will!"

Zhou Mingde looked at Zhou Chun with bright eyes and said in a firm tone: "As long as Zhengchun can practice step by step to the late stage of the Golden Elixir, I believe that with your foundation and luck, the process of transforming the elixir and forming a baby will be able to be done without any problems. Rush over!"

"This junior also thinks so, that's why he returned to the family for retreat!"

Zhou Chun nodded slightly and replied calmly.

After having those infant-forming spiritual objects left by [Master Xuanfeng], Zhou Chun was full of confidence in his ability to transform elixirs into infants.

After telling Zhou Mingde about his relevant plans, Zhou Chun concentrated on cultivating in his cave.

He first took a fifth-level spiritual apricot, and after spending about half a year refining it, he immediately achieved the gains he had made during thirty or forty years of meditation, and his cultivation was much closer to touching the barrier of the late golden elixir.

Then, in addition to leaving one spiritual apricot fruit for himself, he distributed the remaining seven equally among the four spiritual pets except Mu Mei Mu Sang, so that each spiritual pet could take two.

The effect of these spiritual fruits will be halved after being taken continuously. Taking two is already the limit. Taking more will be too much of a waste of spiritual resources.

While refining spiritual fruits and elixirs to improve his cultivation, Zhou Chun also suspended the practice of most other secret arts and magical powers, and put most of his energy after practice into the "Taiyi Divided Divine Technique". 》And the secret method of assisting the formation of a baby to comprehend the above.

The secret method left behind by [Master Xuanfeng] to assist in childbirth is called "Purple Flower Subduing Demonic Spiritual Light", which is a precious secret method specially used to assist in overcoming the "Inner Demon Tribulation".

These secret techniques are very precious in the world of immortality, and their value is comparable to spiritual treasures!

Even the many great sects of cultivating immortals that have been passed down for thousands of years may not have such secret techniques.

To practice this "Purple Flower Demon-Conquering Spiritual Light", you need to go to the nine heavens above the blue sky every day, collect the purple energy of the morning sun at sunrise, and then collect the moonlight essence at the full moon, and use secret methods to smelt the essence of the sun and moon. Qi, it took twenty-four years to condense a "Purple Flower Demon-Conquering Spiritual Light"!

This method actually does not require high qualifications and understanding of the cultivator. The only thing that is most difficult is that once you start practicing, you must not waste even one day before condensing a "Purple Flower Demon-Conquering Spiritual Light", otherwise the previous accumulation will It's all in vain!

In this way, once you are ready to practice this secret method, you must go to a place far away from the crowd and sit in death seclusion for twenty-four years. If you fail, you will never come out!

After Zhou Chun studied this secret method, he temporarily put aside his research on it.

Now his main goal is to break through the late stage of Jindan. This method can be carried out after he has made all other preparations.

Later, Zhou Chun's main focus on the cultivation of secret techniques was all on the "Taiyi Two-Point Divine Technique".

Zhou Chun has a very strong interest in this secret method that can cultivate the "Second Nascent Soul".

Because if the immortal cultivator really cultivates the "Second Nascent Soul", not only will he have an extra helper when fighting with others in the future, but he can also use the second Nascent Soul to do many dangerous things that are inconvenient for the original body to take risks.

Even when the main body is in danger of life, the second Nascent Soul will be the best way to replace the disaster and can save one's life at the critical moment!

So even though he knew that it was not that simple to cultivate the second Nascent Soul, Zhou Chun still had a very strong interest in this secret method and was willing to spend a lot of time practicing and understanding it.

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