Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 643 The death of an old friend【Please subscribe】

There are no years in practice, no years in the cold or the heat.

In the blink of an eye, seven more years have passed since Zhou Chun returned to the Qinglian Mountains to practice cultivation.

After seven years of latent cultivation, Zhou Chun has made great progress in his magic power, and is getting closer and closer to touching the barrier of the late stage of the golden elixir.

As for the [Taiyi Two-Divided Divine Technique], he also successfully cultivated the first level and successfully split a divided soul.

Speaking of which, among the inheritance that Zhou Chun once received along with the "God-Slaying Technique", there is also a secret method called the "Soul-Splitting Technique", which can also allow Golden Core Stage monks to split several souls.

However, the split souls split by the "Soul Splitting Technique" have no ability to grow, and the more split souls there are, the more the main soul will be weakened. Once the split souls fall, their own soul will be severely damaged.

Therefore, even though he has been able to practice this secret skill for a long time, he has always been indifferent to it.

In comparison, [Taiyi's two-point magic] is much more mysterious and profound.

Although this technique can only split a split soul, the split soul not only has strong growth potential, but after the split soul grows stronger, it will feed back the main soul.

If one day the third level of this technique is successfully cultivated, and the second Nascent Soul is successfully cultivated, not only can one more life be gained, but the main soul will also be able to fully make up for the soul source consumed by the split soul under the feedback and nourishment. , even more powerful!

In terms of value, the value of this [Taiyi Divide Divine Technique] is not at all inferior to that of the "Purple Flower Demon-Conquering Spiritual Light".

It's a pity that although Zhou Chun successfully practiced the first level of [Taiyi Divided Divine Technique], his subsequent progress was not very smooth.

According to what is said in the secret method, if this [Taiyi Two-Divided Divine Technique] wants to progress quickly, it needs to be possessed by the divided soul into a physical body, and it is best to have a human body that can practice the technique.

But the problem comes again. Once the clone soul takes over the body of flesh and blood and turns into a clone, it must always carry the clone with it.

And once the clone dies, the [Taiyi Divide Divine Technique] will be useless, and there will be no possibility of rebuilding it in the future, and it will also cause certain damage to the main soul.

This is not a good thing for Zhou Chun today.

So after thinking for a while, Zhou Chun decided not to rush to advance the practice of this secret technique. After he transformed into a pill and formed a baby in the future, and had enough self-protection strength, it would not be too late to focus on improving this secret technique.

Seven years have passed, and Zhou Chun's spiritual pets who have consumed the apricot fruit have each gained greatly.

Among them, the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix has made the greatest progress, and its cultivation progress is significantly higher than that of other spiritual pets.

Zhou Chun estimated that it was very likely that it would be the first to be promoted to a fourth-level high-grade monster after it broke through to the late stage of the golden elixir.

Following closely behind were Mu Mei, Thunder Dragon Baibai, and Golden Winged Tiger. This time, Golden Armor Bearing Mountain Turtle Shitou was at the last place.

But it doesn't matter, because when Zhou Chun checked the pill formulas before, he discovered that among the pill formulas left by [Master Xuanfeng], there was a spiritual pill that could be taken by both human monks and monsters.

If Luo Qingni refines that kind of spiritual elixir, Zhou Chun will use it to cultivate several spiritual pets, so that they will not leave him too behind.

In short, after getting along with each other for so many years, Zhou Chun's main priority is to be a companion to these old friends who have accompanied him throughout his growth, and he will not give up any of them!

On this day, Zhou Chun, who had been in seclusion for seven years, finally came out of seclusion.

A few days ago, Zhou Daoyi sent back the news that Zhou Zhiying had successfully formed an elixir in Tianyuan Immortal City and was currently stabilizing his cultivation.

Zhou Chun plans to go to Tianyuan Immortal City to meet his apprentice after a while, and continue to let his spiritual pet escort him to the secret realm of the cave to collect treasures.

Before that, there are still some things to deal with on the family side.

After Zhou Chun came out of seclusion, he first met Zhou Yuanlian, a junior.

"Have you made your decision? Are you sure you want to attack the pill formation now?"

In the cave, Zhou Chun looked at the gloomy junior in front of him and asked in a low tone.

Facing his inquiry, Zhou Yuanlian nodded without any hesitation and said, "Yes, this junior is ready, please ask the clan leader to fulfill your wish!"

Seeing this, Zhou Chun just nodded noncommittally, and then suddenly asked: "How is Wu Yuzhu doing now? Do you think she will be willing to stay in the Zhou family in the future?"

Zhou Yuanlian was stunned for a moment, and then replied in a low voice: "Yu Zhu's cultivation has been in the late stage of foundation building for many years, but she lacks the support to open up the purple mansion's spiritual objects. With her qualifications, as long as there are spiritual objects to assist, it should not be difficult to open up the purple mansion." Difficult matter."

At this point, she paused and thought for a moment, and then said again: "As for whether she is willing to stay in the Zhou family, I can't guarantee it. You may need to talk to her personally, the patriarch."

"I know, then I wish you success!"

Zhou Chun took a deep look at this junior, and then gave him the [Marigold Poisonous Dragon Fruit], a portion of [Ultra Yang Fire Spiritual Liquid], and a portion of [Ultra Cold Ice Marrow Liquid] that he had promised.

Fortunately, he had exchanged some pill-forming spiritual objects in the Great Zhou Kingdom before, and the pill-forming spiritual objects that he had exchanged with his military exploits had also been received over the years. Otherwise, if Zhou Zhiying had taken a set of pill-forming spiritual objects, , it is really impossible to come up with another set for Zhou Yuanlian to use in a short period of time.

But in this case, he would have to think of ways to collect pill-forming spiritual objects.

After all, since his apprentice Zhou Zhiying had helped him so much, it was necessary for him to reciprocate the favor and give his biological parents a chance to form an elixir.

Fortunately, if it is just a pill-forming spiritual object like [Poly Yang Fire Spiritual Liquid], with his current cultivation and wealth, it is not difficult to collect it. He only needs to activate his connections with the Great Zhou Kingdom and ask Luo Qingni to help. Just come forward to acquire it.

After dealing with Zhou Yuanlian's pill formation, Zhou Chun thought about it and called Wu Yuzhu into his cave to talk.

Speaking of which, since bringing this girl back to the Zhou family, Zhou Chun, apart from paying attention to her before she established her foundation, rarely saw her again after her success in establishing her foundation due to various reasons.

At this time, after the woman came over, Zhou Chun also took a good look at the woman.

Nearly a hundred years have passed, and Wu Yuzhu has completely eliminated the hidden dangers of fire poison in her body. Now her figure and complexion have greatly changed from her original frail appearance.

Now she looks like a beautiful lady with a slim figure.

What surprised Zhou Chun even more was that she was also a poison cultivator who had practiced the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual". She did not have Zhou Yuanlian's crazy and gloomy temperament. Except for the coldness unique to the Ice Spirit Root cultivator, she seemed to be normal. Monks are not much different.

Could it be that their different upbringing experiences created such a big difference?

Zhou Chun was secretly amazed, and his impression of Wu Yuzhu suddenly improved a lot.

He immediately looked at the woman with a gentle tone and said, "Yuzhu, have you adapted to living in the Zhou family these years? Are there any difficulties that you need help with?"

To be honest, he has not taken care of others for decades, and now he suddenly asks for help, which makes people doubt his intentions.

At least after Wu Yuzhu heard what he said, although she didn't show anything on the surface, she still murmured in her heart.

But Zhou Chun is the superior after all. Most of the time, the superior only needs to express his attitude and does not need to worry about what the subordinates think.

Zhou Chun showed his kindness. No matter what Wu Yuzhu thought, she could only accept his kindness at this time.

He saw that he quickly replied with a respectful expression: "Thanks to the care of Senior Zhou and the seniors of the Zhou family, Yuzhu is living a good life in the Zhou family and has not encountered any difficulties so far."

Hearing this, Zhou Chun couldn't help but nodded and said: "That's good. You are the one brought back by Zhou. If anyone in the Zhou family dares to bully you, don't hide it for him. Zhou will stand up for you."

As he spoke, he changed the topic again and suddenly said: "I see that your foundation has been polished now. You should be preparing to open up the Zi Mansion. Do you want Zhou to help you?"

Hearing what he said, Wu Yuzhu's expression also changed slightly, but after seeing his expression change for a while, he gently shook his head and said: "Isn't this good! Senior Zhou, you have been a life-saving benefactor to this junior, junior. I’ve never had the chance to repay you, so how can I accept the reward now without any merit!”

"That's not what I mean. Previously, the Zhou family suffered from a beast wave, and you also participated in the battle to defend the Zhou family and contributed to the Zhou family."

When Zhou Chun said this, he also looked at Wu Yuzhu with deep meaning and said: "If you are willing to stay in the Zhou family and serve the Zhou family after opening the Purple Mansion, no one in the family will dare to question you for this. !”

After hearing his words, Wu Yuzhu finally understood his true intention of suddenly calling her here today.

For a moment, he couldn't help but fell into silence.

Fortunately, Zhou Chun also knew that she needed some time to weigh and consider, so he was not in a hurry to force her to make an immediate decision.

After she thought silently for about a quarter of an hour, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Zhou Chun and said, "Senior Zhou Mingjian, you have the grace to save lives and teach this junior, so it stands to reason that you let this junior die for you. The juniors don’t dare to say anything.”

"But this junior also promised his father that he would go to the family where he was born to clear his name so that his spiritual throne can be returned to the Wu family ancestral hall!"

"Therefore, if this junior succeeds in opening up the Zi Mansion, I'm afraid he will have to fulfill his father's last wish first!"

After she said these words, she lowered her head deeply, as if she had listened.

And she originally thought that her words would definitely make Zhou Chun unhappy. Even if she didn't scold her for being ungrateful on the spot, she would definitely be kicked out!

But after hearing her answer, Zhou Chun was just stunned for a moment, then nodded gently and said: "Following your father's wishes is what a child should do, not to mention that your father took such good care of you during his lifetime. I even gave my life for you!”

As he spoke, he couldn't help but sigh: "If he knew how filial you were under Jiuquan, he would definitely smile at Jiuquan!"

"Senior Zhou, you..."

Wu Yuzhu looked at Zhou Chun unexpectedly and slightly excitedly, but hesitated to speak, not expecting that he would say this at all.

But Zhou Chun smiled faintly at her and said: "Yuzhu, you are too underestimated of Zhou and the Zhou family. In his life, Zhou admires those who are loyal, filial and benevolent the most, and he is the most disgraceful of those who take advantage of kindness to repay them. How could he do that?" Because of the fate forged by my own pity, forcing you to work for Zhou and the Zhou family? My Zhou family is now a powerful country, how can it change because of one more or one less Zifu monk!"

"No, this junior has no such intention and would never dare to..."

Wu Yuzhu's expression changed drastically, and she hurriedly spoke out to explain.

But Zhou Chun waved his hand to stop her words, and said calmly: "You don't need to explain. Zhou knows that you absolutely dare not be disrespectful to Zhou and the Zhou family. What I said just now is just to let you know that Zhou It’s just a human being!”

"Since your heart is not here now, Zhou and the Zhou family cannot force you to stay here. Zhou will give instructions later. No one in the Zhou family can stop you from leaving here!"

After saying that, he waved his hand, indicating that he could leave.

Seeing this, Wu Yuzhu immediately knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to him several times: "Senior Zhou's kindness of saving lives and teaching Taoism, I can't repay. If I can fulfill my father's last wish in the future, I will definitely pay great attention to it." Return to the Zhou family and devote your whole life to serving Senior Zhou in order to repay Senior for his great kindness!"

After making such an oath, she exited Zhouchun Cave Mansion with a respectful expression.

Zhou Chun turned around and quickly forgot about this matter.

On this day, Zhou Chun left the Qinglian Mountains and came directly to Jiufeng Ridge in Lanzhou.

After the Zhou family took control of the Qinglian Mountains, the importance of both Jiufeng Ridge and Tuyun Ridge was greatly reduced. Only some low-level monks from the family practiced here and looked after the family property.

But a few years ago, Zhou Zhengyong, who felt that his life was short, came to Jiufengling alone to retire!

Zhou Chun is now over four hundred and twenty years old, and Zhou Zhengyong is several years older than him.

Even according to the normal lifespan of a Zifu period monk, Zhou Zhengyong only has fifty or sixty years to live.

Not to mention that he experienced various battles during his growth and suffered many serious injuries. After many years of accumulation, it would be difficult for him to survive to the normal end of his life.

This is the case for many immortal cultivators. Some serious injuries they suffered when they were young, due to limited conditions at the time or insufficient cultivation, would leave them with various hidden injuries and hidden diseases.

When the immortal cultivator gets closer and closer to the end of his lifespan, these hidden diseases will occur, making it difficult for the immortal cultivator to truly live to the end of his lifespan.

This is Zhou Zhengyong's current situation.

Because he had been seriously injured many times in the past, he could not live to his end of life of 480 years old.

The life span left now is probably only twenty or thirty years!

Under this situation, like many elderly monks, he just wanted to wait quietly for that day to arrive in the place he was most familiar with in his life.

For Zhou Zhengyong, Jiufengling, a spiritual mountain, is undoubtedly the place he is most familiar with and the most suitable place for retirement.

"Brother Yong, if you are extremely bored, you can also go out and travel. After all, you still have a few decades, enough to travel to various countries and meet the beautiful people in various places!"

On Jiufeng Ridge, after Zhou Chun came here to chat with Zhou Zhengyong, he couldn't help but give his own advice to the gray-haired clan brother in front of him.

To be honest, he didn't quite agree with Zhou Zhengyong's behavior of waiting quietly for death.

If it were him, he wouldn't take the opportunity to risk his life and try to form a pill.

Then, as I said, I should use the remaining years of my life to see more of the scenery around the world.

But unfortunately, everyone has his own ambitions. Not everyone is like him, full of curiosity and curiosity about unknown countries and things. There are also many people who just like to stay quietly in their familiar circles.

Zhou Zhengyong is undoubtedly that kind of person now.

After listening to Zhou Chun's words, he just smiled lightly and said: "Brother Eleven, I understand your kindness, but I have no regrets in my life now, and I am tired of the life of running around. Now I just want to drink every day." Tea, walking the birds and teasing the monkeys for fun, that’s enough!”

Hearing this, Zhou Chun suddenly had nothing to say.

Since Zhou Zhengyong looked away like this, what else could he say?

At the moment, I could only smile bitterly and say: "Brother Yong, since you have such a good attitude, I naturally have nothing to worry about, but on Xinlan's side, don't you really want to persuade him?"

Having said this, Zhou Chun also straightened his expression, looked at Zhou Zhengyong with a stern face and said: "With the relationship between the two of us, and the contributions that your father and son have made to the family over the years, as long as you have an idea, a set of pill-forming spirit I will definitely get it for you!"

Hearing this, Zhou Zhengyong nodded immediately and said: "Brother Eleven, I believe what you said. This kid Xinlan won't doubt it even if he thinks about it."

Then he sighed softly and said, "But since even the kid Xinlan doesn't have that spirit anymore, how can I persuade him?"

Having said this, he couldn't help but laugh at himself and said: "In the final analysis, both of us, father and son, have benefited from you, the eleventh brother, and this is how we were able to successfully open up the Zi Mansion. I don't know how many people have failed in the process of forming pills since ancient times." Geniuses, how can we, father and son, with such average status, dare to overestimate our own abilities and try to pursue the golden elixir path!"

When it comes to forming pills, Zhou Zhengyong and his son are undoubtedly sensible.

Although the Zhou family has successively had two monks, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi, who practiced the method of rapidly improving mana, they succeeded in forming elixirs, which gave other monks a lot of encouragement.

But Zhou Zhengyong and his son, who know the inside story, know that it is difficult to replicate that kind of thing!

First of all, Zhou Mingde and Zhou Daoyi are definitely much better than their father and son in terms of personal qualifications, understanding, and perseverance.

At the same time, Zhou Mingde's original conditions for forming pills were also unique.

Although Zhou Daoyi succeeded in forming an elixir later, the situation was also very dangerous, and he needed to recuperate for many years before fully recovering.

Under such circumstances, even if Zhou Chun expressed his willingness to provide the father and son with pill-forming spiritual objects, they had little confidence that they would be able to replicate the successful deeds of their two seniors.

After all, even a set of pill-forming spiritual objects can only increase the success rate by less than 30%.

There are not many monks in the whole world of immortality who can use top-level elixir-forming spiritual objects like the [Five Elements Spiritual Fruit] when forming elixirs, and it is impossible for Zhou Chun to help them get such spiritual objects.

Therefore, after careful consideration, both Zhou Zhengyong and his son gave up their plan to fight desperately.

After all, if they fail, they are almost certain to die.

After listening to Zhou Zhengyong's words, Zhou Chun was silent for a while, and then finally sighed softly: "Hey! I understand, then just pretend that I didn't say anything!"

Then he left Jiufengling with complicated emotions and went to the Su family in Jiangzhou.

After arriving at the Su Family Mountain Gate, Zhou Chun quickly saw the old man who had begun to lie down in bed in the Su Family Ancestor Cave.

It turns out that the lifespan of the ancestor of the Su family is coming soon, and it is basically certain that it will be within the next few years!

Therefore, Su Yuzhen returned to the Su Family Mountain Gate more than ten years ago, preparing to complete the final handover with him.

Seeing Zhou Chun coming over at this time, the ancestor of the Su family immediately cheered up and sat up from the bed.

"Ancestor, you don't have to do this. It's the same when you lie down and talk."

Zhou Chun hurriedly tried to persuade him, fearing that something would happen to him.

When the ancestor of the Su family heard this, he raised his head and said as if he refused to admit defeat: "Ancestor, I am also a golden elixir monk after all. Even if I don't live for a few years, I won't be unable to stand up!"

Zhou Chun could only smile bitterly at this, knowing that this old man had a strong temper again, so he did not dare to say anything against his words.

Fortunately, although the ancestors of the Su family are old, their minds are not confused yet.

After a moment of respect for himself, he looked at him with bright eyes and said: "Zhengchun, your cultivation seems to have made great progress. Now you should be very close to the barrier of the late Golden Core!"

"Ancestor has good eyesight. This junior has had some strange encounters recently, and his cultivation has indeed improved a lot."

Zhou Chun was stunned for a moment, then admitted the matter calmly with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, the ancestor of the Su family immediately asked again: "Then how sure are you of breaking through to the late stage of the golden elixir?"

Hearing his question, Zhou Chun hesitated for a moment, then glanced at the Taoist monk Su Yuzhen next to him, then nodded slightly and said: "Ancestor, you are not an outsider either, junior, just tell the truth!"

"To be honest, this junior has already made plans to break through to the late stage of the Golden Core. If nothing unexpected happens, it should be completed within a hundred years!"

In fact, what he said was quite conservative.

If the [Four Spirits Barrier-Breaking Pill] is really as magical as the pill recipe says, he should have no problem breaking through the later stages of the Golden Pill.

But it’s certainly hard to say too much about this now.

But even so, the ancestor of the Su family was slightly surprised after hearing his answer, and even Su Yuzhen showed a look of surprise.

Then the ancestor of the Su family could not help but exclaim: "Good boy, it seems that I have underestimated you, ancestor!"

After Su Yuzhen was surprised, she looked at Zhou Chun with admiration and admiration, her eyes full of admiration.

But I saw the ancestor of the Su family sighing again after being amazed: "It's a pity that I won't live to see you, ancestor, and I won't be able to see the day when you will truly be proud of the Jingguo Immortal World!"

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately responded with a serious face: "Thanks to my ancestor's respect, if this junior really has that day, he will definitely come to comfort my ancestor in person!"

Hearing these words, the ancestor of the Su family couldn't help but put his hands on his hands and laughed and said: "Okay, okay, with your words, my ancestor, I can die without regrets!"

After he stopped laughing, he walked down from the bed, then held Su Yuzhen's hand with one hand, and Zhou Chun's hand with the other. Then he overlapped their palms and said, "Old Ancestor, I can't say that I have nothing in this life." What a pity, from now on, Yuzhen and the Su family will be entrusted to you Zhengchun. I hope you can take care of them and help the Su family within your ability to prevent the Su family from declining in Yuzhen's generation!"

Although his behavior is not Tuogu, it has a similar meaning.

And since Zhou Chun had said in front of him several times before that he would take care of the Su family, he naturally would not care about him at this time and have two minds.

Immediately he responded with a solemn expression: "Ancestor, don't worry, this junior will definitely take good care of Yuzhen, help her manage the Su family well, and will not let the Su family decline in her hands!"

"Okay! With your promise, ancestor, I can really leave with peace of mind!"

The ancestor of the Su family looked relieved, and the last worry in his heart disappeared.

I have recently adjusted my work and rest schedule. I strive to go to bed before 11 o'clock every day and maintain a good spirit, so that I can steadily produce high-quality content!

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