Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 649 The Demon King’s Assets [Please subscribe]

The fire phoenix achieves nirvana and is reborn from the fire.

Zhou Chun once witnessed with his own eyes the scene where the Flame Hell Peacock transformed from an adult monster back into a bird egg through the magical power of Nirvana.

Now that the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix has broken through the fourth-level high-grade monster, it looks like a repeat of the original scene.

As a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth surged into its body, the colorful glazed flames on its body burned more and more fiercely, and soon turned into a sea of ​​seven-colored fire, submerging it in it.

This kind of movement made several other monster beasts stop practicing, and their eyes were full of envy when they looked at the colorful sea of ​​fire.

Although they all knew that the Fire Phoenix would most likely be ahead of them.

But now that I'm really witnessing this scene happening, I still can't help but be envious.

You must know that if calculated according to time, the time when Yan Jing Huo Feng followed Zhou Chun was the latest.

Zhou Chun could only pretend he didn't see it.

After all, he treated these spiritual pets equally and basically never took special care of anyone.

The Fire Phoenix of Hell was able to advance so quickly because of its own luck and luck.

As the commotion stirred by the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix grew louder and louder, the Chongxuan Demon King, who had disappeared for several years, unknowingly reappeared in the hall.

"Looking at the appearance of this fire phoenix, it seems that it needs to use the opportunity of breakthrough to purify its bloodline and condense the seventh true feather of the fire phoenix. However, this level is not so easy to complete. If it does not have other opportunities, the success rate is probably very low. It will be more than 50%!”

It wasn't until Demon King Chongxuan's voice sounded in the hall that Zhou Chun was horrified to realize that he had appeared in the hall at some unknown time.

And after hearing what the other party said, he was slightly shocked.

As a fifth-level mid-level demon king, the Chongxuan Demon King may not understand the cultivation methods of human monks as well as Zhou Chun, but his understanding of demonic beasts is obviously inferior to Zhou Chun's.

Therefore, Zhou Chun did not doubt the other party's judgment at all.

He quickly saluted the Zhongxuan Demon King and said, "Senior, please give me some advice. What should I do to help it successfully condense the seventh true feather of the Fire Phoenix?"

"It would be best if it can provide a spiritual object that stimulates the evolution of the fire phoenix bloodline in its body. If not, other fire-attributed spiritual objects are better than nothing!"

Chongxuan Demon King glanced at him and said the method calmly.

But this time it only stated the method and had no intention of helping.

However, after listening to its words, Zhou Chun's expression changed, and he quickly thought of the two treasures on his body.

He immediately raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and a red gourd and a silver-white metal box appeared in his hand.

He first opened the crimson gourd cover, and all the [Red Lotus Fire] sealed inside was immediately drawn out by him and flew into the sea of ​​colorful fire.

This ball of [Red Lotus Earth Fire] was originally intended to be used by the Hell Fire Phoenix to attack the fourth-level mid-level monsters.

It was just because Zhou Mingde later returned the fourth-level Fire Lion Demon Pill, and the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix successfully broke through with this pill, so this item was saved.

Later, Zhou Chun never encountered any use for this item, so he kept it in his hand.

Unexpectedly, it would eventually come in handy for the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix.

But it was just a ball of [Red Lotus Earth Fire], and Zhou Chun felt unsafe, so he quickly opened the sealed metal box and threw a piece of golden-flaming ore inside into the sea of ​​colorful flames.

It was an extremely precious magic weapon and spiritual material [Golden Flame Stone]. It was obtained from Qing Lingzi's storage bag. Zhou Chun originally kept it to see if he could exchange it for other useful treasures in the future.

The ray of golden flame in this [Golden Flame Stone] is also a rare strange fire. Certain fire-attribute martial arts monks will also use this object when they practice true fire magical powers.

At this time, as Zhou Chun threw the two spiritual objects into the sea of ​​seven-colored fire, the aura of the Fire Phoenix inside really increased again.

Zhou Chun, who had already tried his best, could only silently pray for it in his heart, hoping that it would succeed.

Time passed slowly, and nearly three months passed quickly.

On this day, along with a high-pitched phoenix cry, the colorful glazed flames that had been burning for three months were suddenly absorbed by the Fire Phoenix inside like a swallow returning to its nest, revealing the Fire Phoenix inside. The true form of the fire phoenix.

I saw the Fire Phoenix at this time, with its fiery red bird feathers shining brightly, and the seven long fire phoenix feathers at its tail spread out into a fan. It was really beautiful, and its whole body exuded a noble and gorgeous aura. .


Zhou Chun carefully counted the number of Fire Phoenix True Feathers, and after confirming that there were seven, he also let out a long sigh of relief.

Condensing seven true feathers of the fire phoenix, this bloodline can be ranked among the best within the fire phoenix clan, and there is a high chance of breaking through and becoming a fifth-level demon king.

And with the current level of cultivation of the fourth-level high-grade demon beast of Yanjinghuofeng, even if there is no other opportunity in the future, if he practices hard for one or two hundred years, he can directly trigger the thunder tribulation of heaven to hit the fifth-level demon king realm.

From now on, what Zhou Chun needs to worry about is how to help it survive the thunder tribulation of heaven.

You must know that the power of the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation is not static, but will change differently based on the accumulation of the person's own background.

In this regard, the difference between human monks' Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation is not obvious, because most of the monks who can transform elixirs and form babies have similar foundations.

But the gap is huge when it comes to monsters.

Some monsters with relatively weak bodies may be able to survive even Zhou Chun's current strength.

However, for monsters with powerful bloodlines such as dragons and fire phoenixes, the power of the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation is several times or even dozens of times stronger!

If this were not the case, Lei Jiao Baibai and Golden Armored Mountain Turtle Shitou would not have started to diligently practice the secret method of catastrophe at the fourth-level monster realm to prepare for the tribulation in the future.

As their master, Zhou Chun will definitely help them overcome the thunder tribulation of heaven in the future, at least they cannot be left out in terms of the magic weapon to overcome the tribulation.

And just when Zhou Chun was sizing up the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, the figure of Chongxuan Demon King appeared in the hall again, and looked at the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix with admiration, nodded slightly and said, "Gather the seven fires." Feng Zhenling is the treasure of the Demon King among the Fire Phoenix Clan. If he does not fall under the thunder of heaven in the future, he will definitely become a fifth-level Demon King!"

After that, he continued: "Since this little guy has achieved such achievements on my territory, he is destined to be with me, so I can't be stingy."

As soon as he finished speaking, an earthy yellow jade bottle appeared in his hand, and he threw it to Zhou Chun.

"There are three drops of [Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk] in it. This is my king's gift to this little guy. I hope that one day it will be able to successfully overcome the calamity and become a true phoenix for nine days!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun was immediately surprised, and then looked ecstatic.

[Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk] He also knows that this is a very rare spiritual object in the world of immortality. It is said that only certain spiritual objects that have been sealed underground for ten thousand years can condense and generate such spiritual objects.

The most well-known function of this item is to restore mana.

Just one drop of [Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk] can restore all the mana of the early Yuanying monks, and it will not take more than a hundred breaths!

This value alone makes it a treasure that even monks in the Nascent Soul Stage must compete for. It can be used to save lives and turn the tables at critical moments!

However, because it is so difficult to generate this object, over the course of countless years, the number of this object in the world of immortality has become very rare. It is so rare that many Nascent Soul monks have difficulty seeing it several times in their lives, let alone owning it.

Even some monks or forces who own this thing regard it as an inheritance item kept at the bottom of the box, and will not use it at all unless they are forced to do so.

The Chongxuan Demon King now uses three drops of [Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk] in one move. If the Nascent Soul stage monks knew about this generous act, they would probably be so jealous that they would eat Zhou Chun!

So at this moment, Zhou Chun also held the jade bottle from the bottom of his heart and thanked Demon King Zhongxuan: "Thank you, senior, for the reward. If Fire Phoenix and Mountain Negative Turtle are destined to be promoted to Demon King in the future, I will definitely bring them over to express my gratitude to senior!"

"Okay, now that this fire phoenix has broken through, it's time for you, junior, to do what I asked you to do. I don't want idlers here!"

Demon King Chongxuan glanced at Zhou Chun, raised his hand and quickly moved Zhou Chun's master and servants out of the underground palace.

"I really made a profit this time! You guys must work hard to practice in the future. There are only three drops of [Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk], and only the first three people who have transcended the tribulation can enjoy it!"

In the Immortal Ridge, Zhou Chun shook the jade vase in his hand and drew a big cake for several spiritual pets.

Although it is a painting, it is also true.

[Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk], a spiritual object that restores mana, also has a great assistive effect on monsters and beasts passing through the thunder tribulation of heaven.

With this thing in hand, the monsters who are going through the tribulation don't have to think about saving mana when they are going through the tribulation. They can just open the top all the way!

At this time, looking at the "big cake" in Zhou Chun's hand, several spiritual pets looked eager to try it, with longing in their eyes.

Seeing that the effect was achieved, Zhou Chun also smiled, and immediately put away the jade bottle and several spiritual pets in his hand, and then left the Mystic Ridge.

On the way back to his family, Zhou Chun also communicated with the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix to learn about his gains after breaking through the fourth-level high-grade monster.

The situation was just as Zhou Chun thought. After the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix condensed the seventh true feather of the Fire Phoenix, it turned out to be the same as the original Thunder Dragon in vain, awakening the bloodline inheritance.

And like the golden armor carrying the mountain turtle stone, it has awakened the magical power of the [Immortal Body]!

In fact, the [Immortal Body] magical power is indeed very likely to appear in the Fire Phoenix clan. Most of the fifth-level Fire Phoenix Demon Kings have this magical power.

Because this magical power itself has some correlation with the "Nirvana" magical power of their clan.

The advanced form of [Immortal Body] is rebirth with blood!

In addition to the [Immortal Body] magical power, Yan Jing Huo Feng obtained a cultivation technique called "Fire Nirvana Sutra" from the blood inheritance, as well as two secret magical powers.

The first secret method is called [Fire Spirit Incarnation]. Through this secret method, the Fire Phoenix can sacrifice a fallen Fire Phoenix feather to become an incarnation. Because this incarnation has the aura of its own bloodline, it can Playing the role of a substitute for calamity, even a natural calamity can temporarily deceive!

The second secret method is called [Wrath of the Fire Spirit]. Through this secret method, the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix can burn its own essence, blood and life span, greatly increasing its own mana and related fire-attribute magical powers. It is a final battle for life. Law.

It can be seen from this that when the blood inheritance of these top-level monsters appears on monsters below the fifth level, it is basically to help these outstanding descendants cope with the thunder tribulation of heaven.

This is the foundation!

Because of this background, the number of fifth-level demon kings with the bloodline of top-level demon beasts such as fire phoenixes and dragons far exceeds that of other single races.

Although there is no confirmation, Zhou Chun is sure that if the dragons in Long Yuanze can become fourth-level high-grade monsters, even if they have not awakened their bloodline heritage, they will definitely be able to learn these secret methods of overcoming tribulations from the senior demon kings of the dragon clan. , in order to improve one's own success rate of overcoming the tribulation.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why there are so many fifth-level dragons in Long Yuanze!

In fact, for Yanjinghuofeng, this bloodline inheritance did come at a very timely time.

The next thing it has to do is to completely cultivate these two secret magical powers before it can trigger the thunder catastrophe of heaven, especially the first [Fire Spirit Incarnation] magical power.

This kind of magical power that can replace disasters can not only save lives when dealing with natural disasters, but can also be used to rescue emergencies at certain critical moments.

You must know that once this [Fire Spirit Incarnation] manifests, it can exert 80% of its original strength, which is equivalent to having an extra fourth-level high-grade monster to help.

After understanding the changes after the Fire Phoenix advanced, Zhou Chun also breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, at least the future thunder tribulations of the three heavenly thunder tribulations of Golden Armored Mountain Turtle Shitou, Thunder Dragon Baibai and Flame Hell Fire Phoenix will be easier to handle. With the help of their own strength and the secret method of overcoming the tribulation, he lent another one The best magic weapon, I dare not say that it will be 100% successful in overcoming the tribulation, but there is no problem with at least 89% success rate.

The ones who really need to worry about should be Golden Winged Tiger and Mu Mei Mu Sang.

It is basically impossible for these two spiritual pets to awaken any bloodline inheritance, and they can only rely on magic weapons and their own magical powers to resist the catastrophe.

Fortunately, by the time these two spiritual pets pass through the tribulation, as long as he, Zhou Chun, is not dead, he will definitely have reached the Nascent Soul stage, and he will be able to provide more help by then.

More than a month later, Zhou Chun, riding the fourth-level high-grade monster Flame Hellfire Phoenix, returned to Qinglian Peak in a rather high-profile manner.

This high-profile behavior can be regarded as an end to the previously heated rumors, and also made some people feel relieved a little.

After Zhou Chun returned to his family, he quickly went to visit Master Tianjing.

"Young Zhou Zhou seems to have gained a lot from going out this time. If I read it correctly, your Infernal Fire Phoenix has not only advanced to the fourth-level high-grade monster, it has also condensed the seventh true Fire Phoenix. Ling!"

In the cave, Master Tianjing looked at Zhou Chun who came to visit him uninvited, and was quite surprised when he revealed what he had discovered.

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun was not surprised and smiled softly: "Junior knows that this little trick can't hide the wisdom of senior."

After speaking, he nodded and said: "To be fair to senior, this junior went out to meet a senior, and with the help of that senior, he successfully advanced his spiritual pet!"

Then he told the story about his promise to help Demon King Chongxuan deliver the message, and put the credit for the successful advancement of Flame Hell Fire Phoenix on Demon King Chongxuan.

And just as he expected, Master Tianjing was also surprised when he heard about the existence of Chongxuan Demon King for the first time.

After he finished speaking, Master Tianjing stared at him for a long time, and then sighed quietly: "I didn't expect that you, Zhou Xiaoyou, would have such an opportunity! You could actually have a relationship with a fifth-level mid-level demon king!"

"If I were to give this junior a choice, I would rather not get acquainted with the Chongxuan Demon King. After all, this junior is just being chased by him and has no choice!"

Zhou Chun gave a wry smile and replied half-truthfully.

When Master Tianjing heard this, he said in a deep voice: "Being able to save his life from the fifth-level demon king and obtain benefits from his hands, Zhou Xiaoyou's ability to adapt to the situation is already amazing!"

What he said was not to praise Zhou Chun, but to tell the truth.

After all, there is no coexistence between humans and monsters. When human golden elixir monks fall into the hands of the fifth-level demon king, most of the time they become food in the opponent's belly, and very few can escape.

But even though it was true, Zhou Chun didn't want to talk too much about this, lest he expose the true identity of Jin Jia Bearing Shan Guishuo Shitou.

Therefore, he quickly looked at Master Tianjing with a pleading face and said: "Senior Mingjian, this junior made an oath in front of the Chongxuan Demon King that he must complete this message delivery task for him, otherwise he will suffer from the 'Heart Demon Tribulation' in the future. It must be death but not life!"

"It's just that due to the hostile relationship between this junior and the Longyuan Ze Monster Clan, if he goes to Yunzhou alone to deliver a message, he will probably be beaten by a meat bun and never come back!"

"Therefore, I sincerely request my senior to come out and protect me so that I can complete this message delivery mission safely!"

After hearing what he said, Master Tianjing immediately said calmly: "Young Zhou asked me to help you, there is no problem, but you should also know that this matter is not within the scope of the original agreement between you and me, how are you going to repay me? Where is this seat?"

Tianjing Zhenren still needs Zhou Chun to help him do a big thing after he has formed a baby. Of course, he doesn't want to see Zhou Chun die in the process of forming a baby.

But he is not Zhou Chun's nanny, and naturally he will not casually help Zhou Chun fight with beings of the same level.

When Master Kuang Lei came to the door, he only came to help after Zhou Chun promised to pass on the inheritance of ghost cultivating skills.

Now that Zhou Chun is begging him to escort him to Yunzhou to meet the fifth-level demon king, he will definitely not help him in vain.

Zhou Chun also knew this very well and did not expect to be able to "prostitute" him for free.

After hearing this, he immediately said: "Of course I don't dare to ask the senior to do it in vain, so I specially prepared some special spiritual objects for the senior as a reward!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out several gray-black jade boxes and handed them to Master Tianjing.

Looking at these jade boxes made of yin jade, Master Tianjing seemed to realize something and couldn't help but look at Zhou Chun a few more times.

But Zhou Chun looked calm and lowered his head slightly, looking submissive.

"Little friend Zhou is really interested!"

He said something meaningful and immediately opened the jade boxes with his hand.

Sure enough, it was filled with some Yin-attribute elixirs and ores, and they were also very old spiritual objects, containing very rich and pure Yin evil power.

After looking at the contents of the jade boxes for a few times, Master Tianjing closed the lid of the box and put them all into the storage bag. Then he nodded to Zhou Chun and said, "Forget it, since Little Friend Zhou is prepared to do this." Zhou Quan, then I will accompany you, Little Friend Zhou, on a trip to Yunzhou!"

"Thank you, senior."

Zhou Chun felt relieved and completely relieved.

Next, after the two made some preparations, they went straight to Yunzhou.

And this matter went very smoothly.

After Master Tianjing followed Zhou Chun's request and showed some aura to seduce a fifth-level demon king, Zhou Chun took the initiative to give him the stone ball given to him by the Chongxuan Demon King.

Naturally, the fifth-level demon king didn't believe his words at first.

But after its spiritual consciousness entered the stone ball, its attitude changed drastically soon after, and it directly put away the stone ball and left.

Although Zhou Chun was curious about what message the Chongxuan Demon King left in the stone ball, he was sensible and did not take anything too seriously, and soon returned to the Qinglian Mountains with Master Tianjing.

In this way, the commission from the Chongxuan Demon King was completed, and Zhou Chun could then concentrate on planning the matter of transforming the elixir into a baby.

But before that, he had to make arrangements for the Zhou family and wait for the results of the three juniors who were forming pills.

A year later, Zhou Zhiying, who had been traveling for many years, temporarily returned to the Zhou family.

Of course, in order not to cause a sensation, she hid her cultivation level and only revealed her cultivation level in the middle stage of Zifu. She only settled in Tuyun Ridge and did not dare to go to Qinglian Peak where Tianjing Zhenren was.

After Zhou Chun learned the news, he went to Tuyunling in person to meet his apprentice.

After having a chat with his apprentice and understanding her general experience of traveling, Zhou Chun also nodded gently to his apprentice and said: "Ying'er, you came back at the right time. Now your parents are in seclusion to form alchemy. If they succeed by then, , you can also send congratulations to them as soon as possible!"

Hearing what he said, Zhou Zhiying was not happy at all. Instead, she frowned and looked at him and asked, "Master, do you think this disciple's parents can succeed?"

"Why do you ask? Don't you want them to succeed?"

Zhou Chun was slightly stunned, looked at his apprentice in surprise and said.

"As a child, of course I hope my parents can successfully form elixirs!"

Zhou Zhiying shook his head slightly, and then said in a low tone: "But the disciple has been a little restless these days, and it is always difficult to devote himself fully to practice. This is not a good thing!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

The higher a cultivator's cultivation level is, the stronger his sensitivity to certain things will be.

Especially between children, because the blood is very close, sometimes when one parent is in trouble, the other parent may have some early warning signs.

Zhou Zhiying is now a monk in the golden elixir stage. If this happens to her now, it can basically be ruled out that it is due to her own lack of concentration and xinxing.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun was silent for a while, he looked at his apprentice decisively and said, "Please follow me back to the Qinglian Mountains. If the worst happens, I will at least let you see each other for the last time!"

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