Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 650: 20% out of 30, go out to cultivate quietly【Please subscribe】

Qinglian Peak.

After Zhou Zhiying returned to the family, he moved into Zhouchundong Mansion in a very low-key manner.

Zhou Chun received her reminder, and together with Zhou Mingde, he paid attention to the situation of Xu Fu and his wife's elixir formation, and was prepared to break the ban and rescue people immediately if an unexpected situation occurred.

The secret rooms where the monks of the Zhou family retreat to form alchemy are equipped with a full set of individual forbidden magic protections. Even if the mountain guarding formation is attacked, it will not affect them.

In the entire Zhou family, only Zhou Mingde and Zhou Chun mastered the method of forcibly opening this forbidden method.

So on the third day after Zhou Zhiying returned to Qinglian Peak, Zhou Yuanyuan suddenly experienced abnormal spiritual power fluctuations in the secret room of hermitage, but the celestial phenomena of the alchemy had not been revealed yet.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun, after consulting Zhou Zhiying's opinion, immediately took action and forcibly broke the protective laws here, and forcibly opened the secret room door from the outside.

When the door opened, they saw Zhou Yuanyuan inside, vomiting blood and collapsed on the ground, breathless and almost unconscious.


After all, she is her biological mother, a close relative connected by blood. Even though Zhou Zhiying did not have a deep relationship with her mother before, when she saw her dying condition, she could not help but burst into tears and quickly stepped forward to hug her mother. .

It seemed that her cry had awakened the obsession deep in her heart. Zhou Yuanyuan, whose original consciousness had almost disappeared, moved her eyelids slightly, showing signs of waking up.

Zhou Chun, who noticed this, quickly released Mu Mei Mu Sang and let her treat Zhou Yuanyuan.

In Zhou Yuanyuan's current state, it is of course impossible to truly revive her.

But if she is allowed to reflect for a while, there will still be no problem.

Under Mu Mei Mu Sang's treatment, part of the life essence that was rapidly lost in her body was immediately contained, and her consciousness quickly returned to consciousness.

When she opened her eyes, she saw her daughter holding her in her arms and crying into tears.

After seeing the daughter whom he was most proud of in his life, most of the despair and despair caused by the failure to form the pill seemed to disappear. He couldn't help but raise his hand and gently caress his daughter's pretty face and murmured: "Ying'er, you are back, If I can still have you by my side before my mother dies, she will die without any regrets!"

"My daughter is unfilial. If I had known mother you were going to attack the pill formation, my daughter should have come back earlier!"

Zhou Zhiying cried and blamed herself, her eyes full of regret.

"Silly boy, it's not your fault, it's just that my mother didn't have the ability and opportunity. After all, she failed the patriarch's trust and high hopes!"

Zhou Yuanyuan said as she also cast an apologetic look at Zhou Chun who was standing aside.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun also sighed softly and said: "Hey! Xiaoyuan, you don't need to think like this. The matter is over. You two, mother and daughter, can have a good chat. I won't disturb you anymore!"

After saying that, he shook his head, turned around and left the secret room.

After waiting outside for almost half an hour, Zhou Zhiying's heartbreaking cry rang out from inside. Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde who came over looked at each other and couldn't help but shake their heads.

Zhou Yuanyuan's failure not only cost her her life, but also deprived the Zhou family of another pill-forming seed and a Zifuqi elder.

This is a big loss for the family.

It is a pity that because Xu Fu is still in retreat and consecrating elixirs, and it is inconvenient to disturb his retreat for this matter, he did not even have time to see his Taoist partner for the last time.

However, at Zhou Zhiying's request, both Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde agreed to her request and did not mourn Zhou Yuanyuan for the time being. They only froze her body and waited for Xu Fu to preside over the funeral after he left seclusion.

If Xu Fu can successfully form an elixir!

This wait lasted more than three years.

One day three years later, a strange surge of spiritual energy suddenly appeared where Zhou Xinyan was retreating, which soon triggered a celestial phenomenon of pill formation.

This scene immediately made many Zhou family monks rejoice and be extremely happy.

It is a very happy thing for the family to have an additional Golden Core monk. What's more, Zhou Xinyan is also the elder who previously managed the family's general affairs, which is also quite popular.

"Not bad, Xinyan, this kid, is quite up to par. He finally got off to a good start!"

Looking at the dark clouds gathering in the sky, Zhou Chun felt relieved and couldn't help but nod and smile.

Although there have been examples of Zhou Yuanlian successfully forming pills before, Zhou Yuanlian's identity is a bit sensitive after all, and he is destined to be an invisible person in the family, unable to play a major role in the public.

But Zhou Xinyan is different.

As the first monk with high-grade spiritual root qualifications born after the Zhou family took root in Jiufeng Ridge, he is a true disciple of the Zhou family with upright roots and Miaohong, and has always been widely praised within the family.

At the same time, during the past two hundred years, he took charge of family affairs on behalf of Zhou Chun, and also managed all aspects in an orderly manner, showing excellent management skills.

In this way, once he successfully forms the elixir, he will be the best publicity role model for the Zhou family and a person who can act as a front.

"It just so happens that I will be busy with the matter of transforming elixirs and forming babies, so I can no longer distract myself from family affairs. After the child Xinyan comes out of seclusion, let's talk to him about the handover of the clan leader!"

Zhou Chun thought secretly in his heart and had new ideas and plans.

Soon after, as the celestial phenomenon of forming pills dispersed, the news that Zhou Xinyan successfully formed pills quickly spread throughout the world.

This news not only caused a sensation in the Zhou family, but also caused some discussion in the outside world, especially some older monks in the Zifu period. For a moment, it seemed as if they had dreamed back two hundred years ago.

More than two hundred years ago, it seems that this kind of thing happened in the Zhou family where people formed elixirs one after another.

At that time, Zhou Chun first returned from abroad and made an elixir, completely announcing to the outside world that the Zhou family had returned to the golden elixir family.

Later, Zhou Mingde succeeded in forming elixirs at the age of more than 400 years old, which caused a sensation in the Jingguo immortal world.

Now in the Zhou family, Zhou Yuanlian succeeded in forming the elixir, and now there is Zhou Xinyan. The situation is so similar to that time!

It's just that at that time, the Zhou family was just a Jindan family that was making a comeback, but now it has become the third largest force in Jingguo. It has Nascent Soul stage monks as its backers, and there are as many as five Jindan stage monks in its possession. Got it!

In the next month or two, various letters of congratulations were sent to the Zhou family from all over Jingguo. Many of the forces had nothing to do with the Zhou family.

It is obvious that with the new generation of Jindan monks appearing one after another in the Zhou family, the word "upstart" no longer applies to the Zhou family.

If in a certain period of time, a few geniuses appear in a certain generation and lead a family to develop and grow, this family can also be described as "nouveau riche".

So after hundreds of years, when this family can still continue to produce golden elixir stage monks, no one can use "upstart" to measure each other anymore.

Therefore, in the face of the now established Zhou family, many forces, even if they have little contact with the Zhou family due to distance, will still be willing to take the initiative to show goodwill and come to make friends based on the principle of multiple friends and multiple paths.

On the contrary, the Yuelun Sect and the Yanyang Sect didn't seem to care much about the Zhou family's succession of people forming elixirs. They just sent a Zifu period monk over as a courtesy to send a congratulatory letter.

Zhou Chun is happy to see this happen.

He was not afraid that the two factions would despise the Zhou family, but he was afraid that the two factions would value the Zhou family too much.

Of course, there are reasons why the two factions don't care.

Because in these years, the two sects themselves have had success in forming elixirs one after another, all because they have benefited greatly from the previous beast tide.

In this way, with the same number of talents within their own forces, the top leaders of the two factions have no reason to worry that a mere Zhou family will pose a threat to themselves.

As long as there are no Nascent Soul stage monks in the Zhou family, the more Golden Core stage monks appear, it will be a good thing for the top leaders of the two factions.

At least it can alleviate the pressure faced by the two monks from the Yunzhou Monster Clan, and allow the Zhou family to arrange for the Golden Core Stage monks to participate in the rotation.

Time passed slowly like this, and soon more than a year passed.

The talk about Zhou Xinyan's success in forming pills had long since ceased, and no one even within the Zhou family talked about it anymore.

It was under this circumstance that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth suddenly moved in the place where Xu Fu was retreating, and then the celestial phenomenon of pill formation visible to everyone appeared.

Another person from the Zhou family has successfully formed an elixir!

Seeing the alchemy phenomenon appearing in the sky, many Zhou family monks were stunned.

Even Tianjing Zhenren, who was practicing in the cave, couldn't help but take a second look at the location of the alchemy celestial phenomenon.

"Is it true that the Zhou family is blessed by heaven? There are so many people successfully forming elixirs one after another. It cannot be explained by just good luck!"

He murmured to himself, feeling greatly surprised in his heart.

Zhou Chun also breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the celestial phenomenon of forming pills.

She couldn't help but said to Zhou Zhiying beside her: "Ying'er, you saw it too, your father succeeded, now you can rest assured!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Zhiying was both happy and sad. She couldn't help but lamented in a low voice: "It's a pity that my mother didn't get to see this day!"

"There may be some excitement in the family next, so you should stay away for a while. After your father comes out of confinement, I will ask him to go to Jiufeng Ridge to mourn your mother with you!"

Zhou Chun glanced at his depressed apprentice and whispered his plan.

"Yes, disciple understands."

Zhou Zhiying responded softly, but had no objection.

And just like Zhou Chun said, when the news spread that someone in the Zhou family had successfully formed an elixir more than a year later, the entire Jingguo immortal world was shocked!

Not only in the Jingguo Immortal Cultivation World, but in the entire Immortal Cultivation World, the Golden Elixir Stage is the highest pursuit of most monks in their lives.

Nascent Soul Stage monks are so rare that some small countries may only have one appear in a thousand years. If they are not the kind of monks with the best spiritual root qualifications and have a great background, they would not dare to think about the beautiful thing of turning into a pill and forming a baby.

Therefore, in less than thirty years, three people in the Zhou family have succeeded in forming elixirs. This is really surprising.

Even for a major sect like the Moon Lun Sect that has been around for thousands of years, the number of times this happens is only a handful!

Therefore, many people have to wonder whether the Zhou family possesses some special pill-forming spiritual object, such as the [Five Elements Spirit Fruit] tree, or some heaven-defying secret method that can increase the success rate of pill-forming!

Such doubtful remarks quickly spread in the Jingguo immortal world. Even within the two sects of Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect, many monks were discussing this, including some golden elixir-level elders of the two sects. Have doubts.

Under this situation, the two sects were also investigating the intelligence of several people who formed the elixir this time, and at the same time sent the Jin elixir elders to come to the Zhou family to congratulate them.

It's called congratulations, but it's actually a test of the Zhou family.

However, this time Zhou Chun was upright and not afraid of his shadow, and he was not afraid of being investigated or tested at all.

Because the success of the three Zhou family monks in forming elixirs this time was really due to their own luck and strength and had nothing to do with him, Zhou Chun.

Except for Zhou Yuanlian who used a [Calendula Poisonous Dragon Fruit], the pill-forming spiritual objects used by the other two were all normal spiritual objects and they were not afraid of investigation at all.

Even the [Marigold Poisonous Dragon Fruit] was a trophy he collected on the battlefield of immortals and demons, and it can still withstand investigation.

Therefore, when Zhou Chun dealt with the Golden Core Stage monks from the two sects, he felt confident and confident.

After such turmoil for a while, the two sects found nothing unusual and could only attribute this to the good luck of the Zhou family.

Several months later, Zhou Xinyan, who had successfully formed the elixir first, finally came out of seclusion first after two years of intensive practice.

"Congratulations to my virtuous nephew for achieving the golden elixir, may you live forever!"

On Qinglian Peak, when Zhou Chun saw Zhou Xinyan coming out of seclusion, he also smiled and sent congratulations.

"Thank you, Uncle Thirteen, for your congratulations."

Zhou Xinyan responded with joy on her face, and then saluted Zhou Chun with gratitude in her eyes: "Thanks to Uncle Thirteen for giving me the elixir-forming spiritual object, this junior was able to successfully form elixirs. Your kindness, Uncle Thirteen, will help this junior in this life." Don’t dare forget!”

Seeing this, Zhou Chun was quite pleased in his heart, but he said: "There is no need to be so polite. You have worked hard for the family for many years, and we all see the hard work you have done. Those pill-forming spiritual objects You earned it through your own merit."

"Yes, this junior will definitely work harder to repay Uncle Thirteenth and your family's trust and support in the future!"

Zhou Xinyan responded artistically.

Then the uncle and nephew discussed the issue of holding the Golden Elixir Ceremony with a relaxed look on their faces.

At the same time, Zhou Chun also hinted that he was ready to abdicate in favor of someone worthy of his post.

But maybe after forming the pill, her mood was different. Zhou Xinyan didn't seem to be very interested in taking over as the clan leader, and had no intention of taking over.

Zhou Chun was also helpless about this.

If Zhou Xinyan didn't want to, he couldn't force the other party to agree.

After all, the other party is now a golden elixir stage monk, so he still needs to have the respect he deserves.

So Zhou Chun could only ask him to continue to take care of family affairs, and at least cultivate a qualified agent before letting him go.

The majesty of his clan leader still existed, and Zhou Xinyan did not dare to refuse his request and agreed on the spot.

A year later, Zhou Xinyan's Golden Elixir celebration was held with great fanfare on Qinglian Peak. There were as many as fifteen Golden Elixir monks present, including many Golden Elixir elders from the Yuelun Sect and the Yanyang Sect.

In terms of momentum, Zhou Chun's Golden Elixir celebration back then was quite inferior in comparison.

After this golden elixir celebration, Zhou Xinyan was officially promoted to the supreme elder of the Zhou family.

Two more years later, Xu Fu also quietly left the country.

After forming the elixir, he had already learned about the Taoist companion Zhou Yuanyuan's failure in forming the elixir and his death. After leaving seclusion, he only met Zhou Chun briefly, and then went to Jiufeng Ridge to meet his late wife and daughter.

A few days later, the funeral of Zhou Yuanyuan, the elder of the Zhou family, was officially held in Jiufengling. Zhou Chun, Zhou Mingde and other senior family officials were all present to mourn.

Only after the funeral was completed did Zhou Chun have the opportunity to have a private conversation with Xu Fu.

In the quiet room, Zhou Chun looked directly at Xu Fu and asked, "Elder Xu, what do you think about your future path?"

Hearing his question, Xu Fu immediately shook his head and said, "I don't have any ideas. As long as the family has arrangements, I am willing to obey."

This answer seemed to be somewhat beyond Zhou Chun's expectations, and he was stunned for a moment.

After he stared at the other party carefully for a few times, he smiled slightly and said: "Elder Xu, don't worry about anything. Now that you have successfully formed the elixir, you are also a core high-level member of the family. If you have any ideas, feel free to feel free to do so." explain!"

After the words fell, Xu Fu shook his head again and said: "Clan leader, please don't get me wrong, I really don't have any ideas at the moment."

Seeing this, Zhou Chun could only nod his head and said: "Okay, it seems that I have overthought it a bit. Then, Elder Xu, you should practice well within the family and become familiar with the power of the golden elixir stage. Wait until you have more information." If you have more ideas, you can put them forward to the family."

"Yes, junior, I obey."

Xu Fu responded respectfully, and then the two ended the conversation.

Although this conversation did not achieve the expected results, what Zhou Chun wanted to do did not change.

Under his arrangement, Zhou Yuanlian secretly went to the Caiyu Mountain stronghold to take charge in the name of traveling.

As for Xu Fu, no matter what he thinks in the future, he will never be allowed to sit there again.

In today's Zhou family, a relative with a golden elixir level is actually nothing to worry about and cannot change the world at all.

However, it is still necessary to prevent relatives from overtaking power.

Xu Fu, who has cultivated in the Golden Core stage, will no longer be restricted by the Zhou family in the future and can do whatever he wants.

But correspondingly, he will also lose some real power and can no longer be in charge.

This is the rule Zhou Chun has set for his family’s relatives, the Golden Core monks!

As Xu Fu's arrangements came to an end for the time being, Zhou Chun's matter of going out to transform the elixir into a baby was quickly put on his agenda.

He has been delaying the matter for these descendants for several years, and now he can no longer delay it.

Many of the current problems and hidden dangers will no longer be a problem after he truly transforms into an elixir and forms a baby!

So after having a long conversation with Zhou Mingde, giving instructions to his apprentice Zhou Zhiying, and going to the Su Family Mountain Gate to accompany Taoist Su Yuzhen for several months, Zhou Chun left with his five spiritual pets. to the Qinglian Mountains.

Externally, he went out this time to find an opportunity to break through the barrier of the late Golden Elixir.

Only a few people really know the inside story.

More than half a year later, Zhou Chun's figure appeared outside the Jinxia Mountains, a well-known and dangerous place in the world of immortality in the far west.

The Jinxia Mountain Range is located in the Jiang Kingdom of the Immortal Cultivation Realm in the far west. It is a famous dangerous place in this country and even in surrounding countries.

This mountain range is not very big, but it is very dangerous.

There are several rich spiritual gold veins in this mountain, including a large fine gold vein.

However, because there is a huge group of "gold-eating ants" entrenched in the mountains, the major forces in the Jiang Kingdom can only covet it and cannot really invest in development.

It's not that they really have nothing to do with the "gold-eating ants" group.

In fact, if there are Nascent Soul Stage monks who are willing to sit here and continue to clean up the ant colony, after a few decades, the ant colony will definitely be wiped out.

But which Nascent Soul Stage monk would be so full that he would waste decades here?

Although the mineral veins here are of great value, they are not particularly attractive to Nascent Soul stage monks.

Therefore, to this day, the Jinxia Mountains are still a forbidden area for immortal cultivators. Except for some low-level monks who will not be afraid of death and enter the outer reaches of the mountains to capture and hunt "gold-eating ants", high-level monks will not come here to feel uncomfortable.

But for Zhou Chun, the Jinxia Mountains is obviously a very suitable place for self-cultivation.

He cultivated quietly in the mountains so that his own cultivation would not fall behind, and he did not have to worry about being disturbed by other high-level monks when he was practicing the "Purple Flower Demon-Conquering Spiritual Light".

As for the group of "gold-eating ants" that even the late-stage Jindan monks talked about with dismay, Zhou Chun just happened to have the means to restrain them.

After he stopped for a moment outside the mountains, he turned into a golden stream of light and flew directly into the depths of the mountains.

Less than two hundred miles into the mountain, a large cloud of golden insects appeared in the sky in front of Zhou Chun.

This cloud of golden insects formed a vast area of ​​more than ten miles, and was filled with pale golden flying ants the size of fingernails.

The "gold-eating ant" is not a strange insect, but it has a very sharp mouth and is born to feed on metal ores.

The magical tools and treasures of immortal cultivators can easily become food in front of them.

However, this kind of monster insect has a body as hard as iron, which is comparable to magical weapons of the same level. It is very difficult to kill them with magical powers.

More importantly, after they gather into a group, they also have the talent of group damage transfer, and can share the damage of large-scale spell attacks with countless monsters.

Relying on this special ability and huge population, most Golden Core monks have only one way to escape when they encounter them.

Fortunately, this kind of monster insect can only live near large spiritual gold mineral veins. Once the mineral veins are devoured by them and exhausted, they can migrate to other mineral veins in time. If they fail to migrate in time, they will die because they cannot eat the spiritual gold minerals. starve!

Therefore, apart from being extremely destructive to the spirit gold veins, this kind of monster insect will not cause any major harm to the world of immortality.

At this time, seeing the "gold-eating ants" swarming towards him, Zhou Chun immediately fell to the ground below, then patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and released the golden-armored mountain turtle stone.

At this time, those "gold-eating ants" had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter, and did not pay attention to the huge golden-armored mountain tortoise. They just swarmed down towards the ground with the overwhelming momentum of a mountain.

But as a circle of gray spiritual light spread from the golden-armored mountain turtle stone, those "gold-eating ants" immediately began to fall to the ground like raindrops, and tens of thousands of them died before they even made contact!

Although these monster insects have low intelligence and do not know what death is, their instinct of life still made them temporarily stop their diving behavior.

Under Zhou Chun's order, the golden-armored mountain turtle stone did not move at all, but only surrounded itself with the [primordial magnetic light].

After a stalemate like this for a while, the ant colony in the sky seemed to have received some signal and launched another wave of desperate charges.

As a result, apart from throwing away tens of thousands of flying ant corpses again, nothing changed, and they couldn't even touch the circle of gray aura!

This time the ant colony seemed to be completely scared and quickly left the place on its own initiative.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun happily collected all the flying ant corpses on the ground.

The bodies of these "gold-eating ants" have a very high gold content. After being smelted with real fire, a special kind of "ant gold" can be obtained.

This kind of "ant gold" has a special effect, that is, it acts as a mediator to reconcile other spiritual golds with different properties to bring out their respective characteristics. It is very popular among weapon refiners.

Next, Zhou Chun rode on a turtle, and wherever he passed, ants retreated.

The Jinxia Mountains, which were extremely dangerous in the eyes of the Jiang Kingdom monks, were like his own back garden, where he could wander around casually.

And he finally chose a valley in the mountain that was rich in aura and gold energy as a place to stay, and he began his life of latent cultivation.

From then on, Zhou Chun would collect the Chaoyang Purple Qi every morning for condensation, and then collect the Moonlight Essence and merge it with the Chaoyang Purple Qi at night.

Because all of this is done above the nine-sky sky, it will not be affected by weather changes at all.

Even the strong winds in the sky had spiritual pets taking turns to help him resist them, so as not to disturb him in collecting the essence of the sun and moon.

The "gold-eating ants" seemed to have acquiesced in Zhou Chun's rule over the area near the valley, and did not easily dare to set foot in the area covered by the aura of the golden-armored mountain turtle and the stone.

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