Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 651 Thirty Years [Please subscribe]

Once you start practicing the "Purple Flower Demon Subduing Spiritual Light", you cannot stop for a day, otherwise all the previous hard work will be in vain.

This restriction means that once a cultivator decides to practice this method, he will have to sit still and dare not go out, lest his practice be delayed due to some unexpected events.

Therefore, when Zhou Chun began to practice this secret technique in the Jinxia Mountains, it meant that he would not leave this place for the next twenty-four years.

But seriously speaking, the time he spends practicing the "Purple Flower Demon-Conquering Spiritual Light" is only one or two hours a day. The rest of the time can still be used for daily meditation and other secret magical powers.

Therefore, in addition to the secret method of "Purple Flower Demon-Conquering Spiritual Light", in view of the special environment here in the Jinxia Mountains, Zhou Chun took "Golden Escape Technique" and "Gengjin Splitting Sky Thunder" as the main secret method of practicing, and then minored in "Taiyi" There are two secret methods: "Two Points Divine Art" and "Heart Lotus Zhengfa".

As a result, his daily time is still full, and there is not much time to rest.

In addition to Zhou Chun, the environment of the Jinxia Mountains is also a very good place for cultivation for the two spiritual pets of the Golden-armored Mountain Turtle Shitou and the Golden-winged Tiger. They also know how to cherish this opportunity and are practicing hard silently.

Although the other three-headed spiritual pets have no environmental bonus here, they will not be weakened at all.

Even Mu Mei Mu Sang can still occasionally pick up some wool from the spiritual trees in the Jinxia Mountains.

This happens day after day, year after year, and in the blink of an eye there are twelve spring and autumn years!

On this day, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth suddenly stirred in the valley where Zhou Chun was, and rushed towards somewhere in the valley.

A bright green aura bloomed quietly from the valley.

It turned out that Mu Mei Mu Sang, after many years of refining practice, finally refined all the wood spirit power that had been absorbed and stored in the secret cave, and successfully broke through to the fourth level!

As a gifted spirit, it has practiced all the way without any bottlenecks, but it envies Zhou Chun's other spiritual pets and his master.

But after being promoted to a fourth-level high-grade monster, its "good days" were over.

The next Heavenly Thunder Tribulation will truly become its "life and death calamity"!

A spirit like Mu Mei is much more powerful than ordinary monsters in the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation, but its strength is not as strong as the powerful monsters with bloodline such as Thunder Dragon Baibai, and it has not practiced any secret method to overcome the tribulation.

If you want to survive the thunder tribulation of heaven in the future, you can almost only rely on Zhou Chun as your master.

In fact, most of the spirits and monsters in the world of cultivating immortals did not die at the hands of cultivators or other monsters, but died from the thunder tribulation of heaven!

Such a heterogeneous existence with a demonic talent seems to be not tolerated by heaven itself.

In this case, although Mu Mei Mu Sang is now the second to break through to the fourth level high-grade, in fact, when he becomes the fifth level demon king in the future, he may become the last one!

Because without great certainty, Zhou Chun would definitely not let it go through the tribulation.

And it seems that they were also stimulated by Mu Mei Mu Sang's success. In the following time, Lei Jiao Bai Bai and Jin Jiao Mountain Turtle Shitou, who were not far away from breaking through to the fourth level high-grade monster, also worked harder in their cultivation.

They all have cultivation techniques that suit their own bloodline. Although they are not at the fifth level and cannot really use the cultivation techniques, they can also speed up their growth slightly.

On the other hand, Mu Mei Mu Sang, after successfully breaking through to the fourth level, knew that its good days were over, and it completely slacked off in terms of cultivation.

Zhou Chun often couldn't see it, because he ran out to have fun.

After breaking through to the fourth level of high-grade, its wood escape technique can be said to have been superb. Unless it is deliberately targeted or it is in a place where it is not easy to use its escape technique, it will be difficult for Nascent Soul stage monks to catch it personally.

So Zhou Chun didn't control it too strictly, just let it do as it pleased, as long as it didn't run too far.

The sun rises and sets, and time flies.

In the twentieth year of Zhou Chun's cultivation in the Jinxia Mountains, Lei Jiao Baibai finally succeeded in breaking through to the fourth level high-grade monster with the help of [Baicao Ginseng King Pill].

After breaking through the fourth-level high-grade monster, Thunder Dragon Baibai's own strength greatly increased, and he was finally able to refine the magic weapon [Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword].

Zhou Chun immediately gave the flying sword to it for sacrifice and received it into its body for cultivation.

If Grand Master Yancang had not lied back then, it would only take Yun Jian a hundred years for this magic weapon to be promoted to a top-grade magic weapon!

At that time, Thunder Dragon Baibai can attack the fifth-level demon king realm in one go, and use this sword to overcome the catastrophe.

In this way, as the thunder dragon broke through the fourth-order high-grade monster in vain, among Zhou Chun's five spiritual pets, only the golden-armored mountain turtle, stone and golden-winged tiger remained at the fourth-order mid-grade monster.

The current cultivation levels of these two are almost the same. The golden armor, mountain turtle and stone may be better, but they are also limited.

Zhou Chun still has the golden unicorn demon pill, and who will use it depends on the situation.

In view of the fact that the three-headed monster beast spirit pets that broke through first had no possibility of overcoming the thunder tribulation of heaven in a short period of time, Zhou Chun also asked them to practice the secret method of overcoming the tribulation while paying more attention to the secret method of "The Four Symbols of Heaven". , see if you can master it before going through the tribulation.

If you can use four fourth-level high-grade monsters to set up this combined attack formation, even if you can't defeat the Yuanying-stage monks, you can probably tie with the ordinary early-stage Yuanying monks or the fifth-order demon king.

In this way, Zhou Chun will be more secure when he transforms into an elixir and forms a baby in the future.

Time flies, and four years also fly by.

On this day, when Zhou Chun once again collected the essence of the moon in the middle of the night and the purple energy of the rising sun collected during the day, and smelted it with a secret method, the condensed essence of the sun and moon he had collected over the past twenty-four years suddenly seemed to be completed. Some kind of sublimation.

Without any further training on his part, a lavender aura quickly burst out from his body, forming a lavender halo around him, making him look like an immortal god.

At this moment, the secret method of "Zihua Demon Subduing Spiritual Light", which took him more than 8,700 days and nights to practice, was finally completed!

"Huh, after twenty-four years, my work has finally been completed!"

Zhou Chun breathed a sigh of relief, and a heartfelt smile appeared on his face.

He immediately used secret techniques to gather up the lavender spiritual light, turning it into a round lavender sun in the Purple House Consciousness Sea, illuminating his soul at all times.

This "Purple Flower Demon Subduing Spiritual Light" is not only very useful in resisting the "Inner Demon Tribulation", it can also suppress the Purple Mansion's sea of ​​consciousness and have the effect of clarifying the soul.

In the future, Zhou Chun can still collect the essence of the sun and moon to nourish the spiritual light, but even if he doesn't do this, as long as it is not used up, this thing will not dissipate.

After a while, Zhou Chun returned to the temporary cave in the Jinxia Mountains and continued to meditate.

In the past twenty-four years, because the environment here is very suitable for his practice, his own magic power has also made great progress.

According to his own estimation, with at most ten more years of practice, he would be able to perfect the power of the golden elixir and try to transform the elixir into a baby.

Therefore, after successfully cultivating the secret method of "Zihua Demon-Conquering Spiritual Light", Zhou Chun did not leave the Jinxia Mountains immediately, but continued to practice here to improve his cultivation level.

Six more years passed like this, and after Zhou Chun had stayed in the Jinxia Mountains for thirty years, he finally decided to leave the mountain.

Now he still has several years of practice before he can reach the perfection of the golden elixir's magic power.

But considering that refining the [Infant Transformation Pill] would also take some time, he was not prepared to continue cultivating here.

However, before leaving the Jinxia Mountains, Zhou Chun rode the Golden Armored Mountain Turtle Stone to somewhere in the mountains.

He was seen traveling on a turtle. After flying hundreds of miles in the mountains, he arrived near a ground-fissured canyon.

This earth-fissured canyon is about thirty to forty miles long, with a depth ranging from thirty feet to seventy or eighty feet. The soil and rocks exposed on the cliffs on both sides are all faintly golden, indicating that they are rich in metal.

In fact, this place is indeed the location of a branch of a large fine gold vein beneath the Jinxia Mountains, and fine gold veins usually contain large amounts of gold on their surface.

Zhou Chun's consciousness scanned the rift below, and he quickly found his target.

They were a dozen low trees, some like hawthorn trees, with gray-gold leaves and pale golden fruits similar to small persimmons.

Zhou Chun gently flicked out a golden light blade and hit the trunk of one of the trees. When the golden light blade was about to touch the trunk, a golden light suddenly burst out from the trunk, and the golden light blade was easily struck. Dispersed.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun was not surprised but overjoyed. He couldn't help but nodded and said: "It is indeed a golden magnetic spirit tree. I didn't expect that there is such a strange spirit tree here!"

The golden magnetic spirit wood is a very rare alien spirit wood in the world of immortality. Basically, it can only appear through mutation.

This kind of spiritual wood naturally contains "golden magnet power". Once attacked, it will release the "golden magnet power" in the body and turn into "golden magnet aura" for defense.

Moreover, this kind of spiritual tree also has symbiotic properties. If multiple plants grow together, they will form a symbiotic relationship with each other and transfer the "golden magnet power" contained in them to each other.

It is said that if the number of such spiritual trees reaches a certain level, a special "golden magnet field" will be formed. In such fields, once any metallic spell is cast, it will be decomposed into spiritual power and absorbed by them. All the spiritual gold magic weapons will be sucked away!

According to ancient records that Zhou Chun had read before, there was once a certain formation master who used thousands of golden magnetic spirit trees as the base of the formation and combined it with the "golden magnetic field" to create a powerful forbidden formation.

In that kind of large formation, the early Yuanying monks who practice metallic skills cannot even leave the body of the Yuanying, and the magical power of a magic weapon cannot even exert 10% of its power. Entering it is equivalent to death!

Outsiders didn't know the true name of the forbidden formation, so they named it "Jinjue Formation".

For this reason, once a large piece of golden magnetic spirit wood is discovered in the back of the Immortal Cultivation World, there will immediately be sword cultivating sects or some major forces specializing in metallic techniques to destroy it to prevent anyone from using this kind of spirit wood to deal with themselves.

But everything has two sides.

Although the golden magnetic spirit trees will restrain the metallic martial arts monks, they can also gather the golden energy from all directions and improve the spiritual energy attributes.

If some such spiritual trees can be planted around the cave, as long as they are not allowed to form a "golden magnet field", then the properties of the aura of heaven and earth around the cave will be more metallic.

So for Zhou Chun, these dozen golden magnetic spirit trees came at just the right time.

If he transplants it back to the Qinglian Mountains and plants it in his cave, the cultivation environment of the cave will be significantly improved in the future.

However, there are a lot of these golden magnetic spirit trees. Although this kind of spirit wood itself is famous for its tenacious vitality and is easy to transplant, transplanting more than a dozen trees at a time is a bit too conspicuous.

Therefore, after Zhou Chun pondered for a while, he decided not to transplant it yet, but to deal with the matter after he transformed the elixir into a baby.

Anyway, ordinary monks in the Jinxia Mountains dare not come in. These golden magnetic spirit trees have been growing here for a long time, which is proof.

After making this decision, Zhou Chun quickly rode on a turtle and left the Jinxia Mountains.

A few months later, Zhou Chun's figure reappeared in the sea of ​​flowing fire and sand.

He changed his appearance and crossed the sand sea, arriving at the Brazier Oasis where the Heavenly Fire Gate was located in just a few days.

But because he had killed people from the Holy Fire Sect, Zhou Chun did not dare to go directly to the gate of Tianhuo Gate, lest his true identity be discovered and the Holy Fire Sect would pursue him.

He found a place to stay in Fangshi above the Brazier Oasis. He first inquired about the information about Tianhuo Gate. After learning from a Tianhuo Gate Zifu monk that Bai Zhiqing was at the mountain gate, he inspired a The "Thousand Miles Communication Talisman" that Bai Zhiqing left for herself.

After sending out the communication talisman in this way, Zhou Chun only waited for half a day before seeing Bai Zhiqing again.

"Zhi Qing has met Fellow Daoist Zhou. Since Fellow Daoist is here, why don't you go directly to our mountain gate to visit? Could it be that you can't trust Zhi Qing?"

In the residence where Zhou Chun was staying temporarily, Bai Zhiqing looked at Zhou Chun with confusion and asked him her doubts face to face.

But she didn't see through Zhou Chun's disguise, and she didn't know that Zhou Chun was already in the late stage of Jindan cultivation.

After hearing her complaint, Zhou Chun quickly waved his hand and explained: "Don't get me wrong, fellow Taoist Bai. Zhou didn't mean to disbelieve fellow Taoist. It's just that when Zhou left your home, he was chased by the monks of the Holy Fire Sect. , I have a lot of grudges with them, so I don’t want to involve fellow Taoists!”

"Ah, is there anything else going on?"

Bai Zhiqing's expression changed slightly, this was the first time she learned about this.

"It's just some old things, you don't need to worry about it, Fellow Daoist Bai."

Zhou Chun shook his head, as if he didn't want to say more.

Seeing him like this, Bai Zhiqing could only hold back her curiosity, nodded and said: "Zhiqing understands. Fellow Taoist Zhou came to see Zhiqing this time, probably for the magic weapon."

"Yes, but I wonder if Senior Yan Cang has refined that magic weapon?"

Zhou Chun said, looking at her expectantly.


Bai Zhiqing hesitated at this time, as if she had something to hide.

This made Zhou Chun feel something bad in his heart.

Immediately, he didn't care much anymore and stared directly at the other party and asked: "Why is Fellow Daoist Bai hesitating and not answering Zhou? Is there some problem in the refining of the magic weapon? Could it be that the refining failed?"

Facing his sharp questioning, Bai Zhiqing's expression changed rapidly, and she hurriedly replied: "No, fellow Daoist Zhou, don't get me wrong, the magic weapon has not failed to be refined!"

"Since it has never failed, then why doesn't Fellow Daoist Bai take out the things?"

Zhou Chun asked step by step, vowing not to give up until he achieved his goal.

This made Bai Zhiqing speechless again.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Zhou Chun was also annoyed. He immediately gave a sharp look and said in a cold voice, "What do you mean, Fellow Daoist Bai? Are you trying to break your promise?"

When he became angry, Bai Zhiqing could not help but be enveloped by his own huge spiritual pressure.

Under the pressure of his spiritual consciousness, Bai Zhiqing, who was only in the early stage of Jindan cultivation, immediately felt great pressure and her heartbeat accelerated a lot.

At this time, she seemed to finally realize the consequences of angering Zhou Chun, and hurriedly waved her hand and explained: "Friend Zhou, please calm down. Zhi Qing naturally did not dare to play tricks on fellow Taoist. In fact, after the magic weapon was refined, it was intercepted by the Supreme Elder. He put it in his hand, and told fellow Taoist Zhou to go and get it in person!"

After hearing her answer, Zhou Chun's eyes changed, and he couldn't help but asked in a deep voice, "Is this really so? Why would Senior Yan Cang do this?"

"How dare Zhi Qing deceive Fellow Daoist Zhou? As for why the Supreme Elder did this, Zhi Qing doesn't know!"

When Bai Zhiqing said this, her face was full of bitterness and helplessness.

In fact, after she received the summons from Zhou Chun today, she already knew that she was going to suffer. However, if she did not come to see Zhou Chun, the consequences would be even more unpredictable, so she could only bite the bullet and come here.

But Zhou Chun asked again at this time: "Did Senior Yan Cang know that Zhou asked fellow Taoist Bai to come over to meet him?"

Hearing his words, Bai Zhiqing's expression changed again, she shrank her head and whispered without daring to look at him: "Zhiqing, Zhiqing mentioned this matter to the Supreme Elder before she went down the mountain! "

"That's all! In that case, Fellow Daoist Bai, please take Zhou to see Senior Yan Cang!"

Zhou Chun opened his mouth, but in the end he just sighed and waved his hand to express his decision.

At this point, no matter what he thinks about Bai Zhiqing, he can no longer change the outcome.

Now that Grand Master Yan Cang knows that he is in the Brazier Oasis, even if he wants to leave without telling him, it may not be that easy.

Originally, Zhou Chun didn't want to meet any Nascent Soul monks before he transformed into an elixir and formed a baby. He wanted to reduce his risks as much as possible.

It's just that God is not as good as man. He was anxious for a while, but now he has made himself uncomfortable!

"I'm sorry, Zhi Qing didn't handle this matter well. If Fellow Daoist Zhou has to do something in the future, Zhi Qing will do her best to help!"

Bai Zhiqing tried to apologize and make a promise to make up for her mistakes.

Little did he know that in Zhou Chun's eyes, her favor was not worth a few dollars at all, far less than the trouble it would cause him.

But Zhou Chun was too lazy to discuss this with her anymore, so he just said something casually and asked her to take him to the Tianhuo Gate.

Not long after, Zhou Chun, who had hidden his cultivation and transformed into a late-stage Zifu monk, was brought back to Tianhuo Peak by Bai Zhiqing, and then led to the cave of Master Yan Cang.

"Junior pays homage to Senior Yan Cang."

In the cave, when Zhou Chun saw Master Yan Cang, his expression had adjusted and his tone was as respectful as ever.

Naturally, his method of hiding his cultivation could not be hidden from Master Yan Cang, a Yuanying stage monk.

After discovering that he had almost reached the golden elixir stage of perfect mana cultivation, Master Yan Cang couldn't help but show surprise.

He couldn't help but sigh: "We haven't seen each other for more than a hundred years, and Zhou Xiaoyou is already preparing to transform into an elixir and form a baby. This speed of cultivation is really extraordinary!"

When he first met Zhou Chun, Zhou Chun had just been promoted to the middle stage of Jindan, and his magic power clearly showed that he had just broken through.

Now, less than two hundred years later, Zhou Chun is already close to perfecting the golden elixir. This speed is not unpleasant.

In the opinion of Master Yan Cang, only those monks with the best spiritual root qualifications can achieve this.

But he already knew Zhou Chun's origin from Bai Zhiqing, and knew that his spiritual root qualifications were not very outstanding.

Faced with his praise, Zhou Chun replied very humbly: "Senior, you are so complimentary. This junior just got a chance. This level of cultivation is really not worth mentioning in front of an expert like you!"

After hearing his answer, Master Yan Cang looked at him deeply and said: "Occasionally, for other people, it may be true, but the opportunity you have, Xiaoyou Zhou, is obviously incomparable to others!"

He knew that Zhou Chun had spiritual treasures, and he also knew the great potential of those spiritual pets in Zhou Chun's body.

So Zhou Chun couldn't continue to be self-effacing at this time, so he could only change the subject cleverly and said: "Junior, I heard what Fellow Daoist Bai said, Senior Yan Cang seems to have used that piece of [Ten Thousand Years Ice Crystal] to refine something extraordinary. Magic weapon, I wonder if it can open the eyes of this junior?"

Hearing what he said, Master Yan Cang couldn't help but smile with pride and said, although he knew what he was thinking, "Hahaha, this treasure refining is indeed a bit beyond my expectation!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and a jade box appeared in front of Zhou Chun.

As the lid of the box opened, Zhou Chun saw a row of long white needles, nine in total.

Each of these nine long white needles is one foot or two inches long and as thin as a bamboo stick.

But that's not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the aura emitted by each of them is comparable to a top-grade magic weapon!

"You see, this set of [Nine Ice-Destroying Needles] is my most proud work in recent years. One of them alone is equivalent to a top-grade magic weapon, and together they are a top-grade magic weapon, and it is also a top-grade magic weapon among the top-grade magic weapons. !”

"Because it is a complete set of magic weapons, even if the master's magic power is weak and it is difficult to exert the full power of the magic weapon, he can still selectively activate one or several flying needles against the enemy based on his own magic power!"

"And these [Nine-Destroying Ice Needles] have given full play to the characteristics of [Ten Thousand Years Ice Crystals]. They are invisible when flying. Even the spiritual consciousness of late-stage Jindan monks can hardly catch their traces, nor can the physical bodies of fourth-order high-grade monsters." Block its edge!"

"At the same time, the flying needle itself has a special cold poison. Once it pierces the flesh and blood, the cold poison will attack the heart and brain, damaging the target from both the blood and soul."

"Any late-stage Jindan cultivator has this set of flying needles in hand, and the opponent he encounters has no targeted defense methods. Killing a cultivator of the same level can be said to be as easy as chopping melons and vegetables!"

Master Yan Cang looked at the nine long needles in the jade box with a proud expression, and said with a tone full of pride.

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