Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 653 The Wrath of the Spiritual King [Please subscribe]

This is the day when the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix shows off its power.

This is its most eye-catching one-man show since following Zhou Chun.

After witnessing its overwhelming combat performance against those hundred poisonous golden centipedes, Zhou Chun, who originally wanted to take action, was no longer in a hurry. Even the golden armor, mountain turtle, and stone pressed the [Essential Magnetic Divine Light] at the bottom of the box. There is no rush to use magical powers for the time being.

Their masters and servants were concentrating on defense, watching the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix fight against the centipedes alone, displaying its power.

I saw that those Hundred Poison Golden Centipedes were frightened and angry after being swallowed by the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix.

Ever since their clan became popular in this canyon basin, very few members have died due to accidents. The creatures that have come here in the past, whether they are monsters or aliens, have been turned into withered bones on the ground by them. They have never eaten like this. Big loss!

At this moment, facing the aggressive Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, these poisonous insects were also aroused in their ferocity. They immediately roared and breathed poisonous smoke, and swarmed up to attack the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix.

In addition to the poisonous energy bred in the body, the Hundred Poison Golden Centipede's melee fighting ability is also not weak.

The steel teeth in their mouths can bite through even the defenses of fourth-level high-grade monsters, and their sharp front legs can also cut open the bodies of fourth-order monsters. At the same time, their carapace is so hard that it is difficult to break through the attacks of ordinary middle-grade magic weapons.

It is said that they can only fight against fourth-order low-grade monsters alone. That is because if they fight alone, without the power of the demon pill to support them, it is difficult to hit some fourth-order monsters with their limited attack methods.

But in fact, their direct offensive and defensive power definitely exceeds that of most fourth-level mid-level monsters!

Therefore, when their ferocious nature flourished and they swarmed up to attack the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix no longer dared to have fun any more, and hurriedly chirped and fluttered its wings, gliding around in the air with the group of centipedes. Don't give them a chance to surround you.

The scene is like a rooster fighting a centipede, jumping and hopping, all based on the quickness of the eyes and the quickness of the mouth.

But as the saying goes, a tiger cannot hold off a pack of wolves, and an elephant will be killed by ants.

Even though the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix was naturally capable of restraining poisonous insects, it quickly became overwhelmed when faced with the siege of dozens of poisonous golden centipedes. Some of its feathers were even bitten off by a few centipedes.

It seemed that if Zhou Chun had not intervened, it would still be impossible for it to fight against dozens of hundred poisonous golden centipedes.

Of course, if it wants to leave, the Hundred Poison Golden Centipede will certainly not be able to stop it.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun naturally could no longer sit back and watch.

With a flick of his hands, the [Dragon-Tiger Golden Ring] flew out, taking advantage of the two hundred-poison golden centipedes when they were unprepared, and trapped them, making it difficult for them to move.

At the same time, the golden-armored mountain turtle Shitou under him also sacrificed the khaki stone mountain on his back and bombarded the group of centipedes.

Seeing the stone mountain coming, the centipedes immediately scattered and dodged.

But just when they thought they had escaped the attack, a circle of gray [Elemental Magnetic Divine Light] suddenly erupted from the stone mountain, sucking in several nearby Hundred Poison Golden Centipedes.

In an instant, the bodies of these Hundred Poison Golden Centipedes exploded, their blades and carapaces flew into pieces, and pale golden blood flew all over the sky!

It is obvious that in terms of real lethality and restraint, the great magical power of [Yuanci Divine Light] is much more effective and faster than the blood of the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix.

This is a situation that even Master Tianjing did not expect.

When Yan Yu Huo Feng saw the golden armor carrying a mountain turtle and stone, he was showing off his power, and he seemed unwilling to be robbed of the limelight.

It flew past first, its beak like a sword pecked at the heads of the two Hundred Poison Golden Centipedes trapped by Zhou Chun, and pecked the heads of the two Hundred Poison Golden Centipedes into pieces on the spot.

Then he opened his mouth and spat out, and a stream of extremely pure seven-colored glass flames spurted out, splitting into three streams and falling on the three Hundred Poison Golden Centipedes.

Under the attack of this natal demon fire contained in the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix Demon Pill, the hard carapace of the three Hundred Poison Golden Centipedes suddenly became like plastic gold, easily burned and melted into liquid, and then turned into green The smoke was directly burned into several pieces of coke!

In this way, the two demonic beasts and spiritual pets exerted great power, and easily destroyed more than ten Hundred Poison Golden Centipedes, and also frightened the remaining group of centipedes.

They had never suffered such a heavy loss since they became conscious, and the power of the invaders made them feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

I couldn't help but hesitate as to whether to continue fighting.

But Zhou Chun's master and servant did not give these poisonous insects much time to hesitate, and the momentum of the attack showed no intention of stopping.

Seeing Zhou Chun's consciousness move, the [Dragon-Tiger Golden Ring] continued to attack, transforming into a golden dragon and silver tiger, and threw the two hundred-poison golden centipedes to the ground and rubbed them.

And he opened his mouth again and spat out, and all nine [Nine-Destroying Ice Needles] flew out and shot towards the eye holes of several Hundred Poison Golden Centipedes.

These poisonous insects have no spiritual consciousness. Although their perception is sharp, they are still unable to predict the attack of the best magic weapon.

In an instant, four hundred poisonous golden centipedes were poked out of the eyeballs, and the cold poison entered the brain and wiped out consciousness!

At the same time, the golden-armored mountain turtle stone also urged the earth-yellow stone mountain to flatten a hundred-poisonous golden centipede into a meat pie.

The Flame Hell Fire Phoenix once again used its old tricks, taking advantage of the chaos to grab a Hundred Poison Golden Centipede and peck its head open.

This attack by the three masters and servants immediately completely defeated the will of the centipedes. In an instant, the centipedes scattered and quickly fell to the ground and escaped into the ground, not daring to face their master and servant again.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun also gave up as soon as he could, and did not choose to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

He raised his hand and took the magic weapon back first, letting the Fire Phoenix burn the poisonous energy on it before taking it back into his body.

Then the corpses of the Hundred Poison Golden Centipedes were put away in a special sarcophagus and put into a special storage bag.

Although these Hundred Poison Golden Centipedes are dead, the poisonous energy in their bodies is still very dangerous. If they are not sealed in a special container and put directly into the storage bag, it will not take long for the restrictions in the storage bag to be eroded, resulting in storage The bag was damaged.

But their carapace, blades, legs, and fangs are all top-quality weapon-refining materials. If they fall into the hands of some weapon-refining masters, they can refine very good magic weapons.

After such busy work, after all the corpses of the Hundred Poison Golden Centipede were taken care of, Zhou Chun did not take back the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix, but let it fly beside him, and continued to ride the turtle towards the Hundred Poison Golden Centipede. Flying away in the direction.

After walking a certain distance like this, Zhou Chun came to a cave.

Standing in front of this cave with a diameter of three to four feet, Zhou Chun could clearly feel that strands of pure golden evil spirit flowed out from below and dispersed into the canyon basin, interacting with those "hundred poisons". "Golden Evil".

It was obvious that this was the place he was looking for.

Zhou Chun stood on top of the cave and sent his spiritual consciousness down to investigate. As expected, he sensed the strong aura of the Hundred Poison Golden Centipede inside.

Apparently the nest of these poisonous insects is deep in the cave.

However, perhaps due to the interference of the poisonous aura, the obstruction suffered by the spiritual consciousness inside was very strong. After sinking thousands of feet, it became unsustainable, and the consumption was dozens of times that of the outside world!

Seeing this, Zhou Chun pondered for a moment, then asked the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix to lead the way to illuminate the path, and followed behind him riding a golden-armored mountain turtle carrying a stone.

I saw that the cave was not a straight deep well, but winding and winding, as if something had drilled out of the ground and opened up.

Zhou Chun was flying among them while riding a shrunken golden-armored mountain turtle with stones, and his spiritual consciousness could clearly detect the movement of the aura of the Hundred Poison Golden Centipede.

It was just that the fierce Hell Fire Phoenix that was opening the way was captured by the fierce force, and those Hundred Poison Golden Centipedes did not dare to show up and attack them.

After marching thousands of feet deep into the cave, the Hundred Poison Golden Centipedes were stimulated and launched another interception attack on their master and servant.

Thousands of feet underground, the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix was unable to use its flexible body skills at all. Facing the Hundred Poison Golden Centipede's crazy counterattack, it could only spit out a ball of natal demon fire to block the enemy. He hurriedly retreated behind the golden-armored mountain turtle Shitou, letting this big brother stand at the front.

And this deep underground is the home of the Golden Armored Mountain Turtle Stone!

It was seen that its size had grown to be just the same as the size of the cave. It turned its back to the group of centipedes rushing up below, and its body was surrounded by gray [Elemental Magnetic Divine Light], and it directly regarded itself as a meteorite and flew downwards.

The Hundred Poison Golden Centipedes that rushed forward were crushed by it, either their bodies were exploded by the [Essential Magnetic Divine Light], or their bodies were exploded by the weight it carried, and dozens of them died in an instant. !

But even so, they still didn't give up, and quickly changed their strategies and escaped into the earth, trying to bypass the golden armored mountain turtles and rocks to attack Zhou Chun and Yan Jing Huo Feng behind.

However, the golden-armored mountain turtle Shitou directly activated his own innate magical power, instantly disrupting the flow of air nearby and forcing them back from the soil.

At the same time, the nine invisible ice needles of the Imperial Envoy Zhou Chun continued to stab at the hundred-poison golden centipedes, exploding the eyes of the giant centipedes.

Under the fierce offensive of their master and servant, these Hundred Poison Golden Centipedes quickly left the corpses of half of their kin and fled, and never dared to appear in front of their master and servant again!

After repelling the attack of the centipedes in this way, Zhou Chun continued to collect the loot, and then continued towards the deepest part of the cave.

This time, since no poisonous insect dared to stop him, he quickly arrived at the bottom of the cave, a deep and vast underground cave.

This underground cave should be the lair of the Hundred Poison Golden Centipede. Zhou Chun saw a lot of things left by them here, as well as a few broken eggs.

Looking at the broken eggshells and egg liquid on the ground, Zhou Chun seemed to understand why those hundred poisonous golden centipedes fought back desperately.

Obviously, they were trying to buy time for their fellow clan members who were transferring their offspring, so they desperately attacked their master and servant regardless of the difference in strength.

Even after discovering this, Zhou Chun had nothing to feel sorry for.

The reason why these Hundred Poison Golden Centipedes are so powerful is due to the unique environment here.

Even if you get the eggs for him and hatch them out, there is a high probability that he will not be as powerful as the Hundred Poison Golden Centipede here.

Besides, there is something that attracts him even more now.

I saw him turn his eyes and look at a corner in the cave.

It looks ordinary there, just a stone wall.

But Zhou Chun's spiritual awareness was much higher than that of ordinary late-stage Jindan monks, but he was able to discover that there was a brilliant forbidden method there. The stone wall he saw in front of him was just an illusion presented by the forbidden method!

Someone got there first!

This was Zhou Chun's first reaction after discovering the forbidden law.

"Then who arranged this forbidden method? Among the three major alien races, only the Tianhun Clan and the Five Elements Spirit Clan should have arranged the forbidden method. The most likely possibility is that it was arranged by a strong person from the Golden Spirit Clan. Of course, it could also be someone from the Jinling Tribe. Arranged by a senior human race!"

Zhou Chun frowned and looked at the stone wall, feeling very bad.

Although we still don’t know what’s inside, it’s not a good thing if someone gets there first.

And judging from the strength of the forbidden method, it was probably set by a fifth-level existence. Once he breaks the forbidden method, there is a high chance that he will alert the opponent.

But even if this was the case, he couldn't just retreat and run away in vain.

"Maybe you can try that secret technique!"

Zhou Chun looked at the stone wall and pondered for a moment before making a decision in his heart.

He walked up to the stone wall, made seals with his hands, and soon used the third level of the "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light" secret technique.

This time, he did not directly hit the five-color spiritual light formed by the secret method at the stone wall. Instead, he turned it into a five-color spiritual clothing and draped it around his body, and then directly hit the stone wall.

It can be clearly seen that when Zhou Chun's figure came into contact with the stone wall, the five-color spiritual clothing on his body suddenly shook violently, and the light dimmed visibly to the naked eye.

But the third level of "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light" did live up to Zhou Chun's expectations for it. It was worthy of the secret method that took him hundreds of years to perfect, and finally it actually led him to penetrate directly. Overcoming the restriction, he appeared in a new cave.

It is not accurate to say that it is a new cave, because it is part of the cave outside, similar to a cave dug into a mountain wall.

This cave is neither deep nor big, only three to four feet deep and just over a foot high.

But in the depths of the cave, there is a crack about a foot wide that leads to nowhere, and wisps of golden evil energy overflow from the crack from time to time, and then escape to the ground outside through the cave.

But next to the seam in the ground, someone built a small altar with an unknown golden animal bone, and a golden bone bowl was enshrined above the altar.

Zhou Chun looked at the bone bowl and could clearly see that about half a bowl of golden liquid had accumulated in it.

"This style is not like that of our human cultivators. It seems that the three major foreign races will be the first to get there!"

As he murmured to himself, he couldn't help but use his spiritual consciousness to carefully observe the animal bone altar.

After some observation, Zhou Chun almost understood the purpose of this thing.

This animal bone altar should be similar to some kind of formation that can operate automatically, and its function is to gather the golden evil energy that attracts this place, purify and condense it through some method that is difficult for Zhou Chun to understand, and finally turn it into the golden bone Golden liquid in bowl.

That kind of golden liquid should actually be highly concentrated and condensed golden evil spirit. It can also be regarded as an extremely high-quality golden spirit.

As for the innate golden evil spirit speculated by Master Tianjing, it seems that it does not exist at present.

Perhaps there once was, but it no longer exists.

Without the innate golden evil spirit, Zhou Chun's plan to increase the success rate of conceiving a baby would naturally not be realized.

However, the golden liquid in the golden bone bowl obviously met the requirements of the gold energy he needed to "recast the broken cauldron" after transforming the elixir into an infant, so it was not without gain.

I just don’t know if this half bowl of golden liquid is enough!

"Even if it's not enough, this thing is an excellent spiritual thing to help me practice. I can't wait for it to be fully condensed before I come here to collect it!"

When Zhou Chun thought of this, he immediately stopped hesitating and directly gathered a golden mana hand to grab the golden bone bowl.

But just when the magic hand was about to touch the golden bone bowl, several rays of golden light suddenly surged out from the animal bones that formed the altar, easily defeating the magic hand.

Looking closely, those golden lights were clearly golden beetles, seven in total.

These golden beetles are about the size of eggs, with golden markings all over their bodies, and their mouths are full of sharp teeth.

The powerful mana hand just now was not so much defeated by them as it was eaten by them.

"What kind of monster is this? It looks a bit like a soul-eating monster, but why is it covered in gold? Is it some kind of mutated monster?"

Zhou Chun looked at the seven golden beetles with a solemn expression, and his eyes were full of doubts.

Although he has not put much effort into the art of expelling insects after forming the elixir, his understanding of various strange and demonic insects is still not inferior to that of many insect cultivators.

The golden beetle in front of him looked very much like the "soul-eating demon insect", a strange insect he had seen in the classics.

This kind of strange insect is the same as another "soul-eating locust" that once caused a huge insect disaster in the world of immortality. It is born with a powerful "soul-eating" talent and can devour anything with spiritual energy, including spells and magic weapons!

Spells falling on them, as long as they are not too much beyond their own level, will be directly swallowed and destroyed by them.

If any magical weapon is bitten by them, the spiritual power inside will be sucked dry and turned into waste!

It can be said that once such strange insects gather into a swarm and grow to a certain level, it will be almost impossible to have an opponent.

The means to restrain them are very rare, and only a handful of monster beasts can do so with their special talents.

This insect had caused quite a stir in the world of immortality before. Later, it was said that it was the Lord Transformer who took action to wipe out its population.

However, only when the number of "soul-eating demonic insects" increases, can they be a sufficient threat to late-stage Jindan monks like Zhou Chun.

Now there are only seven golden beetles, even if they are really "soul-eating demonic insects", he can release his spiritual pets and destroy them through physical means!

These thoughts flashed through Zhou Chun's mind quickly, but he saw that after the seven golden beetles gnawed at the magic hand, they quickly followed the same breath and rushed towards Zhou Chun.

Zhou Chun naturally wouldn't spoil them, so he immediately flicked his sleeves and shot out several rays of golden light, which fell on them.

Although this was a casual blow from him, it was enough for an average early-stage Jindan cultivator to deal with it with all his strength.

However, although the seven golden beetles were repelled by the golden light and fell to the cave wall, they quickly swayed and continued to rush towards him, seemingly unharmed at all.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun thought for a while, then opened his mouth and spit out the spiritual treasure [Moon Toad Orb], triggering the cold energy contained in the spiritual treasure to hit the seven golden beetles.

This time, nothing unexpected happened. The seven golden beetles were directly frozen by the cold air into ice cubes and fell to the ground.

But what surprised Zhou Chun was that they were not dead yet, they were just temporarily frozen.

"What a strong vitality! The soul-eating demonic insect shouldn't have such a strong vitality!"

Zhou Chun sighed, and continued to gather his magic power to grab the golden bone bowl with his big hand.

This time he succeeded in catching it and brought it away from the altar and back to him.

But after leaving the altar, the originally calm golden liquid in the golden bone bowl began to bubble, and seemed to be showing signs of collapse.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun hurriedly opened his mouth and spit out his natal magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of All Transformations], and threw the golden bone bowl directly into the cauldron.

What happened next made him feel a little relieved.

In the [Wanhua Golden Cauldron], a very special magic weapon, the golden liquid in the golden bone bowl quickly stabilized and stopped bubbling.

But in this way, it would be inconvenient for Zhou Chun to use this natal magic weapon until he found a better way to stabilize the golden liquid.

After he glanced at the golden bone bowl, he took his natal magic weapon back into his body.

Then Zhou Chun did not let go of the golden animal bones that made up the altar, and directly packed them into a storage bag.

After doing all this, Zhou Chun looked at the seven golden beetles on the ground and thought for a while, but gave up the idea of ​​taking them away or killing them.

These monster insects are most likely the spiritual pets of the powerful foreigner who set up the altar. Once killed, the other party will definitely feel a sense of it.

And if you bring them with you, it is equivalent to installing a locator on yourself, which is even more of an act of seeking death!

After checking the cave again and making sure that there were no missing treasures, Zhou Chun continued to activate the "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light" secret method and left this place.

When they arrived at the cave outside, Zhou Chun packed up all the ores and some leftover debris that they had collected from the Hundred Poison Golden Centipede's lair, and then returned to the ground contentedly along the passage they came from.

After returning outside, Zhou Chun was no longer greedy and continued to stay in the canyon basin to look for other spiritual objects. He directly used the old method to hide in the golden-winged tiger and returned to Heng Kingdom.

After nearly a day passed like this, a sharp golden light suddenly landed in the canyon basin and went straight into the cave where the Hundred Poison Golden Centipede's lair was located.

Immediately afterwards, in the small cave that had been emptied by Zhou Chun, a ball of golden light suddenly flashed out, revealing a male figure of the Golden Spirit Tribe with blond hair.

"Who is it? Who stole the king's treasure!"

The blond male Jinling tribe's golden pupils shone with golden light, and he let out a shocking roar with great anger.

He has been waiting for five hundred years, and he only needs to wait another five hundred years until the bowl of "Xuantian Golden Liquid" is full. By then, he will be 80% sure that he will drink this bowl of "Xuantian Golden Liquid" He can be promoted to the fifth level of high-grade spiritual king and have the opportunity to compete for the position of the next holy king of the Five Elements Spirit Clan.

But now all that is gone!

Not only was half the bowl of "Xuantian Golden Liquid" that had been condensed stolen, but even the sacred vessel that condensed the "Xuantian Golden Liquid" was also stolen. How could he not be extremely shocked and angry?

Without the "Xuantian Golden Liquid", his chance of being promoted to the fifth-level high-grade spiritual king is reduced by 50%. However, if he loses the holy weapon, even if he succeeds in being promoted to the fifth-level high-grade spiritual king, he will never be able to compete for the position of the holy king. !

After roaring at this time, the blond male Golden Spirit Tribe glanced at the seven golden beetles that were still frozen, and immediately used some secret technique to connect with their consciousness.

Through this pursuit of secret techniques, he actually saw Zhou Chun's appearance and the [Moon Toad Orb] spiritual treasure used by Zhou Chun from the golden beetle's weak consciousness!

"The human monk is actually a damn human monk!"

The male of the Golden Spirit Tribe was so frightened and angry that he couldn't help but let out a shocking roar again.

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