Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 654 Everything is ready【Please subscribe】


Although Zhou Chun didn't know how valuable the things he took away were, he also knew that this move would definitely offend a fifth-level being.

Therefore, after leaving the canyon basin, he asked the Golden Winged Tiger to advance towards the human area as quickly as possible.

And just like when he went to the Fire Basin Oasis through the Sea of ​​Flowing Fire and Sand, now that he is returning to the human race area, he no longer needs to identify the mountains and terrain, he only needs to move in the direction of the human race area.

During this period, except for avoiding some areas where the Golden Winged Tiger feels dangerous, most places can be walked in a straight line.

Therefore, it only took him less than three days to reach the border area between Heng Kingdom and Tianmanyuan.

However, at this time, many members of the three major alien races gathered in the border area, and the male from the Golden Spirit Tribe personally sat nearby, intending to block the border and hunt down the thieves who had stolen the holy weapon.

After Zhou Chun discovered this through the Golden Winged Tiger, he immediately realized the danger of the matter.

Fortunately, the other party should not be able to directly locate his location and can only use this method of dragging the net to search for him.

In this case, with his methods, there is nothing to worry about.

After finding the nearest direction, Zhou Chun let the Golden Winged Tiger chase a third-level mid-level bull demon out of the border area and into the human area.

This scene was seen by many alien spies, but they didn't pay much attention.

The instructions from the Spirit King of the Golden Spirit Tribe were very clear. It was a human monk who stole the Golden Spirit Tribe's holy weapon. He also had a fire phoenix monster spirit pet and a tortoise spirit pet that was good at earth-attribute magical powers.

The golden-winged tiger and the bull demon were not among the suspects.

No one would have thought that a living person like Zhou Chun could hide in the inner space of a mid-level fourth-level monster like the Golden-winged Tiger!

After returning to the human area, Zhou Chun asked the golden-winged tiger to kill the bull demon with one claw, swallowed the demon pill, and ate a lot of beast meat. After completing the trick, he let it slowly move towards the not far away place. He flew to a mountain peak and lay down there to rest.

After lying like this for several hours, the Golden-winged Tiger got up again and followed the trend of the mountains towards the deeper parts of Heng Kingdom.

It was not until the golden-winged tiger entered the heart of Heng Kingdom that Zhou Chun came out of its body and put it away.

Zhou Chun, who then changed his appearance, did not dare to stay in Heng Kingdom any longer and left the country at full speed!

After three months of this, the Spirit King of the Jinling Clan seemed to realize that the thief might have left Tianmanyuan. He immediately crossed the border with great anger and went to the mountain gate of a large sect in Heng Kingdom to cause a scene, trying to Let the Hengguo clan find the culprit for him.

But how could the Hengguo sect do such a thing!

Not to mention that this Spiritual King of the Jinling Clan cannot even represent the entire Five Elements Spirit Clan. Even if he could represent the Five Elements Spirit Clan, the Hengguo Sect would not dare to do such a thing that is easy to put into practice.

After all, the people who can steal the Golden Spirit Clan's sacred weapons are definitely not ordinary people. If they get involved in this matter, they will make enemies for themselves for nothing.

When people come to retaliate against them in the future, the reasons are very good, and they can also take advantage of the righteousness of the human race and label them as "traitors".

Therefore, after the spirit king of the Golden Spirit Tribe made a fuss, he was still forced to retreat into the Tianman Plains, returning in vain.

Besides, after Zhou Chun left Heng Kingdom, he was completely relieved, and then rushed to the Great Zhou Kingdom in a happy mood.

Now that the most difficult thing to do before transforming the elixir into an infant has been completed, he only needs to wait for Luo Qingni to refine the [Infant Transformation Pill], and then go to the ice fields of the Frozen Yi Kingdom to officially start retreating. A baby is born.

A few months later, Zhou Chun arrived at Tianyuan Immortal City smoothly.

At this time, his apprentice Zhou Zhiying had been waiting for him here for many years.

After Zhou Chun met his apprentice, he didn't say much. He just handed her the spirit beast bag containing five spiritual pets and watched her leave the fairy city.

"Masachun, how confident do you think you are that you will transform into a pill and form a baby now?"

In the cave, Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Chun were sitting opposite each other. After hesitating for a while, he couldn't help but ask this question.

After seeing Zhou Chun's cultivation speed that broke his own knowledge time and time again, he actually had no doubts about Zhou Chun's talent in cultivation.

Perhaps Zhou Chun's spiritual root qualifications are not very outstanding, but in other aspects he is undoubtedly at the level of a genius, including the fact that every time he breaks through the realm, it is obviously easier than ordinary people.

At least that's how it seems to Zhou Daoyi, Zhou Mingde and other older monks of the Zhou family.

However, Zhou Daoyi still did not dare to make any judgment on the matter of transforming elixirs into babies.

This is something that no one in the Zhou family has done since ancient times. It is something that the ancestors of the Zhou family have only dared to dream about.

And before that, two late-stage Jindan monks from the major sects in Jingguo had fallen at this level, including a top-grade spiritual root-qualified monk!

Therefore, no matter how optimistic Zhou Daoyi was about Zhou Chun, he did not dare to be blindly confident that he would succeed at this time.

But he really didn't dare to think about what a huge blow it would be to the Zhou family if Zhou Chun failed!

This inner anxiety made him extremely confused and uncomfortable when facing Zhou Chun.

So that he asked this question so abruptly and inappropriately.

Fortunately, Zhou Chun did not have any taboos about this. After hearing this, he just replied in a deep voice: "The matter of turning elixirs into babies and forming babies has always been extremely dangerous. Although this junior has made various preparations and has several types of babies. I can’t even say that it’s 100% sure to use spiritual aid!”

Having said this, Zhou Chun quickly changed the topic and continued: "However, if the Duhua Dan fails to form a baby with such full preparation as this junior, it can only be said that it is fate, and there is no one to blame!"

Hearing his answer, Zhou Daoyi breathed a sigh of relief.

As an elder who has watched Zhou Chun grow up, Zhou Daoyi naturally understands Zhou Chun's character very well.

Judging from the confidence in Zhou Chun's tone now, it shows that he is still quite optimistic and confident about the matter of transforming the elixir into a baby.

In this case, what else does Zhou Daoyi have to worry about?

"Masumi, you will definitely succeed!"

He looked at Zhou Chun sincerely and said this with an extremely sincere tone.

"Yes, this junior will definitely have a successful baby!"

Zhou Chun replied with the same confident tone.

If the person who is about to turn into a pill and form a baby is not confident, then there is no hope of success!

Nothing unexpected happened. After Zhou Chun practiced and waited in Zhou Daoyi's cave for half a year, Zhou Zhiying returned to Tianyuan Fairy City with all the elixirs he needed.

"Thank you for your hard work, Ying'er. After you succeed as a teacher, I will definitely find a better baby-making spiritual object for you!"

After Zhou Chun took over the elixirs and spiritual objects from Zhou Zhiying, he once again made a promise to his apprentice.

"Master, you will definitely succeed. This disciple is here to wait for your return after having a baby!"

Zhou Zhiying also sent his wishes sincerely.

In this way, with the blessings of his elders and younger generations, Zhou Chun went to Luo Qingni Cave in a low-key manner.

He had contacted Luo Qingni in advance. After arriving outside "Qingni Residence", he was welcomed into the cave.

And now Luo Qingni has surprisingly succeeded in breaking through to the late stage of the golden elixir through the [Four Spirit Barrier-Breaking Elixir].

Zhou Chun had met with him before, congratulated each other, and even hinted at refining the [Huaying Dan].

Therefore, as soon as he was welcomed into the cave by the other party, Zhou Chun did not hesitate at all and said directly: "Zhou has brought all the relevant materials for refining the [Huaying Dan]. Fellow Daoist Luo, when will you be able to make it?" Open a furnace to make elixirs?"

Hearing his words, even though Luo Qingni had been prepared, her delicate body still trembled unavoidably, and she said with a slightly trembling tone: "Sure enough, Fellow Daoist Zhou, you do have the materials to refine [Huaying Dan]!"

Her tone was full of excitement, and her mood was extremely exciting.

After breaking through to the late stage of the golden elixir, she also needs to consider the matter of transforming the elixir into a baby.

As a casual cultivator, it was even more difficult for her to obtain the infant-forming spiritual object than Zhou Chun without revealing her identity as an alchemy master.

Not to mention a top-notch baby-forming spiritual item like [Infant Transformation Pill]!

But now, a huge opportunity has been delivered to her.

Under Zhou Chun's entrustment, she can personally refine the [Huaying Dan].

In this way, as long as she doesn't perform badly, she can at least produce two or more [Infant Transformation Pills].

As we all know, once the process of transforming immortality into an elixir and forming a baby begins, and enters the stage of transforming into a baby, there is no possibility of stopping. There are only two outcomes: successful baby formation or failure to die.

Therefore, Zhou Chun could only use one [Huaying Dan].

So for the remaining [Infant Transformation Pill], given the friendship between Luo Qingni and Zhou Chun, and the fact that she was the one who made the pill herself, it was obviously not difficult to exchange one from Zhou Chun.

How could she not be excited under such circumstances!

Any late-stage Jindan cultivator would definitely be as excited as her when encountering this opportunity to have a baby!

Zhou Chun was not surprised at Luo Qingni's reaction, it was all expected.

At this time, he also changed his previous humility and politeness in front of the other party, and said directly with a serious expression: "Fellow Taoist Luo must also know the origin of this [Huaying Dan] material, Zhou can clearly tell fellow Taoist, There’s only one copy of the materials, so we don’t have any room for failure!”

As he spoke, he promised in a solemn tone: "At the same time, Zhou can also promise to Fellow Daoist Luo that as long as more than three pills are produced, Zhou is willing to use one [Huaying Dan] as a reward to hire Fellow Daoist Luo as the supreme elder of the Zhou family's guest minister." , and provide Fellow Daoist Luo with a spiritual place to form a baby!"

What he said next sounded like it meant charity.

But at this time, Luo Qingni did not feel offended at all.

If a big force is willing to give her such treatment, she will definitely be willing to join.

But in fact that is simply impossible!

The big forces' own [Huaying Dan] is never enough, how could they give her an outsider who joined halfway!

What's more, after she broke through to the late stage of Jindan, when faced with the problem of transforming the elixir into a baby, she was already inclined to agree to Zhou Chun's original invitation.

So after listening to Zhou Chun's words, she immediately nodded and responded without saying a word: "Please rest assured, fellow Taoist Zhou, Qing Ni will do her best to ensure the success of this alchemy and live up to fellow Taoist trust!"

"Then I'll leave it all to Fellow Daoist Luo. Zhou is waiting for your good news!"

Zhou Chun nodded slightly and immediately took out the materials for refining the [Huaying Dan] and handed them to the other party.

But just when Zhou Chun handed over the materials and was about to say goodbye and leave, Luo Qingni hesitated and stopped him.

"Friend Daoist Zhou, please wait."

Zhou Chun was slightly stunned, and couldn't help but look up at her and asked, "Does Fellow Daoist Luo have anything else to do?"

But Luo Qingni suddenly smiled softly and said, "Fellow Daoist Zhou is so confident in handing over these materials to Qingni. Aren't you afraid that Qingni will take the money and run away?"

Her tone was obviously joking, so Zhou Chun also laughed at himself and said: "If Fellow Daoist Luo is really that kind of person, it can only prove that Zhou is blind and deserves not to have the baby!"

Seeing this, Luo Qingni couldn't help but smiled bitterly and shook his head: "But Qingni doesn't want to test himself!"

After saying that, he looked at Zhou Chun with a serious face and said, "So if you, Daoist friend Zhou, have nothing else to do, you should stay here with Qingni to supervise, so that Qingni can devote himself to alchemy with more peace of mind!"

What this meant was that he took the initiative to let Zhou Chun stay in his cave to monitor him!

After hearing her words, Zhou Chun couldn't help but show surprise. He couldn't help but look at her deeply and said, "Fellow Daoist Luo, are you sure you want to do this?"


Luo Qingni nodded slightly and responded with a serious face.

"In this case, I would rather obey Zhou's request and disturb Fellow Daoist Luo."

Zhou Chun nodded and agreed on the spot without any hesitation.

Then, after he sent a message to Zhou Daoyi and Zhou Zhiying to explain, he stayed in Luo Qingni's cave to practice.

Although Luo Qingni had already obtained the materials, he was not in a hurry to take action immediately. Instead, he devoted himself to studying the recipe of [Huaying Dan].

Whether the alchemy can be successful this time is not only related to Zhou Chun's trust in her, but also related to her own chance of having a baby, so she can't take it too seriously.

What's more, the materials provided by Zhou Chun have exceeded the normal required standards. This may also lead to some unexpected situations during the alchemy process. She needs to think carefully about what to do then.

Zhou Chun didn't know much about alchemy, so he didn't ask anything.

He just focused on intensifying his practice in the secret practice room set aside by Luo Qingni for him, striving to cultivate his magic power to the perfection of the golden elixir as soon as possible.

After two years of this, Luo Qingni felt that there were no problems with the alchemy research, so he began to refine alchemy to find the best alchemy state.

In order to avoid any problems, she specially used the millennium elixir to refine a furnace of elixirs for monks in the foundation-building period, in order to test what unexpected situations would occur during the actual refining process if the medicinal materials were too old and exceeded the standard.

After taking all aspects of the situation into consideration in such detail, and refining two furnaces of high-grade elixirs one after another to get a feel for it, Luo Qingni called Zhou Chun into the alchemy room and prepared to refine the [Infant Transformation Pill].

Before the formal elixir refining, Zhou Chun also encouraged Luo Qingni with a calm face: "Fellow Daoist Luo, just go ahead and do whatever you want. With your alchemy skills, it is not difficult to refine [Huaying Dan]. You don't need to put too much pressure on yourself." huge pressure!"

"Qing Ni will definitely do her best!"

Luo Qingni nodded, immediately activated the formation restrictions in the alchemy room, walked to the magic alchemy furnace and sat down cross-legged.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun also sat in meditation beside him, took out a fourth-level spiritual pear and drank it, silently refining the spiritual power contained in this spiritual fruit.

[Huaying Dan] is an extraordinary elixir that takes up to 108 days to refine. It cannot be refined except by a master of alchemy!

About three months later, Zhou Chun finished refining the spiritual power contained in the two fourth-level spiritual pears, and successfully raised his magic power to the perfection of the golden elixir. The refining of the [Infant Transformation Pill] also reached the final stage.

Next to the alchemy furnace, Luo Qingni raised his hand and waved, and the last unopened jade box next to him immediately opened by itself, revealing a white spiritual fruit that looked like a baby inside.

This substance is the most important main medicine of [Huaying Dan], "Tian Ying Guo".

This "Tian Ying Fruit" has been heated for more than eight thousand years. The fruit is intertwined with circles of light golden spiritual patterns, and the whole body exudes the brilliance of jade.

Luo Qingniyu raised her hand, and the whole fruit was thrown into the alchemy furnace with the lid slightly open.

Then she opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of vitality, which fell on the green alchemy fire under the alchemy furnace.

In an instant, the power of the green alchemy fire surged violently, and the firelight turned the entire alchemy room into a green color.

Zhou Chun's expression became serious when he saw this scene.

Refining elixirs at this stage is like transforming elixirs into forming babies. There are only two outcomes: success and failure.

The result of failure was difficult for him and Luo Qingni to accept.

In this way, time passed day by day, and soon the one hundred and eighth day came.

At this time, the green alchemy fire under the alchemy furnace has turned into a green fire lotus, holding the base of the alchemy furnace inside.

Suddenly, Luo Qingni's hands quickly formed seals like butterflies piercing flowers, and shot out a series of alchemy spells that landed on the alchemy furnace.

She cast dozens of different spells in one breath, and after consuming less than half of her own magic power, she raised her hand with a solemn expression and extinguished the pill fire.

And at the moment when the alchemy fire went out, she quickly performed a set of alchemy collecting techniques and opened the lid of the alchemy furnace.

The moment the furnace lid was opened, four white spiritual lights flew out of the alchemy furnace and flew toward the alchemy room.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun couldn't help but squint his eyes, with surprise and joy in his eyes.

"As expected of the [Huaying Dan], it has actually given birth to spirituality!"

He murmured to himself, but he had already seen clearly the true appearance of the four spiritual pills inside through the white light.

The elixir contains spirituality, which is only possible with top elixirs.

Even a master of alchemy may not have the chance to refine such a top-level elixir in his lifetime.

After all, the elixirs that can be used to refine such elixirs are often not something that golden elixir stage monks can collect.

If those Nascent Soul stage monks want to refine such precious elixirs, they must either do it themselves or ask other Nascent Soul stage alchemists to do it. It is basically difficult to get a Golden Core stage monk to refine it.

Luo Qingni really benefited from him this time, and had the opportunity to refine the precious elixir here.

Otherwise, even those masters of the golden elixir stage of the great sects would have no chance of refining this kind of elixir.

Although Luo Qingni did not expect that the four newly released elixirs would be so spiritual, the alchemy room had already activated the formation restrictions, so those elixirs could not escape, and she was soon recovered with a jade bottle. They took them back one by one and sealed them with talismans.

After doing all this, Luo Qingni breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled slightly at Zhou Chun outside, and lifted the formation restriction with a wave of his hand.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Luo for mastering the top elixir, and taking your alchemy skills even further!"

Zhou Chun looked at Luo Qingni who came out and congratulated him with a smile on his face.

When Luo Qingni heard this, she looked at him with gratitude and said, "Qingni should be grateful to Fellow Daoist Zhou. Without Fellow Daoist Zhou's trust, Qingni would never have the chance to refine such a top-notch elixir in this life!"

After finishing speaking, he sighed with regret: "It's a pity that Qing Ni is still a little short of the fire and failed to reach the perfect level of five pills!"

Hearing her words, Zhou Chun quickly comforted him: "This is the first time for Fellow Daoist Luo to refine [Huaying Dan]. Being able to make four pills is already a very good performance. Zhou is already very satisfied with it!"

"It would be best if Fellow Daoist Zhou is satisfied."

Luo Qingni nodded, and then handed four jade bottles containing [Huaying Dan] to Zhou Chun.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun only put three of the jade bottles into the storage bag, and then pushed the remaining jade bottle back to her.

Then he looked at her with a smile and said: "Keep this [Infant Transformation Pill], Fellow Daoist Luo. I hope that next time we meet, Fellow Daoist Luo can return to the Zhou family with Zhou!"

Hearing his words, Luo Qingni only hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand to put away the elixir bottle, which was regarded as acquiescence.

After she accepted the [Infant Transformation Pill], she looked at Zhou Chun and asked, "What are your next plans, fellow Taoist Zhou? Are you going to go back to your family and go into seclusion to form an infant?"

"Zhou is indeed preparing to go into seclusion to transform the elixir into a baby, but the place will not be at the Zhou family."

Zhou Chun glanced at her and revealed some truth.

Then he said to her who showed a trace of confusion: "As for the reason why Zhou did not transform the elixir into a baby in the family, it is not convenient to tell Fellow Daoist Luo. In short, if Zhou has not come to take Fellow Daoist Luo back to the Zhou family within a hundred years, then Fellow Daoist Luo, you don’t need to go to Zhou’s house to fulfill your agreement. In the future, you only need to help Zhou’s apprentices or elders refine elixirs for free!”

"Qing Ni understands, but Qing Ni believes that Fellow Daoist Zhou will be able to transform the elixir into a baby successfully!"

Luo Qingni nodded thoughtfully, and then sent her blessings sincerely.

"Hahaha, then I'll accept your Taoist friend's auspicious words!"

Zhou Chun laughed and quickly left Luo Qingni's cave.

After leaving Luo Qingni's cave, he returned to Zhou Daoyi's cave, and then handed the two [Huaying Pills] to Zhou Zhiying and Zhou Daoyi for safekeeping.

Then he put Zhou Zhiying away, handed something to Zhou Daoyi with a solemn expression and said: "This is the birth soul card of this junior. If there is any emergency, uncle, you can go to Jinghu Lake in Frozen Yi Kingdom. They'll be waiting for you there!"

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