Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 658 Identity of White Snake【Please subscribe】

The barren and remote Xuelong Ridge is indeed rarely visited by people.

So when some of the major factions of the Frozen End Kingdom learned that someone was giving birth to a baby here, Zhou Chun had already survived the thunder tribulation.

When some Nascent Soul monks from the Frozen End Country arrived here to check the situation, they only saw the snowy peak that had been destroyed by the thunderbolt bombardment, as well as the remaining auras of the new Nascent Soul monks and the Demon King.

No one knows who gave birth to a baby here.

In short, what is certain is that that person is not a monk from Frozen Yi Country and will not stay in Frozen Yi Country.

In this case, these Nascent Soul stage monks from Frozen End Country don't particularly care about this matter.

After all, as long as the monks of the country do not give birth to a baby, it will not have an impact on the situation of the country's immortal world. At most, this matter will become an unsolved case in the world of immortality, giving the monks below more talk.

On the other side, after Zhou Chun left the Frozen Yi Kingdom, he did not immediately return to the Great Zhou Kingdom or the Zhou family. Instead, he crossed thousands of mountains and rivers and headed directly to the Jinxia Mountains in the Immortal Cultivation World in the far west.

After the immortal cultivator successfully conceives a baby, he or she will benefit from the nourishment of the five-color sweet rain, so there is no need to stabilize the cultivation level.

However, people like Zhou Chun who specialize in Kung Fu still need to complete the Nascent Soul Chapter of Kung Fu as soon as possible so as not to delay subsequent practice and develop more powerful supernatural powers.

Due to some concerns and environmental considerations, Zhou Chun did not want to go to Tianyuan Immortal City or return to the Qinglian Mountains to complete this matter.

Then Jinxia Mountains is undoubtedly a place of choice.

This place's spiritual veins are of high grade and rich in golden energy, making it very suitable for Zhou Chun's cultivation.

At the same time, practicing the exercises is not like making a lot of noise like transforming pills and forming a baby, so you don't have to worry about being disturbed.

I saw that in the Jinxia Mountains, in the same valley, the cave that Zhou Chun opened back then still exists here.

He moved back into this place, released several spiritual pets to let them rest, and then carefully experienced the changes after he gave birth to a baby.

From the golden elixir stage to the Nascent Soul stage, this is a huge breakthrough, not only because the difficulty of the advancement increases, but also because the life forms of the two are even more different.

Nascent Soul is the condensed form of the Three Treasures of Spirit, Qi and Shen of cultivators, and is born with all kinds of mysterious magical powers.

For example, after the physical body is destroyed, the Nascent Soul can still leave the body and seize the body.

If the process of seizing the body goes smoothly and the person who seizes the body has excellent foundation, then the monks in the Nascent Soul stage will hardly be greatly affected, and they can still continue to break through the realm to seek the truth in the future.

At the same time, after the Nascent Soul leaves the body, it can easily display the magical power of "teleportation", move to extremely far places instantly, and ignore the obstruction of most formations and magical powers in the world of immortality.

It can be said that the main reason why monks in the Nascent Soul stage are particularly difficult to kill is the magical power of "teleportation".

Theoretically speaking, if one sees the opportunity early, even if a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator takes action, it will still be difficult to catch up with an early-stage Nascent Soul monk who actively abandons his body and teleports to escape!

Those Nascent Soul stage monks who died unexpectedly were basically because they were unwilling to give up their physical bodies until the last moment, and by the time they realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

At the same time, Nascent Soul also has various wonderful advantages, such as its natural sensitivity, whether it is sensing the aura of heaven and earth or certain signs of danger.

Nascent Soul can also enable cultivators to become enlightened and greatly increase their learning ability.

Many monks in the Nascent Soul stage have long lifespans and it is easier to learn things. They can practice many skills such as cultivating weapons, making alchemy formations, making talismans, etc., and they can master master-level skills without much effort.

Of course, if you don't have the talent in this area, the master level is basically the pinnacle. If you want to become a master in the future, you will have to spend hundreds or thousands of years of hard work and countless resources to accumulate.

All in all, compared to the golden elixir that can only provide powerful power, Yuanying is an existence in another dimension. It is not just powerful!

Not to mention the various mysteries contained in Yuanying itself, just talking about the magic power and spiritual consciousness of Yuanying stage monks, it is indeed far superior to that of the Golden Core stage monks.

A newly minted Nascent Soul monk like Zhou Chun who has just successfully conceived a baby and has not yet practiced the skills of the Nascent Soul chapter has a total amount of mana that is more than ten times greater than the perfect state of the golden elixir, not to mention the gap in quality.

Not so, and he couldn't fully unleash the power of the spiritual treasure [Moon Toad Orb].

At the same time, in terms of spiritual consciousness, his spiritual consciousness originally covered more than 120 miles, but now his spiritual consciousness has doubled, and the coverage has reached an astonishing more than 260 miles!

It is said that the venerables in the divine transformation stage are more powerful in terms of spiritual consciousness. They can know what is happening thousands of miles away with a single glance.

With such deep magic power and powerful spiritual consciousness, Yuanying stage monks naturally have the ability to reduce dimensionality when facing Golden Core stage monks.

Even if a Golden Core cultivator has a spiritual treasure in hand, it is impossible to compete with a Nascent Soul cultivator. Being able to escape from a Nascent Soul cultivator is worthy of bragging.

"It is said that after breaking through to the late Yuanying stage, one's spiritual consciousness can take form and turn thoughts into crystals, reaching the point where divine consciousness can interfere with reality. I wonder if I will have the chance to reach this point in the late Yuanying stage?"

Zhou Chun released his spiritual consciousness and searched for all the movements within hundreds of miles nearby, and he couldn't help but think of a certain rumor in his mind.

Divine consciousness interfering with reality may sound like nothing, but in fact it is very incredible.

Because the spiritual consciousness itself is an invisible and insubstantial thing, without the support of mana, even the spiritual consciousness of a Yuanying stage monk cannot move even a thin needle!

But once the spiritual consciousness can interfere with reality, with the powerful spiritual consciousness of the Yuanying stage monks, it is easy to move not only a thin needle, but also a giant elephant!

If Zhou Chun could turn his thoughts into crystals and his spiritual consciousness interfere with reality, his "God-Slaying Sword" would no longer only cut through the spiritual consciousness, but also the human body!

The reason why monks in the later stage of Yuanying can achieve the crushing effect against the monks in the late stage of Yuanying and below is that their spiritual consciousness can turn thoughts into crystals. This is an important reason.

Under the interference of their powerful spiritual consciousness, it is even difficult for monks in the late Nascent Soul stage and below to locate their figures. In combination with their own magical power of "shrinking the ground into an inch" and other escape techniques, it is very difficult to hurt them. Do it.

And magical powers like "shrinking the earth into an inch" require spiritual consciousness to reach the state of turning thoughts into crystals before they can be used!

At the same time, the classic records left by [Xuanfeng Zhenren] clearly pointed out that strong spiritual consciousness is also beneficial to the impact of the divine transformation stage. The "Taiyi Two-Divided Divine Technique" he left behind should have a corresponding The secret method allows the immortal cultivator to integrate the second Yuanying into the main Yuanying after the Nascent Soul stage, thereby increasing the chance of success in reaching the God Transformation stage.

It's a pity that he only got the secret method of cultivating the second Nascent Soul, and there was no chance to get the other secret method of fusion, otherwise the impact on the God Transformation Stage might have been another result!

Zhou Chun had acquired all the knowledge inheritance from [Zhenren Xuanfeng], a senior monk who had passed through the Divine Transformation Stage. Naturally, he was not as confused about how to go after the Nascent Soul Stage as ordinary monks with shallow inheritance.

But now he only dares to think about how to follow the path of cultivation in the future. Whether he can succeed depends on his own luck.

Therefore, after realizing the various changes after having a baby, he focused his attention on the magic weapon in his body.

After the successful birth of the baby, he has completely mastered the spiritual treasure [Moon Toad Orb] and can exert its strongest power. It will be his most powerful treasure for a long time in the future.

The [Nine-Destroying Ice Needles] and [Infinite Gold Beads] each have their own magical uses, and they can also be used as his standing magic weapons to continue to cultivate.

As for the natal magic weapon [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron], because it has just been promoted to a high-grade magic weapon, it may take decades to cultivate it before it can be promoted to a top-grade magic weapon.

The rest of the magic weapons will basically not be used much in the future and can be eliminated, either exchanged with others for practice resources in the future, or left to the younger generations of the family.

After examining all the magic weapons on his body, Zhou Chun's attention fell on the [Jin of Pure Heaven and Earth], a human sacrificial artifact.

This sacred artifact has been one of his main treasures for many years, and because it is not used most of the time, its power recovery is quite good.

Now that Zhou Chun has successfully conceived a baby, he can use this treasure to create the "Holy Water for Purifying the World".

As a low-end version of the "Pure Heaven Divine Water", "Pure World Holy Water" has almost all of its effects.

In other words, "Pure World Holy Water" also has the effect of weakening the "Inner Demon Tribulation"!

This is very powerful!

As a person who has experienced it personally, Zhou Chunke clearly knows how difficult it is to survive the "Inner Demon Tribulation".

For any golden elixir stage monks who are preparing to have a baby, those spiritual objects that can help them survive the "inner demon tribulation" are what they are determined to obtain.

In many cases, even if they fail to obtain spiritual objects that can weaken the "Heart Demon Tribulation", they will prepare some rare spiritual objects that can calm the mind and calm the mind.

Therefore, if Zhou Chun is willing to announce the effect of "Holy Water for Purifying the World" and exchange it for spiritual objects, there will definitely be many monks willing to exchange it with him!

For him, although the steps to create "Holy Purifying Water" are a bit cumbersome and require 360 ​​days of condensation, there is no limit to the quantity of output.

Although this is not a cost-free transaction, it is still a huge profit. It is definitely a huge profit!

It’s a pity that this is just a thought!

In the future, Zhou Chun may change the name and sell the "Holy Water for Purifying the World", but he will definitely not dare to sell it on a large scale.

After all, if the number is small, he can use other reasons to fool him.

But once people know that he can produce such spiritual objects almost unlimitedly, let alone a monk in the early stage of Yuanying, even a great monk in the late stage of Yuanying may not be able to keep this treasure.

Even those sixth-level alien beings may directly attack him regardless of their face after learning the news.

After all, the reason why this treasure [Jingtiandi Divine Jar] was lost and damaged in the first place was because of the promoters of various alien races!

But even so, this [Pure Heaven and Earth Divine Jar] will no longer only be used as a mascot for Zhou Chun to purify the turbid and evil energy in the future, but will allow the Zhou family to hope for the emergence of the second and third Nascent Souls. The ultimate cult item for monks!

In the future, if the Zhou family has a baby with a monk with whom he has a close relationship, they will be guaranteed to have more "purifying holy water" that can help overcome the "inner demon tribulation" than others, and will be directly ahead of others.

This is a powerful foundation that even those Holy Land-level forces with the Lord Transformation of Gods at their command do not have!

"Well, it's not easy to pass on the secret technique of 'Purple Flower Demon Subduing Spiritual Light' to outsiders. If Taoist Luo has a baby in the future, you can give her a copy of this 'Pure World Holy Water', just so she can try it out first!"

Zhou Chun looked at the stone jar in his hand and quickly had an idea of ​​the use of the first "Holy Water for Purifying the World".

He quickly put away the stone jar and summoned his natal magic weapon [Golden Cauldron of All Transformations].

Inside the golden cauldron, the golden bone bowl was still standing steadily at the bottom of the cauldron, and the golden liquid inside was also calm, as if it had solidified.

Zhou Chun also conducted research on this golden bone bowl and those golden animal bones.

Although he didn't know what kind of monster bone it was, he could tell from its texture that it was probably a fifth-level high-grade monster king with a special bloodline!

The special bloodline of this fifth-level high-grade demon king is so extraordinary that even after his death, his animal bones have all kinds of magical properties. After the Golden Spirit Tribe obtained it, they developed a method based on the characteristics of the animal bones themselves. a special method of utilization.

Zhou Chun plans to dabble in learning the art of weapon refining when he has some free time in the future, and then see if he can find a way to integrate those golden animal bones into his natal magic weapon [Ten Thousand Transformations Golden Cauldron], so that this special natal Magical weapons can also inherit some magical properties from animal bones.

Perhaps this may be a key opportunity for whether his natal magic weapon can be promoted to a spiritual treasure in the future!

Of course that's for the future.

Now he wanted to confirm whether the golden liquid in the golden bone bowl could meet the amount he needed to recast the broken cauldron.

If not, it will be very troublesome!

Because in order to ensure safety, only the same quality of gold gas can be used for the recasting of Broken Cauldron, and cannot be mixed.

Therefore, if these golden liquids cannot be used to recast the broken cauldron, Zhou Chun's only option in the future is to either spend hundreds of years of hard work to purify and condense the golden energy, or find a metal-based Kung Fu Yuan who is willing to spend hundreds of years of hard work. The infant monk did this for him.

No matter what the situation is, it is obviously very troublesome.

Therefore, it is best that these golden liquids can meet Zhou Chun's needs and save him this hard work.

After he pondered for a moment, he stretched out a finger and pointed at the golden bone bowl in the cauldron.

As a result, as soon as his fingers touched the golden liquid in the bowl, he instantly retracted as if he was electrocuted.

And just as he retracted his finger, the part of the finger that was in contact with the golden liquid melted directly into bones and flesh, turning into pieces and falling to the ground.

A small part of a good finger was missing!

What's even more powerful is that an extremely pure and condensed golden evil spirit stayed at the wound, making it impossible for him to heal himself.

"What a powerful golden evil spirit!"

Zhou Chun couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, and immediately took the initiative to draw the golden evil energy into his meridians.

Sure enough, even the meridians that he had strengthened by practicing the "Golden Cauldron Xuan Gong" were easily torn apart by the golden evil energy, so he could only wrap it up with magic power in time to prevent it from continuing to cause damage. .

Afterwards, he spent a lot of time refining this little bit of golden evil energy, and found that his magic power had improved slightly.

And when he looked at the half bowl of golden liquid, the amount was not enough to notice any decrease.

Obviously, the golden evil spirit that invaded his body just now was actually just a drop in the bucket.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun was also happy and felt that there was much to be done.

"Try again, it's a big deal, don't be careless!"

He calmed down, suppressed the joy in his heart, and immediately used other methods to take about a drop of golden liquid for refining.

After refining this time, his mana has increased a lot, and he even feels that his mana has become slightly more refined.

And through the golden evil spirit diluted by this drop of golden liquid, we can roughly estimate the total amount of golden liquid in the golden bone bowl!

Judging from his estimation, this half bowl of golden liquid should be more than enough for him to complete the recasting of the Broken Cauldron. There is no need to worry about failure due to insufficient gold energy.

And the quality of this golden liquid is extremely high, definitely higher than the quality of his own condensed golden energy!

This discovery greatly excited him, and he immediately began to prepare for the third recasting of the Broken Cauldron.

It is said that this is the third recasting of the Broken Cauldron, but in fact it is also the last time.

Because this "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Technique" can only be practiced to the late Nascent Soul stage.

Even if Zhou Chun can successfully transform into a god in the future, he will definitely have to modify other methods of transforming into a god.

However, he also heard that most of the exercises for monks in the transformation stage are based on the original exercises and are based on personal circumstances and are not suitable for every monk.

So what to do at that time can only be considered after he reaches that state.

Although the recasting of the Broken Cauldron will not take too long, Zhou Chun cannot be disturbed in any way during this process.

Therefore, he waited for half a year, waited for several spiritual pets to recover well, and after he had arranged a well-sealed secret room, he actually started to recast the Broken Cauldron.

The process of recasting the Broken Cauldron for the third time was very different from the previous two.

Zhou Chun's Yuanying spit out a mouthful of infant fire to melt the Dao tripod into a golden soup, and then diluted the golden liquid in the golden bone bowl into golden evil spirit and entered the body, blended with the melted golden soup of the Dao tripod, and then passed through Ying Ying. The fire continues to temper.

During this process of recasting the Broken Cauldron, Zhou Chun discovered that Nascent Soul had very strong control over this process.

The actual risk of recasting the Broken Cauldron is far less great than the previous two times.

It can be seen that with the improvement of cultivation level, something that was originally full of danger will gradually become less dangerous.

After spending a period of time like this, Zhou Chun used up four-fifths of the half bowl of golden liquid.

By this time, he felt that the heat was enough, and he immediately began to condense the Dao Cauldron again.

Because he had several experiences, Zhou Chun completed the process smoothly without any accidents.

Almost two years later, Zhou Chun successfully practiced the Nascent Soul stage technique of "Golden Cauldron Mysterious Technique" and condensed his own magic power a lot.

Naturally, after completing the skills at the Nascent Soul stage, he also mastered new natal magical powers.

There are still two kinds of natal magical powers that Zhou Chunxin has mastered, and they are both related to the exercises he practices.

One is the [Golden Cauldron Magic Domain], which is a magical power in the legal domain that can only be mastered by Yuanying Stage monks. Basically every Yuanying Stage monk will master similar magical powers. The power depends on the individual's basic cultivation level!

When dealing with opponents whose cultivation is lower than the Nascent Soul stage, this magical power of the legal domain can be described as a "magic weapon to abuse vegetables". As long as the legal domain is opened, it can suppress the opponent so that it is difficult to fight back.

But when dealing with monks of the same level, because the other party also has magical powers in the legal domain, and the magical powers of each other cancel each other out, even if one party's magical powers are more powerful, it will be difficult to produce that kind of crushing effect.

However, if one of them really has stronger magical powers and is not inferior to his opponent in terms of magical weapons and secrets, then after a protracted battle, it is still easy to gain the upper hand and win the final victory through this.

Zhou Chun's [Golden Cauldron Law Domain] magical power is one of the stronger ones, because his Yuanying foundation is more solid than most ordinary early Yuanying monks.

He only gradually discovered this when he later fought against other Nascent Soul Stage monks.

And the second natal magical power he mastered this time is even more powerful.

This kind of magical power is called [Qiongqi Meng], and it is a very special auxiliary magical power.

After Zhou Chun displays this kind of magical power, it will be like being blessed by "Qiongqi", a mythical beast in the legend that represents the avenue of gold, in his dream, which will greatly increase the power of his various metallic magical powers.

He specifically tried the effect of this magical power and found that with the blessing of the [Qiongqi Meng] magical power, the power of various metallic magical spells he mastered increased dramatically.

Especially the "Golden Escape" magical power. After he broke through the Nascent Soul stage, the power of this escape technique increased greatly. Now he can escape thousands of miles in one breath and directly reach the realm of Xiaocheng!

Other magical powers such as the [God-killing Golden Ge], [Qianyuan Jinxia], and [Gengjin Cracking Sky Thunder] previously mastered have also greatly increased in power, and are not inferior to the natal magical powers of some Nascent Soul Stage monks.

It can be said that although this [Qiongqi Meng] magical power itself has no offensive and defensive capabilities, if Zhou Chun was given a choice, he would definitely choose such an all-round auxiliary magical power!

Because those offensive magical powers and defensive magical powers, he can spend time to slowly cultivate them in the future, and this kind of all-round auxiliary magical powers are basically natal magical powers, and he can't learn them even if he wants to!

"Great kindness! In this way, maybe I don't have to rush to expose the spiritual treasure, and I can make those two forces recognize my strength!"

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed, and he was extremely satisfied with his current strength.

Even so, Zhou Chun was still not in a hurry to return to the Great Zhou Kingdom or his family immediately. Instead, he raised his hand and patted a spirit beast bag on his waist, releasing the white snake he had caught in the Frozen Yi Kingdom.

This white snake had its cultivation and consciousness sealed by his own secret technique, and it has not yet awakened.

After Zhou Chun released it, he quickly verified his guess.

He raised his hand to condense a golden light blade, and lightly slashed at the white snake. The light blade easily cut through the snake's scales and skin.

But what is surprising is that there is no skin or flesh inside, and no blood flows out. Only a little bit of pure ice-attribute spiritual power is lost.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun couldn't help showing a look that was indeed true and whispered to himself: "Sure enough, I told you how I felt that this monster was different from ordinary monsters. It turned out that it was not a monster, but a monk from the Frozen End Country. The snow monster we talk about!"

Snow charms are a kind of spirit, and they are similar to wood charms.

This kind of spirit can only be born in places covered by ice and snow all year round. They don't even have the so-called body like the wooden charm.

Because they themselves are probably just a special icy aura that generates spirituality, and then by chance, they turned into snow monsters.

Just like the fire spirits that the Hell Fire Phoenix swallowed up in the underground fire veins, they are actually just a ball of flame essence that produces spirituality.

These monsters cannot truly possess flesh and blood until they break through the fifth level. Their so-called appearance is all made up of spiritual power, which is convenient for them to hide their identities.

The white snake transformed by the snow charm in front of him could trigger the thunder calamity of heaven at any time, so even Zhou Chun, who had perfected the golden elixir before, had not discovered its true identity.

It wasn't until after the baby was born that something strange was discovered.

Now that the snow charm fell into his hands, he had to think carefully about how to deal with it.

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