Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 659: Incarnation outside the body, misunderstanding [Please subscribe]

Monsters like spirits are very rare and rare in the world of immortality.

For human monks, if they adopt such monsters as spiritual pets, they can make a lot of money in some aspects.

For example, Mu Mei has the talent of finding elixirs and the talent of ripening plants.

Since Xuemei was able to use [Ten Thousand Years Mysterious Jade] to refine magic weapons before, and was able to find the Mysterious Water Eye, it shows that she also has a special talent in finding ice-attributed ore spiritual objects.

The kind of snow crystal insects that Zhou Chun was looking for in Yang Kingdom, if Xuemei were to look for them, they would be easily found.

And this is only the method used by monks below the Nascent Soul stage to utilize such monsters.

For Nascent Soul stage monks, another more useful way to utilize spirits and monsters is to refine them into their own incarnations.

Before the fifth level, spirits and monsters have no flesh and blood and grow purely by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Their monster core is very pure and is completely condensed from the spiritual power of a single attribute.

Unlike the demon pills of monster beasts, in addition to spiritual power, it also contains the power of blood.

Such a pure spiritual power demon core is very convenient for Yuanying stage monks to separate out the soul and refine it as an energy source, so as to occupy the magpie's nest and refine a clone with special talents!

A clone that has an independent energy source and can replenish its own energy may not be able to provide any help to the Nascent Soul monks in terms of combat, but it can help it share many things in life.

For example, if Zhou Chun had a clone, he could always practice in seclusion, and then let the clone handle family affairs and play with his spiritual pets on his behalf, or even let the clone study the skills of cultivating immortals for him!

It is precisely because of this benefit that spirits are also a very sought-after resource in the circle of Nascent Soul monks, and their value is no less than the best magic weapons.

Zhou Chun knew this before, so he never dared to reveal that he contracted a wooden charm as a spiritual pet.

However, he did not expect that in addition to Mu Mei Mu Sang, he would encounter a Snow Mei after hundreds of years and successfully capture it.

To be honest, the specific value of such a snow charm that can already cause thunder catastrophe of heaven is hard to estimate.

If you can take it as a spiritual pet like Mu Mei and help it survive the thunder tribulation of heaven, then you will directly gain a fifth-level demon king's spiritual pet, and it will also be a very powerful demon king!

You must know that although the spirits are before the fifth level, their actual combat power is not particularly strong.

But if he can survive the thunder tribulation of heaven, the spirit monster king with a flesh and blood body will definitely be the strongest among the monster kings of the same level, and his future potential will be very great!

It's a pity that Zhou Chun can only imagine such a beautiful thing.

Back then, he could choose to tame Mu Mei Mu Sang. That was because Mu Mei herself was quite docile, and at the same time, she was still ignorant and young, and only had second-level cultivation.

And the Snow White Snake that he has captured now, from the fact that it holds a grudge and has been staring at him for more than ten years and refuses to leave, it is clear that it is definitely not a good person.

In addition, he is already at the fourth level of high-grade cultivation. He has lived for countless years and has already developed his own wisdom and opinions.

In this case, even if we can forcibly subdue it, we must always be on guard against its backlash after it survives the tribulation and becomes the Demon King!

In this case, it is obvious that the gains outweigh the losses.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Zhou Chun decided to use this snow charm to practice and incarnate like other Nascent Soul monks!

It just so happened that since he had mastered the first level of "Taiyi Dividing Divine Technique", he had been unable to break through to the second level because he had no object to support his split soul.

Now if the snow charm is refined into an incarnation, it should be easy to reach the second level.

What's even better is that Xuemei itself is already a fourth-order high-grade monster, and is in a situation where she can break through at any time.

If Zhou Chun can refine it into an incarnation, and when he completes the second level of "Taiyi Two-Divided Divine Technique", he may be able to use all his pure spiritual power to inspire and give birth to the second Nascent Soul!

Thinking of this, Zhou Chun no longer hesitated. He immediately found the location of Xuemei's demon core and directly used the "God-Slaying Sword" to forcibly erase his consciousness.

Then he put the divided soul into the demon core, letting it replace Xuemei's consciousness, and began to slowly become familiar with this incarnation.

This is also the true mystery of "Taiyi Two-Divided Divine Technique". The divided soul itself is equivalent to another sub-body soul. It has all the abilities of a normal monk's soul, so it can so easily take over the demon core left by the white snake.

Otherwise, ordinary Nascent Soul stage monks would have to find many rare spiritual objects to assist them in refining the incarnation, and would have to spend many years in seclusion to prepare and refine them carefully before they could have a chance to successfully refine them.

A few months later, Zhou Chun's "Taiyi Two-Divided Divine Technique" successfully broke through to the second level, and the divided soul completely controlled the incarnation of Xuemei.

Although it is just a split soul, the split soul of a Nascent Soul monk is obviously more spiritual than a fourth-level spirit.

Under the control of Zhou Chun's split soul, Xuemei's incarnation no longer appeared in the form of a white snake, but transformed into a handsome white-haired man with a cold expression.

This is the advantage of using spirits to refine the incarnation, because it itself has no flesh and blood, and you can use spiritual power to shape the shape you want at will.

Moreover, after transforming into a human form, Xue Mei's incarnation strength not only did not weaken at all, but actually became stronger.

Because Zhou Chun directly handed over the top-quality magic weapon [Nine-Destroying Ice Needle] to the soul-splitting cultivation ritual.

And with the incarnation of this ice attribute monster, maybe the embryo of the [Ten Thousand Years Xuan Jade] does not need to be melted. You can try to use it as the cornerstone to refine a piece that will fit with the second Nascent Soul in the future. The magic weapon of destiny!

After testing all aspects of the avatar's abilities, Zhou Chun was satisfied and put it into the spirit beast bag, and then officially left the Jinxia Mountains.

After leaving this time, Zhou Chun directly transplanted the seventeen golden magnetic spirit trees into a special stone basin, and let the golden-winged tiger carry them all the way.

As he successfully conceives a baby, another benefit is that he no longer has to hide the roots of his several spiritual pets.

Even if it is a golden armor, a mountain tortoise and a stone, it can be displayed openly in front of people at this time.

After riding a tiger like this for several months, Zhou Chun entered the territory of the Great Zhou Kingdom.

When he arrived near Tianyuan Immortal City, he suddenly remembered that if the Nascent Soul Stage monks did not hide their cultivation and entered the Immortal City, they would need to communicate with the top officials of the Immortal City in advance.

After all, the destructive power of Yuanying Stage monks is too strong. Even if Tianyuan Immortal City cannot be destroyed by one or two Yuanying Stage monks, once there is a big fight inside, it will bring great losses to this fairy city.

Therefore, Tianyuan Immortal City has already stipulated that monks in the Nascent Soul stage must communicate with the real person in charge of the Immortal City in advance before entering and leaving the Immortal City, and can enter only after obtaining permission.

Once those Nascent Soul stage monks who hide their cultivation and enter the Immortal City privately are discovered by the Immortal City, they and their forces will be listed as unwelcome persons by the Immortal City and will be prohibited from entering the Immortal City again.

Therefore, in most cases, the Nascent Soul Stage monks are too lazy to come here in person. Even if they need something, they just ask the disciples to come here with the tokens.

After Zhou Chun remembered this rule at this time, he pondered for a moment, first temporarily put the golden magnetic spirit wood into the Golden Winged Tiger's body, and then generously released his Nascent Soul Stage monk aura, letting the Golden Winged Tiger release it. Flying towards Tianyuan Immortal City at a slow flying speed.

In this way, when he arrived outside the Immortal City Formation, the Nascent Soul stage monks inside had also received reports from their subordinates and were ready.

I saw a khaki aura flying out of the fairy city, and soon a rich-looking middle-aged man in yellow robes appeared in the air outside. His cultivation level was the same as Zhou Chun's, both at the early stage of Nascent Soul.

After this person stopped in mid-air, he raised his hands towards Zhou Chunyi and said, "Fellow Taoist, please invite me. I am Yuan Sifang, who calls himself Da Fang Zhenren and is currently the deputy city lord of Tianyuan Immortal City."

After saying that, his eyes narrowed again, and he looked at Zhou Chun with a puzzled look and asked: "The face of the real person is a bit strange to me. It seems that I have never seen it before. I wonder what the real person is called? Where does he come from? What is the important matter in Tianyuan Immortal City here? "

"Master Yuan, you are so polite. A certain family, Zhou Zhengchun, is from Jingguo. Since this family just recently had a baby, it is normal for the master not to know Zhou!"

Zhou Chun bowed his hands slightly in return and spoke in a deep voice about his origins.

Hearing his words, Yuan Sifang suddenly showed a look of surprise, and couldn't help but nodded and said: "It turns out that Master Zhou is a new master from Jingguo. No wonder Yuan didn't know him before!"

Then he looked at him again and asked, "But I don't know why Master Zhou came to Tianyuan Immortal City this time."

Seeing that he cared so much about this matter, Zhou Chun could only tell the truth: "To be honest with Master Yuan, before Zhou gave birth to a baby, he also walked around Tianyuan Fairy City a lot, and met many friends and clan members here. The disciple is still making a living in the fairy city, so I have no other intention of coming here this time. I just want to visit old friends and bring my clan disciples back home!"

This answer made Yuan Sifang slightly stunned, and then he smiled at him with a clear look and said: "I see, Yuan understands, then I wish Zhenren Zhou a smooth visit to friends and all his wishes come true!"

After saying that, he no longer asked Zhou Chun who his friends were, and directly took him into the fairy city himself.

Next, Zhou Chun and Yuan Sifang chatted for a few more words, and after promising each other to come to visit before leaving, they were able to walk alone in the fairy city.

"This Master Yuan seems to have misunderstood something. Could it be that he thought that I came here deliberately to show off to some old friends who were in the Golden Core Stage after successfully conceiving a baby? This is too much to underestimate me, Zhou Zhengchun! I'm like that Someone?"

In the fairy city, Zhou Chun calmed down and walked alone on the street. Thinking of some of the vague meanings in Yuan Sifang's previous words, he couldn't help but feel speechless.

He really isn't that boring!

However, he was not bored enough to go back and explain to Yuan Sifang again. He could only shake his head and stop thinking about it.

A moment later, Zhou Chun's figure appeared outside Zhou Daoyi's cave, and then sent out a messenger to make contact.

Less than a cup of tea after the messenger talisman was sent out, Zhou Chun saw the cave restrictions in front of him wide open, and Zhou Daoyi walked out of it with an excited look on his face.

" succeeded?"

Outside the cave, Zhou Daoyi looked at Zhou Chun excitedly, his heart was trembling with excitement, and his tone was also trembling.

He could obviously confirm it through the changing aura on Zhou Chun's body, but he seemed to believe the words in Zhou Chun's mouth more!

Seeing this, Zhou Chun was a little touched and moved in his heart. He couldn't help but nodded to him with a smile on his face and said, "Yes, I succeeded. I am now a Nascent Soul Stage monk!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Daoyi's expression became condensed, and then he raised his hands in a glum manner and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, it's done, it's really done! My Zhou family also has a Yuan Ying stage real person! There is actually a child in my Zhou family A real person in the Nascent Soul Stage!!”

He was a dignified Jindan monk, and he was as excited as a child. He was dancing and shouting loudly, as if he wanted all the monks in the city to know about this!

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun felt sour in his heart, and an indescribable feeling came over him.

He actually knew clearly why Zhou Daoyi was so happy and gloomy now.

Not only happy because he successfully conceives a baby, not only happy because the Zhou family has their own Nascent Soul monk, but also happy because he can finally return to the Zhou family in an upright manner!

Yes, he returned to the Zhou family openly and honestly.

Even now, most of the monks in the Zhou family don't know that Zhou Daoyi, the Supreme Elder, is still alive. They all think that he has died outside long ago!

And he is obviously successful and famous, but he has never dared to appear openly in Jingguo or the Zhou family!

This incident has always been a thorn in his heart, a poisonous thorn that makes him feel miserable every time he thinks about it!

So today, in Zhou Daoyi's heart, the biggest wish is to see Zhou Chun successfully conceive a baby, and lead the Zhou family into a Yuanying family, with a glorious ancestor.

Secondly, I hope that I can appear in the family openly as a Golden Core monk in this life, so that all Zhou family members will know that there is a Golden Core clan elder like him, Zhou Daoyi, in the family!

Now with Zhou Chun's successful pregnancy, Zhou Daoyi's two major wishes can be said to have been fulfilled.

How could he not be overjoyed and excited by the great joy of having his long-cherished wish come true?

Fortunately, Zhou Daoyi's cave is also located in a quiet place. There are other high-level caves nearby. It has an independent formation to block external noise. No one saw or heard his gaffe at this moment, so he would not really lose face. .

After Zhou Chun vented his frustration and excitement, he comforted him at the right time: "Uncle, you have worked hard these years. This junior is here to take you and Ying'er back to the family. From now on, you can be upright." Practice within the family and reunite with the majority of the clan!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Daoyi quickly came to his senses and couldn't help but nod his head: "Yes, yes, Zhengchun, since you have successfully conceived a baby, uncle, I will definitely return to the family with you. When the time comes, Your Nascent Soul Ceremony must be organized by my great-uncle!"

When talking about this, Zhou Daoyi's face was also full of smiles, and his eyes were shining.

Naturally, Zhou Chun would not dismiss his intention, and immediately smiled and said: "That's really great. Uncle, you are very kind to this junior. You will be responsible for hosting this junior's Nascent Soul Ceremony. It couldn’t be more appropriate!”

These words obviously tickled Zhou Daoyi, and he hit the mark that he was most proud of. At that moment, he couldn't help laughing loudly: "Hahahaha, Zhengchun, you are right, it is the most correct thing for me, Zhou Daoyi, in my life." , I discovered a genius like you, and choosing you to train as the future patriarch of my family was the most correct decision in my life!"

The words were full of pride.

Indeed, being able to discover and train a Nascent Soul Stage monk is indeed something to be proud of.

Not to mention that when he discovered and trained Zhou Chun, Zhou Chun was only a monk in the Qi training stage, he was only a monk in the foundation building stage, and the Zhou family was just a declining Zifu clan at that time.

At the time, he probably never would have imagined that the younger member of the family who just made him feel like a good match, who was quite courteous and courteous for him to admire, would one day achieve such achievements, and one day become a real person in the Nascent Soul stage who is above ten thousand cultivations!

This feeling was so unreal that Zhou Daoyi looked at Zhou Chun in a daze, for fear that it was a dream!

Faced with this situation, Zhou Chun had no other choice but to wait for him to get over his excitement.

Fortunately, compared to Zhou Daoyi, Zhou Zhiying's performance is much better.

Zhou Zhiying has grown up listening to the legend of Zhou Chun. Although she is extremely happy about Zhou Chun's success in conceiving a baby, she is not so surprised and feels that it is natural.

After she learned about this, she quickly saluted Zhou Chunshen with a smile on her face and congratulated her: "Disciple, congratulations to Master on the achievement of Yuan Ying, may you live forever!"

"My disciple, there is no need to be too polite. You have put in a lot of effort to be able to conceive a baby this time. I have to thank you very much!"

Zhou Chun waved his hand and said with emotion.

His words were not false.

If Zhou Zhiying hadn't brought back those spiritual objects and auxiliary baby-forming secrets, he wouldn't have been able to successfully transform the elixir into a baby.

"Master, you are serious. I want to say thank you. You have raised and taught this disciple, and you have also given me a great opportunity. I cannot thank you enough!"

Zhou Zhiying shook his head repeatedly, and looked at Zhou Chun with a grateful face as he spoke what was in his heart.

And what she said was right. Without Zhou Chun, even if she had the best spiritual root qualifications and could join the great sect and be accepted as a disciple by a Nascent Soul monk, she would not have been able to obtain spiritual treasures and top-quality magic weapons as soon as she successfully formed the elixir. Treasures, not to mention precious things such as the [Infant Transformation Pill] and the secret method of assisting in the birth of a baby.

Therefore, it can be said that the two of them, master and disciple, have achieved each other's success and supported each other.

Of course, from Zhou Chun's point of view, it naturally makes him extremely gratified that his disciple can be so sensible and understand the key.

He immediately laughed and said: "Hahaha, then we master and disciple don't have to be polite."

So I just skipped this topic and talked about other things.

Zhou Chun has been away for more than ten years. Counting the previous thirty years of retreat, he has actually not communicated with his family for decades.

Over the past few decades, Zhou Zhiying has touched the middle stage of the golden elixir barrier with the help of the elixirs he gave away, and he will be able to break through in a few years.

As a monk with the best spiritual root qualifications, she will not be stuck by these realm barriers for too long before she transforms into elixir and forms a baby. In other words, the realm barriers she encounters will be much weaker than other monks.

This is a gap in natural qualifications that others cannot envy.

"Before, I was afraid of hindering you, Master, from transforming your elixir into a baby, so I didn't dare to tell you that Elder Zhengyong had passed away at the end of his life when you were practicing latent cultivation. Last year, Senior Brother Xinlan couldn't wait for you to return after you had a baby. , it’s a pity that he passed away!”

After the master and apprentice talked for a while, Zhou Zhiying first glanced at Zhou Chun's face, and then whispered a piece of news that made his face change slightly.

In fact, Zhou Chun should have been prepared for this matter.

After all, he was over five hundred years old when he gave birth to a baby!

Zhou Xinlan was also born to Zhou Zhengyong when he was in his thirties. He had been seriously injured once before, so it was normal for him to pass away before he could wait for his return.

I just knew it was one thing, but now that I suddenly heard the news that this person had passed away, I still couldn't help but feel a little sad.

After all, Zhou Zhengyong was not only the clan brother with whom he had the best relationship, he was also the only monk of his generation who was still alive in the Zhou family.

He couldn't help but recall the last time the two met.

At that time, he was preparing to leave the family to cultivate and go to visit this clan brother. The other party seemed to understand that this time was a farewell, and chatted with him a lot.

But it seems that from beginning to end, no request was ever made!

"Hey, I know this. After I return to my family, I can go pay homage to their father and son!"

After a long silence, Zhou Chun sighed softly and expressed his plan.

Then there was not much interest in talking about other things. After some exchanges, he motioned to Zhou Zhiying to step aside and let himself be quiet.

After staying alone like this for half a day, Zhou Chun walked out of the room and asked Zhou Daoyi to deal with the handover of the shops in the city first, and then went to Luo Qingni's cave alone.

In "Qingni Residence", Luo Qingni was originally studying some kind of elixir with a book on it.

When she received the communication talisman from Zhou Chun, she was shocked and was stunned for a while.

After she recovered from the shock, she sorted out her emotions, hurriedly put down the alchemy book in her hand and went to greet Zhou Chun outside the cave.

When she arrived outside the cave and saw Zhou Chun waiting for her, she immediately confirmed her suspicion from the deep and unpredictable aura on Zhou Chun's body.

Zhou Chun seemed to have noticed her, and immediately raised his head and smiled warmly at her.

Zhou Chun proactively greeted her with a smile on his face and said, "Long time no see, Fellow Daoist Luo, how are you?"

Hearing this, Luo Qingni couldn't help but pursed her lips, bowed to him nervously and said, "Qingni has met Master Zhou. Congratulations to Master Zhou for his great success in Nascent Soul, and his enlightenment has come true!"

After Zhou Chun heard what she said, the smile on his face suddenly faded, and he looked at her with a slight frown and said, "What does this mean, fellow Taoist Luo? Could it be that he thinks Zhou is one of those snobbish people who refuses to recognize the baby after the baby is successfully conceived?" Are we old friends? Is this how you view Zhou?"

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